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Summary Video-enhanced microscopy allows the detection and tracking of individual colloidal gold particles. The analysis of immunogold reactions can also be conducted as a function of time and thus allows the study of dynamic events in living cells. The direct visualization in real time is reported of the reaction of immunogold particles with a surface antigen. This time-resolved immunocytochemistry was achieved by continuous observation of living cells infected with a virus (respiratory syncytial virus) following their incubation with colloidal gold (30 nm) coated with antiviral antibodies. The progress of the immunoreaction was visualized as a sequential deposition of individual gold granules on the viral particles until saturation was reached after 60 min. Binding of colloidal gold was an irreversible event as no elution or dislocation of surface-bound granules took place. Comparative imaging of colloidal gold particles by electron microscopy and by video microscopy demonstrated that the video-imaged immunoreactions represented events involving single gold particles; their signal was sometimes clearly enhanced by secondary depositions taking place in close proximity, i.e. at a distance below the lateral resolution of the light microscope. Our experiments demonstrate that video-enhanced microscopy provides a powerful tool for studying antibody-antigen reactions with a high spatial and temporal resolution.  相似文献   

Direct measurements of cell number using computer-aided video microscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Quantitative studies in cell culture require accurate measurements of cell density and kinetics. We have developed a direct, rapid, and noninvasive method for measuring cell number in monolayer culture. Using computer-aided video microscopy, cell number was measured without detaching or chemically destroying the cells, thereby allowing sequential measurements in the same cell population. Cell number measured by computer-aided microscopy closely correlated with hemocytometer counts and determinations of total cell protein. For high-density monolayers of mesenchymal cells, however, staining was required for accurate counts. Unlike other techniques for measuring cell density, computer-aided microscopy was especially accurate in medium- to low-density cultures (less than 6000 cells/cm2). In addition, we applied this technique to the construction of separate proliferation curves for glomerular mesangial and vascular endothelial cells in coculture. These measurements by cell type in coculture are impossible using conventional methods for determining cell number.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dolichyl-phosphate mannose synthase has been purified to homogeneity using an original procedure, reconstitution into specific phospholipid vesicles and sedimentation on a sucrose gradient as final step. The enzyme has an apparent molecular mass of 30 kDa on an SDS/polyacrylamide gel. Increased enzyme activity could be correlated with this polypeptide band. A specific antibody was raised in rabbits against this transferase. Specific IgG obtained from the immune serum removed enzymatic activity from a detergent extract of mitochondrial outer membrane and reacted specifically with the 30-kDa band on immunoblots. Furthermore, an immunocytochemical experiment proved the localization of dolichyl-phosphate mannose synthase on the cytosolic face of the outer membrane of mitochondria.  相似文献   

One simple post-embedding method for combined light- and electron microscopy is presented. Different types of antigens in normal rat and mouse kidneys as well as in tissues from cases of experimental induced nephritis were stained after Lowicryl K4M embedding by an immunogold (silver) method. The (silver-enhanced) gold particles were visualized by light microscopy, e.g. bright-field (BFM)- and reflection contrast (RCM) microscopy, as well as by electron microscopy. The potentials of RCM visualization in this field were investigated, resulting in the successful detection of colloidal gold (15 nm) particles, or silver enhanced gold particles, on ultrathin sections. Furthermore, an increased detection sensitivity of RCM compared with BFM together with an increase in the sensitivity of the immunostaining by RCM visualization was found. The different ways to use RCM, alone or in combination with bright-field- or phase contrast microscopy for visualization of plastic sections varying in thickness, type of plastic and staining, are discussed.  相似文献   

Our purpose was to establish a quick and accurate real-time PCR (rtPCR) method to detect Campylobacter jejuni directly from human diarrheal stool as an alternative to traditional culture methods. To determine the consistency of rtPCR and culture method, 256 clinical diarrheal stool samples and 50 normal stool samples from healthy individuals were examined, and the whole process was double-blinded. Our data showed that the sensitivity of rtPCR in pure cultures and stool was 102 CFU.mL-1 and 103 CFU.g-1, respectively. Of the 256 diarrheal samples, 10 specimens were successfully detected by both methods, whereas two specimens were PCR positive but culture negative. No positive results were found by these two methods in 50 normal specimens. Our data suggested that rtPCR was convenient in operation and time-saving (turnaround time 3.5-4 h), so it could be used for clinical diagnostic and epidemiological purposes.  相似文献   

The immunogold method is widely used to localize, identify, and distinguish cellular antigens. There are, however, some pitfalls that can lead to nonspecific binding, particularly in cytoskeletal studies with gold probes prepared from small gold particles. We present a list of suggestions for minimizing nonspecific binding, with particular attention to two problems identified in this study. First, we find that the method used to prepare the colloidal gold particles affects the degree of nonspecific binding. Second, the standard BSA-stabilized small gold probes evidently possess exposed regions that bind to the proteins of cytoskeletal preparations. This was investigated in whole-mount cytoskeletal preparations of cultured cells by use of light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and photoelectron microscopy of silver-enhanced specimens. Gold probes were made from approximately 5-nm particles generated by reduction of HAuCl4 with three different reducing agents: white phosphorus, sodium borohydride, and citrate-tannic acid. All three preparations stabilized in the conventional way showed significant levels of nonspecific binding, which was highest with citrate-tannic acid. This problem was largely solved with all three types of probes by including fish gelatin in the probe buffer, by substituting fish gelatin for the BSA stabilizer used to prepare the probes, or by pre-adsorption methods. Application of these techniques resulted in clear immunogold labeling patterns with minimal nonspecific background.  相似文献   

Video-enhanced microscopy and digital image processing were used to observe the assembly, budding, and fusion of Respiratory Syncytial virus. Viral filaments were seen to bud from the plasma membrane of viable infected cells to a final length of 5-10 micron with an average speed of elongation of 110-250 nm/s. The rapidity of viral assembly and its synchronous occurrence (leading to the production of several viral particles per minute from the same surface domain) suggests a directed process of recruitment of viral components to an area selected for virus maturation. Virions were also seen to adsorb to the cell surface, and to fuse with the plasma membrane. These are the first real time observations of viral morphogenesis and penetration which are crucial events in the infectious cycle of enveloped viruses.  相似文献   

We have established a SYBR Green-based realtime PCR method using AnyDirect solution, which enhances PCR from whole blood, for direct amplification of the virA gene of Shigella flexneri and the invA gene of Salmonella typhimurium from human feces without prior DNA purification. When we compared the efficiency of conventional or realtime PCR amplification of the virA and invA genes from the supernatant of boiled feces supplemented with S. flexneri and S. typhimurium in the presence or absence of AnyDirect solution, amplification products were detected only in reactions to which AnyDirect solution had been added. The detection limit of real-time PCR was 1 x 10(4) CFU/g feces for S. flexneri and 2 x 10(4) CFU/g feces for S. typhimurium this sensitivity level was comparable to other studies. Our real-time PCR assay with AnyDirect solution is simple, rapid, sensitive, and specific, and allows simultaneous detection of S. flexneri and S. typhimurium directly from fecal samples without prior DNA purification.  相似文献   

The geometry of domains in phospholipid bilayers of binary (1:1) mixtures of synthetic lecithins with a difference in chain length of four methylene groups has been studied by two independent, direct and complementary methods. Grazing incidence diffraction of neutrons provided gel domain sizes of less than 10 nm in both the gel and the coexistence phase of the mixture, while no domains were detected for the fluid phase. For the coexistence region, the neutron data suggest that domains grow in number rather than in size with decreasing temperature. Atomic force microscopy was used to study gel phase size and shape of the domains. The domains imaged by atomic force microscopy exhibit a rather irregular shape with an average size of 10 nm, thus confirming the neutron results for this phase. The good agreement between atomic force microscopy and neutron results, despite the completely different nature of their observables, has potential for the future development of refined models for the interpretation of neutron data from heterogeneous membranes in terms of regularly spaced and spatially extended scatterers.  相似文献   

Cellular fluorescence in vitro has been studied employing a low light-level video system interfaced with a real-time image array-processing computer system. Changes in cytoplasmic (mitochondrial) fluorescence in myocytes employing the probe rhodamine 6G have been studied over real time with the aid of several computer-based programs. An oscillating pattern of fluorescence is observed that appears to reflect localized variations in mitochondrial activity. The low light level video computer system used in this study compares favorably with laser-stimulated microspot fluorescence photon-counting techniques for the detection of subcellular fluorescence.  相似文献   

Integration of vascular endothelial function relies on multiple signaling mechanisms, including direct cell-cell communication through gap junctions. Gap junction proteins expressed in the endothelium include connexin37, connexin40, and connexin43. To investigate whether individual endothelial cells in vivo express all three connexin types and, if so, whether multiple connexins are assembled into the same gap junction plaque, we used affinity-purified connexin-specific antibodies raised in three different species to permit multiple-label immunoconfocal and immunoelectron microscopy in the rat main pulmonary artery. Immunoconfocal microscopy showed a high incidence of co-localization between connexin43 and connexin40, but lower incidences of co-localization between connexin37 and connexin40 or connexin43. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that 83% of gap junction profiles contained all three connexins, with the proportion of connexin40 labeling being significantly higher than that of connexin37 or connexin43. The presence of three different connexin types of distinct properties in vitro provides potential for complex regulation and functional differentiation of endothelial intercellular communication properties in vivo.  相似文献   

Using high-resolution intravital charge-coupled device video microscopy, we visualized the epicardial capillary network of the beating canine heart in vivo to elucidate its functional role under control conditions, during reactive hyperemia (RH), and during intracoronary adenosine administration. The pencil-lens video-microscope probe was placed over capillaries fed by the left anterior descending artery in atrioventricular-blocked hearts of open-chest, anesthetized dogs paced at 60-90 beats/min (n = 17). In individual capillaries under control conditions, red blood cell flow was predominant during systole or diastole, indicating that the watershed between diastolic arterial and systolic venous flows is located within the capillaries. Capillary flow increased during RH and reached a peak flow velocity (2.1 +/- 0.6 mm/s), twice as high as control (1.2 +/- 0.5 mm/s), with enhancement of intercapillary cross-connection flow and enlargement of diameter (by 17%). With adenosine, capillary flow velocity significantly increased (1.8 +/- 0.7 mm/s). However, the increase in volumetric capillary flow with adenosine estimated from red blood cell velocity and diameter was less than the increase in arterial flow, whereas that during RH was nearly equivalent to the increase in arterial flow. There was a time lag of approximately 1.5 s for refilling of capillaries during RH, indicating their function as capacitance vessels. In conclusion, the coronary capillary network functions as 1) the major watershed between diastolic-dominant arterial and systolic-dominant venous flows, 2) a capacitor, and 3) a significant local flow amplifier and homogenizer of blood supply during RH, but with adenosine the increase in capillary flow velocity was less than the increase in arterial flow.  相似文献   

High resolution scanning force microscope (SFM) images of fibrinogen-exposed platelet membranes are presented. Using ultrasharp carbon tips, we are able to obtain submolecular scale resolution of membrane surface features. Corroboration of SFM results is achieved using low voltage, high resolution scanning electron microscopy (LVHRSEM) to image the same protein molecule that is seen in the SFM. We obtain accurate height dimensions by SFM complemented by accurate lateral dimensions obtained by LVHRSEM. The use of 14- and 5-nm gold labels to identify specific membrane-bound biomolecules and to provide contrast enhancement with the SFM is explored as a useful adjunct to observation of unlabeled material. It is shown that the labels are useful for locating specific protein molecules on platelet membrane surfaces and for assessing the distribution of these molecules using the SFM. Fourteen nm labels are shown to be visible over the membrane corrugation, whereas 5-nm labels appear difficult to resolve using the present SFM instrumental configuration. When using the 5-nm labels, collateral use of LVHRSEM allows one to examine SFM images at submolecular resolution and associate function with the structures imaged after the SFM experiment is completed.  相似文献   

Enterovirulent Escherichia coli are among the most important causes of acute diarrhea in developing as well as in developed countries. We have adapted classical PCR to detect these organisms in stool specimens to real-time PCR using the LightCycler (LC) SYBR Green format followed by melting curve analysis. With only two different cycling protocols we could detect enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and verocytotoxin-producing E. coli (VTEC) (duplex assay for both Verotoxin 1 (VT1) and Verotoxin 2 (VT2)) in one run and enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) and enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) (duplex assay detecting both heat-stable enterotoxin (ST) and heat-labile enterotoxin (LT)) in another run. Using serial dilutions of control strains, the LC proved to be clearly more sensitive than conventional PCR for five out of seven investigated targets: VTEC (VT1 and VT2), ETEC (ST and LT) and EIEC. For EPEC and EAEC, LC and conventional PCR had identical sensitivities. With stool samples, we found an optimal agreement between LC-PCR and the conventional PCR when samples were tested in a 1:10 dilution. Only one specimen was discrepant, being repetitively positive for VT by LightCycler but not by conventional PCR. Given the significantly higher sensitivity of the LC-PCR for the VT target (up to a 10(-4) dilution factor by melting curve analysis and up to a 10(-6) dilution factor following gel electrophoresis), this is probably a false negative result by conventional PCR. We conclude that LightCycler PCR is more rapid, easier than and at least as sensitive as our conventional PCR for the detection of enterovirulent E. coli in stool specimens after culture on MacConkey.  相似文献   

Phospholamban, the putative regulator of the Ca2+-ATPase in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum, was immunolocalized in canine visceral and vascular smooth muscle. Gently disrupted tissues were labeled with an affinity-purified phospholamban polyclonal antibody and indirect immunogold, using preembedding techniques. The sarcoplasmic reticulum of smooth muscle cells was specifically labeled with patches of immunogold distributed in a nonuniform fashion, while the sarcolemma did not appear to contain any phospholamban. The outer nuclear envelopes were also observed to be heavily labeled with the affinity-purified phospholamban polyclonal antibody. These findings suggest that phospholamban may play a role in the regulation of cytoplasmic and intranuclear calcium levels in smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Immunogold staining followed by observation with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has been quite effective in showing the distribution of proteins on dorsal cell surfaces. However, observation of proteins on the ventral cell surface using SEM has not been developed to the same extent. In this study, human gingival fibroblasts cultured on titanium-coated wafers were embedded in resin. After fracturing the wafers off the embedded cells, the undersurface of the cell was exposed by argon gas glow discharge etching. After 15 min of glow discharge etching, the resin covering the cell undersurface was completely removed. The distribution of fibronectin (FN) on the cell undersurface was demonstrated using an anti-FN antibody and colloidal gold (30 nm) conjugated with IgG. The undersurface was then coated with carbon or gold-palladium and observed by SEM. Using backscattered electron detection, gold beads could be identified in high contrast. On cells cultured for 5 hr, gold beads were distributed randomly on the entire cell undersurface. However, a line of gold beads was sometimes observed close to the edge of the cell. These results indicated that this immunogold/SEM etching method provides a powerful means for studying cell adhesion molecules on the cell undersurface. (J Histochem Cytochem 47:1487-1493, 1999)  相似文献   

Correlative video-enhanced light microscopy, high-voltage transmission electron microscopy, and low-voltage high resolution scanning electron microscopy were used to examine the binding of colloidal gold-labeled fibrinogen to platelet surfaces. Optimal conditions for the detection of large (18 nm) and small (3 nm) gold particles are described.  相似文献   

W D Niles  Q Li    F S Cohen 《Biophysical journal》1992,63(3):710-722
We have developed an algorithm for automated detection of the dynamic pattern characterizing flashes of fluorescence in video images of membrane fusion. The algorithm detects the spatially localized, transient increases and decreases in brightness that result from the dequenching of fluorescent dye in phospholipid vesicles or lipid-enveloped virions fusing with a planar membrane. The flash is identified in video images by its nonzero time derivative and the symmetry of its spatial profile. Differentiation is implemented by forward and backward subtractions of video frames. The algorithm groups spatially connected pixels brighter than a user-specified threshold into distinct objects in forward- and backward-differentiated images. Objects are classified as either flashes or noise particles by comparing the symmetries of matched forward and backward difference profiles and then by tracking each profile in successive difference images. The number of flashes identified depends on the brightness threshold, the size of the convolution kernel used to filter the image, and the time difference between the subtracted video frames. When these parameters are changed so that the algorithm identifies an increasing percentage of the flashes recognized by eye, an increasing number of noise objects are mistakenly identified as flashes. These mistaken flashes can be eliminated by a human observer. The algorithm considerably shortens the time needed to analyze video data. Tested extensively with phospholipid vesicle and virion fusion with planar membranes, our implementation of the algorithm accurately determined the rate of fusion of influenza virions labeled with the lipophilic dye octadecylrhodamine (R18).  相似文献   

Individual gold particles with a diameter of approximately 10 to 40 nm can be visualized using video-enhanced contrast microscopy (Nanovid) (De Brabander et al., Cell Motil. Cytoskel. 6, 105-113 (1986)). This technique allows a study of the dynamic properties of receptors and ligands in living cells at high resolution. We have studied epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor internalization in human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells, using a monoclonal anti-EGF-receptor antibody conjugated to 20-nm gold particles, referred to as 2E9-gold. Exposure of A431 cells to 2E9-gold at 37 degrees C resulted in binding of the complex at the cell surface. Most of the gold particles exhibit a Brownian type of movement, while a minority appeared immobile. Binding of the 2E9-gold complex is followed by internalization, as judged from Nanovid light microscopy studies in combination with electron microscopic observations. The internalized gold particles clearly cluster into large aggregates, most likely multivesicular bodies. Individual gold particles as well as aggregates are characterized by a saltatory movement, by which the gold particles eventually move from the cell periphery towards the cell center. Addition of EGF results in an increased rate of internalization of 2E9-gold, while Na-azide and nocodazole completely immobilize the intracellular gold particles, as has been demonstrated previously for the transferrin receptor.  相似文献   

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