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Genomic technologies, such as array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), increasingly offer definitive gene dosage profiles in clinical samples. Historically, copy number profiling was limited to large fresh-frozen tumors where intact DNA could be readily extracted. Genomic analyses of pre-neoplastic tumors and diagnostic biopsies are often limited to DNA processed by formalin-fixation and paraffin-embedding (FFPE). We present specialized protocols for DNA extraction and processing from FFPE tissues utilizing DNase processing to generate randomly fragmented DNA. The protocols are applied to FFPE clinical samples of varied tumor types, from multiple institutions and of varied block age. Direct comparative analyses with regression coefficient were calculated on split-sample (portion fresh/portion FFPE) of colorectal tumor samples. We show equal detection of a homozygous loss of SMAD4 at the exon-level in the SW480 cell line and gene-specific alterations in the split tumor samples. aCGH application to a set of archival FFPE samples of skin squamous cell carcinomas detected a novel hemizygous deletion in INPP5A on 10q26.3. Finally we present data on derivative of log ratio, a particular sensitive detector of measurement variance, for 216 sequential hybridizations to assess protocol reliability over a wide range of FFPE samples.  相似文献   

Real-time QPCR based methods for determination of plasmid copy number in recombinant Escherichia coli cultures are presented. Two compatible methods based on absolute and relative analyses were tested with recombinant E. coli DH5alpha harboring pBR322, which is a common bacterial cloning vector. The separate detection of the plasmid and the host chromosomal DNA was achieved using two separate primer sets, specific for the plasmid beta-lactamase gene (bla) and for the chromosomal d-1-deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate synthase gene (dxs), respectively. Since both bla and dxs are single-copy genes of pBR322 and E. coli chromosomal DNA, respectively, the plasmid copy number can be determined as the copy ratio of bla to dxs. These methods were successfully applied to determine the plasmid copy number of pBR322 of E. coli host cells. The results of the absolute and relative analyses were identical and highly reproducible with coefficient of variation (CV) values of 2.8-3.9% and 4.7-5.4%, respectively. The results corresponded to the previously reported values of pBR322 copy number within E. coli host cells, 15-20. The methods introduced in this study are convenient to perform and cost-effective compared to the traditionally used Southern blot method. The primer sets designed in this study can be used to determine plasmid copy number of any recombinant E. coli with a plasmid vector having bla gene.  相似文献   

Rapid PCR-based determination of transgene copy number in rice   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We present a simple, rapid, and low-cost method to determine transgene copy number in rice. More than 100 first- and second-generation transgenic rice plants were tested. The plasmid (pRCopy) used for rice transformation contains the specific gene of interest and a partially deleted cytochrome c gene (cyc), a single-copy gene in rice. A 132-bp segment of the cloned ricecyc was shortened to 108 bp by deleting a 24-bp internal fragment. After PCR amplification of the genomic DNA from transgenic rice harboring pRCopy, the 2 expected bands were found. The 121-bp band corresponds to the endogenouscyc; the 97-bp band comes from the integrated pRCopy. Clear distinctions can be made between single and multiple copies of the transgene by comparing band densities.  相似文献   

The copy number of the streptococcal plasmid pAM beta 1 (26.5 kb), and its deletion derivatives, pVA1 (11 kb) and pVA677 (7.6 kb) contained in Clostridium perfringens 3624A transformants was determined by incorporation of [methyl-3H]thymidine (4 muCi/ml) into chromosomal and plasmid DNA and sizing of the C. perfringens genome using transverse alternating field electrophoresis. Plasmids pAM beta 1, pVA1, and pVA677 were found to be present at 1.0, 97, and 216 copies/cell, respectively. 10.2, 54, and 96% of the initial pAM beta 1-, pVA1- and pVA677-containing transformants, respectively, remained resistant to erythromycin over 220 generations of growth. The results indicate a size-dependent relationship between plasmid stability and plasmid copy number in C. perfringens.  相似文献   

Analysis of genomic DNA derived from cells and fresh or fixed tissues often requires whole genome amplification prior to microarray screening. Technical hurdles to this process are the introduction of amplification bias and/or the inhibitory effects of formalin fixation on DNA amplification. Here we demonstrate a balanced-PCR procedure that allows unbiased amplification of genomic DNA from fresh or modestly degraded paraffin-embedded DNA samples. Following digestion and ligation of a target and a control genome with distinct linkers, the two are mixed and amplified in a single PCR, thereby avoiding biases associated with PCR saturation and impurities. We demonstrate genome-wide retention of allelic differences following balanced-PCR amplification of DNA from breast cancer and normal human cells and genomic profiling by array-CGH (cDNA arrays, 100 kb resolution) and by real-time PCR (single gene resolution). Comparison of balanced-PCR with multiple displacement amplification (MDA) demonstrates equivalent performance between the two when intact genomic DNA is used. When DNA from paraffin-embedded samples is used, balanced PCR overcomes problems associated with modest DNA degradation and produces unbiased amplification whereas MDA does not. Balanced-PCR allows amplification and recovery of modestly degraded genomic DNA for subsequent retrospective analysis of human tumors with known outcomes.  相似文献   

SLC2A3 encodes the predominantly neuronal glucose transporter 3 (GLUT3), which facilitates diffusion of glucose across plasma membranes. The human brain depends on a steady glucose supply for ATP generation, which consequently fuels critical biochemical processes, such as axonal transport and neurotransmitter release. Besides its role in the central nervous system, GLUT3 is also expressed in nonneural organs, such as the heart and white blood cells, where it is equally involved in energy metabolism. In cancer cells, GLUT3 overexpression contributes to the Warburg effect by answering the cell's increased glycolytic demands. The SLC2A3 gene locus at chromosome 12p13.31 is unstable and prone to non-allelic homologous recombination events, generating multiple copy number variants (CNVs) of SLC2A3 which account for alterations in SLC2A3 expression. Recent associations of SLC2A3 CNVs with different clinical phenotypes warrant investigation of the potential influence of these structural variants on pathomechanisms of neuropsychiatric, cardiovascular, and immune diseases. In this review, we accumulate and discuss the evidence how SLC2A3 gene dosage may exert diverse protective or detrimental effects depending on the pathological condition. Cellular states which lead to increased energetic demand, such as organ development, proliferation, and cellular degeneration, appear particularly susceptible to alterations in SLC2A3 copy number. We conclude that better understanding of the impact of SLC2A3 variation on disease etiology may potentially provide novel therapeutic approaches specifically targeting this GLUT.  相似文献   

Quantitative real time PCR (qPCR) is commonly used to determine cell mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number. This technique involves obtaining the ratio of an unknown variable (number of copies of an mtDNA gene) to a known parameter (number of copies of a nuclear DNA gene) within a genomic DNA sample. We considered the possibility that mtDNA:nuclear DNA (nDNA) ratio determinations could vary depending on the method of genomic DNA extraction used, and that these differences could substantively impact mtDNA copy number determination via qPCR. To test this we measured mtDNA:nDNA ratios in genomic DNA samples prepared using organic solvent (phenol–chloroform–isoamyl alcohol) extraction and two different silica-based column methods, and found mtDNA:nDNA ratio estimates were not uniform. We further evaluated whether different genomic DNA preparation methods could influence outcomes of experiments that use mtDNA:nDNA ratios as endpoints, and found the method of genomic DNA extraction can indeed alter experimental outcomes. We conclude genomic DNA sample preparation can meaningfully influence mtDNA copy number determination by qPCR.  相似文献   

Array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) is a powerful tool to detect relative DNA copy number at a resolution limited only by the coverage of bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) used to print the genomic array. The amount of DNA needed to perform a reliable aCGH analysis has been a limiting factor, especially on minute tissue samples where limited DNA is available. Here we report a simple, highly sensitive and reliable aCGH method to analyze samples of no more than 1 ng genomic DNA. The speed and simplicity of the technique are ideal for studies on small clinical samples such as needle biopsies.  相似文献   

We describe a bioinformatic tool, Tumor Aberration Prediction Suite (TAPS), for the identification of allele-specific copy numbers in tumor samples using data from Affymetrix SNP arrays. It includes detailed visualization of genomic segment characteristics and iterative pattern recognition for copy number identification, and does not require patient-matched normal samples. TAPS can be used to identify chromosomal aberrations with high sensitivity even when the proportion of tumor cells is as low as 30%. Analysis of cancer samples indicates that TAPS is well suited to investigate samples with aneuploidy and tumor heterogeneity, which is commonly found in many types of solid tumors.  相似文献   

We describe a bioinformatic tool, Tumor Aberration Prediction Suite (TAPS), for the identification of allele-specific copy numbers in tumor samples using data from Affymetrix SNP arrays. It includes detailed visualization of genomic segment characteristics and iterative pattern recognition for copy number identification, and does not require patient-matched normal samples. TAPS can be used to identify chromosomal aberrations with high sensitivity even when the proportion of tumor cells is as low as 30%. Analysis of cancer samples indicates that TAPS is well suited to investigate samples with aneuploidy and tumor heterogeneity, which is commonly found in many types of solid tumors.  相似文献   

The solid-phase minisequencing method (Syvänen et al. 1990) allows accurate quantative determination of the ratio between two DNA or RNA sequences that are present as a mixture in a sample and differ from each other only by a single nucleotide. Here, we present another application of the minisequening method, the determination of the gene copy number in a genome. The copy number of a marker gene aspartyl glucosaminidase (AGA) located at 4qter, was determined in three patients with a chromosomal alteration involving the distal region of 4q. For the minisequencing assay an equal amount of DNA from a patient homozygous for a mutation in the AGA gene was added to the DNA samples concerned. The relative amount of the normal sequence determined in each combined sample gives the copy number of the AGA gene. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), applied in parallel as a control, produced concordant results with solid-phase minisequencing in each case. As the potential of the minisequencing lies in automation, it could be a useful tool in the screening of monosomies, trisomies or loss of heterozygosity in diagnostics.  相似文献   

A new Escherichia coli host/vector system has been engineered to allow tight and uniform modulation of gene expression and gamma origin (ori) plasmid copy number. Regulation of gamma ori plasmid copy number is achieved through arabinose-inducible expression of the necessary Rep protein, pi, whose gene was integrated into the chromosome of the host strain under control of the P(BAD) promoter. gamma ori replication can be uniformly modulated over 100-fold by changing the concentration of l-arabinose in the growth medium. This strain avoids the problem of all-or-nothing induction of P(BAD) because it is deficient in both arabinose uptake and degradation genes. Arabinose enters the cell by a mutant LacY transporter, LacYA177C, which is expressed from the host chromosome. Although this strain could be compatible with any gamma ori plasmid, we describe the utility of a gamma ori expression vector that allows especially tight regulation of gene expression. With this host/vector system, it is possible to independently modulate gene expression and gene dosage, facilitating the cloning and overproduction of toxic gene products. We describe the successful use of this system for cloning a highly potent toxin, Colicin E3, in the absence of its cognate immunity protein. This system could be useful for cloning genes encoding other potent toxins, screening libraries for potential toxins, and maintaining any gamma ori vector at precise copy levels in a cell.  相似文献   

We have developed a new protocol for using molecular inversion probes to accurately and specifically measure allele copy number. The new protocol provides for significant improvements, including the reduction of input DNA (from 2 μg) by more than 25-fold (to 75 ng total genomic DNA), higher overall precision resulting in one order of magnitude lower false positive rate, and greater dynamic range with accurate absolute copy number up to 60 copies.  相似文献   

Zhou X  Cole SW  Hu S  Wong DT 《Human genetics》2004,114(5):464-467
Gene copy-number abnormalities (CNAs) are characteristic of solid tumors and are found in association with developmental abnormalities and/or mental retardation. The ultimate impact of CNAs is exerted by the altered expression of encoded genes. We have utilized high-density oligonucleotide arrays from Affymetrix to identify DNA CNAs via their impact on mRNA expression levels. In these studies, we have used three different trisomic cell lines (trisomy 9, trisomy 18, trisomy 21) as models of CNAs and have compared mRNA expression in those trisomic cells with that observed in diploid cell lines of matched tissue origin. Our data clearly show that genes from CNA chromosome regions are substantially over-represented (P<0.000001 by chi-square analysis) in the differentially expressed subset from comparisons of all three trisomic cell lines with normal matching cells. In addition, we have been able to detect the origin of the duplication by a statistical scan for over-expressed genes. These data show that microarray detection of differential mRNA expression can be used to identify significant DNA CNAs.  相似文献   

The effect of copy number, integration site, and enhancers on the expression of stably integrated exogenous DNA was examined in Chinese hamster cells. Three similar plasmids were constructed with the mouse beta maj-globin promoter fused to the galK gene either with no enhancer or with the SV40 or Harvey sarcoma virus (HaSV) enhancer. Eighteen stable cell lines were obtained and characterized with respect to plasmid copy number and galactokinase activity. At copy numbers of four or less, the enhancers showed detectable activity and a DNase I hypersensitive site was present. Above four copies, gene activity decreased as the copy number increased, the enhancer sequences were apparently inactive, and the DNase I hypersensitive site disappeared. These data suggest that, at least in this model system, when exogenous DNA is integrated as multiple head-to-tail copies, the entire multigene unit expresses poorly and inappropriately. When the same exogenous DNA integrates as a single (or low number) copy, expression appears to be relatively normal as judged by enhancer stimulation and DNase I hypersensitivity.  相似文献   

Marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. strain. PCC 7002 has at least six endogenous plasmids. When it was cultured in 1 m NaCl medium, the copy numbers of the smallest (4.5 kb) and the second smallest (9.7 kb) plasmids decreased to one-third and one-tenth of those in control culture (0.3 m NaCl) respectively. In medium without NaCl, the copy numbers of those plasmids also decreased but the changes were much smaller. On the other hand, copy numbers of 15.4-kb, 30.0-kb, and 36.9-kb plasmids did not change among the three different NaCl concentrations (0 m, 0.3 m, 1 m). The copy number changes of the two plasmids were reversible. A similar copy number change was also observed in medium with 0.3 m NaCl+0.7 m KCl. These observations suggest that copy number controls are different among endogenous plasmids, and some of them are affected by salinity in the medium.  相似文献   

We describe here an application of the competitive PCR technique to the analysis of copy number of recombinant rat parathyroid hormone-related protein (rPTHrP) gene in stably-transfected murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cell lines. A single-copy reference gene (endogenous mouse PTHrP gene or mPTHrP) is used as an internal control. This control gene, present in the genome of MEL cells, shares the same primer binding sites as the rPTHrP cDNA but contains an internal PvuII site, which allows resolution of the amplified products after restriction enzyme digestion by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). The transgene copy number is determined by the ratio of band intensity of the rPTHrP product to that of the mPTHrP product. Using this method, we have determined the copy number of the rPTHrP transgene from isolated genomic DNA, and compared the results with those obtained from Southern blot analysis. In addition, we have demonstrated that the procedure can be applied very simply to whole MEL cells without DNA extractions and that as few as 104 cells are required for the analysis.  相似文献   

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