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Summary Whole ecosystem CO2 flux under ambient (340 l/l) and elevated (680 l/l) CO2 was measured in situ in Eriophorum tussock tundra on the North Slope of Alaska. Elevated CO2 resulted in greater carbon acquisition than control treatments and there was a net loss of CO2 under ambient conditions at this upland tundra site. These measurements indicate a current loss of carbon from upland tundra, possibly the result of recent climatic changes. Elevated CO2 for the duration of one growing season appeared to delay the onset of dormancy and resulted in approximately 10 additional days of positive ecosystem flux. Homeostatic adjustment of ecosystem CO2 flux (sum of species' response) was apparent by the third week of exposure to elevated CO2. Ecosystem dark respiration rates were not significantly higher at elevated CO2 levels. Rapid homeostatic adjustment to elevated CO2 may limit carbon uptake in upland tundra. Abiotic factors were evaluated as predictors of ecosystem CO2 flux. For chambers exposed to ambient and elevated CO2 levels for the duration of the growing season, seasonality (Julian day) was the best predictor of ecosystem CO2 flux at both ambient and elevated CO2 levels. Light (PAR), soil temperature, and air temperature were also predictive of seasonal ecosystem flux, but only at elevated CO2 levels. At any combination of physical conditions, flux of the elevated CO2 treatment was greater than that at ambient. In short-term manipulations of CO2, tundra exposed to elevated CO2 had threefold greater carbon gain, and had one half the ecosystem level, light compensation point when compared to ambient CO2 treatments. Elevated CO2-acclimated tundra had twofold greater carbon gain compared to ambient treatments, but there was no difference in ecosystem level, light compensation point between elevated and ambient CO2 treatments. The predicted future increases in cloudiness could substantially decrease the effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 on net ecosystem carbon budget. These analyses suggest little if any long-term stimulation of ecosystem carbon acquisition by increases in atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

Long-term fertilization of acidic tussock tundra has led to changes in plant species composition, increases in aboveground production and biomass and substantial losses of soil organic carbon (SOC). Root litter is an important input to SOC pools, although little is known about fine root demography in tussock tundra. In this study, we examined the response of fine root production and live standing fine root biomass to short- and long-term fertilization, as changes in fine root demography may contribute to observed declines in SOC. Live standing fine root biomass increased with long-term fertilization, while fine root production declined, reflecting replacement of the annual fine root system of Eriophorum vaginatum, with the long-lived fine roots of Betula nana. Fine root production increased in fertilized plots during an unusually warm growing season, but remained unchanged in control plots, consistent with observations that B. nana shows a positive response to climate warming. Calculations based on a few simple assumptions suggest changes in fine root demography with long-term fertilization and species replacement could account for between 20 and 39% of the observed declines in SOC stocks.  相似文献   

Summary The response of tussock tundra to elevated atmospheric concentrations of CO2 was measured at Toolik Lake, Alaska in the summer of 1983. Computer-controlled greenhouses were used to determine diurnal ecosystem flux of CO2 under four treatments: 340 ppm, 510 ppm, and 680 ppm CO2, as well as 680 ppm CO2 with a four degree centrigrade increase in temperature. For the seven days of data analyzed, net daily CO2 flux was significantly different between treatments. Net uptake was positively correlated with CO2 concentration in the chamber and negatively correlated with temperature. A nonlinear model was used to analyze this data set and to determine some of the reasons for different net CO2 flux. This model allowed an estimation of light utilization efficiency, total conductance of CO2, and a comparable measure of total respiration. From this analysis we conclude that nutrient limitations in the arctic decrease the capacity of tundra plants to make use of elevated CO2 concentrations. The plants respond by decreasing conductance in the presence of elevated CO2, which results in approximately equal gross uptake rates for the three CO2 treatments. Apparent changes in system respiration result in higher net uptake under elevated CO2 but this may be due to biases in the data. The treatment with increased temperature exhibited higher conductances and, consequently, higher gross uptake of CO2 than the other treatments. Higher temperatures, however, also increase respiration with the result being lower net uptake than would be expected in the absence of temperature inscreases.  相似文献   

Summary CO2 efflux from tussock tundra in Alaska that had been exposed to elevated CO2 for 2.5 growing seasons was measured to assess the effect of long- and short-term CO2 enrichment on soil respiration. Long-term treatments were: 348, 514, and 683 μll−1 CO2 and 680 μll−1 CO2+4°C above ambient. Measurements were made at 5 CO2 concentrations between 87 and 680 μll−1 CO2. Neither long- or short-term CO2 enrichment significantly affected soil CO2 efflux. Tundra developed at elevated temperature and 680 μll−1 CO2 had slightly higher, but not statistically different, mean respiration rates compared to untreated tundra and to tundra under CO2 control alone.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide and methane exchange of a north-east Siberian tussock tundra   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carbon dioxide, energy flux measurements and methane chamber measurements were carried out in an arctic wet tussock grassland located on a flood plane of the Kolyma river in NE Siberia over a summer period of 155 days in 2002 and early 2003. Respiration was also measured in April 2004. The study region is characterized by late thaw of the top soil (mid of June) and periodic spring floods. A stagnant water table below the grass canopy is fed by thawing of the active layer of permafrost and by flood water. The climate is continental with average daily temperature in the warmest months of 13°C (maximum temperature at midday: 28°C by the end of July), dry air (maximum vapour pressure deficit at midday: 28 hPa) and low rainfall of 50 mm during summer (July–September). Summer evaporation (July–September: 103 mm) exceeded rainfall by a factor of 2. The daily average Bowen ratio (H/LE) was 0.62 during the growing season. Net ecosystem CO2 uptake reached 10 μmol m−2 s−1 and was related to photon flux density (PFD) and vapour pressure deficit (VPD). The cumulative annual net carbon flux from the atmosphere to the terrestrial surface was estimated to be about −38 g C m−2 yr−1 (negative flux depicts net carbon sink). Winter respiration was extrapolated using the Lloyd and Taylor function. The net carbon balance is composed of a high rate of assimilation in a short summer and a fairly large but uncertain respiration mainly during autumn and spring. Methane flux (about 12 g C m−2 measured over 60 days) was 25% of C uptake during the same period of time (end of July to end of September). Assuming that CH4 was emitted only in summer, and taking the greenhouse gas warming potential of CH4 vs. CO2 into account (factor 23), the study site was a greenhouse gas source (at least 200 g Cequivalent m−2 yr−1). Comparing different studies in wetlands and tundra ecosystems as related to latitude, we expect that global warming would rather increase than decrease the CO2-C sink.  相似文献   

Winter regulation of tundra litter carbon and nitrogen dynamics   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
Mass and nitrogen (N) dynamics of leaf litter measured in Alaskan tussock tundra differed greatly from measurements of these processes made in temperate ecosystems. Nearly all litter mass and N loss occurred during the winter when soils were mostly frozen. Litter lost mass during the first summer, but during the subsequent two summers when biological activity was presumably higher than it is during winter, litter mass remained constant and litter immobilized N. By contrast, litter lost significant mass and N over both winters of measurement. Mass loss and N dynamics were unaffected by microsite variation in soil temperature and moisture. Whether wintertime mass and N loss resulted from biological activity during winter or from physical processes (e.g., fragmentation or leaching) associated with freeze-thaw is unknown, but has implications for how future climate warming will alter carbon (C) and N cycling in tundra. We hypothesize that spring runoff over permafrost as soils melt results in significant losses of C and N from litter, consistent with the observed influx of terrestrial organic matter to tundra lakes and streams after snow melt and the strong N limitation of terrestrial primary production.  相似文献   

李海兴  满秀玲  高明磊 《生态学报》2024,44(10):4319-4333
土壤碳通量是森林生态系统碳循环的重要组成部分,根系对土壤碳通量起着关键作用,研究根系对土壤碳通量的影响对寒温带冻土区温室气体研究有重要意义。以杜香-兴安落叶松林(DXL)、杜鹃-兴安落叶松林(DJL)和苔藓-兴安落叶松林(TXL)为研究对象,通过壕沟法进行断根处理,采用便携式土壤呼吸仪G4301对土壤碳通量进行日动态和月动态变化测定与分析。结果表明:6-11月,断根对DXL和DJL土壤CH4的吸收起抑制作用,降幅分别为15.16%-54.31%和11.26%-33.84%,对TXL土壤CH4的排放起促进作用,增幅为19.22%-75.52%;对3种类型兴安落叶松林土壤CO2的排放均起抑制作用,其中对TXL影响最大,对土壤CO2降幅为32.29%-87.62%。断根对DXL和TXL土壤CH4的影响在8月最为显著,增幅分别为-54.31%和75.52%,DJL在11月影响最为显著,降幅为33.84%。断根对3种类型兴安落叶松林土壤CO2排放的影响在6-11月均达到显著程度,其中在11月最为显著,降幅为54.94%-87.62%。断根对3种类型兴安落叶松林土壤CH4通量日动态影响差异不显著;而对土壤CO2通量的影响显著,其中在 14:00-18:00影响最为显著,降幅为31.87%-62.26%。土壤温度和空气温度是根系影响土壤碳通量变化的主要因子,断根处理增强了土壤温度对其日变化和月变化的影响,减弱了空气温度对其日动态的影响。这表明,根系自养产生的土壤碳通量可能在日动态变化中更活跃,而在月动态变化中更稳定。  相似文献   

The carbon (C) storage capacity of northern latitude ecosystems may diminish as warming air temperatures increase permafrost thaw and stimulate decomposition of previously frozen soil organic C. However, warming may also enhance plant growth so that photosynthetic carbon dioxide (CO2) uptake may, in part, offset respiratory losses. To determine the effects of air and soil warming on CO2 exchange in tundra, we established an ecosystem warming experiment – the Carbon in Permafrost Experimental Heating Research (CiPEHR) project – in the northern foothills of the Alaska Range in Interior Alaska. We used snow fences coupled with spring snow removal to increase deep soil temperatures and thaw depth (winter warming) and open‐top chambers to increase growing season air temperatures (summer warming). Winter warming increased soil temperature (integrated 5–40 cm depth) by 1.5 °C, which resulted in a 10% increase in growing season thaw depth. Surprisingly, the additional 2 kg of thawed soil C m?2 in the winter warming plots did not result in significant changes in cumulative growing season respiration, which may have been inhibited by soil saturation at the base of the active layer. In contrast to the limited effects on growing‐season C dynamics, winter warming caused drastic changes in winter respiration and altered the annual C balance of this ecosystem by doubling the net loss of CO2 to the atmosphere. While most changes to the abiotic environment at CiPEHR were driven by winter warming, summer warming effects on plant and soil processes resulted in 20% increases in both gross primary productivity and growing season ecosystem respiration and significantly altered the age and sources of CO2 respired from this ecosystem. These results demonstrate the vulnerability of organic C stored in near surface permafrost to increasing temperatures and the strong potential for warming tundra to serve as a positive feedback to global climate change.  相似文献   

二氧化碳储存通量对森林生态系统碳收支的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
涡度相关系统观测高度以下的CO2储存通量对准确评价森林生态系统与大气间净CO2交换量(NEE)有着重要的影响.本研究以长白山阔叶红松林为研究对象,利用2003年的涡度相关观测数据以及CO2浓度廓线数据,分析了CO2储存通量的变化规律及其对碳收支过程的影响.结果表明:涡度相关观测高度以下的CO2储存通量具有典型的日变化特征,其最大变化量出现在大气稳定与不稳定层结转换期.利用涡度相关系统观测的单点CO2浓度变化方法与利用CO2浓度廓线方法计算的CO2储存通量差异不显著.忽略CO2储存通量,在半小时尺度上会造成对夜间和白天的NEE分别低估25%和19%,在日和年尺度上,会对NEE低估10%和25%;忽略CO2储存通量,会低估Michaelis-Menten光响应方程及Lloyd-Taylor呼吸方程的参数,并且对表观初始量子效率α和参考呼吸Rref的低估最大;忽略CO2储存通量,在半小时、日及年尺度上,均会对总光合作用(GPP)和生态系统呼吸(Re)低估约20%.  相似文献   

Summary We compared ammonium and nitrate nutrition in Eriophorum scheuchzeri and E. vaginatum, two Alaskan sedges that are native to high- and low-fertility sites, respectively. When grown in solution culture, the two species were similar in their kinetics of NH inf4 sup+ NO inf3 sup- absorption: at nitrogen concentrations below 50 M, net NH inf4 sup+ and NO inf3 sup- were absorbed at similar rates, but at higher concentrations, net uptake of NO inf3 sup- was significantly faster than that of NH inf4 sup+ . The two species also showed similar abilities to assimilate NO inf3 sup- . Growth of E. vaginatum under NO inf3 sup- nutrition was only slightly less than that under NH inf4 sup+ . The observed similarities between these species from contrasting edaphic habitats indicate that factors other than tissue-specific rates of nitrogen acquisition and assimilation may underlie local adaptation to soil N fertility. Moreover, the capacity of these species to exploit NO inf3 sup- as a N source supports the view that NO inf3 sup- availability may be significant even in wet, acidic, arctic soils.  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in how ecosystems will respond to changes in precipitation. Alterations in rain and snowfall are expected to influence the spatio-temporal patterns of plant and soil processes that are controlled by soil moisture, and potentially, the amount of carbon (C) exchanged between the atmosphere and ecosystems. Because grasslands cover over one third of the terrestrial landscape, understanding controls on grassland C processes will be important to forecast how changes in precipitation regimes will influence the global C cycle. In this study we examined how irrigation affects carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes in five widely variable grasslands of Yellowstone National Park during a year of approximately average growing season precipitation. We irrigated plots every 2 weeks with 25% of the monthly 30-year average of precipitation resulting in plots receiving approximately 150% of the usual growing season water in the form of rain and supplemented irrigation. Ecosystem CO2 fluxes were measured with a closed chamber-system once a month from May-September on irrigated and unirrigated plots in each grassland. Soil moisture was closely associated with CO2 fluxes and shoot biomass, and was between 1.6% and 11.5% higher at the irrigated plots (values from wettest to driest grassland) during times of measurements. When examining the effect of irrigation throughout the growing season (May–September) across sites, we found that water additions increased ecosystem CO2 fluxes at the two driest and the wettest sites, suggesting that these sites were water-limited during the climatically average precipitation conditions of the 2005 growing season. In contrast, no consistent responses to irrigation were detected at the two sites with intermediate soil moisture. Thus, the ecosystem CO2 fluxes at those sites were not water-limited, when considering their responses to supplemental water throughout the whole season. In contrast, when we explored how the effect of irrigation varied temporally, we found that irrigation increased ecosystem CO2 fluxes at all the sites late in the growing season (September). The spatial differences in the response of ecosystem CO2 fluxes to irrigation likely can be explained by site specific differences in soil and vegetation properties. The temporal effects likely were due to delayed plant senescence that promoted plant and soil activity later into the year. Our results suggest that in Yellowstone National Park, above-normal amounts of soil moisture will only stimulate CO2 fluxes across a portion of the ecosystem. Thus, depending on the topographic location, grassland CO2 fluxes can be water-limited or not. Such information is important to accurately predict how changes in precipitation/soil moisture will affect CO2 dynamics and how they may feed back to the global C cycle.  相似文献   

Populus × euramericana, P. alba, and P. nigra clones were exposed to ambient or elevated (about 550 ppm) CO2 concentrations under field conditions (FACE) in central Italy. After three growing seasons, the plantation was coppiced. FACE was continued and in addition, one-half of each experimental plot was fertilised with nitrogen. Growth and anatomical wood properties were analysed in secondary sprouts. In the three poplar clones, most of the growth and anatomical traits showed no uniform response pattern to elevated [CO2] or N-fertilisation. In cross-sections of young poplar stems, tension wood amounted to 2–10% of the total area and was not affected by elevated CO2. In P. nigra, N-fertilisation caused an about twofold increase in tension wood, but not in the other clones. The formation of tension wood was not related to diameter or height growth of the shoots. In P. × euramericana N-fertilisation resulted in significant reductions in fibre lengths. In all three genotypes, N-fertilisation caused significant decreases in cell wall thickness. In P. × euramericana and P. alba elevated [CO2] also caused decreases in wall thickness, but less pronounced than nitrogen. In P. nigra and P. × euramericana elevated [CO2] induced increases in vessel diameters. These results show that elevated [CO2] and N-fertilisation affect wood structural development in a clone specific manner. However, the combination of these environmental factors resulted in overall losses in cell wall area of 5–12% in all three clones suggesting that in future climate scenarios negative effects on wood quality are to be anticipated if increases in atmospheric CO2 concentration were accompanied by increased N availability.  相似文献   

Increases in the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide may have a fertilizing effect on plant growth by increasing photosynthetic rates and therefore may offset potential growth decreases caused by the stress associated with higher temperatures and lower precipitation. However, plant growth is determined both by rates of net photosynthesis and by proportional allocation of fixed carbon to autotrophic tissue and heterotrophic tissue. Although CO2 fertilization may enhance growth by increasing leaf-level assimilation rates, reallocation of biomass from leaves to stems and roots in response to higher concentrations of CO2 and higher temperatures may reduce whole-plant assimilation and offset photosynthetic gains. We measured growth parameters, photosynthesis, respiration, and biomass allocation of Pinus ponderosa seedlings grown for 2 months in 2×2 factorial treatments of 350 or 650 bar CO2 and 10/25° C or 15/30° C night/day temperatures. After 1 month in treatment conditions, total seedling biomass was higher in elevated CO2, and temperature significantly enhanced the positive CO2 effect. However, after 2 months the effect of CO2 on total biomass decreased and relative growth rates did not differ among CO2 and temperature treatments over the 2-month growth period even though photosynthetic rates increased 7% in high CO2 treatments and decreased 10% in high temperature treatments. Additionally, CO2 enhancement decreased root respiration and high temperatures increased shoot respiration. Based on CO2 exchange rates, CO2 fertilization should have increased relative growth rates (RGR) and high temperatures should have decreased RGR. Higher photosynthetic rates caused by CO2 fertilization appear to have been mitigated during the second month of exposure to treatment conditions by a 3% decrease in allocation of biomass to leaves and a 9% increase in root:shoot ratio. It was not clear why diminished photosynthetic rates and increased respiration rates at high temperatures did not result in lower RGR. Significant diametrical and potentially compensatory responses of CO2 exchange and biomass allocation and the lack of differences in RGR of ponderosa pine after 2 months of exposure of high CO2 indicate that the effects of CO2 fertilization and temperature on whole-plant growth are determined by complex shifts in biomass allocation and gas exchange that may, for some species, maintain constant growth rates as climate and atmospheric CO2 concentrations change. These complex responses must be considered together to predict plant growth reactions to global atmospheric change, and the potential of forest ecosystems to sequester larger amounts of carbon in the future.  相似文献   

Since the decomposition rate of soil organic carbon (SOC) varies as a function of environmental conditions, global climate change is expected to alter SOC decomposition dynamics, and the resulting changes in the amount of CO2 emitted from soils will feedback onto the rate at which climate change occurs. While this soil feedback is expected to be significant because the amount of SOC is substantially more than the amount of carbon in the atmosphere, the environmental dependencies of decomposition at global scales that determine the magnitude of the soil feedback have remained poorly characterized. In this study, we address this issue by fitting a mechanistic decomposition model to a global dataset of SOC, optimizing the model’s temperature and moisture dependencies to best match the observed global distribution of SOC. The results of the analysis indicate that the temperature sensitivity of decomposition at global scales (Q 10=1.37) is significantly less than is assumed by many terrestrial ecosystem models that directly apply temperature sensitivity from small-scale studies, and that the maximal rate of decomposition occurs at higher moisture values than is assumed by many models. These findings imply that the magnitude of the soil decomposition feedback onto rate of global climate change will be less sensitive to increases in temperature, and modeling of temperature and moisture dependencies of SOC decomposition in global-scale models should consider effects of scale.  相似文献   

H. Fock  K. Klug  D. T. Canvin 《Planta》1979,145(3):219-223
Using an open gas-exchange system, apparent photosynthesis, true photosynthesis (TPS), photorespiration (PR) and dark respiration of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) leaves were determined at three temperatures and between 50 and 400 l/l external CO2. The ratio of PR/TPS and the solubility ratio of O2/CO2 in the intercellular spaces both decreased with increasing CO2. The rate of PR was not affected by the CO2 concentration in the leaves and was independent of the solubility ratio of oxygen and CO2 in the leaf cell. At photosynthesis-limiting concentrations of CO2, the ratio of PR/TPS significantly increased from 18 to 30°C and the rate of PR increased from 4.3 mg CO2 dm-2 h-1 at 18°C to 8.6 mg CO2 dm-2 h-1 at 30°C. The specific activity of photorespired CO2 was CO2-dependent but temperature-independent, and the carbon traversing the glycolate pathway appeared to be derived both from recently fixed assimilate and from older reserve materials. It is concluded that PR as a percentage of TPS is affected by the concentrations of O2 and CO2 around the photosynthesizing cells, but the rate of PR may also be controlled by other factors.Abbreviations APS apparent photosynthesis (net CO2 uptake) - PR photorespiration (CO2 evolution in light) - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - TPS true photosynthesis (true CO2 uptake)  相似文献   

Summary Photosynthetic characteristics of three species of Sphagnum common in the foothills of the Brooks Range on the North Slope of Alaska were investigated. Generally, light-saturated rates of net photosynthesis decreased in the order S. squarrosum, S. angustifolium, and S. warnstorfii when plants were grown under common growth chamber conditions. For field-grown S. angustifolium, average light compensation point at 10°C was 37 mol m-2s-1 photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), and light saturation occurred between 250 and 500 mol m-2 s-1. At 20°C, compensation point increased to 127 mol m-2s-1 and the PPFD required for light saturation increased to approximately 500 mol m-2s-1, while maximum rates of CO2 uptake increased only slightly. Light response curves of chamber-grown plants exhibited substantially lower compensation points and higher light-saturated rates of CO2 assimilation than field-grown material, due perhaps to a higher percentage of green, photosynthetically competent tissue. All three species exhibited broad responses to temperature, with optima near 20°C, and maintained at least 75% of maximum assimilation between approx. 13° and 30°C. Rates at 5°C were approx. 50% of maximum. Studies of the microclimate of Sphagnum at the field research site suggest that CO2 uptake should occur at near light-saturated rates during the day in open tussock tundra but that PPFD may often be limiting under Salix and Betula canopies in a water track drainage. Simulations using a simple model provided a seasonal estimate of 0.78 g dry weight (DW) of S. angustifolium produced from each initial g of photosynthetic tissue under willow canopies, assuming no water limitations. Although the simulation model suggests that production would be 66% higher in open tussock tundra, S. angustifolium is rarely found in this potentially more stressful habitat. To explain the relative abundance of Sphagnum in shaded water track areas as compared to open tussock tundra, we postulate that the vascular plant canopies provide protection from adverse effects of high temperatures, excess irradiance and reduced water availability. Under conditions of normal water availability, removal of the vascular plant cover did not affect the tissue water content of S. squarrosum, but resulted in a strong decrease in photosynthetic capacity, accompanied by chlorophyll bleaching. These results suggest that photoinhibition may limit production under certain conditions.  相似文献   

We studied long-term (50 years) and short-term (4 years) effects of summer grazing of reindeer on subarctic tundra wetland vegetation. The long-term effects of summer grazing were studied by comparing vegetation on Finnish and Norwegian sides of the fence line separating reindeer grazing regimes. The Finnish side was intensively grazed and trampled throughout the year, whereas the Norwegian side was grazed in winter. Experimental fences were erected to examine short-term effects of grazing exclusion. Both in the long- and short-term, summer grazing decreased the height of Salix lapponum whereas the short-term effects on willow cover were less clear than the long-term effects. In contrast, Carex spp. benefited from grazing. Long-term grazing had little effect on total bryophyte cover. Grazing had negligible effects on the nutrient content of leaves of S. lapponum and Eriophorum angustifolium. We conclude that tundra wetlands can withstand moderately high grazing pressure sustained over several decades.  相似文献   

Summary In the foothills of the Philip Smith Mountains, Brooks Range, Alaska, tussock tundra occurs on rolling hills and in valleys that were shaped by Pleistocene glaciations. During the 1986 and 1987 summer seasons, Sphagnum growth and production were determined in water tracks on tundra slopes that acted to channel water flow to the valley bottom stream and in intertrack tundra areas that were relatively homogeneous with respect to downslope drainage. Measurements were made under ambient environmental conditions and on mosses receiving supplemental irrigation in each area. Growth rate for Sphagnum spp. (cm shoot length increase/day) was low and relatively constant in intertrack tundra and highest but quite variable in water tracks. A strong negative correlation was found between Sphagnum spp. growth rate and solar irradiance in the shady environment below Salix canopies in the water tracks. Estimates of net annual dry weight (DW) production for Sphagnum spp. ranged from 0.10 g DW dm-2 yr-1 in intertrack tundra vegetation to 1.64 g DW dm-2 yr-1 in well-shaded water tracks. Experimental water additions had little effect on growth and production in intertrack tundra and well-developed water tracks, but significantly increased growth in a weakly-developed water track community. Low production over large areas of tundra slopes may occur due to presence of slow growing species resistant to dessication in intertrack tundra as opposed to rapidly growing less compact species within the limited extent of water tracks. We hypothesize that species capable of rapid growth occur also in weakly-developed water tracks, and that these are water-limited more often than plants occurring in well-developed water track situations. Where experienced, high light intensity may additionally limit growth due to photoinhibition.  相似文献   

Seedlings of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) were grown under varying conditions of soil nitrogen and atmospheric carbon dioxide availability to investigate the interactive effects of these resources on the energetic requirements for leaf growth. Increasing the ambient CO2 partial pressure from 35 to 65 Pa increased seedling growth only when soil nitrogen was high. Biomass increased by 55% and photosynthesis increased by 13% after 100 days of CO2 enrichment. Leaves from seedlings grown in high soil nitrogen were 7.0% more expensive on a g glucose g–1 dry mass basis to produce than those grown in low nitrogen, while elevated CO2 decreased leaf cost by 3.5%. Nitrogen and CO2 availability had an interactive effect on leaf construction cost expressed on an area basis, reflecting source-sink interactions. When both resources were abundant, leaf construction cost on an area basis was relatively high (81.8±3.0 g glucose m–2) compared to leaves from high nitrogen, low CO2 seedlings (56.3±3.0 g glucose m–2) and low nitrogen, low CO2 seedlings (67.1±2.7 g glucose m–2). Leaf construction cost appears to respond to alterations in the utilization of photoassimilates mediated by resource availability.  相似文献   

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