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The sequence L(1086)RRGQILWFRGLNRIQTQIKVVKAFHSS(1113) (peptide C28) is responsible for calmodulin binding to PMCA4b. In this work, peptides following the above sequence were progressively shortened either at the N-terminus (C28NDelta3, C28NDelta5, or C28NDelta6) or at the C-terminus (C20, C22, C23, and C25). Competitive inhibition of PMCA activity was used to measure apparent dissociation constants of the complexes between calmodulin and C28 or progressively shortened peptides. Additionally, equilibrium titrations were used to measure the apparent dissociation constants of the various peptides with TA-calmodulin by changes in TA-calmodulin fluorescence and Trp fluorescence of the peptides. At the N-terminus, deletion of five residues did not change calmodulin affinity, but deletion of six residues resulted in a 5-fold decrease in affinity. There were no major differences in the time course of TA-CaM binding, but C28NDelta6 exhibited a different time course of Trp fluorescence change. At the C-terminus, deletion of five residues (C23) or more resulted in a net increase in fluorescence of TA-CaM upon binding, while longer peptides (C25 and C28) produced both a transient increase and a net decrease in the fluorescence of TA-CaM. Global regression analysis revealed that binding of TA-CaM to the C23 peptide could be fit by a two-step model, while longer peptides required three-step models for adequate fitting. TA-calmodulin dissociated rapidly from C23, C22, and C20, resulting in a marked increase in apparent K(d). Thus, the sequence I(1091)LWFRGLNRIQTQIKVVKAF(1110) (C25NDelta5) is required to reproduce the calmodulin-binding properties of C28. When F(1110) was replaced by A, the TA-calmodulin association and dissociation kinetics resembled C23 kinetics, but changing V(1107) to A produced a smaller effect, suggesting that F(1110), rather than V(1107), is the main anchor for the N-terminal lobe of calmodulin in PMCA4b.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to identify plasma membrane Ca(2+)-transporting ATPases present in rat kidney. Characterization of the cDNAs of the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPases revealed a family of proteins with regions of highly conserved amino acid sequence. To examine the extent of the diversity of rat renal plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPases, we used the polymerase chain reaction to detect additional gene products in rat kidney mRNA that shared these conserved regions. Sequences corresponding to three previously known rat plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPases were obtained. In addition, we found sequence corresponding to a new putative plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase. Our results demonstrate that the rat kidney contains at least four different plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPases and the complexity of this multigene family is greater than previously thought.  相似文献   

Overexpression of the plasma membrane calcium pump (PMCA) isoform 4b by means of the baculovirus system enabled us, for the first time, to study the kinetics of calmodulin binding to this pump. This was done by stopped-flow fluorescence measurements using 2-chloro-(amino-Lys(75))-[6-[4-(N,N-diethylamino)phenyl]-1,3,5-triazin-4-yl]calmodulin (TA-calmodulin). Upon mixing with PMCA, the fluorescence of TA-calmodulin changed along a biphasic curve: a rapid and small increase in fluorescence was followed by a slow and large decrease that lasted about 100 s. The experiment was done at several PMCA concentrations. Global fitting nonlinear regression analysis of these results led to a model in which PMCA is present in two forms: a closed conformation and an open conformation. Calmodulin reacts with both conformations but reacts faster and with higher affinity for the open conformation. Measurements of the ATPase activity of PMCA under similar conditions revealed that the open form has higher ATPase activity than the closed one. Contrasting with the reaction with the whole pump, TA-calmodulin reacted rapidly (in about 2 s) with a calmodulin-binding peptide made after the sequence of the calmodulin-binding domain of PMCA (C28). Results of TA-calmodulin binding to C28 are explained by a simpler model, in which only an open conformation exists.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase (PMCA) is an important regulator of free intracellular calcium, with dynamic regulation in the rat mammary gland during lactation. Recent studies suggest that Ca2+ plays a role in cellular proliferation. To determine if PMCA expression is altered in tumorigenesis, we compared relative levels of PMCA1 mRNA. We found that the relative expression of PMCA1 mRNA is increased, by approximately 270% and 170%, in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cell lines deprived of serum for 72 h, respectively, compared to the similarly treated MCF-10A human mammary gland epithelial cell line. Characterization of PMCA mRNA isoforms revealed that PMCA1b and PMCA4 mRNA are expressed in MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, SK-BR-3, ZR-75-1 and BT-483 breast cancer cell lines. We also detected PMCA2 mRNA expression in all the breast cancer cell lines examined. However, PMCA3 mRNA was only detected in BT-483 cells. Our results suggest that PMCA expression may be altered in breast cancer cell lines, suggesting altered Ca2+ regulation in these cell lines. Our results also indicate that breast cancer cell lines can express mRNAs for a variety PMCA isoforms.  相似文献   

To understand how the plasma membrane Ca(2+) pump (PMCA) behaves under changing Ca(2+) concentrations, it is necessary to obtain information about the Ca(2+) dependence of the rate constants for calmodulin activation (k(act)) and for inactivation by calmodulin removal (k(inact)). Here we studied these constants for isoforms 2b and 4b. We measured the ATPase activity of these isoforms expressed in Sf9 cells. For both PMCA4b and 2b, k(act) increased with Ca(2+) along a sigmoidal curve. At all Ca(2+) concentrations, 2b showed a faster reaction with calmodulin than 4b but a slower off rate. On the basis of the measured rate constants, we simulated mathematically the behavior of these pumps upon repetitive changes in Ca(2+) concentration and also tested these simulations experimentally; PMCA was activated by 500 nm Ca(2+) and then exposed to 50 nm Ca(2+) for 10 to 150 s, and then Ca(2+) was increased again to 500 nm. During the second exposure to 500 nm Ca(2+), the activity reached steady state faster than during the first exposure at 500 nm Ca(2+). This memory effect is longer for PMCA2b than for 4b. In a separate experiment, a calmodulin-binding peptide from myosin light chain kinase, which has no direct interaction with the pump, was added during the second exposure to 500 nm Ca(2+). The peptide inhibited the activity of PMCA2b when the exposure to 50 nm Ca(2+) was 150 s but had little or no effect when this exposure was only 15 s. This suggests that the memory effect is due to calmodulin remaining bound to the enzyme during the period at low Ca(2+). The memory effect observed in PMCA2b and 4b will allow cells expressing either of them to remove Ca(2+) more quickly in subsequent spikes after an initial activating spike.  相似文献   

The regulation of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump by hormones via phosphorylation in intact cells has not been clearly established. We now present evidence that the Ca2+ pump is phosphorylated on both serine and threonine residues in unstimulated and stimulated cultured rat aortic endothelial cells. Among the stimuli tested, the protein kinase C activator phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) was most potent and increased the level of phosphorylation threefold, while the cAMP-dependent protein kinase activator 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-cAMP (CPT-cAMP) stimulated the phosphorylation 1.6-fold. Two-dimensional tryptic phosphopeptide maps of the Ca2+ pump from unstimulated and CPT-cAMP-stimulated cells have identical patterns (five phosphopeptides) while PMA-stimulated cells have three additional phosphopeptides. Isoproterenol-, ATP-, angiotensin II-, and bradykinin-stimulated cells also have increased levels of Ca2+ pump phosphorylation. Stimuli-induced phosphorylation of the Ca2+ pump was rapid (5-10 min) and was concomitant with stimulated calcium efflux from the same cells. This is the first direct evidence that the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump in intact cells is regulated by various hormones or agonists via cAMP-dependent protein kinase or protein kinase C phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The calcium pump of human red cells can be irreversibly activated by preincubation of the membranes in the presence of calcium ions, with a pattern reminiscent of that produced by controlled trypsin attack. With 1 mm Ca2+, the activity of the basal enzyme increases three to fourfold over 30 to 60 min, to levels about half those obtained in the presence of calmodulin. On the whole, the effect occurs slowly, with a very low Ca2+ affinity at 37°C and is unaffected by serine-protease inhibitors. The activation caused by 1 mm Ca2+ is little affected by leupeptin (a thiol-protease inhibitor) and that obtained at 10 m Ca2+ is not inhibited. Preincubations at 0°C also lead to activation, to a level up to half that seen at 37°C, and the effect is not affected by leupeptin or antipain. No activation is observed by preincubating soluble purified Ca,Mg-ATPase in Ca2+-containing solutions at 37°C. Instead, calcium ions protect the detergent-solubilized enzyme from thermal inactivation, the effect being half-maximal between 10 and 20 m Ca2+. We conclude that the activation of the membrane-bound Ca,Mg-ATPase by Ca2+ should result from an irreversible conformational change in the enzyme and not from attack by a membrane-bound protease, and that this change presumably arises from the release of inhibitory particles existing in the original membrane preparations.We thank The Wellcome Trust for a research grant, the Medical Research Council for an equipment grant and the Regional Transfusion Service (Sheffield) for bank blood supplies.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of insulin resistance (IR) induced by administration of a fructose-rich diet (FRD) to normal Wistar rats for 21 days, upon islet plasma membrane calcium ATPases (PMCAs) and insulin secretion. FRD rats showed significantly higher triglyceride and insulin levels, insulin:glucose ratio and HOMA-IR index than controls. FRD islets released significantly more insulin in response to glucose and showed (a) marked changes in PMCA isoform protein content (decreased PMCA 2 and increased PMCA 3), (b) a decrease in total PMCAs activity, and (c) higher levels of cytosolic calcium [Ca2+]i. The lower PMCAs activity with the resultant increase in [Ca2+]i would favor the compensatory greater release of insulin necessary to cope with the IR state present in FRD rats and to maintain normal glucose homeostasis. Thus, changes in PMCAs activity and isoform expression play a modulatory role upon insulin secretion during long-term adaptation to an increased hormone demand.  相似文献   

Patterns of chemical-induced cytotoxicity in different regions of the nephron were studied with freshly isolated proximal tubular and distal tubular cells from rat kidney. Three model alkylating agents, methyl vinyl ketone, allyl alcohol, and N-dimethylnitrosamine, were used as test chemicals. Methyl vinyl ketone and a metabolite of allyl alcohol, acrolein, are Michael acceptors that bind to cellular protein sulfhydryl groups and GSH. N-Dimethylnitrosamine binds to cellular protein and DNA. Lactate dehydrogenase leakage was used to assess irreversible cellular injury. Distal tubular cells were more susceptible than proximal tubular cells to injury produced by methyl vinyl ketone or allyl alcohol while the two cell populations were equally susceptible to injury produced by N-dimethylnitrosamine. Preincubation of both proximal tubular and distal tubular cells with GSH protected them from methyl vinyl ketone- and allyl alcohol-induced cytotoxicity but had no effect on N-dimethylnitrosamine-induced cytotoxicity. Similarly, incubation of cells with methyl vinyl ketone or allyl alcohol, but not N-dimethylnitrosamine, altered cellular GSH status. As with GSH status, incubation of cells with methyl vinyl ketone or allyl alcohol, but not N-dimethylnitrosamine, caused pronounced inhibitory effects on mitochondrial function, as evidenced by ATP depletion and inhibition of cellular oxygen consumption. These results demonstrate that alkylating agents are cytotoxic to both proximal tubular and distal tubular cells, and that interaction with cellular GSH is a factor determining nephron cell type specificity of injury.  相似文献   

Acute pancreatitis is a serious and sometimes fatal inflammatory disease of the pancreas without any reliable treatment or imminent cure. In recent years, impaired metabolism and cytosolic Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) overload in pancreatic acinar cells have been implicated as the cardinal pathological events common to most forms of pancreatitis, regardless of the precise causative factor. Therefore, restoration of metabolism and protection against cytosolic Ca(2+) overload likely represent key therapeutic untapped strategies for the treatment of this disease. The plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase (PMCA) provides a final common path for cells to "defend" [Ca(2+)](i) during cellular injury. In this paper, we use fluorescence imaging to show for the first time that insulin treatment, which is protective in animal models and clinical studies of human pancreatitis, directly protects pancreatic acinar cells from oxidant-induced cytosolic Ca(2+) overload and inhibition of the PMCA. This protection was independent of oxidative stress or mitochondrial membrane potential but appeared to involve the activation of Akt and an acute metabolic switch from mitochondrial to predominantly glycolytic metabolism. This switch to glycolysis appeared to be sufficient to maintain cellular ATP and thus PMCA activity, thereby preventing Ca(2+) overload, even in the face of impaired mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

Photon absorption by photoreceptors activates hydrolysis of cGMP, which shuts down cGMP-gated channels and decreases free Ca2+ concentrations in outer segment. Suppression of Ca2+ influx through the cGMP channel by light activates retinal guanylyl cyclase through guanylyl cyclase activating proteins (GCAPs) and thus expedites photoreceptors recovery from excitation and restores their light sensitivity. GCAP1 and GCAP2, two ubiquitous among vertebrate species isoforms of GCAPs that activate retGC during rod response to light, are myristoylated Ca2+/Mg2+-binding proteins of the EF-hand superfamily. They consist of one non-metal binding EF-hand-like domain and three other EF-hands, each capable of binding Ca2+ and Mg2+. In the metal binding EF-hands of GCAP1, different point mutations can selectively block binding of Ca2+ or both Ca2+ and Mg2+ altogether. Activation of retGC at low Ca2+ (light adaptation) or its inhibition at high Ca2+ (dark adaptation) follows a cycle of Ca2+/Mg2+ exchange in GCAPs, rather than release of Ca2+ and its binding by apo-GCAPs. The Mg2+ binding in two of the EF-hands controls docking of GCAP1 with retGC1 in the conditions of light adaptation and is essential for activation of retGC. Mg2+ binding in a C-terminal EF-hand contributes to neither retGC1 docking with the cyclase nor its subsequent activation in the light, but is specifically required for switching the cyclase off in the conditions of dark adaptation by binding Ca2+. The Mg2+/Ca2+ exchange in GCAP1 and 2 operates within different range of intracellular Ca2+ concentrations and provides a two-step activation of the cyclase during rod recovery.  相似文献   

The information on the structural determinants that control the cellular distribution of P-type pumps is very scarce. However, recent experiments on the membrane targeting of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump (PMCA) have provided interesting leads on the problem: they will be discussed in this succinct review. A general introduction on the biochemical properties of the PMCA pump will preface the discussion of the specific findings on the role of three distinct regions of the molecule in the targeting process.  相似文献   

Thiazides block Na+ reabsorption while enhancing Ca2+ reabsorption in the kidney. As previously demonstrated in immortalized mouse distal convoluted tubule (MDCT) cells, chlorothiazide application induced a robust plasma membrane hyperpolarization, which increased Ca2+ uptake. This essential thiazide-induced hyperpolarization was prevented by the Cl channel inhibitor 5-Nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino) benzoic acid (NPPB), implicating NPPB-sensitive Cl channels, however the nature of these Cl channels has been rarely described in the literature. Here we show that MDCT cells express a dominant, outwardly rectifying Cl current at extracellular pH 7.4. This constitutive Cl current was more permeable to larger anions (Eisenman sequence I; I > Br  Cl) and was substantially inhibited by > 100 mM [Ca2+]o, which distinguished it from ClC-K2/barttin. Moreover, the constitutive Cl current was blocked by NPPB, along with other Cl channel inhibitors (4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonate, DIDS; flufenamic acid, FFA). Subjecting the MDCT cells to an acidic extracellular solution (pH < 5.5) induced a substantially larger outwardly rectifying NPPB-sensitive Cl current. This acid-induced Cl current was also anion permeable (I > Br > Cl), but was distinguished from the constitutive Cl current by its rectification characteristics, ion sensitivities, and response to FFA. In addition, we have identified similar outwardly rectifying and acid-sensitive currents in immortalized cells from the inner medullary collecting duct (mIMCD-3 cells). Expression of an acid-induced Cl current would be particularly relevant in the acidic IMCD (pH < 5.5). To our knowledge, the properties of these Cl currents are unique and provide the mechanisms to account for the Cl efflux previously speculated to be present in MDCT cells.  相似文献   

The Homer family of scaffold proteins couples NMDA receptors to metabotropic glutamate receptors and links extracellular signals to calcium release from intracellular stores. Ania-3 is a member of the Homer family and is rapidly inducible in brain in response to diverse stimuli. Here, we report the identification of the plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase (PMCA) as a novel Ania-3/Homer-associated protein. Ania-3/Homer interacts with the b-splice forms of all PMCAs (PMCA1b, 2b, 3b, and 4b) via their PDZ domain-binding COOH-terminal tail. Ectopically expressed Ania-3 colocalized with the PMCA at the plasma membrane of polarized MDCK epithelial cells, and endogenous Ania-3/Homer and PMCA2 are co-expressed in the soma and dendrites of primary rat hippocampal neurons. The interaction between Ania-3/Homer and PMCAs may represent a novel mechanism by which local calcium signaling and hence synaptic function can be modulated in neurons.  相似文献   

Inside-out vesicles prepared with basolateral plasma membranes from rat kidney proximal tubular cells can accumulate Na+ actively in two ways. Mode 1, which is K+-independent, is ouabain-insensitive and is inhibited by furosemide and mode 2, which is K+-dependent, is inhibited by ouabain and is insensitive to furosemide. The presence of Mg2+ and ATP in the incubation medium is essential for both modes of Na+ uptake to proceed and in both cases, the nucleotide is hydrolyzed during the process. These results are consistent with the idea of the existence, in these membranes, of two Na+ pumps: one, which can work in the absence of K+ (Na+ pump) and another, which needs K+ to work (Na+ + K+ pump).  相似文献   

Probing the extracellular release site of the plasma membrane calcium pump   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Theplasma membrane Ca2+ pump is known to mediateCa2+/H+ exchange. Extracellular protonsactivated 45Ca2+ efflux from human red bloodcells with a half-maximal inhibition constant of 2 nM when theintracellular pH was fixed. An increase in pH from 7.2 to 8.2 decreasedthe IC50 for extracellular Ca2+ from ~33 to~6 mM. Changing the membrane potential by >54 mV had no effect onthe IC50 for extracellular Ca2+. This arguesagainst Ca2+ release through a high-field access channel.Extracellular Ni2+ inhibited Ca2+ efflux withan IC50 of 11 mM. Extracellular Cd2+ inhibitedwith an IC50 of 1.5 mM, >10 times better thanCa2+. The Cd2+ IC50 also decreasedwhen the pH was raised from 7.1 to 8.2, consistent withCa2+, Cd2+, and H+ competing forthe same site. The higher affinity for inhibition by Ni2+and Cd2+ is consistent with a histidine or cysteine as partof the release site. The cysteine reagent 2-(trimethylammonium)ethylmethanethiosulfonate did not inhibit Ca2+ efflux. Ourresults are consistent with the notion that the release site contains a histidine.


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