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Endogenous proteolysis in chromatin of terminally differentiated, quiescent, and actively proliferating cells was studied by measuring the released acid-soluble radioactivity of [3H]tryptophan-prelabelled nuclear proteins, and by following the specific quantitative and qualitative changes in electrophoregrams of chromosomal proteins. The experiments suggest that the chromatin of differentiated mouse kidney and liver cells, as well as chromatin from Friend cells induced to commit terminal differentiation, exhibit increased proteolysis in comparison with that of chromatin isolated from actively proliferating cells. Enhanced proteolysis was found also for the slowly renewing and quiescent cells from adult mice. The control experiments designated to discriminate between the two possible alternatives explaining the difference—increased activity of the proteolytic enzymes associated with chromatin, or increased susceptibility of the chromosomal proteins to proteases—supported the latter alternative.  相似文献   

We have maintained chick embryo chondrocytes in culture for more than 2 months, passaging the floating cells in the absence of ascorbic acid. Throughout the culture period some of the cells attached to the dish, assuming an epithelial-like morphology and subsequently giving rise to new floating cells. The interconversion of the two cell populations was highest in primaries and decreased with the aging of the culture. Cartilage cells synthesized pro-alpha 1 (II) collagen and sulphated proteoglycans in vitro; compared with floaters, the epithelial-like cells secreted relatively large amounts of fibronectin. When ascorbic acid was added to the medium, all cells attached, maintaining their rounded shape; in this condition the pro-alpha, (II) collagen was matured and collagen fibres were detectable outside the cells. Other specific proteins synthesized by the chondrocytes in culture were also identified. One of these, a 64 K collagenase-sensitive protein, was not related to the type II collagen and may represent a new collagen type.  相似文献   

The occurrence of plectin in various human tissues and cell lines was investigated using immunofluorescence microscopy and antibody gel overlay/immunoblotting techniques. Plectin was identified in all tissues and cell lines tested, namely placenta, kidney, cornea, foreskin and eyelid skin, skin fibroblasts, monocytes, keratinocytes and HeLa cells. In frozen sections of cornea and skin, plectin was found to be enriched at epithelial basal cell surface membranes. Consequently, antibodies to plectin could serve as a tool in the classification of mechanobullous diseases.  相似文献   

When exponentially growing NHIK 3025 cells were shifted from medium containing 30% serum to medium containing 0.03% serum the rate of net protein accumulation was reduced due to both a reduction in the rate of protein synthesis and an increase in the rate of protein degradation. This change in growth conditions increased the protein doubling time from 18 to 140 h. The cell cycle duration of cells synchronized by mitotic selection was, however, only increased from 17 to 26 h by this treatment. Therefore, when the cells divide by the end of the first cell cycle following synchronization, the cells shifted to 0.03% serum contained far less protein than those growing continuously in 30% serum. Hence, the attainment of a critical cell mass is probably not controlling cell division for cells growing in a balanced state.  相似文献   

Adult human adrenal medullary cells were dissociated and cultured for 14 days in the presence or absence of cholera toxin (CT), an activator of adenyl  相似文献   

l-Glutamine is required by mouse teratoma cells and other mouse ascites tumor cells in the synthesis of complex carbohydrates involved in intercellular adhesion. Since l-glutamine is synthesized by the enzyme glutamine synthetase (GS) (EC, these studies were undertaken to determine if a relationship exists between cellular adhesiveness and GS specific activity. Two types of experiment were performed to examine this relationship. Actinomycin D enhanced both teratoma cell GS specific activity and cellular adhesiveness over controls in batch cultures at confluency. Also, the relationship between cell adhesiveness and GS specific activity during the cell cycle was studied using cell populations synchronized with thymidine plus Colcemid. In these synchronized cultures, cellular adhesiveness displayed an oscillatory pattern with peaks of GS specific activity occurring just prior to peaks of adhesiveness. The levels of GS specific activity and intercellular adhesiveness were enhanced by the addition of hydrocortisone, a steroid known to induce GS specific activity in mouse teratoma cells. These results demonstrate a correlation between GS specific activity and cellular adhesiveness. Based upon previous work which implicates l-glutamine in intercellular adhesion, it is not unreasonable to speculate that GS specific activity and cellular adhesiveness may be causally related.  相似文献   

Human brown adipose cells in culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Brown adipose tissue (BAT), obtained from the axillary and perirenal regions of newborns 24-48 h after death, was digested with collagenase and the free cells were cultured. Only the cultures of cells from tissue obtained later than 24 h post mortem were successful. These cells grew slowly to reach confluence. Their typical mitochondria gradually disappeared, being replaced by untypical mitochondria. After confluence, the cells accumulated large amounts of lipid in non-coalescent multivacuolar depots. This model can be useful for the study of the metabolic and morphological features of human brown fat cells.  相似文献   

To investigate the distribution of the tau and HMW microtubule-associated proteins (MAPS) and their relationship to microtubules in vivo, we have examined a wide variety of avian and mammalian cell types by immunofluorescence with antisera to these two proteins. Anti-HMW serum stains cytoplasmic microtubules in all mammalian cell types so far examined. However, anti-tau serum did not stain cytoplasmic microtubules in rat glial cells or in pig kidney cells. In mammalian neurons, fibroblasts and neuroblastoma cells, the staining of microtubules with both sera was similar. Anti-HMW serum did not stain primary cilia or cilia on isolated tracheal epithelial cells, whereas anti-tau serum did stain these ciliary microtubules. We believe these results indicate that some types of microtubules may be associated with only the tau or the HMW protein, whereas others may be associated with both tau and HMW protein. With respect to avian cells, anti-HMW serum did not stain microtubules in any of the three cell types examined, whereas the anti-tau serum stained them in two cell types. Furthermore, double diffusion tests indicated that anti-pig tau serum will precipitate both pig brain tau and tau protein isolated from chick brain, whereas anti-HMW serum will precipitate only pig brain and not chick brain HMW protein. We believe tau protein is antigenically similar in both avian and mammalian cells, whereas the HMW protein from these two sources is antigenically distinct.  相似文献   

Rat glioma cells (clone C6TK) were hybridized with mouse neuroblastoma cells (clone NA), and 18 primary and secondary hybrid clones containing one chromosome set from each parent were isolated. The hybrids were assayed for the glial marker enzymes 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphohydrolase (CNP) and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH). In many of the hybrid clones, the levels of CNP and GPDH were reduced to 5–20% of the activity of C6TK, as has been observed in other classes of glial X non-glial cell hybrids. In some hybrid clones, however, GPDH and CNP were expressed at high activity. Rat (glial) GPDH activity was not reduced in these clones, but mouse GPDH activity remained low, and was not “de-repressed” or “activated”. This suggests that the controls governing differentiation in neuroblastoma cells and extinction in hybrids may differ in some important details. There was a strong positive correlation between the specific activities of CNP and GPDH in the hybrid clones, suggesting that a mechanism regulates the activity of these two glial enzymes coordinately.  相似文献   

The presence of nano- to micromolar concentrations of 12-0-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) in suspension cultures of human promyelocytic leukemia cells, HL-60, or human monocytic leukemia cells, THP-1, resulted in the appearance of macrophage-like cells attached to the substratum. The terminally TPA-differentiated cells continued to synthesize histones at a low rate even though DNA replication had ceased. The pattern of synthesis of histone variants in differentiated cells differed from that in undifferentiated cells and resembled that of quiescent or density-arrested cells. In undifferentiated cells, all three histone-H3 variants are synthesized, while in quiescent cells, only the H3.3 variant is synthesized. When TPA-differentiated macrophages were placed in normal medium, the pattern of histone synthesis was not altered, thus substantiating previous findings that the differentiation is irreversible. Further, TPA-differentiated macrophages and macrophages isolated from a normal human donor exhibited identical pattern of histone synthesis. Altogether, the results indicate that changes in the synthetic rates of histones during the TPA-induced maturation of human leukemic cells is not directly due to TPA or terminal cell differentiation per se but is due to the cessation of cell proliferation and DNA replication.  相似文献   

The intermediate filament systems of the established epithelial cell lines HeLa and PtK2 have been characterized by electron microscopy using indirect immunoferritin labelling. The results provide a direct ultrastructural confirmation of the proposal based on indirect immunofluorescence microscopy, that vimentin and cytokeratin fibrils constitute two distinct 10 nm filament systems in much of the cell body. In agreement both with classical histology and with the finding that cytokeratins are typically present in many epithelial tissues, demosome-attached 10 nm filaments (tonofilaments) were found to be of the cytokeratin type. Vimentin, but not cytokeratin filaments were translocated into juxtanuclear caps after exposure of the cells to colcemid. Regions of the cytoplasm where the two distinct systems form mixed bundles were identified and both side-by-side arrangements and the occurrence of vimentin fibers in a sheath-like structure around a cytokeratin filament core are described. Our results emphasize that the two systems interact but differ in their organization and control.  相似文献   

The addition of retinoic acid to cultures of HeLa-S3 cells caused a reduction in cell proliferation rate which became apparent after 72 h and was linearly dependent on retinoic acid concentration in the range 10−9–10−5 M. After 72 h of exposure to retinoic acid, the cells assumed a flattened appearance and no longer formed multilayers. These changes were reversed within 48 h after removal of retinoic acid from the medium. Structural analogs of retinoic acid with a free ---COOH group at C-15 were usually more potent in growth inhibition than compounds with an alcohol, aldehyde, ether or ester group. A cellular retinoic acid-binding protein was detected in cell homogenates, and the binding of [3H]retinoic acid to the binding protein was inhibited by most, but not all, analogs possessing a free terminal ---COOH group. For example, the 4-oxo analog of retinoic acid, while capable of inhibiting cellular proliferation, failed to bind to the retinoic acid-binding protein. Analysis of cell surface and cellular glycoproteins by lactoperoxidase-catalysed 125I iodination and by metabolic labeling with [3H]glucosamine revealed that a 190000 D glycoprotein which was labeled by both methods and a 230000 D glycoprotein which was labeled only with [3H]glucosamine were labeled more intensely in retinoic acid-treated cells compared with untreated cells. The electrophoretic mobility of the 230000 D glycoprotein could be modified by treatment of intact cells with either neuraminidase or proteolytic enzymes, suggesting that this glycoprotein is also exposed on the cell surface. The cell surface alterations were detected much earlier than the onset of growth inhibition and appeared as early as 24 h after exposure to retinoic acid. The possible relationship between retinoic acid-induced changes in cell membrane structure, cell morphology, and cell proliferation is discussed.  相似文献   

Anti-tubulin immunofluorescence microscopy is used here to demonstrate that eggs of Lytechinus variegatus are induced to assemble cytoplasmic microtubules upon artificial activation. These microtubules progress through three distinct configurations followed by cycles of abortive division. The first of these is a configuration in which microtubules are found in a disordered network near the egg cortex; the progressive thickening of the microtubule-containing layer appears to be responsible for the centripetal movement of the egg nucleus that occurs shortly after activation. These microtubules are replaced at about 40 min by a population of long, radially arrayed microtubules, which are restructured by about 70 min to form the apolar mitotic apparatus. Each of the microtubule configurations characteristic of activated eggs becomes more prominent when eggs are treated at the appropriate times after activation with the microtubule-stabilizing drug taxol. Any microtubule organizing centers within the activated egg must have very limited authority, since aster-like structures are not seen, and microtubules are not observed to be closely associated with the nucleus or egg cortex. Activation of eggs with ammonia in Ca2+-free sea water (a treatment that bypasses the cortical reaction and the Ca2+ transient) induces the appearance of microtubules as readily and in the same patterns as does treatment with ionophore A23187 or butyric acid, both of which activate by inducing an intracellular calcium release and the cortical reaction.  相似文献   

Cell lines 3T3B (mouse), 3T3B-SV40, BHK21 (hamster) and BHK21 polyoma virus (PyY) were labelled with [35S]methionine under conditions in which 500–600 cpm were incorporated per cell during a 20 h incubation period. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis of the total [35S]methionine-labelled polypeptides from 200–300 cells followed by fluorography revealed about 500 acidic (isoelectric focusing, IEF) and 150 basic polypeptides (non-equilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis, NEPHGE) whose position could be reproducibly assessed. Counting of 33 abundant acidic polypeptides present in both 3T3B and 3T3B-SV40 revealed significant changes in the relative proportion of ten of them. Seven, including the subunit of the 100 Å filaments ‘fibroblast type’ (55K) (1.1% in 3T3B; 0.6% in 3T3B-SV40), three cytoarchitectural proteins and three soluble proteins, corresponded to a decrease of 40% or more in the radioactivity of the spots in transformed cells, and only in three cases was there a significant increase in radioactivity of polypeptides in 3T3B-SV40 cells. Among the polypeptides that show less than 40% variation we have identified total actin (42K) (13% of total label in 3T3B; 10% in 3T3B-SV40), α- and β-tubulin (55K) (1.6% of total label in 3T3B; 2% in 3T3B-SV40), eleven polypeptides present in Triton skeletons, and nine soluble proteins. We have also observed 25 obvious changes in polypeptide intensities (16 acidic and 9 basic) but these were not quantitated. Only three polypeptides were found in transformed cells that were not detected in normal cells. One of these corresponded to the large T antigen and the other two to Triton-soluble proteins of a molecular weight in the range of 52–54K. Similar quantitative studies on the hamster BHK21/BHK21PyY pair confirmed at least the major observations made in 3T3B and 3T3B-SV40.  相似文献   

3-Aminobenzamide (3AB), an inhibitor of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, is a potent inducer of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs). Because of the possible relation between SCEs and DNA synthesis, the effects of 3AB on DNA synthesis and cell cycle progression in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were examined. Unlike all other SCE-inducing agents whose effects on DNA synthesis have been studied, short term exposures (30–120 min) of 3AB did not inhibit the overall rate of DNA synthesis and this result was independent of the amount of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) in the DNA. Longer exposure times (>24 h) did result in an extended S phase, but this was not due to an effect on the rate of DNA chain elongation. 3AB also delayed the entry of cells into S phase. The overall cell cycle delay was dose dependent, approaching 9 h after a 54 h exposure to 10 mM 3AB. Earlier reports that 3AB is neither mutagenic nor cytotoxic were confirmed. Thus 3AB acts to increase SCE frequency by a mechanism distinct from that which causes cytotoxicity and mutagenicity, and does not involve any inhibition in the rate of DNA chain growth.  相似文献   

A 36K MW polypeptide was previously identified by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis whose relative proportion increases in S phase of HeLa cells, and following viral transformation of mouse 3T3B and hamster BHK21 cells. We report here experiments that show that this polypeptide (isoelectric focusing (IEF 49)) is localized in the nucleus and that its relative proportion decreases dramatically under conditions for which there is a decrease in the rate of cell proliferation, due for example, to the formation of giant HeLa cells by X-ray irradiation or the senescence of human skin fibroblasts. It is present in negligible amounts in non-cycling cells of adult tissues. These studies also revealed and unrelated cytoplasmic polypeptide (IEF 52; tropomyosin related; coordinates 35/1.43) whose relative proportion increased significantly and reproducibly with a decrease in the rate of cell proliferation. It is suggested that IEF 49 may be a useful marker for cycling cells.  相似文献   

The human hepatoma cell line Hep G2 can be maintained in continuous culture and secretes numerous plasma proteins and lipoproteins into the medium. To better characterize cholesterol homeostasis in these cells we have examined the binding, internalization and degradation of [125I]LDL by cultured Hep G2 cells. Hep G2 cells express high-affinity low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors which facilitate the binding, internalization and degradation of [125I]LDL; these receptors can be induced by growth in LDL-depleted medium and repressed by further incubation in medium supplemented with LDL. The degradation of [125I]LDL by derepressed Hep G2 cells was inhibited by greater than 90% by monensin. Incubation of Hep G2 cells in the presence of increasing concentrations of LDL also inhibited cholesterol biosynthesis. Our results indicate that Hep G2 cells possess high affinity LDL receptors which are subject to metabolic regulation and suggest that this cell line affords a valuable model to further examine cholesterol and lipoprotein metabolism in human liver cells.  相似文献   

A protease-sensitive factor was extracted from fetal bovine cartilage with 1 M guanidine hydrochloride and partially purified by gel filtration on Bio-Gel A 0.5 m and CM-Sephadex column chromatography. This cartilage-derived factor (CDF) stimulated proteoglycan synthesis in rat and rabbit costal chondrocytes in culture, as shown by increased incorporation of 35SO4?2, [3H]-glucosamine and [3H]serine into material precipitated with cetylpyridinium chloride. In addition, CDF stimulated the synthesis of sulfated glycosaminoglycans in a dose-dependent manner. These findings suggest that CDF is involved in the control of chondrogenesis.  相似文献   

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