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Subpopulations of human lymphoid cells are capable of spontaneously fusing with fibroblasts of human or murine origin to form human-human or human-mouse hybrid cells. These cells were present in thymus, spleen, and bone marrow. After fractionation on discontinuous bovine serum albumin gradients, the cells were found in the less dense layers of the gradient. Cells of fetal origin, except for bone marrow, fused spontaneously at a higher rate than those of adult origin. The highest rate of fusion was found with adult bone marrow cells. These lymphoid cells appear to be “thymus-derived” cells.  相似文献   

The loss of myeloid (mDC) and plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) from the blood of HIV-infected individuals is associated with progressive disease. It has been proposed that DC loss is due to increased recruitment to lymph nodes, although this has not been directly tested. Similarly as in HIV-infected humans, we found that lineage-negative (Lin(-)) HLA-DR(+)CD11c(+)CD123(-) mDC and Lin(-)HLA-DR(+)CD11c(-)CD123(+) pDC were lost from the blood of SIV-infected rhesus macaques with AIDS. In the peripheral lymph nodes of SIV-naive monkeys the majority of mDC were mature cells derived from skin that expressed high levels of HLA-DR, CD83, costimulatory molecules, and the Langerhans cell marker CD1a, whereas pDC expressed low levels of HLA-DR and CD40 and lacked costimulatory molecules, similar to pDC in blood. Surprisingly, both DC subsets were depleted from peripheral and mesenteric lymph nodes and spleens in monkeys with AIDS, although the activation status of the remaining DC subsets was similar to that of DC in health. In peripheral and mesenteric lymph nodes from animals with AIDS there was an accumulation of Lin(-)HLA-DR(moderate)CD11c(-)CD123(-) cells that resembled monocytoid cells but failed to acquire a DC phenotype upon culture, suggesting they were not DC precursors. mDC and pDC from the lymphoid tissues of monkeys with AIDS were prone to spontaneous death in culture, indicating that apoptosis may be a mechanism for their loss in disease. These findings demonstrate that DC are lost from rather than recruited to lymphoid tissue in advanced SIV infection, suggesting that systemic DC depletion plays a direct role in the pathophysiology of AIDS.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which a cell protects itself from the lethal effects of heat shock and other stress-inducing agents is the subject of much research. We have investigated the relationship between heat-induced damage to DNA replication machinery and the lethal effects of heat shock, in S-phase cells, which are more sensitive to heat shock than either G1 or G2. We found that maintaining cells in aphidicolin, which prevents the passage of cells through S-phase, can rescue S-phase HeLa cells from the lethal effects of heat shock. When S-phase, HeLa cells were held for 5-6 h in 3 microM aphidicolin the measured clonogenic survival was similar to that for exponentially growing cells. It is known, that heat shock induces denaturation or unfolding of proteins, rendering them less soluble and more likely to co-isolate with the nuclear matrix. Here, we show that enhanced binding of proteins involved in DNA replication (PCNA, RPA, and cyclin A), with the nuclear matrix, correlates with lethality of S-phase cells following heat shock under four different experimental conditions. Specifically, the amounts of RPA, PCNA, and cyclin A associated with the nuclear matrix when cells resumed progression through S-phase correlated with cell killing. Heat-induced enhanced binding of nuclear proteins involved with other aspects of DNA metabolism, (Mrell, PDI), do not show this correlation. These results support the hypothesis that heat-induced changes in the binding of proteins associated with DNA replication factories are the potentially lethal lesions, which become fixed to lethal lesions by S-phase progression but are repairable if S-phase progression is delayed.  相似文献   

NaCl-resistant variant cells isolated from sweet potato cell suspensions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Salt-resistant cells of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) were selected by subculturing cell suspensions (11 transfers at 15-day intervals) in MS medium supplemented with 1% NaCl (170.9 mM NaCl).Selected cells showed a brownish pigmentation, and exhibited morphological changes (they were smaller and rounder than non-selected cells). The change in coloration was reversible when the selected cells were subcultured in medium without NaCl. The reduction in size was partially reversed but the change in form was not reversible when selected cells were subcultured 5 times at 15-day intervals in the absence of NaCl.Selected cells exhibited NaCl-tolerance when they were cultured in medium with 1% NaCl and subsequently transferred to NaCl free medium for 3 passages. This finding suggests that the acquired trait is stable for at least 3 passages.  相似文献   

Through the production of cytokines and growth factors the endothelium of secondary lymphoid organs plays a crucial role in controlling lymphocyte migration to the lymphoid microenvironment, an essential step in the initiation of the immune response. Here we demonstrate that direct contact of B cell lines with tonsil-derived human endothelial cells resulted in changes in the phosphorylation state of endothelial cells, causing their functional activation. We found a rapid (<15-s) and transient dephosphorylation, followed by a rapid rephosphorylation of tyrosine residues of the focal adhesion kinase, paxillin, and ERK2. Maximal rephosphorylation occurred after 15-30 min of B cell contact. Preincubation of lymphoid B cells with an adhesion-blocking Ab directed against alpha(4)beta(1) integrin abrogated adhesion-mediated changes of endothelial cell tyrosine phosphorylation, suggesting that cell contact was essential. Similar patterns of tyrosine phosphorylation, but with slightly different kinetics were induced after cross-linking of beta(1) integrin or CD40 on endothelial cells. Functional activation of endothelial cells by B cell adhesion was confirmed by the production of IL-6, IL-8, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, M-CSF, and macrophage inflammatory protein-1beta mRNA. However, direct cross-linking of beta(1) integrin and CD40 failed to accomplish the same functional activation. These data indicate that direct contact of lymphoid B cells with the endothelium from lymphoid tissue induce endothelial cell signaling, resulting in chemokine and cytokine production. This phenomenon may provide a mechanism for the remodeling of the endothelium from lymphoid tissues, thus contributing to the free migration of lymphocytes and other cells into the lymphoid organs.  相似文献   

Selective adenosine release from human B but not T lymphoid cell line   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Intracellular adenosine formation and release to extracellular space was studied in WI-L2-B and SupT1-T lymphoblasts under conditions which induce or do not induce ATP catabolism. Under induced conditions, B lymphoblasts but not T lymphoblasts, release significant amounts of adenosine, which are markedly elevated by adenosine deaminase inhibitors. In T lymphoblasts, under induced conditions, only simultaneous inhibition of both adenosine deaminase activity and adenosine kinase activities resulted in small amounts of adenosine release. Under noninduced conditions, neither B nor T lymphoblasts release adenosine, even in the presence of both adenosine deaminase or adenosine kinase inhibitors. Comparison of B and T cell's enzyme activities involved in adenosine metabolism showed similar activity of AMP deaminase, but the activities of AMP-5'-nucleotidase, adenosine kinase and adenosine deaminase differ significantly. B lymphoblasts release adenosine because of their combination of enzyme activities which produce or utilize adenosine (high AMP-5'-nucleotidase and relatively low adenosine kinase and adenosine deaminase activities). Accelerated ATP degradation in B lymphoblasts proceeds not only via AMP deamination, but also via AMP dephosphorylation into adenosine but its less efficient intracellular utilization results in the release of adenosine from these cells. In contrast, T lymphoblasts release far less adenosine, because they contain relatively low AMP-5'-nucleotidase and high adenosine kinase and adenosine deaminase activities. In T lymphoblasts, AMP formed during ATP degradation is not readily dephosphorylated to adenosine but mainly deaminated to IMP by AMP deaminase. Any adenosine formed intracellularly in T lymphoblasts is likely to be efficiently salvaged back to AMP by an active adenosine kinase. In general, these results may suggest that adenosine can be produced only by selective cells (adenosine producers) whereas other cells with enzyme combination similar to SupT1-T lymphoblasts can not produce significant amounts of adenosine even in stress conditions.  相似文献   

Contaminating lymphocytes were eliminated from enzymatically obtained cell suspensions of 260 surgical biopsy specimens by density gradient centrifugation using lymphocyte separation medium (LSM) in an attempt to improve the determination of S-phase fractions by flow cytometry. The elimination of lymphocytes from the cell suspensions was ascertained on cytologic smears prepared from the suspensions before and after LSM centrifugation. Following the elimination of lymphocytes, the calculated S-phase fractions increased significantly in DNA-diploid tumors, but not in DNA-aneuploid ones. The increase of the S-phase fraction was correlated to the numbers of lymphocytes in the tumor cell suspensions before LSM centrifugation. Furthermore, in 12 tumors originally classified as diploid, an aneuploid cell line was detected after LSM centrifugation. These results indicate that samples from diploid tumors containing large numbers of lymphocytes should have the lymphocytes eliminated by methods such as LSM centrifugation in order to obtain reliable results for the calculations of the S-phase fractions.  相似文献   

Antigens solubilized from culured human lymphoid cells WI-L2 and RPMI 1788 were partially purified by ultracentrifugation on a KBr gradient. These antigens injected into rabbits produced xenoantibodies which after absorption with melanoma cells became specific to B cell antigens. Three such xenoantisera were submitted to the Second Histocompatibility Workshop of the Americas and reacted much like alloantisera to B cell antigens against a large panel of B peripheral lymphocytes and cells from patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Xenoantisera to B cell antigens inhibited the mixed lymphocyte reaction, but did not affect the mitogenic activity of phytohemagglutinin or the functional properties of C3 receptors, monkey red blood cell receptors, or T cell receptors.  相似文献   

As they differentiate, precursor cells from the gut-associated lymphoid tissue are known to travel via the lymphatic system to the blood and then preferentially to home to various mucosal and exocrine sites such as the lamina propria of the gut and the lactating mammary gland, where they give rise to IgA-secreting plasma cells. The present study, directed at the mechanism by which the circulating precursors of mucosal IgA plasma cells selectively lodge in characteristic locations, explored the hypothesis that such homing is due to a locally produced chemotactic factor and that milk might be a source of such a factor. Subsets of lymphocytes bearing particular surface markers and purified by panning from lymph nodes of mice were examined in a micropore chemotaxis assay to search for the presence of chemotactic activity in mouse milk. The globulin fraction of whey was shown to contain a nondialyzable factor that is chemotactic for IgA (and also IgG)-positive lymphocytes when these are obtained from mesenteric lymph nodes as a source of mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue. Lymphocytes from peripheral lymph nodes, nonmucosal associated, were unaffected as were surface IgM-positive lymphocytes and T lymphocytes obtained from mesenteric nodes. Chemotactic activity for IgA lymphocytes was undetectable in mouse serum. The data are consistent with the idea that precursors of mucosal IgA plasma cells home to mucosal and exocrine sites in response to a specific chemotactic factor elaborated by local differentiated epithelial cells.  相似文献   

A method was developed to isolate cell surface proteins by a simple two-step procedure. Hepatocyte cell surface proteins were labeled by a cleavable biotin derivative in a covalent pulse reaction. Under the described conditions, NHS-SS-biotin proved to be an impermeant, cell surface-specific label which does not affect the impermeant, cell surface-specific label which does not affect the viability of rat hepatocytes. Biotinylated cell surface proteins could be selectively separated under non-denaturing conditions from non-biotinylated proteins and biotin-containing carboxylases by avidin affinity chromatography and sulfhydryl-mediated elution. Subsequent to alkylation of the eluted protein, individual cell surface proteins could be isolated by immunoprecipitation as shown for a selected Mr 120,000 glycoprotein gp120 of the hepatocyte plasma membrane. Using this technique, a transit time of gp120 from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cell surface of 2 h was determined. The results show that the combination of labeling with a cleavable biotin derivative, non-denaturing avidin affinity chromatography and immunoprecipitation is a useful method to isolate and study individual cell surface proteins.  相似文献   

Previous studies we performed showed that 8-methoxypsoralen in combination with ultraviolet A light (photochemotherapy) caused DNA damage and that this caused nucleotide depletion in peripheral blood leukocytes, secondary to an active form of programmed cell death, poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation. Further studies revealed that 24 h after exposure to 10 J/cm2 ultraviolet A light and 8-methoxypsoralen (300 ng/mL), apoptotic cells increased from 3 (control) to 31% (p less than 0.001). Ultraviolet A light alone also significantly increased the number of apoptotic cells. These morphological changes were confirmed by parallel findings on DNA electrophoresis. Treatment with 2 to 5 J/cm2 of ultraviolet A light and 8-methoxypsoralen caused an approximately 30% increase in cytosolic free calcium levels in peripheral blood leukocytes 1 h after exposure. Associated with this was a 51% increase in 45Ca2+ uptake over the first 60 min. Similar findings in a different lymphoid cell (CCRF-CEM) confirmed the results obtained with peripheral blood leukocytes. The use of calcium-free medium prevented a rise in cytosolic free calcium and decreased the number of cells undergoing apoptotic cell death. Cycloheximide inhibited ultraviolet A light - 8-methoxypsoralen induced apoptosis in CCRF-CEM cells; it also decreased calcium levels in control CCRF-CEM cells. This study shows that ultraviolet A light - 8-methoxypsoralen caused apoptotic cell death in lymphoid cells; this appeared to be associated with calcium influx, presumably because of the requirement of endogenous endonucleases for calcium.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The present study was designed to investigate the effect of melatonin on the proliferation of normal lymphocytes and certain T-lymphomas and myelomas under in vitro conditions.
  • 2.2. The results revealed that administration of 200 μM melatonin inhibited significantly the incorporation of [3H]thymidine into both normal mouse and human lymphocytes and T-lymphoblastoid cell lines.
  • 3.3. On the contrary, melatonin provoked an increase of myeloma cell proliferation.
  • 4.4. The influence of melatonin on hybridoma cell lines was negligible.
  • 5.5. Collectively, these data demonstrated that the chief pineal indole affect selectively the processes of lymphoblastoid cell growth.

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