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Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) entry into target cells involves sequential binding of the gp120 exterior envelope glycoprotein to CD4 and to specific chemokine receptors. Soluble CD4 (sCD4) is thought to mimic membrane-anchored CD4, and its binding alters the conformation of the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins. Two cross-competing monoclonal antibodies, 17b and CG10, that recognize CD4-inducible gp120 epitopes and that block gp120-chemokine receptor binding were used to investigate the nature and functional significance of gp120 conformational changes initiated by CD4 binding. Envelope glycoproteins derived from both T-cell line-adapted and primary HIV-1 isolates exhibited increased binding of the 17b antibody in the presence of sCD4. CD4-induced exposure of the 17b epitope on the oligomeric envelope glycoprotein complex occurred over a wide range of temperatures and involved movement of the gp120 V1/V2 variable loops. Amino acid changes that reduced the efficiency of 17b epitope exposure following CD4 binding invariably compromised the ability of the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins to form syncytia or to support virus entry. Comparison of the CD4 dependence and neutralization efficiencies of the 17b and CG10 antibodies suggested that the epitopes for these antibodies are minimally accessible following attachment of gp120 to cell surface CD4. These results underscore the functional importance of these CD4-induced changes in gp120 conformation and illustrate viral strategies for sequestering chemokine receptor-binding regions from the humoral immune response.  相似文献   

We have used phage-displayed peptide libraries to identify novel ligands to the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein gp120. Screening of libraries of random 12-mers, 7-mers, and cyclic 9-mers produced two families of gp120 binding peptides. Members of a family with the prototype sequence RINNIPWSEAMM (peptide 12p1) inhibit the interaction between gp120 and both four-domain soluble CD4 (4dCD4) and monoclonal antibody (MAb) 17b, a neutralizing antibody that covers the chemokine receptor binding surface on gp120. Peptide 12p1 inhibits the interaction of 4dCD4 with gp120 from three different HIV strains, implying that it binds to a conserved site on gp120. Members of a second family of peptides, with the prototype sequence TSPYEDWQTYLM (peptide 12p2), bind more weakly to gp120. They do not detectably affect its interaction with 4dCD4, but they enhance its binding to MAb 17b. A common sequence motif in the two peptide families and cross-competition for gp120 binding suggest that they have overlapping contacts. Their divergent effects on the affinity of gp120 for MAb 17b may indicate that their binding stabilizes distinct conformational states of gp120. The functional properties of 12p1 suggest that it might be a useful lead for the development of inhibitors of HIV entry.  相似文献   

We have investigated whether the identity of the coreceptor (CCR5, CXCR4, or both) used by primary human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates to enter CD4+ cells influences the sensitivity of these isolates to neutralization by monoclonal antibodies and CD4-based agents. Coreceptor usage was not an important determinant of neutralization titer for primary isolates in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. We also studied whether dualtropic primary isolates (able to use both CCR5 and CXCR4) were differentially sensitive to neutralization by the same antibodies when entering U87MG-CD4 cells stably expressing either CCR5 or CXCR4. Again, we found that the coreceptor used by a virus did not greatly affect its neutralization sensitivity. Similar results were obtained for CCR5- or CXCR4-expressing HOS cell lines engineered to express green fluorescent protein as a reporter of HIV-1 entry. Neutralizing antibodies are therefore unlikely to be the major selection pressure which drives the phenotypic evolution (change in coreceptor usage) of HIV-1 that can occur in vivo. In addition, the increase in neutralization sensitivity found when primary isolates adapt to growth in transformed cell lines in vitro has little to do with alterations in coreceptor usage.Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) enters CD4+ T cells via an interaction with CD4 and coreceptor molecules, the most important of which yet identified are the chemokine receptors CXCR4 and CCR5 (4, 12, 23, 26, 28, 32). CXCR4 is used by T-cell line-tropic (T-tropic) primary isolates or T-cell line-adapted (TCLA) lab strains, whereas CCR5 is used by primary isolates of the macrophage-tropic (M-tropic) phenotype (4, 12, 23, 26, 28, 32). Most T-tropic isolates and some TCLA strains are actually dualtropic in that they can use both CXCR4 and CCR5 (and often other coreceptors such as CCR3, Bonzo/STRL33, and BOB/gpr15), at least in coreceptor-transfected cells (18, 24, 30, 54, 89). The M-tropic and T-tropic/dualtropic nomenclature has often been used interchangeably with the terms “non-syncytium-inducing” (NSI) and “syncytium-inducing” (SI), although it is semantically imprecise to do so.M-tropic viruses are those most commonly transmitted sexually (3, 33, 87, 106) and from mother to infant (2, 72, 81). If T-tropic strains are transmitted, or when they emerge, this is associated with a more rapid course of disease in both adults (17, 37, 46, 51, 52, 76, 78, 82, 92, 101) and children (6, 45, 84, 90). However, T-tropic viruses emerge in only about 40% of infected people, usually only several years after infection (76, 78). A well-documented, albeit anecdotal, study found that when a T-tropic strain was transmitted by direct transfer of blood, its replication was rapidly suppressed: the T-tropic virus was eliminated from the body, and M-tropic strains predominated (20). These results suggest that there is a counterselection pressure against the emergence of T-tropic strains during the early stages of HIV-1 infection in most people. But what is this pressure?Since the M-tropic and T-tropic phenotypes are properties mediated by the envelope glycoproteins whose function is to associate with CD4 and the coreceptors, a selection pressure differentially exerted on M- and T-tropic viruses could, in principle, act at the level of virus entry. In other words, neutralizing antibodies to the envelope glycoproteins, or the chemokine ligands of the coreceptors, could theoretically interfere more potently with the interactions of T-tropic strains with CXCR4 than with M-tropic viruses and CCR5. A differential effect of this nature could suppress the emergence of T-tropic viruses. Consistent with this possibility, neutralizing antibodies are capable of preventing the CD4-dependent association of gp120 with CCR5 (42, 94, 103), and chemokines can also prevent the coreceptor interactions of HIV-1 (8, 13, 23, 28, 70).Here, we explore whether the efficiency of HIV-1 neutralization is affected by coreceptor usage. Although earlier studies have not found T-tropic strains to be inherently more neutralization sensitive than M-tropic ones (20, 40, 44), previously available reagents and techniques may not have been adequate to fully address this question. One major problem is that even single residue changes can drastically affect both antibody binding to neutralization epitopes and the HIV-1 phenotype (25, 55, 62, 67, 83, 91), and so studies using relatively unrelated viruses and a fixed antibody (polyclonal or monoclonal) preparation have two variables to contend with: the viral phenotype (coreceptor use) and the antigenic structure of the virus and hence the efficiency of the antibody-virion interaction.We have used a new experimental strategy to explore whether coreceptor usage affects neutralization sensitivity in the absence of other confounding variables: the use of dualtropic viruses able to enter CD4+ cells via either CCR5 or CXCR4. By using a constant HIV-1 isolate or clone and the same monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) or CD4-based reagents as neutralizing agents, we can ensure that the only variable under study in the neutralization reaction is the nature of the coreceptor used for entry. Our major conclusion is that there is no strong association between coreceptor usage and neutralization sensitivity for primary HIV-1 isolates. Independent studies have reached the same conclusion (53a, 59). The emergence of T-tropic (SI) viruses in vivo may be unlikely to be due to escape from antibody-mediated selection pressure.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that NF-κB nuclear translocation can be observed upon human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) binding to cells expressing the wild-type CD4 molecule, but not in cells expressing a truncated form of CD4 that lacks the cytoplasmic domain (M. Benkirane, K.-T. Jeang, and C. Devaux, EMBO J. 13:5559–5569, 1994). This result indicated that the signaling cascade which controls HIV-1-induced NF-κB activation requires the integrity of the CD4 cytoplasmic tail and suggested the involvement of a second protein that binds to this portion of the molecule. Here we investigate the putative role of p56lck as a possible cellular intermediate in this signal transduction pathway. Using human cervical carcinoma HeLa cells stably expressing CD4, p56lck, or both molecules, we provide direct evidence that expression of CD4 and p56lck is required for HIV-1-induced NF-κB translocation. Moreover, the fact that HIV-1 stimulation did not induce nuclear translocation of NF-κB in cells expressing a mutant form of CD4 at position 420 (C420A) and the wild-type p56lck indicates the requirement for a functional CD4-p56lck complex.  相似文献   

Cell-free human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) can be taken up and released by a monolayer of primary human gingival cells and remain infectious for CD4+ cells. Virus-sized latex particles covalently coated with purified native HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 are also transported through the primary epithelial cells. This process is significantly stimulated by increasing the intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) concentration. Inhibition experiments with mannan and α-methyl-mannopyranoside indicated that mannosyl groups are involved in the interaction between gp120 and gingival cells. An increase of cellular oligomannosyl receptors by incubation with the mannosidase inhibitor deoxymannojirimycin augmented transcellular transport of the gp120-coated particles. The results suggest that infectious HIV can penetrate gingival epithelia by a cAMP-dependent transport mechanism involving interaction of the lectin-like domain of gp120 and mannosyl residues on glycoproteins on the mucosal surface. Penetration of HIV could be inhibited by soluble glycoconjugates present in oral mucins.  相似文献   

The broadly neutralizing antibody immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) b12 binds to a conformationally conserved surface on the outer domain of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp120 envelope (Env) glycoprotein. To develop outer domain proteins (ODs) that could be recognized selectively by CD4-binding-site (CD4-BS) antibodies, membrane-anchored ODs were generated from an HIV-1 clade B virus, TA1 R3A, which was highly sensitive to neutralization by the IgG1 b12 antibody. A 231-residue fragment of gp120 (residues 252 to 482) linked to transmembrane regions from CD4 showed b12 binding comparable to that of the native Env spike as measured by flow cytometry. Truncation of the β20-β21 hairpin (residues 422 to 436 to Gly-Gly) improved overall protein expression. Replacement of the immunodominant central 20 amino acids of the V3 loop (residues 302 to 323) with a basic hexapeptide (NTRGRR) increased b12 reactivity further. Surface calculations indicated that the ratio of b12 epitope to exposed immunogenic surface in the optimized OD increased to over 30%. This OD variant [OD(GSL)(Δβ20-21)(hCD4-TM)] was recognized by b12 and another CD4-BS-reactive antibody, b13, but not by eight other CD4-BS antibodies with limited neutralization potency. Furthermore, optimized membrane-anchored OD selectively absorbed neutralizing activity from complex antisera and b12. Structurally designed membrane-anchored ODs represent candidate immunogens to elicit or to allow the detection of broadly neutralizing antibodies to the conserved site of CD4 binding on HIV-1 gp120.The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope is composed of surface gp120 and transmembrane gp41. Initial attempts to develop HIV vaccines through the induction of antibodies focused on recombinant gp120 glycoproteins. Two phase III clinical trials conducted in the United States and Thailand showed no protection from a gp120-based subunit vaccine against HIV infection, nor did the vaccine delay HIV-1 disease progression (11, 25). In addition, a phase II trial completed in Thailand with a live recombinant HIV-1 canarypox vaccine (vCP1452) in combination with a gp120 subunit protein did not stimulate a markedly improved immune response (28). The lack of efficacy was likely to be related to its failure to elicit broadly neutralizing antibodies (4, 10, 33).Several broadly neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) have been derived from infected individuals, including immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) b12, 2G12, 2F5 and 4E10, which are directed against CD4-binding-site (BS), carbohydrate, and membrane-proximal regions of HIV Env (reviewed in reference 9). Among the most potent, the b12 antibody occludes the site of CD4 binding on gp120 and prevents virus attachment to CD4 on target cells (39). Other CD4-BS antibodies recognize epitopes on monomeric gp120 that overlap with b12 but lack the ability of b12 to neutralize primary HIV-1 isolates (5). An understanding of the specificity of b12 binding, neutralization, and protection should aid in the development of immunogens that induce neutralizing antibodies of a similar specificity.The structure of the b12-gp120 complex (39) shows that b12 binds to a conformationally conserved surface, which is centered around the CD4-binding loop on the outer domain of gp120. In the CD4-bound conformation of gp120, the CD4-binding loop or β15-strand makes antiparallel intermolecular hydrogen bonds to the C″ strand of CD4 (14). Overall, the outer domain of gp120 comprises 82% of the gp120 contact surface with b12, while most of the contacts outside of the outer domain have marginal importance (39). One exception, however, are contacts to the loop connecting the outer domain with the α5-helix of the inner domain (39), which appear to be important.Because it represents the smallest structural unit containing the b12 epitope, and therefore maximizes the b12-immunogenic surface relative to the overall surface, an outer domain-only immunogen with high b12 affinity represents an attractive immunogen. An outer domain construct (named OD1) was previously derived from HIV-1 strain YU2 gp120 and found to bind 2G12 and a number of anti-V3 antibodies (36); however, b12 binding to this construct was difficult to detect by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, probably due to an enhanced off rate (36, 39). A large, relatively flat interface exists between the inner and outer domains of gp120 in both CD4-bound and b12-bound conformations. We reasoned that the removal of the inner domain might partially destabilize it and decided to replace the inner domain with another polar surface, the cell membrane. We expressed outer domain proteins (ODs) in various membrane-anchored forms and tested their abilities to bind b12. An HIV-1 clade B R5 and X4 dual-tropic virus, R3A, was selected as a prototype (20). Laboratory-adapted virus strain R3A TA1 contains a truncated V1/V2 and a truncated V3 (named 9,9), maintains CCR5 tropism, and is highly sensitive to b12 neutralization (15, 23). We used available atomic-level structures to model an R3A gp120 core and to design truncations of flexible, potentially immunodominant structures, which emanate from OD, including the β20-β21 hairpin and the V3 loop. Thus, by using structure-based design to modify the OD form of R3A TA1, we attempted to remove strain-specific determinants, to enhance cell-surface expression, and to increase specific b12 binding compared to other native forms.  相似文献   

Metastable conformations of the gp120 and gp41 envelope glycoproteins of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) must be maintained in the unliganded state of the envelope glycoprotein trimer. Binding of gp120 to the primary receptor, CD4, triggers the transition to an open conformation of the trimer, promoting interaction with the CCR5 chemokine receptor and ultimately leading to gp41-mediated virus-cell membrane fusion and entry. Topological layers in the gp120 inner domain contribute to gp120-trimer association in the unliganded state and to CD4 binding. Here we describe similarities and differences between HIV-1 and SIVmac gp120. In both viruses, the gp120 N/C termini and the inner domain β-sandwich and layer 2 support the noncovalent association of gp120 with the envelope glycoprotein trimer. Layer 1 of the SIVmac gp120 inner domain contributes more to trimer association than the corresponding region of HIV-1 gp120. On the other hand, layer 1 plays an important role in stabilizing the CD4-bound conformation of HIV-1 but not SIVmac gp120 and thus contributes to HIV-1 binding to CD4. In SIVmac, CD4 binding is instead enhanced by tryptophan 375, which fills the Phe 43 cavity of gp120. Activation of SIVmac by soluble CD4 is dependent on tryptophan 375 and on layer 1 residues that determine a tight association of gp120 with the trimer. Distinct biological requirements for CD4 usage have resulted in lineage-specific differences in the HIV-1 and SIV gp120 structures that modulate trimer association and CD4 binding.  相似文献   

Binding to the primary receptor CD4 induces conformational changes in the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp120 envelope glycoprotein that allow binding to the coreceptor (CCR5 or CXCR4) and ultimately trigger viral membrane-cell membrane fusion mediated by the gp41 transmembrane envelope glycoprotein. Here we report the derivation of an HIV-1 gp120 variant, H66N, that confers envelope glycoprotein resistance to temperature extremes. The H66N change decreases the spontaneous sampling of the CD4-bound conformation by the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins, thus diminishing CD4-independent infection. The H66N change also stabilizes the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein complex once the CD4-bound state is achieved, decreasing the probability of CD4-induced inactivation and revealing the enhancing effects of soluble CD4 binding on HIV-1 infection. In the CD4-bound conformation, the highly conserved histidine 66 is located between the receptor-binding and gp41-interactive surfaces of gp120. Thus, a single amino acid change in this strategically positioned gp120 inner domain residue influences the propensity of the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins to negotiate conformational transitions to and from the CD4-bound state.Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), the cause of AIDS (6, 29, 66), infects target cells by direct fusion of the viral and target cell membranes. The viral fusion complex is composed of gp120 and gp41 envelope glycoproteins, which are organized into trimeric spikes on the surface of the virus (10, 51, 89). Membrane fusion is initiated by direct binding of gp120 to the CD4 receptor on target cells (17, 41, 53). CD4 binding creates a second binding site on gp120 for the chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR4, which serve as coreceptors (3, 12, 19, 23, 25). Coreceptor binding is thought to lead to further conformational changes in the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins that facilitate the fusion of viral and cell membranes. The formation of an energetically stable six-helix bundle by the gp41 ectodomain contributes to the membrane fusion event (9, 10, 79, 89, 90).The energy required for viral membrane-cell membrane fusion derives from the sequential transitions that the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins undergo, from the high-energy unliganded state to the low-energy six-helix bundle. The graded transitions down this energetic slope are initially triggered by CD4 binding (17). The interaction of HIV-1 gp120 with CD4 is accompanied by an unusually large change in entropy, which is thought to indicate the introduction of order into the conformationally flexible unliganded gp120 glycoprotein (61). In the CD4-bound state, gp120 is capable of binding CCR5 with high affinity; moreover, CD4 binding alters the quaternary structure of the envelope glycoprotein complex, resulting in the exposure of gp41 ectodomain segments (27, 45, 77, 92). The stability of the intermediate state induced by CD4 binding depends upon several variables, including the virus (HIV-1 versus HIV-2/simian immunodeficiency virus [SIV]), the temperature, and the nature of the CD4 ligand (CD4 on a target cell membrane versus soluble forms of CD4 [sCD4]) (30, 73). For HIV-1 exposed to sCD4, if CCR5 binding occurs within a given period of time, progression along the entry pathway continues. If CCR5 binding is impeded or delayed, the CD4-bound envelope glycoprotein complex decays into inactive states (30). In extreme cases, the binding of sCD4 to the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins induces the shedding of gp120 from the envelope glycoprotein trimer (31, 56, 58). Thus, sCD4 generally inhibits HIV-1 infection by triggering inactivation events, in addition to competing with CD4 anchored in the target cell membrane (63).HIV-1 isolates vary in sensitivity to sCD4, due in some cases to a low affinity of the envelope glycoprotein trimer for CD4 and in other cases to differences in propensity to undergo inactivating conformational transitions following CD4 binding (30). HIV-1 isolates that have been passaged extensively in T-cell lines (the tissue culture laboratory-adapted [TCLA] isolates) exhibit lower requirements for CD4 than primary HIV-1 isolates (16, 63, 82). TCLA viruses bind sCD4 efficiently and are generally sensitive to neutralization compared with primary HIV-1 isolates. Differences in sCD4 sensitivity between primary and TCLA HIV-1 strains have been mapped to the major variable loops (V1/V2 and V3) of the gp120 glycoprotein (34, 42, 62, 81). Sensitivity to sCD4 has been shown to be independent of envelope glycoprotein spike density or the intrinsic stability of the envelope glycoprotein complex (30, 35).In general, HIV-1 isolates are more sensitive to sCD4 neutralization than HIV-2 or SIV isolates (4, 14, 73). The relative resistance of SIV to sCD4 neutralization can in some cases be explained by a reduced affinity of the envelope glycoprotein trimer for sCD4 (57); however, at least some SIV isolates exhibit sCD4-induced activation of entry into CD4-negative, CCR5-expressing target cells that lasts for several hours after exposure to sCD4 (73). Thus, for some primate immunodeficiency virus envelope glycoproteins, activated intermediates in the CD4-bound conformation can be quite stable.The HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein elements important for receptor binding, subunit interaction, and membrane fusion are well conserved among different viral strains (71, 91). Thus, these elements represent potential targets for inhibitors of HIV-1 entry. Understanding the structure and longevity of the envelope glycoprotein intermediates along the virus entry pathway is relevant to attempts at inhibition. For example, peptides that target the heptad repeat 1 region of gp41 exhibit major differences in potency against HIV-1 strains related to efficiency of chemokine receptor binding (20, 21), which is thought to promote the conformational transition to the next step in the virus entry cascade. The determinants of the duration of exposure of targetable HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein elements during the entry process are undefined.To study envelope glycoprotein determinants of the movement among the distinct conformational states along the HIV-1 entry pathway, we attempted to generate HIV-1 variants that exhibit improved stability. Historically, labile viral elements have been stabilized by selecting virus to replicate under conditions, such as high temperature, that typically weaken protein-protein interactions (38, 39, 76, 102). Thus, we subjected HIV-1 to repeated incubations at temperatures between 42°C and 56°C, followed by expansion and analysis of the remaining replication-competent virus fraction. In this manner, we identified an envelope glycoprotein variant, H66N, in which histidine 66 in the gp120 N-terminal segment was altered to asparagine. The resistance of HIV-1 bearing the H66N envelope glycoproteins to changes in temperature has been reported elsewhere (37). Here, we examine the effect of the H66N change on the ability of the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins to negotiate conformational transitions, either spontaneously or in the presence of sCD4. The H66N phenotype was studied in the context of both CD4-dependent and CD4-independent HIV-1 variants.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) antagonizes innate restriction factors in order to infect and persistently replicate in a host. In a previous study, we demonstrated that HIV-1 NL4-3 with a simian immunodeficiency virus mne (SIVmne) vif gene substitution (HSIV-vif-NL4-3) could infect and replicate in pig-tailed macaques (PTM), indicating that APOBEC3 proteins are primary barriers to transmission. Because viral replication was persistent but low, we hypothesized that HSIV-vif-NL4-3 may be suppressed by type I interferons (IFN-I), which are known to upregulate the expression of innate restriction factors. Here, we demonstrate that IFN-α more potently suppresses HSIV-vif-NL4-3 in PTM CD4+ T cells than it does pathogenic SIVmne027. Importantly, we identify a variant (HSIV-vif-Yu2) that is resistant to IFN-α, indicating that the IFN-α-induced barrier can be overcome by HSIV-vif chimeras in PTM CD4+ T cells. Interestingly, HSIV-vif-Yu2 and HSIV-vif-NL4-3 are similarly restricted by PTM BST2/Tetherin, and neither virus downregulates it from the surface of infected PTM CD4+ T cells. Resistance to IFN-α-induced restriction appears to be conferred by a determinant in HSIV-vif-Yu2 that includes env su. Finally, we show that the Yu-2 env su allele may overcome an IFN-α-induced barrier to entry. Together, our data demonstrate that the prototype macaque-tropic HIV-1 clones based on NL4-3 may not sufficiently antagonize innate restriction in PTM cells. However, variants with resistance to IFN-α-induced restriction factors in PTM CD4+ T cells may enhance viral replication by overcoming a barrier early in the viral replication cycle.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals exhibit a variety of hematopoietic dysfunctions. The SCID-hu mouse (severe combined immunodeficient mouse transplanted with human fetal thymus and liver tissues) can be used to model the loss of human hematopoietic precursor cell function following HIV infection and has a distinct advantage in that data can be obtained in the absence of confounding factors often seen in infected humans. In this study, we establish that HIV type 1 (HIV-1) bearing a reporter gene inserted into the viral vpr gene is highly aggressive in depleting human myeloid and erythroid colony-forming precursor activity in vivo. Human CD34(+) progenitor cells can be efficiently recovered from infected implants yet do not express the viral reporter gene, despite severe functional defects. Our results indicate that HIV-1 infection alone leads to hematopoietic inhibition in vivo; however, this effect is due to indirect mechanisms rather than to direct infection of CD34(+) cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Binding of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) envelope glycoprotein (Env) to the cellular CD4 receptor and a chemokine coreceptor initiates a series of conformational changes in the Env subunits gp120 and gp41. Eventually, the trimeric gp41 folds into a six-helix bundle, thereby inducing fusion of the viral and cellular membranes. C peptides derived from the C-terminal heptad repeat (CHR) of gp41 are efficient entry inhibitors as they block the six-helix bundle formation. Previously, we developed a membrane-anchored C peptide (maC46) expressed from a retroviral vector that also shows high activity against virus strains resistant to enfuvirtide (T-20), an antiviral C peptide approved for clinical use. Here, we present a systematic analysis of mutations in Env that confer resistance of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) to maC46. We selected an HIV-1 BaL strain with 10-fold reduced sensitivity to maC46 (BaL_C46) by passaging virus for nearly 200 days in the presence of gradually increasing concentrations of maC46. In comparison to wild-type BaL, BaL_C46 had five mutations at highly conserved positions in Env, three in gp120, one in the N-terminal heptad-repeat (NHR), and one in the CHR of gp41. No mutations were found in the NHR domain around the GIV motif that are known to cause resistance to enfuvirtide. Instead, maC46 resistance was found to depend on complementary mutations in the NHR and CHR that considerably favor binding of the mutated NHR to the mutated CHR over binding to maC46. In addition, resistance was highly dependent on mutations in gp120 that accelerated entry. Taken together, resistance to maC46 did not develop readily and required multiple cooperating mutations at conserved positions of the viral envelope glycoproteins gp120 and gp41.The entry process of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has become a major target for new antiviral drugs. Viral entry is initiated by binding of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein subunit gp120 to the CD4 receptor and a chemokine coreceptor, generally CCR5 or CXCR4. Upon coreceptor binding, the viral transmembrane subunit gp41 undergoes conformational changes that eventually lead to the formation of the six-helix bundle (6HB) and membrane fusion. The 6HB is composed of a central trimeric coiled-coil structure formed by the N-terminal heptad repeat (NHR) domains of three gp41 molecules and the corresponding C-terminal heptad repeats (CHRs) that pack into the longitudinal grooves on the surface of the NHR coiled-coil in an antiparallel orientation (23). C-peptide fusion inhibitors (CFI) derived from the CHR of gp41 compete with the viral CHR for binding to the NHR trimer, thus blocking 6HB formation and viral entry (18).T-20 (enfuvirtide) is the first clinically approved CFI with high antiviral activity and a low-toxicity profile. However, as with many anti-HIV-1 drugs, resistance can emerge rapidly (13). The majority of the resistance mutations are found in the NHR of gp41 among the amino acids 544 to 553 (32, 35) (numbering refers to gp160 of the HIV-1 HXB2 strain throughout the article). Most of these mutations cause resistance by reducing the affinity of the NHR target region to inhibitory C peptides (13). Additionally, viral entry kinetics were found to correlate with the baseline susceptibility of different HIV strains to CFI. Determinants for viral entry kinetics are found in gp41 as well as in gp120 (1, 14, 35). Here, the influence of coreceptor affinity on virus entry kinetics and CFI susceptibility has been studied extensively (28, 30, 31). Recently, a statistical approach was used that highlighted positions in gp120 that underwent mutations in patients under enfuvirtide treatment (38). However, to our knowledge, selected CFI resistance mutations outside of gp41 have never been confirmed experimentally.Previously, we developed a retroviral vector expressing a membrane-anchored antiviral C peptide (maC46) that efficiently inhibits a broad range of different HIV-1 isolates. Enfuvirtide-resistant HIV-1 strains with mutations in the GIV motif of NHR were fully susceptible to maC46 (10). In the present study, we selected an HIV-1 variant with reduced sensitivity to maC46 by passaging an enfuvirtide-resistant BaL strain of HIV-1 on cells expressing increasing concentrations of maC46. Mutations in gp120 and gp41 were found to contribute to maC46 resistance.  相似文献   

Antibodies that neutralize primary isolates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) appear during HIV-1 infection but are difficult to elicit by immunization with current vaccine products comprised of monomeric forms of HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120. The limited neutralizing antibody response generated by gp120 vaccine products could be due to the absence or inaccessibility of the relevant epitopes. To determine whether neutralizing antibodies from HIV-1-infected patients bind to epitopes accessible on monomeric gp120 and/or oligomeric gp140 (ogp140), purified total immunoglobulin from the sera of two HIV-1-infected patients as well as pooled HIV immune globulin were selectively depleted of antibodies which bound to immobilized gp120 or ogp140. After passage of each immunoglobulin preparation through the respective columns, antibody titers against gp120 and ogp140 were specifically reduced at least 128-fold. The gp120- and gp140-depleted antibody fraction from each serum displayed reduced neutralization activity against three primary and two T-cell line-adapted (TCLA) HIV-1 isolates. Significant residual neutralizing activity, however, persisted in the depleted sera, indicating additional neutralizing antibody specificities. gp120- and ogp140-specific antibodies eluted from each column neutralized both primary and TCLA viruses. These data demonstrate the presence and accessibility of epitopes on both monomeric gp120 and ogp140 that are specific for antibodies that are capable of neutralizing primary isolates of HIV-1. Thus, the difficulties associated with eliciting neutralizing antibodies by using current monomeric gp120 subunit vaccines may be related less to improper protein structure and more to ineffective immunogen formulation and/or presentation.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that changes in cell surface concentrations of coreceptors may control infections by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), but the mechanisms of coreceptor function and the concentration dependencies of their activities are unknown. To study these issues and to generate stable clones of adherent cells able to efficiently titer diverse isolates of HIV-1, we generated two panels of HeLa-CD4/CCR5 cells in which individual clones express either large or small quantities of CD4 and distinct amounts of CCR5. The panels were made by transducing parental HeLa-CD4 cells with the retroviral vector SFF-CCR5. Derivative clones expressed a wide range of CCR5 quantities which were between 7.0 × 102 and 1.3 × 105 molecules/cell as measured by binding antibodies specific for CCR5 and the chemokine [125I]MIP1β. CCR5 was mobile in the membranes, as indicated by antibody-induced patching. In cells with a large amount of CD4, an unexpectedly low trace of CCR5 (between 7 × 102 and 2.0 × 103 molecules/cell) was sufficient for maximal susceptibility to all tested HIV-1, including primary patient macrophagetropic and T-cell-tropic isolates. Indeed, the titers as indicated by immunoperoxidase staining of infected foci were as high as the tissue culture infectious doses measured in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. In contrast, cells with a small amount of CD4 required a much larger quantity of CCR5 for maximal infection by macrophagetropic HIV-1 (ca. 1.0 × 104 to 2.0 × 104 molecules/cell). Cells that expressed low and high amounts of CD4 were infected with equal efficiencies when CCR5 concentrations were above threshold levels for maximal infection. Our results suggest that the concentrations of CD4 and CCR5 required for efficient infections by macrophagetropic HIV-1 are interdependent and that the requirements for each are increased when the other component is present in a limiting amount. We conclude that CD4 and CCR5 directly or indirectly interact in a concentration-dependent manner within a pathway that is essential for infection by macrophagetropic HIV-1. In addition, our results suggest that multivalent virus-receptor bonds and diffusion in the membrane contribute to HIV-1 infections.  相似文献   

To evaluate conserved structures of the surface gp120 subunit (SU) of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope in gp120-cell interactions, we designed and produced an HIV-1 IIIB (HXB2R) gp120 carrying a deletion of amino acids E61 to S85. This sequence corresponds to a highly conserved predicted amphipathic alpha-helical structure located in the gp120 C1 region. The resultant soluble mutant with a deleted alpha helix 1 (gp120 ΔαHX1) exhibited a strong interaction with CXCR4, although CD4 binding was undetectable. The former interaction was specific since it inhibited the binding of the anti-CXCR4 monoclonal antibody (12G5), as well as SDF1α, the natural ligand of CXCR4. Additionally, the mutant gp120 was able to bind to CXCR4+/CD4 cells but not to CXCR4/CD4 cells. Although efficiently expressed on cell surface, HIV envelope harboring the deleted gp120 ΔαHX1 associated with wild-type transmembrane gp41 was unable to induce cell-to-cell fusion with HeLa CD4+ cells. Nevertheless, the soluble gp120 ΔαHX1 efficiently inhibited a single round of HIV-1 LAI infection in HeLa P4 cells, with a 50% inhibitory concentration of 100 nM. Our data demonstrate that interaction with the CXCR4 coreceptor was maintained in a SUgp120 HIV envelope lacking αHX1. Moreover, in the absence of CD4 binding, the interaction of gp120 ΔαHX1 with CXCR4 was sufficient to inhibit HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

To evaluate the feasibility of using transgenic rabbits expressing CCR5 and CD4 as a small-animal model of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) disease, we examined whether the expression of the human chemokine receptor (CCR5) and human CD4 would render a rabbit cell line (SIRC) permissive to HIV replication. Histologically, SIRC cells expressing CD4 and CCR5 formed multinucleated cells (syncytia) upon exposure to BaL, a macrophagetropic strain of HIV that uses CCR5 for cell entry. Intracellular viral capsid p24 staining showed abundant viral gene expression in BaL-infected SIRC cells expressing CD4 and CCR5. In contrast, neither SIRC cells expressing CD4 alone nor murine 3T3 cells expressing CCR5 and CD4 exhibited significant expression of p24. These stably transfected rabbit cells were also highly permissive for the production of virions upon infection by two other CCR5-dependent strains (JR-CSF and YU-2) but not by a CXCR4-dependent strain (NL4-3). The functional integrity of these virions was demonstrated by the successful infection of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with viral stocks prepared from these transfected rabbit cells. Furthermore, primary rabbit PBMC were found to be permissive for production of infectious virions after circumventing the cellular entry step. These results suggest that a transgenic rabbit model for the study of HIV disease may be feasible.  相似文献   

Most human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) strains require both CD4 and a chemokine receptor for entry into a host cell. In order to analyze how the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein interacts with these cellular molecules, we constructed single-molecule hybrids of CD4 and chemokine receptors and expressed these constructs in the mink cell line Mv-1-lu. The two N-terminal (2D) or all four (4D) extracellular domains of CD4 were linked to the N terminus of the chemokine receptor CXCR4. The CD4(2D)CXCR4 hybrid mediated infection by HIV-1(LAI) to nearly the same extent as the wild-type molecules, whereas CD4(4D)CXCR4 was less efficient. Recombinant SU(LAI) protein competed more efficiently with the CXCR4-specific monoclonal antibody 12G5 for binding to CD4(2D)CXCR4 than for binding to CD4(4D)CXCR4. Stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1) blocked HIV-1(LAI) infection of cells expressing CD4(2D)CXCR4 less efficiently than for cells expressing wild-type CXCR4 and CD4, whereas down-modulation of CXCR4 by SDF-1 was similar for hybrids and wild-type CXCR4. In contrast, the bicyclam AMD3100, a nonpeptide CXCR4 ligand that did not down-modulate the hybrids, blocked hybrid-mediated infection at least as potently as for wild-type CXCR4. Thus SDF-1, but not the smaller molecule AMD3100, may interfere at multiple points with the binding of the surface unit (SU)-CD4 complex to CXCR4, a mechanism that the covalent linkage of CD4 to CXCR4 impedes. Although the CD4-CXCR4 hybrids yielded enhanced SU interactions with the chemokine receptor moiety, this did not overcome the specific coreceptor requirement of different HIV-1 strains: the X4 virus HIV-1(LAI) and the X4R5 virus HIV-1(89. 6), unlike the R5 strain HIV-1(SF162), infected Mv-1-lu cells expressing the CD4(2D)CXCR4 hybrid, but none could use hybrids of CD4 and the chemokine receptor CCR2b, CCR5, or CXCR2. Thus single-molecule hybrid constructs that mimic receptor-coreceptor complexes can be used to dissect coreceptor function and its inhibition.  相似文献   

The CC-chemokine receptor CCR5 is required for the efficient fusion of macrophage (M)-tropic human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) strains with the plasma membrane of CD4+ cells and interacts directly with the viral surface glycoprotein gp120. Although receptor chimera studies have provided useful information, the domains of CCR5 that function for HIV-1 entry, including the site of gp120 interaction, have not been unambiguously identified. Here, we use site-directed, alanine-scanning mutagenesis of CCR5 to show that substitutions of the negatively charged aspartic acid residues at positions 2 and 11 (D2A and D11A) and a glutamic acid residue at position 18 (E18A), individually or in combination, impair or abolish CCR5-mediated HIV-1 entry for the ADA and JR-FL M-tropic strains and the DH123 dual-tropic strain. These mutations also impair Env-mediated membrane fusion and the gp120-CCR5 interaction. Of these three residues, only D11 is necessary for CC-chemokine-mediated inhibition of HIV-1 entry, which is, however, also dependent on other extracellular CCR5 residues. Thus, the gp120 and CC-chemokine binding sites on CCR5 are only partially overlapping, and the former site requires negatively charged residues in the amino-terminal CCR5 domain.  相似文献   

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