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The feeding habits of the megrim, Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis , from the central Adriatic Sea were investigated with respect to fish size and seasons. Stomach contents of 510 specimens, 9.0–28.9 cm total length (TL), collected by bottom-trawl from 2004 to 2006 were analyzed. The percentage of 97 empty stomachs varied significantly with season (maximum during the winter, 32.1%; minimum during summer, 7.4%). The food composition suggests that the megrim is a carnivorous fish. Prey items identified in the stomachs belong to four major groups: Teleostei, Decapoda, Mysidacea and Cephalopoda. Teleosts were the most important (%IRI = 82.2), especially in fish larger than 14 cm TL. Mysidacea constituted the main prey for fish less than 14 cm TL. At the species level, the teleost Antonogadus megalokynodon (%IRI = 1.5) and decapod Processa canaliculata (%IRI = 0.9) were the most frequent prey. The mean weight of stomach contents increased significantly for fish larger than 14 cm TL, while the mean number of prey items did not differ significantly among size classes. Diet composition showed little seasonal variation; teleosts were the most important prey in all seasons, especially during spring. The lowest intensity of feeding recorded in winter could be related to the lower sea temperature and to the spawning period.  相似文献   

The stomach contents of 1015 charr, (Salvelinus willughbii Günther)] from Windermere, of which 658 were feeding fish, were examined. The fish were caught over a period of several years and in every month of the year. The data were analysed by two methods, by a points system, which takes into account the abundance and volume of the food organisms, and by the frequency of occurrence of each organism. Charr of all sizes had fed mainly on planktonic Crustacea (particularly Cladocera); larval and pupal chironomids and Chaoborus were also important. From November to April most stomachs of charr netted on the spawning grounds contained charr eggs. The diet of charr is compared with that of seven other fish species in Windermere. There was almost no overlap between the food of charr, which was obtained in the pelagic region, and that of the seven other species, which was mostly bottom fauna, obtained from the littoral region. Thus by occupation of these two different niches the charr and the seven other fish in no way compete for food in Windermere. Some limited data from six other lakes in the English Lake District are presented, in these planktonic Crustacea are also found to be the main food.  相似文献   

The factors influencing the selection of food by flounders, Platichthys flesus (L.), have been investigated by analysing collections made in the Severn Estuary for 1 year and the results of experiments. Flounders measuring between 6–0 and 35 cm fed heavily on the polychaete Nereis diversicolor in February and on the amphipod Gammarus salinus between February and April. Thereafter these species were replaced by the mysid Neomysis integer with the decapod Crangon vulgaris. Flounders shorter than 6.0 cm, fed mainly on Neomysis integer regardless of month. Numerous factors were involved in the choice of the food including (1) the maximum and minimum length of prey, (2) its spatial distribution in the water column, (3) its degree of concealment, (4) its motility and ability to escape predation, (5) conditioning of the flounders for certain foods, (6) the fish's swimming speed and (7) the turbidity and temperature of the water.
Although the average length of ingested prey remained unchanged as the fish grew in size, an increase in the maximum and minimum lengths was observed. The percentage of stomachs that contained no identifiable remains in flounders greater than 6–0 cm averaged 80–95 % during part of the winter and 60% in the summer and between January and March. These changes partly reflected the influence of low water temperature on the metabolic rate and availability of prey. The dry weight of the stomach contents in flounders longer than 6–0 cm was lowest in winter but high values were recorded in the spring. This latter feature was probably because the rate of feeding was greater than that of digestion. During the summer, under more normal feeding conditions, the weight of the stomach contents remained relatively low compared to other fish populations. Flounders shorter than 6–0 cm always contained more food in their stomachs on a unit weight basis than larger individuals, reflecting metabolic rate and hunting efficiency.  相似文献   

The study objectives were to identify (i) the diet composition of two co-occurring archerfish species ( Toxotes chatareus and Toxotes jaculatrix ), (ii) their potential food preferences, and (iii) their overall trophic level in Malaysian estuaries. For this purpose the stomachs of 128 archerfishes ranging in size of 9.8–22.5 cm and 8.7–23 cm, respectively, were examined from selected Malaysian estuaries. Crustaceans, in particular red clawed crab ( Sesarma bidens ), occurred in the majority of stomachs and constituted 72.55 and 66.43% of the diet by weight in T .  chatareus and T .  jaculatrix, respectively. Insects were mostly Formicidae, Dytiscidae, Araneidae, and Cerambycidae and occurred in 10.8, 12.0; 5.1, 6.3; 4, 5.3; 3.2, 1.7% in T .  chatareus and T .  jaculatrix species and constituted the second most important food category consumed. Other crustaceans and shrimp ( Penaeus sp.) constituted 4.4 and 2.7% of the diet by weight and were the third most important food type consumed by the two species. Moreover, these species hardly ever exhibited cannibalistic traits; Toxotes spp. comprised only 5.5% of stomach contents and was observed only in the T. jaculatrix species. Stomach content and trophic level analysis denoted that T .  chatareus and T .  jaculatrix are strongly carnivorous species. Furthermore, diets did not differ significantly between sizes or sexes and geographic location.  相似文献   

The diet of sea trout in some of the sea lochs of the west coast of Scotland was investigated. The contents of 986 sea trout stomachs from the Loch Etive area (1970–1973), and 291 stomachs from the Loch Eil area (1964–1973), were examined and the composition of the diet, seasonal changes and the effect of trout size were analysed using frequency of occurrence, dry weight and number of organisms methods. Benthic feeding (crustacea and annelids) was more important in winter while midwater and surface organisms (young fish and insects) were preferred in summer. Young fish (mainly clupeids and sand eels) featured more in the diet of larger trout (≤21 cm) than in the smaller size range (≥21 cm). Surveys of 24-h were completed in June and September, 1972, and indicated that availability of food was the main factor influencing the presence or absence of trout. Bottom feeding was greatest during the day while the amount of midwater and surface feeding tended to increase between sunset and sunrise.  相似文献   

The feeding habits of the horse mackerel, Trachurus trachurus, from the central Adriatic Sea were investigated with respect to fish size and season. Stomach contents of 1200 specimens 12.9–37.6 cm total length (TL) taken at monthly intervals (January–December 1995) were analyzed. Of the total number of stomachs examined, 597 were empty (49.7%). This percentage varied significantly with season; the maximum number of empty stomachs was observed during January (80%) and February (82%) and a minimum number observed during July (15%) and August (19%). A total of 30 different prey species belonging to five major groups: Crustacea (Euphausiacea, Mysidacea, Decapoda), Cephalopoda, and Teleostei was identified in the stomach contents. Euphausiids were the most important ingested prey in all seasons as well as in small‐ and medium‐size classes (<28 cm TL). Two species of euphausiids, Nyctiphanes couchii (%IRI = 36.0) and Euphausia krohni (%IRI = 12.9), were the most frequent prey. The proportion of teleosts in stomach contents increased with the increasing size class of horse mackerel and was 15.5% IRI in >30 cm TL individuals. The mean weight of stomach contents increased significantly for fish larger than 24.1 cm TL, while the mean number of prey items significantly declined in the large‐size classes.  相似文献   

The occurrence of stones, sediment and fish scales was determined among the stomach contents of some 5000 fish. These fish comprised representatives of more than 70 different demersal species, sampled at 250 m bathymetric intervals, from the Rockall Trough, northeastern Atlantic Ocean, at depths ranging from 500 to 2900 m. Stones only occurred in stomachs of fish caught at 500–1000 m depth, their incidence in stomachs with food present being 4.6% at 500m, 1.1% at 750 m and 1.3% at 1000m depth. Sediment occurred in 9%, fish scales in 7%, of stomachs with contents. Sediment and scales co-occurred in the stomachs of primarily benthopelagic feeding fish. The sediment, however, was associated with the less dominant epibenthic components of the diets while the scales occurred with the more common benthopelagic components. The co-occurrence of sediment, scales and benthopelagic prey may arise through the former items having longer residence times in the stomachs than, for example, epibenthic prey. There is no evidence of increased occurrence of sediment (and its associated meiofauna) in the diets of fish on the lower slope at depths of 1500–2900 m in the Rockall Trough.  相似文献   

The biology of a Scottish population of the burrowing goby Lesueurigobius friesii was studied from February 1975 until October 1976. The fish lives at depths of 10–130 m on muddy grounds and attains a length of at least 94 mm and an age of 11 years, females generally living longer than males. Most growth takes place in the first three years of life after which it proceeds very slowly. Marked differences in year-class strength were found. Both sexes mature in their third year and the breeding season lasts from late May until August. Each female can spawn at least twice during this period and the eggs are laid on the roof and sides of the U-shaped burrows which the fish dig in the mud. Fecundity is length dependent and varies between approximately 3–11 000. The fish feeds predominantly on polychaetes, although small Crustacea and molluscs also feature commonly in its diet. No marked diurnal variation in the feeding pattern was noticed, although the amount of food in the stomachs was lowest in the early hours of the morning.  相似文献   

Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus and C. auratus are important, highly valued and threatened freshwater species. To contribute with their ecological knowledge, the condition factor and diet of these two congeneric species were studied between April 2005 and April 2006. Food items of fish were evaluated by occurrence and numerical abundance methods, and the possible changes among sexes, seasons and sizes were considered. Results showed that generally C. nigrodigitatus were better conditioned than C. auratus. The males of C. nigrodigitatus and females of C. auratus were in better condition than their respective opposite sex throughout the year, and during the wet season compared to the dry. The food items of C. nigrodigitatus and C. auratus were similar and comprised twelve species belonging to five groups: Insecta (three species), Crustacea (five species), Arachnida (one species), Rotifera (one species) and Mollusca (two species). Other food items included fish scales, unidentified green eggs, plant parts, detritus and sand. Insecta and Crustacea dominated the food items in both species. For C. nigrodigitatus, insect consumption increased with fish size, while Crustacea items decreased (from 89.59% for 8.1cm - 12.0cm size class to 1.58% for 20.1cm - 26.0cm size class). However, while C. auratus smaller sized fish preferred Crustacea (98.72% for 8.1cm -12.0 cm size class), larger sized fish had both groups in relatively similar amounts. Schoener Overlap Index for both species and between seasons is 1.00. Diet breadth ranged from 0.00-1.47 for C. nigrodigitatus and 0.00-1.32 for C. auratus. Food Richness ranged from 0.00-1.44 for both species. Gut Repletion Index for C. nigrodigitatus and C. auratus are 76.39% and 76.27% respectively. Although, there is considerable similarity and overlap in the utilization of food resource for both coexisting species, condition factor and feeding behavior suggest strategies to reduce intra- and interspecific competition.  相似文献   

The food and feeding of the whiting ( Merlangius merlangus ) of the inshore waters and sea lochs of the west of Scotland were studied from 1969–1973. Fish and Crustacea were the main food items and their occurrence in the stomachs was clearly related to the size of the whiting and also to their seasonal abundance. The diurnal changes in feeding were also investigated and the results indicated that the size of fish was again an important factor which could affect the interpretation of the seasonal data.  相似文献   

A sequence of trawl surveys showed that the diet of plaice off eastern Anglesey was dominated by Abra alba in spring and summer, and by Pectinaria koreni in early spring and autumn. Plaice ate little food in winter. Despite the relatively small stomach in this species, plaice were able to achieve high rates of daily food intake during bouts of heavy feeding by rapidly transferring newly-ingested prey items into the anterior intestine without full gastric digestion. Seasonal daily feeding rates (percentage body weight) varied between 5 and 10% for small fish (15–20 cm total length), 3 and 12% for medium fish (20–25 cm) and 2.8 and 4.4% for large fish (30–35 cm).  相似文献   

The spawning distribution of Barents Sea capelin Mallotus villosus off northern Norway in 2002 was restricted to a narrow area at the easternmost spawning grounds. There was an increase in abundance and a marked shift in aggregation area from east towards west during 11 March to 4 April, as the capelin went from prespawning through spawning to spent stages. The capelin stomachs were either empty or contained capelin eggs, often mixed with sand. Both the occurrence of cannibals and stomach fullness increased with stage of maturity, being highest in spent fish, and higher in males than in females. No differences were found between cannibals and non-cannibals of the same sex when adjusted for total length ( L T), age, L T at age and condition factor. At similar stomach fullness, the females had consumed more eggs than the males. This was attributed to a higher proportion of empty and broken eggs and less sand in females compared to males. In the full stomachs, the mean consumption in females and males was 623 and 334 eggs, respectively, whereas the respective maximum egg consumption was 871 and 683 eggs. The minimum estimates (given no digestion) of mean ± 95% CL egg consumption in spent females and males were 75·4 ± 6·9 and 58·4 ± 12·0 eggs, respectively, implying a minimum mortality of 1–2% of the total egg production caused by cannibalism.  相似文献   

A comparative study of digestion in North Atlantic seabirds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present data on digestive efficiencies and gut retention times of eight North Atlantic seabird species, fed on two fish species – lesser sandeel Ammodytes marinus and whiting Merlangius merlangus – which commonly occur in the diet of wild seabirds. In an interspecific comparison, there was a positive relationship between retention time and digestive efficiency, which we suggest represents a trade-off between conflicting benefits of efficient digestion and rapid digestion. Analysis of excretion curves revealed that retention time of digesta in the stomach was more important than passage time of digesta through the intestine in determining whole gut retention time. Differences in stomach retention time of lesser sandeel and whiting explained the longer overall retention time of the latter diet. Stomach retention time and whole gut retention time were greater in species with relatively large stomachs, while intestine passage time was correlated with relative intestine length. Species which typically eat a wide range of food types, including low quality items, tended to have slow and efficient digestion and heavy stomachs, whereas species which specialise on readily digestible and energy dense food types had the opposite digestion strategy.  相似文献   

Measurement of regurgitation in feeding studies of predatory fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regurgitation of stomach contents in the predatory perch and pike captured in gill nets could be readily identified and occurrence measured. Stomachs following regurgitation, as opposed to true 'empty' stomachs, were large, distended, with a thin wall and little internal ridging. The mean percentage of genuinely empty stomachs over a 22-month period in perch was 20–21 % and in pike 7–10%. Regurgitation in perch was rare (<9% stomachs), normally only partial and restricted to water temperatures > 21°C: gill netting is therefore a legitimate means of sampling perch in food studies. In pike the sum of partial and complete regurgitation was important, with mean annual values in two lakes of 48 and 50%, and up to 84% in summer samples; it was related to water temperature ( x ) and described by the significant relationship y = 20.63+ x 2.84, but was unrelated to fish length and gill net mesh size. Food studies of predatory fishes using gill nets as a capture method should take account of regurgitation. Further information is required on the extent of regurgitation when other sampling methods are used.  相似文献   

Petenia kraussii Steindachner (Pisces: Cichlidae) was collected from Lake Valencia, Venezuela from April 1973 to April 1974. A total of 457 specimens were examined for stomach contents, and 471 were analyzed for length-weight relationship, sexual condition including fecundity and parasitism. P. kraussii is primarily a plankton feeder when small and utilizes benthic invertebrates after attaining about 10 cm standard length. The larvae of a benthic ephemeropteran, Campsurus sp. (Hexigenidae) was the most important single food item with gastropods and fish eggs also being found consistently in stomachs. No mature male fish were found, and only 17 of 471 fish could be identified as males, while 157 were females. Gravid females contained an estimated mean of 6266 eggs and matured at about 18 cm standard length and 100 g live weight. It was not possible to determine age from either scale or otoliths.  相似文献   

Sea-run post-smolt Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus , (15–26 cm) from Storvatn, northern Norway (70°39'48"N) had significantly higher average specific growth rates in two years (1·64 and 1·66) than the corresponding lake-dwelling charr (0·53 and 1·20). The post-smolts displayed fast compensatory growth in the first 2–3 weeks of their sea residency, but then almost stopped growing prior to their return to fresh water. Lake-dwelling charr grew more evenly during the same time period. Thus, the anadromous charr may return to the lake after only 5–6 weeks in the sea, because the potential to maintain a high growth rate in the sea is reduced. The marine diet consisted mainly of the two crustacean plankton species Calanus finmarchicus , and Thysanoëssa , sp. (88%), and less of fish (6%), insects (4%) and benthos (2%). The diet of lake-dwelling charr consisted mainly of insects (58%, mostly chironomid pupae) and zoobenthos (29%), and less of zooplankton (13%) during the same time period. Although post-smolts had the highest growth rates, they had significantly lower food consumption rates and higher frequencies of empty stomachs than the corresponding lake-dwelling fish. Possible explanations for this paradox are discussed in relation to stomach evacuation rates, water temperature, feeding behaviour and the energy content of the food in the two environments.  相似文献   

Fish stomachs, 1149 for Tilapia zillii and 1698 for Oreochromis niloticus, were collected from April 1984 till April 1985 from a Nile canal in the Egyptian delta. Both species showed a significant overlap of diet (Schoener's index) among individuals ranging from 12 to 17.9 cm standard length. Outside this range differences in the importance of food of animal origin occurred. Macrophytes were the main food of O. niloticus and aquatic insects of the food of T. zillii. This initial diet overlap may have contributed to irregularity in the increase of full stomachs with increasing length, and to a decline of the stomach index (SI = stomach weight × 100/fish weight) with increase in length in O. niloticus. The stomach of either species correlated significantly with water temperature, but with daily photoperiod in O. niloticus only.  相似文献   

The diet and feeding ecology of pollock Pollachius virens from the Scotian Shelf and Bay of Fundy in the north‐west Atlantic changed over the last few decades, which was associated with decreases in euphausiid abundance. Stomach contents data for 2078 pollock collected during the 1958–1967 period and for 1230 pollock collected during the 1996–2002 period indicated that pollock diet contained fewer euphausiids and feeding activity decreased. During the early period, euphausiids were present in 65% of the pollock stomachs that contained food and only 9% of these stomachs in the recent period. The decrease of euphausiids was not wholly offset by an increase in piscivory, since there was little increase in the frequency of fish prey in the diet or in the fullness index for this prey type. Empty stomachs were significantly more common in the recent period during both the winter and summer. The decreased occurrence of euphausiids in stomach samples coincided with a significantly decreased abundance of this prey, suggesting that the near‐absence of euphausiids in recently collected pollock stomachs reflected prey abundance. Concurrent with changes in diet and feeding intensity, the condition or 'plumpness' of pollock significantly declined from the early to the late sampling periods.  相似文献   

Diel feeding patterns of herring Clupea harengus and mackerel Scomber scombrus in the southern Gulf of St Lawrence were examined based on samples obtained by midwater trawling between 19 and 26 June 2001. Within 3 h time periods, stomach contents tended to be more similar between fish from the same tow than between fish from different tows. Thus, in contrast to previous diet studies, which have used individual fish stomachs as independent observations, tow was used as the experimental unit in statistical analyses in this study. Diel patterns in stomach fullness were identified using generalized additive models. Two peaks in stomach fullness occurred for herring, one in the morning and the other in the evening. Mackerel showed an increase in feeding intensity throughout the day with a peak in mid‐afternoon. The diel changes in stomach contents suggested rapid gastric evacuation rates for both species, especially for herring. The estimate of the instantaneous evacuation rate for herring was twice that for mackerel. Calanus copepods (mainly C. hyperboreus ), fishes (mainly capelin Mallotus villosus ) and euphausiids were the main prey found in the stomachs of both species. Calanus copepods dominated the diet of herring regardless of time period. They also dominated the diet of mackerel during the late afternoon, evening and night while fishes and euphausiids were dominant during the morning and early afternoon. These diel patterns emphasize the need for sampling throughout the day and night in order to estimate ration and diet composition for bioenergetic and ecosystem models.  相似文献   

The ovaries of anadromous arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), captured during 1973 from four high arctic rivers on Baffin Island started to increase in weight early in July and were at their heaviest in mid-September just before spawning. At this time, 40 cm (615 g) char from two rivers contained ovaries weighing 17.0 g (dry) which differed significantly from the 22.5 g gonads of comparable char from the other two areas. Gonadal development in male fish began in June and the diameter of testes at full maturity (3.0–4.0 cm) was similar regardless of river system. Fecundity of comparable fish varied significantly among the rivers with char 40 cm in length containing 1400–2400 eggs while the corresponding values for 60 cm (i.e. 2050 g) char ranged from 4000–5500. The diameter of both immature and mature eggs was similar regardless of system. Values for immature eggs averaged 0.64 mm in 40 cm fish and 1.60 mm in 60 cm specimens. Diameter of mature eggs, on the other hand, was considerably greater (3.2 and 4.3 mm, respectively). Maturity was first reached at age 10 (i.e. 35 cm) in both males and females and maturing fish of both sexes were not always restricted to fresh water. Redd construction occurred at a depth of one to at least 11 m at a temperature of 0.5–4.0° C. The percentage of eggs retained in the body cavity after spawning varied from 0.22–1.50 and the mortality rate of spawned eggs was extremely low.  相似文献   

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