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Nonsurgical artificial insemination (AI) procedures were performed using frozen, thawed semen in two adult female addax. Pregnant mares' serum gonadotropin (PMSG) (300 IU) and prostaglandin (PG) (125 μg) was administered intramuscularly to female 1 on days ?3 and ?1, respectively, where day 1 was the first day of AI. Only one injection of PG was used, as a low serum progesterone (PROG) concentration (0.5 ng/ml) and a low pregnanediol glucuronide (PdG) concentration (0.36 ng PdG/mg creatinine) had been recorded on day ?13. A total of 219 × 106 motile sperm was deposited in the os cervix or anterior vagina on days 1–4. High serum PROG levels (9.4–15.8 ng/ml) and high urinary PdG levels (1.35–1.63 ng PdG/mg creatinine) were observed on days 23, 31, and 39, and the fetal heart was seen beating during an ultrasound exam on day 45. A male calf was born on day 266, 8.7 mo after insemination. This is the first live birth resulting from AI of an antelope with frozen, thawed semen. The Synchro-mate-B system of estrous control was used in female 2. The implant was inserted, and the injection was given on day ?11 per the manufacturer's instructions. The implant was removed on day ?1, and a total of 220 × 106 motile sperm was deposited in the os cervix or anterior vagina on days 1 and 2. High serum PROG levels (17.5–24.5 ng/ml) were observed on days 13, 21, and 29. Although the fetal heartbeat was observed during an ultrasound examinataion on day 42, the fetus was not carried to term. Details of the radioimmunoassay used to determine the luteinizing hormone immunoreactivity of urine samples are presented.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if the quality of stored stallion semen doses could be enhanced by the scaled-up version of Single Layer Centrifugation using Androcoll-E-Large. Three semen doses from each of fifteen stallions were transported overnight to the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) for processing 24 h after semen collection. Sperm quality in the resulting SLC-selected samples was significantly improved compared to the uncentrifuged samples: mean progressive motility was increased by 8% on the day of processing (P < 0.001) and by 13% after 24 h cold storage (P < 0.001), normal morphology was increased by 4% (P < 0.01), whereas mean %DFI was decreased by 2% (P < 0.001). When these SLC-selected samples were compared retrospectively to fresh samples processed by SLC with Androcoll-E Small, sperm quality was found to be similar, although it was not maintained for as long in the sperm samples stored before SLC. These results suggest an additional option for improving sperm quality in stallion semen doses for artificial insemination.  相似文献   

Fertility evaluation of frozen/thawed semen   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Graham JK  Mocé E 《Theriogenology》2005,64(3):492-504
In vitro semen analyses have been used for more than half a century to estimate the fertilizing potential of a semen sample. Unfortunately, none of the assays developed provide results that consistently correlate well with fertility. The reasons for this lack of consistency, due in part to the complexity of the spermatozoon itself, the collection of fertility data, and factors beyond control of the semen analyses themselves, are discussed. Different spermatozoal attributes that are necessary for a spermatozoon to fertilize an oocyte are presented and assays used to evaluate each attribute described. Although laboratory assay results do not correlate well with semen fertility, the importance of conducting laboratory assays on every semen sample used for artificial insemination or to attempt to determine causes for infertility, is discussed.  相似文献   

Stallion semen processing is far from standardized and differs substantially between AI centers. Suboptimal pregnancy rates in equine AI may primarily result from breeding with low quality semen not adequately processed for shipment. It was the aim of the study to evaluate quality and fertility of cooled-shipped equine semen provided for breeding of client mares by commercial semen collection centers in Europe. Cooled shipped semen (n = 201 doses) from 67 stallions and 36 different EU-approved semen collection centers was evaluated. At arrival, semen temperature was 9.8 ± 0.2 °C, mean sperm concentration of AI doses was 68 ± 3 x 106/ml), mean total sperm count was 1.0 ± 0.1 x 109, total motility averaged 83 ± 1% and morphological defects 45 ± 2%. A total of 86 mares were inseminated, overall per season-pregnancy rate in these mares was 67%. Sperm concentration significantly influenced semen motility and morphology at arrival of the shipped semen. Significant effects of month of the year on volume, sperm concentration and total sperm count of the insemination dose were found. The collection center significantly influenced all semen parameters evaluated. Semen doses used to inseminate mares that became pregnant had significantly higher total and progressive motility of spermatozoa and a significantly lower percentage of morphological semen defects than insemination doses used for mares failing to get pregnant. Results demonstrate that insemination with semen of better quality provides a higher chance to achieve pregnancy. Besides the use of stallions with good semen quality, appropriate semen processing is an important factor for satisfying results in artificial insemination with cooled-shipped horse semen.  相似文献   

Success in cryopreserving stallion semen has been very variable. Several different freezing regimes have been published. However, because extenders and procedures used in each regime have differed, direct comparison of these techniques has been very difficult, and controlled studies comparing different techniques have not been reported. A number of different factors affect sperm cryosurvival. In this article we review briefly current cryopreservation procedures for stallion semen, and then in more detail cryobiological determinants of sperm function, and mechanisms of cryoinjury and cryoprotectant action. Specific attention is given to data relating to stallion sperm. The complexity of sperm cell biology is believed to be an important factor when developing improvements in stallion semen cryopreservation. It may be assumed that impairment of cell function resulting from cold and osmotic shock is a main source of stallion sperm sensitivity to conventional freezing procedures. Further physiological studies on stallion sperm are required to understand the mechanisms by which cryopreservation alters sperm function and influences selection of sperm with higher fertilizing potential. Such studies should focus especially on the processes involved in sperm volume regulation, sperm-oviduct interaction, capacitation and cellular signalling, and on the alterations in these processes caused by cryopreservation.  相似文献   

Five experiments evaluated the effects of processing, freezing and thawing techniques on post-thaw motility of equine sperm. Post-thaw motility was similar for sperm frozen using two cooling rates. Inclusion of 4% glycerol extender was superior to 2 or 6%. Thawing in 75 degrees C water for 7 sec was superior to thawing in 37 degrees C water for 30 sec. The best procedure for concentrating sperm, based on sperm motility, was diluting semen to 50 x 10(6) sperm/ml with a citrate-based centrifugation medium at 20 degrees C and centrifuging at 400 x g for 15 min. There was no difference in sperm motility between semen cooled slowly in extender with or without glycerol to 5 degrees C prior to freezing to -120 degrees C and semen cooled continuously from 20 degrees C to -120 degrees C. From these experiments, a new procedure for processing, freezing and thawing semen evolved. The new procedure involved dilution of semen to 50 x 10(6) sperm/ml in centrifugation medium and centrifugation at 400 x g for 15 min, resuspension of sperm in lactose-EDTA-egg yolk extender containing 4% glycerol, packaging in 0.5-ml polyvinyl chloride straws, freezing at 10 degrees C/min from 20 degrees C to -15 degrees C and 25 degrees C/min from -15 degrees C to -120 degrees C, storage at -196 degrees C, and thawing at 75 degrees C for 7 sec. Post-thaw motility of sperm averaged 34% for the new method as compared to 22% for the old method (P<0.01).  相似文献   

Rams representing five breeds were electroejaculated twice weekly, during a three-week collection period. Ejaculates were evaluated for volume and concentration before freezing and for rate of motility and percentages of motile and abnormal cells both before and after freezing. Interactions between breed and collection period were evident (P<0.05) for semen volume and post-thaw values for rate of motility and percentage motile cells. Breeds differed (P<0.05) in these traits during some periods. In contrast, pre-freezing observations of rate of motility, percentage motile and abnormal cells and post-thaw percentage abnormal cells did not differ (P>0.15) among breeds. Sperm concentration per ejaculate tended to vary (P=0.11) among breeds. Semen characteristics frequently varied across collection periods. Rams within a breed differed (P<0.01) in all semen traits except post-thaw rate of motility and percentage motile cells. Semen was negatively affected by the freezing and thawing procedure. Ram within a breed and ejaculate within ram should be considered when selecting electroejaculated semen for freezing and subsequent use in artificial insemination.  相似文献   

Bacteriological surveillance is little applied in management of equine frozen semen but it is quite important to verify the microbial contamination in order to find out the chance of transmission of pathology to the mare in AI. Authors describe a qualitative and quantitative analysis for bacterial contamination on long time (3–17 years) equine frozen semen stored in liquid nitrogen. The semen checked, produced in Italy and in another Europe country, was cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen inside sealed plastic straws. One hundred and ten straws were checked out for pathogenic and no pathogenic bacteria, aerobes and anaerobes and fungi (moulds and yeasts). The Total Microbial Charge was quite variable with an average of about 1.4 × 105 CFU/ml. Mostly the microbial agents identified were fungi (17.5%), Enterobacter-coccus spp. (15%), Pseudomonas spp. (6.25%), Stenothophomonas maltophila (6.25%) and anaerobic bacteria like Propionibacterium granulosum (7.5%) and Clostridium spp. (3.75%). 3.75% were unidentified Gram-negative rod and cocci. Streptococcus spp., Staph. aureus, E. coli, Th. equigenitalis and Mycoplasma spp. were not detected. The most represented species were Enterobacter-coccus spp. (1.1 × 105 CFU/ml), St. maltophila (8 × 104 CFU/ml) and Pr. granulosum (7 × 104 CFU/ml) while yeast and even more moulds were little abundant (4.7 × 104 and 3.4 × 104 CFU/ml respectively). The knowledge of equine frozen semen microbial quality is essential to check out transmission of venereal disease and improve the quality of cryopreserved germplasm.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of different doses of raffinose and methionine on post-thawed semen quality, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme activities of Angora buck (Capra hircus ancryrensis) sperm following cryopreservation.Ejaculates collected from three Angora bucks were evaluated and pooled at 37 °C. Semen samples, which were diluted with a Tris-based extender containing the additives raffinose (2.5, 5, 10 mM) and methionine (2.5, 5, 10 mM) and an extender containing no antioxidants (control), were cooled to 5 °C and frozen in 0.25 ml French straws. Frozen straws were thawed individually at 37 °C for 20 s in a water bath for evaluation. The freezing extender supplemented with 2.5 and 5 mM methionine led to higher percentages of CASA motility (63.6 ± 7.0; 63.4 ± 3.1%, respectively), in comparison to the controls (P < 0.01) following the freeze-thawing process. The addition of antioxidants did not provide any significant effect on the percentages of post-thaw subjective and CASA progressive motilities as well as sperm motion characteristics (VSL and VCL), compared to the control groups (P > 0.05). The freezing extender with raffinose (5 and 10 mM) and methionine at three different doses (2.5, 5 and 10 mM) led to lower percentages of acrosome abnormalities, in comparison to the controls (P < 0.001). In the comet test, raffinose (5 and 10 mM) and methionine (10 mM) gave scores lower than those of the controls, and thereby reduced DNA damage (P < 0.05). Malondialdehyde formation was found to be lower (1.8 ± 0.1 nmol/L) in the group of 5 mM raffinose, compared to the controls following the freeze-thawing process (P < 0.01). The additives did not show any effectiveness on the maintenance of SOD, GSH-PX and GSH activities, when compared to the controls (P > 0.05). In conclusion, methionine and raffinose play a cryoprotective role against sperm CASA motility, acrosome abnormality and DNA damage. Raffinose 5 mM exhibited antioxidative properties, decreasing MDA levels. Further studies are required to obtain more concrete results on the characterization of microscopic parameters and antioxidant activities in cryopreserved goat sperm with different additives.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of selecting a sperm subpopulation by means of a discontinuous density gradient centrifugation (DGC) on the quality of ram thawed semen, and the relationships between sperm parameters assessed in unselected and in selected sperm samples with in vivo fertility after intrauterine artificial insemination (IUI) using unselected sperm samples. Semen samples from twenty males were collected by artificial vagina and cryopreserved following a standard protocol. After thawing, unselected sperm samples were used in an in vivo fertility trial and sperm motility (subjective and objective, assessed by means of CASA) and membrane and acrosomal integrities (microscopy) were evaluated on unselected and selected sperm samples. In addition, plasmalemma integrity (YO-PRO-1/PI), membrane fluidity (Merocyanine 540/YO-PRO-1), mitochondrial activity (Mitotracker Deep Red/YO-PRO-1), and DNA fragmentation index (%DFI) assessed by Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay (SCSA®) were evaluated by flow cytometry before and after sperm processing using DGC. Results showed that DGC improved all sperm parameters significantly, except the %DFI, which increased after the selection procedure. No relationships were found between sperm parameters evaluated in unselected sperm samples and in vivo fertility. However, we found a positive correlation between spermatozoa with high membrane fluidity within the viable sperm population (VIABMerocyanine+) evaluated in selected sperm samples and in vivo fertility (r = 0.370, P = 0.019). In conclusion, our results suggest that selected spermatozoa represent a sperm subpopulation different to the unselected one that could be related with the in vivo fertility.  相似文献   

Eight stallions were used in 2 x 2 crossover study to determine if feeding a nutriceutical rich in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) would improve semen quality. Stallions were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups (n = 4 per group). Stallions were fed their normal diet (control) or their normal diet top-dressed with 250 g of a DHA-enriched nutriceutical. Feeding trials lasted for 14 week, after which a 14-week washout period was allowed and the treatment groups were reversed for another 14 week feeding trial. Feeding the nutriceutical resulted in a three-fold increase in semen DHA levels and 50% increase in the ratio of DHA to DPA in semen. Sperm motion characteristics in fresh semen were unaffected by treatment. After 24 h of cooled semen storage in an Equitainer, total and progressive motility did not differ between treatment groups, but sperm from stallions fed the nutriceutical exhibited higher velocity and straighter projectory (P < 0.05). After 48 h of cooled storage, increases in the percentages of sperm exhibiting total motility (P = 0.07), progressive motility (P = 0.06) and rapid motility (P = 0.04), were observed when stallions were being fed the nutriceutical. For a subset of four stallions, whose progressive sperm motility was <40% after 24 h of cooled storage when fed the control diet, feeding the nutriceutical resulted in improvements in mean progressive motility of sperm after 24 h (P = 0.10) and 48 h (P = 0.03) of storage. Feeding the nutriceutical resulted in similar improvements in motion characteristics being observed in frozen-thawed semen. While it appears that feeding the nutriceutical may improve the motion characteristics of cool-stored stallion semen, it may be most beneficial for stallions of marginal fertility whose sperm do not tolerate the rigors of cooling and storage. The nutriceutical also appeared to improve the freezability of semen. More dramatic improvements in semen quality may be observed if modifications in the main fat content of the diet are incorporated with the DHA supplement.  相似文献   

The aim of the project was to use current simple and practical laboratory tests and compare results with the foaling rates of mares inseminated with commercially produced frozen semen. In Exp. 1, semen was tested from 27 and in Exp. 2 from 23 stallions; 19 stallions participated in both experiments. The mean number of mares per stallion in both experiments was 37 (min. 7, max. 121). Sperm morphology was assessed and bacterial culture performed once per stallion. In Exp. 1, progressive motility after 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 h of incubation using light microscopy, motility characteristics measured with an automatic sperm analyzer, plasma membrane integrity using carboxyfluorescein diacetate/propidium iodide (CFDA/PI) staining and light microscopy, plasma membrane integrity using PI staining and a fluorometer, plasma membrane integrity using a resazurin reduction test, and sperm concentration were evaluated. In Exp. 2, the same tests as in Exp. 1 and a hypo-osmotic swelling test (HOST) using both light microscopy and a fluorometer were performed immediately after thawing and after a 3-h incubation. Statistical analysis was done separately to all stallions and to those having ≥ 20 mares; in addition, stallions with foaling rates < 60 or ≥ 60% were compared. In Exp. 1, progressive motility for all stallions after a 2 – 4-h incubation correlated with the foaling rate (correlation coefficients 0.39 – 0.51), (p < 0.05). In stallions with > 20 mares, the artificial insemination dose showed a correlation coefficient of -0.58 (p < 0.05). In Exp. 2, the HOST immediately after thawing showed a negative correlation with foaling rate (p < 0.05). No single test was consistently reliable for predicting the fertilizing capacity of semen, since the 2 experiments yielded conflicting results, although the same stallions sometimes participated in both. This shows the difficulty of frozen semen quality control in commercially produced stallion semen, and on the other hand, the difficulty of conducting fertility trials in horses.  相似文献   

In this study we used a new method to detect reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced damage at the level of the sperm plasma membrane in fresh and frozen-thawed stallion sperm. Lipid peroxidation (LPO) in sperm cells was assessed by a fluorescent assay involving the labeling of stallion sperm with the LPO reporter probe C11-BODIPY(581/591). The peroxidation dependent spectral emission shift of this membrane probe could be localized using inverted spectral confocal microscopy and quantified on living and deteriorated sperm cells using flow cytometry. Mass spectrometric analysis of the main endogenous lipid class, phosphatidylcholine (PC), was carried out to determine the formation of hydroxy- and hydroperoxyphosphatidylcholine in fresh sperm cells. Peroxidation as reported by the fluorescent probe corresponded with the presence of hydroxy- and hydroperoxyphosphatidylcholine in the sperm membranes, which are early stage products of LPO. This allowed us to correlate endogenous LPO with localization of this process in the living sperm cells. In absence of peroxidation inducers, only relatively little peroxidation was noted in fresh sperm cells whereas some mid-piece specific probe oxidation was noted for frozen-thawed sperm cells. After induction of peroxidation in fresh and frozen-thawed sperm cells with the 0.1 mM of lipid soluble ROS tert-butylhydrogen peroxide (t-BUT) intense probe oxidation was produced in the mid-piece, whereas the probe remained intact in the sperm head, demonstrating antioxidant activity in the head of fresh sperm cells. At higher levels of t-BUT, probe peroxidation was also noted for the sperm head followed by a loss of membranes there. Frozen-thawed sperm were more vulnerable to t-BUT than fresh sperm. The potential importance of the new assays for sperm assessments is discussed.  相似文献   

Semen from seven mature stallions was used to test the motility response of sperm cells when 3% bovine serum albumin (BSA) was added to seminal plasma and skim milk diluents. A total of 45 ejaculates was collected by artificial vagina and immediately evaluated for percent motile spermatozoa (PMS), rate of forward movement (RFM) and sperm cell concentration. Aliquots (four from each ejaculate) of raw semen containing 500x10(6) sperm cells were exposed to each of the following treatments: (1) seminal plasma (SP), (2) SP+BSA, (3) skim milk (SKM), (4) SKM+BSA; and incubated in 50-ml tubes at 37 C. The sperm cell characteristics, PMS and RFM, of each treatment suspension were reevaluated at 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 6, 12, 18 and 24 hr post-treatment. Inclusion of BSA and the type of extender, either seminal plasma or skim milk, significantly (P<0.05) affected the PMS and RFM of spermatozoa. Analysis of means within evaluation times showed that PMS maintenance was enhanced (P<0.05) when BSA was included in extenders at all incubation intervals except 24 hr. SKM+BSA maintained the highest (P<0.05) PMS for the first 2 hr with SP+BSA sustaining the highest (P<0.05) PMS from 12 to 24 hr. Skim milk alone sustained higher (P<0.05) PMS than the SP diluent for the first 6 hr of incubation, whereas SP maintained a higher (P<0.05) PMS than SKM from 18 to 24 hr. The RFM of spermatozoa was greatest (P<0.05) for the first 6 hr of incubation when exposed to SKM+BSA. Seminal plasma + BSA sustained a higher (P<0.05) RFM for the first 6 hr of incubation than SP alone, but not higher than SKM at this interval. Skim milk sustained a higher (P<0.05) RFM of spermatozoa for the first 6 hr of incubation than SP. These data support the hypothesis that BSA protects spermatozoa from the harmful effects of lipid peroxidation. Including this substance in semen extenders may prolong maintenance of sperm motility.  相似文献   

A study was performed to test a new semen collection device (Equidame phantom) that fractionates the ejaculate by comparing the quality of semen obtained by the Equidame phantom with that obtained by a Missouri artificial vagina. Semen from 4 Finnhorse stallions was collected 4 times per stallion by both methods. Half of the ejaculate was frozen and the other half extended and loaded into 2 Equitainer transport containers (24- and 48-h samples). Motility parameters were determined by a Hamilton-Thorn motility analyzer after cooled storage for 24 and 48 h and again after freezing/thawing. Raw and chilled semen samples were cultured and the number of bacterial colonies counted after incubations of 24 and 48 h. After a 24-h incubation the number of colony-forming units (CFU) in raw semen was significantly higher (P<0.01) when collected by the Missouri artificial vagina than by the Equidame phantom. After cooled storage, 75% of the semen samples contained no bacteria after an incubation of 24 h, and 69% yielded no growth after 48 h. The sperm-rich fractions (Cup 2) collected by the Equidame phantom had lower mean volumes (22.1 +/- 2.3 mL [+/- SEM] versus 101.6 +/- 9.3 mL) and significantly higher mean sperm concentrations (218.0 +/- 25.8 x 10(6) vs 86.2 +/- 8.1 x 10(6) cells/mL; P<0.05) than the total ejaculates collected by the Missouri device. The total and progressive motility of chilled and frozen-thawed semen did not differ significantly between collection methods. The Equidame phantom yielded semen that was of a lower bacteriological colony counts, but had sperm motility similar to that of semen collected with the traditional method by the Missouri artificial vagina.  相似文献   

A trial was conducted to check effect of adding gum Arabic (GA) instead of egg yolk (EY) as a cryoprotectant for stallion sperm. Two experiments were designed; experiment I tested adding 3 levels of nonheated GA (i.e., 3, 6 and 9 g/100 mL diluents) in HF-20 extender. However, in experiment II the same levels were tested except that GA was heated at 80 °C for 60 min. HF-20 containing 10% of EY was used as control. In experiment I, sperm frozen in HF-20 containing nonheated GA exhibited lower percentages of motile sperm, progressively motile sperm and sperm with intact plasma membranes, vitality rate, and acrosome integrity after cooling or after deep freezing. Frozen semen in HF-20 containing 3–6% of preheated GA in experiment II maintained sperm motility at 46–50% and elevated progressive motility at 27%. The semen diluted in preheated GA (6%) and frozen exhibited a fertility rate of 40% (2/5). A similar fertility rate (40%) was found in the control semen (i.e. 10%) compared to those that were inseminated with frozen semen in preheated 3% GA (20%, 1/5). These results suggest that preheated GA could be used as an alternative cryoprotectant for cryopreserving stallion sperm.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry sex-sorting technology was developed in 1989. However, it is only the bovine species in which offspring of the desired sex are obtained at a commercial level. The aim of the present work was to evaluate efficiency parameters when using fresh sexed semen in a large-scale equine commercial embryo transfer program. During the 2009, 2010 and 2011 breeding seasons, 938 synchronized cycles were artificially inseminated. One hundred (10.6%) mares failed to ovulate, and for the remaining 838 useable cycles, 887 doses of sexed semen were used, representing 1.06 doses per cycle. In general, 435 (51.9%) out of 838 flushing performed resulted in the recovery of at least one embryo and 496 (59.1%) embryos were recovered, including twins and triplets. Pregnancy rate at 25 days achieved 81.5% (one embryo transferred per recipient). Embryo recovery rate was not statistically different either between preovulatory and postovulatory artificially inseminated mares or when increased quantities of sexed sperm per dose were used (15–45 million) (P > 0.05). A broad variation in embryo recovery rate was observed between the different stallions used in this study. Sex accuracy of the sex sorting assessed by ultrasound fetal sex determination was 90.3%. Finally, overall efficiency (female embryo pregnancies per useable cycles) was 39% (325/838), meaning that to obtain a female pregnancy of at least 75 days it was necessary to perform 2.5 flushing.  相似文献   

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