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With the exception of mutants in gene 49, all mutants in phage T4 defective in the process of head filling accumulate a normal replicative DNA intermediate of 200S. Mutants in gene 49 produce a very fast-sedimenting (VFS) DNA with s values of greater than 1,000S. The intracellular development of the VFS-DNA generated in gene 49-defective phage-infected cells was followed by sedimentation analysis of crude lysates on neutral sucrose gradients. It was observed that the production of a 200S replicative intermediate is one step in the development of VFS-DNA. After restoring permissive conditions the development of the VFS-DNA can be reversed, but the 200S form is not regenerated under these conditions. The process of head filling can take place from the VFS-DNA under permissive conditions. From the absence of other components in the VFS-DNA complexes, its high resistance to shearing, its resistance against the attack of the single-strand-specific nuclease S1, and from its appearance in the electron microscope, a complex structure of tightly packed DNA is inferred. The demonstration by the electron microscope of branched DNA structures sometimes closely related to partially filled heads is taken in support of the idea that the process of head filling in gene 49-defective phage-infected cells is blocked by some steric hindrance in the DNA. In light of these results, the role of gene 49 is discussed as a control function for the clearance of these structures. A fixation procedure for cross-linking of gene 49-defective heads to the VFS-DNA allowed us to study progressive stages in the process of head filling. Electron microscopic evidence is presented which suggests that during the initial events the DNA accumulates in the vertexes of the head.  相似文献   

Summary The product of gene 32 of bacteriophage T4 is a single-stranded DNA binding protein involved in T4 DNA replication, recombination and repair. Functionally differentiated regions of the gene 32 protein have been described by protein chemistry. As a preliminary step in a genetic dissection of these functional domains, we have isolated a large number of missense mutants of gene 32. Mutant isolation was facilitated by directed mutagenesis and a mutant bacterial host which is unusually restrictive for missense mutations in gene 32. We have isolated over 100 mutants and identified 22 mutational sites. A physical map of these sites has been constructed and has shown that mutations are clustered within gene 32. The possible functional significance of this clustering is considered.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of bacteriophage T4 mutant preheads.   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
To determine the function of individual gene products in the assembly and maturation of the T4 prehead, we have isolated and characterized aberrant preheads produced by mutations in three of the T4 head genes. Mutants in gene 21, which codes for the T4 maturation proteases, produce rather stable preheads whose morphology and protein composition are consistent with a wild-type prehead blocked in the maturation cleavages. Mutants in gene 24 produce similar structures which are unstable because they have gaps at all of their icosahedral vertices except the membrane attachment site. In addition, greatly elongated "giant preheads" are produced, suggesting that in the absence of P24 at the vertices, the distal cap of the prehead is unstable, allowing abnormal elongation of broth the prehead core and its shell. Vertex completion by P24 is required to allow the maturation cleavages to occur, and 24- preheads can be matured to capsids in vitro by the addition of P24. Preheads produced by a temperature-sensitive mutant in gene 23 are deficient in core proteins. We show that the shell of these preheads has the expanded lattice characteristic of the mature capsid as well as the binding sites for the proteins hoc and soc, even though none of the maturation cleavage takes place. We also show that 21- preheads composed of wild-type P23 can be expanded in vitro without cleavage.  相似文献   

Direct evidence has been obtained that the tail-associated lysozyme of bacteriophage T4 (tail-lysozyme) is gp5, which is a protein component of the hub of the baseplate. Tails were treated with 3 M guanidine hydrochloride containing 1% Triton X-100, and the tail-lysozyme was separated from other tail components by preparative isoelectric focusing electrophoresis as a peak with a pI of 8.4. The molecular weight as determined from sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis was 42,000. The tail-lysozyme was unambiguously identified as gp5 when the position of the lysozyme was compared with that of gp5 of tube-baseplates from 5ts1/23amH11/eL1ainfected Escherichia coli cells by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The tail-lysozyme has N-acetylmuramidase activity and the same substrate specificity as gene e lysozyme; the optimum pH is around 5.8, about 1 pH unit lower than for the e lysozyme. We assume that the tail-lysozyme plays an essential role in locally digesting the peptidoglycan layer to let the tube penetrate into the periplasmic space. The tail-lysozyme is presumably also responsible for "lysis from without."  相似文献   

Isolation of bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase mutator mutants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
More than 20 new bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase mutants have been isolated by a procedure designed to select mutants with high spontaneous mutation rates. Some of the mutants produce the highest mutation frequencies that have been observed in T4 thus far. The design of the selection procedure allows for the isolation of mutator mutants that preferentially induce certain types of replication errors, and some of the mutator mutants have mutational specificities different from wild-type. The new mutants are clustered at just two sites in the DNA polymerase gene, and this result confirms an earlier observation.  相似文献   

Mutations in gene 49 of bacteriophage T4 were suppressed by a second mutation in gene X. Mapping studies located gene X between genes 41 and 42. Complementation results indicated that mutations in FdsA gene (a suppressor of gene 49 mutants) were in gene X. The intracellular pseudorevertant DNA was examined for unusual properties which could explain its successful encapsidation. After the in vivo inactivation of a temperature-sensitive gene 32 (DNA unwinding) protein, the intracellular pseudorevertant DNA was converted into DNA pieces of approximately genome size. A similar conversion was observed after in vitro digestion of pseudorevertant DNA with single-strand-specific S1 endonuclease. Appreciable quantities of oligomeric intermediates were not produced during this conversion process. These data indicate that pseudorevertant DNA contains sizable single-stranded gaps and has a conformation similar to that of wild-type DNA. The results further suggest that the suppression of gene 49 mutant abnormal DNA phenotype and the encapsidation defect by a second mutation in gene X is associated with the formation of sizable single-stranded gaps. These studies raise the possibility that single-stranded gaps may be involved directly in the DNA encapsidation process, or may act indirectly as a consequence of their effect on the organization of intracellular DNA.  相似文献   

Nuclear disruption in T4 phage-infected Escherichia coli as well as the morphology of the nuclear regions in uninfected E. coli can be observed by phase microscopy of cells spread on a thin layer of 17.5% gelatin. We have used this procedure to identify for the first time mutants of phage T4 which fail to induce nuclear disruption. The mutant phenotypes have been further characterized by thin-section electron microscopy.Nuclear disruption is not essential for phage growth. Burst-size and growth-rate experiments indicate that the nuclear disruption-deficient (ndd) mutants grow as well as wild-type T4D under the conditions and in the E. coli strains commonly used in our laboratory.Mapping experiments using multiple amber mutants and rII mutants with deletions extending into the D region adjacent to the rIIB gene indicate that the ndd mutations are located in gene D2b.  相似文献   

Summary TheuvsW gene of bacteriophage T4 is required for wild-type levels of recombination, for normal survival and mutagenesis after UV irradiation, and for wild-type resistance to hydroxyurea. Additionally,uvsW mutations restore the arrested DNA synthesis caused by mutations in any of several genes that block secondary initiation (recombination-primed replication, the major mode of initiation at late times), but only partially restore the reduced burst size. AuvsW deletion mutation was constructed to establish the null-allele phenotype, which is similar but not identical to the phenotype of the canonicaluvsW mutation, and to demonstrate convincingly that theuvsW gene is non-essential (althoughuvsW mutations severely compromise phage production). In an attempt to uncouple the diverse effects ofuvsW mutations, temperature-sensitiveuvsWts mutants were isolated. Recombination and replication effects were partially uncoupled in these mutants, suggesting distinct and separable roles foruvsW in the two processes. Furthermore, the restoration of DNA synthesis but not recombination in the double mutantsuvsW uvsX anduvsW uvsY prompts the hypothesis that the restored DNA synthesis is not recombinationally initiated.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T4 is a large-tailed Escherichia coli virus whose capsid is 120 × 86 nm. ATP-driven DNA packaging of the T4 capsid results in the loading of a 171-kb genome in less than 5 min during viral infection. We have isolated 50-mg quantities of uniform 15N- and [ε-15N]lysine-labeled bacteriophage T4. We have also introduced 15NH4+ into filled, unlabeled capsids from synthetic medium by exchange. We have examined lyo- and cryoprotected lyophilized T4 using 15N{31P} and 31P{15N} rotational-echo double resonance. The results of these experiments have shown that (i) packaged DNA is in an unperturbed duplex B-form conformation; (ii) the DNA phosphate negative charge is balanced by lysyl amines (3.2%), polyamines (5.8%), and monovalent cations (40%); and (iii) 11% of lysyl amines, 40% of -NH2 groups of polyamines, and 80% of monovalent cations within the lyophilized T4 capsid are involved in the DNA charge balance. The NMR evidence suggests that DNA enters the T4 capsid in a charge-unbalanced state. We propose that electrostatic interactions may provide free energy to supplement the nanomotor-driven T4 DNA packaging.  相似文献   

A new mutant of bacteriophage T4 has been isolated by a procedure which was designed to select for mutants with high spontaneous reversion rates. This mutant, M19, induces a defective DNA polymerase which has a degraded specificity and makes errors by inserting the incorrect nucleotide more frequently than the wild-type enzyme.In addition to M19, several other T4 polymerase amber and temperature-sensitive mutants have been located on a linear, fine-scale map. The mutants which most strongly affect mutation rates are found in two clusters at 25% and 80% of the gene. These two domains may represent the active site(s) of the polymerase and exonuclease activities.  相似文献   

Characterization of the bacteriophage T4 gene 41 DNA helicase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The T4 gene 41 protein and the gene 61 protein function together as a primase-helicase within the seven protein bacteriophage T4 multienzyme complex that replicates duplex DNA in vitro. We have previously shown that the 41 protein is a 5' to 3' helicase that requires a single-stranded region on the 5' side of the duplex to be unwound and is stimulated by the 61 protein (Venkatesan, M., Silver L. L., and Nossal, N. G. (1982) J. biol. Chem. 257, 12426-12434). The 41 protein, in turn, is required for pentamer primer synthesis by the 61 protein. We now show that the 41 protein helicase unwinds a partially duplex DNA molecule containing a performed fork more efficiently than a DNA molecule without a fork. Optimal helicase activity requires greater than 29 nucleotides of single-stranded DNA on the 3' side of the duplex (analogous to the leading strand template). This result suggests the 41 protein helicase interacts with the leading strand template as well as the lagging strand template as it unwinds the duplex region at the replication fork. As the single-stranded DNA on the 3' side of a short duplex (51 base pairs) is lengthened, the stimulation of the 41 protein helicase by the 61 protein is diminished. However, both the 61 protein and a preformed fork are essential for efficient unwinding of longer duplex regions (650 base pairs). These findings suggest that the 61 protein promotes both the initial unwinding of the duplex to form a fork and subsequent unwinding of longer duplexes by the 41 protein. A stable protein-DNA complex, detected by a gel mobility shift of phi X174 single-stranded DNA, requires both the 41 and 61 proteins and a rNTP (preferably rATP or rGTP, the nucleotides with the greatest effect on the helicase activity). In the accompanying paper, we report the altered properties of a proteolytic fragment of the 41 protein helicase and its effect on in vitro DNA synthesis in the T4 multienzyme replication system.  相似文献   

Maturation of the head of bacteriophage T4. I. DNA packaging events   总被引:480,自引:0,他引:480  
Pulse-chase experiments in wild-type and mutant phage-infected cells provide evidence that the following particles called prohead I, II and III are successive precursors to the mature heads. The prohead I particles contain predominantly the precursor protein P23 and possibly P22 (mol. wt 31,000) and IP III (mol. wt 24,000) and have an s value of about 400 S. Concomitantly with the cleavage of most of P23 (mol. wt 55,000) to P231 (mol. wt 45,000), they are rapidly converted into prohead II particles which sediment with about 350 S. The prohead II particles contain, in addition to P231, the major constituents of the viral shella—a core consisting of proteins P22 and IP III. In cell lysates, prohead I and prohead II particles contain no DNA in a DNase-resistant form and are not bound to the replicative DNA. We cannot, however, positively rule out the possibility that these particles may have contained some DNA while in the cells.The prohead II particles are in turn converted into particles which sediment with about 550 S after DNase treatment (prohead III). During this conversion about 50% of normal DNA complement becomes packaged in a DNase-resistant form, and roughly 50% of the core proteins P22 and IP III are cleaved. In lysates the prohead III particles are attached to the replicative DNA. The prohead III particle appears to be the immediate precursor of the full mature head (1100 S). Cleavage of protein P22 to small polypeptides and conversion of IP III IP III1 are completed at this time. No precursor proteins are found in the full heads. Studies with various mutant phage showed that the prohead II to III conversion is blocked by mutations in genes 16 and 17 and that the conversion of the prohead III particles to the mature heads is blocked by mutations in gene 49. Cleavage of the head proteins, however, occurs normally in these mutant-infected cells. We conclude that the cleavage of the major component of the viral shell, P23, into P231 precedes the DNA packaging event, whereas cleavage of the core proteins P22 and IP III appears to be intimately linked to the DNA packaging event. Models relating the cleavage processes to DNA encapsulation are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Formation of very fast sedimenting DNA (VFS-DNA) in cells of Escherichia coli infected with phage T4 carrying a defect in gene 49 was differentially affected by a secondary mutation in gene 30 or 46; a mutation of gene 46 markedly reduced formation of VFS-DNA, whereas that of gene 30 did not.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized a number of bacteriophage T7 RNAP (RNA polymerase) null mutants. Most of the mutants found to be completely inactive in vitro map to one of the well-conserved blocks of residues in the family of RNAPs homologous to T7 RNAP. The in vitro phenotypes of a smaller number of partially active T7 RNAP mutants, mapping outside these well-conserved regions, support the following assignment of functions in T7 RNAP: (1) the N-terminal region of T7 RNAP contains a nascent RNA binding site that functions to retain the nascent chain within the ternary complex; (2) the region surrounding residue 240 is involved in binding the initiating NTP; (3) residues at the very C terminus of T7 RNAP are involved in binding the elongating NTP.  相似文献   

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