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The protozoan Neospora caninum and the bacterium Brucella abortus are well-recognized causes of abortion in dairy cattle. Serum samples (n = 240) from aborting (n = 141) and at-risk (n = 99) animals from 5 herds with high abortion rates in Punjab Province, Pakistan, were tested for antibodies to N. caninum using monoclonal antibody-based ELISA and for antibodies to B. abortus using the serum agglutination test. Antibodies to N. caninum and B. abortus were detected in 105 (43.8%) and 135 (56.3%) cattle, respectively. Prevalences of antibodies to N. caninum and B. abortus were higher in aborting cows (46.8% and 76.6%, P < 0.05) than in animals at risk (39.4% and 27.3%, P > 0.05). Sixty-six animals (27.5%) were seropositive to both N. caninum and B. abortus , and results showed no significant difference (P > 0.05) with respect to geographical district, breed, and age. This is the first report of N. caninum infection among dairy cattle herds in Pakistan.  相似文献   

Transmission parameters of Neospora caninum infections in dairy cattle were determined in six herds with a history of Neospora-associated abortions, using an antibody-detection ELISA to detect evidence of infection. A total of 124 seropositive dams and their calves were tested at calving to estimate vertical transmission, and 154 seronegative heifers were monitored prospectively from birth for evidence of post-natal infection. The probability of vertical transmission was very high; 95.2% (95% confidence interval: 89.8%, 98.2%) of the seropositive dams produced calves that were seropositive prior to consumption of colostrum. In the prospective study, three heifers seroconverted, by 1, 8 and 16 months of age, and the overall incidence rate of seroconversion was 1.9 per 100 heifer-years at risk, ranging from 0 to 4.1 per 100 heifer-years at risk within herds. If heifers with inconclusive ELISA results were included in the analysis, the incidence rate of seroconversion was 3.8 per 100 heifer-years at risk, ranging from 0 to 8.3 per 100 heifer-years at risk within herds. This study showed that vertical transmission was the major route involved in the spread of N. caninum in these herds, and that there was only a low detectable level of horizontal transmission. However, further studies are needed to provide parasitological evidence of infection in those heifers that seroconverted.  相似文献   

The transmission and control of Neospora caninum infection in dairy cattle was examined using deterministic and stochastic models. Parameter estimates were derived from recent studies conducted in the UK and from the published literature. Three routes of transmission were considered: maternal vertical transmission with a high probability (0.95), horizontal transmission from infected cattle within the herd, and horizontal transmission from an independent external source. Putative infection via pooled colostrum was used as an example of within-herd horizontal transmission, and the recent finding that the dog is a definitive host of N. caninum supported the inclusion of an external independent source of infection. The predicted amount of horizontal transmission required to maintain infection at levels commonly observed in field studies in the UK and elsewhere, was consistent with that observed in studies of post-natal seroconversion (0.85-9.0 per 100 cow-years). A stochastic version of the model was used to simulate the spread of infection in herds of 100 cattle, with a mean infection prevalence similar to that observed in UK studies (around 20%). The distributions of infected and uninfected cattle corresponded closely to Normal distributions, with S.D.s of 6.3 and 7.0, respectively. Control measures were considered by altering birth, death and horizontal transmission parameters. A policy of annual culling of infected cattle very rapidly reduced the prevalence of infection, and was shown to be the most effective method of control in the short term. Not breeding replacements from infected cattle was also effective in the short term, particularly in herds with a higher turnover of cattle. However, the long-term effectiveness of these measures depended on the amount and source of horizontal infection. If the level of within-herd transmission was above a critical threshold, then a combination of reducing within-herd, and blocking external sources of transmission was required to permanently eliminate infection.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 376 randomly selected adult cattle, from 25 farms located in 3 counties (Arad, Bihor, and Timi?) from western Romania, were sampled for Neospora caninum antibodies using a commercial ELISA-kit. Seroprevalence values and risk factors for neosporosis (cow age, breed, herd size, farming system, previous abortion, and number of farm dogs) were examined using a generalized linear mixed model with a binomial distribution. Overall, the seroprevalence of N. caninum was 27.7% (104/376) with a prevalence of 27.9% (24/86) in Arad, 26.9% (25/93) in Bihor, and 27.9% (55/197) in Timi?. Of 25 cattle herds, 23 were seropositive with a prevalence ranging from 10.0 to 52.2%. No correlation was found between N. caninum seropositivity and age, breed, herd size, breeding system, and previous abortion. The number of farm dogs was the only factor (P(Wald) = 0.03) positively associated with seroprevalence in cows and can be considered the risk factor in the acquiring of infection. The present work is the first regarding serological evidence of N. caninum infection in cattle from western Romania.  相似文献   

Explosive abortion outbreaks in 4 Dutch dairy herds during 1992 to 1994 are reported. In 50 of 51 fetuses submitted during the first 3 wk of the outbreaks characteristic histological lesions compatible for infection with Neospora caninum were seen. Diagnosis of infection was confirmed by immunohistochemistry in 40 fetuses (78%). No evidence for other abortifacients was found. The abortion risk of the herds was investigated in a prospective and retrospective cohort study. The prospective study showed that cows aborting during the outbreaks and N. caninum seropositive nonaborting cows had a two- to three-fold increased risk of abortion compared with N. caninum seronegative cows. Retrospective examination showed that seropositive nonaborting cows had an increased risk of abortion before the outbreaks, which may indicate that these animals were infected with N. caninum prior to the outbreaks. It is concluded that serostatus can be used for selective culling of cows to decrease future risk of abortion in dairy herds.  相似文献   

A seroepidemiological survey of Neospora caninum infection in dairy cattle was carried out in China's southern Guangdong Province between July 2009 and March 2010. A total of 370 serum samples of dairy cattle was collected from 5 farms and examined for antibodies to N. caninum by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The overall seroprevalence of N. caninum in dairy cattle was 18.9% (70/370). The seroprevalence of N. caninum in aborting cows (22.7%) was higher than that in nonaborting cows (16.3%), but the difference was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). Five-yr-old dairy cattle had the highest seroprevalence (27.8%), followed by those that were 6-yr-old (20.4%). Dairy cattle with 4 pregnancies had the highest seroprevalence (29.2%). There was no apparent association of N. caninum seropositivity with age or number of pregnancies (P > 0.05). The results of the present survey indicated that the infection with N. caninum is prevalent in dairy cattle of all ages in southern China, which may be one of the causes of bovine abortion. This is the first report of seroprevalence of N. caninum in dairy cattle in southern China.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum infection is a common cause of bovine abortion. One method by which cattle can acquire infection is through ingestion of oocysts; however, this has not yet been proved to cause transplacental infection or abortion. In this study, 19 cows, pregnant between 70 and 176 days, were administered 1500 to 115,000 oocysts through an esophageal tube. Seventeen of the cows became seropositive, indicating acquisition of infection, whereas 8 negative control cows remained seronegative (P < 0.001). Offspring were examined using serology, histology, immunohistochemistry, parasite isolation, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Six offspring were infected and 1 of them was aborted. The aborted fetus had typical lesions and positive immunohistochemistry and PCR for N. caninum. All 6 cows with infected offspring had continuously rising antibody titers, whereas 10 of 11 infected cows with uninfected offspring had falling titers after an early apex. The risk of transplacental transmission was increased by later exposure times during gestation and by the dose of oocysts (P < 0.01 for the 2 combined variables). The lowest dose of oocysts, when administered after the 160th day of gestation, caused transplacental infection in 1 of 2 animals. This study demonstrates that infection with N. caninum oocysts can cause transplacental transmission and abortion in cattle.  相似文献   

In recent years, neosporosis has been identified as a major cause of abortion in dairy and beef cattle. Although the disease has been described worldwide, there is a Jack of information concerning the prevalence of this infection in different cattle production systems. The aim of this study was to investigate the seroprevalence of Neospora caninum infection in a representative area of beef and dairy cattle production in Spain. A cross-sectional study was undertaken in which herds constituted the initial sampling unit and two strata (dairy and beef herds) were considered. Using a 95% level of confidence and setting 5% (beef) and 5.4% (dairy) error limits, 216 beef and 143 dairy herds were randomly selected and sampled. Nine animals (> 1 year old) were randomly sampled in each herd to detect the presence of the infection. A herd was considered infected when at least one animal was seropositive. In total, serum samples from 1121 dairy and 1712 beef animals were collected and tested for specific anti-N. caninum IgG using an ELISA. Specific antibodies were detected in 55.1% (119/216) beef and 83.2% (119/143) dairy herds. Individual prevalences obtained were 17.9% (306/1712) for beef and 35.9% (402/1121) for dairy animals. Presence of N. caninum infection was higher in dairy than in beef herds and the association between infection and the cattle production system (dairy or beef) was statistically significant [(chi2)Y= 29.21, P < 0.001, OR = 4.04 (2.35-6.99)]. Herd size of dairy cattle did not appear to be associated with N. caninum infection. On the contrary, infection was associated with herd size in beef cattle (chi2 = 12.79, P < 0.01). Finally, no association was found between replacement or pasture management and infection in beef herds.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the relationship between Neospora caninum infection prior to pregnancy, as determined through maternal serology, and the subsequent occurrence of abortion in dairy cattle. Special emphasis was placed on pregnancy losses in the first trimester of pregnancy. Neospora caninum antibodies were analyzed by commercial ELISA in 2773 pregnant animals (2022 parous cows and 751 heifers) from six herds. The mean seroprevalence of antibodies to N. caninum in the herds was 15.1% (n = 419). From gestation Day 34 to the 90th day of pregnancy, there were 183 abortions (6.6% of all pregnancies) (23 in Neospora positive animals). After 90 days of pregnancy, the number of abortions was 146 (5.3%); 126 occurring during the second and 20 during the third trimester of pregnancy (105 in Neospora positive animals). Multiple logistic regression analyses were performed on data from each animal using abortion before or after 90 days of pregnancy as the dependent variable, and Neospora positivity, herd, pregnancy season, and parity (parous or nonparous) as independent factors. No significant effects of Neospora positivity and herd were found on the abortion rate before 90 days of pregnancy. Based on the odds ratio, the abortion rate was 4 times higher (P < 0.0001) in animals that became pregnant in the warm than in the cool period, and 3.7 times higher (P < 0.0001) in parous than in nonparous animals. Neospora positivity was the only variable included in the logistic regression model for abortions occurring after 90 days of pregnancy. Seropositivity in an animal increased the probability of abortion by an odds ratio of 18.9 (P < 0.0001; 95% confidence interval 12.9-27.8). Season, parity, and herd showed no effect. The results of the present study suggest that chronic N. caninum infection prior to pregnancy appears not to affect the early fetal period, but does have a significant abortive effect after 90 days of gestation.  相似文献   

Seroprevalence of Neospora caninum in dairy buffaloes ( Bubalus bubalis ) was assessed in the Lahore District of Punjab Province, Pakistan. The study revealed an overall prevalence of 54.7% for N. caninum antibodies determined through a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay performed on randomly collected serum samples. The highest prevalence was observed in buffaloes >3-5 yr of age (64.1%), followed by 57.9% for 5 to 6 yr olds, and 55.8% in 1-yr-old neonates, with high probability of infection under intensive dairy farming conditions. The pattern of prevalence was closely associated with the season as reflected by the highest prevalence (70.5%) in summer (May-August) and lowest (39.6%) in winter (November-January). Aborting buffaloes illustrated significantly higher (78.9%) exposure compared with non-aborting dams (59.8%). Prevalence in animals with canine contact was significantly higher (60.3%) than without contact (48.1%). This is the first reported prevalence of N. caninum in Pakistan.  相似文献   

A stochastic model for the spread of Neospora caninum infection within a herd of dairy cattle is studied, in particular the long-term (equilibrium) behaviour of the model. The model incorporates the interesting feature that total herd size is constrained to lie within a fairly small interval, but not held exactly constant. Approximations for the joint distribution of numbers of susceptible and infected individuals present in equilibrium are derived based upon a diffusion approximation to the infection process. The effect of both 'typical herd size' and 'the amount of permitted variation in herd size' upon disease prevalence in equilibrium are considered using both the exact equilibrium distribution of the process and our approximations.  相似文献   

Neosporosis, which is caused by the coccidian parasite Neospora caninum, is recognized as a major disease of domestic animals that causes high abortion rates in cattle and fatal neurological disease in dogs. A life cycle of N. caninum in wild animals (i.e. sylvatic) has long been suspected because neosporosis has been detected in several wildlife species. Recently, the transmission of N. caninum has been confirmed in coyotes and white-tailed deer. The newly confirmed wild hosts and other wild animals are probably involved in the sylvatic cycle of the parasite. Control measures for neosporosis could now become more complicated, given the participation of wildlife in the life cycle of N. caninum.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is a protozoan parasite, which causes fetal and neonatal mortality in livestock and companion animals. In 224 abortions in Belgian cattle, different diagnostic methods were used to demonstrate infection, and the presence of N. caninum. An indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) was used to analyze fetal and maternal sera and immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed when lesions consistent with neosporosis were observed in the brain, heart or liver. Twenty dairy cattle sera out of 70 (29%) and 13 beef cattle sera out of 93 (14%) were positive by IFAT. A positive titer to N. caninum was found in seven and three fetuses born to beef and dairy cows, respectively. Lesions consistent with N. caninum infection were observed in 17 fetuses. Of nine positive beef fetuses, five were confirmed by IHC while, all but one dairy fetus were confirmed using the same technique.Age had no influence on the serological status of the mother (P = 0.486) whereas husbandry system had a borderline influence (P = 0.082). However, a strong association (P = 0.004) between the level of antibodies in the dam and the occurrence of lesions in the fetus was observed and lesions were more prominent in dairy than in beef fetuses. Additionally, the distribution of intra-cerebral lesions was more extensive in dairy than in beef fetuses (P < 0.0001). Age and serological status of the fetus were found to influence the occurrence of lesions in beef fetuses (both P < 0.001) but no such significant relationships could be demonstrated in dairy fetuses. The study indicated that N. caninum must be considered as an important cause of bovine abortion in Belgium.  相似文献   

Infection with the protozoan parasite Neospora caninum is an important cause of abortion in cattle. A major source of infection is transplacental transfer of the parasite from mother to offspring during pregnancy. This study describes investigations on the immunisation of outbred Qs mice before pregnancy with live or a crude lysate of N. caninum (NC-Nowra isolate) to prevent transplacental transfer of a challenge infection administered during pregnancy. Parasites present in the brains of pups from mice challenged with N. caninum (NC-Liverpool) were detected by PCR. Injection of live NC-Nowra tachyzoites before pregnancy dramatically reduced transplacental transfer from 75 to 0.8% in one experiment and from 76 to 8% in a second experiment. Injection of a crude lysate of NC-Nowra tachyzoites reduced transplacental transfer from 67 to 53% in one experiment and from 76 to 63% in a second experiment. Analysis of N. caninum-specific IgG1 and IgG2a antibody levels prior to pregnancy and challenge showed that NC-Nowra lysate induced a response skewed towards IgG1 whereas live parasites induced both IgG1 and IgG2a antibodies. After pregnancy and a challenge infection, a similar IgG1/IgG2a response was seen in all challenged groups. These results provide further positive support for the hypothesis that transplacental transmission of this parasite is preventable by vaccination.  相似文献   

Cattle on two typically managed drylot dairies were serologically monitored from birth through year 1 to year 4 of life to characterise congenital and postnatal Neospora caninum transmission. Of the 456 calves enrolled, 284 were classified as N. caninum negative and 172 were classified as N. caninum positive. Ninety-six percent of congenitally infected calves were seropositive for all samples tested. Seven (4%) of the 172 congenitally infected animals had a period that persisted for 9 to 18 months when they were seronegative; however, all returned to seropositive status by 25 months of age. In N. caninum-negative calves, colostral antibody decayed by 128 days, with an estimated half-life of 19.6 +/- 5.2 days. Of the 284 calves classified as negative, 18% had sporadic, isolated responses to N. caninum, typically between 29 and 35 months of age, without subsequent seroconversion or infection. During the study, 17 animals seroconverted and remained seropositive throughout the follow-up. Thirteen of the seroconversions occurred in the neonatal period; however, in nine of 10 where dam status was available, the dam was N. caninum positive, suggesting late gestation congenital infection rather than postnatal infection. Seroconversion was detected in an additional four animals, between 13 and 22 months of age. The estimate of postnatal infection rate was less than 1% per year despite a high N. caninum seroprevalence in the herds, and the presence of potential definitive and intermediate hosts on the dairy throughout the study. The extremely low rate of postnatal infection, as well as the lifelong persistence of congenital infection, emphasises the importance of congenital transmission in maintaining N. caninum infection in dairies.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum, a coccidian parasite closely related to Toxoplasma gondii, is one of the major causes of abortion in cattle worldwide. Conventional serological techniques, such as the indirect fluorescent antibody test and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), are routinely used in adult animals and aborted fetuses for the detection of anti- N. caninum antibodies. In Romania, infection with N. caninum in cattle has been reported recently, but only in limited areas from the north and central parts of the country. Therefore, the aim of this study was to obtain additional seroepidemiological data on infection with N. caninum on dairy farms from the south of Romania. A total of 258 blood samples was analyzed from 230 dairy cows and 28 calves from 9 dairy farms in southern Romania; the presence of specific IgG antibodies against N. caninum was determined using an indirect ELISA test. The average seroprevalence was 40.3%, but the within-herd prevalence ranged between 11.5 and 80.0%; the seroprevalence in dairy cows was 41.7%, while in calves it was 28.6%. Of the positive samples, 74.0% (77/104) had a high positive reaction (S/P ratio more than 1.0), while 26.0% (27/104) had a low positive reaction (S/P ratio between 0.5 and 1.0). This study indicates that N. caninum infection is widespread in the south of Romania, which could explain the causes of abortions registered in some herds in the studied area. However, a serological screening across the country is planned in order to assess the actual national prevalence of N. caninum infection, followed by implementation of a prevention and control program.  相似文献   

Antibodies to Neospora caninum were measured in bovine foetuses, dairy cows and beef cows in Argentina using the IFAT, the N. caninum agglutination test, and the recombinant NCDG1 and NCDG2 ELISA. Serum antibodies (IFAT titre 1:80) were found in 20 of 82 (24.4%) dairy cow foetuses and one of 22 (4.5%) beef cow foetuses. Microscopic lesions suggestive of neosporosis were seen in brains of seven of eight foetuses with IFAT titres of 1:80. Antibodies (IFAT) were found in 122 of 189 (64.5%) dairy cows that aborted. Serum antibody titres (IFAT) of 189 dairy cows that aborted were: < 1:25 (67 cows), 1:25 (four cows), 1:50 (16 cows), 1:200 (seven cows), 1:> or = 800 (95 cows). Of the 87 sera with IFAT titres of < or = 1:50, 57 had no antibodies in 1:40 dilution and 30 had titres of 1:40 in the N. caninum agglutination test. Thus, sera from at least 56 dairy cows which had aborted were seronegative both in the N. caninum agglutination test and the IFAT. The distribution of positive and negative sera was similar when measured by ELISA, except that, depending on cut-off titre, the ELISA indicated a greater number of seropositive cows that were negative by the IFAT and N. caninum agglutination test. These results suggest that transplacental transmission of N. caninum in dairy cows in Argentina is frequent.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of neosporosis in an area of intensive dairy production, in Portugal. Sera samples were obtained in a random basis from 114 cows in 49 herds (group A), and from 1237 cows in 36 herds with a history of abortion outbreaks (group B). All sera samples were tested for neosporosis by direct agglutination test (DAT). Additionally, attempts to isolate Neospora caninum in 42 aborted bovine fetuses from 38 dairy herds (group C) were carried out, utilizing a bioassay with immuno-depressed Swiss Webster mice. Parasitological confirmation was done by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). The prevalence of neosporosis in the group A was 28%. Group B had a significantly (P < 0.001) higher prevalence (46%) and Neospora caninum was isolated in 36% of the aborted fetuses (group C). These results indicate that neosporosis, a disease only recently (2001) diagnosed in Portugal, has a high prevalence in the country, particularly in populations with a story of abortion. Thus, neosporosis should systematically be considered in the differential diagnosis of abortion. In the context of embryo transfers, the importance of selecting Neospora-free embryo recipients is discussed, as well as the pertinence of assessing the Neospora status of traded and imported cattle.  相似文献   

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