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刘武 《化石》1995,(4):13-17
牙齿人类学与蒙古人种起源刘武目前生活在世界各地的现代人类在分类上称为晚期智人或现代智人。人类学家又根据他们的体质特征和分布区域将现代人类分为若干种族和地区类型。如生活在亚洲地区的黄种人(又称蒙古人种)、欧洲的白种人、非洲的黑人等。他们是怎样起源的?起...  相似文献   

刘武  叶健 《人类学学报》1995,14(3):266-281
DNA与人类起源和演化──现代分子生物学技术在人类学研究中的应用刘武,叶健(中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所)(公安部第二研究所分子遗传室)1987年1月,美国加州大学伯克利分校的分子生物学家Cann、Stoneking和Wilson3人联合在英国...  相似文献   

曹颖 《化石》1997,(1):31-32
尽管有大量证据,但现代人类的起源问题仍然没有解决。目前通常归之为“非洲起源论”和“多源论”两种观点。“多源论”是第一个综合性的现代人类进化理论。它解释了现代人类自更新世的起源及随后出现的地区多样性。“多源论”的首创者魏敦瑞认为亚洲和澳洲人形态的差异源于相对独立进化的中国猿人(Sina—nthroPus)和猿人(Plthocanthropus)。最近沃尔波夫(Wolpoff)等提出了一种早期多源说的修正版,认为“基因流”(geneflow)从中起了主导作用。“非洲起源论”要更新一些,它是基于在非洲和其他地区发…  相似文献   

现代人类的起源和迁移:来自母性遗传的证据   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
钱亚屏  初正韬  褚嘉祐 《遗传》2000,22(4):255-258
mtDNA具有极少发生重组、进化速度快等特点,能忠实反映群体的母性遗传,作为人类进化研究的一类重要工具,近年来取得了突出的成就,为现代人类的起源、迁移和进化提供了大量的证据。本文拟对这一领域的研究进展作一综述。 Abstract:With special features,no recombination,fast speed of evolution etc.,mtDNA has been used to study origin,evolution and migration of Homo sapiens as a available genetic marker.The results of these researches provide remarkable evidence to human origin and evolution.This paper reviews the progress in these years.  相似文献   

高星 《人类学学报》2017,36(1):131-140
对于方兴未艾的现代人类起源与演化问题的研究,目前主要在遗传学、古人类学和旧石器时代考古学三个领域内进行。学者们提出了"多地区进化说"、"连续进化附带杂交说"、"出自非洲说"、"融合说"等观点与假说,有的学说针锋相对,南辕北辙。究其原因,除了相关研究还处于盲人摸象的阶段,只是在局部问题与材料上做分析和解释,尚无法得出全面、能被普遍接受的结论外,由于不同学科存在研究对象、方法和思路的不同,学科间缺少了解、沟通与协作,出现一些学术语言和研究结论不被彼此理解和接受的情况,存在一定的误解与无谓的争论,影响了相互之间的借鉴、互动和成果的共享,进而妨碍了跨学科的整合研究并达成学术共识。其实,每个学科都有自己的特点和不可替代的优势,每个学科也有难以克服的弱点,在解决人类起源与演化这样重大的学术问题上,任何一个学科都不可能包打天下,独享其成。因而,开展相关领域的交流合作,尤其是传统的古人类学、考古学与新兴的分子生物学之间的交叉与协作,明确彼此的关注点、需求和专长,凝练共同的学术问题和目标,整合现有的研究问题、资源与成果并向着共同的学术方向一道前行,是推动相关研究走向深入并破译现代人起源这一重大命题的必要举措。  相似文献   

杨玉田 《人类学学报》1989,8(3):288-291
关于桡骨和尺骨的研究,国外资料较多。Stewart(1952)、Martin(1959)分别集中并分析了世界不同地区、人种和民族的数值。然而,国内有关桡、尺骨的研究资料尚不多见,而较为系统地从人类学角度进行的研究,作者仅看到赵一清(1957)的系统资料。本文就西安地区现代人前臂骨的形态进行线性和有关角度的测量,并计算了桡骨、尺骨的有关指数,分析了这些数值的性差、侧差和地区差异。从而,一方面为国人体质人类学补充新资料,同时又为临床与法医学等方面的实际应用提供参考数据。  相似文献   

吴新智 《人类学学报》2005,24(4):259-269
本文简略介绍最近几年发表的与中国现代人起源有直接和间接关系的几篇分子生物学论文,结合中国的人类化石、旧石器、古哺乳动物学和亚洲西部的旧石器以及分子生物学研究的新资料,论证根据Y染色体一些基因的分析认为中国的古老人类被来自非洲的现代人完全替代的推论不能成立。古人类学的研究已经显示人类进化是十分复杂的过程,新的分子生物学论文也显示人类的分子进化比过去认识的远为复杂。在对新信息进行解释和推论时必须对这样的复杂性保持深刻清醒的认识,人类进化不可能既是这样又是那样,只有将各个有关学科得来的信息进行综合思考才可望使得根据这些信息得出的推论趋于协调,对人类进化的认识逐渐接近真实。  相似文献   

关于国人四肢骨从各个方面研究的资料甚多,然而截止目前对锁骨的系统研究则较少。椎野(钅孝)太郎等在其《中国人骨骼人种学的研究》一文中首次涉及到锁骨。叶鹿鸣对锁骨作了观察。吴新智等观察了锁骨的年龄变化。赵振东对锁骨的滋养孔进行了观测。而较为系统地从人类学角度对锁骨进行测量统计者仅有石世庆和席焕久等,且这些资料皆限于我国的东北地区,而其他地区则尚未见有资料报道。临床实践表明,锁骨骨折较为常见, 且锁骨常作为其附近骨移植的取材。此外, 在人类学和法医学方面文可把从锁骨长估算身高的回归方程作为推算身高的5 种方法。
我国人口众多, 民族有数十个,地域辽阔,东西南北各地区自然条件差异甚大。因此, 人群体质的差异必然存在。故作者为了给临床骨科提供参考 数据, 同时又为国人体质资料增补内容, 对西安地区现代人成人锁骨100副(男50, 女50)进行了人类学测量统计,并将所侧得的结果与国内外学者报道的资料作了对照 。  相似文献   

DNA分子标记在果树遗传学研究上的应用   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
王倩  王斌 《遗传》2000,22(5):339-344
本文综述了近年来DNA分子标记在果树种质资源研究、分子遗传图谱构建、 基因标记、辅助选择育种等方面研究的应用。 Abstract:This paper reviewed the recent progress of the application of DNA molecular markers in various aspects of fruit tree genetics including germplasm reseach,genetic mapping,genetic tagging,marker asisted selection.  相似文献   

Over the last half century, comparative genomics has increasingly contributed to the definition, resolution and interpretation of human evolution. Early comparisons demonstrated that African apes and humans were more closely related and diverged later than commonly thought. However, it was difficult to determine the branching between humans, chimpanzees and gorillas. By the 1990s, sufficient biomolecular data had accumulated to demonstrate that chimpanzees and humans shared a common ancestor after the divergence of the gorilla. Current reconstructions place the divergence of humans and chimpanzees at 6–8 million years. Comparative genomics from complete genome sequencing to chromosome painting provide a scenario for the origin of the human genome. Starting form the ancestral mammalian karyotype, we can determine the major steps over the last 90 million years leading to the formation of each human chromosome. Despite considerable technical problems, studies of ancient DNA now provide a direct genetic witness of human evolution and add a temporal dimension to reconstructions of our evolutionary history and phylogeny. Ancient DNA has shown that Neanderthals probably did not interbreed with anatomically modern humans and did not make a significant contribution to the gene pool of our species. Ancient DNA has also contributed to the studies of the colonization of the Americas and the Pacific Island, and the domestication of plants and animals. Understanding the genetic basis of the physical and behavioral traits that distinguish humans from other primates presents one of the great future challenges of science.  相似文献   

中国古老型人类在中国现代人起源中的作用主要有三种假说:多地区进化说、取代说和2010年后兴盛的同化说。本文拟就中国13万年来的旧石器和西亚的旧石器以及湖南道县福岩洞人牙化石检验这些假说。考古学研究已经查明,在取代说或同化说所主张的最初居住于近东的现代人所惯用的石器技术属于第3模式。按常理推测,如果其后裔于大约6万年前到达中国而且完全或大部取代原住民,此时中国的石器应表现从第1模式到第3模式的巨变,因为在此时之前第1模式是中国旧石器的主流。表1显示中国不存在如某些遗传学论文所推测的从10万年前到5万年前的人类"断层",从13万年前以来中国旧石器主流仍旧是第1模式,没有发生按照取代说和同化说都必然会导致的在大约6万年前或更早时发生石器技术从第1模式到第3模式的巨变。2015年公布的道县12_8万年前人牙化石表明中国的现代人形态不是如DNA研究所主张的在6万年前才从境外移入的。这些都与多地区进化说的推论一致。  相似文献   

In this article, I argue for an ethnographic approach to human rights that recognizes the plural and fragmentary nature of the international rights regime and the ideological promiscuity of rights talk. Instead of determining in advance the social or political character of rights, anthropologists could profitably draw from the insights of early-20th-century "legal realists" and look closely at the underlying assumptions and hidden practices of political and legal processes. Studying the "social life of human rights" would involve focusing on, inter alia, the performative dimensions of human rights, the dynamics of social mobilization, and the attitudinal changes of elite and nonelite social actors towards formulations of "rights" and "justice," both inside and outside the legal process. I conclude with a review of recent anthropological research on human rights epistemology and evaluate its implications for human rights policy.  相似文献   

In this "In Focus" introduction, I begin by offering an overview of anthropology's engagements with human rights following the American Anthropological Association's (AAA) 1947 "Statement on Human Rights." After offering a rereading of the Statement, I describe the two major anthropological orientations to human rights that emerged in the 1980s and 1990s, following several decades of relative disengagement. Finally, I locate the articles in relation to this history and indicate how, when taken as a whole, they express a new key or register within which human rights can be studied, critiqued, and advanced through anthropological forms of knowledge. This "In Focus" is in part an argument for an essentially ecumenical anthropology of human rights, one that can tolerate, and indeed encourage, approaches that are both fundamentally critical of contemporary human rights regimes and politically or ethically committed to these same regimes.  相似文献   

朱新宇  张瑶  周鸣鸣 《遗传》2005,27(6):1020-1024
顶复合器门的原生动物(Apicomplexan protozoa)含有一个高度退化的质体样(plastid-like)细胞器,定名为apicoplast。Apicoplast的进化起源是一个长期激烈争论的问题,尽管使用了多种分子技术,但尚未取得一致的结论,以致成为质体起源研究的典型案例。文章评述了apicoplast起源研究的分子证据,分析了新的分子证据的可能来源,为进一步研究提供线索。  相似文献   

East Asia is one of the most important regions for studying modern human origin and evolution. A lot of efforts have been made to detect the genetic diversity and to reconstruct the evolutionary history of East Asians, especially using Y chromosome genetic data, in recent years. The Y chromosome data supports the African origin of modern humans in East Asia and the later migration to East Asia through the southern tropic coastline route, and then the northward migration occurred, leading to peopling of the main continent. The genetic data of the Y chromosome reflects a clear prehistoric evolution and migration course of East Asians. As well, the Y chromosome data of East Asians provides clues to elucidate modern human origins and evolution in the neighboring regions, i.e. America, Oceania and the Pacific Islands.  相似文献   

Hong Shi  Bing Su 《生物学前沿》2009,4(3):241-247
East Asia is one of the most important regions for studying modern human origin and evolution. A lot of efforts have been made to detect the genetic diversity and to reconstruct the evolutionary history of East Asians, especially using Y chromosome genetic data, in recent years. The Y chromosome data supports the African origin of modern humans in East Asia and the later migration to East Asia through the southern tropic coastline route, and then the northward migration occurred, leading to peopling of the main continent. The genetic data of the Y chromosome reflects a clear prehistoric evolution and migration course of East Asians. As well, the Y chromosome data of East Asians provides clues to elucidate modern human origins and evolution in the neighboring regions, i.e. America, Oceania and the Pacific Islands.  相似文献   

邢松 《人类学学报》2022,41(6):1069-1082
近年来,新材料的发现、新测年结果的更新以及分子生物学的加入,刷新了关于现代人在各主要区域出现时间、在迁徙扩散中与古老人群的交流模式、晚更新世晚期现代人演化复杂场景等方面的认识。本文梳理了关于现代人出现和演化路径的主要化石证据和研究成果。目前化石证据显示:非洲准现代人的出现时间最早可到MIS 9阶段,非洲现代人在中更新世晚期到晚更新世化石证据连续;欧亚大陆现代人的出现时间可追溯到MIS 6阶段,在MIS 5a-MIS 4阶段经历“瓶颈期”,在MIS 3阶段开始广泛分布。从已有证据来看,MIS 3和MIS 2阶段,欧亚大陆不同区域的现代人演化链条并非单一线性,而是呈现有断点的“网状”演化模式。  相似文献   

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