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De novo distal trisomy 17q   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A boy is described, who shares many of the clinical features found in the few patients with a partial 17q trisomy known at present. Karyotyping revealed a de novo 17q+ chromosome, interpretable as a tandem duplication of the distal long arm region 17q25.  相似文献   

Distinct dysmorphic syndrome in a child with inverted distal 5q duplication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present paper we report a moderately mentally retarded 3 1/2-year-old girl with distal inverted 5q duplication (karyotype 46,XX,inv dup(5)(pter----q35.3::q35.3----q32::q35.3----qter). A distinct dysmorphic syndrome was present corresponding to the socalled "B-type" phenotype in 5q duplications, due to a duplication of band 5q33.  相似文献   

19q distal trisomy due to a de novo (19;22)(q13.2;p11) translocation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 2 4/12-year-old girl whith a de novo 46,XX,-22 + der(22), t(19;22)(q13.2;p11) karyotype is described. From this and other eight similar cases previously published, a typical phenotype in distal 19q trisomy is concluded.  相似文献   

Cat-eye syndrome, a partial trisomy 22   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Cat-eye syndrome,a partial trisomy 22   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary A family is presented in which a phenotypically normal mother and her healthy daughter both had abnormal children with a small supernumerary chromosome. Both had clinical symptoms suggestive of cat-eye syndrome. In both women 1 G-chromosome was found to be replaced by a small submetacentric satellited chromosome. Its fluorescence pattern was compatible with that of a chromosome 22, and so was the fluorescence pattern of the supernumerary chromosome in one of the phenotypically abnormal children. Since complete monosomy G in addition to partial autosomal trisomy would not be compatible with clinical normality the respective karyotypes must be interpreted as a small deletion of a chromosome 22 in the healthy mother and daughter and a partial trisomy 22 in their abnormal children. Therefore it can be concluded that a deletion of a chromosome 22 is compatible with a normal phenotype and that the cat-eye syndrome results, at least in this family, from a partial trisomy 22.
Zusammenfassung Es wird über eine Familie berichtet, in der eine phänotypisch normale Mutter und ihre gesunde Tochter je ein abnormes Kind mit einem kleinen überzähligen Chromosom zur Welt gebracht hatten. Die Kinder hatten klinische Zeichen des Cat eye-Syndroms. Im Chromosomensatz beider Frauen war 1 G-Chromosom durch ein kleines submetazentrisches, satellitentragendes Chromosom ersetzt, dessen Fluorescenzumuster dem eines Chromosoms 22 entsprechen könnte. Das gleiche Muster wurde in dem überzähligen Chromosom bei einem der Kinder gefunden. Da eine totale G-Monosomie zusätzlich zu einer autosomalen Trisomie eines anderen Chromosoms nicht vereinbar ist mit vollkommener klinischer Unauffälligkeit, muß die Chromosomenanomalie der gesunden Mutter und Tochter als kleine Deletion 22 angesehen werden und die der abnormalen Kinder infolgedessen als partielle Trisomie 22. Aus diesen Befunden kann geschlossen werden, daß eine Deletion des Chromosoms 22 mit einem normalen Phänotyp vereinbar ist und daß, zumindest in dieser Familie, das Cat eye-Syndrom die Folge einer partiellen Trisomie 22 ist.

Partial duplication of 3q is a rare chromosomal disorder that leads to multiple congenital abnormalities such as growth retardation, microcephaly and characteristic facial features. Although the phenotype of the patient has similarities with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome they are etiologically different. We report here a 9 months old baby boy with partial duplication of 3q and features similar with Cornelia De Lange syndrome. Conventional cytogenetic analysis revealed a derivative chromosome 21. In order to determine the origin of this chromosome region we used subtelomeric FISH technique. Based on the results of all these cytogenetic studies and the physical examinations, the diagnosis is partial 3q duplication.  相似文献   

Microdeletions within chromosome 22q11.2 cause a variable phenotype, including DiGeorge syndrome (DGS) and velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS). About 97% of patients with DGS/VCFS have either a common recurrent ~3 Mb deletion or a smaller, less common, ~1.5 Mb nested deletion. Both deletions apparently occur as a result of homologous recombination between nonallelic flanking low-copy repeat (LCR) sequences located in 22q11.2. Interestingly, although eight different LCRs are located in proximal 22q, only a few cases of atypical deletions utilizing alternative LCRs have been described. Using array-based comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) analysis, we have detected six unrelated cases of deletions that are within 22q11.2 and are located distal to the ~3 Mb common deletion region. Further analyses revealed that the rearrangements had clustered breakpoints and either a ~1.4 Mb or ~2.1 Mb recurrent deletion flanked proximally by LCR22-4 and distally by either LCR22-5 or LCR22-6, respectively. Parental fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses revealed that none of the available parents (11 out of 12 were available) had the deletion, indicating de novo events. All patients presented with characteristic facial dysmorphic features. A history of prematurity, prenatal and postnatal growth delay, developmental delay, and mild skeletal abnormalities was prevalent among the patients. Two patients were found to have a cardiovascular malformation, one had truncus arteriosus, and another had a bicuspid aortic valve. A single patient had a cleft palate. We conclude that distal deletions of chromosome 22q11.2 between LCR22-4 and LCR22-6, although they share some characteristic features with DGS/VCFS, represent a novel genomic disorder distinct genomically and clinically from the well-known DGS/VCF deletion syndromes.  相似文献   

Summary Leukocyte peroxidase activity was estimated in 5 patients with the juvenile form of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (Spielmeyer-Vogt's disease) and in 15 healthy controls. In contradiction to recent reports normal activity of p-phenylene diamine mediated peroxidase was found in the patients. The possible role of contamination of the white cell preparation with hemoglobin is discussed.  相似文献   

A family with four male and three female heterozygotes for a three-way translocation (9;12;13) (q22; q22; q32) in three generations was ascertained through a chromosomally imbalanced newborn with an additional derivative chromosome 9 resulting from nondisjunction. Three heterozygous males from two generations with apparent differences in their fertility status were investigated using pachytene spreads and testicular histology. Pachytene analysis in all three individuals, the fertile (II-2) as well as the subfertile (III-7) and infertile (III-9), showed a hexavalent with central nonpairing around the translocation breakpoints in nearly all spermatocytes. Thus, the observed hexavalent configurations in pachytene do not seem to have caused impaired fertility. This rather may have been the result of sperm carrying unbalanced chromosome sets. However, the observed difference in fertility between the heterozygous fertile male in generation II and his two heterozygous sons remains unexplained.  相似文献   

Summary The case of a male infant with duplication of the distal segment of chromosome 14q is described. There was an extra chromosomal segment at the distal end of the long arm of chromosome 17. Banding techniques suggested that the extra segment might be the distal segment of chromosome 14q. DNA analysis using probes from distal 14q as well as from other parts of the genome confirmed that the extra segment consisted of the distal part of 14q. Both the proband's parents and his elder sister had normal karyotypes.  相似文献   

Partial trisomy 9q: a new syndrome.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two unrelated patients with a strikingly similar phenotype (low birth weight and poor thriving; mental retardation; dolichocephaly; beaked nose; deeply set eyes; prominent maxilla and receding small chin; long fingers with a peculiar clench) were partially trisomic for two different segments of 9q. The segment found to be trisomic in both patients is small and corresponds to the q31q32 region. This new syndrome is compared to observations of trisomy 9 reported in the literature.  相似文献   

The patient was diagnosed in infancy. Clinical findings and results of re-evaluation 13 years after diagnosis are presented.  相似文献   

A two years-old, severely mentally retarded male is reported with 22q trisomy. After the recent confirmation of the localisation of arylsulfatase-A (ARSA) on chromosome 22, the elevated activity of this enzyme (about 1,5 times the normal values) in the present patient may be another example of a gene dosage effect in autosomal imbalance.  相似文献   

Ring-14 and trisomy 14q in the same child   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The case of a male child with three cell lines is described: one cell line with ring chromosome 14, another trisomic for 14q, due to a derived metacentric 14q;14q, and a third one with a normal male karyotype. The clinical findings are compatible with those of the r(14) syndrome.  相似文献   

Summary The secondary constriction in human chromosome 1 consists of a proximal segment stained by the GC-specific fluorochrome mithramycin and a distal segment stained by such fluorochromes as DAPI or DIPI, which show enhanced fluorescence intensities in AT-rich regions of the chromosomes. A study involving 21 individuals revealed that both parts are independently involved in length variability. In two cases, two GC-rich regions separated by an AT-rich segment and an additional distal AT-rich part were found.  相似文献   

We report a case of partial proximal trisomy of the long arm of chromosome 10 confirmed by fluorescence in situ hibridization (FISH) performed with whole chromosome 10 specific painting and specific yac clones. The phenotypic findings, compared to those found in other published cases with the same karyotype, support the recognition of a distinctive partial proximal trisomy 10q syndrome (10q11-->q22).  相似文献   

Summary We describe a case of tertiary trisomy (22q11q) 47,XX,+der(22),(22pter22q13: : 11q2511qter) in a child with mental retardation, cleft palate, and congenital heart disease resulting from 3: 1 meiotic nondisjunction in a maternal (11;22) translocation carrier. The clinical findings in previously reported cases are reviewed and compared with the features of reported patients with partial trisomy 11q and trisomy 22 syndromes. Half of the ten reported families had additional balanced translocation carriers who may have an increased risk of having a liveborn child with an MCA/MR syndrome, although none have been reported to date.  相似文献   

Sensorineural deafness in two infants: a novel feature in the 22q distal duplication syndrome. cardinal signs in trisomies 22 subtypes: Distal trisomy 22 has been described in more than 15 individuals. The features are severe mental and growth retardation, failure to thrive, congenital hypotonia, hydrocephalus, microcephaly, cleft palate, epicanthic folds, low-set ears, broad prominent nasal bridge, long philtrum, micrognathia, finger-like thumbs, cryptorchidism. We describe a girl deceased at the age of 12 years and an 11 year old boy, both with a duplication of distal 22q due to a parental pericentric inversion (22) (p13q12). Their phenotypes are compatible with distal trisomy of chromosome 22. However, they did not present cleft palate, but the survival of both patients permitted us to discover sensorineural deafness not previously reported in this chromosomal duplication.  相似文献   

A newborn male patient with a partial trisomy 13q22----qter, derived from a maternal translocation (13;15)(q22;p11) is reported. This non-frequent chromosomal anomaly leads to a characteristic phenotype easily recognizable from other craniosynostosis syndromes, in which the cranial malformation is often associated with auricular and limb defects. This phenotype includes: cranial malformation, characteristic facies, mental and developmental retardation, urologic and genital anomalies, polydactily, abnormal muscular tonicity and convulsive status. Our patient, a "pure" partial trisomy, without other associated chromosomal anomaly, is compared with the published cases.  相似文献   

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