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A simple and rapid assay for quantitative determinations of DNA in crude homogenates is described. The method is based on the enhancement of fluorescence seen when bisbenzimidazole (Hoechst 33258) binds to DNA. Crude homogenates in which chromatin has been dissociated with high salt buffer can be assayed directly and reliably in a few minutes. The dissociation of chromatin is critical to accurate determinations of DNA in biological materials using this method. The assay can detect as little as 10 ng of DNA with rather unsophisticated instrumentation.  相似文献   

A new, highly sensitive, specific assay for dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH) activity in human serum is described. Tyramine is used as a substrate; the product of the enzymatic hydroxylation, octopamine, is converted by reacting with 1-dimethylaminonaphthalene-5-sulfonyl-chloride (Dns-Cl) to a fluorescent product, which is extracted from the reaction mixture and purified from the extract by thin-layer chromatography (tlc). The fluorescence of the dansylated octopamine is measured in situ on the tlc plate using a chromatogram-spectrofluorometer. This one-step enzyme reaction can be performed at optimum pH and substrate concentration. As little as 8 ng of octopamine can be determined accurately; the response is linear up to more than 400 ng of octopamine. A comparison with the radioenzymatic assay (Weinshilboum, R., and Axelrod, J. (1971) Circ. Res.28, 307–315) shows an approximately twofold increase in the enzymatic activity measured. Kinetic studies of human sera with high and low DBH activity gave a Km value of 3.1 × 10?3m. The method is successfully being used for the functional characterization of the enzyme and genetic studies (Herschel, M., in preparation).  相似文献   

A simple and sensitive fluorescence assay for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity wasdevised based on rapid isolation of enzymatically formed dopa by a double-column procedure fitted together sequentially (the top column of Amberlite CG-50 and the bottom column of aluminum oxide). Interfering substances were removed by the first Amberlite CG-50 column. Dopa was adsorbed on the second aluminum oxide column, then eluted with 0.5 m acetic acid, and assayed by the highly sensitive hydroxyindole method of Johnson et al. (1973, Anal. Biochem.54, 129–136). The standard incubation mixture (total volume, 0.5 ml) contained 0.3 mm l-tyrosine, 1.0 mm 6-methyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterin, 100 mm mercaptoethanol, and an optimal concentration of ferrous ion. d-Tyrosine was used for the blank incubation. Recovery of dopa added to the standard incubation mixture as internal standard was about 70% and was reproducible. The fluorescence characteristics of the product were the same as those of authentic dopa. Blank fluorescence was very low even with crude enzyme preparations. The limit of sensitivity was 100 pmol of dopa formed, which is close to the sensitivity of radioassays. TH activity in homogenates of rat brain stem or human putamen could be assayed in the standard incubation system containing ferrous ion. The validity of this fluorescence assay has been shown by the agreement between the values obtained by this method and by radioassay using l-[U-14C]tyrosine as substrate. In the rapid assay procedure dopa in the eluate from aluminum oxide was assayed directly by native fluorescence. Although the sensitivity was about 1 nmol, this rapid assay procedure was found to be particularly useful for the purification of TH.  相似文献   

Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) is essential for the assembly of apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins. Within the endoplasmic reticulum, it transfers lipid from the membrane to the forming lipoprotein. Recent evidence suggests that it may also function within the Golgi apparatus. To address this hypothesis, we developed a polyclonal antibody to MTP and used it in a series of studies on mouse liver and McArdle-RH7777 (McA) cells. Western blot analysis demonstrated the presence of MTP within mouse hepatic-Golgi apparatus-rich fractions. In addition, in vitro lipid transfer assays demonstrated the presence of triglyceride transfer activity within the Golgi fractions. Immunohistochemical studies with mouse liver demonstrated the presence of MTP within all hepatocytes, but not in nonparenchymal cells. The subcellular location of MTP in McA cells was investigated using confocal microscopy. MTP colocalized with the trans-Golgi network (TGN) 38 and Golgi SNARE (soluble N-ethylmalemide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor) of 28 kDa (GS28), markers for the trans- and cis-Golgi apparatus, respectively. Morphometric analyses indicated that approximately 17% of the MTP signal colocalized with the TGN38, while 33% of the trans-Golgi marker colocalized with the MTP. Approximately 17% of the MTP signal colocalized with the GS28, whereas 53% of the cis-Golgi marker colocalized with the MTP. The results provide unequivocal evidence for the location of MTP within the Golgi apparatus, and further highlight the importance of this organelle in the assembly of lipoproteins.  相似文献   

微粒体甘油三酯转运蛋白MTP(microsomal triglyceride transfer protein,MTP)首先是从牛的肝细胞微粒体碎片中分离获得的,其作用是加速甘油三脂(triglyceride,TG)、胆固醇(cholesteryl ester,CE)和磷脂酰胆碱(phosphatidylcholine,PC)的转运和细胞或亚细胞膜的生物合成。它后来在肝细胞和小肠的微粒体膜中发现[1],由于它的位置及其转运TG可以推测与血浆脂蛋白中极低密度脂蛋白(very low density lipoprotein,VLDL)和乳糜微粒(chylomicrons,CM)的组装过程有关。  相似文献   

A rapid and sensitive assay for protein disulphide isomerase activity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An assay procedure for the determination of protein disulphide isomerase activity is presented. The method is based on the reactivation of randomly cross-linked RNAase, the extent of RNAase reactivation being determined from the degradation of radioactively labelled RNA. The method is rapid and sensitive and allows one to test a large number of samples simultaneously.  相似文献   

A simple radioactive assay for triglyceride lipase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) transfers lipids to apolipoprotein B (apoB) within the endoplasmic reticulum, a process that involves direct interactions between apoB and the large subunit of MTP. Recent studies with heterozygous MTP knockout mice have suggested that half-normal levels of MTP in the liver reduce apoB secretion. We hypothesized that reduced apoB secretion in the setting of half-normal MTP levels might be caused by a reduced MTP:apoB ratio in the endoplasmic reticulum, which would reduce the number of apoB-MTP interactions. If this hypothesis were true, half-normal levels of MTP might have little impact on lipoprotein secretion in the setting of half-normal levels of apoB synthesis (since the ratio of MTP to apoB would not be abnormally low) and might cause an exaggerated reduction in lipoprotein secretion in the setting of apoB overexpression (since the MTP:apoB ratio would be even lower). To test this hypothesis, we examined the effects of heterozygous MTP deficiency on apoB metabolism in the setting of normal levels of apoB synthesis, half-normal levels of apoB synthesis (heterozygous Apob deficiency), and increased levels of apoB synthesis (transgenic overexpression of human apoB). Contrary to our expectations, half-normal levels of MTP reduced the plasma apoB100 levels to the same extent ( approximately 25-35%) at each level of apoB synthesis. In addition, apoB secretion from primary hepatocytes was reduced to a comparable extent at each level of apoB synthesis. Thus, these results indicate that the concentration of MTP within the endoplasmic reticulum rather than the MTP:apoB ratio is the critical determinant of lipoprotein secretion. Finally, we found that heterozygosity for an apoB knockout mutation lowered plasma apoB100 levels more than heterozygosity for an MTP knockout allele. Consistent with that result, hepatic triglyceride accumulation was greater in heterozygous apoB knockout mice than in heterozygous MTP knockout mice.  相似文献   

Screening of microorganisms capable of producing alginate lyase enzyme is commonly carried out by investigating their abilities to grow on alginate-containing solid media plates and occurrence of a clearance zone after flooding the plates with agents such as 10% (w/v) cetyl pyridinium chloride (CPC), which can form complexes with alginate. Although the CPC method is good, advantageous, and routinely used, the agar in the media interferes with the action of CPC, which makes judgment about clearance zones very difficult. In addition, this method takes a minimum of 30 min to obtain the zone of hydrolysis after flooding and the hydrolyzed area is not sharply discernible. An improved plate assay is reported herein for the detection of extracellular alginate lyase production by microorganisms. In this method, alginate-containing agar plates are flooded with Gram's iodine instead of CPC. Gram's iodine forms a bluish black complex with alginate but not with hydrolyzed alginate, giving sharp, distinct zones around the alginate lyase producing microbial colonies within 2–3 min. Gram's iodine method was found to be more effective than the CPC method in terms of visualization and measurement of zone size. The alginate-lyase-activity area indicated using the Gram's iodine method was found to be larger than that indicated by the CPC method. Both methods (CPC and Gram's iodine) showed the largest alginate lyase activity area for Saccharophagus degradans (ATCC 43961) followed by Microbulbifer mangrovi (KCTC 23483), Bacillus cereus (KF801505) and Paracoccus sp. LL1 (KP288668) grown on minimal sea salt medium. The rate of growth and metabolite production in alginate-containing minimal sea salt liquid medium, followed trends similar to that of the zone activity areas for the four bacteria under study. These results suggested that the assay developed in this study of Gram's iodine could be useful to predict the potential of microorganisms to produce alginate lyase. The method also worked well for screening and identification of alginate lyase producers and non-producers from environmental samples on common laboratory media. They did this by clearly showing the presence or absence of clearance zones around the microbial colonies grown. This new method is rapid, efficient, and could easily be performed for screening a large number of microbial cultures. This is the first report on the use of Gram's iodine for the detection of alginate lyase production by microorganisms using plate assay.  相似文献   

The principal extracellular lesions of age-related maculopathy (ARM), the leading cause of vision loss in the elderly, involve Bruch's membrane (BrM), a thin vascular intima between the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and its blood supply. With age, 80-100 nm solid particles containing esterified cholesterol (EC) accumulate in normal BrM, and apolipoprotein B (apoB) immunoreactivity is detectable in BrM- and ARM-associated lesions. Yet little evidence indicates that increased plasma cholesterol is a risk factor for ARM. To determine if RPE is capable of assembling its own apoB-containing lipoprotein, we examined RPE for the expression of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP), which is required for this process. Consistent with previous evidence for apoB expression, MTP is expressed in RPE, the ARPE-19 cell line, and, unexpectedly, retinal ganglion cells, which are neurons of the central nervous system. De novo synthesis and secretion of neutral lipid by ARPE-19 was supported by high levels of radiolabeled EC and triglyceride in medium after supplementation with oleate. Lipoprotein assembly and secretion is implicated as a constitutive retinal function and a plausible candidate mechanism involved in forming extracellular cholesterol-containing lesions in ARM. The pigmentary retinopathy and neuropathy of abetalipoproteinemia (Mendelian Inheritance of Man 200100; Bassen-Kornzwieg disease), which is caused by mutations in the MTP gene, may involve loss of function at the retina.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid, and highly sensitive radiochemical assay for measuring the activity of dopamine-β-hydroxylase in tissues and serum is described. Enzyme activity is detected by converting [1-14C]tyramine to [1-14C]octopamine which is then subjected to periodate cleavage to form [14C]form-amide. This radiolabeled product is oxidized to 14CO2 by addition of permanganate and the 14CO2 is trapped and counted. The assay is simple and sensitive, it can linearly detect enzyme in all tissues with a wide range of activity, it uses maximal concentration of substrate, and it requires the addition of only one concentration of EMI to block endogenous inhibitor(s) in different tissues or enzyme concentrations.  相似文献   

An assay for arginase is described that uses l-[guanido-14C]arginine as substrate. Unhydrolyzed arginine is removed in a batch procedure with sulfonate resin and the [14C]urea product is determined quantitatively in the resin supernatant. The assay requires 5 min and is performed in one tube. The sensitivity is approximately 0.1 munits of arginase. Arginase activities in fetal calf serum and in murine macrophage extract have been determined and the bovine liver enzyme has been used as a reference.  相似文献   

J W Ferkany 《Life sciences》1987,41(7):881-884
Radioreceptor assays (RRAs) are analogous in concept to radioimmuno assays. Characteristic to both methods is the saturable, specific, competitive and reversible ligand/receptor interaction. The RRA is simple, sensitive and reproducible and provides a degree of precision comparable to more sophisticated analytical techniques. Since RRAs require little specialized equipment, they can be used routinely by any laboratory engaged in biochemical research or, as an inexpensive exercise to teach the fundamentals of ligand binding and analytical pharmacology.  相似文献   

A rapid, sensitive and reliable assay for inhibin bioactivity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A rapid 2-day quantitative assay for inhibin bioactivity based on FSH secretion from pituitary cells of immature female rats is described. The bioassay exhibited steeper slopes, improved precision and greater (fourfold) sensitivity compared with a previously established pituitary FSH cell content assay. Whole pituitary glands were used for the preparation of pituitary cells and the method for cell dispersion required a single enzymatic treatment with trypsin. Cells (180,000 viable cells per well) were dispensed into culture media containing inhibin and incubated for 48 h. Media were removed and assayed for FSH by radioimmunoassay. Using a ram rete testis fluid preparation as standard the inhibin dose-response curves of 25 consecutive experiments showed indices of precision of -0.08(mean)[range -0.04 to -0.17] and Finney's G values of 0.017[0.003-0.06]. The mean ED40 was 0.17 units of inhibin activity per well with interassay variation of 16.2% at this point of the dose-response curve. The assay had a practical capacity of 400 wells, permitting the measurement of dose-response curves of at least 40 unknowns with three dose points and triplicate wells per dose. The assay is specific for inhibin-containing preparations from several animal species. Overall, the assay is simple, precise, and sensitive, indicative of its applicability to the measurement of inhibin samples with low inhibin bioactivity and to the screening of large numbers of fractions during inhibin purification.  相似文献   

Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) has been studied extensively, primarily because of its role in the assembly of very low density lipoproteins by the liver and chylomicrons by the intestine. Recent studies have suggested that MTP may also play key roles in other cellular processes. In this paper we report the identification of a novel splice variant of MTP in mice. This isoform, MTP-B, has a unique first exon located approximately 2.7 kilobases upstream of canonical MTP (MTP-A) exon 1. The alternative exon encodes 35 amino acids compared with 20 amino acids encoded by exon 1 of MTP-A. MTP-B represents approximately 90% of total MTP mRNA in mouse adipocytes and 3T3-L1 cells and <5% in mouse liver and intestine. Expression of the alternate isoform in mouse liver was confirmed by mass spectrometry. Co-transfection of COS cells with truncated forms of apoB and either MTP-A or MTP-B demonstrated that both isoforms are effective in the assembly and secretion of nascent apoB-containing lipoproteins. Confocal microscopy of 3T3-L1 cells transfected with enhanced green fluorescent protein or DsRed fusions of the two proteins revealed that MTP-A is localized to the endoplasmic reticulum, whereas MTP-B localizes primarily to the Golgi complex in these cells. We conclude that MTP-B functions similarly to MTP-A in lipoprotein assembly. However, in nonlipoprotein-secreting cells, such as the adipocyte, MTP-B may have different localization properties, perhaps reflecting a distinct role in lipid storage and mobilization.  相似文献   

Rava P  Hussain MM 《Biochemistry》2007,46(43):12263-12274
Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) is essential for the assembly of neutral-lipid-rich apolipoprotein B (apoB) lipoproteins. Previously we reported that the Drosophila MTP transfers phospholipids but does not transfer triglycerides. In contrast, human MTP transfers both lipids. To explore the acquisition of triglyceride transfer activity by MTP, we evaluated amino acid sequences, protein structures, and the biochemical and cellular properties of various MTP orthologues obtained from species that diverged during evolution. All MTP orthologues shared similar secondary and tertiary structures, associated with protein disulfide isomerase, localized to the endoplasmic reticulum, and supported apoB secretion. While vertebrate MTPs transferred triglyceride, invertebrate MTPs lacked this activity. Thus, triglyceride transfer activity was acquired during the transition from invertebrates to vertebrates. Within vertebrates, fish, amphibians, and birds displayed 27%, 40%, and 100% triglyceride transfer activity compared to mammals. We conclude that MTP triglyceride transfer activity first appeared in fish and speculate that the acquisition of triglyceride transfer activity by MTP provided for a significant advantage in the evolution of larger and more complex organisms.  相似文献   

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