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Summary Mitochondrial DNAs from Nicotiana tabacum, an amphiploid, and its putative progenitor species, N. sylvestris and N. tomentosiformis were compared in structure and organization. By using DNA transfer techniques and cloned fragments of known genes from maize and N. sylvestris as labeled probes, the positions of homologous sequences in restriction digests of the Nicotiana species were analyzed. Results indicate that the mitochondrial DNA of N. tabacum was inherited from N. sylvestris. Conservation in organization and sequence homology between mtDNAs of N. tabacum and the maternal progenitor, N. sylvestris, provide evidence that the mitochondrial genome in these species is evolutionarily stable. Approximately one-third of the probed restriction fragments of N. tomentosiformis mtDNA showed conservation of position with the other two species. Pattern variations indicate that extensive rearrangement of mtDNA has occurred in the evolution of these Nicotiana species.  相似文献   

Summary A physical map containing six restriction sites of the Nicotiana tabacum chloroplast genome, together with the BamHI maps of N. tabacum, N. otophora and N. knightiana, and the SmaI maps of N. acuminata, N. plumbaginifolia, N. langsdorffii, N. otophora, N. tabacum, N. tomentosiformis and N. knightiana was constructed. In Nicotiana chloroplast genomes, the most frequently observed variations are point mutations. Deletions are also detected. Most of the observed changes are confined to one area of the large single copy region, which is designated as the hot spot. Based on the evidence obtained from Nicotiana chloroplast genomes, an origin of the inverted repeats in this genus is proposed. We suggest that the inverted repeats represent a vestige of what were once two identical, complete chloroplast genomes joined together in a head-to-head and tail-to-tail fashion, and that deletions generated the current chloroplast genome organization.  相似文献   

Summary RuBPCase, the enzyme responsible for carboxylation and oxidation of RuBP in a wide variety of photosynthetic organisms, is the major protein found in the chloroplast. Here we present the first evidence for direct expression in E. coli and B. subtilis of tobacco and Chlamydomonas ct-DNA sequences coding for the LS of RuBPCase as demonstrated by a simple in situ immunoassay.  相似文献   

Summary Nicotiana chloroplast genomes exhibit a high degree of diversity and a general similarity as revealed by restriction enzyme analysis. This property can be measured accurately by restriction enzymes which generate over 20 fragments. However, the restriction enzymes which generate a small number (about 10) of fragments are extremely useful not only in constructing the restriction maps but also in establishing the sequence of ct-DNA evolution. By using a single enzyme, Sma I, a elimination and sequential gain of its recognition sites during the course of ct-DNA evolution is clearly demonstrated. Thus, a sequence of ct-DNA evolution for many Nicotiana species is formulated. The observed changes are all clustered in one region to form a hot spot in the circular molecule of ct-DNA. The mechanisms involved for such alterations are mostly point mutations but inversion and deficiency are also indicated. Since there is a close correlation between the ct-DNA evolution and speciation in Nicotiana a high degree of cooperation and coordination betwen organellar and nuclear genomes is evident.  相似文献   

Summary In a previous study, six recombination sites have been confirmed in the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) of pt14, a somatic hybrid of Nicotiana tabacum and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. In the present study, physical mapping revealed six recombination sites in the 11.4-kb SalI fragment alone, only one of which has been previously identified. This fragment is located in the large unique region. We assume, therefore, that the pt14 cpDNA is a fine mosaic of the parental genomes with a recombination site about every 2 kb. A 748-bp region that comprised the intergenic region between ORF73 and ORF74B, and 460 bp of the petD intron have been sequenced. Parent-specific sequences in the pt14 DNA defined the regions within which recombination took place. The exact site of recombination events could not be determined because the parental sequences were identical between the polymorphic markers, and these sequences have been preserved in the pt14 line.  相似文献   

Ferredoxins were isolated and purified from leaves of different species of Nicotiana and Petunia and from spinach leaves. Their spectral properties, degree of homogeneity, and molecular weights were determined. The preparations were further analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of tryptic hydrolysates. This allowed us to distinguish between not only ferredoxins of Nicotiana, Petunia, and spinach, but even ferredoxins of various Nicotiana species. We used the differences in tryptic peptide compositions as phenotypic markers to study the mode of inheritance of chloroplast ferredoxin to see whether the coding site is in the chloroplast or in the nucleus. Analysis of the tryptic peptide composition of ferredoxin from different interspecific hybrids of Nicotiana showed that the characteristics of both parental ferredoxins were present. The results indicate that the primary structure of at least the male ferredoxin is coded for in the nucleus. In some of the hybrids the relative contribution of the male parent appeared to be low, suggesting that the female genome (presumably that part located in the plastome) exerted a dominating influence.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of mulberry (Morus indica cv. K2) chloroplast genome (158,484 bp) has been determined using a combination of long PCR and shotgun-based approaches. This is the third angiosperm tree species whose plastome sequence has been completely deciphered. The circular double-stranded molecule comprises of two identical inverted repeats (25,678 bp each) separating a large and a small single-copy region of 87,386 bp and 19,742 bp, respectively. A total of 83 protein-coding genes including five genes duplicated in the inverted repeat regions, eight ribosomal RNA genes and 37 tRNA genes (30 gene species) representing 20 amino acids, were assigned on the basis of homology to predicted genes from other chloroplast genomes. The mulberry plastome lacks the genes infA, sprA, and rpl21 and contains two pseudogenes ycf15 and ycf68. Comparative analysis, based on sequence similarity, both at the gene and genome level, indicates Morus to be closer to Cucumis and Lotus, phylogenetically. However, at genome level, inclusion of non-coding regions brings it closer to Eucalyptus, followed by Cucumis. This may reflect differential selection pressure operating on the genic and intergenic regions of the chloroplast genome.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.Communicated by Y. Tsumura  相似文献   

Nine plants were produced from anthers of a somatic hybrid which had been obtained by fusion of Nicotiana tabacum L. and N. rustica L. protoplants. As determined by electrofocusing, the Fraction I protein of the original somatic hybrid had largesubunit polypeptides exclusively of the N. tabacum type. Two of the plants regenerated from anthers contained Fraction-I-protein large subunits exclusively of the N. rustica type. Since each plant was regenerated from a single cell, the somatic hybrid must have had cells containing both the N. tabacum and N. rustica chloroplast genome although the latter was not expressed. Possibilities to account for this non-expression of a chloroplast genome in the somatic hybrid are discussed.  相似文献   

Sulfur reduction in tobacco plants is a light-enhanced process that predominantly takes place in the leaves rather than the roots. The amount of sulfate reduced in mature leaves can exceed their own requirement and enables an export of reduced sulfur, both basipetal toward the roots as well as acropetal toward the growing parts of the stem. Evidence is presented that translocation of reduced sulfur toward the roots occurs in the phloem. TLC and paper chromatography reveal that glutathione is the main transport form of reduced sulfur in tobacco plants; 67–70% of reduced 35S was confined to glutathione, 27–30% to methionine, and 2–8% to cysteine.Abbreviation TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   

Summary The restriction profiles of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) from Nicotiana tabacum, N. sylvestris, N. plumbaginifolia, and N. otophora were obtained with respect to AvaI, BamHI, BglI, HindIII, PstI, PvuII, SalI, and XhoI. An efficient mapping method for the construction of cpDNA physical maps in Nicotiana was established via a computer-aided analysis of the complete cpDNA sequence of N. tabacum for probe selection. The efficiency of this approach is demonstrated by the determination of cpDNA maps from N. sylvestris, N. plumbaginifolia, and N. otophora with respect to all of the above restriction endonucleases. The size and basic structure of the cpDNA from the three species are almost identical, with an addition of approximately 80 bp in N. plumbaginifolia. The restriction patterns and hence the physical maps between N. tabacum and N. sylvestris cpDNA are identical and there is no difference in the Pvull digests of cpDNA from all four species. Restriction site variations in cpDNA from different species probably result from point mutations, which create or eliminate a particular cutting site, and they were observed spanning the whole chloroplast molecule but highly concentrated in both ends of the large, single-copy region. The results presented here will be used for the forthcoming characterization of chloroplast genomes in the interspecies somatic hybrids of Nicotiana, and will be of great value in completing the exploration of the phylogenetic relationships within this already extensively studied genus.  相似文献   

In plant cells, microtubule-based motor proteins have not been characterized to the same degree as in animal cells; therefore, it is not yet clear whether the movement of organelles and vesicles is also dependent on the microtubular cytoskeleton. In this work the kinesinimmunoreactive homologue from pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum L. has been purified and biochemically characterized. The protein preparation mainly contained a polypeptide with a relative molecular weight of approx. 100 kDa. This polypeptide bound to animal microtubules in an ATP-dependent manner and it further copurified with an ATPase activity fourfold-stimulated by the presence of microtubules. In addition, the sedimentation coefficient (approx. 9S) was similar to those previously shown for other kinesins. Immunofluorescence analyses revealed a partial co-distribution of the protein with microtubules in the pollen tube. These data clearly indicate that several properties of the kinesin-immunoreactive homologue are similar to those of kinesin proteins, and suggest that molecular mechanisms analogous to those of animal cells may drive the microtubule-based motility of organelles and vesicles in plants.Abbreviations AE-LPLC anion-exchange low-pressure liquid chromatography - AMPPNP 5-adenylylimidodiphosphate - PKH pollen kinesin homologue - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Summary Comparison of the DNA sequences of the rbcL gene from three Nicotiana species reveals a high degree of homology among the 1431 bp in the coding region. Only eight base pair differences are observed between N. otophora and N. tabacum, and between N. otophora and N. acuminata. Four base pair differences are observed between N. acuminata and N. tabacum. Most changes are in the third position of the codon resulting in only two amino acid alterations when N. otophora and N. acuminata are compared with N. tabacum. Evidence is presented demonstrating that the amino acid compositions of the LS derived from the DNA sequence are related to the IEF cluster pattern. A single charged residue is responsible for the difference in cluster pattern.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts were derived from haploid and diploid Nicotiana sylvestris and N. tabacum. Exposure of the protoplasts to mutagenic doses of ultraviolet (U.V.) radiation prior to two selection rounds in the presence of 4 mM (or 5 mM) and 8 mM of valine, respectively, was required to obtain cell lines with persistent valine resistance. Such lines were obtained from haploid and diploid N. sylvestris protoplasts as well as from haploid protoplasts of N. tabacum but not from (1.8 × 107) diploid N. tabacum protoplasts. The ratio between number of verified valine-resistant cell lines and the initial number of U.V. exposed protoplasts enabled the estimation of the following order of mutation frequency: haploid N. sylvestris > haploid N. tabacum > diploid N. sylvestris. Plants which retained the valine resistance and transmitted it to their sexual progeny were derived from the resistant cell lines.  相似文献   

Three peroxidase isoenzyme-groups found in cell walls of tobacco were tested for their capacity to form H2O2. Isoenzyme-group GI, located only in cell walls (GII and GIII are also found in protoplasts) showed the highest Kapp-value for H2O2-formation. The lowest Kapp-value, i.e., maximal H2O2-formation was received for group GIII which is ionically bound to the cell wall. As shown before, GI yields maximal polymerization rates for coniferyl- and p-coumarylalcohol. These facts indicate that each of the peroxidase isoenzyme groups of the cell wall is involved with different catalytic functions within the same pathways of H2O2-formation and succeeding lignification. H2O2-formation catalyzed by all 3 groups was increased by very low concentrations of Mn2+-ions. The required amount of Mn2+ leading to maximal stimulation was in each case dependent on the basic rate of H2O2-formation. Maximal stimulation of H2O2-formation by phenolic compounds was achieved by coniferylalcohol at a concentration of 10-4M for all groups. Stimulation by p-coumaryl-and by sinapylalcohol was not as significant.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts of Nicotiana tabacum SRI (streptomycin resistant) and of Nicotiana knightiana (streptomycin sensitive) were fused using polyethylene glycol treatment. From three heterokaryons 500 clones were obtained. From the 43 which were further investigated, 6 resistant, 3 sensitive, and 34 chimeric (consisting of resistant and sensitive sectors) calli were found. From eight clones, a total of 39 plants were regenerated and identified as somatic hybrids. Chloroplast type (N. tabacum = NT or N. knightiana = NK) in the plants was determined on the basis of the species specific EcoRI restriction pattern of the chloroplast DNA. Regenerates contained NT (13 plants) or NK (15 plants) plastids but only the plants with the NT chloroplasts were resistant to streptomycin. This finding and our earlier data on uniparental inheritance points to the chloroplasts as the carriers of the streptomycin resistance factor.  相似文献   

Antibodies were raised in rabbits against 2Fe–2S ferredoxin from N. tabacum L. The antibodies showed partial cross-reactivity in the double diffusion test with ferredoxins from Spinacia oleracea L., Petunia inflata Fries., P. axillaris Lam., Phaseolus vulgaris L., Chlamydomonas remhardii Dang. A complete cross-reaction was observed with ferredoxins from five other Nicotiana species, thus with this test it was impossible to discriminate between these ferredoxins. Therefore the following test was performed. Heterologous ferredoxin (i.e., ferredoxin other than from N. tabacum) was coupled covalently to Sepharose beads. Rabbit anti-N. tabacum-serum was then pre-incubated with this ferredoxin which resulted in complete abolition of cross-reactivity with free heterologous ferredoxin. However, the serum retained antibody activity against specific antigenic determinants of N. tabacum ferredoxin. When this serum was tested against ferredoxin purified from the hybrid: N. tabacum ()xN. glutinosa () it gave a positive reaction. The relative content of maternal N. tabacum ferredoxin in the hybrid was estimated by using a fluorescent derivative of this specific antibody and estimating the cross-reactivity compared with that of artificial mixtures of pure N. tabacum and N. glutinosa ferredoxins. The hybrid contained 50% of maternal ferredoxin. This technique was also applied to ferredoxins of other species of Nicotiana and to the ferredoxin from the hybrid N. clevelandii ()xN. glutinosa (). We conclude that it provides a good test system for the study of the expression of chloroplast ferredoxin in Nicotiana hybrids in general.Abbreviations PBS phosphate buffered saline - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - S.E.M. standard error of means  相似文献   

Summary Somatic hybrids were produced between Nicotiana tabacum and N. nesophila, two species incapable of conventional sexual hybridization. Sexual hybrids, though, could be produced between these two species by using ovule culture only when N. nesophila was female. Clones of somatic hybrids were compared with sexual hybrids. Statistically significant variation was observed between clones, but not between sexual hybrids, for pollen viability, flower morphology, leaf morphology, and trichome density. As all clones of somatic hybrids have 96 chromosomes, the variability could not be explained by interclonal variation in chromosome number. Variation between somatic hybrids could be the result of cytoplasmic segregation or recombination, mitotic recombination or small chromosomal rearrangements prior to plant regeneration. Variation between clones could be exploited as these interspecies hybrids are now being used to incorporate disease resistance into cultivated tobacco.  相似文献   

Summary EcoR1 restriction endonuclease analysis of chloroplast DNA isolated from several distinct populations of Nicotiana debneyi has revealed a naturally occurring polymorphism. The chloroplast DNA of seven of the nine populations analysed possessed an additional EcoRl site. The origin of the additional restriction endonuclease fragments was confirmed by hybridisation of [32 P]-cRNA to fractionated EcoRl restricted chloroplast-DNA fragments adsorbed to nitrocellulose filters. Reciprocal f1 hybrids between plants carrying the variant chloroplast-DNA's confirmed maternal inheritance of chloroplast-DNA.Communicated by G. Melchers and D. von Wettstein  相似文献   

Summary Several nuclear and cytoplasmic characters of the back-crossed progeny of a somatic hybrid between male sterile Nicotiana tabacum (N. debneyi cytoplasm) and N. glutinosa have been analysed. Progeny were obtained by repeated back-crossing of a somatic hybrid with pollen from either N. tabacum or N. glutinosa. Nuclear ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) were found to be a reliable marker to determine the constitution of nuclear genomes in the progeny. The progeny obtained by back-crossing with N. tabacum pollen maintained uniformity in leaf morphology. On the other hand, variation in leaf morphology was observed in the second back-cross population obtained with N. glutinosa pollen. This may be due to a variable contribution of N. tabacum chromosomes. Segregation of rDNA was also found in individuals of the same back-crossed progeny, but was not related to the chromosome number. The stable inheritance of chloroplast DNA in the back-crossed generation was confirmed regardless of the type of pollen donor. Male sterility was consistently maintained throughout several generations, suggesting that the nuclear genome of either N. tabacum or N. glutinosa does not influence the expression of cytoplasmic male sterility.  相似文献   

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