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Protein kinase CK2 forms complexes with some protein substrates what may be relevant for the physiological control of this protein kinase. In previous studies in rat liver cytosol we had detected that the trimeric form of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF-2) co-eluted with protein kinase CK2. We have now observed that the ratio between eIF-2 and cytosolic CK2 contents in testis, liver and brain is quite similar, being eIF-2 levels about 5-fold higher than those of CK2. Furthermore eIF-2 was present in liver samples immunoprecipitated with anti-CK2/ antibodies, confirming the existence of complexes containing both proteins. Nonetheless, these complexes would represent only a fraction of total cytosolic CK2 and eIF-2.We had also observed that rat liver membrane glycoproteins obtained through chromatography on wheat-germ lectin-Sepharose contain CK2 activity which copurifies with grp94/endoplasmin. We have now confirmed that this activity was due to the presence of protein kinase CK2 as evidenced by immunodetection with antibodies against CK2/. The fractions enriched in grp94/endoplasmin and CK2 also contained another 55-kDa polypeptide (p55) phosphorylated by CK2 which has been identified as calreticulin by N-terminal sequencing. Calreticulin and grp94/endoplasmin could be partially resolved from CK2 by chromatography on heparin-agarose and almost completely on ConA-Sepharose. However, phosphorylation of immunoprecipitated grp94/endoplasmin was enhanced by its preincubation with purified CK2 prior to immunoprecipitation, what confirms the easy reassociation between these proteins.The association of protein kinase CK2 with eIF-2 and with grp94/endoplasmin may serve to locate the enzyme in the cellular machinery involved in protein synthesis and folding, and reinforces the possible involvement of CK2 in these processes.  相似文献   

We report the identification of new, structurally diverse inhibitors of interferon-induced, double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase (PKR) using a combined experimental and computational approach. A training set with which to build a predictive statistical model was generated by screening a set of 80 known Ser/Thr kinase inhibitors against recombinant human PKR, resulting in the identification of 28 compounds from 18 chemical classes with <0.1 μM ? IC50 ? 20 μM. The model built with this data was used to screen a database of 5 million commercially available compounds in silico to identify candidate inhibitors. Testing of 128 structurally diverse candidates resulted in the confirmation of 20 new inhibitors from 11 chemical classes with 2 μM ? IC50 ? 20 μM. Testing of 34 analogs in the newly identified pyrimidin-2-amine active series provided initial SAR. One newly identified inhibitor, N-[2-(1H-indol-3-yl)ethyl]-4-(2-methyl-1H-indol-3-yl)pyrimidin-2-amine (compound 51), inhibited intracellular PKR activation in a dose-dependent manner in primary mouse macrophages without evident toxicity at effective concentrations.  相似文献   

The capsid protein of Semliki Forest virus constitutes the N-terminal part of a large viral polyprotein. It consists of an unstructured basic segment (residues 1-118) and a 149 residue serine protease module (SFVP, residues 119-267) comprised of two beta-barrel domains. Previous in vivo and in vitro translation experiments have demonstrated that SFVP folds co-translationally during synthesis of the viral polyprotein and rapidly cleaves itself off the nascent chain. To test whether fast co-translation folding of SFVP is an intrinsic property of the polypeptide chain or whether folding is accelerated by cellular components, we investigated spontaneous folding of recombinant SFVP in vitro. The results show that the majority of unfolded SFVP molecules fold faster than any previously studied two-domain protein (tau=50 ms), and that folding of the N-terminal domain precedes structure formation of the C-terminal domain. This shows that co-translational folding of SFVP does not require additional cellular components and suggests that rapid folding is the result of molecular evolution towards efficient virus biogenesis.  相似文献   

Proteasomes (prosomes) are large multiprotein complexes. They are involved in protein degradation of ubiquitin-conjugated proteins and in the generation of MHC class I peptides. We gave further evidence that they interfere within vitro protein synthesis. Proteasomes inhibit the translation of Tobacco mosaic virus RNA. Analysis of cell-free systems by sucrose gradient centrifugation revealted that they prevent the formation of 80S initiation complexes but not the early phase of initiation.  相似文献   

The membrane location of the Semliki Forest virus glycoproteins E1, E2 and E3 was studied by protease treatment of (1) virus particles and (2) rough micro somes from cells infected with SF virus2. Protease treatment of virus particles removes all but the membrane-associated segments of the glycoproteins. Analyses of protease-treated SF virus membranes in 15% to 22.5% gradient acrylamide gels demonstrate the presence of three distinct peptide species with apparent molecular weights of 9000, 6000 and 5500. The 9000 and the 5500 molecular weight peptides have been aligned to the COOH-terminal end of E2 and the 6000 molecular weight peptide to the COOH-terminal end of El. The mapping of the peptides was done in a “Dintzis”-type of experiment (Dintzis, 1961) where we labelled the proteins of the virus with a gradient of [35S]methionine increasing towards their COOH-terminal end.Protease treatment of microsomes from cells infected with SF virus removes only those parts of the viral glycoproteins that are transversing the lipid bilayer. Analyses of such treated membranes in sodium dodecyl sulphate-containing gels show that a 3000 molecular weight piece is digested from the COOH-terminal end of p62, the cellular precursor of E2 and E3. The COOH-terminus of p62 is shown to be equivalent to that of E2. These results thus demonstrate that the two amphiphilic membrane proteins of SF virus, E1 and E2 (p62) are attached to the lipid bilayer by their COOH-terminal ends. The COOH-terminal end of p62 (E2) spans the microsomal membrane. The third membrane protein, E3, probably does not interact with membrane lipids but is bound to the virus on E1 and (or) E2.  相似文献   

The N-terminal segment of the Semliki Forest virus polyprotein is an intramolecular serine protease that cleaves itself off after the invariant Trp267 from a viral polyprotein and generates the mature capsid protein. After this autoproteolytic cleavage, the free carboxylic group of Trp267 interacts with the catalytic triad (His145, Asp167 and Ser219) and inactivates the enzyme. We have deleted the last 1-7 C-terminal residues of the mature capsid protease to investigate whether removal of Trp267 regenerates enzymatic activity. Although the C-terminally truncated polypeptides do not adopt a defined three-dimensional structure and show biophysical properties observed in natively unfolded proteins, they efficiently catalyse the hydrolysis of aromatic amino acid esters, with higher catalytic efficiency for tryptophan compared to tyrosine esters and kcat/KM values up to 5 × 105 s−1 M−1. The enzymatic mechanism of these deletion variants is typical of serine proteases. The pH enzyme activity profile shows a pKa1 = 6.9, and the Ser219Ala substitution destroys the enzymatic activity. In addition, the fast release of the first product of the enzymatic reaction is followed by a steady-state second phase, indicative of formation and breakdown of a covalent acyl-enzyme intermediate. The rates of acylation and deacylation are k2 = 4.4±0.6 s−1 and k3 = 1.6±0.5 s−1, respectively, for a tyrosine derivative ester substrate, and the amplitude of the burst phase indicates that 95% of the enzyme molecules are active. In summary, our data provide further evidence for the potential catalytic activity of natively unfolded proteins, and provide the basis for engineering of alphavirus capsid proteins towards hydrolytic enzymes with novel specificities.  相似文献   

The function of Semliki Forest Virus nsP2 protease was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. Mutations were introduced in its protease domain, Pro39, and the mutated proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli, purified and their activity in vitro was compared to that of the wild type Pro39. Mutations M781T, A662T and G577R, found in temperature-sensitive virus strains, rendered the enzyme temperature-sensitive in vitro as well. Five conserved residues were required for the proteolytic activity of Pro39. Changes affecting Cys478, His548, and Trp549 resulted in complete inactivation of the enzyme, whereas the replacements N600D and N605D significantly impaired its activity. The importance of Trp549 for the proteolytic cleavage specificity is discussed and a new structural motif involved in substrate recognition by cysteine proteases is proposed.  相似文献   

S100B(betabeta) is a dimeric Ca2+-binding protein that is known to inhibit the protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent phosphorylation of several proteins. To further characterize this inhibition, we synthesized peptides based on the PKC phosphorylation domains of p53 (residues 367-388), neuromodulin (residues 37-53), and the regulatory domain of PKC (residues 19-31), and tested them as substrates for PKC. All three peptides were shown to be good substrates for the catalytic domain of PKC. As for full-length p53 (Baudier J, Delphin C, Grunwald D, Khochbin S, Lawrence JJ. 1992. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 89:11627-11631), S100B(betabeta) binds the p53 peptide and inhibits its PKC-dependent phosphorylation (IC50 = 10 +/- 7 microM) in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Similarly, phosphorylation of the neuromodulin peptide and the PKC regulatory domain peptide were inhibited by S100B(betabeta) in the presence of Ca2+ (IC50 = 17 +/- 5 microM; IC50 = 1 +/- 0.5 microM, respectively). At a minimum, the C-terminal EF-hand Ca2+-binding domain (residues 61-72) of each S100beta subunit must be saturated to inhibit phosphorylation of the p53 peptide as determined by comparing the Ca2+ dependence of inhibition ([Ca]IC50 = 29.3 +/- 17.6 microM) to the dissociation of Ca2+ from the C-terminal EF-hand Ca2+-binding domain of S100B(betabeta).  相似文献   

The stimulation of translation in starfish oocytes by the maturation hormone, 1-methyladenine (1-MA), requires the activation or mobilization of both initiation factors and mRNAs [Xu and Hille, Cell Regul. 1:1057, 1990]. We identify here the translational initiation complex, eIF-4F, and the guanine nucleotide exchange factor for eIF-2, eIF-2B, as the rate controlling components of protein synthesis in immature oocytes of the starfish, Pisaster orchraceus. Increased phosphorylation of eIF-4E, the cap binding subunit of the eIF-4F complex, is coincident with the initial increase in translational activity during maturation of these oocytes. Significantly, protein kinase C activity increased during oocyte maturation in parallel with the increase in eIF-4E phosphorylation and protein synthesis. An increase in the activities of cdc2 kinase and mitogen-activated myelin basic protein kinase (MBP kinase) similarly coincide with the increase in eIF-4E phosphorylation. However, neither cdc2 kinase nor MBP kinase phosphorylates eIF-4E in vitro. Casein kinase II activity does not change during oocyte maturation, and therefore, cannot be responsible for the activation of translation. Treatment of oocytes with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, an activator of protein kinase C, for 30 min prior to the addition of 1-MA resulted in the inhibition of 1-MA-induced phosphorylation of eIF-4E, translational activation, and germinal vesicle breakdown. Therefore, protein kinase C may phosphorylate eIF-4E, after very early events of maturation. Another possibility is that eIF-4E is phosphorylated by an unknown kinase that is activated by the cascade of reactions stimulated by 1-MA. In conclusion, our results suggest a role for the phosphorylation of eIF-4E in the activation of translation during maturation, similar to translational regulation during the stimulation of growth in mammalian cells. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The alpha subunit of translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2alpha) is the target of specific kinases that can phosphorylate a conserved serine residue as part of a mechanism for regulating protein expression at the translational level in eukaryotes. The structure of the 20 kDa N-terminal region of eIF2alpha from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was determined by X-ray crystallography at 2.5A resolution. In most respects, the structure is similar to that of the recently solved human eIF2alpha; the rather elongated protein contains a five-stranded antiparallel beta-barrel in its N-terminal region, followed by an almost entirely helical domain. The S.cerevisiae eIF2alpha lacks a disulfide bridge that is present in the homologous protein in humans and some of the other higher eukaryotes. Interestingly, a conserved loop consisting of residues 51-65 and containing serine 51, the putative phosphorylation site, is visible in the electron density maps of the S.cerevisiae eIF2alpha; most of this functionally important loop was not observed in the crystal structure of the human protein. This loop is relatively exposed to solvent, and contains two short 3(10) helices in addition to some extended structure. Serine 51 is located at the C-terminal end of one of the 3(10) helices and near several conserved positively charged residues. The side-chain of serine 51 is sufficiently exposed so that its phosphorylation would not necessitate a substantial change in the protein structure. The structures and relative positions of residues that have been implicated in kinase binding and in the interaction with guanine nucleotide exchange factor (eIF2B) are described.  相似文献   

We report here evidence of the role that the isoform of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4G (eIF(iso)4G) plays in naturally occurring resistance in plant/virus interactions. A genetic and physical mapping approach was developed to isolate the Rymv1 locus controlling the high recessive resistance to Rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) in the rice (Oryza sativa) variety Gigante. The locus was mapped to a 160-kb interval containing a gene from the eIF(iso)4G family. The stable transformation of a resistant line with the cDNA of this gene, derived from a susceptible variety, resulted in the loss of resistance in transgenic plants. The allelic variability of this gene was analysed in three resistant and 17 susceptible varieties from different cultivated rice species or subspecies. Compared with susceptible varieties, resistant varieties present specific alleles, characterized by either amino acid substitutions or short amino-acid deletions in the middle domain of the protein. The structure of this domain was modelled and showed that the substitutions were clustered on a small surface patch. This suggests that this domain may be involved in an interaction with the virus.  相似文献   

Treatment of murine myotubes with high glucose concentrations (10 and 25 mM) stimulated protein degradation through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, and also caused activation (autophosphorylation) of PKR (double-stranded-RNA-dependent protein kinase) and eIF2α (eukaryotic initiation factor 2α). Phosphorylation of PKR and eIF2α was also seen in the gastrocnemius muscle of diabetic ob/ob mice. High glucose levels also inhibited protein synthesis. The effect of glucose on protein synthesis and degradation was not seen in myotubes transfected with a catalytically inactive variant (PKRΔ6). High glucose also induced an increased activity of both caspase-3 and -8, which led to activation of PKR, since this was completely attenuated by the specific caspase inhibitors. Activation of PKR also led to activation of p38MAPK (mitogen activated protein kinase), leading to ROS (reactive oxygen species) formation, since this was attenuated by the specific p38MAPK inhibitor SB203580. ROS formation was important in protein degradation, since it was completely attenuated by the antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene. These results suggest that high glucose induces muscle atrophy through the caspase-3/-8 induced activation of PKR, leading to phosphorylation of eIF2α and depression of protein synthesis, together with PKR-mediated ROS production, through p38MAPK and increased protein degradation.  相似文献   

Dystrophin is the 427-kDa protein product of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene (DMD). The function of this protein remains to be elucidated. We have recently reported that dystrophin is phosphorylated,in vivo, in rat skeletal muscle primary cell culture (RE Milner, JL Busaan, CFB Holmes, JH Wang, M Michalak (1993) J Biol Chem 268: 21901–21905). This observation suggests that protein phosphorylation may have some role in modulating the function of dystrophin or its interaction with membrane associate dystroglycan. We report here that the carboxyl-terminal of dystrophin is phosphorylated by the MAP kinase p44mpk (mitogen-activated protein kinase), from the sea star oocytes and by soluble extracts of rabbit skeletal muscle. Importantly we showed that native dystrophin in isolated sarcolemmal vesicles is phosphorylated by sea star p44mpk. Partial purification and immunological analysis show that a mammalian kinase related to p44mpk is present in the skeletal muscle extracts and that it contributes to phosphorylation of the carboxyl-terminal of dystrophin. This kinase phosphorylates dystrophin on a threonine residue(s). We conclude that phosphorylation of dystrophin may play an important role in the function of this cytoskeletal protein.Abbreviations MAP kinase mitogen-activated protein kinase - DMD Duchenne muscular dystrophy - GST Glutathione S-transferase - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - EGTA ethylene glycol bis(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - MOPS 4-morpholinepropanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

Bacterial translation initiation factor IF2 is a multidomain protein that is an essential component of a system for ensuring that protein synthesis begins at the correct codon within a messenger RNA. Full-length IF2 from Escherichia coli and seven fragments of the protein were expressed, purified, and characterized using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and circular dichroism (CD) methods. Interestingly, resonances of the 6 kD IF2N domain located at the extreme N terminus of IF2 can be clearly identified within the NMR spectra of the full-length 97-kD protein. (15)N NMR relaxation rate data indicate that (1) the IF2N domain is internally well ordered and tumbles in solution in a manner that is independent of the other domains of the IF2 protein, and (2) the IF2N domain is connected to the C-terminal regions of IF2 by a flexible linker. Chemical shifts of resonances within the isolated IF2N domain do not significantly differ from those of the corresponding residues within the context of the full-length 97-kD protein, indicating that IF2N is a structurally independent unit that does not strongly interact with other regions of IF2. CD and NMR data together provide evidence that Domains I-III of IF2 have unstructured and flexible regions as well as substantial helical content; CD data indicate that the helical content of these regions decreases significantly at temperatures above 35 degrees C. The features of structurally well-ordered N- and C-terminal domains connected by a flexible linker with significant helical content are reminiscent of another translation initiation factor, IF3.  相似文献   

Threonine(668) (thr(668)) within the carboxy-terminus of the Alzheimer's disease amyloid precursor protein (APP) is a known in vivo phosphorylation site. Phosphorylation of APPthr(668) is believed to regulate APP function and metabolism. Thr(668) precedes a proline, which suggests that it is targeted for phosphorylation by proline-directed kinase(s). We have investigated the ability of four major neuronally active proline-directed kinases, cyclin dependent protein kinase-5, glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta, p42 mitogen-activated protein kinase and stress-activated protein kinase-1b, to phosphorylate APPthr(668) and report here that SAPK1b induces robust phosphorylation of this site both in vitro and in vivo. This finding provides a molecular framework to link cellular stresses with APP metabolism in both normal and disease states.  相似文献   

Background information. The translational inhibitor protein 4E‐BP1 [eIF4E (eukaryotic initiation factor 4E)‐binding protein 1] regulates the availability of polypeptide chain initiation factor eIF4E for protein synthesis. Initiation factor eIF4E binds the 5′ cap structure present on all cellular mRNAs. Its ability to associate with initiation factors eIF4G and eIF4A, forming the eIF4F complex, brings the mRNA to the 43S complex during the initiation of translation. Binding of eIF4E to eIF4G is inhibited in a competitive manner by 4E‐BP1. Phosphorylation of 4E‐BP1 decreases the affinity of this protein for eIF4E, thus favouring the binding of eIF4G and enhancing translation. We have previously shown that induction or activation of the tumour suppressor protein p53 rapidly leads to 4E‐BP1 dephosphorylation, resulting in sequestration of eIF4E, decreased formation of the eIF4F complex and inhibition of protein synthesis. Results. We now report that activation of p53 also results in modification of 4E‐BP1 to a truncated form. Unlike full‐length 4E‐BP1, which is reversibly phosphorylated at multiple sites, the truncated protein is almost completely unphosphorylated. Moreover, the latter interacts with eIF4E in preference to full‐length 4E‐BP1. Inhibitor studies indicate that the p53‐induced cleavage of 4E‐BP1 is mediated by the proteasome and is blocked by conditions that inhibit the dephosphorylation of full‐length 4E‐BP1. Measurements of the turnover of 4E‐BP1 indicate that the truncated form is much more stable than the full‐length protein. Conclusions. The results suggest a model in which proteasome activity gives rise to a stable, hypophosphorylated and truncated form of 4E‐BP1, which may exert a long‐term inhibitory effect on the availability of eIF4E, thus contributing to the inhibition of protein synthesis and the growth‐inhibitory and pro‐apoptotic effects of p53.  相似文献   

Terminal oligopyrimidine (TOP) mRNAs (encoded by the TOP genes) are identified by a sequence of 6–12 pyrimidines at the 5′ end and by a growth-associated translational regulation. All vertebrate genes for the 80 ribosomal proteins and some other genes involved, directly or indirectly, in translation, are TOP genes. Among the numerous translation factors, only eEF1A and eEF2 are known to be encoded by TOP genes, most of the others having not been analyzed. Here, we report a systematic analysis of the human genes for translation factors. Our results show that: (1) all five elongation factors are encoded by TOP genes; and (2) among the initiation and termination factors analyzed, only eIF3e, eIF3f, and eIF3h exhibit the characteristics of TOP genes. Interestingly, these three polypeptides have been recently shown to constitute a specific subgroup among eIF3 subunits. In fact, eIF3e, eIF3f, and eIF3h are the part of the functional core of eIF3 that is not conserved in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It has been hypothesized that they are regulatory subunits, and the fact that they are encoded by TOP genes may be relevant for their function.  相似文献   

Protein kinase Cs (PKCs) are critical signaling molecules controlled by complex regulatory pathways. Herein, we describe an important regulatory role for C2 domain phosphorylation. Novel PKCs (nPKCs) contain an N‐terminal C2 domain that cannot bind to calcium. Previously, we described an autophosphorylation site in the Aplysia novel PKC Apl II that increased the binding of the C2 domain to lipids. In this study, we show that the function of this phosphorylation is to inhibit PKC translocation. Indeed, a phosphomimetic serine‐glutamic acid mutation reduced translocation of PKC Apl II while blocking phosphorylation with a serine‐alanine mutation enhanced translocation and led to the persistence of the kinase at the membrane longer after the end of the stimulation. Consistent with a role for autophosphorylation in regulating kinase translocation, inhibiting PKC activity using bisindolymaleimide 1 increased physiological translocation of PKC Apl II, whereas inhibiting phosphatase activity using calyculin A inhibited physiological translocation of PKC Apl II in neurons. Our results suggest a major role for autophosphorylation‐dependent regulation of translocation.  相似文献   

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