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This paper examines the effect of vaccination for an epidemic model where the death rate depends on the number of individuals in the population. The basic model which is described is based on measles or other childhood diseases in developing countries or viral diseases such as rabies in animal populations. An equilibrium analysis of the model and the local stability of small perturbations about the equilibrium values are discussed. The biological implications of these results are examined and similar results presented for modifications of the basic model.  相似文献   

Vaccination campaigns for common childhood diseases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mathematical models exist for vaccination programs for common childhood diseases such as measles, chickenpox, polio, rubella, and mumps. In compartmental models, the population is divided into compartments containing susceptible, infected, and immune individuals, and the model also takes account of the age structure in the population. An equilibrium analysis is performed on the resulting partial differential equations to determine the vaccination program that just eliminates the disease. The stability of the resulting equilibrium solutions is also examined. Particular attention is paid to multistage vaccination strategies that vaccinate given proportions of susceptible individuals at various ages. Finally, some numerical results are analyzed to see what these vaccination coverages mean for certain common childhood diseases.  相似文献   


Stochastic epidemic models with two groups are formulated and applied to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. In recent emerging diseases, disease spread has been attributed to superspreaders, highly infectious individuals that infect a large number of susceptible individuals. In some re-emerging infectious diseases, disease spread is attributed to waning immunity in susceptible hosts. We apply a continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) model to study disease emergence or re-emergence from different groups, where the transmission rates depend on either the infectious host or the susceptible host. Multitype branching processes approximate the dynamics of the CTMC model near the disease-free equilibrium and are used to estimate the probability of a minor or a major epidemic. It is shown that the probability of a major epidemic is greater if initiated by an individual from the superspreader group or by an individual from the highly susceptible group. The models are applied to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and measles.  相似文献   

Spatial heterogeneity and host demography have a direct impact on the persistence or extinction of a disease. Natural or human-made landscape features such as forests, rivers, roads, and crops are important to the persistence of wildlife diseases. Rabies, hantaviruses, and plague are just a few examples of wildlife diseases where spatial patterns of infection have been observed. We formulate multi-patch deterministic and stochastic epidemic models and use these models to investigate problems related to disease persistence and extinction. We show in some special cases that a unique disease-free equilibrium exists. In these cases, a basic reproduction number ?(0) can be computed and shown to be bounded below and above by the minimum and maximum patch reproduction numbers ?(j), j=1, …, n. The basic reproduction number has a simple form when there is no movement or when all patches are identical or when the movement rate approaches infinity. Numerical examples of the deterministic and stochastic models illustrate the disease dynamics for different movement rates between three patches.  相似文献   

Recent increases in reported outbreaks of tick-borne diseases have led to increased interest in understanding and controlling epidemics involving these transmission vectors. Mathematical disease models typically assume constant population size and spatial homogeneity. For tick-borne diseases, these assumptions are not always valid. The disease model presented here incorporates non-constant population sizes and spatial heterogeneity utilizing a system of differential equations that may be applied to a variety of spatial patches. We present analytical results for the one patch version and find parameter restrictions under which the populations and infected densities reach equilibrium. We then numerically explore disease dynamics when parameters are allowed to vary spatially and temporally and consider the effectiveness of various tick-control strategies.  相似文献   

Infection age is often an important factor in epidemic dynamics. In order to realistically analyze the spreading mechanism and dynamical behavior of epidemic diseases, in this paper, a generalized disease transmission model of SIS type with age-dependent infection and birth and death on a heterogeneous network is discussed. The model allows the infection and recovery rates to vary and depend on the age of infection, the time since an individual becomes infected. We address uniform persistence and find that the model has the sharp threshold property, that is, for the basic reproduction number less than one, the disease-free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable, while for the basic reproduction number is above one, a Lyapunov functional is used to show that the endemic equilibrium is globally stable. Finally, some numerical simulations are carried out to illustrate and complement the main results. The disease dynamics rely not only on the network structure, but also on an age-dependent factor (for some key functions concerned in the model).  相似文献   

D V Lindley 《Biometrics》1979,35(3):605-612
A number of individuals is observed at the beginning of a period. At the end of the period the number is surviving, the number who have died and the number who have withdrawn are noted. From these three numbers it is required to estimate the death rate for the period. All relevant quantities are supposed independent and identically distributed for the individuals. The likelihood is calculated and found to depend on two parameters, other than the death rate, and to be unidenttifiable so that no consistent estimators exist. For large numbers, the posterior distribution of the death rate is approximated by a normal distribution whose mean is the root of a quadratic equation and whose variance is the sum of two terms; the first is proportional to the reciprocal of the number of individuals, as usually happens with a consistent estimator; the second does not tend to zero and depends on initial opinions about one of the nuisance parameters. The paper is a simple exercise in the routine use of coherent, Bayesian methodology. Numerical calucations illustrate the results.  相似文献   

Three models of age-structured populations with demographically heterogeneous subpopulations are analyzed. In the first model, each subpopulation has its own age-specific vital rates which are fixed in time. In the second model, the vital rates of each subpopulation are uniformly inhibited by increasing total numbers of individuals. In the third, the vital rates of groups of subpopulations are inhibited by the total numbers of individuals in other groups of subpopulations with an intensity that depends on the interacting pair of groups. Three functions are defined to measure disequilibrium in the subpopulation frequencies, subpopulation age structures, and total population size. For the first model, we show that disequilibrium will shift the trajectory of the total numbers of individuals forward or backward in time by an asymptotic constant that is proportional to the sum of the disequilibrium measures. For the second model, we establish sufficient conditions for the existence of a globally stable equilibrium and we show that disequilibrium will result in a finite loss or gain in life which is proportional to the sum of the disequilibrium measures. For the last model, we show that the loss or gain in life for each group of subpopulations is a linear combination over all groups of the sums of the three disequilibrium measures. We illustrate these results with numerical examples and give possible biological interpretations of the models. We relate these new results to previous work on the cost of natural selection and measures of demographic disequilibrium.  相似文献   

Gordo I  Charlesworth B 《Genetics》2000,154(3):1379-1387
The accumulation of deleterious mutations due to the process known as Muller's ratchet can lead to the degeneration of nonrecombining populations. We present an analytical approximation for the rate at which this process is expected to occur in a haploid population. The approximation is based on a diffusion equation and is valid when N exp(-u/s) > 1, where N is the population size, u is the rate at which deleterious mutations occur, and s is the effect of each mutation on fitness. Simulation results are presented to show that the approximation estimates the rate of the process better than previous approximations for values of mutation rates and selection coefficients that are compatible with the biological data. Under certain conditions, the ratchet can turn at a biologically significant rate when the deterministic equilibrium number of individuals free of mutations is substantially >100. The relevance of this process for the degeneration of Y or neo-Y chromosomes is discussed.  相似文献   

Spatial heterogeneity and host demography have a direct impact on the persistence or extinction of a disease. Natural or human-made landscape features such as forests, rivers, roads, and crops are important to the persistence of wildlife diseases. Rabies, hantaviruses, and plague are just a few examples of wildlife diseases where spatial patterns of infection have been observed. We formulate multi-patch deterministic and stochastic epidemic models and use these models to investigate problems related to disease persistence and extinction. We show in some special cases that a unique disease-free equilibrium exists. In these cases, a basic reproduction number ?0 can be computed and shown to be bounded below and above by the minimum and maximum patch reproduction numbers ? j , j=1, …, n. The basic reproduction number has a simple form when there is no movement or when all patches are identical or when the movement rate approaches infinity. Numerical examples of the deterministic and stochastic models illustrate the disease dynamics for different movement rates between three patches.  相似文献   

Environmental fluctuations often have different impacts on individuals that differ in size, age, or spatial location. To understand how population structure, environmental fluctuations, and density-dependent interactions influence population dynamics, we provide a general theory for persistence for density-dependent matrix models in random environments. For populations with compensating density dependence, exhibiting “bounded” dynamics, and living in a stationary environment, we show that persistence is determined by the stochastic growth rate (alternatively, dominant Lyapunov exponent) when the population is rare. If this stochastic growth rate is negative, then the total population abundance goes to zero with probability one. If this stochastic growth rate is positive, there is a unique positive stationary distribution. Provided there are initially some individuals in the population, the population converges in distribution to this stationary distribution and the empirical measures almost surely converge to the distribution of the stationary distribution. For models with overcompensating density-dependence, weaker results are proven. Methods to estimate stochastic growth rates are presented. To illustrate the utility of these results, applications to unstructured, spatially structured, and stage-structured population models are given. For instance, we show that diffusively coupled sink populations can persist provided that within patch fitness is sufficiently variable in time but not strongly correlated across space.  相似文献   

Models for the spread of universally fatal diseases   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In the formulation of models of S-I-R type for the spread of communicable diseases it is necessary to distinguish between diseases with recovery with full immunity and diseases with permanent removal by death. We consider models which include nonlinear population dynamics with permanent removal. The principal result is that the stability of endemic equilibrium may depend on the population dynamics and on the distribution of infective periods; sustained oscillations are possible in some cases.  相似文献   

A modified susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) host-pathogen model is used to determine the influence of plant mating system on the outcome of a host-pathogen interaction. Unlike previous models describing how interactions between mating system and pathogen infection affect individual fitness, this model considers the potential consequences of varying mating systems on the prevalence of resistance alleles and disease within the population. If a single allele for disease resistance is sufficient to confer complete resistance in an individual and if both homozygote and heterozygote resistant individuals have the same mean birth and death rates, then, for any parameter set, the selfing rate does not affect the proportions of resistant, susceptible or infected individuals at equilibrium. If homozygote and heterozygote individual birth rates differ, however, the mating system can make a difference in these proportions. In that case, depending on other parameters, increased selfing can either increase or decrease the rate of infection in the population. Results from this model also predict higher frequencies of resistance alleles in predominantly selfing compared to predominantly outcrossing populations for most model conditions. In populations that have higher selfing rates, the resistance alleles are concentrated in homozygotes, whereas in more outcrossing populations, there are more resistant heterozygotes.  相似文献   

The effects of social hierarchy on population dynamics and epidemiology are examined through a model which contains a number of fundamental features of hierarchical systems, but is simple enough to allow analytical insight. In order to allow for differences in birth rates, contact rates and movement rates among different sets of individuals the population is first divided into subgroups representing levels in the hierarchy. Movement, representing dominance challenges, is allowed between any two levels, giving a completely connected network. The model includes hierarchical effects by introducing a set of dominance parameters which affect birth rates in each social level and movement rates between social levels, dependent upon their rank. Although natural hierarchies vary greatly in form, the skewing of contact patterns, introduced here through non-uniform dominance parameters, has marked effects on the spread of disease. A simple homogeneous mixing differential equation model of a disease with SI dynamics in a population subject to simple birth and death process is presented and it is shown that the hierarchical model tends to this as certain parameter regions are approached. Outside of these parameter regions correlations within the system give rise to deviations from the simple theory. A Gaussian moment closure scheme is developed which extends the homogeneous model in order to take account of correlations arising from the hierarchical structure, and it is shown that the results are in reasonable agreement with simulations across a range of parameters. This approach helps to elucidate the origin of hierarchical effects and shows that it may be straightforward to relate the correlations in the model to measurable quantities which could be used to determine the importance of hierarchical corrections. Overall, hierarchical effects decrease the levels of disease present in a given population compared to a homogeneous unstructured model, but show higher levels of disease than structured models with no hierarchy. The separation between these three models is greatest when the rate of dominance challenges is low, reducing mixing, and when the disease prevalence is low. This suggests that these effects will often need to be considered in models being used to examine the impact of control strategies where the low disease prevalence behaviour of a model is critical.  相似文献   

A basic assumption of many epidemic models is that populations are composed of a homogeneous group of randomly mixing individuals. This is not a realistic assumption. Most actual populations are divided into a number of subpopulations, within which there may be relatively random mixing, but among which there is nonrandom mixing. As a consequence of the structuring of the population, there are several sources of heterogeneity within populations that can affect the course of an infection through the population. Two of these sources of heterogeneity are differences in contact number between subpopulations, and differences in the patterns of contact among subpopulations. A model for the spread of a disease in such a population is described. The model considers two levels of interaction: interactions between individuals within a subpopulation because of geographic proximity, and interactions between individuals of the same or different subpopulations because of attendance at common social functions. Because of this structure, it is possible to analyze with the model both heterogeneity in contact number and variation in the patterns of contact. A stability analysis of the model is presented which shows that there is a unique threshold for disease maintenance. Below the threshold the disease goes extinct, and the equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable. Above the threshold, the extinction equilibrium is unstable, and there is a unique endemic equilibrium. The analysis presents a sufficient condition for disease maintenance, which determines critical subpopulation sizes above which the disease cannot go extinct. The condition is a simple inequality relating the removal rate of infectives to the infection rate of susceptibles. In addition, bounds on the actual threshold and the effect of symmetry in the interaction matrix on the threshold are presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a deterministic non-linear mathematical model for the transmission dynamics of HIV and TB co-infection and analyze it in the presence of screening and treatment. The equilibria of the model are computed and stability of these equilibria is discussed. The basic reproduction numbers corresponding to both HIV and TB are found and we show that the disease-free equilibrium is stable only when the basic reproduction numbers for both the diseases are less than one. When both the reproduction numbers are greater than one, the co-infection equilibrium point may exist. The co-infection equilibrium is found to be locally stable whenever it exists. The TB-only and HIV-only equilibria are locally asymptotically stable under some restriction on parameters. We present numerical simulation results to support the analytical findings. We observe that screening with proper counseling of HIV infectives results in a significant reduction of the number of individuals progressing to HIV. Additionally, the screening of TB reduces the infection prevalence of TB disease. The results reported in this paper clearly indicate that proper screening and counseling can check the spread of HIV and TB diseases and effective control strategies can be formulated around ‘screening with proper counseling’.  相似文献   

The classical Michaelis-Menten model is widely used as the basis for modeling of a number of biological systems. As the model does not consider the inhibitory effect of endproducts that accumulate in virtually all bioprocesses, it is often modified to prevent the overestimation of reaction rates when products have accumulated. Traditional approaches of model modification use the inclusion of irreversible, competitive, and noncompetitive inhibition factors. This article demonstrates that these inhibition factors are insufficient to predict product inhibition of reactions that are close the dynamic equilibrium. All models investigated were found to violate thermodynamic laws as they predicted positive reaction rates for reactions that were endergonic due to high endproduct concentrations. For modeling of biological processes that operate close to the dynamic equilibrium (e.g., anaerobic processes), it is critical to prevent the prediction of positive reaction rates when the reaction has already reached the dynamic equilibrium. This can be achieved by using a reversible kinetic model. However, the major drawback of the reversible kinetic model is the large number of empirical parameters it requires. These parameters are difficult to determine and prone to experimental error. For this reason, the reversible model is not practical in the modeling of biological processes.This article uses the fundamentals of steady-state kinetics and thermodynamics to establish an equation for the reversible kinetic model that is of practical use in bio-process modeling. The behavior of this equilibrium-based model is compared with Michaelis-Menten-based models that use traditional inhibition factors. The equilibrium-based model did not require any empirical inhibition factor to correctly predict when reaction rates must be zero due to the free energy change being zero. For highly exergonic reactions, the equilibrium-based model did not deviate significantly from the Michaelis-Menten model, whereas, for reactions close to equilibrium, the reaction rate was mainly controlled by the quotient of mass action ratio (concentration of all products over concentration of all substrates) over the equilibrium constant K. This quotient is a measure of the displacement of the reaction from its equilibrium. As the new equation takes into account all of the substrates and products, it was able to predict the inhibitor effect of multiple endproducts. The model described is designed to be a useful basis for a number of different model applications where reaction conditions are close to equilibrium.  相似文献   

Vaccination is important for the control of some infectious diseases. This paper considers two SIR-SVS epidemic models with vaccination, where it is assumed that the vaccination for the newborns is continuous in the two models, and that the vaccination for the susceptible individuals is continuous and impulsive, respectively. The basic reproduction numbers of two models, determining whether the disease dies out or persists eventually, are all obtained. For the model with continuous vaccination for the susceptibles, the global stability is proved by using the Lyapunov function. Especially for the endemic equilibrium, to prove the negative definiteness of the derivative of the Lyapunov function for all the feasible values of parameters, it is expressed in three different forms for all the feasible values of parameters. For the model with pulse vaccination for the susceptibles, the global stability of the disease free periodic solution is proved by the comparison theorem of impulsive differential equations. At last, the effect of vaccination strategies on the control of the disease transmission is discussed, and two types of vaccination strategies for the susceptible individuals are also compared.  相似文献   

While the concept of population growth rate has been of central importance in the development of the theory of population dynamics, few empirical studies consider the intrinsic growth rate in detail, let alone how it may vary within and between populations of the same species. In an attempt to link theory with data we take two approaches. First, we address the question ''what growth rate patterns does theory predict we should see in time-series?'' The models make a number of predictions, which in general are supported by a comparative study between time-series of harvesting data from 352 red grouse populations. Variations in growth rate between grouse populations were associated with factors that reflected the quality and availability of the main food plant of the grouse. However, while these results support predictions from theory, they provide no clear insight into the mechanisms influencing reductions in population growth rate and regulation. In the second part of the paper, we consider the results of experiments, first at the individual level and then at the population level, to identify the important mechanisms influencing changes in individual productivity and population growth rate. The parasitic nematode Trichostrongylus tenuis is found to have an important influence on productivity, and when incorporated into models with their patterns of distribution between individuals has a destabilizing effect and generates negative growth rates. The hypothesis that negative growth rates at the population level were caused by parasites was demonstrated by a replicated population level experiment. With a sound and tested model framework we then explore the interaction with other natural enemies and show that in general they tend to stabilize variations in growth rate. Interestingly, the models show selective predators that remove heavily infected individuals can release the grouse from parasite-induced regulation and allow equilibrium populations to rise. By contrast, a tick-borne virus that killed chicks simply leads to a reduction in the equilibrium. When humans take grouse they do not appear to stabilize populations and this may be because many of the infective stages are available for infection before harvesting commences. In our opinion, an understanding of growth rates and population dynamics is best achieved through a mechanistic approach that includes a sound experimental approach with the development of models. Models can be tested further to explore how the community of predators and others interact with their prey.  相似文献   

Epidemiological effects of seasonal oscillations in birth rates   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Seasonal oscillations in birth rates are ubiquitous in human populations. These oscillations might play an important role in infectious disease dynamics because they induce seasonal variation in the number of susceptible individuals that enter populations. We incorporate seasonality of birth rate into the standard, deterministic susceptible-infectious-recovered (SIR) and susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered (SEIR) epidemic models and identify parameter regions in which birth seasonality can be expected to have observable epidemiological effects. The SIR and SEIR models yield similar results if the infectious period in the SIR model is compared with the "infected period" (the sum of the latent and infectious periods) in the SEIR model. For extremely transmissible pathogens, large amplitude birth seasonality can induce resonant oscillations in disease incidence, bifurcations to stable multi-year epidemic cycles, and hysteresis. Typical childhood infectious diseases are not sufficiently transmissible for their asymptotic dynamics to be likely to exhibit such behaviour. However, we show that fold and period-doubling bifurcations generically occur within regions of parameter space where transients are phase-locked onto cycles resembling the limit cycles beyond the bifurcations, and that these phase-locking regions extend to arbitrarily small amplitude of seasonality of birth rates. Consequently, significant epidemiological effects of birth seasonality may occur in practice in the form of transient dynamics that are sustained by demographic stochasticity.  相似文献   

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