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 Dendroclimatological techniques were used to assess the impact of climatic factors on radial tree growth (total ring-width and latewood-width) of stunted Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris L.) exposed to soil dryness and nutrient deficiency on a dolomite substrate. The response of eight scattered populations representing various habitats, yet influenced by the same regional climate was investigated. Total ring-width and latewood-width were dated, standardized and several chronology statistics, which estimate the chronology signal strength and the potential climate signal in the series, were determined. Dendroclimatic analysis comprised evaluation of event/pointer years as well as response function elements. Response function analysis indicates that at most sites wide rings are significantly associated with high precipitation in April to June and cool conditions in May of the current year, and high precipitation in August to September of the preceding year. Latewood chronologies show a lower climate signal at all sites. Limited water availability causes a homogeneous relationship of radial tree growth to climate at all habitats, though site characteristics (slope magnitude, slope aspect, soil depth, vegetation cover) differ substantially. Cluster analysis of negative event/pointer years suggests that within the study area stands react to extreme climatic events depending on susceptibility to soil dryness, which is primarily determined by site topography. Received: 5 January 1998 / Accepted: 22 April 1998  相似文献   

The geographical structure of mitochondrial (mt)DNA variants (mitotypes) was investigated in 38 western European populations of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of total DNA and a homologous cox1 probe. Three major mitotypes (designated a, b and d ) were detected. Within Spain all three major mitotypes were found, gene diversity was high, HT = 0.586, and this diversity was distributed predominantly among rather than within populations (FST(M) = 0.813 for the seven Spanish populations). Mitotype d was present only in the most southerly population from the Sierra Nevada . Elsewhere in Europe, populations showed little or no mtDNA diversity within regions, but there were marked differences between regions. Italian populations were fixed for mitotype b ; populations from northern France, Germany, Poland, Russia and southern Sweden were fixed for mitotype a ; while populations in northern Fennoscandia were fixed for mitotype b . The isolated Scottish populations were predominantly of mitotype a , but mitotype b was present in three of the 20 populations scored. In Scotland, UK gene diversity (HT = 0.120) and genetic differentiation among populations (FST(M) = 0.37) was much lower than in Spain. When interpreted in the light of complementary data from pollen analysis and nuclear genetic markers, the results suggest that present-day populations of P. sylvestris in western Europe have been derived from at least three different sources after glaciation.  相似文献   

Hydraulic resistance to water flow was measured in branches and stems of Scots pine trees ranging from 7 to 59 years of age in Thetford (East Anglia, UK). On the basis of these measurements, tree above-ground conductance was calculated and related to the amount of leaf area sustained by each tree. Branches at the crown bottom had a lower proportion of sapwood area and a lower total hydraulic conductance than branches of the same diameter at the tree top. Within branches, most of the hydraulic resistance was located near the needles. Tree above-ground conductance was positively related to tree diameter and inversely related to tree height. Compared with young trees, mature trees had about 4 times less above-ground conductance per unit of leaf area. Apparently, the increase in pathway length associated with tree height growth could be only partially compensated for by the increase in conductive capacities resulting from diameter growth. We argue that this reduction may account for reported decreases of stomatal conductance with tree age. It is suggested that the increase in branchiness associated with tree maturation may represent a compensation mechanism to reduce the overall resistance to water flow in the crowns.  相似文献   

Summary Starch, soluble sugars, triacylglycerols, diacylglycerols and free fatty acids were measured in 30-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees during an annual cycle in the sapwood (youngest ten xylem rings). The radial distribution of carbohydrates and lipids was studied in the trunkwood of 90 -to 150-year-old Scots pine trees collected at the end of the growing season. Determination of the compounds was performed using specific enzymatic assays, capillary gas chromatography and thin layer chromatography. The amounts of glucose, fructose, sucrose, and galactose/arabinose in the sapwood were slightly higher in winter than in summer. Raffinose/stachyose increased up to 5-fold during the cold period. At the beginning of the growing season starch amounts rose, and then decreased in summer and autumn. No concentration changes were observed in the total amounts of diacylglycerols and fatty acids throughout the year. Triacylglycerol levels were slightly higher in February than in summer and autumn. Relative frequencies of individual fatty acids were similar in all lipid fractions. Glucose, fructose, sucrose, starch and triacylglycerols disappeared almost entirely at the transition zone from sapwood to heartwood. In contrast, free fatty acids and galactose/arabinose rose in centripetal direction, and diacylglycerols remained constant across trunk cross-sections. The relative amounts of individual fatty acids changed markedly in the free fatty acid fraction and in the triacylglycerols when crossing the sapwood-heartwood boundary. Concentration changes of reserve materials are discussed in relation to season, mobilization and translocation processes, dormancy, frost resistance, and heartwood formation. The results are compared to those found in needles.  相似文献   

Summary The amounts of starch, soluble sugars, triacylglycerols, diacylglycerols and free fatty acids were studied in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) during an annual cycle in current-year needles and in 1-, 2- and 3-year-old needles collected shortly after bud break. Determination of the compounds was performed using specific enzymatic assays, capillary gas chromatography and thin layer chromatography. Newly emerging needles contained relatively large amounts of starch, but only trace amounts of fat. During autumn and winter, fat content rose, while starch content decreased; amounts of both these reserve materials were very high the next spring shortly before bud break and decreased again during shoot elongation. Concentration of intermediates in triacylglycerol biosynthesis (diacylglycerols and free fatty acids), were low in summer and high in winter. The same pattern was observed for fructose and glucose (the predominant soluble sugars), galactose/arabinose and raffinose/melibiose. In contrast, sucrose concentrations were highest in spring and in autumn. Mature needles of different ages collected in May showed significant differences only in their triacylglycerol and starch content. Concentration changes of reserve materials are discussed in relation to season, mobilization and translocation processes, dormancy, frost resistance and the possibility of carbohydrate-fat interconversions.  相似文献   

Abstract. Attraction of the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to pine logs was enhanced by the presence of weevils already on the logs. We investigated the volatiles emitted by insects feeding on host trees to determine the mechanism of the attraction. Chemical analyses of the collected volatiles showed large amounts of monoterpenes. There were no qualitative differences in the collections, between Scots pine alone and pine plus feeding weevils, nor between males and females, mated or virgin. Strong quantitative differences in monoterpenes existed that were correlated to the surface of cut bark. Electroantennograms (EAGs) were recorded on male and female antennae stimulated by increasing doses of collected volatiles. EAGs for pine alone and pine plus weevils at the same stimulus loading in (a + P)-pinene gave superimposable curves. EAGs of male and female volatiles were also identical. These results suggest an attraction mediated by host plant allelochemicals rather than by an aggregation pheromone.  相似文献   

Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) is generally resistant to chilling temperatures. Porphyrin metabolism under low temperature stress was studied in etiolated seedlings of Scots pine. Low temperatures affect porphyrin accumulation in at least 3 different temperature sensitive sites: 1) the light activated accumulation of 5-aminolevulinic acid, a porphyrin precursor, 2) the metabolism of 5-aminolevulinic acid to form porphyrins and 3) a preferential accumulation of chlorophyll a over chlorophyll b . The temperature sensitivity of pine is compared to maize ( Zea mays L.), a chilling sensitive plant.  相似文献   

Segregation, homology and linkage of 33 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were studied in three trees [P304, E1101 and F1 (cross P315 × E1101)] of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Markers were selected on the basis of a RAPD map constructed earlier for F1. Markers from three linkage groups were studied in P304 and E1101. In both P304 and E1101, 14 markers (42%) were heterozygous. Segregation deviating from 1:1 was found for three markers in P304 and one marker in E1101. With the restriction pattern test, two out of the 33 loci studied (6%) were found to be not homologous to the corresponding fragment in F1. Both of these loci were heterozygous, and they were not linked to any markers, which confirmed their nonhomology. Homologous heterozygous markers segregating 1:1 were mostly linked with similar order in P304 and E1101 as in F1. The results suggest that it might be necessary to verify the homology of comigrating fragments before using them even across individuals. It will often be desirable to use other codominant markers together with RAPDs.  相似文献   

  1. For successful colonization of host roots, ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi must overcome host defense systems, and defensive phenotypes have previously been shown to affect the community composition of EM fungi associated with hosts. Secondary metabolites, such as terpenes, form a core part of these defense systems, but it is not yet understood whether variation in these constitutive defenses can result in variation in the colonization of hosts by specific fungal species.
  2. We planted seedlings from twelve maternal families of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) of known terpene genotype reciprocally in the field in each of six sites. After 3 months, we characterized the mycorrhizal fungal community of each seedling using a combination of morphological categorization and molecular barcoding, and assessed the terpene chemodiversity for a subset of the seedlings. We examined whether parental genotype or terpene chemodiversity affected the diversity or composition of a seedling''s mycorrhizal community.
  3. While we found that terpene chemodiversity was highly heritable, we found no evidence that parental defensive genotype or a seedling''s terpene chemodiversity affected associations with EM fungi. Instead, we found that the location of seedlings, both within and among sites, was the only determinant of the diversity and makeup of EM communities.
  4. These results show that while EM community composition varies within Scotland at both large and small scales, variation in constitutive defensive compounds does not determine the EM communities of closely cohabiting pine seedlings. Patchy distributions of EM fungi at small scales may render any genetic variation in associations with different species unrealizable in field conditions. The case for selection on traits mediating associations with specific fungal species may thus be overstated, at least in seedlings.


Fine roots (<2 mm) are very dynamic and play a key role in forest ecosystem carbon and nutrient cycling and accumulation. We reviewed root biomass data of three main European tree species European beech, (Fagus sylvatica L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), in order to identify the differences between species, and within and between vegetation zones, and to show the relationships between root biomass and the climatic, site and stand factors. The collected literature consisted of data from 36 beech, 71 spruce and 43 pine stands. The mean fine root biomass of beech was 389 g m?2, and that of spruce and pine 297 g m?2 and 277 g m?2, respectively. Data from pine stands supported the hypothesis that root biomass is higher in the temperate than in the boreal zone. The results indicated that the root biomass of deciduous trees is higher than that of conifers. The correlations between root biomass and site fertility characteristics seemed to be species specific. There was no correlation between soil acidity and root biomass. Beech fine root biomass decreased with stand age whereas pine root biomass increased with stand age. Fine root biomass at tree level correlated better than stand level root biomass with stand characteristics. The results showed that there exists a strong relationship between the fine root biomass and the above-ground biomass.  相似文献   

The major UV-B screening pigments of the epidermal layer of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) needles are flavonol 3-o-glycosides (F3Gs) esterified with hydroxycinnamic acids at positions 3" and 6". Acylation is the last step in biosynthesis and is catalysed by position-specific hydroxycinnamoyl transferases (3" and 6"HCT). The UV-B dependence of these enzyme activities was studied in primary needles of Scots pine seedlings grown under different UV-B conditions in environmentally controlled sun simulators. 6"HCT activity was induced upon UV-B irradiation while 3"HCT activity was not induced but showed high constitutive values. To investigate the biosynthesis of diacylated F3Gs during needle development under natural conditions, the HCT activities and metabolite contents were analysed in needles of field-grown mature pine trees. Accumulation of diacylated compounds as well as of 6"HCT activity occurred transiently in the first year of needle development only. In contrast, 3"HCT activity exhibited broad maxima in two consecutive years during needle growth. The data suggest that acylated F3Gs are first formed as soluble compounds which are then translocated into the cell wall to be bound by their hydroxycinnamoyl residues.  相似文献   

In the present study ectomycorrhizal development of Laccaria bicolor, Rhizopogon luteolus and Suillus bovinus associated with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedings was studied as affected by primary stand humus, secondary stand humus, podsolic sandy soil or peat in perspex growth chambers. After 9 weeks, ectomycorrhizal development with S. bovinus was significantly greater in peat and primary stand humus than in secondary stand humus or podsolic sandy soil. Ectomycorrhizal development with R. luteolus in secondary stand humus was higher than in primary stand humus. Degree of ectomycorrhizal development of L. bicolor, R. lutuelus and S. bovinus on Scots pine was related to potassium concentration, organic matter content and pH of the soils suggesting that chemical composition of the soils affects ectomycorrhizal development.  相似文献   

The nuclear 18S, 5.8S and 25S rRNA genes exist as thousands of rDNA repeats in the Scots pine genome. The number and location of rDNA loci (nucleolus organizers, NORs) were studied by cytological methods, and a restriction map from the coding region of the Scots pine rDNA repeat was constructed using digoxigenin-labeled flax rDNA as a probe. Based on the maximum number of nucleoli and chromosomal secondary constrictions, Scots pine has at least eight NORs in its haploid genome. The size of the Scots pine rDNA repeat unit is approximately 27 kb, two- or threefold larger than the typical angiosperm rDNA unit, but similar in size to other characterized conifer rDNA repeats. The intergenic spacer region (IGS) of the rDNA repeat unit in Scots pine is longer than 20 kb, and the transcribed spacer regions surrounding the 5.8S gene (ITS1 and ITS2) span a region of 2.9 kb. Restriction analysis revealed that although the coding regions of rDNA repeats are homogeneous, heterogeneity exists in the intergenic spacer region between individuals, as well as among the rDNA repeats within individuals.  相似文献   

The b/c intron of the mitochondrial nad1 gene, was sequenced to characterize the indel region of ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa. The sequence in ponderosa pine was aligned with the sequence in Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris, to design seven primers that are useful for sequencing and for revealing size variation in amplified fragments in ponderosa pine, Scots pine, and limber pine, Pinus flexilis. These primers reveal variability in all three species, and the pattern of variability within ponderosa pine is described by a preliminary survey. The indel region of ponderosa pine contains three distinct elements with lengths of 31, 32, and 34 bp. Received: 1 March 2000 / Accepted: 14 April 2000<@head-com-p1a.lf>Communicated by P.M.A. Tigerstedt  相似文献   

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