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Six structural and temporal features of the mating calls of pool frogs recorded at eight localities in Italy, Germany, Yugoslavia and Albania were compared with those of the calls of topotypical Rana lessonae in northern Italy. All populations shared three out of six characters studied: call duration, intercall interval and call period. The pool frogs of three localities in peninsular Italy significantly differed in three characters from those of the other six localities, including the northern Italian one: pulses per pulse group, pulse groups per call, and pulse groups per second. This study demonstrates the existence of Rana bergeri , a pool frog species different from R. lessonae in peninsular Italy, but does not support the species status of the chemotaxonomically established R. shqiperica , which is considered as a synonym of R. lessonae .  相似文献   

Amphibians are the most threatened vertebrate taxon of modern times. Baseline data and affordable methods to monitor populations are absent for many Australian frog species. Furthermore, some species are visually cryptic, and detection often relies upon male advertisement calls. Imperfect detection rates impede our ability to assess the status of populations over time. Understanding the factors that influence calling is essential to inform the timing of survey effort and increase survey efficiency. Automated recording systems offer considerable potential to determine calling phenology and establish the relationship between calling and abiotic factors. The mountain frogs (Philoria Myobatrachidae) of the Gondwana rainforests are considered susceptible to climate change impacts, such as shifts in the timing of calling. In order to describe the calling phenology of Philoria richmondensis, commercially available automated recording systems were deployed at five locations, and over 5000 h of sound recordings were captured and analysed. Peak calling activity occurred during morning and evening periods in the austral spring. Ambient temperature was found to significantly contribute to the probability of a call occurring, with the highest frequency of calls recorded occurring between 15°C and 16°C, and there was a negative relationship between precipitation and calling activity. The results allow future surveys to be better targeted and provide a benchmark with which to detect changes in calling phenology over time.  相似文献   

Rana tigrina andTomopterna breviceps occur as sympatric species at Dharwad, India. Sexually mature males produce advertisement calls. The advertisement call of both the species consist of a number of calls produced in series forming a call group. Each call group ofRana tigrina comprises 10–40 calls, whereas that ofTomopterna breviceps consists 13–141 calls. Each call consists of a pulse group with variable number of pulses which lack pulse interval. Calls of both the species exhibit similarities in (i) call consisting of series of calls with a pulse group in each call, (ii) absence of pulse interval within the pulse group, (iii) the amplitude of the first pulse being always small, and (iv) the frequency spectrum beginning from 200 Hz. Based on the similarities in the spectral features of the calls, it is suggested that the two species may be closely related to each other.  相似文献   

The study of intraspecific variation of acoustic signals and its relationship with genetic divergence is important for understanding the origin of divergence in communication systems. We studied geographical variation in the acoustic structure of advertisement calls from five populations of the four‐eyed frog, Pleurodema thaul, and its relationship with the genetic divergence among these populations. By analyzing temporal and spectral parameters of the advertisement calls, we report that the signals of northern, central, and southern populations have remarkable differences between them. A phylogeographical analysis from a mitochondrial DNA fragment demonstrated three phylogenetic groups coincident with those found with the bioacoustics analysis. Furthermore, bioacoustic and genetic distances show significant correlations after controlling for geographical distance. These results suggest that behavioural divergence among populations of P. thaul has a phylogenetic basis, supporting three evolutionary units within this species, as well as prompting the exploration of divergence processes in the sound communication system of this species. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 142–155.  相似文献   

Allometric constraint is a product of natural selection and physical laws, particularly with respect to body size and traits constrained by properties thereof, such as metabolism, longevity, and vocal frequency. Allometric relationships are often conserved across lineages, indicating that physical constraints dictate scaling patterns in deep time, despite substantial genetic and ecological divergence among organisms. In particular, acoustic allometry (sound frequency ~ body size) is conserved across frogs, in defiance of massive variation in both body size and frequency. Here, we ask how many instances of allometric escape have occurred across the frog tree of life using a Bayesian framework that estimates the location, number, and magnitude of shifts in the adaptive landscape of acoustic allometry. Moreover, we test whether ecology in terms of calling site could affect these relationships. We find that calling site has a major influence on acoustic allometry. Despite this, we identify only four major instances of allometric escape, potentially deriving from ecomorphological adaptations to new signal modalities. In these instances of allometric escape, the optima and strength of the scaling relationship are different than expected for most other frog species, representing new adaptive regimes of body size ~ call frequency. Allometric constraints on frog calls are highly conserved and have rarely allowed escape, despite frequent invasions of new adaptive regimes and dramatic ecomorphological divergence. Our results highlight the rare instances in which natural and sexual selection combined can overcome physical constraints on sound production.  相似文献   

Temporal characteristics of advertisement calls of water frogs of 10 localities in Turkey, Syria, Israel and Egypt were compared with those of Rana ridibunda in Kazakhstan, Armenia and Greece (Thrace) as reference populations. These study sites include the type localities of R. ridibunda , R. r. caralitana , R. esculenta var. bedriagae und R. levantina . The temperature-dependent as well as the temperature-independent call parameters clearly revealed two species. R. ridibunda is represented by the three reference populations and, in addition, a population in central Turkey. The other populations (in Turkey, Syria, Israel and Egypt) represent R. bedriagae . R. bedriagae is the oldest available name for water frogs of these regions and was given priority over R. r. caralitana and R. levantina .  相似文献   

Ninety three species (97 taxa) of freshwater Cladocera are reported from India. Remarks are made on the nature and composition of the Indian cladoceran fauna and as well on the biogeography of various taxa.  相似文献   

Cui J  Tang Y  Narins PM 《Biology letters》2012,8(3):337-340
During female mate choice, both the male's phenotype and resources (e.g. his nest) contribute to the chooser's fitness. Animals other than humans are not known to advertise resource characteristics to potential mates through vocal communication; although in some species of anurans and birds, females do evaluate male qualities through vocal communication. Here, we demonstrate that calls of the male Emei music frog (Babina dauchina), vocalizing from male-built nests, reflect nest structure information that can be recognized by females. Inside-nest calls consisted of notes with energy concentrated at lower frequency ranges and longer note durations when compared with outside-nest calls. Centre frequencies and note durations of the inside calls positively correlate with the area of the burrow entrance and the depth of the burrow, respectively. When given a choice between outside and inside calls played back alternately, more than 70 per cent of the females (33/47) chose inside calls. These results demonstrate that males of this species faithfully advertise whether or not they possess a nest to potential mates by vocal communication, which probably facilitates optimal mate selection by females. These results revealed a novel function of advertisement calls, which is consistent with the wide variation in both call complexity and social behaviour within amphibians.  相似文献   

The effective production of acoustic signals is critically important for intraspecific communication in vocal animals; however, it is also highly time-consuming, energetically demanding and likely to increase predation risks. Thus, we hypothesized that the biological significance of each component of complex acoustic signals would differ serving specific functions and that the first component of such signals would be most important for social signalling and exhibit unique acoustic characteristics because of the precedence effect. To test this hypothesis, we measured temporal and spectral acoustic parameters for each note in the advertisement calls of the Anhui tree frog (Rhacophorus zhoukaiya), a species in which males build mud burrows and call from within these nests. Multivariate analyses including hierarchical cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling were used, based on temporal and spectral acoustic parameters for each of 10 notes/call. These results show that the first call notes form one cluster while the other notes form a second cluster in multidimensional space when the parameters measured were normalized. Furthermore, the temporal and spectral sound attributes of the first call note provide sufficient information for discrimination between different individuals. Moreover, discriminant analysis showed that the fundamental frequency of the first note is sufficient to identify individuals when the data are not normalized. Taken together, these results indicate that the first call note is poised to play an important role in Anhui tree frog vocal communication insofar as the temporal and spectral features provide sufficient information for individual recognition.  相似文献   

Relationships between some properties of frog calls and body size are widely recognized. However, generality across call components and diverse faunas, and sources of deviation, remain poorly tested. Using 116 east Australian frog species, we tested the relationship between three call traits and body size, and the effects of taxonomic family and calling habitat. Call dominant frequency (DF) has a highly significant negative relationship with size, whereas call duration and pulse rate do not. Frog families show the same slope of relationship between DF and size, but hylids call at significantly higher frequency relative to size. Within hylids, stream breeders call at significantly lower DF than pool breeders of comparable size – below the DF of stream noise in typical breeding habitat – a shift likely to enhance signal detection against background environmental noise. This contrasts with all previous observations from other regions that frogs call at high (even ultrasonic) frequency to avoid masking by stream noise.  相似文献   

The period of calling activity ofPolypedates maculatus lies between April and October. Males possess an indistinct subgular vocal sac which turns yellow during the breeding season. Mating calls type I, type II and distress calls have been identified. Mating calls type I and type II consist of a single pulse group. Type I call comprises of 7–22 pulses, whereas type II call consists of 4–6 pulses. Pulses are short. The frequency spectrum is broad and continuous. Distress calls, with 6 hormonics, are given by the females with their mouth open.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-eight echolocation calls of 63 free-flying individuals of five bat species (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, Myotis formosus, Myotis ikonnikovi, Myotis daubentoni and Murina leucogaster) were recorded (by ultrasonic bat detector (D980)) in Zhi’an village of Jilin Province, China. According to the frequency-time spectra, these calls were categorized into two types: FM/CF (constant frequency) / FM (R. ferrumequinum) and FM (frequency modulated) (M. formosus, M. ikonnikovi, M. daubentoni and M. leucogaster). Sonograms of the calls of R. ferrumequinum could easily be distinguished from those of the other four species. For the calls of the remaining four species, six echolocation call parameters, including starting frequency, ending frequency, peak frequency duration, longest inter-pulse interval and shortest inter-pulse interval, were examined by stepwise discriminant analysis. The results show that 84.1% of calls were correctly classified, which indicates that these parameters of echolocation calls play an important role in identifying bat species. These parameters can be used to test the accuracy of general predictions based on bats’ morphology in the same forest and can provide essential information for assessing patterns of bat habitat use. __________ Translated from Journal of Northeast Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2006, 38 (3): 109–114 [译自: 东北师范大学学报(自然科学版)]  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-eight echolocation calls of 63 free-flying individuals of five bat species (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum,Myotis formosus,Myotis ikonnikovi,Myotis daubentoni and Murina leucogaster)were recorded (by ultrasonic bat detector (D980)) in Zhi'an village of Jilin Province,China.According to the frequency-time spectra,these calls were categorized into two types:FM/CF (constant frequency) / FM (R.ferrumequinum) and FM (frequency modulated)(M.formosus,M.ikonnikovi,M.daubentoni and M.leucogaster).Sonograms of the calls of R.ferrumequinum could easily be distinguished from those of the other four species.For the calls of the remaining four species,six echolocation call parameters,including starting frequency,ending frequency,peak frequency duration,longest inter-pulse interval and shortest inter-pulse interval,were examined by stepwise discriminant analysis.The results show that 84.1% of calls were correctly classified,which indicates that these parameters of echolocation calls play an important role in identifying bat species.These parameters can be used to test the accuracy of general predictions based on bats' morphology in the same forest and can provide essential information for assessing patterns of bat habitat use.  相似文献   

Patterns of advertisement call were investigated in two genetically distinct water frog lineages ( Rana kl esculenta, Rana. kl grafi ), which were identified by starch gel electrophoresis – the aim being to determinate the role of vocalization in the hybridogenetic process. Both hybrids displayed major modifications from the basic structure of the Rana ridibunda call. In Rana kl grafi , the call structure tended to correspond to that of Rana perezi in most of the studied parameters (frequency, duration, number of pulses) whereas the call of Rana kl esculenta tended to resemble that of Rana lessonae . The ascendant hierarchical classification clearly revealed such a convergence toward parental species and accounted for a divergence between hybrids. Changes in call patterns might result from both the expression of the non- ridibunda genome and the sexual selective pressure through female mate choice. Only few non- ridibunda females exhibited a preference for hybrid calls which, however, allowed some hybridogenetic males to obtain successful mates. Thus, hybridogenesis induced character convergence in courtship signal with the non- ridibunda species in hybrid zones. In any case, these changes in the courtship signal favoured the particular hybridogenetic process, which constitutes a quasi-parasitism of the non- ridibunda genome.  相似文献   

Psilorhynchus nahlongthai, a new psilorhynchid fish, is described from the Diyung River, a tributary to the Kopili River (itself a southern tributary of the Brahmaputra drainage) in Assam, northeast India. It is placed in the Psilorhynchus balitora species group and can be easily distinguished from all other members of this group by a combination of the following characters: dense and prominent tuberculation on the head region; thick and long pre- and post-epiphyseal fontanelles on the neurocranium; 9 + 8 caudal-fin rays; and 34 (24 + 10) vertebrae. Genetic divergence between P. nahlongthai and members of the P. balitora species group from the Brahmaputra and neighbouring drainages, with K2P distances ranging 3.7%–14.7% and 7.4%–20.7% in the mitochondrial COI and cyt b gene datasets respectively, support its report as a new species.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Cirrhimuraena (Anguilliformes: Ophichthidae), Cirrhimuraena indica sp. nov., is described based on eight specimens collected from the Paradip (Odisha) and Petuaghat harbours (West Bengal) along the Bay of Bengal. The species is distinct in having the upper jaw fringed with 16–17 cirri before posterior nostril and 4–5 in between the anterior and posterior nostrils on the side; dorsal fin originates above the level of gill opening, predorsal length is 9.3–10.9 in total length; the head is relatively large, the length is 9.3–9.8 in total length; no infraorbital pores are observed between the nostrils; teeth are numerous, small, conical and in bands on each jaw; pores are present before the gill opening 10–11 and before anus 47–48; pectoral-fin length is 2.4–2.8 in head length; predorsal vertebrae are 8–10, pre-anal vertebrae 43–47 and total vertebrae 164–169. In the maximum likelihood tree analysis for COI gene, the new species belongs to the same clade as the other congener of Cirrhimuraena chinensis and is separated from the species morphologically and genetically.  相似文献   

For over a century, frogs have been studied across various scientific fields, including physiology, embryology, neuroscience, (neuro)endocrinology, ecology, genetics, behavioural science, evolution, drug development, and conservation biology. In some cases, frog skin has proven very successful as a research model, for example aiding in the study of ion transport through tight epithelia, where it has served as a model for the vertebrate distal renal tubule and mammalian epithelia. However, it has rarely been considered in comparative studies involving human skin. Yet, despite certain notable adaptations that have enabled frogs to survive in both aquatic and terrestrial environments, frog skin has many features in common with human skin. Here we present a comprehensive overview of frog (and toad) skin ontogeny, anatomy, cytology, neuroendocrinology and immunology, with special attention to its unique adaptations as well as to its similarities with the mammalian integument, including human skin. We hope to provide a valuable reference point and a source of inspiration for both amphibian investigators and mammalian researchers studying the structural and functional properties of the largest organ of the vertebrate body.  相似文献   

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