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Mitochondrial DNA deletions are prominent in human genetic disorders, cancer, and aging. It is thought that stalling of the mitochondrial replication machinery during DNA synthesis is a prominent source of mitochondrial genome instability; however, the precise molecular determinants of defective mitochondrial replication are not well understood. In this work, we performed a computational analysis of the human mitochondrial genome using the “Pattern Finder” G-quadruplex (G4) predictor algorithm to assess whether G4-forming sequences reside in close proximity (within 20 base pairs) to known mitochondrial DNA deletion breakpoints. We then used this information to map G4P sequences with deletions characteristic of representative mitochondrial genetic disorders and also those identified in various cancers and aging. Circular dichroism and UV spectral analysis demonstrated that mitochondrial G-rich sequences near deletion breakpoints prevalent in human disease form G-quadruplex DNA structures. A biochemical analysis of purified recombinant human Twinkle protein (gene product of c10orf2) showed that the mitochondrial replicative helicase inefficiently unwinds well characterized intermolecular and intramolecular G-quadruplex DNA substrates, as well as a unimolecular G4 substrate derived from a mitochondrial sequence that nests a deletion breakpoint described in human renal cell carcinoma. Although G4 has been implicated in the initiation of mitochondrial DNA replication, our current findings suggest that mitochondrial G-quadruplexes are also likely to be a source of instability for the mitochondrial genome by perturbing the normal progression of the mitochondrial replication machinery, including DNA unwinding by Twinkle helicase.  相似文献   

The metazoan mitochondrial DNA helicase is an integral part of the minimal mitochondrial replisome. It exhibits strong sequence homology with the bacteriophage T7 gene 4 protein primase-helicase (T7 gp4). Both proteins contain distinct N- and C-terminal domains separated by a flexible linker. The C-terminal domain catalyzes its characteristic DNA-dependent NTPase activity, and can unwind duplex DNA substrates independently of the N-terminal domain. Whereas the N-terminal domain in T7 gp4 contains a DNA primase activity, this function is lost in metazoan mtDNA helicase. Thus, although the functions of the C-terminal domain and the linker are partially understood, the role of the N-terminal region in the metazoan replicative mtDNA helicase remains elusive. Here, we show that the N-terminal domain of Drosophila melanogaster mtDNA helicase coordinates iron in a 2Fe-2S cluster that enhances protein stability in vitro. The N-terminal domain binds the cluster through conserved cysteine residues (Cys68, Cys71, Cys102, and Cys105) that are responsible for coordinating zinc in T7 gp4. Moreover, we show that the N-terminal domain binds both single- and double-stranded DNA oligomers, with an apparent Kd of ∼120 nm. These findings suggest a possible role for the N-terminal domain of metazoan mtDNA helicase in recruiting and binding DNA at the replication fork.  相似文献   

Kinetoplast DNA, the trypanosome mitochondrial genome, is a network of interlocked DNA rings including several thousand minicircles and a few dozen maxicircles. Minicircles replicate after release from the network, and their progeny reattach. Remarkably, trypanosomes have six mitochondrial DNA helicases related to yeast PIF1 helicase. Here we report that one of the six, TbPIF1, functions in minicircle replication. RNA interference (RNAi) of TbPIF1 causes a growth defect and kinetoplast DNA loss. Minicircle replication intermediates decrease during RNAi, and there is an accumulation of multiply interlocked, covalently closed minicircle dimers (fraction U). In studying the significance of fraction U, we found that this species also accumulates during RNAi of mitochondrial topoisomerase II. These data indicate that one function of TbPIF1 is an involvement, together with topoisomerase II, in the segregation of minicircle progeny.  相似文献   

Mutations in the human mitochondrial polymerase (polymerase-γ (Pol-γ)) are associated with various mitochondrial disorders, including mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) depletion syndrome, Alpers syndrome, and progressive external opthamalplegia. To correlate biochemically quantifiable defects resulting from point mutations in Pol-γ with their physiological consequences, we created “humanized” yeast, replacing the yeast mtDNA polymerase (MIP1) with human Pol-γ. Despite differences in the replication and repair mechanism, we show that the human polymerase efficiently complements the yeast mip1 knockouts, suggesting common fundamental mechanisms of replication and conserved interactions between the human polymerase and other components of the replisome. We also examined the effects of four disease-related point mutations (S305R, H932Y, Y951N, and Y955C) and an exonuclease-deficient mutant (D198A/E200A). In haploid cells, each mutant results in rapid mtDNA depletion, increased mutation frequency, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Mutation frequencies measured in vivo equal those measured with purified enzyme in vitro. In heterozygous diploid cells, wild-type Pol-γ suppresses mutation-associated growth defects, but continuous growth eventually leads to aerobic respiration defects, reduced mtDNA content, and depolarized mitochondrial membranes. The severity of the Pol-γ mutant phenotype in heterozygous diploid humanized yeast correlates with the approximate age of disease onset and the severity of symptoms observed in humans.  相似文献   

Recently, the human protein responsible for replicative mtDNA helicase activity was identified and designated Twinkle. Twinkle has been implicated in autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia (adPEO), a mitochondrial disorder characterized by mtDNA deletions. The Twinkle protein appears to have evolved from an ancestor shared with the bifunctional primase-helicase found in the T-odd bacteriophages. However, the question has been raised as to whether human Twinkle possesses primase activity, due to amino acid sequence divergence and absence of a zinc-finger motif thought to play an integral role in DNA binding. To date, a primase protein participating in mtDNA replication has not been identified in any eukaryote. Here we investigate the wider phylogenetic distribution of Twinkle by surveying and analyzing data from ongoing EST and genome sequencing projects. We identify Twinkle homologues in representatives from five of six major eukaryotic assemblages (“supergroups”) and present the sequence of the complete Twinkle gene from two members of Amoebozoa, a supergroup of amoeboid protists at the base of the opisthokont (fungal/metazoan) radiation. Notably, we identify conserved primase motifs including the zinc finger in all Twinkle sequences outside of Metazoa. Accordingly, we propose that Twinkle likely serves as the primase as well as the helicase for mtDNA replication in most eukaryotes whose genome encodes it, with the exception of Metazoa. [Reviewing Editior: Dr. Rüdiger Cerff]  相似文献   

Flap endonuclease 1 (FEN1) and Dna2 endonuclease/helicase (Dna2) sequentially coordinate their nuclease activities for efficient resolution of flap structures that are created during the maturation of Okazaki fragments and repair of DNA damage. Acetylation of FEN1 by p300 inhibits its endonuclease activity, impairing flap cleavage, a seemingly undesirable effect. We now show that p300 also acetylates Dna2, stimulating its 5′–3′ endonuclease, the 5′–3′ helicase, and DNA-dependent ATPase activities. Furthermore, acetylated Dna2 binds its DNA substrates with higher affinity. Differential regulation of the activities of the two endonucleases by p300 indicates a mechanism in which the acetylase promotes formation of longer flaps in the cell at the same time as ensuring correct processing. Intentional formation of longer flaps mediated by p300 in an active chromatin environment would increase the resynthesis patch size, providing increased opportunity for incorrect nucleotide removal during DNA replication and damaged nucleotide removal during DNA repair. For example, altering the ratio between short and long flap Okazaki fragment processing would be a mechanism for better correction of the error-prone synthesis catalyzed by DNA polymerase α.  相似文献   

线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA mtDNA)的异质性自从被发现以来,一直被遗传学、进化学、发育遗传学以及法医遗传学、分子生物学领域所重视。由于线粒体异质性的存在,使得很多涉及疾病、进化、系统发育线粒体基因组与核基因组的相互作用关系、线粒体DNA复制机制以及法医学运用线粒体DNA进行实际案件评估的问题变得复杂化。此外线粒体DNA异质性的发生原因以及对线粒体异质性的检测方法标准化问题还没有一个统一的答案。针对线粒体DNA异质性带来的种种问题,近年来国内外取得了不少研究进展。  相似文献   

We have investigated the interaction between human DNA polymerase η (hpol η) and the Werner syndrome protein (WRN). Functional assays revealed that the WRN exonuclease and RecQ C-terminal (RQC) domains are necessary for full stimulation of hpol η-catalyzed formation of correct base pairs. We find that WRN does not stimulate hpol η-catalyzed formation of mispairs. Moreover, the exonuclease activity of WRN prevents stable mispair formation by hpol η. These results are consistent with a proofreading activity for WRN during single-nucleotide additions. ATP hydrolysis by WRN appears to attenuate stimulation of hpol η. Pre-steady-state kinetic results show that kpol is increased 4-fold by WRN. Finally, pulldown assays reveal a bipartite physical interaction between hpol η and WRN that is mediated by the exonuclease and RQC domains. Taken together, these results are consistent with alteration of the rate-limiting step in polymerase catalysis by direct protein-protein interactions between WRN and hpol η. In summary, WRN improves the efficiency and fidelity of hpol η to promote more effective replication of DNA.  相似文献   

The human mitochondrial DNA polymerase (pol γ) is nuclearly encoded and is solely responsible for the replication and repair of the mitochondrial genome. The progressive accumulation of mutations within the mitochondrial genome is thought to be related to aging, and mutations in the pol γ gene are responsible for numerous heritable disorders including progressive external opthalmoplegia, Alpers syndrome, and parkinsonism. Here we investigate the kinetic effect of H932Y, a mutation associated with opthalmoplegia. Mutations H932Y and H932A reduce the specificity constant governing correct nucleotide incorporation 150- and 70-fold, respectively, without significantly affecting fidelity of incorporation or the maximum rate of incorporation. However, this leads to only a 2-fold reduction in rate of incorporation at a physiological nucleotide concentration (∼100 μm). Surprisingly, incorporation of T:T or C:T mismatches catalyzed by either H932Y or H932A mutants was followed by slow pyrophosphate release (or fast pyrophosphate rebinding). Also, H932Y readily catalyzed incorporation of multiple mismatches, which may have a profound physiological impact over time. His-932 is thought to contact the β-phosphate of the incoming nucleotide, so it is perhaps surprising that H932Y appears to slow rather than accelerate pyrophosphate release.  相似文献   

RecD2 from Deinococcus radiodurans is a superfamily 1 DNA helicase that is homologous to the Escherichia coli RecD protein but functions outside the context of RecBCD enzyme. We report here on the kinetics of DNA unwinding by RecD2 under single and multiple turnover conditions. There is little unwinding of 20-bp substrates by preformed RecD2-dsDNA complexes when excess ssDNA is present to trap enzyme molecules not bound to the substrate. A shorter 12-bp substrate is unwound rapidly under single turnover conditions. The 12-bp unwinding reaction could be simulated with a mechanism in which the DNA is unwound in two kinetic steps with rate constant of kunw = 5.5 s−1 and a dissociation step from partially unwound DNA of koff = 1.9 s−1. These results indicate a kinetic step size of about 3–4 bp, unwinding rate of about 15–20 bp/s, and low processivity (p = 0.74). The reaction time courses with 20-bp substrates, determined under multiple turnover conditions, could be simulated with a four-step mechanism and rate constant values very similar to those for the 12-bp substrate. The results indicate that the faster unwinding of a DNA substrate with a forked end versus only a 5′-terminal single-stranded extension can be accounted for by a difference in the rate of enzyme binding to the DNA substrates. Analysis of reactions done with different RecD2 concentrations indicates that the enzyme forms an inactive dimer or other oligomer at high enzyme concentrations. RecD2 oligomers can be detected by glutaraldehyde cross-linking but not by size exclusion chromatography.  相似文献   

Multiple lines of evidence support the notion that DNA ligase III (LIG3), the only DNA ligase found in mitochondria, is essential for viability in both whole organisms and in cultured cells. Previous attempts to generate cells devoid of mitochondrial DNA ligase failed. Here, we report, for the first time, the derivation of viable LIG3-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts. These cells lack mtDNA and are auxotrophic for uridine and pyruvate, which may explain the apparent lethality of the Lig3 knock-out observed in cultured cells in previous studies. Cells with severely reduced expression of LIG3 maintain normal mtDNA copy number and respiration but show reduced viability in the face of alkylating and oxidative damage, increased mtDNA degradation in response to oxidative damage, and slow recovery from mtDNA depletion. Our findings clarify the cellular role of LIG3 and establish that the loss of viability in LIG3-deficient cells is conditional and secondary to the ρ0 phenotype.  相似文献   

Mgm101 is a Rad52-type recombination protein of bacteriophage origin required for the repair and maintenance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). It forms large oligomeric rings of ∼14-fold symmetry that catalyze the annealing of single-stranded DNAs in vitro. In this study, we investigated the structural elements that contribute to this distinctive higher order structural organization and examined its functional implications. A pair of vicinal cysteines, Cys-216 and Cys-217, was found to be essential for mtDNA maintenance. Mutations to the polar serine, the negatively charged aspartic and glutamic acids, and the hydrophobic amino acid alanine all destabilize mtDNA in vivo. The alanine mutants have an increased propensity of forming macroscopic filaments. In contrast, mutations to aspartic acid drastically destabilize the protein and result in unstructured aggregates with severely reduced DNA binding activity. Interestingly, the serine mutants partially disassemble the Mgm101 rings into smaller oligomers. In the case of the C216S mutant, a moderate increase in DNA binding activity was observed. By using small angle x-ray scattering analysis, we found that Mgm101 forms rings of ∼200 Å diameter in solution, consistent with the structure previously established by transmission electron microscopy. We also found that the C216A/C217A double mutant tends to form broken rings, which likely provide free ends for seeding the growth of the super-stable but functionally defective filaments. Taken together, our data underscore the importance of a delicately maintained ring structure critical for Mgm101 activity. We discuss a potential role of Cys-216 and Cys-217 in regulating Mgm101 function and the repair of damaged mtDNA under stress conditions.  相似文献   

Variation in the topology of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in eukaryotes evokes the question if differently structured DNAs are replicated by a common mechanism. RNA-primed DNA synthesis has been established as a mechanism for replicating the circular animal/mammalian mtDNA. In yeasts, circular mtDNA molecules were assumed to be templates for rolling circle DNA-replication. We recently showed that in Candida albicans, which has circular mapping mtDNA, recombination driven replication is a major mechanism for replicating a complex branched mtDNA network. Careful analyses of C. albicans-mtDNA did not reveal detectable amounts of circular DNA molecules. In the present study we addressed the question of how the unit sized linear mtDNA of Candida parapsilosis terminating at both ends with arrays of tandem repeats (mitochondrial telomeres) is replicated. Originally, we expected to find replication intermediates diagnostic of canonical bi-directional replication initiation at the centrally located bi-directional promoter region. However, we found that the linear mtDNA of Candida parapsilosis also employs recombination for replication initiation. The most striking findings were that the mitochondrial telomeres appear to be hot spots for recombination driven replication, and that stable RNA:DNA hybrids, with a potential role in mtDNA replication, are also present in the mtDNA preparations.  相似文献   

Synthesis of the leading DNA strand requires the coordinated activity of DNA polymerase and DNA helicase, whereas synthesis of the lagging strand involves interactions of these proteins with DNA primase. We present the first structural model of a bacteriophage T7 DNA helicase-DNA polymerase complex using a combination of small angle x-ray scattering, single-molecule, and biochemical methods. We propose that the protein-protein interface stabilizing the leading strand synthesis involves two distinct interactions: a stable binding of the helicase to the palm domain of the polymerase and an electrostatic binding of the carboxyl-terminal tail of the helicase to a basic patch on the polymerase. DNA primase facilitates binding of DNA helicase to ssDNA and contributes to formation of the DNA helicase-DNA polymerase complex by stabilizing DNA helicase.  相似文献   

The Gp59 protein of bacteriophage T4 promotes DNA replication by loading the replicative helicase, Gp41, onto replication forks and recombination intermediates. Gp59 also blocks DNA synthesis by Gp43 polymerase until Gp41 is loaded, ensuring that synthesis is tightly coupled to unwinding. The distinct polymerase blocking and helicase loading activities of Gp59 likely involve different binding interactions with DNA and protein partners. Here, we investigate how interactions of Gp59 with DNA and Gp32, the T4 single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding protein, are related to these activities. A previously characterized mutant, Gp59-I87A, exhibits markedly reduced affinity for ssDNA and pseudo-fork DNA substrates. We demonstrate that on Gp32-covered ssDNA, the DNA binding defect of Gp59-I87A is not detrimental to helicase loading and translocation. In contrast, on pseudo-fork DNA the I87A mutation is detrimental to helicase loading and unwinding in the presence or absence of Gp32. Other results indicate that Gp32 binding to lagging strand ssDNA relieves the blockage of Gp43 polymerase activity by Gp59, whereas the inhibition of Gp43 exonuclease activity is maintained. Our findings suggest that Gp59-Gp32 and Gp59-DNA interactions perform separate but complementary roles in T4 DNA metabolism; Gp59-Gp32 interactions are needed to load Gp41 onto D-loops, and other nucleoprotein structures containing clusters of Gp32. Gp59-DNA interactions are needed to load Gp41 onto nascent or collapsed replication forks lacking clusters of Gp32 and to coordinate bidirectional replication from T4 origins. The dual functionalities of Gp59 allow it to promote the initiation or re-start of DNA replication from a wide variety of recombination and replication intermediates.  相似文献   

The CG18317 gene (drim2) is the Drosophila melanogaster homolog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rim2 gene, which encodes a pyrimidine (deoxy)nucleotide carrier. Here, we tested if the drim2 gene also encodes for a deoxynucleotide transporter in the fruit fly. The protein was localized to mitochondria. Drosophila S2R+ cells, silenced for drim2 expression, contained markedly reduced pools of both purine and pyrimidine dNTPs in mitochondria, whereas cytosolic pools were unaffected. In vivo drim2 homozygous knock-out was lethal at the larval stage, preceded by the following: (i) impaired locomotor behavior; (ii) decreased rates of oxygen consumption, and (iii) depletion of mtDNA. We conclude that the Drosophila mitochondrial carrier dRIM2 transports all DNA precursors and is essential to maintain mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

The removal of initiating primers from the 5′-ends of each Okazaki fragment, required for the generation of contiguous daughter strands, can be catalyzed by the combined action of DNA polymerase δ and Fen1. When the flaps generated by displacement of DNA synthesis activity of polymerase δ become long enough to bind replication protein A or form hairpin structures, the helicase/endonuclease enzyme, Dna2, becomes critical because of its ability to remove replication protein A-coated or secondary structure flaps. In this study, we show that the N-terminal 45-kDa domain of Dna2 binds hairpin structures, allowing the enzyme to target secondary structure flap DNA. We found that this activity was essential for the efficient removal of hairpin flaps by the endonuclease activity of Dna2 with the aid of its helicase activity. Thus, the efficient removal of hairpin structure flaps requires the coordinated action of all three functional domains of Dna2. We also found that deletion of the N-terminal 45-kDa domain of Dna2 led to a partial loss of the intra-S-phase checkpoint function and an increased rate of homologous recombination in yeast. We discuss the potential roles of the N-terminal domain of Dna2 in the maintenance of genomic stability.  相似文献   

The helicase and primase activities of the hexameric ring-shaped T7 gp4 protein reside in two separate domains connected by a linker region. This linker region is part of the subunit interface between monomers, and point mutations in this region have deleterious effects on the helicase functions. One such linker region mutant, A257T, is analogous to the A359T mutant of the homologous human mitochondrial DNA helicase Twinkle, which is linked to diseases such as progressive external opthalmoplegia. Electron microscopy studies show that A257T gp4 is normal in forming rings with dTTP, but the rings do not assemble efficiently on the DNA. Therefore, A257T, unlike the WT gp4, does not preassemble on the unwinding DNA substrate with dTTP without Mg(II), and its DNA unwinding activity in ensemble assays is slow and limited by the DNA loading rate. Single molecule assays measured a 45 times slower rate of A257T loading on DNA compared with WT gp4. Interestingly, once loaded, A257T has almost WT-like translocation and DNA unwinding activities. Strikingly, A257T preassembles stably on the DNA in the presence of T7 DNA polymerase, which restores the ensemble unwinding activity of A257T to ~75% of WT, and the rescue does not require DNA synthesis. The DNA loading rate of A257T, however, remains slow even in the presence of the polymerase, which explains why A257T does not support T7 phage growth. Similar types of defects in the related human mitochondrial DNA helicase may be responsible for inefficient DNA replication leading to the disease states.  相似文献   

The Cdc45-Mcm2-7-GINS (CMG) complex is the replication fork helicase in eukaryotes. Synthetic lethal with Dpb11-1 (Sld2) is required for the initiation of DNA replication, and the S phase cyclin-dependent kinase (S-CDK) phosphorylates Sld2 in vivo. We purified components of the replication initiation machinery and studied their interactions in vitro. We found that unphosphorylated or CDK-phosphorylated Sld2 binds to the mini chromosome maintenance (Mcm)2-7 complex with similar efficiency. Sld2 interaction with Mcm2-7 blocks the interaction between GINS and Mcm2-7. The interaction between CDK-phosphorylated Sld2 and Mcm2-7 is substantially inhibited by origin single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). Furthermore, origin ssDNA allows GINS to bind to Mcm2-7 in the presence of CDK-phosphorylated Sld2. However, unphosphorylated Sld2 blocks the interaction between GINS and Mcm2-7 even in the presence of origin ssDNA. We identified a mutant of Sld2 that does not bind to DNA. When this mutant is expressed in yeast cells, cell growth is severely inhibited with very slow progression into S phase. We propose a model wherein Sld2 blocks the interaction between GINS and Mcm2-7 in vivo. Once origin ssDNA is extruded from the Mcm2-7 ring and CDK phosphorylates Sld2, the origin ssDNA binds to CDK-phosphorylated Sld2. This event may allow the interaction between GINS and Mcm2-7 in vivo. Thus, CDK phosphorylation of Sld2 may be important to release Sld2 from Mcm2-7, thereby allowing GINS to bind Mcm2-7. Furthermore, origin ssDNA may stimulate the formation of the CMG complex by alleviating inhibitory interactions between Sld2 with Mcm2-7.  相似文献   

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