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The thymus plays a crucial role in the development of T lymphocytes providing an inductive microenvironment in which committed progenitors undergo proliferation, T-cell receptor gene rearrangements and thymocyte differentiation into mature T-cells. The thymus microenvironment forms a complex network of interaction that comprises non lymphoid cells (e.g., thymic epithelial cells, TEC), cytokines, chemokines, extracellular matrix elements (ECM), matrix metalloproteinases and other soluble proteins. The thymic epithelial meshwork is the major component of thymic microenvironment, both morphologically and phenotypically limiting heterogeneous regions in thymic lobules and fulfilling an important role during specific stages of T-cell maturation. The process starts when bone marrow–derived lymphocyte precursors arrive at the outer cortical region of the thymic gland and begin to mature into functional T lymphocytes that will finally exit the thymus and populate the peripheral lymphoid organs. During their journey inside the thymus, thymocytes must interact with stromal cells (and their soluble products) and extracellular matrix proteins to receive appropriate signals for survival, proliferation and differentiation. The crucial components of the thymus microenvironment and their complex interactions during the T-cell maturation process with the objective of contributing to a better understanding of the function of the thymus as well as assist in the search for new therapeutic approaches to improve the immune response in various pathological conditions are summarized here.  相似文献   

During the course of differentiation in the thymus, precursor T cells are negatively selected by a self-tolerance mechanism or positively selected to acquire restriction specificity to self major histocompatibility complexes. We investigated the process of T cell differentiation and those selections using a fetal thymus organ culture with or without cyclosporine A. The agent blocked the maturation step from CD4+8+ double positive cells to mature CD4-8+ or CD4+8- single positive cells. On the other hand, the agent did not inhibit the development of CD3+4-8- T cell receptor (TCR)alpha beta- cells, which were supposed to be T cells bearing gamma delta-TCR chains. These results suggest that the development of thymocytes bearing alpha beta- or gamma delta-TCR chains differ in requirement for thymocyte-stromal cell interaction.  相似文献   

Four monoclonal antibodies (BH11, T2/30, AG3, and BC3) were produced against different epithelial components of the normal thymus. An immunohistologic study was performed on 13 thymomas by the use of these and other stromal and lymphocyte-specific reagents. The aim of this study was to find possible relationships between the proliferating thymoma epithelial cell type and the T cell composition of thymomas. Our results indicate that cortical T cell differentiation is present in thymomas, and that this differentiation is induced in the absence of detectable levels of MHC class II antigens on the epithelial component in most cases. The role of the MHC class II antigens cannot be excluded, however, because these antigens were always present on macrophages. Analysis of the selected group of thymomas, each of which contained epithelial cells homogeneously stained by at least one of the described monoclonal antibodies, showed that the cortical type T cell inducer capacity of thymomas is independent of the epithelial type predominant in the tumor.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of the main placental hormone, chorionic gonadotropin, on differentiation of human thymocytes in vitro in the presence of thymic epithelial cells. It was shown that the hormone at a high dose (100 IU/ml) enhanced the epithelium-induced phenotypic maturation of thymocytes, which is registered by an increased expression of the membrane marker CD3 and transition of CD4+8+ thymocytes in the cells with CD4+8- and CD4-8+ phenotypes. In addition, gonadotropin enhanced the proliferative response of thymocytes to the mitogen during their cultivation with the epithelium. The stimulating effect of the hormone on the epithelium-induced differentiation of thymocytes is mediated by the humoral factors of epithelial cells. In addition, gonadotropin at this dose exerts its own differentiating activity with respect to thymocytes and stimulates their phenotypic and functional maturation in a monoculture.  相似文献   

In order to examine the influence of chronic alpha1-adrenergic receptor (alpha1-AR) blockade on the thymus structure and T-cell maturation, peripubertal and adult male rats were treated with urapidil (0.20 mg/kg BW/d; s.c.) over 15 consecutive days. Thymic structure and phenotypic characteristics of the thymocytes were assessed by stereological and flow cytometry analysis, respectively. In immature rats, treatment with urapidil reduced the body weight gain and, affecting the volume of cortical compartment and its cellularity decreased the organ size and the total number of thymocytes compared to age-matched saline-injected controls. The percentage of CD4+8- single positive (SP) thymocytes was decreased, while that of CD4-8+ was increased suggesting, most likely, a disregulation in final steps of the positively selected cells maturation. However, alpha1-AR blockade in adult rats increased the thymus weight as a consequence of increase in the cortical size and cellularity. The increased percentage of most immature CD4-8- double negative (DN) cells associated with decreased percentage of immature CD4+8+ double positive (DP) thymocytes suggests a decelerated transition from DN to DP stage of T-cell development. As in immature rats, the treatment in adult rats evoked changes in the relative numbers of SP cells, but contrary to immature animals, favoring the maturation of CD4+8- over CD4-8+ thymocytes. These results demonstrate that: i) chronic blockade of alpha1-ARs affects both the thymus structure and thymocyte differentiation, ii) these effects are age-dependent, pointing out to pharmacological manipulation of alpha1-AR-mediated signaling as potential means for modulation of the intrathymic T-cell maturation.  相似文献   

The role of thymus in the regulation of stromal elements, responsible for haemopoiesis inducing microsurrounding transfer of animals, subjected to 10-hours immobilization, was studied. The development of bone marrow hyperplasia and stimulation of functional activity of stromal cells, responsible for haemopoiesis inducing microsurrounding transfer, were shown to be thymus dependent processes during stress.  相似文献   

Summary The three-dimensional structure of the axolotl (urodele amphibian) thymus was studied by combined scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The epithelial cell is the major component of the microenvironment forming the meshwork where thymocytes differentiate. Three different types of epithelial cells could be defined by their intracytoplasmic organelles and their localization in the subcapsular or deeper part of the organ. These epithelial cells participate in various types of lymphostromal interactions. Other stromal elements, such as interdigitating reticular cells, macrophages, eosinophil granulocytes and epithelial cysts were also defined. The absence of a true cortico-medullary differentiation in the axolotl thymus, the presence of different stromal elements and the physiological significance of these various microenvironments are discussed.  相似文献   

Kuklina EM 《Ontogenez》2003,34(5):342-357
A review of the main molecular events occurring during differentiation of T-lymphocytes in the thymus: T-cell specialization of early intrathymic precursors, formation and expression of antigen receptor, formation of antigen recognizing cell repertoire, and alpha beta/gamma beta- and CD4/CD8-commitment. The mechanisms of glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis of thymocytes and its blockade during antigen-dependent activation are considered. A special attention is paid to the analysis of intracellular signals underlying the clonal selection of thymocytes.  相似文献   

The proliferative status of thymocyte cell subsets in vivo was assessed by observing the effect of two antimitotic drugs, hydroxyurea (HU) and demecolcine. Both drugs had the greatest effect on the double-positive (DP) subset followed by the L3T4+ single-positive (SP) subset. However, the decrease in the latter type was delayed by several days, showing that their precursors rather than the cells themselves were killed by HU. Double-negative (DN) cells were less affected, indicating that they contain a resting subset and that they are renewed by emigration rather than by autonomous in situ proliferation. After drug treatment all cycling cells were eliminated from the thymus but, as shown by in vivo and in vitro bromodeoxyuridine incorporation, new cells rapidly reentered in cycle, starting from DN cells and Lyt-2+ SP cells and followed by DP cells. Lyt-2+ SP cycling cells represent an intermediary stage between DN and DP cells, and they are very transient. Injection of HU 24 h after in vivo BrdUrd labeling eliminated most labeled DN cells, but did not prevent the emergence of L3T4+ SP-labeled cells on day 3 as observed in control thymuses. These results suggest that these L3T4+ SP cells are generated from DP cells in the absence of proliferation. Cycling cells in the regenerating thymus were first located at the corticomedullary junction and then in the subcapsular region, suggesting a reverse migration process to that observed after cessation of proliferation. A model is proposed to summarize these sequential events.  相似文献   

Our previous studies using oxygen microelectrodes showed that the thymus is grossly hypoxic under normal physiological conditions. We now have investigated how oxygen tension affects the thymus at the cellular and molecular level. Adducts of the hypoxia marker drug pimonidazole accumulated in foci within the cortex and medulla and at the corticomedullary junction, consistent with the presence of widespread cellular hypoxia in the normal thymus. Hypoxia-associated pimonidazole accumulation was decreased but not abrogated by oxygen administration. Genes previously reported to be induced by hypoxia were expressed at baseline levels in the normal thymus, indicating that physiological adaptation to hypoxia occurred. Despite changes in thymus size and cellularity, thymic PO(2) did not change with age. Combined assays for hypoxia and cell death showed that hypoxia achieved using either hypoxic gas mixtures or high-density culture in normoxia decreased spontaneous thymocyte apoptosis in vitro. Taken together, these data suggest that regulatory mechanisms exist to maintain thymic cellular hypoxia in vivo and that oxygen tension may regulate thymocyte survival both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes arise in the thymus and seed to peripheral lymphoid organs as fully functional cells at the time of exit. In humans, the thymus begins to function very early in ontogeny and releases large numbers of T cells before the time of birth. However, the vast majority of developing thymocytes (>95%) die within the thymus as a result of stringent selection processes. Positive selection imposes self-MHC-restriction on thymocytes and dictates the MHC-restricted repertoire of post-thymic T cells. Negative selection results in deletion of autoreactive cells. Both types of selection depend on cell to cell contracts and on the presence of appropriate growth factors which are still largely undetermined. Cell to cell contacts occur between developing thymocytes and cells of the thymic microenvironment (accessory cells), and are mediated by several receptor/ligand interactions which subserve the function of establishing and stabilizing these contacts. Besides MHC-TCR interactions, adhesion molecules are important for thymocyte maturation, selection and activation, and for the export and peripheral homing of mature T cells produced in the thymus. Here we describe a novel integrin involved in thymocyte-thymic epithelial cell interactions.  相似文献   

The thymus is the primary site for generation of naive T-lymphocytes in the young animal. With age, the thymus progressively involutes and fewer mature T-cells are produced and migrate to the periphery. With thymic involution, increased density of sympathetic noradrenergic (NA) innervation and concentration of norepinephrine (NE) have been observed. To determine if the age-related changes in thymocyte differentiation are modified by NE signaling through beta-adrenergic receptors, 2-month (mo) and 18-mo old BALB/c mice were implanted subcutaneously with pellets containing the non-selective beta-adrenoceptor antagonist nadolol. Four and one-half weeks later, thymus and peripheral blood were collected to assess changes in thymocyte differentiation and naive T-cell output by flow cytometric analysis of T-cell subpopulations. In old mice, but not in young mice, thymocyte CD4/CD8 co-expression was altered by beta-adrenoceptor blockade. In nadolol-treated old mice, the frequency of the immature CD4-8- population was increased, and the intermediate CD4+8+ population was reduced. A corresponding increase in the frequency of mature CD4-8+, but not CD4+8- cells was observed. The increase in CD4-8+ cells is most likely not mediated by more CD4-8+ cells undergoing positive selection, because CD3hi expression in the CD4+8+ population was not altered by nadolol. The percentage of CD8+44low naive cells in peripheral blood increased in nadolol-treated mice, suggesting that more CD4-8+ cells were exported from the thymus to the periphery. These results indicate that the age-associated increase in sympathetic NA innervation of the thymus modulates thymocyte maturation. Pharmacological manipulation of NA innervation may provide a novel means of increasing naive T-cell output and improving T-cell reactivity to novel antigens with age.  相似文献   

The effect of interleukin 1beta on the thymus of control and chemically sympathectomized adult and aged rats was studied with the aim of assessing the importance of adrenergic nerve fibres (ANF) in the regulation of some immunological functions.The whole thymus was removed from normal, sympathectomized (with the neurotoxin 6-OH-dopamine) and treated (interleukin 1beta) rats. Thymic slices were stained with eosin orange (for the recognition of microanatomical details of the thymic microenvironment) and with Bodian's method for staining of nerve fibres. Histofluorescence microscopy was employed for staining ANF and immunofluorescence was used for detecting NPY-like immunoreactivity. All images were submitted to quantitative morphometrical analysis and statistical analysis of data. Moreover, the amount of proteins and noradrenaline was measured on thymic homogenates. The results indicate that in normal conditions the formation of the thymic nerve plexi in the rat is complex: the majority of ANF are destroyed after chemical sympathectomy with 6-OH-dopamine and do not change after treatment with interleukin 1beta; on the contrary, treatment with interleukin 1beta induces substantial changes in the fresh weight of the thymus, the thymic microenvironment, thymic nerve fibers, ANF, NPY-like positive nerve fibres, and on the total amount of proteins and noradrenaline in rat thymic tissue homogenates.Immunostimulation with interleukin 1beta induces substantial changes in the whole thymus, in its microenvironment and in ANF and NPY-like nerve fibres. After chemical sympathectomy, no significant immune response was evoked by interleukin 1beta, since the majority of ANF was destroyed by chemical sympathectomy.  相似文献   

After entry into thymus, T cell progenitors migrate in the cortex and the medulla while completing their education. Recent reports have documented the dynamic and tortuous behavior of thymocytes. However, other than chemokines and/or segregated thymic substrates, the factors contributing to the dynamic patterns of thymocyte movement are poorly characterized. By combining confocal and dynamic two-photon microscopy, we demonstrate that thymocytes continuously migrate on thymic stromal cell networks. In addition to constituting "roads" for thymocytes, we observed that these networks also provide a scaffold on which dendritic cells attach themselves. These results highlight the central role of stromal microanatomy in orchestrating the multiple cellular interactions necessary for T cell migration/development within the thymus.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury (SCI) often leads to substantial disability due to loss of motor function and sensation below the lesion. Neural stem cells (NSCs) are a promising strategy for SCI repair. However, NSCs rarely differentiate into neurons; they mostly differentiate into astrocytes because of the adverse microenvironment present after SCI. We have shown that myelin-associated inhibitors (MAIs) inhibited neuronal differentiation of NSCs. Given that MAIs activate epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling, we used a collagen scaffold-tethered anti-EGFR antibody to attenuate the inhibitory effects of MAIs and create a neuronal differentiation microenvironment for SCI repair. The collagen scaffold modified with anti-EGFR antibody prevented the inhibition of NSC neuronal differentiation by myelin. After transplantation into completely transected SCI animals, the scaffold-linked antibodies induced production of nascent neurons from endogenous and transplanted NSCs, which rebuilt the neuronal relay by forming connections with each other or host neurons to transmit electrophysiological signals and promote functional recovery. Thus, a scaffold-based strategy for rebuilding the neuronal differentiation microenvironment could be useful for SCI repair.  相似文献   

Factors regulating stem cell recruitment to the fetal thymus   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Colonization of the thymic rudiment during development is initiated before vascularization so that hemopoietic precursors must leave the pharyngeal vessels and migrate through the perithymic mesenchyme to reach the thymus, suggesting that they may be responding to a gradient of chemoattractant factors. We report that diffusible chemoattractants are produced by MHC class II+ epithelial cells of the fetal thymus, and that the response of precursors to these factors is mediated via a G protein-coupled receptor, consistent with factors being members of the chemokine family. Indeed, a number of chemokine receptors are expressed by thymic precursors, and several chemokines are also expressed by thymic epithelial cells. However, these chemokines are also expressed in a tissue that is unable to attract precursors, although the thymus expressed chemokine, TECK, is expressed at higher levels in thymic epithelial cells and we show that it has chemotactic activity for isolated thymic precursors. Neutralizing Ab to TECK, however, did not prevent thymus recolonization by T cell precursors, suggesting that other novel chemokines might be involved in this process. In addition, we provide evidence for the involvement of matrix metalloproteinases in chemoattractant-mediated T cell precursor recruitment to the thymus during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

A thymic peptide previously found to recruit thymocytes from G1 into S phase has been purified from a crude thymic extract by subsequent steps of gel exclusion chromatography and reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The purified material, which appeared homogeneous on thin-layer chromatography and HPLC, stimulated the DNA synthesis of cultured guinea pig thymocytes in a nanomolar concentration range. The amino acid composition revealed a high content of acidic amino acids and no apparent homology to previously defined growth factors and thymus differentiation hormones.  相似文献   

The thymus continuously produces T lymphocytes that contribute to the maintenance of the peripheral T cell pool. Since peripheral recirculating T cells represent a very minor population among total thymocytes in normal animals, the relationship between the thymus and secondary lymphoid organs is generally considered unidirectional. Recently, several reports have described the presence of recirculating T cells in the thymus, raising issues regarding their possible function. In this article, we show that the niche for recirculating T cells in the thymus, i.e., their absolute number, is the same in lymphopenic and normal mice. Using a novel combination of TCR-transgenic mice in which the ligand necessary for positive selection of host T cells is only expressed by transferred donor T cells, we show that mature T cells recirculating back to the thymus can mediate positive selection.  相似文献   

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