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Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation patterns   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Cytosine methylation is the most common covalent modification of DNA in eukaryotes. DNA methylation has an important role in many aspects of biology, including development and disease. Methylation can be detected using bisulfite conversion, methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes, methyl-binding proteins and anti-methylcytosine antibodies. Combining these techniques with DNA microarrays and high-throughput sequencing has made the mapping of DNA methylation feasible on a genome-wide scale. Here we discuss recent developments and future directions for identifying and mapping methylation, in an effort to help colleagues to identify the approaches that best serve their research interests.  相似文献   



We performed a comparative analysis of the genome-wide DNA methylation profiles from three human embryonic stem cell (HESC) lines. It had previously been shown that HESC lines had significantly higher non-CG methylation than differentiated cells, and we therefore asked whether these sites were conserved across cell lines.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is responsible for regulating gene expression and cellular differentiation and for maintaining genomic stability during normal human development. Furthermore, it plays a significant role in the regulation of hematopoiesis. In order to elucidate the influence of DNA methylation during B-cell development, genome-wide DNA methylation status of pro-B, pre-BI, pre-BII, and naïve-B-cells isolated from human umbilical cord blood was determined using the methylated CpG island recovery assay followed by next generation sequencing. On average, 182–200 million sequences were generated for each precursor B-cell subset in 10 biological replicates. An overall decrease in methylation was observed during the transition from pro-B to pre-BI, whereas no differential methylation was observed in the pre-BI to pre-BII transition or in the pre-BII to naïve B-cell transition. Most of the methylated regions were located within intergenic and intronic regions not present in a CpG island context. Putative novel enhancers were identified in these regions that were differentially methylated between pro-B and pre-BI cells. The genome-wide methylation profiles are publically available and may be used to gain a better understanding of the involvement of atypical DNA methylation in the pathogenesis of malignancies associated with precursor B-cells.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is responsible for regulating gene expression and cellular differentiation and for maintaining genomic stability during normal human development. Furthermore, it plays a significant role in the regulation of hematopoiesis. In order to elucidate the influence of DNA methylation during B-cell development, genome-wide DNA methylation status of pro-B, pre-BI, pre-BII, and naïve-B-cells isolated from human umbilical cord blood was determined using the methylated CpG island recovery assay followed by next generation sequencing. On average, 182–200 million sequences were generated for each precursor B-cell subset in 10 biological replicates. An overall decrease in methylation was observed during the transition from pro-B to pre-BI, whereas no differential methylation was observed in the pre-BI to pre-BII transition or in the pre-BII to naïve B-cell transition. Most of the methylated regions were located within intergenic and intronic regions not present in a CpG island context. Putative novel enhancers were identified in these regions that were differentially methylated between pro-B and pre-BI cells. The genome-wide methylation profiles are publically available and may be used to gain a better understanding of the involvement of atypical DNA methylation in the pathogenesis of malignancies associated with precursor B-cells.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is involved in development and in human diseases. Genomic DNA derived from lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) is commonly used to study DNA methylation. There are potential confounding factors regarding the use of LCL-derived DNA, however, such as Epstein-Barr (EB) viral infection and artifacts induced during cell culture. Recently, several groups compared the DNA methylation status of peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) and LCLs and concluded that the DNA methylation profiles between them might be consistent. To confirm and extend theses results, we performed a comprehensive DNA methylation analysis using both PBLs and LCLs derived from the same individuals. Using the luminometric methylation assay, we revealed that the global DNA methylation level was different between PBLs and LCLs. Furthermore, the direction of change was not consistent. Comparisons of genome-wide DNA methylation patterns of promoter regions revealed that methylation profiles were largely conserved between PBLs and LCLs. A preliminary analysis in a small number of samples suggested that the methylation status of an LCL may be better correlated with PBLs from the same individual than with LCLs from other individuals. Expectedly, DNA methylation in promoter regions overlapping with CpG islands was associated with gene silencing in both PBLs and LCLs. With regard to methylation differences, we found that hypermethylation was more predominant than hypomethylation in LCLs compared with PBLs. These findings suggest that LCLs should be used for DNA methylation studies with caution as the methylation patterns of promoter regions in LCLs are not always the same as those in PBLs.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is involved in development and in human diseases. Genomic DNA derived from lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) is commonly used to study DNA methylation. There are potential confounding factors regarding the use of LCL-derived DNA, however, such as Epstein-Barr (EB) viral infection and artifacts induced during cell culture. Recently, several groups compared the DNA methylation status of peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) and LCLs and concluded that the DNA methylation profiles between them might be consistent. To confirm and extend theses results, we performed a comprehensive DNA methylation analysis using both PBLs and LCLs derived from the same individuals. Using the luminometric methylation assay, we revealed that the global DNA methylation level was different between PBLs and LCLs. Furthermore, the direction of change was not consistent. Comparisons of genome-wide DNA methylation patterns of promoter regions revealed that methylation profiles were largely conserved between PBLs and LCLs. A preliminary analysis in a small number of samples suggested that the methylation status of an LCL may be better correlated with PBLs from the same individual than with LCLs from other individuals. Expectedly, DNA methylation in promoter regions overlapping with CpG islands was associated with gene silencing in both PBLs and LCLs. With regard to methylation differences, we found that hypermethylation was more predominant than hypomethylation in LCLs compared with PBLs. These findings suggest that LCLs should be used for DNA methylation studies with caution as the methylation patterns of promoter regions in LCLs are not always the same as those in PBLs.Key words: DNA methylation, lymphoblastoid cell lines, peripheral blood leukocytes, LUMA, promoter tiling array, gene expression  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that epigenetic alterations involving DNA methylation can be causative for neurodevelopmental, growth and metabolic disorders. Although lymphoblastoid cell lines have been an invaluable resource for the study of both genetic and epigenetic disorders, the impact of EBV transformation, cell culturing and freezing on epigenetic patterns is unknown. We compared genome-wide DNA methylation patterns of four white blood cell samples, four low-passage lymphoblastoid cell lines pre and post freezing and four high-passage lymphobastoid cell lines, using two microarray platforms: Illumina HumanMethylation27 platform containing 27,578 CpG sites and Agilent Human CpG island Array containing 27,800 CpG islands. Comparison of genome-wide methylation profiles between white blood cells and lymphoblastoid cell lines demonstrated methylation alterations in lymphoblastoid cell lines occurring at random genomic locations. These changes were more profound in high-passage cells. Freezing at low-passages did not have a significant effect on DNA methylation. Methylation changes were observed in several imprinted differentially methylated regions, including DIRAS3, NNAT, H19, MEG3, NDN and MKRN3, but not in known imprinting centers. Our results suggest that lymphoblastoid cell lines should be used with caution for the identification of disease-associated DNA methylation changes or for discovery of new imprinted genes, as the methylation patterns seen in these cell lines may not always be representative of DNA methylation present in the original B-lymphocytes of the patient.  相似文献   

Cytosine methylation is the quintessential epigenetic mark. Two well-established methods, bisulfite sequencing and methyl-DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP) lend themselves to the genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation by high throughput sequencing. Here we provide an overview and brief review of these methods. We summarize our experience with MeDIP followed by high throughput Illumina/Solexa sequencing, exemplified by the analysis of the methylated fraction of the Neurospora crassa genome ("methylome"). We provide detailed methods for DNA isolation, processing and the generation of in vitro libraries for Illumina/Solexa sequencing. We discuss potential problems in the generation of sequencing libraries. Finally, we provide an overview of software that is appropriate for the analysis of high throughput sequencing data generated by Illumina/Solexa-type sequencing by synthesis, with a special emphasis on approaches and applications that can generate more accurate depictions of sequence reads that fall in repeated regions of a chosen reference genome.  相似文献   

Silver-Russell Syndrome(SRS) is clinically heterogeneous disorder characterized by low birth weight, postnatal growth restriction, and variable dysmorphic features. Current evidence strongly implicates imprinted genes as an important etiology of SRS. Although almost half of the patients showed DNA hypomethylation at the H19/IGF2 imprinted domain, and approximately7%–10% of SRS patients have maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 7(UPD(7) mat); the rest of the SRS patients shows unknown etiology. In this study, we investigate whether there are further DNA methylation defects in SRS patients. We measured DNA methylation in seven SRS patients and five controls at more than 485,000 CpG sites using DNA methylation microarrays. We analyzed methylation changes genome-wide and identified the differentially methylated regions(DMRs) using bisulfite sequencing and digital PCR. Our analysis identifies epimutations at the previously characterized domains of H19/IGF2,providing proof of principle that our methodology can detect the changes in DNA methylation at imprinted loci. In addition,our results showed a novel SRS associated imprinted gene OSBPL5 located on chromosome 11p14 with the probe cg25963939,which is hypomethylated in 4/7 patients(P=0.023, β=.0.243). We also report DMRs in other genes including TGFβ3, HSF1,GAP43, NOTCH4 and MYH14. These DMRs were found to be associated with SRS using GO pathway analysis. In this study,we identified the probe cg25963939, located at the 5′UTR of imprinted gene OSBPL5, as a novel DMR that is associated with SRS. This finding provides new insights into the mechanism of SRS etiology and aid the further stratification of SRS patients by molecular phenotypes.  相似文献   



Environmental challenges during development affect the fetal epigenome, but the period(s) vulnerable to epigenetic dysregulation is(are) not clear. By employing a soy phytoestrogen, genistein, that is known to alter the epigenetic states of the Avy allele during embryogenesis, we have explored the sensitive period for epigenetic regulation. The post-implantation period, when de novo DNA methylation actively proceeds, is amenable to in vitro analysis using a mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell differentiation system.

Methods and Findings

Mouse ES cells were differentiated in the presence or absence of genistein, and DNA methylation patterns on day 10 were compared by microarray-based promoter methylation analysis coupled with a methylation-sensitive endonuclease (HpaII/McrBC)-dependent enrichment procedure. Moderate changes in methylation levels were observed in a subset of promoters following genistein treatment. Detailed investigation of the Ucp1 and Sytl1 promoters further revealed that genistein does not affect de novo methylation occurring between day 0 and day 4, but interferes with subsequent regulatory processes and leads to a decrease in methylation level for both promoters.


Genistein perturbed the methylation pattern of differentiated ES cells after de novo methylation. Our observations suggest that, for a subset of genes, regulation after de novo DNA methylation in the early embryo may be sensitive to genistein.  相似文献   

Roughly two-thirds of all breast cancers are ERα-positive and can be treated with the antiestrogen, Tamoxifen, however resistance occurs in 33% of women who take the drug for more than 5 y. Aberrant DNA methylation, an epigenetic mechanism that alters gene expression in cancer, is thought to play a role in this resistance. To develop an understanding of Tamoxifen-resistance and identify novel pathways and targets of aberrant methylation, DNA from MCF-7 breast cancer cells and Tamoxifen-resistant derivatives, TMX2–11 and TMX2–28, were analyzed using the Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip. Normalizing against MCF-7 values, ERα-positive TMX2–11 had 4000 hypermethylated sites and ERα-negative TMX2–28 had over 33?000. Analysis of CpG sites altered in both TMX2–11 and TMX2–28 revealed that the Tamoxifen-resistant cell lines share 3000 hypermethylated and 200 hypomethylated CpGs. ZNF350 and MAGED1, two genes hypermethylated in both cell lines, were examined in greater detail. Treatment with 5-aza-2′deoxycitidine caused a significant reduction in promoter methylation of both ZNF350 and MAGED1 and a corresponding increase in expression in TMX2–28. A similar relationship between methylation and expression was not detected in TMX2–11. Our findings are indicative of the variable responses to methylation-targeted breast cancer therapy and highlight the need for biomarkers that accurately predict treatment outcome.  相似文献   

Roughly two-thirds of all breast cancers are ERα-positive and can be treated with the antiestrogen, Tamoxifen, however resistance occurs in 33% of women who take the drug for more than 5 y. Aberrant DNA methylation, an epigenetic mechanism that alters gene expression in cancer, is thought to play a role in this resistance. To develop an understanding of Tamoxifen-resistance and identify novel pathways and targets of aberrant methylation, DNA from MCF-7 breast cancer cells and Tamoxifen-resistant derivatives, TMX2–11 and TMX2–28, were analyzed using the Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip. Normalizing against MCF-7 values, ERα-positive TMX2–11 had 4000 hypermethylated sites and ERα-negative TMX2–28 had over 33 000. Analysis of CpG sites altered in both TMX2–11 and TMX2–28 revealed that the Tamoxifen-resistant cell lines share 3000 hypermethylated and 200 hypomethylated CpGs. ZNF350 and MAGED1, two genes hypermethylated in both cell lines, were examined in greater detail. Treatment with 5-aza-2′deoxycitidine caused a significant reduction in promoter methylation of both ZNF350 and MAGED1 and a corresponding increase in expression in TMX2–28. A similar relationship between methylation and expression was not detected in TMX2–11. Our findings are indicative of the variable responses to methylation-targeted breast cancer therapy and highlight the need for biomarkers that accurately predict treatment outcome.  相似文献   

In order to gain more insight into the relationships between DNA methylation and genome stability, chromosomal and molecular evolutions of four Epstein-Barr virus-transformed human lymphoblastoid cell lines were followed in culture for more than 2 yr. The four cell lines underwent early, strong overall demethylation of the genome. The classical satellite-rich, heterochromatic,juxtacentromeric regions of chromosomes 1, 9, and 16 and the distal part of the long arm of the Y chromosome displayed specific behavior with time in culture. In two cell lines, they underwent a strong demethylation, involving successively chromosomes Y, 9, 16, and 1, whereas in the two other cell lines, they remained heavily methylated. For classical satellite 2-rich heterochromatic regions of chromosomes 1 and 16, a direct relationship could be established between their demethylation, their undercondensation at metaphase, and their involvement in non-clonal rearrangements. Unstable sites distributed along the whole chromosomes were found only when the heterochromatic regions of chromosomes 1 and 16 were unstable. The classical satellite 3-rich heterochromatic region of chromosomes 9 and Y, despite their strong demethylation, remained condensed and stable. Genome demethylation and chromosome instability could not be related to variations in mRNA amounts of the DNA methyltransferases DNMT1, DNMT3A, and DNMT3B and DNA demethylase. These data suggest that the influence of DNA demethylation on chromosome stability is modulated by a sequence-specific chromatin structure.  相似文献   

Immortalized human cancer cell lines are widely used as tools and model systems in cancer research but their authenticity with regard to primary tissues remains a matter of debate. We have used differential methylation hybridisation to obtain comparative methylation profiles from normal and tumour tissues of lung and colon, and permanent cancer cell lines originally derived from these tissues. Average methylation differences only larger than 25% between sample groups were considered for the profiles and with this criterion approximately 1000 probesets, around 2% of the sites represented on the array, indicated differential methylation between normal lung and primary lung cancer tissue, and approximately 700 probesets between normal colon and primary colon cancer tissue. Both hyper- and hypomethylation was found to differentiate normal tissue from cancer tissue. The profiles obtained from these tissue comparisons were found to correspond largely to those from the corresponding cancer cell lines, indicating that the cell lines represent the methylation pattern of the primary tissue rather well. Moreover, the cancer specific profiles were found to be very similar for the two tumour types studied. Tissue specific differential methylation between lung and colon tissues, in contrast, was found to be preserved to a larger extent only in the malignant tissue, but was not preserved well in the cancer cell lines studied. Overall, our data therefore provide further evidence that permanent cell lines are good model systems for cancer specific methylation patterns, but deviate with regard to tissue-specific methylation.  相似文献   

Previous reports have shown that DNA methylation profiles within primary human malignant tissues are altered when these cells are transformed into cancer cell lines. However, it is unclear if similar differences in DNA methylation profiles exist between DNA derived from peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) and corresponding Epstein-Barr Virus transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). To assess the utility of LCLs as a resource for methylation studies we have compared DNA methylation profiles in promoter and 5/ regions of 318 genes in PBL and LCL sample pairs from patients with type 1 diabetes with or without nephropathy. We identified a total of 27 (~8%) genes that revealed different DNA methylation profiles in PBL compared with LCL-derived DNA samples. In conclusion, although the profiles for most promoter regions were similar between PBL-LCL pairs, our results indicate that LCL-derived DNA may not be suitable for DNA methylation studies at least in diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   

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