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Homology-based transferal remains the major approach to computational protein function annotations, but it becomes increasingly unreliable when the sequence identity between query and template decreases below 30%. We propose a novel pipeline, MetaGO, to deduce Gene Ontology attributes of proteins by combining sequence homology-based annotation with low-resolution structure prediction and comparison, and partner's homology-based protein–protein network mapping. The pipeline was tested on a large-scale set of 1000 non-redundant proteins from the CAFA3 experiment. Under the stringent benchmark conditions where templates with > 30% sequence identity to the query are excluded, MetaGO achieves average F-measures of 0.487, 0.408, and 0.598, for Molecular Function, Biological Process, and Cellular Component, respectively, which are significantly higher than those achieved by other state-of-the-art function annotations methods. Detailed data analysis shows that the major advantage of the MetaGO lies in the new functional homolog detections from partner's homology-based network mapping and structure-based local and global structure alignments, the confidence scores of which can be optimally combined through logistic regression. These data demonstrate the power of using a hybrid model incorporating protein structure and interaction networks to deduce new functional insights beyond traditional sequence homology-based referrals, especially for proteins that lack homologous function templates. The MetaGO pipeline is available at http://zhanglab.ccmb.med.umich.edu/MetaGO/.  相似文献   

To better understand different molecular mechanisms by which mutations lead to various human diseases, we classified 82,833 disease-associated mutations according to their inheritance modes (recessive versus dominant) and molecular types (in-frame [missense point mutations and in-frame indels] versus truncating [nonsense mutations and frameshift indels]) and systematically examined the effects of different classes of disease mutations in a three-dimensional protein interactome network with the atomic-resolution interface resolved for each interaction. We found that although recessive mutations affecting the interaction interface of two interacting proteins tend to cause the same disease, this widely accepted “guilt-by-association” principle does not apply to dominant mutations. Furthermore, recessive truncating mutations in regions encoding the same interface are much more likely to cause the same disease, even for interfaces close to the N terminus of the protein. Conversely, dominant truncating mutations tend to be enriched in regions encoding areas between interfaces. These results suggest that a significant fraction of truncating mutations can generate functional protein products. For example, TRIM27, a known cancer-associated protein, interacts with three proteins (MID2, TRIM42, and SIRPA) through two different interfaces. A dominant truncating mutation (c.1024delT [p.Tyr342Thrfs30]) associated with ovarian carcinoma is located between the regions encoding the two interfaces; the altered protein retains its interaction with MID2 and TRIM42 through the first interface but loses its interaction with SIRPA through the second interface. Our findings will help clarify the molecular mechanisms of thousands of disease-associated genes and their tens of thousands of mutations, especially for those carrying truncating mutations, often erroneously considered “knockout” alleles.  相似文献   

The networks of sexual contacts together with temporal interactions play key roles in the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Unfortunately, data for this kind of network is scarce. One of the few exceptions, the “Romantic network”, is a complete structure of a real sexual network in a high school. Based on many network measurements the authors of the work have concluded that it does not correspond to any other model network. Regarding the temporal structure, several studies indicate that relationship timing can have an effect on the diffusion throughout networks, as relationship order determines transmission routes. The aim is to check if the particular structure, static and dynamic, of the Romantic network is determinant for the propagation of an STI. We performed simulations in two scenarios: the static network where all contacts are available and the dynamic case where contacts evolve over time. In the static case, we compared the epidemic results in the Romantic network with some paradigmatic topologies. In the dynamic scenario, we considered the dynamics of formation of pairs in the Romantic network and we studied the propagation of the diseases. Our results suggest that although this real network cannot be labeled as a Watts-Strogatz network, it is, in regard to the propagation of an STI, very similar to a high disorder network. Additionally, we found that: the effect that any individual contacting an externally infected subject is to make the network closer to a fully connected one, the higher the contact degree of patient zero the faster the spread of the outbreaks, and the epidemic impact is proportional to the numbers of contacts per unit time. Finally, our simulations confirm that relationship timing severely reduced the final outbreak size, and also, show a clear correlation between the average degree and the outbreak size over time.  相似文献   

Supramolecular organization of enzymes is proposed to orchestrate metabolic complexity and help channel intermediates in different pathways. Phenylpropanoid metabolism has to direct up to 30% of the carbon fixed by plants to the biosynthesis of lignin precursors. Effective coupling of the enzymes in the pathway thus seems to be required. Subcellular localization, mobility, protein–protein, and protein–membrane interactions of four consecutive enzymes around the main branch point leading to lignin precursors was investigated in leaf tissues of Nicotiana benthamiana and cells of Arabidopsis thaliana. CYP73A5 and CYP98A3, the two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450s (P450s) catalyzing para- and meta-hydroxylations of the phenolic ring of monolignols were found to colocalize in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and to form homo- and heteromers. They moved along with the fast remodeling plant ER, but their lateral diffusion on the ER surface was restricted, likely due to association with other ER proteins. The connecting soluble enzyme hydroxycinnamoyltransferase (HCT), was found partially associated with the ER. Both HCT and the 4-coumaroyl-CoA ligase relocalized closer to the membrane upon P450 expression. Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy supports P450 colocalization and interaction with the soluble proteins, enhanced by the expression of the partner proteins. Protein relocalization was further enhanced in tissues undergoing wound repair. CYP98A3 was the most effective in driving protein association.  相似文献   

Identifying interaction sites in proteins provides important clues to the function of a protein and is becoming increasingly relevant in topics such as systems biology and drug discovery. Although there are numerous papers on the prediction of interaction sites using information derived from structure, there are only a few case reports on the prediction of interaction residues based solely on protein sequence. Here, a sliding window approach is combined with the Random Forests method to predict protein interaction sites using (i) a combination of sequence- and structure-derived parameters and (ii) sequence information alone. For sequence-based prediction we achieved a precision of 84% with a 26% recall and an F-measure of 40%. When combined with structural information, the prediction performance increases to a precision of 76% and a recall of 38% with an F-measure of 51%. We also present an attempt to rationalize the sliding window size and demonstrate that a nine-residue window is the most suitable for predictor construction. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of our prediction methods by modeling the Ras–Raf complex using predicted interaction sites as target binding interfaces. Our results suggest that it is possible to predict protein interaction sites with quite a high accuracy using only sequence information.  相似文献   

This essay argues that stable, heritable, habituated semiotics on one scale of life allows for opportunism, origination, and the solving of novel problems on others. This is grounded in how interpretation is neither caused nor determined by its object, such that success at interpretation simply cannot be defined by any comparison between an interpretation and its object. Rather, an interpretation is a reciprocated incorporation of a living thing and its environment, and successful if it furthers the living, interpreting thing. By applying biosemiotic theory to seemingly disparate studies of parasitic infections (Jaroslav Flegr), autonomic nervous systems (Stephen Porges), and social change (Charles Tilly) as well as the classical pragmatic notion that biology, psychology and sociology are disparate approaches to the singular, radically continuous, and perennial question of who (or what) am I (Dewey, James, Mead). I argue that the distinction (e.g.,) between voluntary and autonomic behavior is but a ghost of older dualisms, the pseudo-contradictions of matter v. mind, body v. soul, but also self v. not self. Moreover, all such pseudo-contradictions (individual v. social, sensation v. response, parasite v. host, and etc.) are resolved as scale thick, self-similar examples of semiotic transaction wherein degeneration or habituation on one scale of life allows for generative or novel interaction on another.  相似文献   

In the last decades, the concept of human races was considered scientifically unfounded as it was not confirmed by genetic evidence. None of the racial classifications, which strongly differ in the number of races and their composition, reflects actual genetic similarity and genealogy of human populations inferred from variability of classical markers and DNA regions. Moreover, intercontinental (interracial) variability was shown to be far lower than that within populations: the former constitutes 7 to 10% of the total genetic variation and the latter about 85% of it. It is believed that the low level of differentiation of regional population groups contradicts their race status and suggests a recent origin of humans from one ancestral population. The results of studies of various genetic systems are in agreement with the latter conclusion rejecting the hypothesis of regional continuity. According to this hypothesis, the populations of continents regarded as large races have developed during long evolution from local types of archaic humans, in particular, Neanderthals. Phenotypic similarity of different, sometimes unrelated, populations united into one race is explained by strong selection since race-diagnostic traits characterize body surface and thus are directly subjected to the influence of environmental (primarily climatic) factors. It has been recently established that variability of the most important of these traits, body and hair pigmentation, is largely controlled by one locus (MC1R), which accounts for its high evolutionary lability. Other traits used for race identification are also likely to be labile and controlled by major genes. However, the fact that the currently existing race classifications are groundless does not mean that such classifications are impossible in principle. Commonly used argumentation (races do not exist because populations are not genetically separated) does not hold water. A polytypic species is characterized by genetic continuity of allopatric populations rather than the presence of narrow genetic boundaries between them. Borderlines between races are usually conventional and arbitrary. As to intergroup variation in humans, it is indeed low but comparable with that in a number of other species. There are no obstacles to the development of genetic systematics of human races.  相似文献   

The human HD domain protein SAMHD1 is implicated in the Aicardi-Goutières autoimmune syndrome and in the restriction of HIV-1 replication in myeloid cells. Recently, this protein has been shown to possess dNTP triphosphatase activity, which is proposed to inhibit HIV-1 replication and the autoimmune response by hydrolyzing cellular dNTPs. Here, we show that the purified full-length human SAMHD1 protein also possesses metal-dependent 3′→5′ exonuclease activity against single-stranded DNAs and RNAs in vitro. In double-stranded substrates, this protein preferentially cleaved 3′-overhangs and RNA in blunt-ended DNA/RNA duplexes. Full-length SAMHD1 also exhibited strong DNA and RNA binding to substrates with complex secondary structures. Both nuclease and dNTP triphosphatase activities of SAMHD1 are associated with its HD domain, but the SAM domain is required for maximal activity and nucleic acid binding. The nuclease activity of SAMHD1 could represent an additional mechanism contributing to HIV-1 restriction and suppression of the autoimmune response through direct cleavage of viral and endogenous nucleic acids. In addition, we demonstrated the presence of dGTP triphosphohydrolase and nuclease activities in several microbial HD domain proteins, suggesting that these proteins might contribute to antiviral defense in prokaryotes.  相似文献   

We purified and studied two l-stereoselective carbonyl reductases from bakers’ yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). One catalyzed exclusively the enantioselective reduction of carbonyl compounds such as β-keto esters and the other acted on α-acetoxy ketones and β-keto esters. The enzymes had identical molecular weights and catalyzed the l-stereoselective reduction of various carbonyl compounds with similar substrate specificity, but they were different proteins coded by different genes.  相似文献   

To examine the localization of von Hippel–Lindau (VHL) protein in human tissues, we produced four novel monoclonal antibodies against human VHL protein. Western blot analysis revealed that two of these antibodies recognized the epitope in amino acid sequence 60–89 of the VHL protein and the others recognized sequences 54–60 and 189–213. In a wild-type VHL gene-transfected cell line, immunocytochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated the intracytoplasmic localization of VHL protein, particularly in mitotic cells. In normal human tissues, VHL protein was detected immunohistochemically in epithelial cells covering the body surface and the alimentary, respiratory, and genitourinary tracts; in secretory epithelial cells of exocrine and endocrine organs; in parenchymal cells of visceral organs; in cardiomyocytes; in neurons in nervous tissue; in lymphocytes in lymphoid tissue; and in macrophages. In pathological specimens, VHL protein was expressed in VHL-related tumor, as well as in endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and pericytes, all of which are involved in active angiogenesis. These findings suggest that these monoclonal antibodies can be useful for various immunological assays and that the VHL protein plays fundamental roles in physiological and pathological situations, especially in neovascularization.  相似文献   

We review recent history and evolution of Oceans and Human Health programs and related activities in the USA from a perspective within the Federal government. As a result of about a decade of support by the US Congress and through a few Federal agencies, notably the National Science Foundation, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration, robust Oceans and Human Health (OHH) research and application activities are now relatively widespread, although still small, in a number of agencies and academic institutions. OHH themes and issues have been incorporated into comprehensive federal ocean research plans and are reflected in the new National Ocean Policy enunciated by Executive Order 13547. In just a decade, OHH has matured into a recognized “metadiscipline,” with development of a small, but robust and diverse community of science and practice, incorporation into academic educational programs, regular participation in ocean and coastal science and public health societies, and active engagement with public health decision makers. In addition to substantial increases in scientific information, the OHH community has demonstrated ability to respond rapidly and effectively to emergency situations such as those associated with extreme weather events (e.g., hurricanes, floods) and human-caused disasters (e.g., the Deep Water Horizon oil spill). Among many other things, next steps include development and implementation of agency health strategies and provision of specific services, such as ecological forecasts to provide routine early warnings for ocean health threats and opportunities for prevention and mitigation of these risks.  相似文献   

Assembly studies in vitro of deletion mutants of the iron–sulfur protein into the cytochromebc 1 complex revealed that mutants localized in the extramembranous regions of the proteinwere not assembled into the complex in contrast to the efficient assembly of mutants in themembrane-spanning region. Charged amino acids located in the extramembranous 1-4 loopand the 1 helix were mutated and expressed in yeast cells lacking the gene for the iron–sulfurprotein. Mutating the charged amino acid residues H124, E125, R146, K148, and D149 aswell as V132 and W152 resulted in loss of enzymatic activity due to the loss of iron–sulfurprotein suggesting that these amino acids are required to maintain protein stability. By contrast,no loss of iron–sulfur protein accompanied the 30–50% loss of bc 1 complex activity in mutantsof three conserved alanine residues, A86, A90, and A92, suggesting that these residues maybe involved in the proposed movement of the flexible tether of the iron–sulfur proteinduring catalysis.  相似文献   

Recent disputes about human population genetics research have been provoked by the field's political vulnerability (the historic imbalance of power between the geneticists and the people they study) and conceptual vulnerability (the mismatch between scientific and popular understandings of the genetic basis of collective identity). The small, isolated groups often studied by this science are now mobilizing themselves as political subjects, pressing sovereignty claims, and demanding control over the direction and interpretation of research. Negotiations between the geneticists and the people asked to donate DNA have resulted not only in explicit bioethics protocols but also in diffuse anxiety over the incommensurability between expert and non-expert views about genetic evidence for identity claims. This article compares two disputes over genetics research: the Human Genome Diversity Project and the use of genetics to prove identity claims among the Melungeons of Tennessee. The case studies illustrate “bioethics in action”: how particular controversies and interests drive the production of bioethics discourses and techniques (such as informed consent protocols). They also illustrate some limits on the usual apparatus of bioethics in overcoming this science's multiple vulnerabilities.  相似文献   

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