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The phosphoprotein (P) is virally encoded by the Rhabdoviridae and Paramyxoviridae in the order Mononegavirales. P is a self-associated oligomer and forms complexes with the large viral polymerase protein (L), the nucleocapsid protein (N), and the assembled nucleocapsid. P from different viruses has shown structural diversities even though their essential functions are the same. We systematically mapped the domains in mumps virus (MuV) P and investigated their interactions with nucleocapsid-like particles (NLPs). Similar to other P proteins, MuV P contains N-terminal, central, and C-terminal domains with flexible linkers between neighboring domains. By pulldown assays, we discovered that in addition to the previously proposed nucleocapsid binding domain (residues 343 to 391), the N-terminal region of MuV P (residues 1 to 194) could also bind NLPs. Further analysis of binding kinetics was conducted using surface plasmon resonance. This is the first observation that both the N- and C-terminal regions of a negative-strand RNA virus P are involved in binding the nucleocapsid. In addition, we defined the oligomerization domain (POD) of MuV P as residues 213 to 277 and determined its crystal structure. The tetrameric MuV POD is formed by one pair of long parallel α-helices with another pair in opposite orientation. Unlike the parallel orientation of each α-helix in the tetramer of Sendai virus POD, this represents a novel orientation of a POD where both the N- and the C-terminal domains are at either end of the tetramer. This is consistent with the observation that both the N- and the C-terminal domains are involved in binding the nucleocapsid.  相似文献   

Toxin YafQ functions as a ribonuclease in the dinJ-yafQ toxin-antitoxin system of Escherichia coli. Antitoxin DinJ neutralizes YafQ-mediated toxicity by forming a stable protein complex. Here, crystal structures of the (DinJ)2-(YafQ)2 complex and the isolated YafQ toxin have been determined. The structure of the heterotetrameric complex (DinJ)2-(YafQ)2 revealed that the N-terminal region of DinJ folds into a ribbon-helix-helix motif and dimerizes for DNA recognition, and the C-terminal portion of each DinJ exclusively wraps around a YafQ molecule. Upon incorporation into the heterotetrameric complex, a conformational change of YafQ in close proximity to the catalytic site of the typical microbial ribonuclease fold was observed and validated. Mutagenesis experiments revealed that a DinJ mutant restored YafQ RNase activity in a tetramer complex in vitro but not in vivo. An electrophoretic mobility shift assay showed that one of the palindromic sequences present in the upstream intergenic region of DinJ served as a binding sequences for both the DinJ-YafQ complex and the antitoxin DinJ alone. Based on structure-guided and site-directed mutagenesis of DinJ-YafQ, we showed that two pairs of amino acids in DinJ were important for DNA binding; the R8A and K16A substitutions and the S31A and R35A substitutions in DinJ abolished the DNA binding ability of the DinJ-YafQ complex.  相似文献   

Effective vaccination programs have dramatically reduced the number of measles-related deaths globally. Although all the available data suggest that measles eradication is biologically feasible, a structural and biochemical basis for the single serotype nature of measles virus (MV) remains to be provided. The hemagglutinin (H) protein, which binds to two discrete proteinaceous receptors, is the major neutralizing target. Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) recognizing distinct epitopes on the H protein were characterized using recombinant MVs encoding the H gene from different MV genotypes. The effects of various mutations on neutralization by MAbs and virus fitness were also analyzed, identifying the location of five epitopes on the H protein structure. Our data in the present study demonstrated that the H protein of MV possesses at least two conserved effective neutralizing epitopes. One, which is a previously recognized epitope, is located near the receptor-binding site (RBS), and thus MAbs that recognize this epitope blocked the receptor binding of the H protein, whereas the other epitope is located at the position distant from the RBS. Thus, a MAb that recognizes this epitope did not inhibit the receptor binding of the H protein, rather interfered with the hemagglutinin-fusion (H-F) interaction. This epitope was suggested to play a key role for formation of a higher order of an H-F protein oligomeric structure. Our data also identified one nonconserved effective neutralizing epitope. The epitope has been masked by an N-linked sugar modification in some genotype MV strains. These data would contribute to our understanding of the antigenicity of MV and support the global elimination program of measles.  相似文献   

The 5′ untranslated region (5′UTR) of the dengue virus (DENV) genome contains two defined elements essential for viral replication. At the 5′ end, a large stem-loop (SLA) structure functions as the promoter for viral polymerase activity. Next to the SLA, there is a short stem-loop that contains a cyclization sequence known as the 5′ upstream AUG region (5′UAR). Here, we analyzed the secondary structure of the SLA in solution and the structural requirements of this element for viral replication. Using infectious DENV clones, viral replicons, and in vitro polymerase assays, we defined two helical regions, a side stem-loop, a top loop, and a U bulge within SLA as crucial elements for viral replication. The determinants for SLA-polymerase recognition were found to be common in different DENV serotypes. In addition, structural elements within the SLA required for DENV RNA replication were also conserved among different mosquito- and tick-borne flavivirus genomes, suggesting possible common strategies for polymerase-promoter recognition in flaviviruses. Furthermore, a conserved oligo(U) track present downstream of the SLA was found to modulate RNA synthesis in transfected cells. In vitro polymerase assays indicated that a sequence of at least 10 residues following the SLA, upstream of the 5′UAR, was necessary for efficient RNA synthesis using the viral 3′UTR as template.  相似文献   

5′-Terminus of Influenza Virus RNA   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Each of the RNA molecules of influenza virus seems to have adenosine triphosphate as its 5′-terminus.  相似文献   

细菌病毒phi29DNA—装运泵六聚体RNA结构和功能的研究方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在双链DNA病毒增殖和成熟的过程中 ,需要将相当长的子代DNA装入一个极为有限空间的新生病毒衣壳。整个核酸装壳过程是耗能的过程 ,必需依靠生物泵来将DNA推入壳中。在细菌病毒phi2 9的核酸装壳过程中 ,需要RNA分子作为此生物泵的重要构成组分。6个RNA分子构成一个六边形样螺帽 ,将DNA如螺栓般装入病毒衣壳。6个RNA的这种依次运动的轮流作用模型如同汽车发动机的 6个气缸依次起火的原理一样 ,只是能源来自ATP而不是汽油。综述了此RNA的结构 ,及其结构对其功能所起的重要作用 ,并着重阐述研究 pRNA结构的独特构思和方法  相似文献   

Hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) are functionally related envelope glycoproteins of the influenza virus (Flu). HA interacts with terminal sialyl residues of oligosaccharides and ensures the binding of the virus particle to the cell surface. NA is a receptor-destroying enzyme that removes sialyl residues from oligosaccharides contained in cell and virus components and thereby prevents aggregation of virus particles. Analysis of reassortants combining low-functional NA of human Flu with HA of avian Flu showed that sialyl residues are not completely removed in some cases. With high HA affinity for sialyl substrates, such virus particles aggregate, aggregates accumulate on the cell surface, and virus yield decreases. Serial passaging of low-yield aggregating reassortants may lead to selection of high-yield variants, which do not aggregate. The loss of aggregation is due to a decrease in HA affinity for high-molecular-weight sialyl substrates. On evidence of sequencing of the HA gene in original reassortants and their nonaggregating variants, for different HA antigenic subtypes (H2, H3, H4, and H13) the affinity is reduced and aggregation lost through a common mechanism: an increase in the negative charge as a result of an amino acid substitution in the vicinity of the receptor-binding pocket of HA. Taken together, these findings suggest a way of postreassortment adaptation, which improves the functional match of HA and NA. The experimental system employed provides a model of natural processes associated with emergence of Flu variants having a pandemic potential.  相似文献   

自20世纪70年代以来,中国结构生物学研究日新月异,在多个生命科学领域取得了丰硕成果.近年来,在流感病毒研究领域,也做出了不少出色工作,包括流感病毒的跨种间传播机制和聚合酶复合物结构解析等.本文对国内外流感病毒蛋白的结构生物学进展做一简单总结,为大家提供一个视角,纵观我国病毒结构生物学的发展历程.  相似文献   

甲型流感病毒的RNA聚合酶由PB1、PB2和PA 三个亚基组成,在病毒的生命周期中负责行使病毒基因组的转录与复制等多方面功能. 甲型流感病毒由于频繁变异,导致其对传统抗病毒药物的敏感性降低,因此开发疗效好、针对性强、毒性低的新型抗病毒药物已成为当前亟待解决的问题.由于RNA聚合酶是甲型流感病毒生命周期重要的调控蛋白,并且编码聚合酶各亚基的基因序列具有高度保守性,故成为当前抗病毒药物的重要靶点.  相似文献   

Ebolaviruses are causative agents of lethal hemorrhagic fever in humans and nonhuman primates. Among the filoviruses characterized thus far, Reston Ebola virus (REBOV) is the only Ebola virus that is nonpathogenic to humans despite the fact that REBOV can cause lethal disease in nonhuman primates. Previous studies also suggest that REBOV is less effective at inhibiting host innate immune responses than Zaire Ebola virus (ZEBOV) or Marburg virus. Virally encoded VP35 protein is critical for immune suppression, but an understanding of the relative contributions of VP35 proteins from REBOV and other filoviruses is currently lacking. In order to address this question, we characterized the REBOV VP35 interferon inhibitory domain (IID) using structural, biochemical, and virological studies. These studies reveal differences in double-stranded RNA binding and interferon inhibition between the two species. These observed differences are likely due to increased stability and loss of flexibility in REBOV VP35 IID, as demonstrated by thermal shift stability assays. Consistent with this finding, the 1.71-Å crystal structure of REBOV VP35 IID reveals that it is highly similar to that of ZEBOV VP35 IID, with an overall backbone r.m.s.d. of 0.64 Å, but contains an additional helical element at the linker between the two subdomains of VP35 IID. Mutations near the linker, including swapping sequences between REBOV and ZEBOV, reveal that the linker sequence has limited tolerance for variability. Together with the previously solved ligand-free and double-stranded-RNA-bound forms of ZEBOV VP35 IID structures, our current studies on REBOV VP35 IID reinforce the importance of VP35 in immune suppression. Functional differences observed between REBOV and ZEBOV VP35 proteins may contribute to observed differences in pathogenicity, but these are unlikely to be the major determinant. However, the high level of similarity in structure and the low tolerance for sequence variability, coupled with the multiple critical roles played by Ebola virus VP35 proteins, highlight the viability of VP35 as a potential target for therapeutic development.  相似文献   

Morphological evidence has been obtained by electron microscopy in support of previous findings that one of the most important functions of sialidase is associated with the release of virus from infected host cells. Highly specific antiserum against fowl plague virus enzyme and specific antiserum against X7 recombinant influenza virus enzyme were shown to influence the morphology of cells infected with their homologous virus. In the presence of enzyme antiserum, an accumulation and aggregation of virus particles were evident on the cell surface and in the extracellular space of infected host cells. The aggregation of virus particles was interpreted to result from the inhibition of the release of virus.  相似文献   

双链RNA依赖性蛋白激酶的结构与作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
dsRNA-依赖的蛋白激酶(PKR)在信号转导、细胞生长、分化和凋亡的控制中起重要作用。最近证实PKR是一个重要的凋亡效应物,是许多不同刺激物诱导凋亡的一个转导物,所以一些研究者开始关注是否PKR的调节可以作为一种新的抗肿瘤策略。由于PKR强大的生长抑制功能和促凋亡功能,使之可能成为又一个肿瘤基因治疗的靶点。该文介绍PKR的结构、活性调节、促凋亡活性及应用于肿瘤治疗的潜力。  相似文献   

桩蛋白的结构与功能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
桩蛋白(paxillin)是近年来发现的一种信号蛋白,主要定位于黏着斑,包含LD模体、LIM结构域、SH2和SH3结合结构域,在整个分子中还散在着多种磷酸化位点,共同构成了桩蛋白的多结构域性结构。桩蛋白分子本身的酶活性尚不清楚,但很可能作为细胞内的一种接头蛋白与多种功能蛋白质结合。另外.作为黏着斑的重要组成部分,桩蛋白不仅参与了整合蛋白介导的信号转导和黏着斑的组装,在细胞黏附和迁移过程中也发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

New inhibitors of influenza viruses are needed to combat the potential emergence of novel human influenza viruses. We have identified a class of small molecules that inhibit replication of influenza virus at picomolar concentrations in plaque reduction assays. The compound also inhibits replication of vesicular stomatitis virus. Time of addition and dilution experiments with influenza virus indicated that an early time point of infection was blocked and that inhibitor 136 tightly bound to virions. Using fluorescently labeled influenza virus, inhibition of viral fusion to cellular membranes by blocked lipid mixing was established as the mechanism of action for this class of inhibitors. Stabilization of the neutral pH form of hemagglutinin (HA) was ruled out by trypsin digestion studies in vitro and with conformation specific HA antibodies within cells. Direct visualization of 136 treated influenza virions at pH 7.5 or acidified to pH 5.0 showed that virions remain intact and that glycoproteins become disorganized as expected when HA undergoes a conformational change. This suggests that exposure of the fusion peptide at low pH is not inhibited but lipid mixing is inhibited, a different mechanism than previously reported fusion inhibitors. We hypothesize that this new class of inhibitors intercalate into the virus envelope altering the structure of the viral envelope required for fusion to cellular membranes.  相似文献   


Polyadenylic acid (poly A) and polyguanylic acid (poly G) have been modified to give polymers containing and Gpm5C termini. Polymers containing methylated (Gpmf C) termini are inactive as templates for the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of Influenza A virus.  相似文献   

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