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MOTIVATION: The genome of Arabidopsis thaliana, which has the best understood plant genome, still has approximately one-third of its genes with no functional annotation at all from either MIPS or TAIR. We have applied our Data Mining Prediction (DMP) method to the problem of predicting the functional classes of these protein sequences. This method is based on using a hybrid machine-learning/data-mining method to identify patterns in the bioinformatic data about sequences that are predictive of function. We use data about sequence, predicted secondary structure, predicted structural domain, InterPro patterns, sequence similarity profile and expressions data. RESULTS: We predicted the functional class of a high percentage of the Arabidopsis genes with currently unknown function. These predictions are interpretable and have good test accuracies. We describe in detail seven of the rules produced.  相似文献   

Studying the genetic basis of traits involved in ecological interactions is a fundamental part of elucidating the connections between evolutionary and ecological processes. Such knowledge allows one to link genetic models of trait evolution with ecological models describing interactions within and between species. Previous work has shown that connections between genetic and ecological processes in Arabidopsis thaliana may be mediated by the fact that quantitative trait loci (QTL) with 'direct' effects on traits of individuals also have pleiotropic 'indirect' effects on traits expressed in neighbouring plants. Here, we further explore these connections by examining functional relationships between traits affected directly and indirectly by the same QTL. We develop a novel approach using structural equation models (SEMs) to determine whether observed pleiotropic effects result from traits directly affected by the QTL in focal individuals causing the changes in the neighbours' phenotypes. This hypothesis was assessed using SEMs to test whether focal plant phenotypes appear to mediate the connection between the focal plants' genotypes and the phenotypes of their neighbours, or alternatively, whether the connection between the focal plants' genotypes and the neighbours' phenotypes is mediated by unmeasured traits. We implement this analysis using a QTL of major effect that maps to the well-characterized flowering locus, FRIGIDA. The SEMs support the hypothesis that the pleiotropic indirect effects of this locus arise from size and developmental timing-related traits in focal plants affecting the expression of developmental traits in their neighbours. Our findings provide empirical insights into the genetics and nature of intraspecific ecological interactions. Our technique holds promise in directing future work into the genetic basis and functional relationship of traits mediating and responding to ecological interactions.  相似文献   

The biogenesis of microtubules comprises several steps, including the correct folding of alpha- and beta-tubulin and heterodimer formation. In vitro studies and the genetic analysis in yeast revealed that, after translation, alpha- and beta-tubulin are processed by several chaperonins and microtubule-folding cofactors (TFCs) to produce assembly-competent alpha-/beta-tubulin heterodimers. One of the TFCs, TFC-C, does not exist in yeast, and a potential function of TFC-C is thus based only on the biochemical analysis. In this study and in a very recently published study by Steinborn and coworkers, the analysis of the Arabidopsis porcino (por) mutant has shown that TFC-C is important for microtubule function in vivo. The predicted POR protein shares weak amino acid similarity with the human TFC-C (hTFC-C). Our finding that hTFC-C under the control of the ubiquitously expressed 35S promoter can rescue the por mutant phenotype shows that the POR gene encodes the Arabidopsis ortholog of hTFC-C. The analysis of plants carrying a GFP:POR fusion construct showed that POR protein is localized in the cytoplasm and is not associated with microtubules. While, in por mutants, microtubule density was indistinguishable from wild-type, their organization was affected.  相似文献   

Development of ChiP-chip and ChlP-seq technologies has allowed genome-wide high-resolution profiling of chromatin-associated marks and binding sites for epigenetic regulators. However, signals for directing epigenetic modifiers to their target sites are not understood. In this paper, we tested the hypothesis that genome location can affect the involvement of epigenetic regulators using Chromatin Charting (CC) Lines, which have an identical transgene construct inserted at different locations in the Arabidopsis genome. Four CC lines that showed evidence for epigenetic silencing of the luciferase reporter gene were transformed with RNAi vectors individually targeting epigenetic regulators LHP1, MOM1, CMT3, DRD1, DRM2, SUVH2, CLF, and HD1. Involvement of a particular epigenetic regulator in silencing the transgene locus in a CC line was determined by significant alterations in luciferase expression after suppression of the regulator's expression. Our results suggest that the targeting of epigenetic regulators can be influenced by genome location as well as sequence context. In addition, the relative importance of an epigenetic regulator can be influenced by tissue identity. We also report a novel approach to predict interactions between epigenetic regulators through clustering analysis of the regulators using alterations in gene expression of putative downstream targets, including endogenous loci and transgenes, in epigenetic mutants or RNAi lines. Our data support the existence of a complex and dynamic network of epigenetic regulators that serves to coordinate and control global gene expression in higher plants.  相似文献   

植物凝集素类受体激酶(lectin receptor-like kinases,LecRLKs)在植物抗逆性、激素信号转导及生长发育调节等方面扮演重要角色。LecRK-ConA基因是拟南芥Lec RLK基因家族中的一员。利用三引物法鉴定获得LecRK-ConA基因两个缺失突变体的纯合子。启动子顺式作用元件分析显示,LecRK-ConA具有多个与干旱、光、赤霉素(gibberellic acid,GA)等应答相关的元件。实时定量PCR结果表明:LecRK-ConA基因具有组织表达差异性,且在春化后4 d的种子中表达量最强,用NaCl和甘露醇处理均能抑制该基因的表达。用NaCl和甘露醇处理缺失突变体lecrk-cona和Col-0后,发现lecrk-cona的种子萌发率显著低于野生型。此外,突变体lecrkcona相对野生型Col-0来说,具有早花现象。上述实验结果为进一步深入研究LecRK-ConA基因在抗逆与开花调控途径中的生理功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

转拟南芥AtKup1基因高含钾量烟草获得   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
提取拟南芥幼根总RNA,进行RTPCR逆转录,产物测序,将其构建到含Km(带内含子)筛选标记的植物双元表达载体上,根癌农杆菌介导法将AtKup1基因导入烟草,对转化子进行PCR扩增、GUS染色、Southern杂交和AtKup1基因mRNA荧光定量PCR分析,并进行烟叶内在成分化验分析。PCR获得2100bp左右扩增产物,测序结果证实扩增产物序列与拟南芥AtKup1基因(GenbankNo:AF029876)一致;得到GUS染色阳性的AtKup1基因转化烟草材料29株。经PCR扩增、分子杂交检测证实AtKup1基因已整合到转基因烟草的基因组,荧光定量PCR分析可以在幼根中检测到AtKup1基因的mRNA转录。烟叶含钾量化验结果表明导入的AtKup1基因在转化材料中成功表达,使烟叶含钾量提高约45%。  相似文献   

We expressed the Arabidopsis thaliana histone AtHTA1 in rice under the control of the maize ubiquitin promoter. Transformation efficiencies of rice plants that constitutively expressed AtHTA 1 were 28-44% higher than calli containing an empty vector control. Furthermore, co-infection of rice calli with a vector containing AtHTA 1 and another vector with the target gene increased transformation by 27-50%. Thus, expression of AtHTA 1 either transiently or in stably transformed cells improved rice transformation efficiency.  相似文献   

Molecular population genetic analysis of three chromosomal regions in Arabidopsis thaliana suggested that balancing selection might operate to maintain variation at three novel candidate adaptive trait genes, including SOLUBLE STARCH SYNTHASE I (SSI) , PLASTID TRANSCRIPTIONALLY ACTIVE 7(PTAC7) , and BELL-LIKE HOMEODOMAIN 10 (BLH10). If balanced polymorphisms are indeed maintained at these loci, then we would expect to observe functional variation underlying the previously detected signatures of selection. We observe multiple replacement polymorphisms within and in the 32 amino acids just upstream of the protein–protein interacting BELL domain at the BLH10 locus. While no clear protein sequence differences are found between allele types in SSI and PTAC7, these two genes show evidence for allele-specific variation in expression levels. Geographical patterns of allelic differentiation seem consistent with population stratification in this species and a significant longitudinal cline was observed at all three candidate loci. These data support a hypothesis of balancing selection at all three candidate loci and provide a basis for more detailed functional work by identifying possible functional differences that might be selectively maintained.  相似文献   

为了研究一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)在气孔发育中的功能,本实验利用NO的释放剂硝普钠(SNP)处理拟南芥野生型,结果显示,SNP处理后的子叶气孔指数(SI)和%(GMC+M)都较未处理组明显升高。继续检测拟南芥内源一氧化氮升高的突变体nox1和内源一氧化氮降低的突变体noa1的气孔参数,结果显示,nox1的气孔指数(SI)和%(GMC+M)相对野生型明显提高,noa1的气孔指数(SI)和%(GMC+M)低于野生型。荧光定量PCR结果进一步显示,NO抑制了气孔发育相关基因MUTE,SCRM,SCRM2的表达。综上结果表明,NO通过调控气孔发育相关基因的表达影响气孔发育。  相似文献   

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