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Although much is known about how circadian systems control daily cycles in the physiology and behavior of Drosophila and several vertebrate models, marine invertebrates have often been overlooked in circadian rhythms research. This study focuses on the starlet sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis, a species that has received increasing attention within the scientific community for its potential as a model research organism. The recently sequenced genome of N. vectensis makes it an especially attractive model for exploring the molecular evolution of circadian behavior. Critical behavioral data needed to correlate gene expression patterns to specific behaviors are currently lacking in N. vectensis.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To detect the presence of behavioral oscillations in N. vectensis, locomotor activity was evaluated using an automated system in an environmentally controlled chamber. Animals exposed to a 24 hr photoperiod (12 hr light: 12 hr dark) exhibited locomotor behavior that was both rhythmic and predominantly nocturnal. The activity peak occurred in the early half of the night with a 2-fold increase in locomotion. Upon transfer to constant lighting conditions (constant light or constant dark), an approximately 24 hr rhythm persisted in most animals, suggesting that the rhythm is controlled by an endogenous circadian mechanism. Fourier analysis revealed the presence of multiple peaks in some animals suggesting additional rhythmic components could be present. In particular, an approximately 12 hr oscillation was often observed. The nocturnal increase in generalized locomotion corresponded to a 24 hr oscillation in animal elongation.


These data confirm the presence of a light-entrainable circadian clock in Nematostella vectensis. Additional components observed in some individuals indicate that an endogenous clock of approximately 12 hr frequency may also be present. By describing rhythmic locomotor behavior in N. vectensis, we have made important progress in developing the sea anemone as a model organism for circadian rhythm research.  相似文献   

The molecular circadian clock mechanism is highly conserved between mammalian and avian species. Avian circadian timing is regulated at multiple oscillatory sites, including the retina, pineal, and hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Based on the authors’ previous studies on the rat ovary, it was hypothesized that ovarian clock timing is regulated by the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge. The authors used the chicken as a model to test this hypothesis, because the timing of the endogenous LH surge is accurately predicted from the time of oviposition. Therefore, tissues can be removed before and after the LH surge, allowing one to determine the effect of LH on specific clock genes. The authors first examined the 24-h expression patterns of the avian circadian clock genes of Bmal1, Cry1, and Per2 in primary oscillatory tissues (hypothalamus and pineal) as well as peripheral tissues (liver and ovary). Second, the authors determined changes in clock gene expression after the endogenous LH surge. Clock genes were rhythmically expressed in each tissue, but LH influenced expression of these clock genes only in the ovary. The data suggest that expression of ovarian circadian clock genes may be influenced by the LH surge in vivo and directly by LH in cultured granulosa cells. LH induced rhythmic expression of Per1 and Bmal1 in arrhythmic, cultured granulosa cells. Furthermore, LH altered the phase and amplitude of clock gene rhythms in serum-shocked granulosa cells. Thus, the LH surge may be a mechanistic link for communicating circadian timing information from the central pacemaker to the ovary. (Author correspondence: stischkau@siumed.edu)  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis seedlings germinated and grown in continuous light, CAT2 mRNA abundance peaks 1 d after imbibition, consistent with the role of catalase in detoxifying H2O2 generated during the [beta]-oxidation of fatty acids stored in the seed. A second peak of CAT2 mRNA abundance, of lower amplitude than the initial peak, appears 6 d after imbibition and may be associated with the development of photosynthetic competence and induction of photorespiration. This second peak in steady-state CAT2 mRNA abundance is regulated by light and is not seen in etiolated seedlings. CAT2 mRNA accumulation is induced by exposure to high-fluence blue or far-red light but not by red light. In addition, light induction is unaffected by several mutations that block blue light-mediated inhibition of hypocotyl elongation (blu1, blu2, blu3, hy4), suggesting phytochrome involvement. When etiolated seedlings are transferred to continuous white light, CAT2 mRNA rapidly (within 30 min) accumulates. It is interesting that in these seedlings CAT2 mRNA abundance undergoes pronounced oscillations with a circadian (24 h) periodicity, indicating control by the endogenous circadian clock. No such oscillations are detected in CAT2 mRNA abundance in etiolated seedlings prior to illumination. Control of CAT2 expression by the circadian clock is also seen in 5-week-old plants grown in a light-dark cycle and transferred either to continuous dark or to continuous light; in continuous light the circadian oscillations in CAT2 mRNA abundance persist for at least five circadian cycles, indicating the robustness of this circadian rhythm.  相似文献   

Biological clock components have been detected in many epithelial tissues of the digestive tract of mammals (oral mucosa, pancreas, and liver), suggesting the existence of peripheral circadian clocks that may be entrainable by food. Our aim was to investigate the expression of main peripheral clock genes in colonocytes of healthy humans and in human colon carcinoma cell lines. The presence of clock components was investigated in single intact colonic crypts isolated by chelation from the biopsies of 25 patients (free of any sign of colonic lesions) undergoing routine colonoscopy and in cell lines of human colon carcinoma (Caco2 and HT29 clone 19A). Per‐1, per‐2, and clock mRNA were detected by real‐time RT‐PCR. The three‐dimensional distributions of PER‐1, PER‐2, CLOCK, and BMAL1 proteins were recorded along colonic crypts by immunofluorescent confocal imaging. We demonstrate the presence of per‐1, per‐2, and clock mRNA in samples prepared from colonic crypts of 5 patients and in all cell lines. We also demonstrate the presence of two circadian clock proteins, PER‐1 and CLOCK, in human colonocytes on crypts isolated from 20 patients (15 patients for PER‐1 and 6 for CLOCK) and in colon carcinoma cells. Establishing the presence of clock proteins in human colonic crypts is the first step toward the study of the regulation of the intestinal circadian clock by nutrients and feeding rhythms.  相似文献   

In mammals, many aspects of behavior and physiology such as sleep-wake cycles and liver metabolism are regulated by endogenous circadian clocks (reviewed1,2). The circadian time-keeping system is a hierarchical multi-oscillator network, with the central clock located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) synchronizing and coordinating extra-SCN and peripheral clocks elsewhere1,2. Individual cells are the functional units for generation and maintenance of circadian rhythms3,4, and these oscillators of different tissue types in the organism share a remarkably similar biochemical negative feedback mechanism. However, due to interactions at the neuronal network level in the SCN and through rhythmic, systemic cues at the organismal level, circadian rhythms at the organismal level are not necessarily cell-autonomous5-7. Compared to traditional studies of locomotor activity in vivo and SCN explants ex vivo, cell-based in vitro assays allow for discovery of cell-autonomous circadian defects5,8. Strategically, cell-based models are more experimentally tractable for phenotypic characterization and rapid discovery of basic clock mechanisms5,8-13.Because circadian rhythms are dynamic, longitudinal measurements with high temporal resolution are needed to assess clock function. In recent years, real-time bioluminescence recording using firefly luciferase as a reporter has become a common technique for studying circadian rhythms in mammals14,15, as it allows for examination of the persistence and dynamics of molecular rhythms. To monitor cell-autonomous circadian rhythms of gene expression, luciferase reporters can be introduced into cells via transient transfection13,16,17 or stable transduction5,10,18,19. Here we describe a stable transduction protocol using lentivirus-mediated gene delivery. The lentiviral vector system is superior to traditional methods such as transient transfection and germline transmission because of its efficiency and versatility: it permits efficient delivery and stable integration into the host genome of both dividing and non-dividing cells20. Once a reporter cell line is established, the dynamics of clock function can be examined through bioluminescence recording. We first describe the generation of P(Per2)-dLuc reporter lines, and then present data from this and other circadian reporters. In these assays, 3T3 mouse fibroblasts and U2OS human osteosarcoma cells are used as cellular models. We also discuss various ways of using these clock models in circadian studies. Methods described here can be applied to a great variety of cell types to study the cellular and molecular basis of circadian clocks, and may prove useful in tackling problems in other biological systems.  相似文献   

Flowering symbolizes the transition of s plant from vegetative phase to reproductive phase and is controlled by fairly complex and highly coordinated regulatory pathways. Over the last decade, genetic studies in Arabidopsis have aided the discovery of many signaling components involved in these pathways. In this review, we discuss how the timing of flowering is regulated by photoperiod and the involvement of light perception and the circadian clock in this process. The specific regulatory mechanisms on CONSTANS expression and CONSTANS stability by the circadian clock and photoreceptors are described in detail. In addition, the roles of CONSTANS, FLOWERING LOCUS T, and several other light signaling and circadian-dependent components in photoperiodic flowering are also highlighted.  相似文献   

Flowering symbolizes the transition of a plant from vegetative phase to reproductive phase and is controlled by fairly complex and highly coordinated regulatory pathways. Over the last decade, genetic studies in Arabidopsis have aided the discovery of many signaling components involved in these pathways. In this review, we discuss how the timing of flowering is regulated by photoperiod and the involvement of light perception and the circadian clock in this process. The specific regulatory mechanisms on CONSTANS expression and CONSTANS stability by the circadian clock and photoreceptors are described in detail. In addition, the roles of CONSTANS, FLOWERING LOCUS T, and several other light signaling and circadiandependent components in photoperiodic flowering are also highlighted.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that metabolic changes in mammals induce feedback regulation of the circadian clock. The present study evaluates the effects of a low-carbohydrate high-protein diet (HPD) on circadian behavior and peripheral circadian clocks in mice. Circadian rhythms of locomotor activity and core body temperature remained normal in mice fed with the HPD diet (HPD mice), suggesting that it did not affect the central clock in the hypothalamus. Two weeks of HPD feeding induced mild hypoglycemia without affecting body weight, although these mice consumed more calories than mice fed with a normal diet (ND mice). Plasma insulin levels were increased during the inactive phase in HPD mice, but increased twice, beginning and end of the active phase, in ND mice. Expression levels of the key gluconeogenic regulatory genes PEPCK and G6Pase were significantly induced in the liver and kidneys of HPD mice. The HPD appeared to induce peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα) activation, since mRNA expression levels of PPARα and its typical target genes, such as PDK4 and Cyp4A10, were significantly increased in the liver and kidneys. Circadian mRNA expression of clock genes, such as BMAL1, Cry1, NPAS2, and Rev-erbα, but not Per2, was significantly phase-advanced, and mean expression levels of BMAL1 and Cry1 mRNAs were significantly elevated, in the liver and kidneys of HPD mice. These findings suggest that a HPD not only affects glucose homeostasis, but that it also advances the molecular circadian clock in peripheral tissues. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Salt marshes are challenging habitats due to natural variability in key environmental parameters including temperature, salinity, ultraviolet light, oxygen, sulfides, and reactive oxygen species. Compounding this natural variation, salt marshes are often heavily impacted by anthropogenic insults including eutrophication, toxic contamination, and coastal development that alter tidal and freshwater inputs. Commensurate with this environmental variability, estuarine animals generally exhibit broader physiological tolerances than freshwater, marine, or terrestrial species. One factor that determines an organism's physiological tolerance is its ability to upregulate "stress-response genes" in reaction to particular stressors. Comparative studies on diverse organisms have identified a number of evolutionarily conserved genes involved in responding to abiotic and biotic stressors. We used homology-based scans to survey the sequenced genome of Nematostella vectensis, the starlet sea anemone, an estuarine specialist, to identify genes involved in the response to three kinds of insult-physiochemical insults, pathogens, and injury. Many components of the stress-response networks identified in triploblastic animals have clear orthologs in the sea anemone, meaning that they must predate the cnidarian-triploblast split (e.g., xenobiotic receptors, biotransformative genes, ATP-dependent transporters, and genes involved in responding to reactive oxygen species, toxic metals, osmotic shock, thermal stress, pathogen exposure, and wounding). However, in some instances, stress-response genes known from triploblasts appear to be absent from the Nematostella genome (e.g., many metal-complexing genes). This is the first comprehensive examination of the genomic stress-response repertoire of an estuarine animal and a member of the phylum Cnidaria. The molecular markers of stress response identified in Nematostella may prove useful in monitoring estuary health and evaluating coastal conservation efforts. These data may also inform conservation efforts on other cnidarians, such as the reef-building corals.  相似文献   

A protocol was established to reproducibly induce spawning in the basal cnidarian Nematostella vectensis (Anthozoa). We found that a combination of feeding regime, dark-light cycle and temperature shift synergistically induced gametogenesis in adult polyps. Females lay between 100-600 eggs. This procedure led reproducibly to the production of thousands of eggs over the course of more than 1 year in weekly cycles. Gametes are released in a time window of about 2 h resulting in predictable and fairly synchronized development. We also present a method for in vitro fertilization allowing manipulation of early embryos. These methods as well as the simple culture conditions could provide important prerequisites for the use of Nematostella as a model system for the development of a basal Metazoa.  相似文献   

We characterized 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci from Nematostella vectensis, a burrowing anemone recently introduced to estuaries along the Pacific coast of North America and the southeast coast of England. Preliminary results indicate high variability and significant departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, the latter likely the result of population genetic structure and reproductive plasticity. Both results are consistent with earlier genetic analyses. These markers will be useful for resolving global patterns of introduction and for describing spatio‐temporal genetic structure at local and regional scales.  相似文献   

The neural activity patterns of suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) neurons are dynamically regulated throughout the circadian cycle with highest levels of spontaneous action potentials during the day. These rhythms in electrical activity are critical for the function of the circadian timing system and yet the mechanisms by which the molecular clockwork drives changes in the membrane are not well understood. In this study, we sought to examine how the clock gene Period1 (Per1) regulates the electrical activity in the mouse SCN by transiently and selectively decreasing levels of PER1 through use of an antisense oligodeoxynucleotide. We found that this treatment effectively reduced SCN neural activity. Direct current injection to restore the normal membrane potential partially, but not completely, returned firing rate to normal levels. The antisense treatment also reduced baseline [Ca2+]i levels as measured by Fura2 imaging technique. Whole cell patch clamp recording techniques were used to examine which specific potassium currents were altered by the treatment. These recordings revealed that the large conductance [Ca2+]i-activated potassium currents were reduced in antisense-treated neurons and that blocking this current mimicked the effects of the anti-sense on SCN firing rate. These results indicate that the circadian clock gene Per1 alters firing rate in SCN neurons and raise the possibility that the large conductance [Ca2+]i-activated channel is one of the targets.  相似文献   

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