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为了通过基因工程手段提高大肠杆菌色氨酸产量, 对色氨酸生物合成途径中的关键基因trpR、tnaA、aroG和trpED进行了改造。首先通过敲除trpR基因解除了基因组上色氨酸合成和转运关键酶受到的反馈阻遏调控, 进而又敲除了tnaA基因, 阻断了色氨酸的分解代谢。然后, 将色氨酸合成途径的关键酶aroGfbr和trpEDfbr基因串联表达, 以去除色氨酸生物合成途径的瓶颈。与对照MG1655相比, trpR基因单敲菌色氨酸浓度提高了10倍, 双敲菌色氨酸浓度提高了约20倍。pZE12-trpEDfbr转入双敲菌后色氨酸浓度提高到168 mg/L, 而将aroGfbr和trpEDfbr转入双敲菌后, 色氨酸浓度提高到820 mg/L。为构建色氨酸高产菌奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为了通过基因工程手段提高大肠杆菌色氨酸产量, 对色氨酸生物合成途径中的关键基因trpR、tnaA、aroG和trpED进行了改造.首先通过敲除trpR基因解除了基因组上色氨酸合成和转运关键酶受到的反馈阻遏调控, 进而又敲除了tnaA基因, 阻断了色氨酸的分解代谢.然后, 将色氨酸合成途径的关键酶aroGfbr和trpEDfbr基因串联表达, 以去除色氨酸生物合成途径的瓶颈.与对照MG1655相比, trpR基因单敲菌色氨酸浓度提高了10倍, 双敲菌色氨酸浓度提高了约20倍.pZE12-trpEDfbr转入双敲菌后色氨酸浓度提高到168 mg/L, 而将aroGfbr和trpEDfbr转入双敲菌后, 色氨酸浓度提高到820 mg/L.为构建色氨酸高产菌奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Regulation of Ribosomal Protein Synthesis in Escherichia coli   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文

探究大肠杆菌细胞内负责L-丙氨酸合成的转氨酶对菌株代谢及L-色氨酸合成的影响。运用Red重组技术分别对编码L-丙氨酸转氨酶的基因alaA、alaC和avtA进行敲除。通过摇瓶和50 L罐中探究其对L-色氨酸积累、L-丙氨酸代谢及菌体生长变化情况。结果显示,除3种L-丙氨酸转氨酶全部缺失的工程菌L-丙氨酸合成受阻、菌体生长受到较强抑制外,其它各任意一种或两种丙氨酸转氨酶缺失菌株的生长并未有较大差异,但色氨酸的合成变化显著。其中alaA和alaC双基因缺失的E.coli FS-T4工程菌,摇瓶发酵L-色氨酸产量达6.08 g/L,L-丙氨酸含量仅0.16 g/L,较出发菌株分别提高了26.7%和降低了91.0%。在50 L罐中E.coli FS-T4工程菌L-色氨酸产量最高可达41.9 g/L,糖酸转化率达20.5%,分别较出发菌株提高了13.8%和5.1%。转氨酶AlaA和AlaC的同时缺失,既可以满足细胞整体氨基酸池的需要,而且有利于减少杂酸的积累,使得更多的碳源流向L-色氨酸的合成。  相似文献   

The nitrate reductase of Escherichia coli K-12 was localized in a particulate fraction of the cell and it sedimented as if it were bound to a large substructure that is subject to fragmentation during cell disruption procedures. Soluble enzyme, exhibiting a homogenous profile in sucrose gradients, was released from this fraction by an alkaline-heat treatment. Less than 1.5% of total active nitrate reductase apparently occurred in this soluble form during the course of formation of the particulate enzyme. Enzyme synthesis was repressed by aeration in the presence or absence of nitrate. Under anaerobic conditions, nitrate reductase was synthesized at a rate that could be increased 20-fold by the addition of nitrate. When enzyme synthesis was initiated by induction with nitrate or anaerobiosis, biphasic kinetics were obtained. We interpreted the results as evidence for the existence of a redox-sensitive repressor which mediates nitrate reductase regulation.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase is induced in excess phosphate media by starvation either for pyrimidines or for guanine. Induction is observed both during starvation, after a lag period, and following a period of starvation. Induction is not caused by a lowering of the internal orthophosphate pool, but is linked to alterations in the levels of the nucleotide pools. Experiments with purine-requiring mutants suggest that phosphatase is induced in wild-type strains by an adenine nucleotide. Mutations in the phoR gene can produce differential responses to the different starvation regimes.  相似文献   

Genetics of enterotoxin production in Escherichia coli   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

An Escherichia coli mutant dependent on exogenous transfer ribonucleic acid (RNA) for bulk RNA formation at 42 C has been isolated, starting from a parental strain permeable to RNA. In the absence of added transfer RNA at the high temperature, protein synthesis stopped, and the strain formed little if any ribosomal RNA.  相似文献   

A mutant of Escherichia coli with a delayed relaxed phenotype very similar to that of a previously described relB mutant has been obtained using a new selection procedure. The mutation giving rise to this phenotype has been shown to map at 34.5 min and to be 12% cotransducible with man. It is recessive, revertible, and most likely an allele of the relB gene.  相似文献   

Genetics and function of DNA ligase in Escherichia coli   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
The characterization of two classes of DNA ligase mutants in Escherichia coli is described. The first class consists of three mutations coding for a temperature-sensitive ligase and defines the structural gene for DNA ligase (lig). The second class of mutants (lop) overproduces an apparently wild-type enzyme; a genetic diploid analysis implies that these are promoter or operator mutations, lig and lop are cotransduced by phage P1 and map at 46 minutes on the E. coli map. Detailed studies of two lig mutants (lig4 and lig ts7) are reported, lig ts7 is a conditionally lethal mutation, proving the essential nature of the ligase gene product. Neither mutant has a major defect in recombination or ultraviolet-repair, but both show retarded sealing of 10 S pulse-labeled DNA (Okazaki fragments).  相似文献   

Genetics of L-proline utilization in Escherichia coli.   总被引:16,自引:11,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
L-Azetidine-2-carboxylate (AC) and 3,4-dehydro-D,L-proline (DHP) are toxic L-proline analogs that can be used to select bacterial mutants defective for L-proline transport. Mutants resistant to AC and DHP are defective for proline transport alone (putP mutants), and mutants resistant to AC but not to DHP are defective both in putP and in the closely linked proline dehydrogenase gene putA. Proline dehydrogenase oxidizes DHP but not AC, probably detoxifying the former compound. These observations were exploited in preparing an otherwise isogenic set of Escherichia coli K-12 strains with well-defined defects in the putP and putA genes. The results of this study suggest that the genetic and biochemical characteristics of proline utilization in E. coli K-12 are closely analogous to those of Salmonella typhimurium.  相似文献   

Genetics of hemolysin of Escherichia coli.   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The expression of alpha-hemolysin is a property frequently associated with Escherichia coli extraintestinal infections. We have examined the genetic basis for hemolysin expression by an E. coli strain isolated from a human urinary tract infection. The genes necessary for hemolysin synthesis were found to be chromosomal and to map near the ilv gene cluster. Isogenic hly+ and hly derivatives were also prepared and tested for virulence in the chicken embryo model system. Hemolysin was found to be necessary but not in itself sufficient for E. coli virulence in this in vitro model.  相似文献   

Genetics of the PTS components in Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The regulation of synthesis of the valine-alanine-alpha-aminobutyrate transaminase (transaminase C) was studied in Escherichia coli mutants lacking the branched-chain amino acid transaminase (transaminase B). An investigation was made of two strains, CU2 and CU2002, each carrying the same transaminase B lesion but exhibiting different growth responses on a medium supplemented with branched-chain amino acids. Both had the absolute isoleucine requirement characteristic of ilvE auxotrophs, but growth of strain CU2 was stimulated by valine, whereas that of strain CU2002 was markedly inhibited by valine. Strain CU2002 behaved like a conditional leucine auxotroph in that the inhibition by valine was reversed by leucine. Results of enzymatic studies showed that synthesis of transaminase C was repressed by valine in strain CU2002 but not in strain CU2. Inhibition by valine in strain CU2002 appears to be the combined effect of repression on transaminase C synthesis and valine-dependent feedback inhibition of alpha-acetohydroxy acid synthase activity, causing alpha-ketoisovalerate (and hence leucine) limitation. The ilvE markers of strains CU2 and CU2002 were each transferred by transduction to a wild-type genetical background. All ilvE recombinants from both crosses resembled strain CU2002 and were inhibited by valine in the presence of isoleucine. Thus, strain CU2 carries an additional lesion that allows it to grow on a medium containing isoleucine plus valine. It is concluded that conditional leucine auxotrophy is characteristic of mutants carrying an ilvE lesion alone.  相似文献   

Genetics of the glutamine transport system in Escherichia coli.   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The active transport of glutamine by Escherichia coli occurs via a single osmotic shock-sensitive transport system which is known to be dependent upon a periplasmic binding protein specific for glutamine. We obtained a mutant that had elevated levels of glutamine transport and overproduced the glutamine binding protein. From this strain many point mutants and deletion-carrying strains defective in glutamine transport were isolated by a variety of techniques. The genetic locus coding for the glutamine transport system, glnP, and the regulatory mutation which causes overproduction of the transport system were both shown to map at 17.7 min on the E. coli chromosome, and it was demonstrated that the glnP locus contains the structural gene for the glutamine binding protein. Evidence was also obtained that the glutamine transport system, by an unknown mechanism, plays a direct role in the catabolism of glutamate and, hence, of glutamine and proline as well.  相似文献   

The genes involved in methionine biosynthesis are scattered throughout the Escherichia coli chromosome and are controlled in a similar but not coordinated manner. The product of the metJ gene and S-adenosylmethionine are involved in the repression of this ‘regulon’.  相似文献   

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