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The mechanisms underlying cell death during oxygen deprivation are unknown. We report here a model for oxygen deprivation-induced apoptosis. The death observed during oxygen deprivation involves a decrease in the mitochondrial membrane potential, followed by the release of cytochrome c and the activation of caspase-9. Bcl-X(L) prevented oxygen deprivation-induced cell death by inhibiting the release of cytochrome c and caspase-9 activation. The ability of Bcl-X(L) to prevent cell death was dependent on allowing the import of glycolytic ATP into the mitochondria to generate an inner mitochondrial membrane potential through the F(1)F(0)-ATP synthase. In contrast, although activated Akt has been shown to inhibit apoptosis induced by a variety of apoptotic stimuli, it did not prevent cell death during oxygen deprivation. In addition to Bcl-X(L), cells devoid of mitochondrial DNA (rho degrees cells) that lack a functional electron transport chain were resistant to oxygen deprivation. Further, murine embryonic fibroblasts from bax(-/-) bak(-/-) mice did not die in response to oxygen deprivation. These data suggest that when subjected to oxygen deprivation, cells die as a result of an inability to maintain a mitochondrial membrane potential through the import of glycolytic ATP. Proapoptotic Bcl-2 family members and a functional electron transport chain are required to initiate cell death in response to oxygen deprivation.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) genotype is the strongest predictor of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) risk. ApoE is a cholesterol transport protein that binds to members of the Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Receptor family, which includes LDL Receptor Related Protein 4 (Lrp4). Lrp4, together with one of its ligands Agrin and its co-receptors Muscle Specific Kinase (MuSK) and Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP), regulates neuromuscular junction (NMJ) formation. All four proteins are also expressed in the adult brain, and APP, MuSK, and Agrin are required for normal synapse function in the CNS. Here, we show that Lrp4 is also required for normal hippocampal plasticity. In contrast to the closely related Lrp8/Apoer2, the intracellular domain of Lrp4 does not appear to be necessary for normal expression and maintenance of long-term potentiation at central synapses or for the formation and maintenance of peripheral NMJs. However, it does play a role in limb development.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs are small non-coding RNAs that are directly involved in the regulation of gene expression by either translational repression or degradation of target mRNAs. Because of the high level of conservation of the target motifs, known as seed sequences, within the 3′-untranslated regions, a single microRNA can regulate numerous target genes simultaneously, making this class of RNAs a powerful regulator of gene expression. The miR200 family of microRNAs has recently been shown to regulate the process of epithelial to mesenchymal transition during tumor progression and metastasis. Here, we report that the expression of WAVE3, an actin cytoskeleton remodeling and metastasis promoter protein, is regulated by miR200 microRNAs. We show a clear inverse correlation between expression levels of WAVE3 and miR200 microRNAs in invasive versus non-invasive cancer cells. miR200 directly targets the 3′-untranslated regions of the WAVE3 mRNA and inhibits its expression. The miR200-mediated down-regulation of WAVE3 results in a significant reduction in the invasive phenotype of cancer cells, which is specific to the loss of WAVE3 expression. Re-expression of a miR200-resistant WAVE3 reverses miR200-mediated inhibition of cancer cell invasion. Loss of WAVE3 expression downstream of miR200 also results in a dramatic change in cell morphology resembling that of a mesenchymal to epithelial transition. In conclusion, a novel mechanism for the regulation of WAVE3 expression in cancer cells has been identified, which controls the invasive properties and morphology of cancer cells associated with their metastatic potential.  相似文献   

In this study, the proliferative effects of retinoids were examined in the MC-26 and LoVo colon adenocarcinoma cell lines. The proliferation of the LoVo cell line was not altered in the presence of the retinoidsall trans-retinoic acid (atRA) and 9-cis-retinoic acid (9-cis-RA). Both retinoids, however, stimulated the growth, as measured by cell proliferation, of MC-26 cells.atRA and 9-cis-RA were equipotent in increasing MC-26 cell proliferation, suggesting that the growth stimulation is mediated by one or more retinoic acid receptors (RARs). To determine the RAR which might be responsible for this growth stimulatory effect, we characterized the RAR subtypes which were present in both cell lines. mRNA for the RARα, RARβ, and RARγ were detected in the MC-26 cell. Of the RARs present in MC-26 cells, the RARα does not mediate the growth stimulatory effects of retinoids, for a selective RARα antagonist was unable to prevent the retinoid-induced increase in MC-26 cell growth. RARα, RARβ, and RARγ mRNA are also expressed in the LoVo cell line; the lack of growth-stimulation by retinoids in LoVo cells, therefore, does not seem to be due to the absence of RARs. The results obtained in these experiments demonstrate that the growth response elicited by retinoids can vary between colon cancer cells and that the differences in response may not be solely determined by the RAR subtypes which are expressed in a colon cancer cell line.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of neurotrophins on the survival and morphological differentiation of CNS neurons, we examined NT2-N cells, which provide a unique culture model for terminally differentiated and polar human neurons. Here we report the development of conditions for the long-term culture of NT2-N cells in low density and in chemically defined medium. We show that NT2-N cells express rRNAs for TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC tyrosine kinase receptors and the low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor (p75NTR). All members of the nerve growth factor-related family of neurotrophic factors promote neuronal survival in long-term cultures with approximately 1 ng/ml for half-maximal survival. At high concentrations (>20 ng/ml), the neurotrophins reversed the survival-promoting effect as judged by MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide] conversion. In contrast to the uniform effect of all neurotrophins on neuronal survival, brain-derived neurotrophic factor selectively induced an increased dendritic complexity. These results demonstrate that NT2-N cells provide a useful model to analyze the effect of neurotrophins on the survival and morphological differentiation of CNS neurons in vitro. In addition, the data indicate that neuronal survival and the development of morphological complexity are differentially regulated in a multireceptor context.  相似文献   

Non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs) cause high mortality worldwide, and the cancer progression can be activated by several genetic events causing receptor dysregulation, including mutation or amplification. MicroRNAs are a group of small non-coding RNA molecules that function in gene silencing and have emerged as the fine-tuning regulators during cancer progression. MiR-133a is known as a key regulator in skeletal and cardiac myogenesis, and it acts as a tumor suppressor in various cancers. This study demonstrates that miR-133a expression negatively correlates with cell invasiveness in both transformed normal bronchial epithelial cells and lung cancer cell lines. The oncogenic receptors in lung cancer cells, including insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R), TGF-beta receptor type-1 (TGFBR1), and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), are direct targets of miR-133a. MiR-133a can inhibit cell invasiveness and cell growth through suppressing the expressions of IGF-1R, TGFBR1 and EGFR, which then influences the downstream signaling in lung cancer cell lines. The cell invasive ability is suppressed in IGF-1R- and TGFBR1-repressed cells and this phenomenon is mediated through AKT signaling in highly invasive cell lines. In addition, by using the in vivo animal model, we find that ectopically-expressing miR-133a dramatically suppresses the metastatic ability of lung cancer cells. Accordingly, patients with NSCLCs who have higher expression levels of miR-133a have longer survival rates compared with those who have lower miR-133a expression levels. In summary, we identified the tumor suppressor role of miR-133a in lung cancer outcome prognosis, and we demonstrated that it targets several membrane receptors, which generally produce an activating signaling network during the progression of lung cancer.  相似文献   

该文采用阳离子脂质体Lipofectamine介导的方法将microRNA-34a转染入体外培养的人葡萄膜黑色素瘤细胞M23和SP6.5。应用BrdU法、细胞平板克隆形成实验检测转染microRNA-34a后对细胞增殖的影响,发现M23和SP6.5细胞增殖明显被抑制(P<0.01);并利用流式细胞技术检测转染microRNA-34a后细胞周期的变化,发现细胞停滞于G_1期;同时检测转染microRNA-34a后细胞caspase-3/7酶的活性,发现无明显改变。另外,Real-time PCR检测表明阿霉素处理后M23、SP6.5细胞中microRNA-34a的表达量上调(P<0.01)。用阿霉素处理转染microRNA-34a的M23、SP6.5细胞,检测caspase-3/7酶活性的改变,发现caspase-3/7酶活性显著增加(P<0.01)。本研究表明microRNA-34a通过抑制细胞周期来抑制体外培养的人葡萄膜黑色素瘤细胞的增殖,能够增加细胞对阿霉素的敏感性,但不直接诱导细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a group endogenous small non-coding RNAs that inhibit protein translation through binding to specific target mRNAs. Recent studies have demonstrated that miRNAs are implicated in the development of cancer. However, the role of miR-144 in uveal melanoma metastasis remains largely unknown. MiR-144 was downregulated in both uveal melanoma cells and tissues. Transfection of miR-144 mimic into uveal melanoma cells led to a decrease in cell growth and invasion. After identification of two putative miR-144 binding sites within the 3'' UTR of the human c-Met mRNA, miR-144 was proved to inhibit the luciferase activity inMUM-2B cells with a luciferase reporter construct containing the binding sites. In addition, the expression of c-Met protein was inhibited by miR-144. Furthermore, c-Met-mediated cell proliferation and invasion were inhibited by restoration of miR-144 in uveal melanoma cells. In conclusion, miR-144 acts as a tumor suppressor in uveal melanoma, through inhibiting cell proliferation and migration. miR-144 might serve as a potential therapeutic target in uveal melanoma patients.  相似文献   

Melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH, α-melanotropin),Ac-Ser-Tyr-Ser-Met-Glu-His-Phe-Arg-Trp-Gly-Ly-Pro-Val-NH2, regulates melanogenesis within epidermal melanocytes of many animals. An MSH analogue ([Nle4,D-Phe7]α-MSH) that exhibits superpotency and prolonged biological activity has been synthesized, biologically characterized, and is presently in clinical trials to determine its possible clinical use in tanning of the skin. It also has potential for the diagnosis, localization, and chemotherapy of melanoma. The effects of this analogue on the growth, metastatic behavior, and invasive potential of a melanotic variant of Cloudman S-91 murine melanoma are reported here. In an intracutaneous murine model of melanoma cell tumor growth, the analogue did not increase primary tumor growth (size) after the period of administration of the peptide hormone analogue and did not affect spontaneous lung metastases. Survival times for the control and melanotropin-treated groups were similar, suggesting that overall tumor burden was not affected by treatment with the hormone analogue. Last, melanoma cell invasion through a human amniotic basement membrane in vitro was not enhanced compared to untreated cells.  相似文献   

The Gasdermin (GSDM) family consists of Gasdermin A (GSDMA), Gasdermin B (GSDMB), Gasdermin C (GSDMC), Gasdermin D (GSDMD), Gasdermin E (GSDME) and Pejvakin (PJVK). GSDMD is activated by inflammasome-associated inflammatory caspases. Cleavage of GSDMD by human or mouse caspase-1, human caspase-4, human caspase-5, and mouse caspase-11 liberates the N-terminal effector domain from the C-terminal inhibitory domain. The N-terminal domain oligomerizes in the cell membrane and forms a pore of 10–16?nm in diameter, through which substrates of a smaller diameter, such as interleukin-1β and interleukin-18, are secreted. The increasing abundance of membrane pores ultimately leads to membrane rupture and pyroptosis, releasing the entire cellular content. Other than GSDMD, the N-terminal domain of all GSDMs, with the exception of PJVK, have the ability to form pores. There is evidence to suggest that GSDMB and GSDME are cleaved by apoptotic caspases. Here, we review the mechanistic functions of GSDM proteins with respect to their expression and signaling profile in the cell, with more focused discussions on inflammasome activation and cell death.  相似文献   

We have previously reported 27 differentially expressed microRNAs (miRNAs) during human monocyte differentiation into immature dendritic cells (imDCs) and mature DCs (mDCs). However, their roles in DC differentiation and function remain largely elusive. Here, we report that microRNA (miR)-146a and miR-146b modulate DC apoptosis and cytokine production. Expression of miR-146a and miR-146b was significantly increased upon monocyte differentiation into imDCs and mDCs. Silencing of miR-146a and/or miR-146b in imDCs and mDCs significantly prevented DC apoptosis, whereas overexpressing miR-146a and/or miR-146b increased DC apoptosis. miR-146a and miR-146b expression in imDCs and mDCs was inversely correlated with TRAF6 and IRAK1 expression. Furthermore, siRNA silencing of TRAF6 and/or IRAK1 in imDCs and mDCs enhanced DC apoptosis. By contrast, lentivirus overexpression of TRAF6 and/or IRAK1 promoted DC survival. Moreover, silencing of miR-146a and miR-146b expression had little effect on DC maturation but enhanced IL-12p70, IL-6, and TNF-α production as well as IFN-γ production by IL-12p70-mediated activation of natural killer cells, whereas miR-146a and miR-146b overexpression in mDCs reduced cytokine production. Silencing of miR-146a and miR-146b in DCs also down-regulated NF-κB inhibitor IκBα and increased Bcl-2 expression. Our results identify a new negative feedback mechanism involving the miR-146a/b-TRAF6/IRAK1-NF-κB axis in promoting DC apoptosis.  相似文献   

Cytolethal distending toxins (CDTs) are tripartite protein exotoxins produced by a diverse group of pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. Based on their ability to induce DNA damage, cell cycle arrest, and apoptosis of cultured cells, CDTs are proposed to enhance virulence by blocking cellular division and/or directly killing epithelial and immune cells. Despite the widespread distribution of CDTs among several important human pathogens, our understanding of how these toxins interact with host cells is limited. Here we demonstrate that CDTs from Haemophilus ducreyi, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Escherichia coli, and Campylobacter jejuni differ in their abilities to intoxicate host cells with defined defects in host factors previously implicated in CDT binding, including glycoproteins, and glycosphingolipids. The absence of cell surface sialic acid sensitized cells to intoxication by three of the four CDTs tested. Surprisingly, fucosylated N-linked glycans and glycolipids, previously implicated in CDT-host interactions, were not required for intoxication by any of the CDTs tested. Finally, altering host-cellular cholesterol, also previously implicated in CDT binding, affected intoxication by only a subset of CDTs tested. The findings presented here provide insight into the molecular and cellular basis of CDT-host interactions.  相似文献   

The loss of microRNA-122 (miR-122) expression is strongly associated with increased invasion and metastasis, and poor prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), however, the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. In the present study, we observed that miR-122 over-expression in HCC cell lines Sk-hep-1 and Bel-7402 triggered the mesenchymal-epithelial transition (MET), as demonstrated by epithelial-like morphological changes, up-regulated epithelial proteins (E-cadherin, ZO-1, α-catenin, occludin, BVES, and MST4), and down-regulated mesenchymal proteins (vimentin and fibronectin). The over-expression of miRNA-122 also caused cytoskeleton disruption, RhoA/Rock pathway inactivation, enhanced cell adhesion, and suppression of migration and invasion of Sk-hep-1 and Bel-7402 cells, whereas, these effects could be reversed through miR-122 inhibition. Additional studies demonstrated that the inhibition of wild-type RhoA function induced MET and inhibited cell migration and invasion, while RhoA over-expression reversed miR-122-induced MET and inhibition of migration and invasion of HCC cells, suggesting that miR-122 induced MET and suppressed the migration and invasion of HCC cells by targeting RhoA. Moreover, our results demonstrated that HNF4α up-regulated its target gene miR-122 that subsequently induced MET and inhibited cell migration and invasion, whereas miR-122 inhibition reversed these HNF4α-induced phenotypes. These results revealed functional and mechanistic links among the tumor suppressors HNF4α, miR-122, and RhoA in EMT and invasive and metastatic phenotypes of HCC. Taken together, our study provides the first evidence that the HNF4α/miR-122/RhoA axis negatively regulates EMT and the migration and invasion of HCC cells.  相似文献   

Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is the second most common human cancer. Although dysregulation of microRNAs (miRNAs) is known to be involved in a variety of cancers, the role of miRNAs in cSCC is unclear. In this study, we aimed to identify tumor suppressive and oncogenic miRNAs involved in the pathogenesis of cSCC. MiRNA expression profiles in healthy skins (n = 4) and cSCCs (n = 4) were analyzed using MicroRNA Low Density Array. MiR-125b expression was analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR and in situ hybridization in skin biopsies from 40 healthy donors, 13 actinic keratosis, and 74 cSCC patients. The effect of miR-125b was analyzed in wound closure, colony formation, migration, and invasion assays in two cSCC cell lines, UT-SCC-7 and A431. The genes regulated by miR-125b in cSCC were identified by microarray analysis and its direct target was validated by luciferase reporter assay. Comparing cSCC with healthy skin, we identified four up-regulated miRNAs (miR-31, miR-135b, miR-21, and miR-223) and 54 down-regulated miRNAs, including miR-125b, whose function was further examined. We found that miR-125b suppressed proliferation, colony formation, migratory, and invasive capacity of cSCC cells. Matrix metallopeptidase 13 (MMP13) was identified as a direct target suppressed by miR-125b, and there was an inverse relationship between the expression of miR-125b and MMP13 in cSCC. Knockdown of MMP13 expression phenocopied the effects of miR-125b overexpression. These findings provide a novel molecular mechanism by which MMP13 is up-regulated in cSCCs and indicate that miR-125b plays a tumor suppressive role in cSCC.  相似文献   

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