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The nuclear-encoded DNA polymerase γ (DNA POLγ) is the sole DNA polymerase required for the replication of the mitochondrial DNA. We have cloned the cDNA for human DNA POLγ and have mapped the gene to the chromosomal location 15q24. Additionally, the DNA POLγ gene fromDrosophila melanogasterand a partial cDNA for DNA POLγ fromGallus gallushave been cloned. The predicted human DNA POLγ polypeptide is 1239 amino acids, with a calculated molecular mass of 139.5 kDa. The human amino acid sequence is 41.6, 43.0, 48.7, and 77.6% identical to those ofSchizosaccharomyces pombe, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Drosophila melanogaster,and the C-terminal half ofG. gallus,respectively. Polyclonal antibodies raised against the polymerase portion of the protein reacted specifically with a 140-kDa protein in mitochondrial extracts and immunoprecipitated a protein with DNA POLγ like activity from mitochondrial extracts. The human DNA POLγ is unique in that the first exon of the gene contains a CAG10trinucleotide repeat.  相似文献   

Delineating the kinetic and thermodynamic factors which contribute to the stability of transmembrane β-barrels is critical to gain an in-depth understanding of membrane protein behavior. Human mitochondrial voltage-dependent anion channel isoform 2 (hVDAC-2), one of the key anti-apoptotic eukaryotic β-barrel proteins, is of paramount importance, owing to its indispensable role in cell survival. We demonstrate here that the stability of hVDAC-2 bears a strong kinetic contribution that is dependent on the absolute micellar concentration used for barrel folding. The refolding efficiency and ensuing stability is sensitive to the lipid-to-protein (LPR) ratio, and displays a non-linear relationship, with both low and high micellar amounts being detrimental to hVDAC-2 structure. Unfolding and aggregation process are sequential events and show strong temperature dependence. We demonstrate that an optimal lipid-to-protein ratio of 2600∶1 – 13000∶1 offers the highest protection against thermal denaturation. Activation energies derived only for lower LPRs are ∼17 kcal mol−1 for full-length hVDAC-2 and ∼23 kcal mol−1 for the Cys-less mutant, suggesting that the nine cysteine residues of hVDAC-2 impart additional malleability to the barrel scaffold. Our studies reveal that cysteine residues play a key role in the kinetic stability of the protein, determine barrel rigidity and thereby give rise to strong micellar association of hVDAC-2. Non-linearity of the Arrhenius plot at high LPRs coupled with observation of protein aggregation upon thermal denaturation indicates that contributions from both kinetic and thermodynamic components stabilize the 19-stranded β-barrel. Lipid-protein interaction and the linked kinetic contribution to free energy of the folded protein are together expected to play a key role in hVDAC-2 recycling and the functional switch at the onset of apoptosis.  相似文献   

The cellular activation of conventional protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes is initiated by the binding of their C2 domains to membranes in response to elevations in intracellular Ca2+. Following this C2 domain-mediated membrane recruitment, the C1 domain binds its membrane-embedded ligand diacylglycerol, resulting in activation of PKC. Here we explore the molecular mechanisms by which the C2 domain controls the initial step in the activation of PKC. Using stopped-flow fluorescence spectroscopy to measure association and dissociation rate constants, we show that hydrophobic interactions are the major driving force in the binding of the C2 domain to anionic membranes, whereas electrostatic interactions dominate in membrane retention. Specifically, mutation of select hydrophobic or select basic residues in the Ca2+-binding loops reduces membrane affinity by distinct mechanisms; mutation of hydrophobic residues primarily alters association rate constants, whereas mutation of charged residues affects dissociation rate constants. Live cell imaging reveals that introduction of these mutations into full-length PKCα not only reduces the Ca2+-dependent translocation to plasma membrane but, by impairing the plasma membrane-sensing role of the C2 domain, causes phorbol ester-triggered redistribution of PKCα to other membranes, such as the Golgi. These data underscore the key role of the C2 domain in driving conventional PKC isozymes to the plasma membrane and reveal that not only the amplitude but also the subcellular location of conventional PKC signaling can be tuned by altering the affinity of this module for membranes.  相似文献   


Hydrolysis of the following four cap analogs: m7G(5′)ppp(5′)A, m7G(5′)ppp(5′)m6A, m7G(5′)ppp(5′)m2′OG and m7G(5′)ppp(5′)2′dG catalyzed by homogeneous human Fhit protein and yellow lupin Ap3A hydrolase has been investigated. The hydrolysis products were identified by HPLC analysis and the Km and Vmax values calculated based on the data obtained by the fluorimetric method.  相似文献   

Nitrite was recognized as a potent vasodilator >130 years and has more recently emerged as an endogenous signaling molecule and modulator of gene expression. Understanding the molecular mechanisms that regulate nitrite metabolism is essential for its use as a potential diagnostic marker as well as therapeutic agent for cardiovascular diseases. In this study, we have identified human cystathionine ß-synthase (CBS) as a new player in nitrite reduction with implications for the nitrite-dependent control of H2S production. This novel activity of CBS exploits the catalytic property of its unusual heme cofactor to reduce nitrite and generate NO. Evidence for the possible physiological relevance of this reaction is provided by the formation of ferrous-nitrosyl (FeII-NO) CBS in the presence of NADPH, the human diflavin methionine synthase reductase (MSR) and nitrite. Formation of FeII-NO CBS via its nitrite reductase activity inhibits CBS, providing an avenue for regulating biogenesis of H2S and cysteine, the limiting reagent for synthesis of glutathione, a major antioxidant. Our results also suggest a possible role for CBS in intracellular NO biogenesis particularly under hypoxic conditions. The participation of a regulatory heme cofactor in CBS in nitrite reduction is unexpected and expands the repertoire of proteins that can liberate NO from the intracellular nitrite pool. Our results reveal a potential molecular mechanism for cross-talk between nitrite, NO and H2S biology.  相似文献   

We have investigated the interaction between human DNA polymerase η (hpol η) and the Werner syndrome protein (WRN). Functional assays revealed that the WRN exonuclease and RecQ C-terminal (RQC) domains are necessary for full stimulation of hpol η-catalyzed formation of correct base pairs. We find that WRN does not stimulate hpol η-catalyzed formation of mispairs. Moreover, the exonuclease activity of WRN prevents stable mispair formation by hpol η. These results are consistent with a proofreading activity for WRN during single-nucleotide additions. ATP hydrolysis by WRN appears to attenuate stimulation of hpol η. Pre-steady-state kinetic results show that kpol is increased 4-fold by WRN. Finally, pulldown assays reveal a bipartite physical interaction between hpol η and WRN that is mediated by the exonuclease and RQC domains. Taken together, these results are consistent with alteration of the rate-limiting step in polymerase catalysis by direct protein-protein interactions between WRN and hpol η. In summary, WRN improves the efficiency and fidelity of hpol η to promote more effective replication of DNA.  相似文献   

The multifunctional protein encoded by gene 4 of bacteriophage T7 (gp4) provides both helicase and primase activity at the replication fork. T7 DNA helicase preferentially utilizes dTTP to unwind duplex DNA in vitro but also hydrolyzes other nucleotides, some of which do not support helicase activity. Very little is known regarding the architecture of the nucleotide binding site in determining nucleotide specificity. Crystal structures of the T7 helicase domain with bound dATP or dTTP identified Arg-363 and Arg-504 as potential determinants of the specificity for dATP and dTTP. Arg-363 is in close proximity to the sugar of the bound dATP, whereas Arg-504 makes a hydrogen bridge with the base of bound dTTP. T7 helicase has a serine at position 319, whereas bacterial helicases that use rATP have a threonine in the comparable position. Therefore, in the present study we have examined the role of these residues (Arg-363, Arg-504, and Ser-319) in determining nucleotide specificity. Our results show that Arg-363 is responsible for dATP, dCTP, and dGTP hydrolysis, whereas Arg-504 and Ser-319 confer dTTP specificity. Helicase-R504A hydrolyzes dCTP far better than wild-type helicase, and the hydrolysis of dCTP fuels unwinding of DNA. Substitution of threonine for serine 319 reduces the rate of hydrolysis of dTTP without affecting the rate of dATP hydrolysis. We propose that different nucleotides bind to the nucleotide binding site of T7 helicase by an induced fit mechanism. We also present evidence that T7 helicase uses the energy derived from the hydrolysis of dATP in addition to dTTP for mediating DNA unwinding.Helicases are molecular machines that translocate unidirectionally along single-stranded nucleic acids using the energy derived from nucleotide hydrolysis (13). The gene 4 protein encoded by bacteriophage T7 consists of a helicase domain and a primase domain, located in the C-terminal and N-terminal halves of the protein, respectively (4). The T7 helicase functions as a hexamer and has been used as a model to study ring-shaped replicative helicases. In the presence of dTTP, T7 helicase binds to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)3 as a hexamer and translocates 5′ to 3′ along the DNA strand using the energy of hydrolysis of dTTP (57). T7 helicase hydrolyzes a variety of ribo and deoxyribonucleotides; however, dTTP hydrolysis is optimally coupled to DNA unwinding (5).Most hexameric helicases use rATP to fuel translocation and unwind DNA (3). T7 helicase does hydrolyze rATP but with a 20-fold higher Km as compared with dTTP (5, 8). It has been suggested that T7 helicase actually uses rATP in vivo where the concentration of rATP is 20-fold that of dTTP in the Escherichia coli cell (8). However, hydrolysis of rATP, even at optimal concentrations, is poorly coupled to translocation and unwinding of DNA (9). Other ribonucleotides (rCTP, rGTP, and rUTP) are either not hydrolyzed or the poor hydrolysis observed is not coupled to DNA unwinding (8). Furthermore, Patel et al. (10) found that the form of T7 helicase found in vivo, an equimolar mixture of the full-length gp4 and a truncated form lacking the zinc binding domain of the primase, prefers dTTP and dATP. Therefore, in the present study we have restricted our examination of nucleotides to the deoxyribonucleotides.The nucleotide binding site of the replicative DNA helicases, such as T7 gene 4 protein, bind nucleotides at the subunit interface (Fig. 1) located between two RecA-like subdomains that bind ATP (11, 12). The location of the nucleotide binding site at the subunit interface provides multiple interactions of residues with the bound NTP. A number of cis- and trans-acting amino acids stabilize the bound nucleotide in the nucleotide binding site and also provide for communication between subunits (1315). Earlier reports revealed that the arginine finger (Arg-522) in T7 helicase is positioned to interact with the γ-phosphate of the bound nucleotide in the adjacent subunit (12, 16). However, His-465 (phosphate sensor), Glu-343 (catalytic base), and Asp-424 (Walker motif B) interacts with the γ-phosphate of the bound nucleotide in the same subunit (12, 17, 18). The arginine finger and the phosphate sensor have been proposed to couple NTP hydrolysis to DNA unwinding. Substitution of Glu-343, the catalytic base, eliminates dTTP hydrolysis (19), and substitution of Asp-424 with Asn leads to a severe reduction in dTTP hydrolysis (20). The conserved Lys-318 in Walker motif A interacts with the β-phosphate of the bound nucleotide and plays an important role in dTTP hydrolysis (21).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Crystal structure of T7 helicase. A, crystal structure of the hexameric helicase C-terminal domain of gp4 (17). The structure reveals a ring-shaped molecule with a central core through which ssDNA passes. The inset shows the interface between two subunits of the helicase with adenosine 5′-{β,γ-imidol}-triphosphate in the nucleotide binding site. B, the nucleotide binding site of a monomer of the gp4 with the crucial amino acid residues reported earlier and in the present study is shown in sticks. The crystal structures of the T7 gene 4 helicase domain (12) with bound dTTP (C) and dATP (D). The structures shown are the nucleotide binding site of T7 helicase as viewed in Pymol by analyzing the PDB files 1cr1 and 1cr2 (12). Arg-504 and Tyr-535 sandwiches the base of the bound dNTP. Additionally, Arg-504 forms a hydrogen bridge with dTTP. Arg-363 interacts specifically with the 3-OH group of bound dATP. AMPPNP, adenosine 5′-(β,γ-imino)triphosphate.Considering the wealth of information on the above residues that are involved in the hydrolysis of dTTP and the coupling of hydrolysis to unwinding, it is intriguing that little information is available on nucleotide specificity. Several crystal structures of T7 helicase in complex with a nucleotide triphosphate are available. However, most of structures were crystallized with a non-hydrolyzable analogue of dTTP or the nucleotide was diffused into the crystal. The crystal structure of the T7 helicase domain bound with dTTP or dATP was reported by Sawaya et al. (12). These structures assisted us in identifying two basic residues (Arg-363 and Arg-504) in close proximity to the sugar and base of the bound nucleotide whose orientation suggested that these residues could be involved in nucleotide selection. Arg-504 together with Tyr-535 sandwich the base of the bound nucleotide at the subunit interface of the hexameric helicase (Fig. 1). Arg-504 and Tyr-535 are structurally well conserved in various helicases (12). However, Arg-504 could make a hydrogen bridge with the OH group of thymidine, thus suggesting a role in dTTP specificity. On the other hand, Arg-363 is in close proximity (∼3.4 Å) to the sugar 3′-OH of bound dATP, whereas in the dTTP-bound structure this residue is displaced by 7.12 Å (Fig. 1) from the equivalent position. Consequently Arg-363 could play a role in dATP binding. The crystal structures do not provide any information on different interaction of residues with the phosphates of dATP and dTTP. However, alignment of the residues in the P-loops of different hexameric helicases reveals that the serine adjacent to the invariant lysine at position 319 (Ser-319) is conserved in bacteriophages, whereas bacterial helicases have a conserved threonine in the equivalent position (supplemental Fig. 1). Bacterial helicases use rATP in the DNA unwinding reactions. whereas T7 helicase preferentially uses dTTP, and bacteriophage T4 gene 41 uses rGTP or rATP (22).Although considerable information is available on the role of residues in nucleotide binding and dTTP hydrolysis, very little is known on the determinants of nucleotide specificity. In the present study we made an attempt to address the role of a few selected residues (Arg-363, Arg-504, and Ser-319) in determining nucleotide specificity, especially dTTP and dATP, both of which are hydrolyzed and mediate DNA unwinding. We show that under physiological conditions T7 helicase uses the energy derived from the hydrolysis of dATP in addition to dTTP for mediating DNA unwinding.  相似文献   

Casein kinase 2 (CK2) has broad phosphorylation activity against various regulatory proteins, which are important survival factors in eukaryotic cells. To clarify the hydration structure and catalytic mechanism of CK2, we determined the crystal structure of the alpha subunit of human CK2 containing hydrogen and deuterium atoms using joint neutron (1.9 Å resolution) and X-ray (1.1 Å resolution) crystallography. The analysis revealed the structure of conserved water molecules at the active site and a long potential hydrogen bonding network originating from the catalytic Asp156 that is well known to enhance the nucleophilicity of the substrate OH group to the γ-phospho group of ATP by proton elimination. His148 and Asp214 conserved in the protein kinase family are located in the middle of the network. The water molecule forming a hydrogen bond with Asp214 appears to be deformed. In addition, mutational analysis of His148 in CK2 showed significant reductions by 40%–75% in the catalytic efficiency with similar affinity for ATP. Likewise, remarkable reductions to less than 5% were shown by corresponding mutations on His131 in death-associated protein kinase 1, which belongs to a group different from that of CK2. These findings shed new light on the catalytic mechanism of protein kinases in which the hydrogen bond network through the C-terminal domain may assist the general base catalyst to extract a proton with a link to the bulk solvent via intermediates of a pair of residues.  相似文献   

The BLM helicase associates with the telomere structural proteins TRF1 and TRF2 in immortalized cells using the alternative lengthening of telomere (ALT) pathways. This work focuses on identifying protein partners of BLM in cells using ALT. Mass spectrometry and immunoprecipitation techniques have identified three proteins that bind directly to BLM and TRF2 in ALT cells: telomerase-associated protein 1 (TEP1), heat shock protein 90 (HSP90), and topoisomerase IIα (TOPOIIα). BLM predominantly co-localizes with these proteins in foci actively synthesizing DNA during late S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle when ALT is thought to occur. Immunoprecipitation studies also indicate that only HSP90 and TOPOIIα are components of a specific complex containing BLM, TRF1, and TRF2 but that this complex does not include TEP1. TEP1, TOPOIIα, and HSP90 interact directly with BLM in vitro and modulate its helicase activity on telomere-like DNA substrates but not on non-telomeric substrates. Initial studies suggest that knockdown of BLM in ALT cells reduces average telomere length but does not do so in cells using telomerase.Bloom syndrome (BS)4 is a genetic disease caused by mutation of both copies of the human BLM gene. It is characterized by sun sensitivity, small stature, immunodeficiency, male infertility, and an increased susceptibility to cancer of all sites and types. The high incidence of spontaneous chromosome breakage and other unique chromosomal anomalies in cells from BS patients indicate an increase in homologous recombination in somatic cells (1). Another notable feature of non-immortalized and immortalized cells from BS individuals is the presence of telomeric associations (TAs) between homologous chromosomes (2). Work from our group and others have suggested a role for BLM in recombination-mediated mechanisms of telomere elongation or ALT (alternative lengthening of telomeres), processes that maintain/elongate telomeres in the absence of telomerase (35). However, the exact mechanism by which BLM contributes to telomere stability is unknown.Several proteins interact with and regulate BLM helicase activity, including two telomere-specific proteins, TRF1 and TRF2 (6, 7). Although TRF2 stimulates BLM unwinding of telomeric and non-telomeric 3′-overhang substrates, TRF1 inhibits BLM unwinding of telomeric substrates. TRF2-mediated stimulation of BLM helicase activity on a telomeric substrate is observed when TRF2 is present in excess or with equimolar amount of TRF1 but not when TRF1 is present in molar excess. Both proteins associate with BLM specifically in ALT cells in vivo, suggesting their involvement in the ALT pathways. In addition to TRF1 and TRF2, the telomere single-strand DNA-binding protein POT1 strongly stimulates BLM helicase activity on long telomeric forked duplexes and D-loop structures (8). Other proteins also play an important role in telomere maintenance in telomerase-negative cells, including RAD50, NBS1, and MRE11, which co-localize with TRF1 and TRF2 in specialized ALT-associated promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies (APBs) (911). Thus, we hypothesize that BLM complex formation may be essential for the ALT mechanism, and its modification may occur dynamically during the specific nucleic acid transactions required to protect the telomere in cells using the ALT pathways.This study has identified previously unknown protein partners of BLM and TRF2 in ALT cells using double immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry (MS). These include telomerase-associated protein 1 (TEP1), heat shock protein 90 (HSP90), and topoisomerase IIα (TOPOIIα). These proteins associate with BLM and TRF2 in cells using ALT but not in cells using telomerase and directly interact with BLM in vitro. This complex of proteins localizes to sites of new DNA synthesis in vivo in ALT cells, suggesting a role in telomere maintenance. We also identified HSP90 and TOPOIIα in another ALT-specific complex consisting of BLM, TRF1, and TRF2 but not TEP1. In vitro analyses demonstrate that HSP90 inhibits BLM helicase activity using both telomeric and non-telomeric substrates, whereas TEP1 and TOPOIIα initially slow the kinetics of BLM unwinding only using telomeric substrates. These findings suggest the presence of dynamic BLM-associated ALT complexes that include previously unidentified interacting proteins. The function of TEP1 in the BLM·TRF2 complex remains unclear, although its previously described interaction with the RNA subunit of telomerase (12) suggests an interesting hypothesis of cross-talk between mechanisms of telomere elongation.  相似文献   

Ginsenoside Re, one of the main constituents of Panax ginseng, possesses novel antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. However, the pharmacological mechanism of ginsenoside Re in dopaminergic degeneration remains elusive. We suggested that protein kinase C (PKC) δ mediates methamphetamine (MA)-induced dopaminergic toxicity. Treatment with ginsenoside Re significantly attenuated methamphetamine-induced dopaminergic degeneration in vivo by inhibiting impaired enzymatic antioxidant systems, mitochondrial oxidative stress, mitochondrial translocation of protein kinase Cδ, mitochondrial dysfunction, pro-inflammatory microglial activation, and apoptosis. These protective effects were comparable to those observed with genetic inhibition of PKCδ in PKCδ knockout (?/?) mice and with PKCδ antisense oligonucleotides, and ginsenoside Re did not provide any additional protective effects in the presence of PKCδ inhibition. Our results suggest that PKCδ is a critical target for ginsenoside Re-mediated protective activity in response to dopaminergic degeneration induced by MA.  相似文献   

Contextual fear conditioning is a paradigm for investigating cellular mechanisms involved in hippocampus-dependent memory. Earlier, we showed that standardised extract of Bacopa monniera (CDRI-08) improves hippocampus-dependent learning in postnatal rats by elevating the level of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT), activate 5-HT3A receptors, and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) response element binding (CREB) protein. In this study, we have further examined the molecular mechanism of CDRI-08 in hippocampus-dependent memory and compared to the histone deacetylase (HDACs) inhibitor sodium butyrate (NaB). To assess the hippocampus-dependent memory, wistar rat pups were subjected to contextual fear conditioning (CFC) following daily (postnatal days 15–29) administration of vehicle solution (0.5 % gum acacia + 0.9 % saline)/CDRI-08 (80 mg/kg, p.o.)/NaB (1.2 g/kg in PBS, i.p.). CDRI-08/NaB treated group showed enhanced freezing behavior compared to control group when re-exposed to the same context. Administration of CDRI-08/NaB resulted in activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase ERK/CREB signaling cascade and up-regulation of p300, Ac-H3 and Ac-H4 levels, and down-regulation of HDACs (1, 2) and protein phosphatases (PP1α, PP2A) in hippocampus following CFC. This would subsequently result in an increased brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf) (exon IV) mRNA in hippocampus. Altogether, our results indicate that CDRI-08 enhances hippocampus-dependent contextual memory by differentially regulating histone acetylation and protein phosphatases in hippocampus.  相似文献   

The phytocystatins regulate various physiological processes in plants, including responses to biotic and abiotic stresses, mainly because they act as inhibitors of cysteine proteases. In this study, we have analyzed four cystatins from Theobroma cacao L. previously identified in ESTs libraries of the interaction with the fungus Moniliophthora perniciosa and named TcCYS1, TcCYS2, TcCYS3 and TcCYS4. The recombinant cystatins were purified and subjected to the heat treatment, at different temperatures, and their thermostabilities were monitored using their ability to inhibit papain protease. TcCYS1 was sensitive to temperatures above 50°C, while TcCYS2, TcCYS3, and TcCYS4 were thermostable. TcCYS4 presented a decrease of inhibitory activity when it was treated at temperatures between 60 and 70°C, with the greater decrease occurring at 65°C. Analyses by native gel electrophoresis and size-exclusion chromatography showed that TcCYS4 forms oligomers at temperatures between 60 and 70°C, condition where reduction of inhibitory activity was observed. TcCYS4 oligomers remain stable for up to 20 days after heat treatment and are undone after treatment at 80°C. TcCYS4 presented approximately 90% of inhibitory activity at pH values between 5 and 9. This protein treated at temperatures above 45°C and pH 5 presented reduced inhibitory activity against papain, suggesting that the pH 5 enhances the formation of TcCYS4 oligomers. A variation in the titratable acidity was observed in tissues of T. cacao during the symptoms of witches’ broom disease. Our findings suggest that the oligomerization of TcCYS4, favored by variations in pH, is an endergonic process. We speculate that this process can be involved in the development of the symptoms of witches’ broom disease in cocoa.  相似文献   

Like other countries in the Americas, during its colonization Uruguay was the recipient of immigrants from several ethnic groups from Europe, as well as of enslaved Africans. After its independence in 1830, Basques were the first group of Europeans to arrive in the country. In this paper, we aim to contribute to the understanding of the process of integration of these migratory waves into the Uruguayan society. For that purpose, individuals of Basque origin from the city of Trinidad, Uruguay, were chosen to participate in this study. Particularly, we wanted to determine if Basque descendants in Uruguay remained relatively isolated or if they mixed with other ethnic groups. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of 60 self-identified Basque descendants, taken from a larger sample of subjects with Basque ancestors, was analyzed. The origin of mtDNA haplogroups was 77.8% European, 20.4% Amerindian, and 1.8% African, showing similar frequencies to other Uruguayan regions. Very few sequences showed a clear Basque origin, although other sources such as the Canary Islands are likely. Moreover, genetic distances clearly show that Basque descendants are genetically closer to other Uruguayan groups than to European populations, including Basques. It is possible to conclude that Basques and their descendants in the region of Trinidad did not remain isolated and that their marriage behavior was similar to that of other Uruguayan populations. However, to have a more accurate picture of the way Basques intermarried with other populations in Uruguay, new analyses are needed that take into account paternal lineages as well as biparental genetic markers.  相似文献   

Myelin protein P2 is a fatty acid-binding structural component of the myelin sheath in the peripheral nervous system, and its function is related to its membrane binding capacity. Here, the link between P2 protein dynamics and structure and function was studied using elastic incoherent neutron scattering (EINS). The P38G mutation, at the hinge between the β barrel and the α-helical lid, increased the lipid stacking capacity of human P2 in vitro, and the mutated protein was also functional in cultured cells. The P38G mutation did not change the overall structure of the protein. For a deeper insight into P2 structure-function relationships, information on protein dynamics in the 10 ps to 1 ns time scale was obtained using EINS. Values of mean square displacements mainly from protein H atoms were extracted for wild-type P2 and the P38G mutant and compared. Our results show that at physiological temperatures, the P38G mutant is more dynamic than the wild-type P2 protein, especially on a slow 1-ns time scale. Molecular dynamics simulations confirmed the enhanced dynamics of the mutant variant, especially within the portal region in the presence of bound fatty acid. The increased softness of the hinge mutant of human myelin P2 protein is likely related to an enhanced flexibility of the portal region of this fatty acid-binding protein, as well as to its interactions with the lipid bilayer surface requiring conformational adaptations.  相似文献   

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