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The neuroarchitecture of Acoela has been at the center of morphological debates. Some authors, using immunochemical tools, suggest that the nervous system in Acoela is organized as a commissural brain that bears little resemblance to the central, ganglionic type brain of other flatworms, and bilaterians in general. Others, who used histological staining on paraffin sections, conclude that it is a compact structure (an endonal brain; e.g., Raikova 2004; von Graff 1891; Delage Arch Zool Exp Gén 4:109-144, 1886). To address this question with modern tools, we have obtained images from serial transmission electron microscopic sections of the entire hatchling of Symsagittifera roscoffensis. In addition, we obtained data from wholemounts of hatchlings labeled with markers for serotonin and tyrosinated tubulin. Our data show that the central nervous system of a juvenile S. roscoffensis consists of an anterior compact brain, formed by a dense, bilobed mass of neuronal cell bodies surrounding a central neuropile. The neuropile flanks the median statocyst and contains several types of neurites, classified according to their types of synaptic vesicles. The neuropile issues three pairs of nerve cords that run at different dorso-ventral positions along the whole length of the body. Neuronal cell bodies flank the cords, and neuromuscular synapses are abundant. The TEM analysis also reveals different classes of peripheral sensory neurons and provides valuable information about the spatial relationships between neurites and other cell types within the brain and nerve cords. We conclude that the acoel S. roscoffensis has a central brain that is comparable in size and architecture to the brain of other (rhabditophoran) flatworms.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster is a well-studied model organism, especially in the field of neurophysiology and neural circuits. The brain of the Drosophila is small but complex, and the image of a single neuron in the brain can be acquired using confocal microscopy. Analyzing the Drosophila brain is an ideal start to understanding the neural structure. The most fundamental task in studying the neural network of Drosophila is to reconstruct neuronal structures from image stacks. Although the fruit fly brain is small, it contains approximately 100 000 neurons. It is impossible to trace all the neurons manually. This study presents a high-throughput algorithm for reconstructing the neuronal structures from 3D image stacks collected by a laser scanning confocal microscope. The proposed method reconstructs the neuronal structure by applying the shortest path graph algorithm. The vertices in the graph are certain points on the 2D skeletons of the neuron in the slices. These points are close to the 3D centerlines of the neuron branches. The accuracy of the algorithm was verified using the DIADEM data set. This method has been adopted as part of the protocol of the FlyCircuit Database, and was successfully applied to process more than 16 000 neurons. This study also shows that further analysis based on the reconstruction results can be performed to gather more information on the neural network.  相似文献   

Comparison of morphological and physiological phenotypes ofrepresentative crustacean motor neurons, and selected motorneurons of Drosophila larval abdominal muscles, shows severalfeatures in common. Crustacean motor nerve terminals, and thoseof Drosophila, possess numerous small synapses with well-definedactive zones. In crustaceans, neurons that are more tonicallyactive have markedly varicose terminals; synapses and mitochondriaare selectively localized in the varicosities. Phasic motoraxons have filiform terminals, sometimes with small varicosities;mitochondrial content is less than for tonic axons, and synapsesare distributed along the terminals. Tonic axons generate smallexcitatory potentials which facilitate strongly at higher frequencies,and which are resistant to depression. Thephasic neurons generatelarge excitatory potentials which exhibit relatively littlefrequency facilitation, and depress rapidly. In Drosophila,counterparts of crustacean phasic and tonic motor neurons havebeen found, but the differentiation is less pronounced. It isinferredthat cellular factors regulating the number of participatingsynapses and the probability of quantal release are similarin crustaceans and Drosophila, and that advantage can be takenof this in future to develop experiments addressing the regulationof synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Glial cells play important roles in the developing brain during axon fasciculation, growth cone guidance, and neuron survival. In the Drosophila brain, three main classes of glia have been identified including surface, cortex, and neuropile glia. While surface glia ensheaths the brain and is involved in the formation of the blood-brain-barrier and the control of neuroblast proliferation, the range of functions for cortex and neuropile glia is less well understood. In this study, we use the nirvana2-GAL4 driver to visualize the association of cortex and neuropile glia with axon tracts formed by different brain lineages and selectively eliminate these glial populations via induced apoptosis. The larval central brain consists of approximately 100 lineages. Each lineage forms a cohesive axon bundle, the secondary axon tract (SAT). While entering and traversing the brain neuropile, SATs interact in a characteristic way with glial cells. Some SATs are completely invested with glial processes; others show no particular association with glia, and most fall somewhere in between these extremes. Our results demonstrate that the elimination of glia results in abnormalities in SAT fasciculation and trajectory. The most prevalent phenotype is truncation or misguidance of axon tracts, or abnormal fasciculation of tracts that normally form separate pathways. Importantly, the degree of glial association with a given lineage is positively correlated with the severity of the phenotype resulting from glial ablation. Previous studies have focused on the embryonic nerve cord or adult-specific compartments to establish the role of glia. Our study provides, for the first time, an analysis of glial function in the brain during axon formation and growth in larval development.  相似文献   

Previous studies of Drosophila flight muscle neuromuscular synapses have revealed their tripartite architecture and established an attractive experimental model for genetic analysis of glial function in synaptic transmission. Here we extend these findings by defining a new Drosophila glial cell type, designated peripheral perisynaptic glia (PPG), which resides in the periphery and interacts specifically with fine motor axon branches forming neuromuscular synapses. Identification and specific labeling of PPG was achieved through cell type-specific RNAi-mediated knockdown (KD) of a glial marker, Glutamine Synthetase 2 (GS2). In addition, comparison among different Drosophila neuromuscular synapse models from adult and larval developmental stages indicated the presence of tripartite synapses on several different muscle types in the adult. In contrast, PPG appear to be absent from larval body wall neuromuscular synapses, which do not exhibit a tripartite architecture but rather are imbedded in the muscle plasma membrane. Evolutionary conservation of tripartite synapse architecture and peripheral perisynaptic glia in vertebrates and Drosophila suggests ancient and conserved roles for glia-synapse interactions in synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the brain of the monogenean Gastrocotyle trachuri (Platyhelminthes) is described. The brain consists of a central neuropile surrounded by a layer of cell bodies. The neuropile is composed of a fine meshwork of naked neurites which contain various types of vesicles and other organelles although microtubules have not been found. Five kinds of vesicles; three clear types and two dense types, were found within the neuropile.Two types of neuronal cell body were identified on the basis of their vesicle contents although it is possible that these two types represent the extremes of a single cell type. A characteristic feature of the neuronal perikarya of Gastrocotyle is the presence of deep infoldings into the cell of the outer membrane. These infoldings often contain fibrous interstitial material and in a number of cases hemidesmosome-like structures have been found in the distended, distal end of the infoldings.  相似文献   

The Drosophila central brain is composed of approximately 100 paired lineages, with most lineages comprising 100-150 neurons. Most lineages have a number of important characteristics in common. Typically, neurons of a lineage stay together as a coherent cluster and project their axons into a coherent bundle visible from late embryo to adult. Neurons born during the embryonic period form the primary axon tracts (PATs) that follow stereotyped pathways in the neuropile. Apoptotic cell death removes an average of 30-40% of primary neurons around the time of hatching. Secondary neurons generated during the larval period form secondary axon tracts (SATs) that typically fasciculate with their corresponding primary axon tract. SATs develop into the long fascicles that interconnect the different compartments of the adult brain. Structurally, we distinguish between three types of lineages: PD lineages, characterized by distinct, spatially separate proximal and distal arborizations; C lineages with arborizations distributed continuously along the entire length of their tract; D lineages that lack proximal arborizations. Arborizations of many lineages, in particular those of the PD type, are restricted to distinct neuropile compartments. We propose that compartments are “scaffolded” by individual lineages, or small groups thereof. Thereby, the relatively small number of primary neurons of each primary lineage set up the compartment map in the late embryo. Compartments grow during the larval period simply by an increase in arbor volume of primary neurons. Arbors of secondary neurons form within or adjacent to the larval compartments, resulting in smaller compartment subdivisions and additional, adult specific compartments.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, ventral nerve cord (VNC) occupies most of the larval central nervous system (CNS). However, there is little literature elaborating upon the specific types and growth of neurites as defined by their structural appearance in Drosophila larval VNC neuropil. Here we report the ultrastructural development of different types VNC neurites in ten selected time points in embryonic and larval stages utilizing transmission electron microscopy. There are four types of axonal neurites as classified by the type of vesicular content: clear vesicle (CV) neurites have clear vesicles and some T-bar structures; Dense-core vesicle (DV) neurites have dense-core vesicles and without T-bar structures; Mixed vesicle (MV) neurites have mixed vesicles and some T-bar structures; Large vesicle (LV) neurites are dominated by large, translucent spherical vesicles but rarely display T-bar structures. We found dramatic remodeling in CV neurites which can be divided into five developmental phases. The neurite is vacuolated in primary (P) phase, they have mitochondria, microtubules or big dark vesicles in the second (S) phase, and they contain immature synaptic features in the third (T) phase. The subsequent bifurcate (B) phase appears to undergo major remodeling with the appearance of the bifurcation or dendritic growth. In the final mature (M) phase, high density of commensurate synaptic vesicles are distributed around T-bar structures. There are four kinds of morphological elaboration of the CVI neurite sub-types. First, new neurite produces at the end of axon. Second, new neurite bubbles along the axon. Third, the preexisting neurite buds and develops into several neurites. The last, the bundled axons form irregularly shape neurites. Most CVI neurites in M phase have about 1.5–3 µm diameter, they could be suitable to analyze their morphology and subcellular localization of specific proteins by light microscopy, and they could serve as a potential model in CNS in vivo development.  相似文献   

In collaboration with Marshall Nirenberg, we performed in vivo RNA interference (RNAi) genome-wide screening in Drosophila embryos. Pebble has been shown to be involved in Drosophila neuronal development. We have also reported that depletion of Ect2, a mammalian ortholog of Pebble, induces differentiation in NG108-15 neuronal cells. However, the precise role of Ect2 in neuronal development has yet to be studied. Here, we confirmed in PC12 pheochromocytoma cells that inhibition of Ect2 expression by RNAi stimulated neurite outgrowth, and in the mouse embryonic cortex that Ect2 was accumulated throughout the ventricular and subventricular zones with neuronal progenitor cells. Next, the effects of Ect2 depletion were studied in primary cultures of mouse embryonic cortical neurons: Loss of Ect2 did not affect the differentiation stages of neuritogenesis, the number of neurites, or axon length, while the numbers of growth cones and growth cone-like structures were increased. Taken together, our results suggest that Ect2 contributes to neuronal morphological differentiation through regulation of growth cone dynamics.  相似文献   

In studying the larval Drosophila (Diptera : Drosophilidae) blood-brain barrier, it was important to determine if even minute amounts of tracer ultimately seeped through the septate junctions between perineurial cells to reach the neuronal region. Concurrent TEM with X-ray microanalysis was undertaken to resolve that issue. Ultrathin sections of Drosophila nervous tissue in LR White embedment were exposed to ionic tracer (lanthanum chloride) and assayed for presence or absence of lanthanum extracellular to the perineurium and glia making up the nerve sheath. Tracer filled the distal interseptal lattice of pleated sheet-septate junctions, but was contained prior to reaching the proximal paracellular space. No detectable tracer passed through septate junctions to enter the glial-neuronal domain. Based on our present data and the research of others, septate junctions in immature Drosophila are multifunctional structures that enforce spatial relationships between cells, seal intercellular spaces, and control cell proliferation in the epithelia. Septate junctions in Drosophila with the (dlg) gene also exhibit protein homologies to the Z0–1 human tight junction component.  相似文献   

Glial cells subserve a number of essential functions during development and function of the Drosophila brain, including the control of neuroblast proliferation, neuronal positioning and axonal pathfinding. Three major classes of glial cells have been identified. Surface glia surround the brain externally. Neuropile glia ensheath the neuropile and form septa within the neuropile that define distinct neuropile compartments. Cortex glia form a scaffold around neuronal cell bodies in the cortex. In this paper we have used global glial markers and GFP-labeled clones to describe the morphology, development and proliferation pattern of the three types of glial cells in the larval brain. We show that both surface glia and cortex glia contribute to the glial layer surrounding the brain. Cortex glia also form a significant part of the glial layer surrounding the neuropile. Glial cell numbers increase slowly during the first half of larval development but show a rapid incline in the third larval instar. This increase results from mitosis of differentiated glia, but, more significantly, from the proliferation of neuroblasts.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster neuroblasts differentiate in vitro, and each gives rise to a cluster of about 18 daughter neurons. Electron microscopic observations of single clusters show that axons from daughter neurons form a neuropile within the cluster of cell bodies. The neuropile increases in size and complexity for several hours, during which time chemical, and probably electrotonic, synapses form between neurites. Clear vesicles with diameters of about 35 nm and dense core vesicles with diameters of about 60 and 160 nm were detected. The development of the neuropile indicates that the prerequisite cell recognition phenomena were manifested during differentiation in vitro, and the complexity of the neuropile suggests it may have attained the capacity to process information.  相似文献   

The Inositol 1,4,5- trisphosphate receptor (InsP3R) is an intracellular ligand gated channel that releases calcium from intracellular stores in response to extracellular signals. To identify and understand physiological processes and behavior that depends on the InsP3 signaling pathway at a systemic level, we are studying Drosophila mutants for the InsP3R (itpr) gene. Here, we show that growth defects precede larval lethality and both are a consequence of the inability to feed normally. Moreover, restoring InsP3R function in insulin producing cells (IPCs) in the larval brain rescues the feeding deficit, growth and lethality in the itpr mutants to a significant extent. We have previously demonstrated a critical requirement for InsP3R activity in neuronal cells, specifically in aminergic interneurons, for larval viability. Processes from the IPCs and aminergic domain are closely apposed in the third instar larval brain with no visible cellular overlap. Ubiquitous depletion of itpr by dsRNA results in feeding deficits leading to larval lethality similar to the itpr mutant phenotype. However, when itpr is depleted specifically in IPCs or aminergic neurons, the larvae are viable. These data support a model where InsP3R activity in non-overlapping neuronal domains independently rescues larval itpr phenotypes by non-cell autonomous mechanisms.  相似文献   

We have analyzed brain structure in Macrostomum lignano, a representative of the basal platyhelminth taxon Macrostomida. Using confocal microscopy and digital 3D modeling software on specimens labeled with general markers for neurons (tyrTub), muscles (phalloidin), and nuclei (Sytox), an atlas and digital model of the juvenile Macrostomum brain was generated. The brain forms a ganglion with a central neuropile surrounded by a cortex of neuronal cell bodies. The neuropile contains a stereotypical array of compact axon bundles, as well as branched terminal axons and dendrites. Muscle fibers penetrate the flatworm brain horizontally and vertically at invariant positions. Beside the invariant pattern of neurite bundles, these “cerebral muscles” represent a convenient system of landmarks that help define discrete compartments in the juvenile brain. Commissural axon bundles define a dorsal and ventro-medial neuropile compartment, respectively. Longitudinal axons that enter the neuropile through an invariant set of anterior and posterior nerve roots define a ventro-basal and a central medial compartment in the neuropile. Flanking these “fibrous” compartments are neuropile domains that lack thick axon bundles and are composed of short collaterals and terminal arborizations of neurites. Two populations of neurons, visualized by antibodies against FMRFamide and serotonin, respectively, were mapped relative to compartment boundaries. This study will aid in the documentation and interpretation of patterns of gene expression, as well as functional studies, in the developing Macrostomum brain.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, one of the most derived species among holometabolous insects, undifferentiated imaginal cells that are set-aside during larval development are thought to proliferate and replace terminally differentiated larval cells to constitute adult structures. Essentially all tissues that undergo extensive proliferation and drastic morphological changes during metamorphosis are thought to derive from these imaginal cells and not from differentiated larval cells. The results of studies on metamorphosis of the Drosophila tracheal system suggested that large larval tracheal cells that are thought to be terminally differentiated may be eliminated via apoptosis and rapidly replaced by small imaginal cells that go on to form the adult tracheal system. However, the origin of the small imaginal tracheal cells has not been clear. Here, we show that large larval cells in tracheal metamere 2 (Tr2) divide and produce small imaginal cells prior to metamorphosis. In the absence of homothorax gene activity, larval cells in Tr2 become non-proliferative and small imaginal cells are not produced, indicating that homothorax is necessary for proliferation of Tr2 larval cells. These unexpected results suggest that larval cells can become imaginal cells and directly contribute to the adult tissue in the Drosophila tracheal system. During metamorphosis of less derived species of holometabolous insects, adult structures are known to be formed via cells constituting larval structures. Thus, the Drosophila tracheal system may utilize ancestral mode of metamorphosis.  相似文献   

At the mouth tube/introvert border a circumenteric intraepithelial nerve ring occupies a circular ridge protruding into the body cavity. The ring has a centrally located neuropile nearly free of perikarya and two zones of different perikarya above and below the neuropile. Presumably non-neuronal perikarya have an oval nucleus, large heterochromatin clumps and marked filament bundles. Such elements resemble tanycytic glial cells. Two types of presumably neuronal perikarya contain small cytoplasmic granules, similar to those in nerve fibre profiles. One of these neurons has a pale nucleus with a prominent nucleolus, the other a rather inconspicuous nucleus similar to that of the tanycytic cells. The neuronal processes of the fibre ring differ in diameter and contain clear and dense core vesicles, small granules (high or medium electron density) or granules with a dense periphery and a light centre. Sometimes neighbouring processes seem interconnected by electrical synapses. Images suggesting chemical synapses are rare. A large intraepithelial nerve lies in the wall of the introvert and ventral body wall close to the musculature, possibly innervated by this nerve. Frontal of the anus lies an intraepithelial ganglion demonstrating again a central neuropile. two neuronal types and tanycytic elements with filament bundles. Comparative aspects of the characters of the Tubiluchus nervous system are also discussed.  相似文献   

The Drosophila neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is a glutamatergic synapse that is structurally and functionally similar to mammalian glutamatergic synapses. These synapses can, as a result of changes in activity, alter the strength of their connections via processes that require chromatin remodeling and changes in gene expression. The chromodomain helicase DNA binding (CHD) protein, Kismet (Kis), is expressed in both motor neuron nuclei and postsynaptic muscle nuclei of the Drosophila larvae. Here, we show that Kis is important for motor neuron synaptic morphology, the localization and clustering of postsynaptic glutamate receptors, larval motor behavior, and synaptic transmission. Our data suggest that Kis is part of the machinery that modulates the development and function of the NMJ. Kis is the homolog to human CHD7, which is mutated in CHARGE syndrome. Thus, our data suggest novel avenues of investigation for synaptic defects associated with CHARGE syndrome.  相似文献   

Mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor (MANF) is an evolutionarily conserved neurotrophic factor that supports and protects dopaminergic neurons. The Drosophila MANF (DmMANF) null mutant animals die during early development, and DmMANF is required for the maintenance of dopamine positive neurites. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of DmMANF during later developmental stages. Here we report that DmMANF expression in the adult brain is much wider than in the embryonic and larval stages. It is expressed in both glia and neurons including dopaminergic neurons. Clonal analysis showed that DmMANF is not required cell-autonomously for the differentiation of either glia or dopaminergic neurons. In addition, DmMANF overexpression resulted in no apparent abnormal dopaminergic phenotype while DmMANF silencing in glia resulted in prolonged larval stage.  相似文献   

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