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Skeletal muscle mitochondria play a specific role in many disease pathologies. As such, the measurement of oxygen consumption as an indicator of mitochondrial function in this tissue has become more prevalent. Although many technologies and assays exist that measure mitochondrial respiratory pathways in a variety of cells, tissue and species, there is currently a void in the literature in regards to the compilation of these assays using isolated mitochondria from mouse skeletal muscle for use in microplate based technologies. Importantly, the use of microplate based respirometric assays is growing among mitochondrial biologists as it allows for high throughput measurements using minimal quantities of isolated mitochondria. Therefore, a collection of microplate based respirometric assays were developed that are able to assess mechanistic changes/adaptations in oxygen consumption in a commonly used animal model. The methods presented herein provide step-by-step instructions to perform these assays with an optimal amount of mitochondrial protein and reagents, and high precision as evidenced by the minimal variance across the dynamic range of each assay.  相似文献   

The Active State of Mammalian Skeletal Muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new technique is proposed for computing the active state of striated muscle, based on the three component model of Fenn and Marsh (8) and of Hill (7). The method permits calculation of the time course of the active state from its peak to the time at which maximum isometric twitch tension is reached. The intormation required for the calculation can be obtained from a single muscle without moving it from its mount in the lever system. The time course of the active state proved to be a function of the length of the muscle. This length dependency led to the predictions that (a) the length at which maximum force is developed during tetanic stimulation is different from that at which it is developed during a twitch, and (b) the tetanus-twitch tension ratio is a function of length. Both predictions were verified in a series of experiments on the rat gracilis anticus muscle at 17.5°C.  相似文献   

In cardiac muscle, mitochondrial ATP synthesis is driven by demand for ATP through feedback from the products of ATP hydrolysis. However, in skeletal muscle at higher workloads there is an apparent contribution of open-loop stimulation of ATP synthesis. Open-loop control is defined as modulation of flux through a biochemical pathway by a moiety, which is not a reactant or a product of the biochemical reactions in the pathway. The role of calcium, which is known to stimulate the activity of mitochondrial dehydrogenases, as an open-loop controller, was investigated in isolated cardiac and skeletal muscle mitochondria. The kinetics of NADH synthesis and respiration, feedback from ATP hydrolysis products, and stimulation by calcium were characterized in isolated mitochondria to test the hypothesis that calcium has a stimulatory role in skeletal muscle mitochondria not apparent in cardiac mitochondria. A range of respiratory states were obtained in cardiac and skeletal muscle mitochondria utilizing physiologically relevant concentrations of pyruvate and malate, and flux of respiration, NAD(P)H fluorescence, and rhodamine 123 fluorescence were measured over a range of extra mitochondrial calcium concentrations. We found that under these conditions calcium stimulates NADH synthesis in skeletal muscle mitochondria but not in cardiac mitochondria.  相似文献   

The classification of muscle fibres is of particular interest for the study of the skeletal muscle properties in a wide range of scientific fields, especially animal phenotyping. It is therefore important to define a reliable method for classifying fibre types. The aim of this study was to establish a simplified method for the immunohistochemical classification of fibres in mouse. To carry it out, we first tested a combination of several anti myosin heavy chain (MyHC) antibodies in order to choose a minimum number of antibodies to implement a semi-automatic classification. Then, we compared the classification of fibres to the MyHC electrophoretic pattern on the same samples. Only two anti MyHC antibodies on serial sections with the fluorescent labeling of the Laminin were necessary to classify properly fibre types in Tibialis Anterior and Soleus mouse muscles in normal physiological conditions. This classification was virtually identical to the classification realized by the electrophoretic separation of MyHC. This immuno-histochemical classification can be applied to the total area of Tibialis Anterior and Soleus mouse muscles. Thus, we provide here a useful, simple and time-efficient method for immunohistochemical classification of fibres, applicable for research in mouse.Key words: skeletal muscle, mouse, myosin heavy chain, immunohistochemistry, electrophoresis, image analysis  相似文献   

通过对小鼠肌母细胞C2C12的培养,研究C2C12细胞的增殖与分化的关系以及胰岛素在细胞分化过程中的作用。在对照组中,C2C12细胞增殖占了明显的优势,细胞形态几乎没有发生变化;而在实验组中,C2C12细胞在换为分化培养基24小时后,就出现了部分细胞衰亡和死亡的现象,尤其是在48小时细胞的死亡率达到最高,存活细胞开始从增殖期进入分化期,72小时出现了少量肌管,在96小时细胞分化效果达到最好。而在添加了胰岛素的分化培养基中的细胞分化效果明显好于没有添加胰岛素的分化培养基中的细胞,结果表明,胰岛素促进C2C12细胞的分化。  相似文献   

The second generation of female OF1 mice exposed chronically to a magnetic field of 50 Hz and 15 μT (rms) was studied to find out the possible alterations in the skeletal muscle caused by this exposure. Animals were sacrificed at the age of 14 weeks, and their skeletal muscle studied by spectrophotometric and histopathological techniques. Calcium concentration was found to be significantly decreased in the experimental animals, while H2O content, Na, K, Fe, Ni, Mg, and Zn concentrations were not significantly different from those of control animals. Histologically, we found variation in fiber size, rounded and widely separated fibers, centrally located nuclei, and intermyofibrillar lipids. We could not find necrosis, inflammatory infiltrate, or loss of either the filaments or the cross-striation.  相似文献   

Bi-directional calcium (Ca2+) signaling between mitochondria and intracellular stores (endoplasmic/sarcoplasmic reticulum) underlies important cellular functions, including oxidative ATP production. In striated muscle, this coupling is achieved by mitochondria being located adjacent to Ca2+ stores (sarcoplasmic reticulum [SR]) and in proximity of release sites (Ca2+ release units [CRUs]). However, limited information is available with regard to the mechanisms of mitochondrial-SR coupling. Using electron microscopy and electron tomography, we identified small bridges, or tethers, that link the outer mitochondrial membrane to the intracellular Ca2+ stores of muscle. This association is sufficiently strong that treatment with hypotonic solution results in stretching of the SR membrane in correspondence of tethers. We also show that the association of mitochondria to the SR is 1) developmentally regulated, 2) involves a progressive shift from a longitudinal clustering at birth to a specific CRU-coupled transversal orientation in adult, and 3) results in a change in the mitochondrial polarization state, as shown by confocal imaging after JC1 staining. Our results suggest that tethers 1) establish and maintain SR–mitochondrial association during postnatal maturation and in adult muscle and 2) likely provide a structural framework for bi-directional signaling between the two organelles in striated muscle.  相似文献   

Dysferlin is a type II transmembrane protein implicated in surface membrane repair in muscle. Mutations in dysferlin lead to limb girdle muscular dystrophy 2B, Miyoshi Myopathy and distal anterior compartment myopathy. Dysferlin''s mode of action is not well understood and only a few protein binding partners have thus far been identified. Using affinity purification followed by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry, we identified alpha-tubulin as a novel binding partner for dysferlin. The association between dysferlin and alpha-tubulin, as well as between dysferlin and microtubules, was confirmed in vitro by glutathione S-transferase pulldown and microtubule binding assays. These interactions were confirmed in vivo by co-immunoprecipitation. Confocal microscopy revealed that dysferlin and alpha-tubulin co-localized in the perinuclear region and in vesicular structures in myoblasts, and along thin longitudinal structures reminiscent of microtubules in myotubes. We mapped dysferlin''s alpha-tubulin-binding region to its C2A and C2B domains. Modulation of calcium levels did not affect dysferlin binding to alpha-tubulin, suggesting that this interaction is calcium-independent. Our studies identified a new binding partner for dysferlin and suggest a role for microtubules in dysferlin trafficking to the sarcolemma.  相似文献   

疲劳性运动中线粒体电子漏引起质子漏增加   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
以大鼠递增强度力竭性竭性跑台运动为疲劳运动模型,观察了运动后大鼠骨骼肌线粒体电子漏和质子漏的变化。结果表明,运动性疲劳状态下大鼠骨骼肌线粒体超氧阴离子生成增加,脂质过氧线粒体质子漏增多是氧化磷酸化偶联程度下降的重要因素。实验结果支持电子漏引起质子漏的假说。  相似文献   

The effect of the fast skeletal muscle troponin activator, CK-2066260, on calcium-induced force development was studied in skinned fast skeletal muscle fibers from wildtype (WT) and nebulin deficient (NEB KO) mice. Nebulin is a sarcomeric protein that when absent (NEB KO mouse) or present at low levels (nemaline myopathy (NM) patients with NEB mutations) causes muscle weakness. We studied the effect of fast skeletal troponin activation on WT muscle and tested whether it might be a therapeutic mechanism to increase muscle strength in nebulin deficient muscle. We measured tension–pCa relations with and without added CK-2066260. Maximal active tension in NEB KO tibialis cranialis fibers in the absence of CK-2066260 was ∼60% less than in WT fibers, consistent with earlier work. CK-2066260 shifted the tension-calcium relationship leftwards, with the largest relative increase (up to 8-fold) at low to intermediate calcium levels. This was a general effect that was present in both WT and NEB KO fiber bundles. At pCa levels above ∼6.0 (i.e., calcium concentrations <1 µM), CK-2066260 increased tension of NEB KO fibers to beyond that of WT fibers. Crossbridge cycling kinetics were studied by measuring ktr (rate constant of force redevelopment following a rapid shortening/restretch). CK-2066260 greatly increased ktr at submaximal activation levels in both WT and NEB KO fiber bundles. We also studied the sarcomere length (SL) dependence of the CK-2066260 effect (SL 2.1 µm and 2.6 µm) and found that in the NEB KO fibers, CK-2066260 had a larger effect on calcium sensitivity at the long SL. We conclude that fast skeletal muscle troponin activation increases force at submaximal activation in both wildtype and NEB KO fiber bundles and, importantly, that this troponin activation is a potential therapeutic mechanism for increasing force in NM and other skeletal muscle diseases with loss of muscle strength.  相似文献   

VEGFR surface localization plays a critical role in converting extracellular VEGF signaling towards angiogenic outcomes, and the quantitative characterization of these parameters is critical for advancing computational models; however the levels of these receptors on blood vessels is currently unknown. Therefore our aim is to quantitatively determine the VEGFR localization on endothelial cells from mouse hindlimb skeletal muscles. We contextualize this VEGFR quantification through comparison to VEGFR-levels on cells in vitro. Using quantitative fluorescence we measure and compare the levels of VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 on endothelial cells isolated from C57BL/6 and BALB/c gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior hindlimb muscles. Fluorescence measurements are calibrated using beads with known numbers of phycoerythrin molecules. The data show a 2-fold higher VEGFR1 surface localization relative to VEGFR2 with 2,000–3,700 VEGFR1/endothelial cell and 1,300–2,000 VEGFR2/endothelial cell. We determine that endothelial cells from the highly glycolytic muscle, tibialis anterior, contain 30% higher number of VEGFR1 surface receptors than gastrocnemius; BALB/c mice display ∼17% higher number of VEGFR1 than C57BL/6. When we compare these results to mouse fibroblasts in vitro, we observe high levels of VEGFR1 (35,800/cell) and very low levels of VEGFR2 (700/cell), while in human endothelial cells in vitro, we observe that the balance of VEGFRs is inverted, with higher levels VEGFR2 (5,800/cell) and lower levels of VEGFR1 (1,800/cell). Our studies also reveal significant cell-to-cell heterogeneity in receptor expression, and the quantification of these dissimilarities ex vivo for the first time provides insight into the balance of anti-angiogenic or modulatory (VEGFR1) and pro-angiogenic (VEGFR2) signaling.  相似文献   

The elementary Ca2+-release events underlying voltage-activated myoplasmic Ca2+ transients in mammalian muscle remain elusive. Here, we looked for such events in confocal line-scan (x,t) images of fluo-3 fluorescence taken from isolated adult mouse skeletal muscle fibers held under voltage-clamp conditions. In response to step depolarizations, spatially segregated fluorescence signals could be detected that were riding on a global increase in fluorescence. These discrete signals were separated using digital filtering in the spatial domain; mean values for their spatial half-width and amplitude were 1.99 ± 0.09 μm and 0.16 ± 0.005 ΔF/F 0 (n = 151), respectively. Under control conditions, the duration of the events was limited by the pulse duration. In contrast, in the presence of maurocalcine, a scorpion toxin suspected to disrupt the process of repolarization-induced ryanodine receptor (RyR) closure, events uninterrupted by the end of the pulse were readily detected. Overall results establish these voltage-activated low-amplitude local Ca2+ signals as inherent components of the physiological Ca2+-release process of mammalian muscle and suggest that they result from the opening of either one RyR or a coherently operating group of RyRs, under the control of the plasma membrane polarization.  相似文献   

Interactions between the reactive disulfide fungal metabolite, gliotoxin (GTX), and rabbit skeletal ryanodine receptor (RyR) calcium release channels have been examined. RyRs in terminal cisternae vesicles formed a covalent complex with 100 μm 35S-GTX, which was reversed by 1 mm dithiothreitol (DTT) or 1 mm glutathione. GTX (80–240 μm), added to either cytoplasmic (cis) or luminal (trans) solutions, increased the rate of Ca2+ release from SR vesicles and the frequency of opening of single RyR channels in lipid bilayers. Channel activation was reversed upon addition of 2 mm DTT to the cis solution, showing that the activation was due to an oxidation reaction (2 mm DTT added to the cis solution in the absence of GTX did not affect RyR activity). Furthermore, RyRs were not activated by trans GTX if the cis chamber contained DTT, suggesting that GTX oxidized a site in or near the membrane. In contrast to cis DTT, 2 mm DTT in the trans solution increased RyR activity when added either alone or with 200 μm trans GTX. The results suggest that (i) GTX increases RyR channel activity by oxidizing cysteine residues that are close to the membrane and located on RyR, or associated proteins, and (ii) a disulfide bridge or nitrosothiol, accessible only from the luminal solution, normally suppresses RyR channel activity. Some of the actions of GTX in altering Ca2+ homeostatsis might depend on its modification of RyR calcium channels. Received: 12 November 1999/Revised: 14 March 2000  相似文献   

Respirometric profiling of isolated mitochondria is commonly used to investigate electron transport chain function. We describe a method for obtaining samples of human Vastus lateralis, isolating mitochondria from minimal amounts of skeletal muscle tissue, and plate based respirometric profiling using an extracellular flux (XF) analyzer. Comparison of respirometric profiles obtained using 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 μg of mitochondria indicate that 1.0 μg is sufficient to measure respiration and that 5.0 μg provides most consistent results based on comparison of standard errors. Western blot analysis of isolated mitochondria for mitochondrial marker COX IV and non-mitochondrial tissue marker GAPDH indicate that there is limited non-mitochondrial contamination using this protocol. The ability to study mitochondrial respirometry in as little as 20 mg of muscle tissue allows users to utilize individual biopsies for multiple study endpoints in clinical research projects.  相似文献   

线粒体对于细胞钙信号和活性氧信号转导有重要的调控作用.超氧炫是新近发现的单个线粒体超氧阴离子短时程爆发现象,反映了活性氧生成动力学的一种新形式.线粒体钙信号作为重要的细胞功能调控信号,能否及如何调控超氧炫尚待深入研究.本研究对HeLa细胞进行高胞外钙和离子霉素刺激,或用皂苷穿孔细胞质膜后置于高钙细胞内液中,两种方法均显著增加了超氧炫发生的频率.其中,穿孔细胞胞浆高钙诱导的超氧炫依赖于线粒体钙单向转运体,表明超氧炫由线粒体基质内高钙信号所诱发.重要的是,离子霉素诱导的超氧炫发生频率与线粒体稳态钙水平线性相关,而与瞬态线粒体钙无相关性,提示钙离子对超氧炫的调控是一个多步骤、相对缓慢的过程.综上,线粒体基质的稳态高钙是超氧炫的重要调控因子.  相似文献   

FATP1 mediates skeletal muscle cell fatty acid import, yet its intracellular localization and metabolic control role are not completely defined. Here, we examine FATP1 localization and metabolic effects of its overexpression in mouse skeletal muscle. The FATP1 protein was detected in mitochondrial and plasma membrane fractions, obtained by differential centrifugation, of mouse gastrocnemius muscle. FATP1 was most abundant in purified mitochondria, and in the outer membrane and soluble intermembrane, but not in the inner membrane plus matrix, enriched subfractions of purified mitochondria. Immunogold electron microscopy localized FATP1-GFP in mitochondria of transfected C2C12 myotubes. FATP1 was overexpressed in gastrocnemius mouse muscle, by adenovirus-mediated delivery of the gene into hindlimb muscles of newborn mice, fed after weaning a chow or high-fat diet. Compared to GFP delivery, FATP1 did not alter body weight, serum fed glucose, insulin and triglyceride levels, and whole-body glucose tolerance, in either diet. However, fatty acid levels were lower and β-hydroxybutyrate levels were higher in FATP1- than GFP-mice, irrespective of diet. Moreover, intramuscular triglyceride content was lower in FATP1- versus GFP-mice regardless of diet, and β-hydroxybutyrate content was unchanged in high-fat-fed mice. Electroporation-mediated FATP1 overexpression enhanced palmitate oxidation to CO2, but not to acid-soluble intermediate metabolites, while CO2 production from β-hydroxybutyrate was inhibited and that from glucose unchanged, in isolated mouse gastrocnemius strips. In summary, FATP1 was localized in mitochondria, in the outer membrane and intermembrane parts, of mouse skeletal muscle, what may be crucial for its metabolic effects. Overexpressed FATP1 enhanced disposal of both systemic fatty acids and intramuscular triglycerides. Consistently, it did not contribute to the high-fat diet-induced metabolic dysregulation. However, FATP1 lead to hyperketonemia, likely secondary to the sparing of ketone body oxidation by the enhanced oxidation of fatty acids.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is increased following contractile activity and these species interact with multiple signaling pathways to mediate adaptations to contractions. The sources and time course of the increase in ROS during contractions remain undefined. Confocal microscopy with specific fluorescent probes was used to compare the activities of superoxide in mitochondria and cytosol and the hydrogen peroxide content of the cytosol in isolated single mature skeletal muscle (flexor digitorum brevis) fibers prior to, during, and after electrically stimulated contractions. Superoxide in mitochondria and cytoplasm were assessed using MitoSox red and dihydroethidium (DHE) respectively. The product of superoxide with DHE, 2-hydroxyethidium (2-HE) was acutely increased in the fiber cytosol by contractions, whereas hydroxy-MitoSox showed a slow cumulative increase. Inhibition of nitric oxide synthases increased the contraction-induced formation of hydroxy-MitoSox only with no effect on 2-HE formation. These data indicate that the acute increases in cytosolic superoxide induced by contractions are not derived from mitochondria. Data also indicate that, in muscle mitochondria, nitric oxide (NO) reduces the availability of superoxide, but no effect of NO on cytosolic superoxide availability was detected. To determine the relationship of changes in superoxide to hydrogen peroxide, an alternative specific approach was used where fibers were transduced using an adeno-associated viral vector to express the hydrogen peroxide probe, HyPer within the cytoplasmic compartment. HyPer fluorescence was significantly increased in fibers following contractions, but surprisingly followed a relatively slow time course that did not appear directly related to cytosolic superoxide. These data demonstrate for the first time temporal and site specific differences in specific ROS that occur in skeletal muscle fibers during and after contractile activity.  相似文献   



Estrogens are associated with the loss of skeletal muscle strength in women with age. Ovarian hormone removal by ovariectomy in mice leads to a loss of muscle strength, which is reversed with 17β-estradiol replacement. Aging is also associated with an increase in antioxidant stress, and estrogens can improve antioxidant status via their interaction with estrogen receptors (ER) to regulate antioxidant gene expression. The purpose of this study was to determine if ER and antioxidant gene expression in skeletal muscle are responsive to changes in circulating estradiol, and if ERs regulate antioxidant gene expression in this tissue.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Adult C57BL/6 mice underwent ovariectomies or sham surgeries to remove circulating estrogens. These mice were implanted with placebo or 17β-estradiol pellets acutely or chronically. A separate experiment examined mice that received weekly injections of Faslodex to chronically block ERs. Skeletal muscles were analyzed for expression of ER genes and proteins and antioxidant genes. ERα was the most abundant, followed by Gper and ERβ in both soleus and EDL muscles. The loss of estrogens through ovariectomy induced ERα gene and protein expression in the soleus, EDL, and TA muscles at both the acute and chronic time points. Gpx3 mRNA was also induced both acutely and chronically in all 3 muscles in mice receiving 17β-estradiol. When ERs were blocked using Faslodex, Gpx3 mRNA was downregulated in the soleus muscle, but not the EDL and TA muscles.


These data suggest that Gpx3 and ERα gene expression are sensitive to circulating estrogens in skeletal muscle. ERs may regulate Gpx3 gene expression in the soleus muscle, but skeletal muscle regulation of Gpx3 via ERs is dependent upon muscle type. Further work is needed to determine the indirect effects of estrogen and ERα on Gpx3 expression in skeletal muscle, and their importance in the aging process.  相似文献   

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