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本文调查了中国汉族及荷兰高加索群体中人类vWF基因内含子40 nt 31/2 215~2 380 区域 HUMFA 31(C) 遗传多态性的基因频率及基因型频率分布。并对两群体之间的分布以拟然比方法进行比较。对9个等位基因片段测序的结果表明, 在nt 31/2 234~2 265区域也有变异存在。提示该座位当被测等位基因DNA片段长度相同时,仍可能存在遗传差异。 Abstract The allele frequencies and phenotype distribution of humanvWFgene intron 40 in the region of nt 31/2 215~2 380 (HUMFA 31(C)) were investigated in the population of the Netherlands and China. The data between two populations were compared by likelihood ratio test. Nine alleles were sequenced and the polymorphism of region of nt 31/2 234~2 265 was revealed.  相似文献   

单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)主要是指基因组的DNA由于单个核苷酸的变异所引起的DNA序列多态性。本文介绍SNP的检测方法及其在水稻中的研究进展和应用。  相似文献   

RFLP、RAPD、AFLP在水稻农垦58S和1514中多态性比较   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文用RFLP、RAPD和AFLP三种分子标记技术对农垦58SX1514组合及其F2极性集团进行了分析,比较了它们多成性和阳性的比率,结果显示,三种分子标记的多态性和与目的基因连锁的阳性比率分别为19.93%,5.23%;11.17%,0.76%和86.47%,7.52%。AFLP的多态性比率和阳性比率均为最高。分析探讨了三种分子标记技术的优缺点及其在区间高分辩率作图和筛选与目的基因连锁标记中的运  相似文献   

srs-1, a new floral organ identity gene in rice, was mapped using RAPD and RFLP markers. Firstly, the cross was made between "ZhaiYeQing 8" (ZYQ8, indica) and split rice spikelet (SRS, japonica) mutant. The ratio of wild-type individuals and mutant plants in F2 population is 3:1, which indicates that the mutant characteristics are controlled by single recessive gene, srs-1. Consequently, BSA method was adopted and 520 random 10-mer primers were used to screen polymorphic bands between two bulks. Six primers could amplify polymorphic bands, of which S465 generates the most stable RAPD patterns. Then, S465 that cosegregates in F2 population has been converted into an RFLP marker successfully. Furthermore, srs-1 gene was mapped on chromosome 3 using DH mapping population. The effect of srs-1 gene results in the mutant of split rice spikelet. The mutant has longer and softer palea/lemma than those of wild-type, and two small palea/lemma-like organs between palea and lemma. In addition, there is a flower with three stamens and carpel in the axil of lemma. Thus, there are nine stamens and two carpels in the spikelet of mutant. srs-1 gene may belong to homeotic gene of class A according to the mutant characteristics and ABC model.  相似文献   

Complete nucleotide sequences of three kinds of rice ß-tubulincDNA clones (pTUB22, R1623 and R2242) were determined. Southernhybridization indicated that these ß-tubulins consistof one gene family. Using RFLP mapping, these three ß-tubulincDNAs were mapped to different chromosomes indicating at leastthree loci for the ß-tubulin gene. The deduced aminoacid sequences of these cDNAs showed a high similarity to otherplant ß-tubulins. The asparagine residue located atthe 100th amino acid from the Nterminus of plant ß-tubulinswas also conserved with these three ß-tubulins. Thisasparagine is thought to be responsible for the sensitivityagainst rhizoxin, the toxin of the pathogen of rice seedlingblight, Rhizopus sp. a soil-borne microorganism. Expressionof the three ß-tubulin genes was analyzed by Northernblotting and all three clones were expressed in root, the possibletarget tissue of rhizoxin. These results suggest that theseclones are candidates of ß-tubulins targeted by rhizoxin.  相似文献   

srs-1, a new floral organ identity gene in rice, was mapped using RAPD and RFLP markers. Firstly, the cross was made between "ZhaiYeQing 8" (ZYQ8, indica) and split rice spikelet (SRS, japonica) mutant. The ratio of wild-type individuals and mutant plants in F2 population is 3:1, which indicates that the mutant characteristics are controlled by single recessive gene, srs-1. Consequently, BSA method was adopted and 520 random 10-mer primers were used to screen polymorphic bands between two bulks. Six primers could amplify polymorphic bands, of which S465 generates the most stable RAPD patterns. Then, S465 that cosegregates in F2 population has been converted into an RFLP marker successfully. Furthermore, srs-1 gene was mapped on chromosome 3 using DH mapping population. The effect of srs-1 gene results in the mutant of split rice spikelet. The mutant has longer and softer palea/lemma than those of wild-type, and two small palea/lemma-like organs between palea and lemma. In addition, there is a flower wit  相似文献   

本研究以来源于农垦58S的灿型光敏核不育系培矮64S(短日条件下育性难转换)和8902S(短日条件下育性蝗转换)及其F1,F2群体为材料,通过短日不同光温和不同生态条件4种处理,利用RFLP分子标记研究了影响光敏偿育水稻在短日条件下的育性可转换性的遗传,基因定位和基因互作,主要结果表明:影响光敏不育水稻的育性可转换性表现为微效基因的作用,定位了7个控制光敏核不育水稻的育性可转换性QTL,即S2,S3a,S3b,S5,S8和S10,揭示了基因互作真实存在于光敏核不育水稻中,基因互作形式和互作类型对光敏核不育水稻的育性可转换性的影响表现多种多样,不同类型的基因互作所解释的遗传变异处于2.15%-10.07%之间。  相似文献   

Cloning and Mapping of Telomere-Associated Sequences from Rice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have isolated three telomere-associated sequences from riceusing cassette-ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction (PCR).Each of the obtained clones hybridized to the terminal of oneor several rice chromosome arms. The telomeres recognized bythe clones displayed a high level of polymorphism between tworice varieties, Nipponbare (a japonica variety) and Kasalath(an indica variety). Variability in the chromosome termini wasalso detected among individual F2 progeny plants, which werederived from a cross between the two rice varieties. One clonecontaining telomere-associated sequences was located to oneend of chromosome 5, and another clone to one end of chromosome11. For another clone, non-allelic segregation of polymorphichybridization bands was observed between japonica and indicarice; this clone was mapped to one end of chromosome 12 in japonicaand to one end of chromosome 11 in indica rice. This indicatesan exchange of termini between nonhomologous chromosomes.  相似文献   

水稻一多拷贝微卫星DNA多态性分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
用一个多拷贝微卫星 DNA标记分析了238份栽培水稻的遗传多样性及遗传多样性从农家品种到现代栽培品种的动态变化。共检测出16种长度变异类型和32种表现型,但长度变异类型数、表现型数和表现型多样性水平在农家品种和现代栽培品种间没有显著差别。该标记在遗传资源评价和DNA指纹图谱建设中有重要的应用价值,也是研究环境或人工对多拷贝基因选择作用的一个良好模型。 Abstract:The genetic diversity of 238 cultivated rice and its difference between landraces and modern cultivars have been assayed using a multiple copy microsatellite DNA marker.Although 16 length variants and 32 phenotypes were found in all accessions,no significant differences in number of length variants,number of phenotypes and phenotypic diversity were detected between landraces and modern cultivars.This marker is of great value in evaluating genetic germplasm and constructing DNA fingerprints of rice and provides an elite model for tracing effectiveness of natural and artificial selection on multiple copy genes.  相似文献   

水稻多逆境诱导基因OsMsr4的克隆与表达分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为深入了解水稻逆境反应的分子机理和发现新的耐逆相关功能基因,采用Affymetrix水稻表达芯片分析超级稻两优培九母本培矮64S(Oryza sativa L.)不同生长发育时期、不同组织器官全基因组在低温、干旱、高温逆境胁迫下的表达水平,筛选出多个多因子诱导高表达特异基因(待另文发表).OsMsr4是其中一个在多种逆境条件,各生长发育时期与组织器官,其表达量均显著上调的基因,用实时定量PCR方法对其表达水平进行了进一步的分析,所得结果与基因芯片结果基本吻合.用 PCR方法扩增获得长为550 bp全长基因序列,其编码的144个氨基酸残基形成Cys2His2型双锌指结构蛋白,并且锌指结构的α-螺旋区含有植物锌指蛋白特定的保守序列QALGGH.因此,OsMsr4有可能是TFⅢA型锌指蛋白,作为转录因子参与各种环境胁迫应答反应,调控多个逆境相关基因表达.  相似文献   

RAPD技术分析不同抗旱性苜蓿品种DNA的多态性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
分别从不同抗旱性的紫花苜蓿品种中挑选抗旱性强的、抗旱性中等的和抗旱性弱的品种各三个,提取叶片基因组DNA,相同抗旱性苜蓿品种DNA等量混合构建三个池DNA。采用RAPD技术分析不同抗旱性混合DNA的多态性,并筛选出标记多态性的引物。结果表明:13组260个随机引物经五轮筛选,得到48个引物对不同抗旱性苜蓿品种池DNA扩增结果产生多态性,多态性引物占18.5%。其中5个引物能够稳定标记池DNA多态性,且特异性明显。表明不同抗旱性苜蓿品种之间具有明显的遗传多样性。  相似文献   

利用RAPD技术对水稻品种农林8号(含苯达松抗性基因Ben)和其突变体农林8号m (含苯达松敏感致死基因ben)进行标记,从360个10 bp寡核苷酸随机引物中筛选出5个引物产生的7个RAPD标记.经对多态性标记的克隆和序列分析,再设计PCR引物,将其中4个RAPD标记OPG18/943、OPG18/972、OPD10/1248和OPF03/1198转化成SCAR标记SCAR/G18/883、SCAR/G18/890、SCAR/G18/919/948、SCAR/D10/1237、SCAR/F03/1186.通过对农林8号×农林8号m F2分离群体320个单株的连锁分析及在1对含ben基因的近等基因系H121和Hben121中验证,标记SCAR/G18/883、SCAR/G18/890、SCAR/G18/919/948与Ben 或ben基因共分离,SCAR/D10/1237与Ben基因的遗传距离为(14.8±2.1) cM.经Southern blotting分析并结合F2代分离比例表明,标记OPG18/943、OPG18/972及其转化的SCAR标记在基因组中为单拷贝序列,且OPG18/943和OPG18/972为一对等位STS位点.这是首次报道与ben或Ben基因相连锁的分子标记.本研究为利用分子标记辅助ben基因的转育及利用图位克隆技术分离ben基因提供了有用的分子标记.  相似文献   

以栽培稻品种台中65及其等基因已不育系TISL4为材料,用RFLP和RAPD等技术,对F_1花粉不育基因座S-a定位。通过用RFLP和RAPD方法对亲本间进行多态性分析,发现亲本间的多态性很低,说明经多代回交后,在等基因系基因组中供体亲本的DNA片段所占的比例很小。通过连锁分析,将S-a定位在第1染色体上。S-a与分子标记CDO548、O11—1000、RG146和Y13-500之间的遗传距离分别为6.4cM、6.8cM、7.2cM和11.3cM。S-a基因座上S-a~i/S-a~j等位基因互作使携带S-a~j基因的花粉败育是寻致该F_2群体产生偏态分离的主要原因。  相似文献   

水稻苯达松敏感致死基因的RAPD标记和SCAR标记   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用RAPD技术对水稻品种农林 8号 (含苯达松抗性基因Ben)和其突变体农林 8号m (含苯达松敏感致死基因ben)进行标记 ,从 36 0个 10bp寡核苷酸随机引物中筛选出 5个引物产生的 7个RAPD标记。经对多态性标记的克隆和序列分析 ,再设计PCR引物 ,将其中 4个RAPD标记OPG18/ 94 3、OPG18/ 972、OPD10 / 12 4 8和OPF0 3/ 1198转化成SCAR标记SCAR/G18/ 883、SCAR/G18/ 890、SCAR/G18/ 919/ 94 8、SCAR/D10 / 12 37、SCAR/F0 3/ 1186。通过对农林 8号×农林 8号mF2 分离群体 32 0个单株的连锁分析及在 1对含ben基因的近等基因系H12 1和Hben12 1中验证 ,标记SCAR/G18/ 883、SCAR/G18/ 890、SCAR/G18/ 919/ 94 8与Ben或ben基因共分离 ,SCAR/D10 / 12 37与Ben基因的遗传距离为 (14 .8± 2 .1)cM。经Southernblotting分析并结合F2 代分离比例表明 ,标记OPG18/ 94 3、OPG18/ 972及其转化的SCAR标记在基因组中为单拷贝序列 ,且OPG18/ 94 3和OPG18/ 972为一对等位STS位点。这是首次报道与ben或Ben基因相连锁的分子标记。本研究为利用分子标记辅助ben基因的转育及利用图位克隆技术分离ben基因提供了有用的分子标记。  相似文献   

We produced 102 randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markersmapped on all 12 chromosomes of rice using DNAs of cultivarsNipponbare (japonica) and Kasalath (indica) and of F2 populationgenerated by a single cross of these parents. Sixty random primers10 nucleotides long were used both singly and in random pairsand about 1,400 primer-pairs were tested. Using both agarosegel and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis enabled us to detectpolymorphisms appearing in the range from <100 bp to 2 kb.The loci of the RAPD markers were determined onto the frameworkof our RFLP linkage map and some of these markers were mappedto regions with few markers. Out of the 102 RAPD markers, 20STSs (sequence-tagged sites) and STS-specific primer pairs weredetermined by cloning, identifying and sequencing of the mappedpolymorphic fragments.  相似文献   

以粳稻Azucena为父本与灿稻IR64杂交发展的一双单倍体(DH) 本,与灿稻IR1552杂交发展的一重组自交系(RI)群体为材料,应用分子标记图说对2个群体在大田答舅栽2个环境下的穗长进行QTLs及上位性效应分析,DH群体中共检测6个穗长QTLs,位于第1、4长染色体上的3个QTLs,,在2个环境中稳定表达,未检测一闰性效应,加性效应为穗长遗传主效应,RI群体中,共检测到3个穗长QTLs及6对  相似文献   

稻米直链淀粉是在由蜡质基因Wx编码的颗粒结合淀粉合成酶(GBSS)的催化下合成的。最近,在Wx基因的区段内发现了一段多态性微卫星序列(CT)n。对74个非糯籼稻和粳稻材料的(CT)n多态性进行了分析,并探讨了其与直链淀粉含量之间的关系。在74个品种(系)中共发现7种(CT)n片段(Wx等位基因),即(CT)8,(CF)10,(CT)11,(CT)16,(CT)17,(CT)18,(Ch)19。在籼粳亚种间,不同(CT)n的分布存在差异较大:在籼稻中,以(CT)11和(CT)18为主,占92.6%,另有(CT)10和(CT)8各2份,(CT)17型1份;在粳稻中,以(CT)16、(CT)17为主,共占20份材料中的90.0%。在上述74个品种(系)中,以(CT)n表示的Wx基因型对稻米直链淀粉含量的决定系数R2达0.912,也即Wx基因型差异可解释这些材料直链淀粉含量变异的91.2%。还发现6份籼稻材料Wx座位上为杂合的(CT)18/(CT)11,其中2份为推广早籼优质品种浙9248和舟优903,并对其在遗传和育种研究中的意义作了探讨。  相似文献   

锌指蛋白作为植物体内一类重要的转录因子,对植物生长发育、基因调控以及响应外界环境变化方面发挥重要作用。Os BBX6基因属于水稻锌指蛋白B-Box基因家族成员,启动子元件分析发现其含有高温应答元件(HSE)、干旱应答元件(MBS)及非生物胁迫响应元件(TC-rich repeats)等逆境相关元件。组织特异性定量表达分析表明,Os BBX6在叶片中表达最高,根其次,茎和幼穗中表达最低。胁迫处理后的荧光定量PCR发现其受低温诱导上调,受高温、干旱、盐胁迫等抑制表达,表明其正向响应低温胁迫,负向响应高温、干旱、盐胁迫等。另外,本研究还克隆了OsBBX6基因,并对其进行了系统进化、蛋白跨膜、蛋白亚细胞定位及OsBBX6基因共表达等分析,为进一步研究其生物学功能奠定基础。  相似文献   

通过对水稻(Oryza sativa L.) 4号染色体一段323 kb 的序列测定和分析,在其中108 kb的区域内发现了一个由14个编码S位点相关的受体样蛋白激酶(SRK)基因组成的基因簇.RT-PCR实验证明了这14个基因中有9个基因表达,并且这9个基因有不同的表达模式: 其中2个基因主要在生殖器官中表达, 而另外7个基因在水稻的营养和生殖器官中均有表达.对这些基因的预测的氨基酸序列进行分析表明他们的细胞外受体部分均和甘蓝的SLG蛋白高度同源,而细胞内的激酶区都包含有丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶中特异的氨基酸.  相似文献   

取粳稻 (Oryza sativa L.japonica) 品种中花11号开花授粉后15天的幼胚诱导愈伤组织, 在N6D、N6B5D、MsD和B5D 4种培养基上比较愈伤组织生长情况,证明3种培养基均可以用于水稻愈伤组织的培养,但B5D的效果不如另3种培养基,N6D和N6B5D的培养效果优于Ms培养基,N6B5D的效果略好于N6D。后续实验主要采用N6D培养基。进一步对愈伤组织的HygB敏感性试验,发现30mg/L的HygB对愈伤组织生长有明显的抑制作用,50mg/L的浓度对愈伤的生长抑制作用更彻底,因此认为采用50mg/L的浓度进行抗HygB的愈伤组织筛选比较可靠。利用上述结果,在水稻遗传转化方面进行了应用和验证,发现效果比较明显。  相似文献   

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