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Riparian zones have long been considered as nitrate sinks in landscapes. Yet, riparian zones are also known to be very productive ecosystems with a high rate of nitrogen cycling. A key factor regulating processes in the N cycle in these zones is groundwater table fluctuation, which controls aerobic/anaerobic conditions in the soil. Nitrification and denitrification, key processes regulating plant productivity and nitrogen buffering capacities are strictly aerobic and anaerobic processes, respectively. In this study we compared the effects of these factors on the nitrogen cycling in riparian zones under different climatic conditions and N loading at the European scale. No significant differences in nitrification and denitrification rates were found either between climatic regions or between vegetation types. On the other hand, water table elevation turned out to be the prime determinant of the N dynamics and its end product. Three consistent water table thresholds were identified. In sites where the water table level is within –10cm of the soil surface, ammonification is the main process and ammonium accumulates in the topsoils. Average water tables between –10 and –30cm favour denitrification and therefore reduce the nitrogen availability in soils. In drier sites, that is, water table level below –30cm, nitrate accumulates as a result of high net nitrification. At these latter sites, denitrification only occurs in fine textured soils probably triggered by rainfall events. Such a threshold could be used to provide a proxy to translate the consequences of stream flow regime change to nitrogen cycling in riparian zones and consequently, to potential changes in nitrogen mitigation.  相似文献   

Expansion of woody vegetation into areas that were historically grass-dominated is a significant contemporary threat to grasslands, including native tallgrass prairie ecosystems of the Midwestern United States. In tallgrass prairie, much of this woody expansion is concentrated in riparian zones with potential impacts on biogeochemical processes there. Although the effects of woody riparian vegetation on denitrification in both riparian soils and streams have been well studied in naturally wooded ecosystems, less is known about the impacts of woody vegetation encroachment in ecosystems that were historically dominated by herbaceous vegetation. Here, we analyze the effect of afforestation and subsequent woody plant removal on riparian and benthic denitrification. Denitrification rates in riparian soil and selected benthic compartments were measured seasonally in naturally grass-dominated riparian zones, woody encroached riparian zones, and riparian zones with woody vegetation removed in two separate watersheds. Riparian soil denitrification was highly seasonal, with the greatest rates in early spring. Benthic denitrification also exhibited high temporal variability, but no seasonality. Soil denitrification rates were greatest in riparian zones where woody vegetation was removed. Additionally, concentrations of nitrate, carbon, and soil moisture (indicative of potential anoxia) were greatest in wood removal soils. Differences in the presence and abundance of benthic compartments reflected riparian vegetation, and may have indirectly affected denitrification in streams. Riparian soil denitrification increased with soil water content and NO3 ?. Management of tallgrass prairies that includes removal of woody vegetation encroaching on riparian areas may alter biogeochemical cycling by increasing nitrogen removed via denitrification while the restored riparian zones return to a natural grass-dominated state.  相似文献   

Patches of organic matter have been found to be important `hotspots' of denitrification in both surface and subsurface soils, but the factors controlling the formation and maintenance of these patches are not well established. We compared the concentration of patches of organic matter and root biomass in the subsurface (saturated zone) beneath poorly drained riparian wetland soils at four sites in Rhode Island, USA - two dominated by red maple (Acer rubrum) and two dominated by white pine (Pinus strobus). Denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) and carbon (C) content of patch material were compared between sites and between patches with different visual characteristics. Root decomposition was measured in an 8-week ex-situ incubation experiment that compared the effects of water content, root species, and soil matrix origin on CO2 evolution. We observed significantly greater concentrations of patches at 55 cm at one red maple site than all other sites. DEA and percent C in patches was generally higher in patches than matrix soil and did not vary between sites or by patch type. White pine roots decomposed at a faster rate than red maple roots under unsaturated conditions. Our results suggest that faster root decomposition could result in lower concentrations of patches of organic material in subsurface soils at sites dominated by white pine. Tree species composition and root decomposition may play a significant role in the formation of patches and the creation and maintenance of groundwater denitrification hotspots in the subsurface of riparian wetlands. Abbreviations: DEA – denitrification enzyme activity; DOC – dissolved organic carbon; PD – poorly drained; RM-1 – red maple-1 site; RM-2 – red maple-2 site; WP-1 – white pine-1 site; WP-2 – white pine-2 site.  相似文献   

We compared potential denitrification and phosphorus (P) sorption in restored depressional wetlands, restored riparian buffers, and natural riparian buffers of central Ohio to determine to what extent systems restored under the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Wetland Reserve Program (WRP) and Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) provide water quality improvement benefits, and to determine which practice is more effective at nutrient retention. We also measured soil nutrient pools (organic C, N, and P) to evaluate the potential for long‐term C sequestration and nutrient accumulation. Depressional wetland soils sorbed twice as much P as riparian soils, but had significantly lower denitrification rates. Phosphorus sorption and denitrification were similar between the restored and natural riparian buffers, although all Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) practices had higher denitrification than agricultural soils. Pools of organic C (2570–3320 g/m2), total N (216–243 g/m2), and total P (60–71 g/m2) were comparable among all three NRCS practices but were greater than nearby agricultural fields and less than natural wetlands in the region. Overall, restored wetlands and restored and natural riparian buffers provide ecosystem services to the landscape that were lost during the conversion to agriculture, but the delivery of services differs among conservation practices, with greater N removal by riparian buffers and greater P removal by wetlands, attributed to differences in landscape position and mineral soil composition. At the landscape, and even global level, wetland and riparian restoration in agricultural landscapes will reintroduce multiple ecosystem services (e.g. C sequestration, water quality improvement, and others) and should be considered in management plans .  相似文献   

A better understanding of nitrate removal mechanisms is important for managing the water quality function of stream riparian zones. We examined the linkages between hydrologic flow paths, patterns of electron donors and acceptors and the importance of denitrification as a nitrate removal mechanism in eight riparian zones on glacial till and outwash landscapes in southern Ontario, Canada. Nitrate-N concentrations in shallow groundwater from adjacent cropland declined from levels that were often 10–30 mg L–1 near the field-riparian edge to < 1 mg L–1 in the riparian zones throughout the year. Chloride data suggest that dilution cannot account for most of this nitrate decline. Despite contrasting hydrogeologic settings, these riparian zones displayed a well-organized pattern of electron donors and acceptors that resulted from the transport of oxic nitrate-rich groundwater to portions of the riparian zones where low DO concentrations and an increase in DOC concentrations were encountered. The natural abundances of d15N and in situ acetylene injection to piezometers indicate that denitrification is the primary mechanism of nitrate removal in all of the riparian zones. Our data indicate that effective nitrate removal by denitrification occurs in riparian zones with hydric soils as well as in non-hydric riparian zones and that a shallow water table is not always necessary for efficient nitrate removal by denitrification. The location of hot spots of denitrification within riparian areas can be explained by the influence of key landscape variables such as slope, sediment texture and depth of confining layers on hydrologic pathways that link supplies of electron donors and acceptors.  相似文献   

Riparian ecosystems are recognized as sinks for inorganic nitrogen (N). Denitrification, a heterotrophic microbial process, often accounts for a significant fraction of the N removed. Characteristics of both riparian soils and hydrologic vectors may constrain the locations where denitrification can occur within riparian ecosystems by influencing the distribution of substrates, water, and suitable redox conditions. We employed spatially explicit methods to quantify heterogeneity of soil characteristics and potential rate of denitrification in semi-arid riparian ecosystems. These results allow us to evaluate the relative contributions of hydrologic vectors (water courses that convey materials) and soil resources (materials required by biota) to spatial heterogeneity of denitrification. During dry and monsoon seasons we contrasted a mesic site, characterized by shallow groundwater and annual inundation by floods, with a xeric site that is inundated less often and has a deeper water table. Potential denitrification was detected throughout the mesic floodplain and the average rate of denitrification was greater at the mesic site than at the xeric site, indicating the influence of water availability on denitrification. At the xeric reach, sharp declines in pools of soil resources and rate of denitrification occurred away from the stream, demonstrating the importance of the stream in determining spatial patterns. Using geographically weighted regression analysis, we determined that soil organic matter and soil nitrate were significant predictors of denitrification at the xeric site, but that factors influencing denitrification varied spatially. Spatial heterogeneity of carbon (C) and N substrates in soils likely influenced spatial patterns of denitrification, but distribution of C and N substrates was ultimately organized by hydrologic vectors. Droughts will increase the abundance of reaches with hydrogeomorphic templates similar to the xeric reach studied here. Consequences of such a transition may include a reduced rate of denitrification and patchy distribution of denitrification in floodplain soils, which will decrease the contribution of riparian ecosystems to N removal. TKH designed and completed the study and wrote the paper; EAW contributed methods and edited the paper; NBG designed the study and edited the paper.  相似文献   

Denitrification in floodplains is a major issue for river- and groundwater quality. In the Upper Rhine valley, floodplain forests are about to be restored to serve as flood retention areas (polders). Besides flood attenuation in downstream areas, improvement of water quality became recently a major goal for polder construction. Redox potential monitoring was suggested as a means to support assessment of nitrogen elimination in future floodplains by denitrification during controlled flooding. To elucidate the relationship between redox potential and denitrification, experiments with floodplain soils and in situ measurements were done. Floodplain soil of two depth profiles from a hardwood forest of the Upper Rhine valley was incubated anaerobically with continuous nitrate supply. Reduction of nitrate was followed and compared with redox potential and organic matter content. The redox potential under denitrifying conditions ranged from 10 to 300 mV. Redox potential values decreased with increasing nitrate reduction rates and increasing organic matter content. Furthermore, a narrow correlation between organic matter and nitrate reduction was observed. Experiments were intended to help interpreting redox potentials generated under in situ conditions as exemplified by in situ observations for the year 1999. Results obtained by experiments and in situ observations showed that monitoring of redox potential could support management of the flooding regime to optimize nitrogen retention by denitrification in future flood retention areas.  相似文献   

Predicted changes in the timing and magnitude of storms have the potential to amplify water quality challenges associated with agricultural runoff. In agricultural streams of the Midwestern US, floodplain restoration has the potential to enhance inorganic nitrogen (N) removal by increasing the bioreactive surface area for microbially-mediated denitrification. The restoration of inset floodplains via construction of the two-stage ditch increases denitrification compared to channelized systems, however, little is known about how denitrification on restored floodplains compares to those formed naturally when stream channel management lapses. We used sacrificial microcosm incubations and membrane-inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS) to compare denitrification rates in floodplain soils collected along transects in both naturalized and restored floodplains; longitudinal transects spanned two zones in the active floodplain (near-stream, NS vs. middle, MID) and a third zone that reflected upland conditions in the riparian buffer strip (UP). Denitrification rates were 35–49% higher in the restored, inset floodplains compared to naturalized floodplains. Variation in denitrification rates were primarily explained by soil organic matter (OM) and OM was > 20% higher in restored floodplains than naturalized, highlighting the contrasts between stable, constructed floodplains with heterogeneous, depositional bars typical of naturalizing channels. Consequently, restored inset floodplains could remove > 70% more N than the naturalized floodplains during similar storm inundation events.  相似文献   

This study, based on field and laboratory work, investigates the biogeochemical activity below the organic top soil horizons, particularly the potential for nitrate removal processes in the deep vadose zone (1–2.5 m depth) of a weathered granite. An experimental site located in the Kerbernez agricultural catchment (Brittany) has been equipped with ceramic cups from 0.5 to 2.5 m depth since November 2001. This arrangement allowed collection of water samples from the soil profile and the upper part of the unsaturated weathered granite. Samples were analysed twice a month for chloride, nitrate and sulphate concentrations over a period of 2.5 years. Laboratory measurements were carried out on three soil horizons and four weathered granite facies sampled in October 2003 for hydrolasic activity, potential nitrification, potential denitrification and batch experiments to study nutrient dynamics. Anion analyses in the field show that the nitrate and chloride concentrations were linearly correlated at each depth. The nitrate/chloride ratio decreased with depth in the upper part of the weathered granite from 4.93 to 2.82. This suggests that nitrate was removed during its vertical transport in the unsaturated zone. The laboratory experiments show that the bacterial activity decreased with depth. However, a significant potential for biogeochemical reactions exists below the organic soil layers. The denitrification rates obtained in the laboratory were significant, up to 800 ng  N h−1 g−1 after about 100 h of incubation for the most reactive weathered granite facies. These rates agree with effective rates usually measured in riparian zones, but they were 50 times higher than those observed in the field. This difference suggests that the denitrification processes occurring in the field were spatially limited to localised anaerobic microsites, where the bacterial activities are controlled by the availability of N and C substrate. Finally, the laboratory measurements lead us to assume that heterotrophic denitrification was clearly the predominant process occurring in the field because of the good correlation between nitrate concentration variation and carbon content (r = −0.94). Moreover, the slight increase in sulphate concentrations observed in the field and in the laboratory was insufficient to explain the complete removal of nitrate.  相似文献   

Stream restoration is often employed in efforts to stabilize eroding channel banks. Banks are stabilized through a designed channel approach, which involves grading and armoring of stream banks using heavy machinery, or alternatively through planting of seedlings and saplings to establish forested riparian buffers. We hypothesized that designed channel restoration would have detrimental impacts on riparian soils but that soils would recover over time, and we hypothesized that riparian buffer restoration would not impact riparian soils. We tested these hypotheses by comparing soil attributes (bulk density, soil organic matter, and root biomass) at reaches that had undergone designed channel and riparian buffer restoration in different years (project ages ranged from 2 to 16 years) to paired urban (unrestored) control reaches. Soil properties in sub‐surface soil layers (10–20 and 20–30 cm depth) at both recent (<10 years old) and older (>10 years old) designed channel reaches differed significantly from paired urban control soils; bulk density was higher and root biomass lower in manipulated reaches compared to urban control reaches. At many designed channel reaches, bulk density exceeded values known to restrict root growth. These results indicate that compaction and disturbance of riparian soils may be a significant unintended consequence of designed channel restoration and can persist for at least a decade. In contrast, we found no significant differences in soil properties between riparian buffer restoration reaches and urban control reaches. Thus, the results indicate that riparian buffer restoration is a more ecologically favorable method than designed channel restoration for bank stabilization.  相似文献   

I compared growth and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) colonization of two prairie grasses (Wild rye [Elymus canadensis] and Little bluestem [Schizachyrium scoparium]), an early‐ and a late‐dominating species in prairie restorations, respectively, grown in soil from restored prairies of differing age, soil characteristics, and site history. There were no consistent patterns between restoration age and soil inorganic nutrients or organic matter. The oldest restoration site had higher soil mycorrhizal inoculum potential (MIP) than 2‐ and 12‐year‐old restorations. However, MIP did not translate into actual colonization for two species grown in soils from the three restorations, nor did MIP relate to phosphorus availability. There were significant differences in root mass and colonization among Wild rye plants but not among Little bluestem plants grown in soils from the three restorations. Wild rye grown in 2‐year‐old restoration soil had significantly higher AMF colonization than when it was grown in soils from the 12‐ and 17‐year‐old restorations. Wild rye grown in 2‐year‐old restoration soil also had higher colonization than Little bluestem grown in 2‐ and 12‐year‐old restoration soils. Little bluestem had no significant correlations between shoot biomass, root biomass or colonization, and concentrations of soil P, total N, or N:P. However, for Wild rye, total soil N was positively correlated with root mass and negatively correlated with colonization, suggesting that in this species, mycorrhizae may affect N availability. Collectively, these results suggest that soil properties unrelated to restoration age were important in determining differences in growth and AMF colonization of two species of prairie grasses.  相似文献   

Topsoil stockpiled for 4 years resulted in an accumulation of NH4-N at depths of 1m or more in mound, as measured by an ammonia gas-sensing electrode. When leached with water these soils were also found to contain high concentrations of dissolved organic C below 1m. Both NH4-N and DOC were products of microbial mineralisation of soil organic matter that accumulated under anaerobic conditions. When these soils were restored a flush of decomposition took place, fuelled by labile organic matter and soluble nitrogen.Stockpiled soil which underwent an ammonium-rich perfusion regime in the laboratory indicated that in-mound soils rapidly attained greater nitrification potential than surface mound soils and also had greater potential for further mineralisation of organic matter to NH4-N. This further production was seen as a contribution from the bacterial flush, stimulated by the large labile-C pool already present.As the bulk of stored soil was anaerobic, restored soils were seen as potentially wasteful of their N-reserves; the fate of nitrogen and soluble carbon compounds in restored soils is discussed.  相似文献   

帽儿山地区不同类型河岸带土壤的反硝化效率   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
以帽儿山地区森林背景下的森林、皆伐、草地河岸带和农田背景下的森林、裸地河岸带土壤为研究对象,采用硝态氮消失法,研究了不同背景下各类型河岸带的反硝化强度及其影响因素.结果表明:各类型河岸带中,农田背景下的森林河岸带土壤反硝化强度最大,其硝态氮消失率的变化范围为46.79%~91.13%,农田背景下的裸地河岸带土壤反硝化强度最小,其硝态氮消失率的变化范围为15.64%~81.84%;森林背景下土壤反硝化强度的大小顺序为皆伐河岸带〉森林河岸带〉草地河岸带,其硝态氮消失率的变化范围依次为42.06%~90.39%、28.24%~85.73%、21.44%~83.11%.研究区河岸带表层土壤的反硝化强度大于底层.河岸带土壤反硝化强度均受可利用碳、硝态氮的限制,各类型河岸带以农田背景下森林河岸带土壤反硝化潜力最大.  相似文献   

Denitrification in riparian wetlands plays a major role in eliminating nitrate coming from agricultural watershed uplands before they reach river water. A new approach was developed for representing this process in the biogeochemical Riverstrahler model, using a single adjustable parameter representing the potential denitrification rate of wetland soils. Applied to the case of three watersheds with contrasting size, land-use and hydro-climatic regime, namely the Seine and the Loir rivers (France) and the Red River (Vietnam), this new model is able to capture the general level of nitrate concentrations as well as their seasonal variations everywhere over the drainage network. The nitrogen budgets calculated from the results show that riparian denitrification eliminates between 10 and 50% of the diffuse sources of nitrogen into the hydrosystem coming from soil nitrate leaching.  相似文献   

The role of micro-organisms in the ecological connectivity of running waters   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
1. Riparian zones hold a central place in the hydrological cycle, owing to the prevalence of surface and groundwater interactions. In riparian transition zones, the quality of exfiltrating water is heavily influenced by microbial activities within the bed sediments. This paper reviews the role of micro-organisms in biogeochemical cycling in the riparian-hyporheic ecotone. 2. The production of organic substances, such as cellulose and lignin, by riparian vegetation is an important factor influencing the pathways of microbial processing in the riparian zone. For example, anaerobic sediment patches, created by entrainment of allochthonous organic matter, are focal sites of microbial denitrification. 3. The biophysical structure of the riparian zone largely influences in-stream microbial transformations through the retention of organic matter. Particulate and dissolved organic matter (POM and DOM) is retained effectively in the hyporheic zone, which drives biofilm development and associated microbial activity. 4. The structure of the riparian zone, the mechanisms of POM retention, the hydrological linkages to the stream and the intensity of key biogeochemical processes vary greatly along the river continuum and in relation to the geomorphic setting. However, the present state of knowledge of organic matter metabolism in the hyporheic zone suggests that lateral ecological connectivity is a basic attribute of lotic ecosystems. 5. Due to their efficiency in transforming POM into heterotrophic microbial biomass, attached biofilms form an abundant food resource for an array of predators and grazers in the interstitial environments of rivers and streams. The interstitial microbial loop, and the intensity of microbial production within the bed sediments, may be a primary driver of the celebrated high productivity and biodiversity of the riparian zone. 6. New molecular methods based on the analysis of the low molecular weight RNA (LMW RNA) allow unprecedented insights into the community structure of natural bacterial assemblages and also allow identification and study of specific strains hitherto largely unknown. 7. Research is needed on the development and evaluation of sampling methods for interstitial micro-organisms, on the characterization of biofilm structure, on the analysis of the biodegradable matter in the riparian-hyporheic ecotone, on the regulation mechanisms exerted on microbiota by interstitial predators and grazers, and on measures of microbial respiration and other key activities that influence biogeochemical cycles in running waters. 8. Past experiences from large-scale alterations of riparian zones by humans, such as the River Rhine in central Europe, undeniably demonstrate the detrimental consequences of disconnecting rivers from their riparian zones. A river management approach that uses the natural services of micro-organisms within intact riparian zones could substantially reduce the costs of clean, sustainable water supplies for humans.  相似文献   

Research in river-floodplain systems has emphasized the importance of nutrient delivery by floodwaters, but the mechanisms by which floods make nutrients available are rarely evaluated. Using a laboratory re-wetting experiment, we evaluated the alternative hypotheses that increased nutrient concentrations in riparian groundwater during flash floods are due to (H1) elevated nutrient concentrations in surface floodwaters entering the riparian zone or (H2) re-mobilization of nutrients from riparian soils. We sampled soils from the riparian zone of a 400m reach of Sycamore Creek, AZ. Two sub-samples from each soil were re-wetted with a solution that mimicked the chemistry of floodwaters, with one sub-sample simultaneously treated with a biocide. We also measured structural characteristics of soils (texture, organic matter, moisture, and extractable nutrients) to investigate relationships between these characteristics and response to re-wetting. Riparian soils exhibited considerable variation in physical and chemical structure. Soil organic matter, moisture, and texture co-varied among samples. Re-wetting increased concentrations of nitrate and ammonium, and decreased SRP, relative to initial concentrations. Live soils were significantly lower in NO3-and SRP than biocide-treated samples. Extractable DIN pools were the best predictors of mobilization, and soil organic matter was strongly correlated with nitrate losses, probably via its relationship with microbial uptake. Nutrient mobilization and processing also varied considerably with depth, lateral position, and among plots. We estimate that 70–80% of N in riparian groundwater during flash floods is re-mobilized from riparian soils, but are unable to reject the hypothesis that flood inputs may be important sources of nutrients to riparian soils over longer time scales.  相似文献   

Soil amendments promote denitrification in restored wetlands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Wetlands perform important ecosystem functions, including improvement of water quality through the process of denitrification. To offset the negative environmental impact of replacing wetlands with agriculture and development, the United States has a policy requiring that losses in wetland area are compensated for through wetland restoration elsewhere. However, these restored wetlands may require decades to achieve functional equivalency to natural wetlands. We evaluated the efficacy of using carbon amendments during restoration to promote denitrification potential in four restored wetlands in central New York State, United States. The amendments were straw, topsoil, and biochar, chosen to range along a gradient of carbon lability. Soil samples collected 6 years after restoration were analyzed for denitrification potential and associated soil properties, including soil carbon and nitrogen, pH, microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen, carbon lability, and potential net nitrogen mineralization and nitrification. Compared to unamended control plots, denitrification potential was approximately 3 times higher in straw‐amended plots, 8 times higher in topsoil‐amended plots, and 11 times higher in biochar‐amended plots. Denitrification potential positively correlated with both soil organic carbon and microbial biomass nitrogen, suggesting that the use of soil amendments in restorations can help stimulate the development of denitrification potential by facilitating the suite of carbon and nitrogen cycling processes that underlie this function. However, denitrification potential in a nearby natural reference wetland was at least 50 times higher than it was in the restored wetland plots, highlighting the limitations of using wetland restoration to compensate for the loss of natural wetlands.  相似文献   

Principles of planning and establishment of buffer zones   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Good management of the uplands is essential and effective buffer zones along the streams draining the basin will complete the task of water quality protection. Most basin drainage moves through the riparian zones of first- and second-order headwaters streams. It is important to have continuous buffers on both sides of these streams. For larger streams, protect the flood plains. Several zones of buffer vegetation are most effective. A narrow grass strip at the upland edge traps suspended particulates and phosphorus. A wider zone of woody vegetation traps nitrate, and both cools and provides natural organic matter to the receiving waters. Contour the buffer surface to avoid concentrated storm flows and periodically remove sediment berms that develop. For a completely degraded riparian zone, it is essential to provide soils of the right porosity and organic carbon content. Sub-soils need to be permeable and to have a reasonable groundwater retention time. High organic carbon is required to develop a low redox potential. Provide short-term protection from erosion. Only add native species. Sometimes, exotic plants get established and must be eradicated. Fence livestock out. Control excessive activity by wild ungulates, voles, and beaver.  相似文献   

1. Groundwater nitrate contamination has become a worldwide problem as increasing amounts of nitrogen fertilisers are used in agriculture. Alluvial groundwater is uniquely juxtaposed between soils and streams. Hydrological connections among these subsystems regulate nutrient cycling. 2. We measured denitrification using an in situ acetylene‐block assay in a nitrate‐contaminated portion of the Garonne River catchment along a gradient of surface water–ground water mixing during high (snowmelt) and low flow. 3. During high flow (mid‐April to early June) the water table rose an average of 35 cm and river water penetrated the subsurface to a great extent in monitoring wells. Denitrification rates averaged 5.40 μgN2O L?1 min?1 during the high flow period, nearly double the average rate (2.91 μgN2O L?1 min?1) measured during base flow. This was driven by a strong increase in denitrification in groundwater under native riparian vegetation. Nitrate concentrations were significantly lower during high flow compared with base flow. Riparian patches had higher dissolved organic carbon concentrations that were more aromatic compared with the gravel bar patch closest to the river. 4. Multiple linear regression showed that the rate of denitrification was best predicted by the concentration of low molecular weight organic acids. These molecules are probably derived from decomposition of soil organic matter and are an important energy source for anaerobic respiratory processes like denitrification. The second best predictor was per cent surface water, reflecting higher denitrification rates during spring when hydrological connection between surface water and ground water was greatest. 5. Our results indicate that, while denitrification rates in Garonne River alluvium were spatially and temporally variable, denitrification was a significant NO3 sink during transport from the NO3‐contaminated floodplain to the river. DOC availability and river–floodplain connectivity were important factors influencing observed spatial and temporal patterns.  相似文献   

Riparian zones are landscape features adjacent to streams and are widely recognized as important in reducing erosion and filtering groundwater. Few studies directly investigate rooting dynamics of riparian areas, and little information exists concerning riparian root densities, biomass, depth profiles, changes through time, or vulnerability to disturbance. This study examined spatial and temporal patterns in root systems in streamsides influenced by season, hydrologic regime, vegetative composition, and ice storm disturbance in the eastern Adirondacks, New York. Sequential root cores and in-growth cores were collected from June 2000 through August 2001 in a riparian area with minimal ice storm damage adjacent to a third-order stream. Data were used to assess seasonal trends in root biomass and to provide a reference for spatial comparisons. The biomass and surface area of roots collected in the reference site cores were compared with cores collected at nine additional riparian sites differing in degree of canopy damage from the January 1998 ice storm. Average root biomass at the reference site was 1330 g/m2, comparable to or greater than values reported for terrestrial and other riparian systems. Root biomass varied seasonally with a maximum root biomass in August, 2000; this result was not repeated the following year after the water table inundated much of the rooting zone in mid-June. Root biomass was spatially variable on a range of scales. Although the maximum root surface area occurred in the upper 10 cm, root biomass peaked at 20–30 cm belowground, unlike observations from most other root studies where the maximum root biomass has been found in the top 10 cm. Areas severely damaged by the ice storm had significantly less root biomass and surface area than areas with low damage. This study demonstrates that root biomass in riparian areas is highly dynamic over time, space, and across disturbance sites. Our findings suggest that the spatial variability in root densities has direct implications for riparian vulnerability to erosion.  相似文献   

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