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S. B. Ku  G. E. Edwards 《Planta》1980,147(4):277-282
In the C4 plant, Amaranthus graecizans, increasing [O2] from 2% up to 100% inhibited photosynthesis, quantum yield, and the carboxylation efficiency, and increased the CO2 compensation point () from 2 to about 12 l/l. The O2 inhibition of photosynthesis was fully reversible. When changing from 2.5 to 40% O2 and vice versa, about 1 h was required for full equilibration with an O2 inhibition of 18%; whereas in wheat, a C3 species, inhibition of photosynthesis and its reversal occurs within minutes after changing [O2], resulting in 63% inhibition of photosynthesis by 45% O2. These differences in O2 inhibition between a C4 and C3 species can be explained by high diffusive resistance across bundle-sheath cells of C4 plants and the increased CO2/O2 ratio in bundle-sheath cells which is the consequence of the C4 cycle. In A. graecizans, increased with increasing [O2] but tended to reach a maximum at relatively high O2 levels. The lack of a linear increase in as previously observed for C3 species indicates that a considerable amount of photorespired CO2 may be re-fixed with increasing levels of O2. In comparison to previous reports with other C4 species, photosynthesis of A. graecizans shows greater sensitivity to O2, with a noticeable inhibition occurring with shifts from 2 to 21% O2. A. graecizans has characteristics of other C4 species with respect to Kranz anatomy, localization of PEP carboxylase in mesophyll cells and RuBP carboxylase in bundle-sheath cells, and little fractionation among carbon isotopes during CO2 fixation. The basis for the higher sensitivity of photosynthesis of A. graecizans to O2 may be based upon a lower diffusive resistance of gases across bundle-sheath cells than in some other C4 species.Abbreviations CE carboxylation efficiency - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - CO2 compensation point  相似文献   

The relationship between the gas-exchange characteristics of attached leaves of Amaranthus edulis L. and the contents of photosynthetic intermediates was examined in response to changing irradiance and intercellular partial pressure of CO2. After determination of the rate of CO2 assimilation at known intercellular CO2 pressure and irradiance, the leaf was freeze-clamped and the contents of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate, glycerate-3-phosphate, fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, glucose-6-phosphate, fructose-6-phosphate, triose phosphates, phosphoenolpyruvate, pyruvate, oxaloacetate, aspartate, alanine, malate and glutamate were measured. A comparison between the sizes of metabolite pools and theoretical calculations of metabolite gradients required for transport between the mesophyll and the bundle-sheath cells showed that aspartate, alanine, glycerate-3-phosphate and triose phosphates were present in sufficient quantities to support transport by diffusion, whereas pyruvate and oxaloacetate were not likely to contribute appreciably to the flux of carbon between the two cell types. The amounts of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate were high at low intercellular partial pressures of CO2, and fell rapidly as the CO2-assimilation rate increased with increasing intercellular partial pressures of CO2, indicating that bundle-sheath CO2 concentrations fell at low intercellular partial pressures of CO2. In contrast, the amount of phosphoenolpyruvate and of C4-cycle intermediates declined at low intercellular partial pressures of CO2. This behaviour is discussed in relation to the co-ordination of carbon assimilation between the Calvin and C4 cycles.Abbreviations PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - PGA glycerate-3-phosphate - p i intercellular CO2 pressure - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - triose-P triose phosphates  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (EC was purified 43-fold from Amaranthus viridis leaves by using a combination of ammonium-sulphate fractionation, chromatography on O-(diethylaminoethyl)-cellulose and hydroxylapatite, and filtration through Sepharose 6B. The purified enzyme had a specific activity of 17.1 mol·(mg protein)-1·min-1 and migrated as a single band of relative molecular weight 100000 on sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A homotetrameric structure was determined for the native enzyme. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from Zea mays L. and A. viridis showed partial identity in Ouchterlony two-dimensional diffusion. Isoelectric focusing showed a band at pI 6.2. Km values for phosphoenolpyruvate and bicarbonate were 0.29 and 0.17 mM, respectively, at pH 8.0. The activation constant (Ka) for Mg2+ was 0.87 mM at the same pH. The carboxylase was activated by glucose-6-phosphate and inhibited by several organic acids of three to five carbon atoms. The kinetic and structural properties of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from A. viridis leaves are similar to those of the enzyme from Zea mays leaves.Abbreviations MW molecular weight - PEP (Case) phosphoenolpyruvate (carboxylase) - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of CO2 uptake, transpiration rate, and chlorophyll a fluorescence in leaf strips of C4 plants during the induction phase of photosynthesis are described. The timecourse of CO2 fixation is biphasic with the initial phase occurring within the first 1 to 5 min and the secondary phase consisting of a slow rise to the steady-state rate of photosynthesis. Transpiration rate follows the CO2-fixation timecourse closely but the intercellular CO2 concentration never falls below saturation for C4 plants. Chlorophyll a fluorescence quenching occurs exclusively during the initial fast phase of the CO2-fixation timecourse. The effect of duration of dark pretreatment of leaves on these parameters and the effects of light intensity and CO2 concentration are examined. These results are discussed with respect to the C4 cycle and photochemical and non-photochemical chlorophyll fluorescence quenching.Abbreviations IRGA infra-red gas analyser - NADP-ME, NAD-ME and PEP-CK the three groups of C4 plants utilising the enzymes NADP-malic enzyme, NAD-malic enzyme and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, respectively, for C4-acid decarboxylation - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - 3-PGA 3-phosphoglyceric acid  相似文献   

A procedure involving pulse labelling of leaves with 14CO2 was developed to measure the primary (initial) partitioning of photosynthate between sucrose and starch. Partitioning of photosynthate into sucrose and starch was determined in leaves of C4 plants and compared with the patterns of storage of carbon in these products during the light period. The ratio of primary partitioning into sucrose and starch varied from about 0.5 in those species that accumulated mostly starch in the leaves (Amaranthus edulis L., Atriplex spongiosa F. Muell. and Flaveria trinervia (Spreng.) C. Mohr) to about 8 in Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn., which accumulated mostly sucrose. No label was detected in free glucose or fructose. Generally there was a reasonable link between the primary partitioning of photosynthate and the type of carbohydrate stored in the leaf during the day. However, the ratio of carbon initially partitioned into sucrose versus starch was about 3 to 4 times higher in leaves of NADP-malic enzyme-type monocotyledonous species compared with phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase-type species, although the ratio of sucrose to starch accumulated in leaves during the day was very similar in the two groups. Sucrose and starch were the principal carbohydrates accumulated in leaves during the day. None of the species examined contained significant amounts of fructan and only one species, Atriplex spongiosa, contained substantial amounts of hexose sugars. In most of the species studied, the proportion of photosynthate partitioned into starch was greater at the end of the day than at the beginning. With the exception of Flaveria trinervia, the rate of CO2 assimilation did not decline during the day, showing that, under our conditions, accumulation of carbohydrate in the leaves did not lead to feedback inhibition of photosynthesis in these C4 species.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - NAD-ME NAD-malic enzyme - NADP-ME NADP-malic enzyme - PCK phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase We thank Prof. H.W. Heldt (Pflanzenphysiologisches Institut, Universität Göttingen) for discussions and advice during the course of this work.  相似文献   

Thomas  S. M.  Long  S. P. 《Planta》1978,142(2):171-174
The metabolism of 14CO2 in the cool temperate saltmarsh grass Spartina townsendii was investigated in plants grown in their natural habitats at two temperatures. Both in the spring at 10°C and in the late summer at 25°C radioactivity was initially incorporated into the organic acids malate and aspartate and then transferred to 3-phosphoglycerate in the manner characteristic of the C4 pathway of photosynthesis. Metabolism was not disrupted at the lower temperature as in some C4 plants. Radioactivity was transferred more slowly from malate into alanine, glycine and serine at 10°C, but sugars were labelled equally at both temperatures.  相似文献   

Summary Pure and mixed cultures of the dicotyledons Atriplex hortensis L. (C3 plant) and Amaranthus retroflexus L. (C4 plant) were maintained under open air conditions in standard soil at low and high nitrogen supply levels.A comparison of shoot dry weight and shoot length in the various series shows that the growth of the aboveground parts of both species was severely reduced under low N conditions. In both pure and mixed cultures the differences resulting from low N vs. high N conditions was less pronounced with Atriplex (C3 plant) than with Amaranthus (C4 plant). The root dry weight of the two species was not reduced so much under low N conditions as was the shoot dry weight. The low N plants were found to contain a larger proportion of their biomass in the roots than did the high N plants. In general the root proportion of Atriplex was greater than that of Amaranthus. The contents of organic nitrogen and nitrate and the nitrate reductase activity (NRA) per g dry weight of both species decreased continually throughout the experiments. With the exception of young plants, the low N plants always had tower contents of organic nitrogen and nitrate and nitrate reductase activities than did the high N plants. The highest values of NRA were measured in the leaf laminae. The eaves also exhibited the highest concentrations of organic nitrogen. The highest nitrate concentrations, however, were observed in the shoot axis, and in most cases the lowest nitrate values were found in the laminae. At the end of ne growing season this pattern was found to have been reversed with Atriplex, but not with Amaranthus. Thus Atriplex was able to maintain a higher NRA in the laminae than Amaranthus under low N conditions.The transpiration per leaf area of the C4 plant Amaranthus during the course of a day was substantially lower than that of the C3 plant Atriplex. There were no significant differences in transpiration between the low N and high N series of Amaranthus. The low N plants of Atriplex, however, clearly showed in most cases higher transpiration rates than the corresponding high N plants. These different transpiration rates of the high N and the low N Atriplex plants were also reflected in a distinct 13C discrimination.The sum of these results points to the conclusion that the C3 plant Atriplex hortensis can maintain a better internal inorganic nitrogen supply than the C4 plant Amaranthus retroflexus under low N conditions and an ample water supply, due to the larger root proportion and the more pronounced and flexible transpiration of the C3 plant.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Karl Mägdefrau, Deisenhofen, on the ocasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   

The characteristics of oscillations in photosynthetic carbon fixation and chlorophyll fluorescence in leaves of the C4 plant Amaranthus caudatus L. were compared to those shown by the C3 plant Spinacia oleracea L. As in spinach, oscillations could be observed in Amaranthus when leaves were illuminated after periods of darkening, particularly at temperatures below 20°C, less so or not at all at higher temperatures. However, in contrast to spinach, pronounced oscillations occurred in Amaranthus after a sudden dark/light transition only at low, not at high photon flux densities. Whereas in spinach maxima in carbon uptake were observed slightly after minima in chlorophyll fluorescence had occurred, in Amaranthus maxima in carbon uptake were close to maxima in chlorophyll fluorescence. Since the quantum efficiency of electron transport through photosystem II of the chloroplast electron-transport chain was higher during the minima of chlorophyll fluorescence than during the maxima, the observations suggest that in Amaranthus photosynthetic water oxidation did not occur as synchronously with carbon uptake as in spinach. It is proposed that, in contrast to spinach, photosynthetic oscillations in Amaranthus are related to the diffusional transport of photosynthetic intermediates between mesophyll and bundle-sheath cells.Abbreviations Fo, Fm, Fs initial, maximal and steady-state chlorophyll a fluorescence - PFD photon flux density - QA primary quinone acceptor of PSII We are grateful to Professors D.A. Walker, FRS, Robert Hill Institute, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK., and Agu Laisk, Chair of Plant Physiology, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, for helpful discussions and to Ms. S. Neimanis for help with the experiments. Our work was performed within the research of the Sonderforschungsbereich 251 of the University of Würzburg. It was supported by the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk. A.S.R. acknowledges also support by the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung and U.G. by the Graduate College of the University of Würzburg.  相似文献   

The activities of the carboxylating enzymes ribulose-1,5-biphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase in leaves of three-week old Zea mays plants grown under phytotron conditions were found to vary according to leaf position. In the lower leaves the activity of PEP carboxylase was lower than that of RuBP carboxylase, while the upper leaves exhibited high levels of PEP carboxylase. Carbon dioxide compensation points and net photosynthetic rates also differed in the lower and upper leaves. Differences in the fine structure of the lowermost and uppermost leaves are shown. The existence of both the C3 and C4 photosynthetic pathways in the same plant, in this and other species, is discussed.Abbreviations PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - RuBP ribulose-1,5-biphosphate  相似文献   

The relationship between the gas-exchange characteristics of attached leaves of Zea mays L. and the contents of photosynthetic intermediates was examined at different intercellular partial pressure of CO2 and at different irradiances at a constant intercellular partial pressure of CO2. (i) The behaviour of the pools of the C4-cycle intermediates, phosphoenolpyruvate and pyruvate, provides evidence for light regulation of their consumption. However, light regulation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase does not influence the assimilation rate at limiting intercellular partial pressures of CO2. (ii) A close correlation between the pools of phosphoenolpyruvate and glycerate-3-phosphate exists under many different flux conditions, consistent with the notion that the pools of C4 and C3 cycles are connected via the interconversion of glycerate-3-phosphate and phosphoenolpyruvate. (iii) The ratio of triose-phosphate to glycerate-3-phosphate is used as an indicator of the availability of ATP and NADPH. Changes of this ratio with CO2 and with irradiance are compared with results obtained in C3 leaves and indicate that the mechanism of regulation of carbon assimilation by light in leaves of C4 plants may differ from that in C3 plants. (iv) The behaviour of the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate pool with CO2 and irradiance is contrasted with the behaviour of these pools measured in leaves of C3 plants.Abbreviations P i intercellular CO2 pressure - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - triose-P triose phosphates - PGA glycerate-3-phosphate  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate the fate of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) produced by decarboxylation of oxaloacetate during photosynthesis in the bundle sheaths of leaves of the PEP-carboxykinase C4 grass Spartina anglica Hubb. Mesophyll protoplasts and bundle sheath cells were separated enzymically and used to investigate activities and distributions of putative enzymes of the C4 cycle and the photosynthetic carbon metabolism of bundle sheath cells. The results indicate that neither conversion of PEP to pyruvate nor its conversion to 3-phosphoglycerate can account for all of the carbon flux through the C4 cycle during photosynthesis. It is likely, therefore, either that PEP moves directly from bundle sheath to mesophyll or that more than one pathway of regeneration of PEP is involved in the C4 cycle in this plant.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - Pi phosphate - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate  相似文献   

Most species of the genus Salsola (Chenopodiaceae) that have been examined exhibit C4 photosynthesis in leaves. Four Salsola species from Central Asia were investigated in this study to determine the structural and functional relationships in photosynthesis of cotyledons compared to leaves, using anatomical (Kranz versus non-Kranz anatomy, chloroplast ultrastructure) and biochemical (activities of photosynthetic enzymes of the C3 and C4 pathways, 14C labeling of primary photosynthesis products and 13C/12C carbon isotope fractionation) criteria. The species included S. paulsenii from section Salsola, S. richteri from section Coccosalsola, S. laricina from section Caroxylon, and S. gemmascens from section Malpigipila. The results show that all four species have a C4 type of photosynthesis in leaves with a Salsoloid type Kranz anatomy, whereas both C3 and C4 types of photosynthesis were found in cotyledons. S. paulsenii and S. richteri have NADP- (NADP-ME) C4 type biochemistry with Salsoloid Kranz anatomy in both leaves and cotyledons. In S. laricina, both cotyledons and leaves have NAD-malic enzyme (NAD-ME) C4 type photosynthesis; however, while the leaves have Salsoloid type Kranz anatomy, cotyledons have Atriplicoid type Kranz anatomy. In S. gemmascens, cotyledons exhibit C3 type photosynthesis, while leaves perform NAD-ME type photosynthesis. Since the four species studied belong to different Salsola sections, this suggests that differences in photosynthetic types of leaves and cotyledons may be used as a basis or studies of the origin and evolution of C4 photosynthesis in the family Chenopodiaceae.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Species in the Laxa and Grandia groups of the genus Panicum are adapted to low, wet areas of tropical and subtropical America. Panicum milioides is a species with C3 photosynthesis and low apparent photorespiration and has been classified as a C3/C4 intermediate. Other species in the Laxa group are C3 with normal photorespiration. Panicum prionitis is a C4 species in the Grandia group. Since P. milioides has some leaf characteristics intermediate to C3 and C4 species, its photosynthetic response to irradiance and temperature was compared to the closely related C3 species, P. laxum and P. boliviense and to P. prionitis. The response of apparent photosynthesis to irradiance and temperature was similar to that of P. laxum and P. boliviense, with saturation at a photosynthetic photo flux density of about 1 mmol m-2 s-1 at 30°C and temperature optimum near 30°C. In contrast, P. prionitis showed no light saturation up to 2 mmol m-2 s-1 and an optimum temperature near 40°C. P. milioides exhibited low CO2 loss into CO2-free air in the light and this loss was nearly insensitive to temperature. Loss of CO2 in the light in the C3 species, P. laxum and P. boliviense, was several-fold higher than in P. milioides and increased 2- to 5-fold with increases in temperature from 10 to 40°C. The level of dark respiration and its response to temperature were similar in all four Panicum species examined. It is concluded that the low apparent photorespiration in P. milioides does not influence its response of apparent photosynthesis to irradiance and temperature in comparison to closely related C3 Panicum species.Abbreviations AP apparent photosynthesis - I CO2 compensation point - gl leaf conductance; gm, mesophyll conductance - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - PR apparent photorespiration rate - RuBPC sibulose bisphosphate carboxylase  相似文献   

Carbon-isotope ratios were examined as 13C values in several C3, C4, and C3–C4 Flaveria species, and compared to predicted 13C, values generated from theoretical models. The measured 13C values were within 4 of those predicted from the models. The models were used to identify factors that contribute to C3-like 13C values in C3–C4 species that exhibit considerable C4-cycle activity. Two of the factors contributing to C3-like 13C values are high CO2 leakiness from the C4 pathway and pi/pa values that were higher than C4 congeners. A marked break occurred in the relationship between the percentage of atmospheric CO2 assimilated through the C4 cycle and the 13C value. Below 50% C4-cycle assimialtion there was no significant relationship between the variables, but above 50% the 13C values became less negative. These results demonstrate that the level of C4-cycle expression can increase from, 0 to 50% with little integration of carbon transfer from the C4 to the C3 cycle. As expression increaces above 50%, however, increased integration of C3- and C4-cycle co-function occurs.Abbreviations and symbols RuBP carboxylase ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (EC - PEP carboxylase phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (EC - pa atmospheric CO2 partial pressure - pi intercellular CO2 partial pressure - isotope ratio - quantum yield for CO2 uptake  相似文献   

Richard C. Leegood 《Planta》1985,164(2):163-171
Sap extracted from attached leaves of two-to three-week-old maize plants witt the aid of a roller device was almost devoid of bundle-sheath contamination as judged by the distribution of mesophyll and bundle-sheath markers. The extraction could be done very rapidly (less than 1 s) and the extract immediately quenched in HClO4 or reserved for enzyme assay. Comparison of the contents of metabolites in intact leaves and in the leaf extract allowed estimation of the distribution of metabolites between the bundle-sheath and the mesophyll compartments. Substantial amounts of metabolites such as malate and amino acids were present in the non-photosynthetic cells of the midrib. In the illuminated leaf, triose phosphate was predominantly located outside the bundle-sheath while the major part of the 3-phosphoglycerate was in the bundle sheath. The results indicate the existence of concentration gradients of triose phosphate and 3-phosphoglycerate in the leaf which are capable of maintaining carbon flow between the mesophyll and bundle-sheath cells during photosynthesis. There was no evidence for the existence of a gradient of pyruvate between the bundle-sheath and the mesophyll cells.  相似文献   

Rates of CO2 fixation during the light period and the rates of CO2 release during the night period were measured using mature leaves from 39- to 49-d-old spinach (Spinacia oleracea L., US Hybrid 424; grown in 9 h light, 15 h darkness, daily) and mature leaves from 21-d-old barley (Hordeum vulgare L., cv. Apex; grown in 14 h light, 10 h darkness, daily). At certain times during the light and dark periods leaves were harvested for assay of their contents of soluble carbohydrates, starch, malate and the various amino acids. Evaluation of the results of these measurements shows that in spinach and barley leaves 46% and 26%, respectively, of the carbon assimilated during the light period is deposited in the leaves for export during the night period. Taking into account the carbon consumption in the source leaves by dark respiration, it is evaluated that rates of assimilate export during the light period from spinach and barley leaves [38 and 42 atom C · (mg Chl)–1 · h–1] are reduced in the dark period to 16 atom C · (mg Chl)–1 · h–1 in both species. The calculated C/N ratios of the photoassimilates exported during the dark period were 0.029 and 0.015 for spinach and barley leaves, respectively.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. We thank Dr. Dieter Heineke for stimulating discussions and Mrs. Petra Hoferichter and Mrs. Marita Feldkämper for their technical assistance.  相似文献   

The aquatic monocot Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle is a well-documented facultative C4 NADP-malic enzyme species in which the C4 and Calvin cycles operate in the same cell with the specific carboxylases confined to the cytosol and chloroplast, respectively. Several key components had already been characterized at the molecular level, thus the purpose of this study was to begin to identify other, less obvious, elements that may be necessary for a functional single-cell C4 system. Using differential display, mRNA populations from C3 and C4 H. verticillata leaves were screened and expression profiles compared. From this study, 65 clones were isolated and subjected to a customized macroarray analysis; 25 clones were found to be upregulated in C4 leaves. Northern and semi-quantitative RT-PCR analyses were used for confirmation. From these screenings, 13 C4 upregulated genes were identified. Among these one encoded a previously recognized C4 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, and two encoded distinct pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase isoforms, new findings for H. verticillata. Genes that encode a transporter, an aminotransferase and two chaperonins were also upregulated. Twelve false positives, mostly housekeeping genes, were determined from the Northern/semi-quantitative RT-PCR analyses. Sequence data obtained in this study are listed in the dbEST database (DV216698 to DV216767). As a single-cell C4 system that lacks Kranz anatomy, a better understanding of how H. verticillata operates may facilitate the design of a transgenic C4 system in a C3 crop species.Srinath K. Rao and Hiroshi Fukayama contributed equally to this study.  相似文献   

Light-induced changes in the fluorescence of the pH-indicating dyes pyranine or 5-(and 6-)carboxy-2, 7-dichlorofluorescein (CDCF) which had been fed to leaves were examined to monitor cellular pH changes. After short-term feeding of pyranine (pK 7.3) to leaves of Amaranthus caudatus L., a NAD-malic-enzyme-type C4 plant, vascular bundles and surrounding cells became fluorescent. Fluorescence emission from mesophyll cells required longer feeding times. In CO2-free air, pyranine fluorescence increased much more on illumination after mesophyll cells had become fluorescent than when only the vascular bundles and the bundle sheath of Amaranthus leaves had been stained. After short feeding times and in the absence of actinic illumination, CO2 decreased pyranine fluorescence very slowly in Amaranthus and rapidly in C3 leaves. After prolonged feeding times, the extent of the light-dependent increase in pyranine fluorescence was several times greater in different C4 plants than in C3 species. The kinetics of the fluorescence changes were also remarkably different in C3 and C4 plants. Carbon dioxide (500 l · l–1) suppressed the light-induced increase in pyranine fluorescence more in C4 than in C3 leaves. Light-dependent changes in light scattering, which are indicative of chloroplast energization, and in 410-nm transmission, which indicate chloroplast movement, differed kinetically from those of the changes in pyranine fluorescence. Available evidence indicated that light-dependent changes in pyranine fluorescence did not originate from the apoplast of leaf cells. Microscopic observation led to the conclusion that, after prolonged feeding times or prolonged incubation, changes in pyranine fluorescence emitted from C4 leaves reflect pH changes mainly in the cytosol of mesophyll cells. A transient acidification reaction indicated by quenching of pyranine fluorescence in the dark-light transient and not observed in C3 species is attributed to the carboxylation of phosphoenolpyruvate. After short feeding times and in the absence of actinic illumination, CO2 (250 l l–1) decreased pyranine fluorescence very slowly in Amaranthus and more rapidly in C3 leaves. After prolonged feeding times, both the rate and the extent of CO2-dependent quenching of pyranine fluorescence increased, but the increase was insufficient to indicate the presence of highly active carbonic anhydrase in the compartment from which pyranine fluorescence was emitted. In contrast to pyranine, CDCF (pK 4.8) did not increase but rather decreased its fluorescence on illumination of an Amaranthus leaf, indicating acidification of an acidic compartment, most probably the vacuole of green leaf cells. The pattern of the acidification reaction was similar in C4 and C3 leaves. The remarkably large extent of the light-dependent increase in pyranine fluorescence from leaves of C4 species and its slow kinetics are proposed to be caused by an alkalization of the cytosol which in the absence of CO2 is larger in the mesophyll than in the bundle sheath. It gives rise to deprotonation of dye originally located in the mesophyll and, in addition, of dye which diffuses from the bundle sheath into the mesophyll following a pH gradient. Implications of slow diffusional transport of pyranine and CO2 between mesophyll and bundle-sheath cells and the fast metabolite transport required in C4 photosynthesis are discussed.Abbreviations CDCF 5-(and 6-)carboxy-2,7-dichlorofluorescein - DHAP dihydroxyacetone phosphate - PGA 3-phosphoglycerate This work was supported by the Sonderforschungsbereiche 176 and 251 of the University of Würzburg and by the Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz Program of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. A.S.R. was the recipient of a fellowship of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation. We are grateful to Mrs. S. Neimanis for cooperation.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate the mechanism of formation of triose phosphates and 3-phosphoglycerate during photosynthetic induction in leaves of Zea mays. Simultaneous measurements of gas exchange, chlorophyll a fluorescence and metabolite contents of maize leaves were made. Leaves illuminated in the absence of CO2 showed a build-up of triose phosphates during the first 2 min of illumination which was comparable to the build-up observed in the presence of CO2. Isolated mesophyll protoplasts, which lack the Calvin cycle, also showed a build-up of triose phosphates upon illumination. Leaves contained amounts of phosphoglycerate mutase and enolase adequate to account for the formation of triose phosphates and 3-phosphoglycerate from intermediates of the C4 cycle and their precursors.  相似文献   

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