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Abstract  To quantify the role of Johnson grass, Sorghum halepense , in the population dynamics of the sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola , patterns of flowering of Johnson grass and infestation by sorghum midge were studied in two different climatic environments in the Lockyer Valley and on the Darling Downs in south-eastern Queensland for 3 years. Parasitism levels of S. sorghicola were also recorded. In the Lockyer Valley, Johnson grass panicles were produced throughout the year but on the Darling Downs none were produced between June and September. In both areas, most panicle production occurred between November and March and infestation by S. sorghicola was the greatest during this period. The parasitism levels were between 20% and 50%. After emergence from winter diapause, one to two generations of S. sorghicola developed on S. halepense before commercial grain sorghum crops were available for infestation. Parasitoids recorded were: Aprostocetus diplosidis , Eupelmus australiensis and two species of Tetrastichus. Relationships between sorghum midge population growth rate and various environmental and population variables were investigated. Population size had a significant negative effect ( P  < 0.0001) on population growth rate. Mortality due to parasitism showed a significant positive density response ( P  < 0.0001). Temperature, rainfall, open pan evaporation, degree-days and host availability showed no significant effect on population growth rate. Given the phenology of sorghum production in south-eastern Queensland, Johnson grass provides an important bridging host, sustaining one to two generations of sorghum midge. Critical studies relating population change and build-up in sorghum to sorghum midge populations in Johnson grass are yet to be performed.  相似文献   

Sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis ( Contarinia ) sorghicola (Coquillett) is an important pest of grain sorghum world-wide. Considerable progress has been made in screening and breeding for resistance to sorghum midge. However, some of the sources of resistance have become susceptible to sorghum midge in Kenya, in eastern Africa. Therefore, the wild relatives of Sorghum bicolor were studied as a possible source of new genes conferring resistance to sorghum midge. Midge females did not lay eggs in the spikelets of Sorghum amplum , Sorghum bulbosum , and Sorghum angustum compared to 30% spikelets with eggs in Sorghum halepense when infested with five midge females per panicle under no-choice conditions. However, one egg was laid in S. amplum when infested with 50 midges per panicle. A larger number of midges were attracted to the odours from the panicles of S. halepense than to the panicles of Sorghum stipoideum , Sorghum brachypodum , S. angustum , Sorghum macrospermum , Sorghum nitidium , Sorghum laxiflorum , and S. amplum in dual-choice olfactometer tests. The differences in midge response to the odours from S. halepense and Sorghum intrans were not significant. Under multi-choice conditions, when the females were also allowed a contact with the host, more sorghum midge females were attracted to the panicles of S. bicolor compared with S. amplum , S. angustum , and S. halepense . In another test, numerically more midges responded to the panicles of IS 10712 compared with S. halepense , whereas the differences in midge response to the panicles of ICSV 197 ( S. bicolor ) and S. halepense were not apparent, indicating that S. halepense is as attractive to sorghum midge females as S. bicolor . The wild relatives of sorghum (except S. halepense ) were not preferred for oviposition, and they were also less attractive to the sorghum midge females. Thus, wild relatives of sorghum can prove to be an alternative source of genes for resistance to sorghum midge.  相似文献   

Sorghum midge, Contarinia sorghicola Coq. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is the most destructive pest of grain sorghum, and host-plant resistance is an effective method of controlling this insect. We studied the antixenosis component of resistance to sorghum midge using multi-, double- and no-choice cage tests, and under multi-choice field conditions to quantify and understand the nature of antixenosis component of resistance to this insect in Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. Midge response towards sorghum panicles was influenced by panicle size and cage type used to study the orientation behaviour. Maximum number of midges were recorded at 30 and 60 min after initiating the experiment. Antixenosis shown by C. sorghicola under multi-choice field conditions to ICSV 197 and TAM 2566 was not confirmed under cage tests, while DJ 6514, AF 28 and IS 3461 were non-preferred both under field and cage conditions. Midge-resistant female parents (PM 7061 and PM 7068) were less preferred than the midge susceptible (ICSA 42 and 296A) female parents. Male-sterility did not influence host finding and acceptance by the midge females, although in one out of two tests, the maintainer lines (B-lines) were preferred over the male-sterile lines (A-lines).  相似文献   

The combined effect of planting date, insecticide treatment, and host-plant resistance was studied in northeast Louisiana for management of the sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola (Coquillett), during 1994 and 1995. Significantly higher numbers of sorghum midges were observed visiting flowering spikelets of the midge-susceptible sorghum hybrid (Delta and Pine Land 'DP1552') than those of the midge-resistant sorghum hybrid (DeKalb 'DK-60'). Numbers of midges averaged 1.2 and 0.6 per flowering panicle in the susceptible and resistant sorghum hybrids, respectively, in 1994 and 1.8 and 1.0, respectively, in 1995. Midge densities increased significantly as the sorghum flowering season progressed. Sorghum midge reached peak densities during the first half of August in 1994 and 1995. The length of the flowering period in the early-planted (mid-March) sorghum was significantly longer compared with the flowering periods in the mid-April, mid-May, or mid-June planted sorghums. This resulted in prolonged exposure of flowering panicles to ovipositing midges and increased midge damage in the early-planted (mid-March) sorghum. Damage by sorghum midge was significantly higher in the early-planted (mid-March) sorghum hybrids than in the late-planted (mid-June) sorghum hybrids. The midge-susceptible hybrid produced highest yields when planted in mid-April and mid-May (optimum period) and lower yields when planted very early (i.e., mid-March) or late (i.e., mid-June). No significant differences were observed in yields for the resistant hybrid at any planting date in 1994. However, in 1995, significantly lower yields were recorded in resistant sorghum planted in mid-June. Levels of sorghum midge damage and sorghum seed yields in the untreated resistant hybrid were not significantly different than those observed in the insecticide-treated susceptible hybrid. Numbers of adult midges captured on sticky traps were positively correlated to numbers of visual estimates of ovipositing midge females visiting flowering spikelets.  相似文献   

Visual stimuli influence the orientation behaviour of the sorghum midge, Contarinia sorghicola Coq. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Yellow, red and white colours are attractive to the midge while blue and black are least attractive. Sorghum panicles covered with blue- or black-coloured bags in a headcage showed maximum midge damage, while the reverse was true for panicles covered with yellow, red, and white coloured bags.
Panicles at half-anthesis with viable pollen and receptive stigmata suffered higher damage than those at the pre- and post-anthesis. Physical removal of anthers and stigmata significantly reduced the oviposition by the sorghum midge. Reduced oviposition/adult emergence was also recorded in male sterile sorghum lines (2219A and 296A) or through chemically- (Ethrel) (2-Chloro ethyl-phosphonic acid) induced male sterility in panicles of the sorghum cultivar, Swarna. Chemical stimuli from viable pollen and receptive stigmata and to a limited extent physical stimuli, govern the oviposition behaviour of the sorghum midge.
Sorghum cultivars IS 12573C, S-GIRL-MR1 and IS 2816C showed antixenosis to adult midges. However, these cultivars became susceptible under no-choice conditions in the headcage. DJ 6514 and IS 12666C were attractive to the adult midges, but showed antixenosis to oviposition under natural and no-choice conditions. Genotypes with short florets showed antixenosis for oviposition. Ovary and anther breadth and tannin content of grain showed negative associations with oviposition. Cultivar antixenosis to adult midges and oviposition is an important component of resistance to the sorghum midge.  相似文献   

Sorghum midge (Contarinia sorghicola Coq.) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is one of the most important pests of grain sorghum. The effects of different insecticides applied at the complete‐an‐thesis stage for insect control, and host plant resistance on the parasitization of sorghum midge, were studied. Tetrastichus spp. and Eupelmus popa are the major parasites of sorghum midge larvae. Of the several insecticides tested, monocrotophos reduced midge parasitization by half compared with the untreated control. Midge parasitization was lower on midge‐resistant genotypes. Amongst the lines resistant to sorghum midge, the levels of parasitization were higher on the moderately resistant lines IS 10132 and PM 9760 compared to those on IS 3461, IS 7005, IS 9807, IS 19512 and AF 28, etc. Parasite activity closely followed the midge population density across sowing dates. The role of these factors on the effectiveness of midge parasites in integrated pest management are discussed.  相似文献   

1. In the tropics, precipitation patterns result in seasonal fluctuations in the abundance and distribution of plant and animal species. Tropical predators and parasites are therefore faced with seasonal changes in prey and host availability. 2. This study investigates the seasonal interaction among a specialised ectoparasite, eavesdropping frog‐biting midges (Corethrella spp.), and their anuran hosts, examining how the abundance and diversity of the frog‐biting midge community fluctuate between the rainy (host abundant) and dry (host sparse) seasons. 3. Midges were captured in both the rainy and dry seasons using acoustic playbacks of calls from a common frog species that breeds during the rainy season, the túngara frog (Engystomops, Physalaemus, pustulosus). During the dry season túngara frog choruses are absent. To explore seasonal shifts in host preference or changes in the midge community due to host specificity, midges were also captured using playbacks of calls from a frog that breeds during the dry season, the pug‐nosed tree frog (Smilisca sila). 4. While the overall abundance of midges decreased in the dry season, only slight differences in the relative abundance between midge species were found. These results suggest that midge populations can shift between hosts as they become available across seasons, allowing adult populations of frog‐biting midges to persist year‐round. To overcome the challenge of detecting and localising different host species, it is proposed that frog‐biting midges have evolved a generalised acoustic template, allowing them to respond to a broad range of available hosts, regardless of seasonal host composition.  相似文献   

Animal communication systems are often exploited by eavesdropping antagonists, especially predators and ectoparasites. Female frog‐biting midges (Diptera: Corethrellidae) are known to use male anuran advertisement calls to locate their blood hosts, frogs. Here, we use acoustic midge traps broadcasting synthetic and recorded calls to identify those frog call parameters that affect midge attraction. At our study site in Pacific lowland Costa Rica, we found that overall midge attraction was influenced by both spectral and temporal acoustic parameters. Low dominant frequencies (below 1 kHz) and short pulse durations (between 125 and 500 ms) attracted the highest numbers of midges in tests with synthetic sinusoidal pure tones. These preferences partially explained the relative attractiveness of the advertisement calls of ten local frog species. The advertisement calls of the common and widespread Giant Bullfrog, Leptodactylus savagei (Anura: Leptodactylidae), attracted by far the largest number of midges, suggesting that this frog species might be a key resource for frog‐biting midges in Costa Rica. Although we found that calls of different frog species attracted different midge species/morphospecies in statistically different proportions, acoustic niche differentiation among midge species appeared to be moderate, suggesting either a limited degree of host specialization or the use of additional short‐range, that is, chemical, host recognition cues.  相似文献   

Experiments showed that a stem midge collected locally on couch grass ( Agropyron repens ) and similar midges collected on wheat, barley and rye were of the same species, i. e. the hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor Say. There were three main flights per year, with some overlapping of the generations. In experiments, Aegilops ovata, Triticum compactum, T. dicoccoides, T. durum, T. spelta and T. turgidum were successfully used as host plants besides wheat, barley, rye and couch grass. Individual female midges when moved from plant to plant gave rise to families on the different host plants; similarly, succeeding generations of midges were able to breed on various host plants other than those from which they themselves were reared. Oviposition also took place on plants on which larvae failed to establish themselves.
Wheat seemed more favourable for the hessian fly than couch grass, and more midges were reared from young plants than from mature ones.
Unisexual families occurred in about half the experiments. The following parasites were bred: Trichacis didas Walker, Eupteromalus? hemipterus Walker, Platygaster sp., Chrysocharis sp. and Tetrastichus sp.  相似文献   

Sorghum midge, Contarinia sorghicola Coq. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is an important pest of grain sorghum, and host-plant resistance is one of the most effective means of controlling this pest. We studied the antibiosis mechanism of resistance in sorghum to C. sorghicola in a diverse array of midge-resistant and midge-susceptible genotypes. Data were recorded on adult emergence, postembryonic developmental period, number of mature eggs in the ovary, fecundity, larval survival from artificially implanted eggs; and the tannins, soluble sugars, and protein content of 10-day old and mature grains during the 1982-91 rainy and post-rainy seasons. Adult emergence was significantly lower in the midge-resistant genotypes compared with the susceptible controls. Initiation of adult emergence was delayed by 4–8 days on DJ 6514, IS 8571, IS 9807, IS 10712, IS 19474, IS 19512, ICSV 830 and ICSV 197. Postembryonic developmental period was prolonged on DJ 6514, IS 15107, IS 3461, IS 7005, IS 19474, ICSV 831 and ICSV 197. However, the delay in adult emergence or the extended developmental period was not observed during the post-rainy season in some genotypes. These differences in the expression of antibiosis to midge in resistant genotypes over seasons may be attributed to the effect of environmental conditions on the insect development and chemical composition of sorghum grain. Amounts of tannins and proteins were generally greater in the midge-resistant lines compared with the susceptible ones (except tannins in DJ 6514) while the soluble sugars were low in the midge-resistant lines (except TAM 2566). These differences in chemical composition of the grain between genotypes and variations over seasons have been discussed in relation to the expression of antibiosis mechanism of resistance to the sorghum midge. Antibiosis to sorghum midge was also evident in terms of smaller size of larvae, lower number of eggs in the ovary, reduced fecundity, and larval survival. Midge-resistant lines have diverse effects on the biology of this insect. Antibiosis along with other components of resistance can be used to develop cultivars with stable resistance to C. sorghicola.  相似文献   

The mermithid parasite Heleidomermis magnapapula was maintained in larvae of the midge Culicoides variipennis for 20 months in enamel pans containing nutrient-rich water and polyester pads as a substrate. Inseminated female mermithids were introduced to the pad surface when the host was in the late second or early third-instar. Host larvae were harvested from the pans 9 days after exposure and held in tap water for nematode emergence. Preparasite yield was positively correlated with female nematode size and averaged 1,267 preparasites/female. Male and female nematodes emerged an average of 12.2 and 13.4 days after host exposure, respectively. Supplemental host food (Panagrellus) during the final days of parasitism did not alter time of emergence. Parasites emerging singly were 64% females, whereas superparasitized hosts yielded males (up to nine/host). Nematode carryover into the adult midge normally occurred at a level of 0.5-2.5%. Parasite load (nematodes/ parasitized individual) in midge adults was lower than that of larvae from the same cohort, and adult midges were more likely to harbor female parasites. Exposure of fourth-instar host larvae resulted in higher levels of adult parasitism (up to 17%).  相似文献   

Changes in larval density and movement behavior of a commensal midge, Nanocladius (Plecopteracoluthus) sp. #4, were monitored for 26 weeks in recirculating laboratory streams. Adults were captured at emergence, sexed, and weighed to assess the effect of larval density and movement behavior on emergence success and adult size. The density of midges on hosts declined with time and coincided with a springtime increase in larval movement frequency. Midges residing on hosts with high spring densities emerged significantly less than midges on hosts with low densities. Resident midge density on hosts did not influence the likelihood of successful colonization by commensals and colonizers showed no preference for initial attachment site on hosts. However, colonizing midges emerged significantly less than resident midges. Similarly, successful emergers changed tube positions significantly less often as larvae relative to non-emergers. There was no difference in adult body weight of resident midges and colonists/movers, but adult males which emerged from commensal-laden (high density) hosts were significantly smaller than males from low density hosts. These data indicate larval density and movement behavior may have strong fitness consequences for commensal midges.  相似文献   

Abstract  In south-eastern Queensland, Australia, sorghum planted in early spring usually escapes sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola , attack. Experiments were conducted to better understand the role of winter diapause in the population dynamics of this pest. Emergence patterns of adult midge from diapausing larvae on the soil surface and at various depths were investigated during spring to autumn of 1987/88–1989/90. From 1987/88 to 1989/90, 89%, 65% and 98% of adult emergence, respectively, occurred during November and December. Adult emergence from larvae diapausing on the soil surface was severely reduced due to high mortality attributed to surface soil temperatures in excess of 40°C, with much of this mortality occurring between mid-September and mid-October. Emergence of adults from the soil surface was considerably delayed in the 1988/89 season compared with larvae buried at 5 or 10 cm which had similar emergence patterns for all three seasons. In 1989/90, when a 1-cm-deep treatment was included, there was a 392% increase in adult emergence from this treatment compared with deeper treatments. Some diapausing larvae on the surface did not emerge at the end of summer in only 1 year (1989/90), when 28.0% of the larvae on the surface remained in diapause, whereas only 0.8% of the buried larvae remained in diapause. We conclude that the pattern of emergence explains why spring plantings of sorghum in south-eastern Queensland usually escape sorghum midge attack.  相似文献   

Abstract Helicoverpa armigera oviposition preference for, and larval development on sorghum hybrids with differing resistance to sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola , were investigated. When H. armigera larvae were fed seed of resistant and susceptible hybrids in the laboratory there were no differences in larval and pupal sizes or the rate of development. The same result was recorded when larvae fed on panicles on plants in a glasshouse. On some sampling occasions, significantly more eggs were laid on panicles of resistant hybrids in the field. This occurred when plants were in plots and also in a mixed planting. Midge-resistance status did not affect levels of egg parasitism. In a field study using recombinant inbred lines between a midge-resistant and a midge-susceptible line, no relationship was found between level of resistance and oviposition of H. armigera . We conclude that, although midge-resistant hybrids are sometimes preferred for oviposition by H. armigera, the resistance per se does not determine this preference. Egg survival, larval survival, development and resultant damage are not significantly affected by the midge-resistance status of the host.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Two experiments were undertaken to estimate the transmission rates of bluetongue virus (BTV) serotype 1 between a biting midge vector, Culicoides sonorensis (Wirth & Jones) (Ceratopogonidae), and a natural host, sheep. In an experiment to measure the transmission rate from vector to host (V→H), six batches of one, five and 20 intrathoracically infected midges were fed on a total of 18 bluetongue (BT)-naïve sheep. The sheep were then monitored for 21 days for clinical signs of BT, viraemia and antibody response. All sheep fed on by five or 20 midges and five of six sheep fed on by just one midge showed signs of BT, were viraemic and developed antibody. The sixth sheep fed on by a single infected midge did not show signs of BT or have detectable viraemia; it did, however, develop a weak antibody response. A bite from a single infected midge is therefore able to transmit BTV to naïve sheep with 80–100% efficiency. Sheep fed upon by larger numbers of infected midges took less time to reach maximum viraemia and developed stronger antibody responses. Sheep exposed to greater amounts of BTV in feeding midges developed a higher level of viraemia and stronger antibody responses. In a second experiment to measure the transmission rate from host to vector (H→V), batches of up to 500 uninfected female C. sonorensis fed every 1–2 days on two experimentally infected sheep during the course of infection. Of 3929 engorged midges that were individually titrated after surviving the extrinsic incubation period, only 23 (0.6%) were infected with BTV. Viraemia in the sheep extended for up to 19 days post-inoculation. No infected midges, however, were detected from 14 days post-infection.  相似文献   

Sorghum midge is the one of the most damaging insect pests of grain sorghum production worldwide. At least three different mechanisms are involved in midge resistance. The genetic bases of these mechanisms, however, are poorly understood. In this study, for the first time, quantitative trait loci associated with two of the mechanisms of midge resistance, antixenosis and antibiosis, were identified in an RI (recombinant inbred) population from the cross of sorghum lines ICSV745 x 90562. Two genetic regions located on separate linkage groups were found to be associated with antixenosis and explained 12% and 15%, respectively, of the total variation in egg numbers/spikelet laid in a cage experiment. One region was significantly associated with antibiosis and explained 34.5% of the variation of the difference of egg and pupal counts in the RI population. The identification of genes for different mechanisms of midge resistance will be particularly useful for exploring new sources of midge resistance and for gene pyramiding of different mechanisms for increased security in sorghum breeding through marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Variation in damage levels on certain black currant, Ribes nigrum L., genotypes, caused by the black currant leaf midge, Dasineura tetensi (Rübs.) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), has been observed in northern Sweden. I investigated whether this variation is due to variation in virulence among midges. From a field population of midges, I successfully selected for virulence and avirulence, respectively, on the resistant black currant genotype cultivar `Storklas' (called resistant genotype). The performance of avirulent and virulent midge larvae on two black currant genotypes were studied in experiments where first or second instar larvae were artificially transferred. There were no differences in larval survival and developmental rate between the two midge types when transferred to the susceptible currant genotype `7801–31' (called susceptible genotype). Larvae of the virulent strain established galls and developed on `Storklas' but development was initially slower there than on the susceptible currant genotype. Larvae of the avirulent strain suffered high mortality or remained in first instar on that same currant genotype when transferred alone, but developed readily if transferred together with virulent larvae. Larvae transferred in second instar to host plants susceptible to the larvae resumed feeding and developed further to maturity. Second instar larvae were also able to establish new galls even though these galls were not as well developed as those caused by first instar larvae. Black currant plantations in northern Sweden were surveyed and local midge populations were found to be composed of either avirulent, virulent or a mixture of both midge types. Virulent midges were not restricted to plantations where resistant currant genotypes were grown. I conclude that, at least, two biotypes of the midge exist, and that those two are distinguished by the ability to gall and survive on `Storklas'.  相似文献   

Natural selection can play an important role in the genetic divergence of populations and their subsequent speciation. Such adaptive diversification, or ecological speciation, might underlie the enormous diversity of plant-feeding insects that frequently experience strong selection pressures associated with host plant use as well as from natural enemies. This view is supported by increasing documentation of host-associated (genetic) differentiation in populations of plant-feeding insects using alternate hosts. Here, we examine evolutionary diversification in a single nominal taxon, the gall midge Asteromyia carbonifera (O.S.), with respect to host plant use and gall phenotype. Because galls can be viewed as extended defensive phenotypes of the midges, gall morphology is likely to be a reflection of selective pressures by enemies. Using phylogenetic and comparative analyses of mtDNA and nuclear sequence data, we find evidence that A. carbonifera populations are rapidly diversifying along host plant and gall morphological lines. At a broad scale, geography explains surprisingly little genetic variation, and there is little evidence of strict co-cladogenesis with their Solidago hosts. Gall morphology is relatively labile, distinct gall morphs have evolved repeatedly and colonized multiple hosts, and multiple genetically and morphologically distinct morphs frequently coexist on a single host plant species. These results suggest that Asteromyia carbonifera is in the midst of an adaptive radiation driven by multitrophic selective pressures. Similar complex community pressures are likely to play a role in the diversification of other herbivorous insect groups.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that symbionts can be a source of adaptive phenotypic variation for their hosts. It is assumed that co‐evolution between hosts and symbionts underlies these ecologically significant phenotypic traits. We tested this assumption in the ectosymbiotic fungal associate of the gall midge Asteromyia carbonifera. Phylogenetic analysis placed the fungal symbiont within a monophyletic clade formed by Botryosphaeria dothidea, a typically free‐living (i.e. not associated with an insect host) plant pathogen. Symbiont isolates from four divergent midge lineages demonstrated none of the patterns common to heritable microbial symbioses, including parallel diversification with their hosts, substitution rate acceleration, or A+T nucleotide bias. Amplified fragment length polymorphism genotyping of the symbiont revealed that within‐lineage genetic diversity was not clustered along host population lines. Culture‐based experiments demonstrated that the symbiont‐mediated variation in gall phenotype is not borne out in the absence of the midge. This study shows that symbionts can be important players in phenotypic variation for their hosts, even in the absence of a co‐evolutionary association.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, as a result of various human activities involving intentional or unintentional movement of animals, many helminth species have been introduced to new regions with several ecological and epidemiological implications for the native species. A high prevalence of infection with an introduced digenean Renifer aniarum, previously known only from North America, was found in the grass snake Natrix natrix in the Calabria region, southern Italy. Morphological and molecular comparison with North American R. aniarum has confirmed the identity of the Italian specimens. A total of 41 grass snakes were studied for R. aniarum infection. Of 24 snakes sampled between 2009 and 2010, 22 were positive for this parasite. In contrast, all 17 snakes sampled from museum collections between 1983 and 1994 were negative. Our results support the hypothesis that R. aniarum was perhaps introduced into this area during the 1990s by the translocation of the American bullfrog Lithobates (Rana) catesbeianus, a normal second intermediate host of the digenean in its native range in North America. Although the life cycle of R. aniarum is complex and includes 3 host stages, this parasite has found suitable first and second intermediate hosts as well as definitive hosts in Italy. Renifer aniarum was second only to the very common grass snake tapeworm Ophiotaenia europaea in both prevalence and abundance among 9 species of helminths recovered in our study.  相似文献   

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