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Prevention of microbial adhesion and detachment of adhering microorganisms from surfaces is important in many environmental, industrial, and medical applications. Fluid shear is an obvious parameter for stimulating microbial detachment from surfaces, but recently it has been pointed out that a passing air-liquid interface also has potential in stimulating microbial detachment. In the present study, the ability of microbubbles to stimulate detachment of bacterial strains from a glass surface is compared with the effects of fluid flow. Adhesion and detachment of Actinomyces naeslundii T14V-J1, Streptococcus oralis J22, and their coadhering aggregates were studied on glass, mounted in a parallel plate flow chamber. High fluid wall shear rates (11,000 to 16,000 s(-1)) were established in a laminar flow regime in the absence and presence of microbubbles. Wall shear rates stimulated detachment ranging from 70% to 30% for S. oralis and A. naeslundii, respectively. Coadhering aggregates were detached up to 54%. The presence of microbubbles in the flow increased the detachment of A. naeslundii within 2 min of flow from 40% in the absence of microbubbles to 98%, while detachment of neither S. oralis nor coadhering aggregates was affected by the presence of microbubbles. In summary, extremely high fluid flows can be effective in stimulating microbial detachment, depending on the strain involved. The addition of microbubbles to the flow allows the detachment of tenaciously adhering bacteria not detached by flow alone, but not of adhering coaggregates.  相似文献   

The effect of the "milking patency test" on the arterial endothelium of the experimental rat is investigated. Each of 18 rats served as its own control. Bilateral femoral artery anastomoses were performed in identical fashion. The milking patency test was performed on one side (experimental) but not on the other (control). After removal of the approximator clamps, rats were perfusion-fixed in situ. Harvested experimental vessels stained with silver showed a twofold increase in endothelial cell loss compared to controls. Visual evidence of extensive endothelial loss was seen on silver-stained segments in the tested area. This was corroborated by scanning electron microscopy. The degree of damage seen in this study suggests that the milking patency test is too traumatic for use in clinical microsurgery.  相似文献   

The "middle molecules", endotoxins of peptide nature appearing in biological fluids in several diseases, cause the disorder of many regulatory processes, suppress the functions of blood cells, affect the transport characteristics of cell membranes. The review covers different aspects of formation, structure and numerous biological effects of "middle molecules", including the molecular mechanism of their biological action.  相似文献   

This study investigated the response of different-age biofilms developed on membrane surface to a chemical uncoupler 3, 3', 4', 5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCS). Results showed that adenosine triphosphate (ATP) dissipation caused by TCS would promote different-age biofilms detachment, whereas chemically inhibited cellular ATP synthesis subsequently suppressed autoinducer-2 (AI-2) and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) production. The extent of biofilm detachment was found to be closely related to AI-2-regulated EPS contents of bacteria. It was revealed that energy dissipation induced biofilm detachability was controlled by AI-2 regulated cellular communication via AI-2-mediated EPS secretion. This study would lead to a new cleaning strategy of biologically fouled membrane.  相似文献   

Ornithologists interested in the drivers of nest success and brood parasitism benefit from the development of new analytical approaches. One example is the development of so-called "log exposure" models for analyzing nest success. However, analyses of brood parasitism data have not kept pace with developments in nest success analyses. The standard approach uses logistic regression which does not account for multiple parasitism events, nor does it prevent bias from using observed proportions of parasitized nests. Likewise, logistic regression analyses do not capture fine scale temporal variation in parasitism. At first glance, it might be tempting to apply log exposure models to parasitism data, but the process of parasitism is inherently different from the process of nest predation. We modeled daily parasitism rate as a Poisson process, which allowed us to correct potential biases in parasitism rate. We were also able to use our estimated parasitism rate to model parasitism risk as the probability of one or more parasitism events. We applied this model to red-winged blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus nesting colonies subject to parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds Molothrus ater . Our approach allowed us to model parasitism using a wider rage of covariates, especially functions of time. We found strong support for models combining temporal fluctuations in parasitism rate and nest-site characteristics. Similarly, we found that our annual predicted parasitism risk was lower on average than the risk estimated from observed parasitism levels. Our approach improves upon traditional logistic regression analyses and opens the door for more mechanistic modeling of the process of parasitism.  相似文献   

The migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) across the intestinal epithelium is a histopathological hallmark of many mucosal inflammatory diseases including inflammatory bowel disease. The terminal transmigration step is the detachment of PMNs from the apical surface of the epithelium and their subsequent release into the intestinal lumen. The current study sought to identify epithelial proteins involved in the regulation of PMN migration across intestinal epithelium at the stage at which PMNs reach the apical epithelial surface. A panel of Abs reactive with IFN-γ-stimulated T84 intestinal epithelial cells was generated. Screening efforts identified one mAb, GM35, that prevented PMN detachment from the apical epithelial surface. Microsequencing studies identified the GM35 Ag as human CD44. Transfection studies confirmed this result by demonstrating the loss of the functional activity of the GM35 mAb following attenuation of epithelial CD44 protein expression. Immunoblotting and immunofluorescence revealed the GM35 Ag to be an apically expressed v6 variant exon-containing form of human CD44 (CD44v6). ELISA analysis demonstrated the release of soluble CD44v6 by T84 cells during PMN transepithelial migration. In addition, the observed release of CD44v6 was blocked by GM35 treatment, supporting a connection between CD44v6 release and PMN detachment. Increased expression of CD44v6 and the GM35 Ag was detected in inflamed ulcerative colitis tissue. This study demonstrates that epithelial-expressed CD44v6 plays a role in PMN clearance during inflammatory episodes through regulation of the terminal detachment of PMNs from the apical epithelial surface into the lumen of the intestine.  相似文献   

Recent results from our laboratory suggest that a variety of cellular interactions during development are mediated, in part, by the binding of a cell surface enzyme, galactosyltransferase (GalTase), to its specific lactosaminoglycan (LAG) substrate on adjacent cell surfaces and in the extracellular matrix. Our present interest in surface GalTase developed from earlier biochemical studies of a series of morphogenetic mutations in the mouse which map to the T/t-complex. These studies identified a specific defect in the regulation of surface GalTase activity on morphogenetically abnormal cells, while eight other enzymes showed normal activity. This led us to consider the unique function of surface GalTase in those cell interactions that are influenced by mutations of the T/t-complex. By using a multidisciplinary approach, which included genetic, biochemical and immunological probes, we have found that GalTase functions as a surface receptor during fertilization, early embryonic cell adhesions, and embryonic cell migration on basal lamina matrices. Recently, we have examined the expression of surface GalTase during spermatogenesis, as well as the fate of sperm GalTase following the acrosome reaction. This paper summarizes the results of these studies, as well as others, which suggest that GalTase functions as a surface receptor during those cell interactions regulated by the T/t-complex alleles.  相似文献   

To improve the targeting properties of receptor-directed drug-peptide conjugates, a multiligand approach was proposed and a model "scorpion" conjugate (6, Figure 1), consisting of two peptide "claws" and a paclitaxel (PTX) "tail", was synthesized. The cell surface receptor-directed peptide used in this single-drug multiligand (SDML) model was a segment of the amphibian peptide bombesin (BBN) which had the Y6Q7W8A9V10G11H12L13M14-NH2 sequence, designated here as BBN[6-14] (2, Figure 2). Due to the lipophilic nature of both PTX and BBN[6-14], compound 6 had a low water solubility. To enhance the solubility, PEG derivatives of this conjugate were prepared with the polymer inserted either in the claws or in the tail regions. In a preliminary random screening, conjugate 6 showed superior cytotoxic activity in several GRPR-positive human cancer cell lines as compared to free PTX and two single-drug single-ligand (SDSL) conjugates. In a receptor blocking experiment, addition of excess unconjugated BBN[6-14] ligand reduced the cytotoxicity of conjugate 6, indicating the receptor-mediated mechanism of drug delivery. The PEG-derived conjugates showed activities which were intermediate between SDSL and the SDML congeners. Also, an increase in the number of the PEG segments lowered cytotoxicity, possibly due to steric hindrance against ligand-receptor binding. Taken together, these results demonstrate the potential of the multiligand approach in the design of receptor-targeting conjugates for tumor-specific drug delivery.  相似文献   

The Birdshot choroidoretinopathy (BSCR) is an ocular disease strongly associated with HLA-A29. The HLA-A29 specificity can be split using immunoelectrofocusing in two subtypes A29.1 and A29.2. BSCR susceptibility is exclusively linked to the HLA-A29.2 molecule. The sequence of HLA-A29.2 was established (EMBL X60108 and found to be identical between patients and healthy individuals. A single difference was found (H----D) 102) in the extra cellular domains between HLA-A29.2 and HLA-A29.1. The HLA-A29 sub-types shares the consensus HLA class I sequence (D102). The mutation exhibited by HLA-A29.1 (H102) is unique to that molecule. The ancestral type is thus HLA-A29.2 that confers the susceptibility to BSCR whereas HLA-A29.1 has arisen from a more recent mutation conferring resistance to BSCR. Another single amino-acid difference between HLA-A29.1 and HLA-A29.2 was found in the intracytoplasmic part of the molecule, HLA-A29.2 exhibiting the HLA-A consensus sequence whereas A29.1 shares with AW33.1 the mutation S----F321. In addition, the A29 specificity was assigned to L and Q amino-acids at position 62-63, which can interact with peptides into the binding groove. No specific T or B epitope of susceptibility could be considered involving the region of the mutation discriminating HLA-A29.2 from HLA-A29.1. The HLA-A29.1 mutation is unable to interact with the T cell receptor and did not seem to induce significant structural changes in the peptide-binding groove. Conversely, its position suggests that the A29.1 mutation might interfere with the binding of an accessory molecule, the CD8 molecule being the most likely candidate for that role.  相似文献   

The TN1 monoclonal antibody recognizes a cell surface epitope that is present on subsets of growing axons in the developing nervous system of moth embryos. This antigen is also found in a variety of other developing tissues: in all cases its expression is cell-specific and transient. Here we show that the first expression of the TN1 epitope in moth embryos occurs specifically on the surfaces of mesodermal cells during gastrulation, and that it is limited to alternate segments. Creation of this pair-rule pattern of expression includes indications of an initial 4-segment periodicity, and transient immunoreactivity in 'off' segments. The alternating pattern is most dramatic at the end of gastrulation. It changes rapidly such that, during organogenesis, the TN1 antigen(s) is expressed in many developing tissues of all segments, with little segment-specific variation. Immunolabelling of living embryos under culture conditions demonstrated that the TN1 epitope(s) is associated with cell surfaces, both during neurogenesis and during the earlier period of gastrulation. These observations indicate that pair-rule gene functions operate in insects other than Diptera and suggest that cell surface molecules may be utilized early in insect embryogenesis in the initial establishment of large body regions.  相似文献   

The global diversification of the class Bivalvia has historically received two conflicting interpretations. One is that a major upturn in diversification was associated with, and a consequence of, the Lake Permian mass extinction. The other is that mass extinctions have had little influence and that bivalves have experienced slow but nearly steady exponential diversification through most of their history, unaffected by interactions with other clades. We find that the most likely explanation lies between these two interpretations. Through most of the Phanerozoic, the diversity of bivalves did indeed exhibit slow growth, which was not substantially altered by mass extinctions. However, the presence of "hyperexponential bursts" in diversification during the initial Ordovician radiation and following the Late Permian and Late Cretaceous mass extinctions suggests a more complex history in which a higher characteristic diversification rate was dampened through most of the Phanerozoic. The observed pattern can be accounted for with a two-phase coupled (i.e., interactive) logistic model, where one phase is treated as the "bivalves" and the other phase is treated as a hypothetical group of clades with which the "bivalves" might have interacted. Results of this analysis suggest that interactions with other taxa have substantially affected bivalve global diversity through the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

We demonstrated that the productive infection of three different mammalian cell lines with two separate leukemia viruses is sufficient to induce a change in surface architecture that may be detected as enhanced agglutinability with two different plant lectins. Subsequent transformation of one of these cell lines with a chemical carcinogen did not further modify the agglutinability of the cell lines. Using a polyoma virus-transformed derivative of one of the parental lines, we have demonstrated that the LETS protein (whose absence from the surface membrane has been considered a marker of the transformed phenotype) may be present in cells displaying the capacity to plate in soft agar.  相似文献   

In current models, ribosome release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is coupled to the termination of protein translation. Thus, coincident with termination, membrane-bound ribosomes dissociate into their component subunits and are released into the cytosol. Here, we review past and current data and propose that the affinity of the ribosome for the ER membrane is decreased during translation, with ribosome release occurring when a membrane-bound ribosome is engaged in the synthesis of a protein lacking a signal sequence. Our model emphasizes a role for the conformation of the large ribosomal subunit in the regulation of membrane affinity and provides a mechanism for translation-coupled ribosome release.  相似文献   

D L Weaver 《Proteins》1992,13(4):327-335
The accessible surface areas of 53 high-resolution globin helices are correlated with molecular weight. The linear fit is assessed for statistical accuracy using a boot-strap analysis, and by comparison to the areas of 13 ideal polyalanine alpha-helices. The accessible area of the unfolded helices is compared with the folded values before helix-helix packing. An analytical physical model is presented to explain the correlation, and to provide an analytical value for the surface area parameter in the diffusion-collision model of protein folding.  相似文献   

Impaired elastin fiber assembly is observed in the fetal ductus arteriosus (DA), associated with a reduced concentration of elastin binding protein (EBP), a 67-kDa galactolectin. It is also seen in cultured aortic (Ao) smooth muscle cells (SMC) following the release of the EBP by glycosaminoglycans rich in N-acetylgalactosamine, such as chondroitin sulfate (CS). In the DA, impaired elastin fiber assembly is observed in conjunction with intimal thickening associated with increased migration of SMC into the subendothelium, a feature we previously related to increased production of fibronectin. In this report, we determined whether SMC use the EBP to attach to an elastin substrate, whether shedding of the EBP promotes SMC migration through a three-dimensional network of pure elastic laminae prepared from sheep aorta, and whether the latter is associated with increased production of fibronectin. We observed reduced attachment to elastin-coated surfaces of DA SMC deficient in EBP compared to Ao SMC. Addition of CS but not heparan sulfate (a glycosaminoglycan which does not induce EBP shedding) decreased Ao SMC attachment to elastin, as did preincubation with VGVAPG elastin-derived peptides which saturate the EBP. The immunolocalization of cell surface EBP suggested that cells can quickly replace EBP released from their surfaces by CS treatment. The magnitude of CS-induced impaired attachment of SMC to elastin was dose dependent and could be further increased by the administration of cyclohexamide and sodium azide. Also, the reversibility of CS-induced detachment was prevented by monensin. This suggests that a process of new synthesis and intracellular transport of the EBP was necessary to replace the EBP molecules released from the cell surface by CS treatment. In the migration assay, both DA and Ao SMC attached to the top of an elastin membrane, but only DA SMC deficient in EBP migrated through the laminae. Addition of CS, which induced shedding of EBP, resulted in Ao SMC migration associated with increased synthesis of fibronectin. We postulate that CS-induced release of EBP from SMC surfaces causes cell detachment from elastin and an increase in fibronectin synthesis, processes which may be critical in promoting SMC migration associated with intimal thickening developmentally in the DA and perhaps also in vascular disease.  相似文献   

The kit ligand: a cell surface molecule altered in steel mutant fibroblasts.   总被引:79,自引:0,他引:79  
J G Flanagan  P Leder 《Cell》1990,63(1):185-194
The c-kit proto-oncogene, the gene at the mouse W developmental locus, is one of a substantial group of genes that appear to encode cell surface receptors but for which the ligands are unknown. We have characterized the kit ligand by a generally applicable approach: the receptor extracellular domain was genetically fused to placental alkaline phosphatase, producing a soluble receptor affinity reagent with an enzyme tag that could be easily and sensitively traced. This fusion protein, APtag-KIT, was used to demonstrate a specific binding interaction (KD = 3 x 10(-8) M) with a ligand on 3T3 fibroblast lines. In situ staining showed labeling over the whole surface of the 3T3 cells, but not extending to adjacent nonexpressing cells. These findings provide direct molecular evidence that the kit ligand can exist as a cell surface protein. Binding was not detected on 3T3 fibroblasts carrying the steel (Sl) mutation, confirming the biological significance of the binding activity and demonstrating that mutations at the Sl locus affect the expression or structure of the kit ligand.  相似文献   

A 140,000-D protein cell surface antigen (140k) complex has been implicated in fibronectin-mediated cell-substratum attachment. We have used three different experimental systems to evaluate the hypothesis that this 140k complex can function as a fibronectin receptor. A monoclonal antibody that binds to the 140k complex specifically inhibits the direct binding of 3H-labeled 75,000-D fibronectin cell-binding fragment (f75k) to chicken embryo fibroblasts in suspension. The 140k complex is retarded in its passage through an affinity column consisting of immobilized f75k, and this interaction is specifically inhibited by a synthetic peptide that contains the fibronectin cell-recognition signal sequence. Finally, exogenous purified 140k complex inhibits the attachment and spreading of chicken embryo fibroblasts on fibronectin-coated substrates. Thus, our results indicate that the 140k complex can bind directly to fibronectin and is likely to be a fibronectin receptor for chicken cells.  相似文献   

Over the next few years, structural proteomics will grapple with the problem of visualizing increasingly elaborate structures, from the atomic details of protein structures up to subcellular structures and the whole cell. A recent EU workshop addressed the question of what experimental and theoretical approaches, technologies and infrastructures this will demand.  相似文献   

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