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Summary Adrenal glands of adult female rats are heavier than the glands of corresponding male rats. Postpubertal orchiectomy increases the adrenal weight, an effect restored by testosterone replacement. Under the same conditions ovariectomy of 8 weeks duration does not change the adrenal weight while estradiol replacement enhances the relative adrenal weight.Karyometric studies have shown that nuclei in the female zona fasciculata cells are larger (app. 18%) than those of the male. Similar but only slight differences (2%) were observed in the zona reticularis. Orchiectomy results in enlargement of cell nuclei within all zones of the adrenal cortex; testosterone replacement has the opposite effect. Ovariectomy of 8 weeks duration slightly enhances the volume of nuclei of the zona glomerulosa cells, has no effect on the nuclei of the zona fasciculata and reduces the volume of nuclei in the zona reticularis. Estradiol replacement reduces the volume of nuclei of the zona glomerulosa cells but increases nuclear volume in the zona fasciculata and in the zona reticularis.Thus testosterone has an inhibitory effect on the adrenal cortex of the rat while the physiologic effect of estradiol on the morphology of this gland, particularly on the zona fasciculata cells is rather dubious.The author wishes to thank Mrs. B. Westerska and Miss K. Siejak for excellent technical assistance.This research was supported in part by a grant from the Zoological Committee, 2nd Department, Polish Academy of Sciences.This paper is dedicated to the memory of late Kazimierz Mietkiewski, M.D., Ph.D. whose encouragements and suggestions were most stimulating for my work.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that pre-pubertal or adult gonadectomy (GX) increases ethanol intake in male rats. This study examined whether this sex-selective increase reflects a GX-induced maintenance in males of more adolescent-typical responsiveness to ethanol characterized by enhanced sensitivity to positive (e.g., socially facilitating) and a decreased sensitivity to adverse (e.g., socially inhibitory) effects of ethanol. Male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were pre-pubertally GX, sham (SH)-operated, or non-manipulated (NM) at postnatal day (P) 25. During the late adolescent transition into adulthood (P48 — baseline day), rats were given a saline injection, placed alone into a familiar test apparatus for 30 min and then exposed for 10 min to an unfamiliar partner of the same age and sex. On the following day (P49), similar testing occurred after administration of 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 or 1.25 g/kg ethanol. At baseline, GX males and females displayed higher levels of social activity (especially adolescent-typical play and contact behavior) than SH and NM animals, with GX females displaying greater social activity than GX males. Neither males nor females demonstrated social facilitation at lower ethanol doses, regardless of hormonal status. Whereas the social inhibitory effects of higher doses of ethanol were similar across groups among females, SH males were less sensitive than both GX and NM males to ethanol-induced social inhibition. These results suggest that enhanced ethanol intake in GX males is not related to alterations in sensitivity to ethanol's social inhibitory effects. GX, however, results in retention of adolescent-typical social behaviors, with older GX adolescent rats resembling early adolescents in exhibiting elevated social activity—particularly play and contact behavior.  相似文献   

Summary Adrenal glands from orchectomized and ovariectomized rats, with and without replacement therapy, and also from intact controls of both sexes, were examined by autoradiography with 3H-thymidine. The labelling index after 1 or 2 nucleoside injections was higher in the zona glomerulosa of females than in male rats, while no differences were found in the fascicular and reticular zones. Orchiectomy increased the labelling index in the fascicular and reticular zones, an effect prevented by testosterone. Ovariectomy did not change the labelling index, while estradiol lowered it in the zona glomerulosa. Duration of the S phase was longer in the zona fasciculata cells of males than in females. Both orchiectomy and testosterone shortened this phase in cells of the zona fasciculata and zona reticularis. Ovariectomy prolonged the S phase in the zona fasciculata and shortened this time in the reticular zone, an effect reversed by estradiol.In the glomerular and fascicular zones, cell cycle time was longer in males than in females. Orchiectomy shortened this time in all adrenocortical zones, an effect reversed by testosterone. Ovariectomy shortened cell cycle time in the glomerular and reticular zones and prolonged it in the zona fasciculata; these effects were reversed by estradiol. Turnover rate in adrenocortical cells was markedly higher in females than in males, a difference due to testosterone which markedly decreased turnover rate.  相似文献   

Both clinical and rodent studies show sexually dimorphic patterns in the behavioral response to cocaine in all phases of the addiction process (induction, maintenance, and relapse). Clinical and rodent studies also indicate that hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual/estrous cycle modulate cocaine-induced subjective effects in women and locomotor activity in female rats. Evidence suggests that gonadal hormones underlie these observed differences and could be the biological basis of sex-specific differences in cocaine addiction. To study the effects of gonadal hormones on cocaine-induced activity, two approaches have been used. First, studies have examined the role of endogenous hormones through gonadectomy (GDX) and side-by-side comparisons with intact rats. Second, the individual contributions of testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen have been determined by hormone replacement in GDX rats. In this review, we discuss gonadal hormones as the biological basis for the behavioral responses to cocaine, and the clinical implications of these findings.  相似文献   

When antisocial behavior becomes a persistent pattern that affects diverse domains of children's functioning, psychiatrists refer to oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) or conduct disorder (CD). The term disruptive behavior disorder (DBD) covers both ODD and CD. Research shows that in the absence of effective interventions, the prognosis for DBD children is relatively unfavorable: their disorder can extend into adolescence, manifest itself in delinquency, and convert into other psychiatric symptoms, such as addiction or personality disorders. Although environmental factors have traditionally attracted most attention in explaining the origin and persistence of DBDs, it is important not to overlook the vulnerability of the child in the development of antisocial behavior. Relatively few studies have been conducted on the neurobiological factors involved in the development of DBDs in children. In this paper, we explain how problems in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and serotonergic system functioning could be important factors in the behavioral problems of DBD children. Low fear of punishment and physiological underactivity may predispose antisocial individuals to seek out stimulation or take risks and may explain poor (social) conditioning and socialization. Findings consistent with this hypothesis are presented. Finally, we explain how stress in general, and adverse early life experiences in particular, could have an impact on the development of the HPA and serotonergic systems. An investigation of the neurobiological factors involved in antisocial behavior disorder might ultimately guide the development of new forms of intervention.  相似文献   

There are striking differences in the behavioral response to social defeat between male and female Syrian hamsters. Whereas males exhibit a prolonged behavioral response to defeat (i.e., conditioned defeat), many females remain aggressive or show only a transient submissive response following defeat. The current study tested the hypothesis that sex steroids underlie this differential behavioral responsivity to social defeat. Female hamsters were ovariectomized and implanted with Silastic capsules containing estradiol (E(2)), testosterone (T), progesterone (P), dihydrotestosterone (DHT), or a blank capsule (no hormone replacement). After a 3-week recovery period, each subject was placed inside the home cage of a larger, more aggressive female for four 5-min defeat trials. The following day, each animal was tested for conditioned defeat by testing it in its own home cage in the presence of a smaller, non-aggressive intruder. Submissive, aggressive, social, and nonsocial behaviors were subsequently scored. Hamsters receiving E(2) or T displayed significantly lower levels of submissive behavior than did animals receiving P, DHT, or no hormone replacement. There were no significant differences in aggressive behavior among groups. These data suggest that gonadal hormones can influence submissive behavior in female hamsters. Collectively, these results suggest that the sex differences observed in conditioned defeat may, in part, be explained by sex differences in circulating gonadal hormones.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the amount of maternal testosterone allocated into the eggs might be implicated in the process of sex determination. However, recent findings on the effect that female social rank has on the level of egg testosterone suggest that reported associations between male-biased sex ratios and yolk testosterone may represent an indirect hormonal effect mediated by the interdependence among maternal hormones, female social rank, and sex ratio. Here, we report the results of a field experiment in which we manipulated the circulating levels of testosterone in female spotless starlings (Sturnus unicolor) before egg formation. Focal females were controlled in subsequent years to explore possible delayed effects of hormone manipulation on primary sex ratio and social status that could persist because of permanent hormonal change or through hormone-dominance interactions. The results indicate that testosterone-implanted females (T-females) produced significantly more sons than control females (C-females) in the year in which they were manipulated. These differences in offspring sex ratio between T- and C-females persisted in the next 3 years, although no additional hormone treatments were given. These results were not mediated by an eventual effect of testosterone treatment on the quality of the females' mates. A similar proportion of T- and C-females acquired a nest box and bred either in the manipulation year or in Year 1 after manipulation, but T-females tended to be more successful in acquiring a nest box than C-females in Years 2 and 3 after manipulation. These results suggest that added testosterone had a direct role on the acquisition and maintenance of high social rank. Delayed effects of testosterone on primary sex ratio might have been caused by altered endogenous production of T-females. Alternatively, the maintenance of sex ratio differences between T- and C-females long after having being implanted might be attributed to the positive effect that enhanced social rank of T-females has on their circulating testosterone levels.  相似文献   

Gonadal hormones, particularly estrogens, have been suggested to influence memory and cognitive tasks that show sex differences. Previously, we reported that male-to-female (M-F) transsexuals undergoing estrogen treatment for sex re-assignment scored higher on verbal Paired Associate Learning (PAL) than a transsexual control group awaiting estrogen treatment. The present study used a more robust design to examine further associations between estrogen and cognition. We assessed additional aspects of memory, including visual, spatial, object and location memory, other cognitive abilities that show reliable sex differences, including verbal and visual-spatial abilities, and mood variables that could mediate associations between estrogen and cognition. In addition to comparing groups of individuals on and off estrogen, we used two repeated measures designs (AB and BA). The AB group was tested prior to hormone treatment and then again after treatment had begun; the BA group was tested while on estrogen treatment and then again when hormones had been withdrawn prior to surgery. Few changes in memory or cognition were observed, and changes that were observed were not consistent across study designs. The lack of significant effects did not relate to mood changes or to the sexual orientation of participants. These findings suggest that estrogen treatment associated with sex change for M-F transsexuals has little or no influence on sex-typed aspects of cognition or memory.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence indicates the presence of sex differences in many aspects of drug abuse. Most studies reveal that females exceed males during the initiation, escalation, extinction, and reinstatement (relapse) of drug-seeking behavior, but males are more sensitive than females to the aversive effects of drugs such as drug withdrawal. Findings from human and animal research indicate that circulating levels of ovarian steroid hormones account for these sex differences. Estrogen (E) facilitates drug-seeking behavior, while progesterone (P) and its metabolite, allopregnanalone (ALLO), counteract the effects of E and reduce drug seeking. Estrogen and P influence other behaviors that are affiliated with drug abuse such as drug-induced locomotor sensitization and conditioned place preference. The enhanced vulnerability to drug seeking in females vs. males is also additive with the other risk factors for drug abuse (e.g., adolescence, sweet preference, novelty reactivity, and impulsivity). Finally, treatment studies using behavioral or pharmacological interventions, including P and ALLO, also indicate that females show greater treatment effectiveness during several phases of the addiction process. The neurobiological basis of sex differences in drug abuse appears to be genetic and involves the influence of ovarian hormones and their metabolites, the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis, dopamine (DA), and gamma-hydroxy-butyric acid (GABA). Overall, sex and hormonal status along with other biological risk factors account for a continuum of addiction-prone and -resistant animal models that are valuable for studying drug abuse prevention and treatment strategies.  相似文献   

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