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We studied inheritance of resistance to dicrotophos in greenhouse whitefly,Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood (Homoptera, Aleyrodidae). Compared with females from a field-collected susceptible strains (S), females from a resistant strain (R) ofT. vaporariorum derived from heavily treated cotton fields had a 28-fold greater LC50 to dicrotophos in laboratory bioassays. Concentration-mortality lines obtained from female progeny of reciprocal F1 crosses (R XS and S XR) were similar, suggesting that inheritance of dicrotophos resistance was autosomal and not influenced by maternal effects. Responses of F1 female progeny were similar to those of the parental S strain, indicating that the resistance was partially recessive (degree of dominance, D, was −0.61). Mortality observed in female progeny obtained from a backcross (F1♀ XR) corresponded more closely to expectations derived from polygenic models than to expectations from a monogenic model. The estimated number of effective factors (sensu Lande, 1981) contributing equally to resistance was three.  相似文献   

Realized heritability (h 2) of resistance to dicrotophos in greenhouse whitefly,Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood, was estimated from a laboratory selection experiment. Five generations of selection increased the LC50 approximately 13-fold. Estimatedh 2 of resistance to dicrotophos was 0.40 when calculated with the method of Tabashnik (1992) and 0.35 with the method of Tanaka & Noppun (1989). These results suggest that 35 to 40% of the total phenotypic variation in resistance was caused by additive genetic variation. For thirteen previously reported estimates ofh 2 of insecticide resistance in other insect pests, the mean was 0.29. The relatively highh 2 of dicrotophos resistance forT. vaporariorum is consistent with rapid resistance development in field populations.  相似文献   

Stylet penetration by larvae of the greenhouse whitefly on cucumber   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Probing behaviour of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) larvae was monitored using the DC electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique on the host plant cucumber. EPGs were recorded for 16 h, simultaneously with honeydew excretion using a honeydew clock. Three waveforms were distinguished: a pathway waveform (C), and two phloem waveforms, one with a high (H), and one with a low frequency (L) signal. The C waveform mainly occurred in the crawler stage of the 1st instar larvae. EPGs recorded from larvae during and after moulting indicated that the process involves stylet withdrawal; hence the stylets of each new instar need to penetrate again from the leaf surface to the phloem.All sessile stages, from L1 to pre-pupa, spent almost their entire time in waveforms H and L. These waveforms alternated more frequently in the early instars than during the later ones, in which the H waveform became predominant. The H waveform was highly correlated with honeydew excretion and thus phloem sap ingestion. The L waveform was not related to honeydew excretion but EPGs indicated that the stylet tips remain in a sieve element during both waveforms. Periods of honeydew production demonstrated a delay of 30–40 min in relation to the onset and end of H and L waveforms. This delay is presumably related to the time needed for food passing through, or emptying of, the insect's gut. From the 1st instar to the pre-pupa, the frequency of excreted honeydew droplets decreased but their size increased, causing a net increase of the excretion rate.  相似文献   

The leaf age preferences for oviposition by three species of whitefly (Dialeurodes citri [Ashmead],Aleurothrixus floccosus [Maskell], andParabemisia myricae [Kuwana]) were tested on lemon,Citrus limon (L.). Four categories of leaf age were tested (I: incompletely expanded, growing leaves; II: young leaves that are completely expanded but not yet dark green; III: completely mature leaves [dark green]; IV: completely mature leaves judged to be older than III as determined by the age of the twigs to which they were attached). Paired choice experiments were conducted in the laboratory using excised leaves and in the field using intact leaves. In both laboratory and field tests,P. myricae preferred I over all other leaf ages. It rarely oviposited on II and never oviposited on III or IV, even when they were the only two choices. The order of preference forD. citri in laboratory and field tests was II>I>III>IV. In laboratory tests,A. floccosus exhibited the same order of preferences asD. citri, but in the field, II was preferred over all others, III was slightly preferred over IV, and I varied greatly among replicates in comparisons against III or IV. In related experiments, the choice between I & III byA. floccosus andD. citri was not affected by confining the whiteflies to either I or III for three days prior to testing.
Sélection pour la ponte des feuilles deCitrus limon en fonction de l'âge par trois espèces d'aleurodes
Résumé Des feuilles de 4 tranches d'âges appartenant àCitrus limon L.: 1) en cours de croissance et incomplètement développées; 2) développées mais pas encore vert sombre; 3) complètement développées (vert sombre) 4) plus âgées que le lot 3 d'après l'âge du rameau, ont été proposées pour pondre à 3 espèces d'aleurodes (Dialeurodes citri Ashmead,Aleurothrixus floccosus Maskell,Parabemisia myricae Kuwana). Les femelles étaient isolées dans des cages dont les ouvertures sur deux côtés opposés étaient obstruées par la face inférieure de feuilles de citronniers d'âges différents. Les feuilles utilisées au laboratoire étaient coupées, les expériences dans la nature étaient faites avec des feuilles intactes. Récoltées au bout de 2 jours, leurs ufs étaient dénombrés.Dans les 2 cas,P. myricae a préféré significativement le lot 1, les pontes sur lot 2 étaient rares, et nulles sur les lots 3 et 4 même en l'absence de choix. Les préférences significativement différentes deD. citri au laboratoire et dans la nature étaient les suivantes: 2>1>3>4.A. floccosus a présenté au laboratoire les mêmes préférences queD. citri (P0,0004), mais certains résultats étaient contradictoires. Au laboratoire et dans la nature, le lot 2 était préféré; de même le lot 3 était préféré au lot 4. Cependant de nombreuses expériences de choix dans la nature entre les lots 1 et 3 et 1 et 4 ont montré la même tendance qu'au laboratoire, mais pour d'autres, les résultats étaient inversés. Après regroupement des résultats dans la nature, le lot 3 a été préféré au lot 1 (résultats à la limite du seuil de validité); aucune différence significative n'est apparue entre les lots 1 et 4. Les choix deA. floccocus etD. citri entre les lots 1 et 3 n'ont pas été modifiés par la présence de l'un des lots pendant les 3 jours précédant l'expérience.

Susceptibility to acephate, methomyl, and permethrin was determined with laboratory bioassays of field-collected adults from 15 populations of the B biotype of sweetpotato whitefly,Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera:Aleyrodidae), from Hawaii. Comparisons at the LC50 showed up to 24-fold resistance to acephate, 18-fold resistance to methomyl, and 4-fold resistance to permethrin. Analysis of variance showed significant intra-island variation in susceptibility to each insecticide, but no significant variation among islands. Insecticide use varied from 4 to 103 insecticide sprays per site per season. Acephate and methomyl were used more often than permethrin. The frequency of application and LC50 for each insecticide were positively correlated across sites. These results suggest that local variation in insecticide use was a primary cause of variation in susceptibility. If local insecticide use is a key determinant of resistance, as our results suggest, growers can retard resistance development locally by reducing their own insecticide use.  相似文献   

SARAH (Software for theAssessment of antibioticResistance toAleyrodidae inHost plants) is a deterministic simulation model of whitefly population growth based on whitefly life-history components determined on individual plants. The life-history components recorded were oviposition rate, adult survival, pre-adult survival, developmental period, and sex ratio. The simulation model serves as a tool to combine these components and to obtain a single criterion for (antibiotic) resistance. The criterion used was the decrease in simulated intrinsic population growth rate, r s , relative the r s value determined on a susceptible control genotype. This model-based evaluation method was tested using the greenhouse whitefly,Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood, on tomato and the sweetpotato whitefly,Bemisia tabaci Gennadius, on tomato, eggplant, collard, and pepper. To study its consistency over time, the evaluation method was repeated six times forT. vaporariorum on a susceptible and a resistant tomato cultivar. Simulated intrinsic population growth rate was more consistent in indicating resistance than any of the individual life-history components. Of tenL. hirsutum accessions tested for resistance toT. vaporariorum, three exhibited r s values that were significantly lower than those for the susceptible control. In addition, on these tenL. hirsutum accessions, a significant positive correlation was observed between r s and sex ratio (# females/# males). Four host plant species (tomato, collard, eggplant, and pepper) were evaluated for resistance toB. tabaci. All life-history components and r s values varied among host species, while a negative r s value was observed forB. tabaci on pepper. A high correlation was found between results from a sensitivity analysis of SARAH and results from a sensitivity analysis of a validated whitefly population simulation model by Yanoet al. (1989a). Significant correlations were found for the relationships between oviposition rate, adult survival, or pre-adult survival and r s , indicating that none of these life-history components can be omitted from the test procedure. This model-based evaluation method offers a standardized way to quantify levels of antibiotic resistance to whiteflies and will enhance efficiency in breeding programs.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of the count of adult greenhouse whiteflies, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), on yellow sticky traps was analyzed using Taylor's power law and spatial autocorrelation statistics in the cherry tomato greenhouses from 1998–1999. Samples were collected weekly using a cylindrically shaped yellow sticky trap placed in a 5 by 8 grid covering 0.10–0.15 ha in each of five cherry tomato greenhouses. Taylor's (1961) power law indicated that counts of T. vaporariorum on traps were aggregated within greenhouses. Spatial autocorrelation analysis showed that trap catches were similar (positively autocorrelated) to a distance of 12.5 m, and then dissimilar (negatively autocorrelated) at >12.5 m. Autocorrelation-lag plots showed a globally significant spatial relation in 34 of 57 sample-weeks according to Bonferroni's approximation. The presence of this spatial relation was not related to the changes of mean density. Trap counts at the second lag distance (12.5–25 m) showed little spatial autocorrelation and tended to be the most spatially independent. A fixed-precision-level sequential sampling plan was developed using the parameters from Taylor's power law. The presence of spatial dependency in data sets degraded the sampling plan's precision relative to performance in data sets lacking significant spatial autocorrelation. Therefore, to obtain an unbiased mean density of T. vaporariorum per greenhouse, sticky traps should be placed at least >12.5 m apart to ensure that they are spatially independent.  相似文献   

Bayberry whitefly (Parabemisia myricae [Kuwana]) crawlers were placed on young and mature lemon leaves and were allowed 7–9 days to settle. Afterwards, the nymphs were fixed and sectioned in situ on the leaves and the area of leaf under each whitefly was examined at 1 000 x for stylet penetration. Both stylets and stylet tracks were readily visible in the sections. The path of penetration was mostly intercellular and the objective appeared to be the phloem. Passage of the stylets through the plant tissue did not cause detectable damage to most cells; however, damaged plant cells occasionally were noticed. Nymphs that had moulted during the 7–9 day settling period reached the phloem significantly more often than those that were still in their first instar. In each of the three replicates, penetration in the mature leaf occurred significantly less often than penetration in the young leaf (4% vs. 72%, p<0.01, 2). Penetration appears to be inhibited in the mature leaf either by the leaf cuticle or by factors detected by the nymphs after very shallow penetration into the leaf. The cuticle of mature leaves was much thicker than the cuticle of young leaves and may have been a barrier to stylet penetration.
Résumé Des larves de premier stade (avant la fixation) de l'aleurode, Parabemisia myricae (Kuwana), ont été placées, pour qu'elles se fixent, pendánt 2 à 9 jours, sur des feuilles jeunes ou mûres de citronnier. Des morceaux de feuilles avec des larves fixées ont été trempés dans 2% d'agar; ce procédé a permis de maintenir les larves à leurs sites de fixation finale. Des pièces d'agar contenant les morceaux de feuilles avec les larves ont ensuite été trempées dans de la paraffine, et sectionnées en séries de 10 . Il était nécessaire de maintenir une basse température pendant l'opération afin d'obtenir de bonnes sections des feuilles mûres durcies. Les stylets et leurs traces étaient faciles à voir dans les sections teintées aux safranins, et fast green. Presque toutes les traces des stylets étaient intercellulaires et leur destination semblaient être de phloème. En général, la plupart des cellules ne semblaient pas endommagées, les larves qui avaient mué pendant la période de 7 à 9 jours de fixation avaient atteint significantivement plus le phloeme que les larves du premier stade. Dans trois essais, la pénétration des feuilles mûres était significativement moins fréquente que celle des feuilles jeunes (p<0.01, 2).La pénétration dans des feuilles mûres semble être empêchée par la cuticule ou par des facteurs perçus par les nymphes après une pénétration superficielle. La cuticule des feuilles mûres était beaucoup plus épaisse que la cuticule des jeunes feuilles et pourrait donc représenter une barrière à la pénétration des stylets.

Life history parameters including longevity, developmental time, and reproduction were determined for whiteflies, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), kept in clip-on cages on susceptible parent, Lycopersicon esculentum, resistant parent, L. hirsutum glabratum, and intermediate breeding lines of tomato. Using the Lewontin triangular reproductive function, the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was calculated for each genotype. This is an elegant tool for detecting resistance, as it incorporates all salient factors of life history. Comparing rm to the other parameters measured, selection criteria were chosen. Developmental time is not a suitable selection criterion as it varies very little even between the most susceptible and the most resistant genotypes. Additionally, developmental time of T. vaporariorum offspring was found to be highly significantly correlated to parental age on all tomato genotypes except L. hirsutum glabratum. Total reproduction, truncated population counts, and longevity appear good criteria for selection. This test, focusing on antibiotic factors, shows large differences between the resistant and susceptible parent genotypes, but much smaller differences between the breeding lines and the susceptible parent. Earlier screenings relying on a variety of tests appear to have maintained antixenotic rather than antibiotic properties in the breeding lines.  相似文献   

A technique was developed for measuring the length of stylet insertion during adult whitefly probing. The distance that the labium shortens during a probe was shown to be equal to the length of stylets that were inserted into the plant tissue. The length of labial shortening then was measured in high-magnification video recordings of adult female silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii, in conjunction with recording electrical penetration graphs (EPGs – AC method). Using a split-screen device, video images of the whitefly's labium during a probe and the EPG waveforms produced during the probe were recorded simultaneously on the same video tape. On playback, changes in labial length could be measured during specific EPG waveforms to determine the length of stylet insertion that occurred during the waveforms. The focus of the study was on two characteristics of the pathway phase sawtooth waveform: the frequency of voltage peaks and the increase in voltage level that occurs over time during sawtooth waveforms. The rate of stylet penetration was significantly and positively correlated with frequency of sawtooth waveform voltage peaks (r 2=0.33) and the length of stylet penetration was significantly and positively correlated (second-order polynomial) with the relative difference in voltage level between the beginning and end of the sawtooth waveform (r 2=0.43). Stylet advancement did not appear to occur during the few low-flat waveforms (unknown behavioral correlation) and high-flat waveforms (phloem phase) that were observed. Voltage drops occur sporadically during sawtooth waveforms, and these were associated with partial stylet withdrawal (indicated when the labium increased in length, but the probe was not terminated) with an accuracy of 99%.  相似文献   

Predation has been assumed to be a necessary factor in the ten-year population cycle of the snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) and Canadian lynx (Lynx canadensis). The UV-B-induced plant stress hypothesis, in contrast, predicts that hare performance, especially reproduction, is negatively related to sunspot numbers, because production of UV-B-protective phenolics in food plants in periods of low sunspot activity, when the ozone layer is thin, increases the availability of amino acids and reduces the amount of phenolics that protect against herbivores. In accordance with the UV-B-induced plant stress hypothesis, and despite the absence of predators that have been assumed to be necessary for hare cycles, mountain hare (Lepus timidus) populations in Norway fluctuate in close synchrony with snowshoe hare populations in Alberta and the Yukon, Canada. When adjusting for the phase of the hare cycle, the natality of snowshoe hare in Alberta 1962–1976 was negatively related to sunspot numbers with a time lag of two years. It is concluded that delayed responses to UV-B-induced changes in plant chemistry during the sunspot cycle is a possible cause of ten-year cycles of hares and other herbivores, for example grouse and forest moths.  相似文献   

Inducing the sexual forms and hatching the eggs of pea aphids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In temperate climates, pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum) produce a single sexual generation each year in response to declining photoperiod and temperature. Mating occurs in the fall and the eggs have an obligatory winter diapause. Genetic recombination during the sexual phase is thought to be an important source of genetic variability within cyclically parthenogenetic aphid populations. Methods for reliably producing sexual forms and hatching the eggs of aphids are therefore central not only to the study of evolutionary change in aphid populations, but also for a general understanding of the origin of agriculturally important variation in destructiveness within pest species.Here, sexual forms of six pea aphid clones were induced in the laboratory and eggs were successfully hatched by creating conditions that closely mimicked those found in field situations. A declining photoperiod was produced by controlling artificial lighting using a timer with variable cycle length. Using these conditions, sexual forms were successfully produced for all six clones tested, which were then mated in all combinations. Eggs were exposed to a daily cycle of freezing and thawing in an incubator under a short-day photoperiod. Egg hatch averaged 60%, but was as high as 89% for some crosses. These methods will permit testing of evolutionary hypotheses and execution of detailed genetic studies of sources of variability within pea aphid populations. They are thus important tools for both evolutionary and agricultural studies.  相似文献   

The predator Tupiocoris cucurbitaceus is frequently found attacking Trialeurodes vaporariorum in greenhouses without pesticide applications in Argentina. The objective of these studies was to evaluate some biological characteristics of this species fed on three types of diet (whitefly nymphs, Sitotroga cerealella eggs and a mix of both) and on two host plants (tomato and tobacco), under controlled experimental conditions. Preimaginal developmental time for female and male bugs was shorter in the presence of whiteflies than with only moth eggs. Females lived longer when they ate only whitefly nymphs compared to a mixed diet or only moth eggs. The amount of adult descendants was greater when bugs could eat whiteflies, regardless of the presence of S. cerealella. Embryonic development time, male longevity and sex proportion were not affected by the diet or the host plant. Prey consumption was evaluated for three T. cucurbitaceus life history stages (fourth/fifth instar nymphs, female and male adults) on two types of prey (whitefly nymphs and S. cerealella eggs). On tomato, females were more voracious than males and nymphs. On tobacco, adults and nymphs consumed more S. cerealella than T.vaporariorum nymphs, but again, bug females preyed more than males and nymphs. Results demonstrate that T. cucurbitaceus can survive, develop and reproduce normally using both T. vaporariorum and S. cerealella eggs as prey on tobacco or tomato plants. This information can be useful for managing this predator against T. vaporariorum through conservative or augmentative biological control strategies.  相似文献   

Trap cropping, though promising, has had little evaluation in greenhouses. This study evaluated eggplant, Solanum melongena L. (Solanaceae), as a trap crop for two whitefly species, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) and Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring (both Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), on greenhouse poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Koltz (Euphorbiaceae). Because the two whitefly species co‐occur in greenhouses, a common trap crop for both whiteflies is desirable. When adults were provided a choice between eggplant and poinsettia in a cage, 60% of B. argentifolii and 98% of T. vaporariorum were observed on eggplant after 3 days. However, when adults were given eggplant after first settling on poinsettia, only 38% of B. argentifolii were later found on eggplant, whereas 95% of T. vaporariorum moved to eggplant. In a greenhouse experiment, eggplant did not affect either the spatial distribution or density of adult B. argentifolii on poinsettias. In contrast, eggplant changed the spatial distribution of T. vaporariorum within 3 days by attracting and retaining the adults. However, the attractiveness of eggplant did not result in a reduced number of T. vaporariorum on poinsettias compared with poinsettias in monoculture. Adult T. vaporariorum mortality was high on poinsettias and this likely caused adult density on poinsettias in monoculture to decrease as fast as that under trap cropping. A simulation model was developed to examine how adult whitefly mortality on poinsettia influences trap cropping effectiveness. When whitefly mortality was high, simulated densities were similar to the experimental data. This reveals an unexpected factor, pest mortality on the main crop, that can influence the relative effectiveness of trap cropping. Our results indicate that eggplant will not work unilaterally as a trap crop for B. argentifolii. For T. vaporariorum, attraction to eggplant might be useful as a trap crop system when whitefly mortality on the main crop is not high.  相似文献   

S. Boag  A. R. Portis Jr. 《Planta》1985,165(3):416-423
The levels of stromal photosynthetic intermediates were measured in isolated intact spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) chloroplasts exposed to reduced osmotic potentials. Stressed chloroplasts showed slower rates of metabolite accumulation upon illumination than controls. Relative to other metabolites sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphate (SBP) and fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) accumulated in the stroma in the stressed treatments. Under these conditions 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA) efflux to the medium was restricted. Chloroplasts previously incubated with [32P]KH2PO4 and [32P]dihydroxyacetone phosphate ([32P]DAP) in the dark were characterized by very high FBP and SBP levels prior to illumination. Metabolism of these pools upon illumination increased with increasing pH of the medium but was consistently inhibited in osmotically stressed chloroplasts. The responses of stromal FBP and SBP pools under hypertonic conditions are discussed in terms of both inhibited light activation of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (EC and sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (EC, and likely increases in stromal ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (EC active-site concentrations.Abbreviations and symbols DAP dihydroxyacetone phosphate - FBP fructose-1,6-bisphosphate - PGA 3-phosphoglycerate - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - SBP sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphate - s osmotic potential  相似文献   

Interaction between Medicago spp. and Sinorhizobium meliloti leads to the development of a novel organ, the root nodule. A gene, Msapk1, encoding a novel type of plant protein kinase containing a N-terminal region with an ankyrin domain, was identified and shown to be expressed both in S. meliloti-infected and spontaneous nodules in alfalfa. This gene is not exclusively associated to nodulation since its expression was detected in other plant organs. Several genes coding for ankyrin protein kinases (APKs) were detected in various plants and animals. Three closest A. thaliana homologues of Msapk1 were identified in databases and two of them were shown to express differentially in various organs using gene-specific RT-PCR. In contrast, Southern analysis suggests that a single-copy gene exists in diploid M. truncatula. By screening a M. truncatula BAC library the Mtapk1 genomic region was isolated and sequenced. Two neighbouring genes showing homologies to previously identified sequences in data banks were detected in the vicinity of the Mtapk1 gene and compared to similar regions of the three Atapk genes. The distribution of exons/introns was the same for all expressed genes of both species although Mtapk1 contained larger introns. Upon osmotic stress Msapk1 expression was induced in roots of alfalfa starting from three hours up to two days of treatment. These data suggest that Msapk1, involved in alfalfa osmotic stress responses, belongs to a novel class of plant protein kinases.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted using organophosphate-resistant and susceptible strains of greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood, to assess age-specific vital rates in individually-held adults, and development and survival in preadults on three cotton cultivars at 27±1 °C, 50±10% RH, and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D). Female whiteflies lived longer than males, with a maximum life expectancy of 29 days. Heaviest egg laying occurred at ages between 7 and 18 days when individual whiteflies laid > 10 eggs/day. Greenhouse whitefly populations doubled weekly, with stable age distribution of 63% eggs, 28% larvae, 5% pupae, and 4% adults. Analysis of various life history parameters that combine aspects of survival, developmental rates, and fecundity indicated no consistent differences in reproductive fitness between the two greenhouse whitefly strains. Of the three cotton cultivars tested, Pima S-6 was most susceptible, Acala SJ-2 was intermediate and Gumbo 500 was most resistant to greenhouse whitefly. Resistance of Gumbo 500 was expressed as slower developmental rates, reduced survival to adulthood, lower reproductive rates, and lower intrinsic rate of increase.  相似文献   

Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) is the vector of cassava mosaic geminiviruses that cause cassava mosaic disease (CMD), which in turn causes devastating yield losses. Surveys were conducted from October 2000 to November 2001 in four agro-ecologies in Uganda to enhance the understanding of parasitoid fauna and parasitism of B. tabaci in cassava fields. Such an understanding is an essential prerequisite for the development of biological control methods of B. tabaci to complement current CMD control practices. Parasitoid abundance and parasitism efficiency varied between locations and sampling dates within the locations; highest parasitoid densities were observed at Namulonge in the Lake Victoria crescent while the lowest was at Kalangala. In all locations, parasitism was mainly due to Encarsia sophia Dodd and Girault and Eretmocerus mundus Mercet (all Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). Two occasionally observed species included Encarsia mineoi Viggiani (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), only observed at Namulonge, and blackhead Encarsia (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) observed at Bulisa, Namulonge and Lyantonde. Parasitism efficiency was highest at Bulisa (57.9%), but ranged from 40.2 to 46.9% at the other three sites. This paper discusses the possible causes of variations in parasitoid abundance and parasitism efficiency, and proposes further studies that might be carried out to assess the potential for augmentation of parasitoids to control B. tabacipopulations and CMD.  相似文献   

Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) produces an induced defensive hypersensitive response in inner bark colonized by the southern pine beetle, Dendroctonus frontalis Zimm. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), and its associated fungi. Adult beetles forced to colonize the induced response tissue in a laboratory study constructed galleries that were the same length as adults boring in normal phloem. However, each female laid fewer eggs in the induced tissue. Larval and pupal mortality were also higher in this tissue when compared to surrounding phloem. Beetles colonizing trees in response to pheromone baits constructed less gallery and laid fewer eggs in induced tissue than in surrounding normal phloem. These results suggest that the lesions produced by the induced defense system in conifers may not only contain the growth of fungi inoculated into trees during the attack phase of beetle colonization, but may also affect survival of bark beetle progeny.
Résumé Une réaction hypersensible de défense a été induite dans les couches profondes de l'écorce de P. taeda colonisée par D. frontalis et le champignon qui lui est associé. Au laboratoire, des adultes, contraints de coloniser les tissus où une réaction hypersensible e été induite, ont foré des galeries de même longueur que celles creusées dans du phloème sain. Cependant les femelles ont pondu moins d'oeufs dans les tissus induits; les mortalités larvaires et nymphales étaient aussi plus fortes dans ce tissu que dans le phloème voisin. Les scolytes, ayant colonisé les arbres après attraction par des pièges à phéromones, forent moins de galeries et pondent moins d'oeufs dans le tissu induit que dans le phloème sain voisin. Ces résultats suggèrent que les lésions, provoquées par le système de défense induit des conifères, peuvent non seulement limiter la croissance du champignon inoculé dans l'arbre au cours de la colonisation des scolytes, mais aussi affecter la survie des descendants dans l'écorce.

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