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The efficacy of a new vaccination procedure against Schistosoma mansoni, involving intradermal injection of nonliving antigen combined with the bacterial adjuvant Mycobacterium bovis strain bacillus Calmette Guérin, was tested in several strains of mice. Development of protection against subsequent infection was compared with in vivo skin test reactivity and in vitro humoral reactivity to soluble and surface-associated schistosome antigens. Significant levels of resistance and immune response were displayed by many inbred mouse strains, including C57BL/6J, C3H/HeN, and CBA/J, as well as outbred Swiss-Webster mice. However, no definite correlation was observed between the level of any particular immune response and the level of resistance to challenge S. mansoni infection. Development of protective immunity was also examined in mice with various immune defects, to determine whether these responses are relevant to resistance in this model. Animals with defective specific immediate hypersensitivity response due to deficiencies in IgE (SJL/J) or mast cell (W/Wv) production displayed strong resistance as a result of immunization. Likewise, mice bearing the lpsd (C3H/HeJ) or xid (CBA/N) mutations, affecting cellular or humoral response to certain thymus-independent antigens, developed significant levels of resistance after immunization. A/J mice, with defects in cellular recognition of bacterial endotoxin as well as deficiencies in natural killer cell activity and complement function, also showed significant protective immunity. Thus, these reactivities do not appear to be essential to the resistance against S. mansoni induced by the nonliving vaccine. Two nonresponder strains were identified, P and BALB/c. P mice were defective in specific delayed hypersensitivity response as well as resistance to infection. However, BALB/c mice showed no obvious immune deficiencies at the time of challenge. These results agreed with previous findings in mice immunized by exposure to radiation-attenuated cercariae with one exception; BALB/c mice were protected by vaccination with irradiated cercariae but not by the nonliving vaccine. Thus, further examination of immune response in mice identified in this study as high and low responder strains should allow characterization of critical immune resistance mechanisms induced by the nonliving vaccine, as well as immune mechanisms operating in common between these two models of resistance to S. mansoni.  相似文献   

A preparation of nonliving parasite antigens containing both soluble and particulate components of frozen-and-thawed invasive larvae was used to immunize C57BL/6J mice against challenge Schistosoma mansoni infection. The method of antigen presentation was observed to be critical to the ability of this preparation to induce protective immunity, because intradermal administration in conjunction with a bacterial adjuvant (BCG) resulted in strong protection against challenge parasites (51% reduction in worm burden in six experiments), whereas i.v. injection of the same antigenic preparation was completely ineffective. Induction of resistance was accompanied by specific immune responsiveness toward schistosome antigens. Protection correlated more closely with sensitization for specific delayed hypersensitivity than with elicitation of circulating antibodies to larval surface antigens or immediate hypersensitivity in these models. These results suggest that it will be possible to design a defined vaccine against S. mansoni infection, but that identification of the route of antigen presentation that most effectively elicits relevant immune effector mechanisms will be crucial to the success of any vaccination protocol involving nonliving antigens.  相似文献   

An aqueous buffer-soluble, nonparticulate fraction of adult Schistosoma mansoni worms (SWAP) was separated by gel filtration on Ultragel AcA-34, and portions of the eluate were tested for their capacity to induce protective immunity against cercarial challenge when administered intradermally to mice in combination with the adjuvant BCG. All of the immunogenic activity was found in a single peak of protein excluded in the void volume of the column. This same fraction was determined by SDS-PAGE and Western immunoblotting to be unique in that it contained a component of Mr (X 10(-3) 97 (97,000) recognized monospecifically by antibodies from mice vaccinated with unseparated SWAP plus BCG. Similarly, the protective fraction was unique in possessing the capacity to elicit 24 hr delayed footpad swelling responses, as well as lymphokine production, in SWAP-BCG-immunized mice. These results suggest that the immunogenic activity of SWAP resides in a restricted population of molecules, and possibly in the 97,000 antigen detected with antibodies from vaccinated animals. Because both the protective capacity of unfractionated SWAP and the serologic reactivity of the 97,000 antigen are sensitive to digestion with protease, it is likely that the immunologic activity of these molecules is dependent on peptide-bonded structural elements.  相似文献   

A single intradermal injection of frozen and thawed schistosomula in conjunction with the bacterial adjuvant Mycobacterium bovis strain Bacille Calmette Guerin, Phipps substrain (BCG) induced significant levels of resistance to challenge Schistosoma mansoni infection in C57BL/6 mice. Immunization with the aqueous fraction remaining after 100,000 X G centrifugation of the larval lysate was also protective under these conditions, suggesting that some immunogenic determinants may not be membrane associated. Frozen-thawed cercariae and soluble components of adult worms also protected against challenge infection in these experiments. These observations indicate that soluble immunogens are present in both early and late developmental stages of the parasite, and therefore may be good candidate antigens for an immunochemically defined vaccine against schistosomiasis. Induction of humoral reactivity against soluble or membrane antigens was examined in mice protected against cercarial challenge by prior exposure to frozen-thawed larvae, soluble larval, or soluble adult antigens plus BCG. Animals that were immunized with frozen-thawed larvae produced low but significant levels of antibodies against larval surface antigens when examined by indirect immunofluorescence or by immunoprecipitation of surface-labeled schistosomula. Mice immunized with soluble antigens, however, showed negligible antibody reactivity against surface membrane antigens. Because mice immunized with soluble antigens were resistant to challenge infection, these results strongly suggest that anti-surface membrane reactivity is not required in the mechanism of protective immunity in this model. Sera from mice immunized with either total freeze-thaw larval lysate or soluble schistosome extracts all showed strong reactivity against soluble antigens, as detected by ELISA. Western blot analysis showed these antisera to react with a restricted number of high m.w. antigens that were present both in schistosomula and in adult worms. These antigens are therefore likely to play a major role in the development of resistance in this model as immunogens and/or as targets of protective immune response.  相似文献   

Mice exposed to radiation-attenuated cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni are highly resistant to challenge infection, and sera from these mice can confer partial resistance when transferred to naive recipients. These sera recognize Ag present in schistosomular and adult worms, among them an Ag of 200 kDa. A cDNA encoding a 62-kDa portion of this Ag was cloned; the deduced amino acid sequence of this cDNA clone shares homology with myosins of other species. To assess the immunoprophylactic potential, we carried out vaccination trials in mice using the recombinant polypeptide expressed as a fusion protein with beta-galactosidase presented in the form of proteosome complexes with the outer membrane protein of meningococcus. The level of protection achieved was 32%, and this level could be increased to 75% by removal of those amino acids included in the fusion protein that were derived from the vector to yield a polypeptide, designated rIrV-5. A similar level of protection was achieved when mice were immunized with the same dose of rIrV-5 in the form of protein complexes but without outer membrane protein, suggesting that protection did not require the use of adjuvant. However, at least three immunizations were necessary to achieve protection. Using mAb and sera from mice vaccinated with rIrV-5, we demonstrated that the native protein recognized by antibodies against rIrV-5 is a 200-kDa protein that is expressed on the surface of newly transformed schistosomula. The protection achieved with rIrV-5 in mice encourages additional studies of its potential as a vaccine candidate for the prevention of schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

Mice of most inbred strains develop moderate to high levels of resistance to challenge infection on vaccination with radiation-attenuated cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni. P strain mice, however, fail to display significant protective immunity after exposure to the same vaccine. To examine the genetic basis of this polymorphism in host immunity, vaccine-induced resistance was examined in (C57/BL6J X P/N)F1, F2, and reciprocal backcross generations. The defective immunity which characterizes the P strain parent was found to be inherited in a fully recessive manner and to be controlled by a single genetic locus, which we have designated Rsm-1. Linkage analyses revealed that Rsm-1 is not genetically associated with the major histocompatibility complex (chromosome 17), the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus (chromosome 12), or a single locus influencing defective anti-schistosomulum IgM antibody responses in the P parental stock. These data provide the first example of single gene control of vaccine-induced immunity against a helminth infection. Because P mice are also defective in their capacity to develop tumoricidal macrophages and in their immunity to Leishmania major, genes encoded by the Rsm-1 locus may play a general role in resistance to infection and malignancy.  相似文献   

Zhong J  Rist M  Cooper L  Smith C  Khanna R 《PloS one》2008,3(9):e3256
Based on the life-time cost to the health care system, the Institute of Medicine has assigned the highest priority for a vaccine to control human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) disease in transplant patients and new born babies. In spite of numerous attempts successful licensure of a HCMV vaccine formulation remains elusive. Here we have developed a novel chimeric vaccine strategy based on a replication-deficient adenovirus which encodes the extracellular domain of gB protein and multiple HLA class I & II-restricted CTL epitopes from HCMV as a contiguous polypeptide. Immunisation with this chimeric vaccine consistently generated strong HCMV-specific CD8(+) and CD4(+) T-cells which co-expressed IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, while the humoral response induced by this vaccine showed strong virus neutralizing capacity. More importantly, immunization with adenoviral chimeric vaccine also afforded protection against challenge with recombinant vaccinia virus encoding HCMV antigens and this protection was associated with the induction of a pluripotent antigen-specific cellular and antibody response. Furthermore, in vitro stimulation with this adenoviral chimeric vaccine rapidly expanded multiple antigen-specific human CD8(+) and CD4(+) T-cells from healthy virus carriers. These studies demonstrate that the adenovirus chimeric HCMV vaccine provides an excellent platform for reconstituting protective immunity to prevent HCMV diseases in different clinical settings.  相似文献   

These studies explore auto-anti-idiotypic mechanisms as potential regulators of the protective immune response against Schistosoma mansoni. Anti-idiotypic responses were stimulated by immunization of mice with lymphoblasts, bearing specific idiotypic receptors. These receptors were produced in vitro by stimulation of Ag-reactive T cells by soluble cercarial immunogen, keyhole limpet hemocyanin, or Con A. The animals were then exposed to irradiated cercariae, keyhole limpet hemocyanin, or SRBC. The results indicate that the soluble cercarial immunogen lymphoblast recipient mice demonstrated reduction in a number of parameters of their immune response to schistosome Ag, including resistance to challenge by parasites. These changes were immunologically specific. Anti-idiotypic antibodies and anti-clonotypic T cell reactivity was demonstrated in the lymphoblast immunized mice. The suppression of reactivity in LBM was mediated by Lyt-1-, L3T-4-, and Lyt-2+ lymphocytes. These studies suggest that idiotypically dependent pathways might be important for the regulation of resistance to schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

Mice were protected against subsequent infection with Schistosoma mansoni by intradermal or s.c. vaccination with killed schistosomula or soluble parasite extracts and bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG). Treatment with i.p. immunization was somewhat less effective, whereas i.m. vaccination failed to elicit protective immunity. The level of resistance induced by intradermal immunization was influenced by the strain of BCG used, and isolated BCG cell walls did not reliably substitute for whole BCG organisms as adjuvant. Bordetella pertussis vaccine and saponin were also able to function as adjuvants for protective immunity in this model, whereas other immunopotentiators including Corynebacterium parvum and aluminum hydroxide were ineffective. No correlation between resistance to challenge infection and antibody levels was detected. Animals immunized intradermally using either protective or non-protective adjuvants all showed minimal humoral reactivity against schistosomulum surface Ag but strong IgG response to soluble parasite components including paramyosin, which is the major serologically recognized Ag in mice vaccinated intradermally with schistosome Ag plus BCG and is protective in this model. In contrast, a strong correlation was observed between resistance and Ag-specific cell-mediated reactivity, including IFN production by T lymphocytes in vitro and macrophage activation in vivo. These results further substantiate the hypothesis that protection in this model is based on cell-mediated immune effector mechanisms. Moreover, they may be of general relevance in the design of vaccination protocols using other Ag or against other infectious agents.  相似文献   

Although anti-tumor immunity is inducible by dendritic cell (DC)-based vaccines, time- and cost-consuming "customizing" processes required for ex vivo DC manipulation have hindered broader clinical applications of this concept. Epidermal Langerhans cells (LCs) migrate to draining lymph nodes and undergo maturational changes on exposure to reactive haptens. We entrapped these migratory LCs by subcutaneous implantation of ethylene-vinyl-acetate (EVA) polymer rods releasing macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-3beta (to create an artificial gradient of an LC-attracting chemokine) and topical application of hapten (to trigger LC emigration from epidermis). The entrapped LCs were antigen-loaded in situ by co-implantation of the second EVA rods releasing tumor-associated antigens (TAAs). Potent cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) activities and protective immunity against tumors were induced efficiently with each of three tested TAA preparations. Thus, tumor-specific immunity is inducible by the combination of LC entrapment and in situ LC loading technologies. Our new vaccine strategy requires no ex vivo DC manipulation and thus may provide time and cost savings.  相似文献   

In our previous work on the idiotypic network in the rat model of schistosomiasis we showed that immunization with an IgE mAb specific for 26/56-kDa parasitic Ag resulted in the production of anti-anti-Id antibodies of both the IgG and IgE classes. Further studies demonstrated that anti-Ab2 T cell lines, obtained by immunization with Ab2 antibodies, functioned as conventional Th cells; they were MHC-restricted and required APC to proliferate in the presence of the native schistosomula Ag and the Ab2 antibodies. We report the involvement of these anti-Ab2 cells in the regulation of protective immunity. The transfer of long term culture anti-Ab2 T cell lines into LOU/M rats, followed by a challenge infection by Schistosoma mansoni 1 day after the cell transfer led to a slight increase in the worm burden. On the contrary, the transfer of anti-Ab2 T cells 90 days before S. mansoni infection induced a significant reduction of the worm burden (up to 57%). T cells recovered from the protected rats were stimulated by the native schistosomula Ag as well as by tryptic fragments of IgG isolated from the Ab2 sera, in the presence of irradiated thymic cells as APC. We also analyzed the humoral response developed by the rats after transfer with the anti-Ab2 T cell lines. The sera induced various inflammatory cells into cytotoxic effectors against the larvae of S. mansoni, arguing for the presence of functional IgE in the sera. Moreover, when these sera were passively transferred into rats infected 1 day later, a significant reduction of the worm burden was observed. However, antibody-dependent cytotoxic mechanisms efficient 10 days after the anti-Ab2 T cell transfer did not correlate with the protective immunity which required a 90-day delay to be established. These data suggest that the protective immunity induced by the anti-Ab2 cells is supported both by the cellular and humoral components and that in a future vaccinating strategy the idiotypic network may play a crucial role.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni is one of several species of trematode helminths responsible for schistosomiasis, a major parasitic infection of man. Genetic analysis in mice has revealed that the protective immunity induced against this parasite by an attenuated larval vaccine is strongly influenced by genes regulating the activation of macrophage effector cells. The latter finding suggests that the induction of cell-mediated immunity may be a successful strategy for a non-living vaccine against the human infection.  相似文献   

Mice protected against Schistosoma mansoni infection by intradermal (i.d.) vaccination with nonliving schistosomula or soluble extracts of larval or adult schistosomes (SCHLAP and SWAP, respectively) produce antibodies that react by Western blot analysis with one antigen of Mr (X 10(-3)) 97 in SWAP prepared in the presence of protease inhibitors and two antigens of Mr (X 10(-3)) 95 and 78 in SWAP prepared in their absence. Vaccine antibodies also immunoprecipitated a single 97k molecule, with a pI of 5.5, from detergent extracts of [35S] methionine-labeled schistosomes. Three hybridomas, produced from spleen cells of i.d. immunized mice, all recognized both the 95k/78k doublet and the 97k antigen, indicating that the two lower Mr components are degradation products of the same 97k molecule. The 97k/95k/78k complex (Sm-97) was purified by affinity chromatography and found to constitute 0.5% of the total protein in SWAP. 125I-concanavalin A bound weakly to purified Sm-97, indicating that this antigen is minimally glycosylated. By indirect immunofluorescence, Sm-97 was localized to regions just below the tegumental and gut syncitia of adult worms. Mice protected by i.d. vaccination produced high titers (1:10,240) of anti-Sm-97 antibodies, whereas chronically infected mice responded at a much lower level (titer 1:640). In contrast, mice protectively immunized with irradiated cercariae and mice nonprophylactically inoculated by the i.v. route failed to produce detectable anti-Sm-97 antibodies. Competitive radioimmunoassays performed with 125I-labeled monoclonal antibodies and purified antigen defined at least two distinct epitopes on Sm-97. Antibodies from i.d. vaccinated mice recognized both monoclonal antibody-defined epitopes, whereas anti-Sm-97 antibodies in chronic infection sera recognized neither. Finally, purified Sm-97 was shown to elicit delayed-type hypersensitivity in i.d. vaccinated mice, suggesting that this molecule is also capable of evoking cell-mediated responses, a finding consistent with its proposed function as a vaccine immunogen.  相似文献   

Based on the beneficial influence of melatonin administration on the course of schistosomiasis and on its possible action on the immune system, we aimed in this study to establish an immunization program using Schistosoma mansoni adult worm antigen (SWAP) and cercarial antigen (CAP) alone or concurrently with melatonin treatment, for 30 successive days, in an attempt to enhance their efficacy against the infection in hamsters. Results showed that the worm reduction percentages were 53.8%, 67.01%, 56.4% and 99.3% for CAP, CAP + melatonin, SWAP, SWAP + melatonin, respectively, indicating that melatonin enhanced efficacy of SWAP but only produced a slight increase in efficacy of CAP. Highly significant reductions in egg load in the liver and alteration in the oogram pattern with a high percentage of immature eggs and few dead eggs were recorded in the groups that received melatonin treatment suggesting a possible role for melatonin in the regulation of egg production and development. On the other hand, melatonin clearly improved the oxidative status in the immunized groups. No antibody (Ab) response was recorded in the groups immunized with SWAP + melatonin while low Ab level was seen in the other melatonin-treated group. In addition to the antioxidant properties of melatonin, our results suggested that the early and continuous melatonin administration may result in immunomodulatory actions which in turn enhanced the efficacy of SWAP and CAP in different ways. This indicates the importance of further investigation of the mechanisms of melatonin action and the possible application in a vaccination program.  相似文献   

A single, 68,000 m.w. glycoprotein antigen from adult Schistosoma mansoni was purified by immunoaffinity chromatography with the use of a newly developed, protective, anti-schistosome murine monoclonal antibody. Immunization with two doses of 0.5 microgram or 1 microgram of purified antigen, without adjuvants, afforded a mean 28% reduction in parasite recovery in CF1 mice, and 2-% reduction in parasite BALB/c mice. On immunoblotting, the 68,000 m.w. antigen was common to S. mansoni adults and schistosomula, whereas parasite eggs contained only cross-reacting low m.w. antigens of 19,100 and 16,000. Immunization resulted in the development of anti-antigen antibody and enhanced immediate cutaneous hypersensitivity to the 31-3B6 antigen. By contrast, delayed-type hypersensitivity and sensitization to circumoval granuloma formation were not observed in immunized mice. It was concluded that the 68,000 m.w. 31-3B6 antigen represents a candidate vaccine for adjuvant-free immunization against S. mansoni.  相似文献   

In contrast to many other strains, inbred P strain mice fail to develop significant levels of resistance to challenge Schistosoma mansoni infection as a result of prior vaccination with radiation-attenuated cercariae. In this study, the relationship between defects in resistance and development of cell-mediated immune reactivity was examined. Although splenocytes from immunized P mice demonstrated deficiencies in production of macrophage-activating lymphokine(s) in response to either antigenic or mitogenic stimulation, other aspects of T lymphocyte responsiveness including blastogenesis, production of interleukin 2, interleukin 3 and macrophage chemotactic factor, as well as helper cell function for secondary plaque-forming cell response to a T-dependent antigen and allospecific cytolytic T cell reactivity, appeared to be comparable with those of C57BL/6 mice, a strain that is protected by vaccination against S. mansoni. FACS comparison revealed no significant deficits in percentages of Thy-1+, Lyt-1+, or L3T4+ splenocytes in vaccinated P mice. The P-associated defect in production of macrophage-activating factor appeared to be at the level of the T cell rather than the antigen-presenting cell, because macrophages from P mice could reconstitute the lymphokine-producing capacity of T-enriched splenocytes from immunized, resistant (C57BL/6 X P) F1 or B10.P mice, whereas the converse was not true. These results indicate that vaccinated P mice have a selective defect in T cell function for production of macrophage-activating lymphokine, which is manifested as a failure to produce activated larvicidal macrophages at the site of specific antigen challenge in vivo and may be associated with the failure of this strain to become resistant to S. mansoni.  相似文献   

Schistosomes are blood-dwelling flukes that infect 200 million people worldwide and are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths annually. Using a signal sequence trap, we cloned from Schistosoma mansoni two cDNAs, Sm-tsp-1 and Sm-tsp-2, encoding the tetraspanin (TSP) integral membrane proteins TSP-1 and TSP-2. We raised antibodies to recombinant TSP fusion proteins and showed that both proteins are exposed on the surface of S. mansoni. Recombinant TSP-2, but not TSP-1, is strongly recognized by IgG1 and IgG3 (but not IgE) from naturally resistant individuals but is not recognized by IgG from chronically infected or unexposed individuals. Vaccination of mice with the recombinant proteins followed by challenge infection with S. mansoni resulted in reductions of 57% and 64% (TSP-2) and 34% and 52% (TSP-1) for mean adult worm burdens and liver egg burdens, respectively, over two independent trials. Fecal egg counts were reduced by 65-69% in both test groups. TSP-2 in particular provided protection in excess of the 40% benchmark set by the World Health Organization for progression of schistosome vaccine antigens into clinical trials. When coupled with its selective recognition by naturally resistant people, TSP-2 seems to be an effective vaccine antigen against S. mansoni.  相似文献   

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