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The distribution of endothelin mRNA and immunoreactivity in the human brain was investigated using the technique of in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry. Cryostat sections from 22 cases of neurologically normal adult human brain, collected 3-7 h post-mortem were hybridized with 35S-labelled complementary (c)RNA probes prepared from the 3' non-coding region of endothelin-1 cDNA, and the chromosomal genes encoding endothelin-2 and -3. In situ hybridization with all three cRNA probes revealed labelled neuronal cell bodies in laminae III-VI of the parietal, temporal and frontal cortices. Labelled cells were also seen, scattered throughout the para- and periventricular, supraoptic and lateral hypothalamic nuclei, the caudate nucleus, amygdala, hippocampus, basal nucleus of Meynert, substantia nigra, raphe nuclei, Purkinje cell layer of the cerebellum and in the dorsal motor nuclei of the vagus of the medulla oblongata. The distribution of neurones immunoreactive to endothelin was similar to that of endothelin mRNA, although fewer immunoreactive cells throughout the brain, were noted. Immunoreactive fibres were present mainly in the cortex and hypothalamus, and to a lesser extent in the brain stem. Combined in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry on the same section revealed the presence of endothelin-1 mRNA and immunoreactivity in the same cortical neuronal cell. Colocalisation studies in the cortex revealed endothelin-1 mRNA and immunoreactivity in a number of cells which also expressed neuropeptide Y mRNA and immunoreactivity. In the hypothalamus and basal nucleus of Meynert endothelin immunoreactivity was colocalised to a subset of neurophysin- and galanin-immunoreactive cell bodies respectively. Endothelin mRNA and immunoreactivity was also seen in some blood vessel endothelial cells. The findings of endothelin mRNAs and immunoreactivity in heterogenous neuronal populations further emphasises the potential role of endothelin as a neuropeptide, probably having diverse actions in the nervous system of man.  相似文献   

The distribution of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) immunoreactivity was demonstrated by immunocytochemistry in intact and colchicine-treated pigeons. Colchicine injections were administered at different times related to the circadian activity of the CRF-adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)-corticosterone axis. Three CRF antisera were used, two directed against synthetic rat CRF and one directed against synthetic ovine CRF. No fundamental differences appeared in the pigeon brain with respect to the specific CRF antiserum used. The most effective colchicine injection times corresponded to hypersecretion in the corticotropic axis. CRF-immunopositive neurons were scattered throughout the pigeon brain. In addition to the paraventricular hypothalamic system, which is involved in adenohypophysial ACTH regulation, several other hypothalamic and extrahypothalamic areas showed CRF neurons. The distribution suggests that CRF may also act as a modulator and a neurotransmitter. Two hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus-median eminence CRF pathways are described here. Moreover, CRF-immunopositive reactions were observed in specific areas of cerebral ventricle walls, suggesting that CRF may be released into the cerebral fluid.  相似文献   

Summary The localization and regional distribution of insulin-like immunoreactivity (IRI) was studied in human brain autopsy material using the indirect immunofluorescence technique. A positive reaction for IRI could be observed in many neurons of the hypothalamus, the hippocampus, corpus amygdaloideum, medulla oblongata (especially within the nuclei of cranial nerves IX, X and XII), and the cerebral cortex, whereas the cerebellar cortex was lacking in immunohistochemically detectable insulin-like material. No nerve fibres containing polypeptides could be revealed. Additionally, the inuslin content of various brain regions was estimated by radioimmunosassay. Insulin concentrations in human nervous tissue were found to be elevated in comparison to blood plasma levels.The present investigation was supported by the HFR Neurobiologie und Hirnforschung and the HFR Diabetes mellitus und Fettstoffwechselstörungen of the GDR (Ministries of Higher Education and Health respectively) and the Finnish Ministry of Education  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical studies on the adult human brain have shown that transferrin is localized within three main compartments in the adult human brain. Oligodendrocytes and some astrocytes together with cells of the choroid plexus showed the highest intensity of staining. Neuronal staining occurred mainly within pyramidal or large polygonal cells, but this showed considerable regional variation being most marked in areas such as the cerebral cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, brainstem and cerebellar Purkinje cells. Small neurones such as caudate interneurones and granule cells showed relatively low activity. Diffuse immunostaining of the neuropil was evident, particularly where heavy neuronal or glial staining occurred. Immunostaining was also observed in white-matter fibre tracts. This pattern of distribution helps to provide a model for the mechanisms responsible for iron homeostasis in the normal brain.  相似文献   

The distribution of Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2 (FMRF-amide) -like immunoreactivity was investigated by indirect immunofluorescence technique using the molluscan FMRF-amide antibody in the brain of icefish (Pagetopsis macropterus and Chionodraco hamatus used as positive control) and red blooded (Trematomus bernacchii, Gymnodraco acuticeps, Histiodraco velifer, Cygnodraco mawsoni) Antarctic Teleosts. Immunoreactive perikarya were localised in the ventral thalamus, in the hypothalamus (preoptic and periventricular regions) and in the intermedioventral rhombencephalon (vagal motor nucleus) as well as in the telencephalon and in the mesencephalon. Positive nerve fibres were seen to project towards the caudal brainstem to reach the rhombencephalon. No differences were observed in the immunopositivity of FMRF-amide new distribution in the Antarctic Teleosts examined. In the icefishes the immunoreaction was stronger than in the hemoglobin-rich Teleosts. The distribution patterns of the FMRF-amide immunostaining suggest that this peptide may play a pivotal role in the cardiovascular regulation in the Antarctic Teleosts.  相似文献   

Human brain natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactivity in human brain.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The presence of immunoreactive human brain natriuretic peptide in the human brain was studied with a specific radioimmunoassay for human brain natriuretic peptide-32. This assay showed no significant cross-reaction with human alpha atrial natriuretic peptide, porcine brain natriuretic peptide or rat brain natriuretic peptide. Immunoreactive human brain natriuretic peptide was found in all 5 regions of human brain examined (cerebral cortex, thalamus, cerebellum, pons and hypothalamus) (0.6-6.7 pmol/g wet weight, n = 3). These values were comparable to the concentrations of immunoreactive alpha atrial natriuretic peptide in human brain (0.5-10.1 pmol/g wet weight). However, Sephadex G-50 column chromatography showed that the immunoreactive human brain natriuretic peptide in the human brain eluted earlier than synthetic human brain natriuretic peptide-32. These findings suggest that human brain natriuretic peptide is present in the human brain mainly as larger molecular weight forms.  相似文献   

Using high resolution centrifugal density-gradient separation of cytoplasmic extracts of guinea pig myenteric plexus and Torpedo electric tissue, we have succeeded in isolating fractions of storage particles rich in gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP). In extracts of myenteric plexus and gradients derived therefrom, the 10-amino acid GRP peptide (GRP-10) was the sole form present; this was bimodally distributed in the gradients, one peak copurifying with Golgi membranes and apparently consisting of immature storage particles, the other with other synaptophysin-rich neuropeptide-containing particles. In extracts of electric organ, a tissue rich in cholinergic electromotor nerve terminals, and gradients derived therefrom, GRP-like immunoreactivity behaved in gel permeation and reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography like the 27-amino acid peptide (GRP-27). About half of the immunoreactivity sedimented in the centrifugal gradient to a region rich in particles containing vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-like immunoreactivity; the remainder was recovered in a very dense region of the gradient containing larger membrane fragments, including synaptosomes. The electromotor nerves and cell bodies also contained GRP-27-like immunoreactivity in relatively high concentration as did the Torpedo gut. It is concluded that this GRP-like peptide is packaged in dense storage particles in the electromotor neurones.  相似文献   

Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) regulates growth in the early post-implantation embryo. Previous work has demonstrated that peptide agonists (SALLRSIPA and NAPVSIPQ) from downstream mediators that are regulated by VIP were able to prevent the alcohol-induced fetal death, growth restriction and microcephaly associated with fetal alcohol syndrome. Here we evaluated the role of VIP in this mouse model of fetal alcohol syndrome, to determine if fetal or maternal levels of VIP are altered. In addition, we evaluated whether peptide treatment would alter the effects of alcohol on VIP levels. Treatment groups included control, alcohol, and alcohol+peptides. VIP levels were measured with enzyme immunoassay [EIA] (Peninsula Laboratories, Belmont, CA). Quantitation of VIP expression was measured with rt-PCR using mimic cDNA primers. Embryo/decidual VIP levels were similar in control and alcohol-treated groups 6 h after treatment. However, in the embryo/deciduas at 12 and 24 h, VIP levels were below the EIA's detection limit in the alcohol-treated groups, and significantly lower than the control or peptide-pretreated groups (p<0.05). Maternal cortex VIP levels were undetectable and significantly lower in the alcohol-treated group than control or peptide+alcohol group at 6 and 12 h (p<0.001). VIP mRNA expression was quantitated in the embryo and deciduas, with a significant decline noted at 6 h to 58% of control levels (p=0.02). Pretreatment with the peptides attenuated the alcohol-induced decrease in VIP mRNA. These studies demonstrate that treatment with alcohol can decrease the expression and immunoreactivity of VIP in both maternal and fetal tissues. This alcohol-induced loss of a recognized regulator of embryonic growth and differentiation may contribute to the sequelae of toxicity observed in fetal alcohol syndrome.  相似文献   

Summary Laminin immunoreactivity is thought to be masked in formalin-fixed sections since proteolytic treatment is required to unmask it. We analyzed this masking with frozen and formalin-fixed human autopsy brains obtained at various postmortem periods. In unfixed, frozen sections, intense immunoreactivity was invariably detected in vascular walls of entire sections. When such sections were postfixed in formalin, immunoreactivity was not diminished even after prolonged fixation. In vibratome sections of brain fixed in formalin in situ, immunoreactivity varied with postmortem delay: in most cases, immunoreactivity was weak and restricted to superficial cortical layers. However, the extent of immunoreactivity increased with postmortem delay. Two cases fixed after prolonged postmortem periods revealed moderate immunoreactivity throughout the sections. We also investigated rat brains processed without postmortem delay. In unfixed frozen sections, immunoreactivity again was observed throughout the sections, independent of the length of any postfixation. In vibratome sections of fixed rat brain, immunoreactivity was restricted to the cutting margins of the brain blocks and around a trauma-induced cortical lesion, regardless of how long the blocks had been kept in fixative. Our data suggest that postmortem proteolysis accomplishes similar unmasking of laminin antigen as digestion on paraffin sections and that such unmasking can also be effected by proteolysis induced by damaging tissue during cryostat sectioning of fresh tissue.  相似文献   

This study investigated the distribution of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the brain of the night-migratory redheaded bunting (Emberiza bruniceps). We first cloned the 275-bp NPY gene in buntings, with ≥95 % homology with known sequences from other birds. The deduced peptide sequence contained all conserved 36 amino acids chain of the mature NPY peptide, but lacked 6 amino acids that form the NPY signal peptide. Using digosigenin-labeled riboprobe prepared from the cloned sequence, the brain cells that synthesize NPY were identified by in-situ hybridization. The NPY peptide containing cell bodies and terminals (fibers) were localized by immunocytochemistry. NPY mRNA and peptide were widespread throughout the bunting brain. This included predominant pallial and sub-pallial areas (cortex piriformis, cortex prepiriformis, hyperpallium apicale, hippocampus, globus pallidus) and thalamic and hypothalamic nuclei (organum vasculosum laminae terminalis, nucleus (n.) dorsolateralis anterior thalami, n. rotundus, n. infundibularis) including the median eminence and hind brain (n. pretectalis, n. opticus basalis, n. reticularis pontis caudalis pars gigantocellularis). The important structures with only NPY-immunoreactive fibers included the olfactory bulb, medial and lateral septal areas, medial preoptic nucleus, medial suprachiasmatic nucleus, paraventricular nucleus, ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, optic tectum, and ventro-lateral geniculate nucleus. These results demonstrate that NPY is possibly involved in the regulation of several physiological functions (e.g. daily timing feeding, and reproduction) in the migratory bunting.  相似文献   

Summary Immunoreactivity for calretinin, a calcium-binding protein, was studied in neurones in the guinea-pig small intestine. 26±1% of myenteric neurones and 12±3% of submucous neurones were immunoreactive for calretinin. All calretinin-immunoreactive neurones were also immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase and hence are likely to be cholinergic. In the myenteric plexus, two subtypes of Dogiel type-I calretinin-immunoreactive neurones could be distinguished from their projections and neurochemical coding. Some calretinin-immunoreactive myenteric neurones had short projections to the tertiary plexus, and hence are likely to be cholinergic motor neurones to the longitudinal muscle. Some of these cells were also immunoreactive for substance P. The remaining myenteric neurones, immunoreactive for calretinin, enkephalin, neurofilament protein triplet and substance P, are likely to be orad-projecting, cholinergic interneurones. Calretinin immunoreactivity was also found in cholinergic neurones in the submucosa, which project to the submucosal vasculature and mucosal glands, and which are likely to mediate vasodilation. Thus, calretinin immunoreactivity in the guinea-pig small intestine is confined to three functional classes of cholinergic neurones. It is possible, for the first time, to distinguish these classes of cells from other enteric neurones.  相似文献   

Summary Nerve fibres and perikarya containing LH-RH-like material were identified immunohistochemically in the diencephalon of the domestic hen using the peroxidase-anti-peroxidase technique. Perikarya were thinly scattered in bilateral bands close to the third ventricle extending from the nucleus praeopticus paraventricularis magnocellularis, passing in front of the anterior commissure into the septal area. In this latter area, the perikarya tended to spread out laterally. A few perikarya were seen in the anterior portion of the nucleus paraventricularis magnocellularis but were not found in the infundibular nuclear complex. Fibre tracts were seen running dorso-ventrally in the preoptic area apparently associated with the lamina terminalis. Fibres, possibly nerve terminals, were found in the lamina terminalis and in the external layers of the anterior and posterior divisions of the median eminence. A large number of fibres was seen distributed throughout the infundibular nuclear complex; scattered fibres were found close to the third ventricle in the anterior hypothalamus. Extrahypothalamic fibres were also observed to project from the septal area into other parts of the telencephalon.The authors thank Mrs G. Connell for technical assistance, Mr R.K. Field for help with photography, Professor A. Arimura and Dr. H.M. Fraser for anti-LH-RH serum and Hoechst Pharmaceuticals for the gift of synthetic LH-RH  相似文献   

Laminin immunoreactivity is thought to be masked in formalin-fixed sections since proteolytic treatment is required to unmask it. We analyzed this masking with frozen and formalin-fixed human autopsy brains obtained at various postmortem periods. In unfixed, frozen sections, intense immunoreactivity was invariably detected in vascular walls of entire sections. When such sections were postfixed in formalin, immunoreactivity was not diminished even after prolonged fixation. In vibratome sections of brain fixed in formalin in situ, immunoreactivity varied with postmortem delay: in most cases, immunoreactivity was weak and restricted to superficial cortical layers. However, the extent of immunoreactivity increased with postmortem delay. Two cases fixed after prolonged postmortem periods revealed moderate immunoreactivity throughout the sections. We also investigated rat brains processed without postmortem delay. In unfixed frozen sections, immunoreactivity again was observed throughout the sections, independent of the length of any postfixation. In vibratome sections of fixed rat brain, immunoreactivity was restricted to the cutting margins of the brain blocks and around a trauma-induced cortical lesion, regardless of how long the blocks had been kept in fixative. Our data suggest that postmortem proteolysis accomplishes similar unmasking of laminin antigen as digestion on paraffin sections and that such unmasking can also be effected by proteolysis induced by damaging tissue during cryostat sectioning of fresh tissue.  相似文献   

SummaryIn the present ultrastructural study, horseradish peroxidase-labelled lectins, in conjunction with antiperoxidase antibody and protein A-gold, were used to characterise and localise the oligosaccharide sequences of zona pellucida glycoproteins at different stages of follicular development in the canine ovary. Deacetylation and sialidase digestion were also performed before lectin cytochemistry. The zona pellucida of oocytes present in unilaminar primary follicles reacts with WGA- and RCA-I-lectins. The zona pellucida of oocytes present in bilaminar and trilaminar secondary follicles displays positivity to WGA, RCA-I, Con-A, UEA-I, and sialidase/SBA. This labelling pattern persists in the zona pellucida of oocytes present in antral tertiary follicles with the exception of WGA and RCA-I reactive sites which are differently distributed throughout the zona pellucida. The topographical distribution of these carbohydrates is not uniform throughout the zona pellucida, indicating the regionalization of oligosaccharide chains within three concentric bands of the zona matrix: an inner surface close to the oocyte plasmamembrane, an intermediate portion and an outer layer in contact with the follicular cells. Our results demonstrated variations in the presence and distribution of the carbohydrate residues in the canine zona pellucida during different stages of follicular growth. We also observed the presence of vesicles in both the ooplasm and granulosa cells, showing a similar lectin binding pattern to that of the zona pellucida.  相似文献   

Summary Calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunoreactive cells were identified within the epithelium of distal conducting airways in the human fetus and infant. Several peptides and amines, including calcitonin, have been identified previously within a specific population of airway epithelial cells. These cells, referred to as pulmonary neuroendocrine cells, are postulated to be airway chemoreceptors responsible for changes in ventilation and perfusion in response to changes in airway gas composition. Calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactive cells could be identified throughout the period of development studies (20 weeks gestation to 3 months of age), but were present in only limited numbers in less than 50% of individuals (n=23). In contrast, large numbers of calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactive cells were identified in 100% of infants (1–3 months, n=5) with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The differential processing of mRNA transcribed from the calcitonin gene in neural and non-neural tissue suggests that calcitonin, rather than calcitonin gene-related peptide, is the primary product of translation in pulmonary neuroendocrine cells. However, considering the potent vasodilatory and bronchoconstrictive effects of calcitonin gene-related peptide, its presence in pulmonary neuroendocrine cells, even in small amounts, may be important in controlling pulmonary vaso- and/or bronchomotor tone. The presence of large numbers of calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactive cells in infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia suggests that calcitonin gene-related peptide may be one further agent contributing to the pulmonary pathophysiology seen in this disease.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding a human endothelium-derived vasoconstrictor peptide, endothelin, was isolated from a human placenta cDNA library. The nucleotide sequence of this cDNA clone showed that the primary structure of the human preproendothelin has 212 amino acid residues and is highly homologous to porcine preproendothelin, and that human endothelin is identical with porcine endothelin.  相似文献   

 We examined the cerebral cortex of five autopsied individuals without neurological and psychiatric diseases by immunohistochemistry using an anti-human recombinant choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) polyclonal antibody and in situ hybridization with 35S-labeled human ChAT riboprobes. The immunohistochemistry detected positive neurons which were medium-sized or large pyramidal neurons located predominantly in layers III and V. The density of such neurons was higher in the motor and secondary sensory areas than in other cortical areas; the immunoreactive neurons in layer V were more densely distributed in the motor area and those in layer III were distributed in the secondary sensory areas. Positively stained, non-pyramidal neurons were observed in the superficial layer of the cingulate gyrus and parahippocampus. No immunoreactive neurons were found in the primary sensory areas. The in situ hybridization detected some neurons with signals for ChAT mRNA in the cerebral cortex, most of which were distributed in layer V of the motor area and in layer III of the secondary visual area. These results indicate that the human cerebral cortex contains cholinergic neurons and displays regional and laminal variations in their distribution. Accepted: 17 November 1998  相似文献   

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