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Plasma concentrations of progesterone (P), deoxycorticosterone (DOC), 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OH P), corticosterone (B), deoxycortisol (S), cortisol (F) and aldosterone (A) in 8 control subjects (mean age: 40.5 years) and 10 patients with essential hypertension (EH) (mean age: 48.5 years) were determined before, 4 and 8 hours after an infusion of ACTH at a rate of 25 units per 8 hours. Secretion rates (SR) of 18-hydroxy-11-deoxycorticosterone (18-OH DOC) were measured 24 hours before and again on the day of ACTH infusion. All subjects were studied on the fourth day of a diet containing 135 mEq of sodium and 90 mEq of potassium. There was no statistically significant difference between 8 control subjects and 10 patients with EH in the 7 plasma steroid levels and the SR of 18-OH DOC before ACTH infusion. The mean plasma P response to ACTH was slightly lower in controls than in patients with EH, while that of 17-OH P (in male subjects) was slightly higher. The mean plasma B response was significantly lower after 4 hours of ACTH infusion (p less than 0.01), while that of DOC was significantly higher after 8 hours of ACTH infusion (p less than 0.05) in patients with EH. The mean plasma S rose significantly more in patients with EH (p less than 0.025) at 4 and 8 hours after ACTH infusion. The mean plasma F response to ACTH infusion was slightly lower in patients with EH than in controls. The mean response of 18-OH DOC SR to ACTH infusion was slightly higher in patients with EH than in controls. The mean plasma A response was significantly higher in patients with EH than in controls 4 (p less than 0.05) and 8 hour (p less than 0.001) after an ACTH infusion. These results could be explained in part by abnormalities in the 17- and 11-hydroxylase systems, and that the abnormality in 11-hydroxylation was more pronounced than that in the 17-position. Furthermore, we suspect that the sensitivity of adrenal aldosterone to ACTH might be increased or another accelerated pathway to aldosterone biosynthesis might exist in patients with EH.  相似文献   

The effect of angiotensin II (A II) on the plasma corticosteroid concentration and blood pressure was investigated in five normotensive subjects and 24 patients with essential hypertension (EH). Infusion of A II in normal subjects caused a significant increase in plasma aldosterone and significant decreases in plasma renin activity (PRA), plasma cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA-S), while plasma levels of deoxycorticosterone (DOC) and ACTH remained unchanged. In patients with EH, A II infusion caused a significant decrease in PRA and a significant increase in plasma aldosterone. The percent increase in plasma aldosterone was greatest in patients with high PRA when compared to the low and normal PRA groups. The mean plasma levels of cortisol, DOC and DHEA-S after A II infusion were significantly increased in patients with high PRA but no significant changes were observed in patients with low or normal PRA. The mean blood pressure in patients with low PRA was sharply increased during the infusion when compared to the other two groups and did not return to the baseline level after cessation of the infusion. Hepatic blood flow as estimated by the disappearance rate constant of indocyanine green was significantly lower in patients with low PRA than in patients with high PRA. The above results suggest that different responses to A II infusion in steroid biosynthesis may exist between normal subjects and patients with EH. These observed phenomena may be due to biochemical (serum sodium) or functional (plasma A II level) differences in the A II receptor site or to the difference in the metabolic clearance of A II in patients with EH.  相似文献   

The effect of ACTH and adrenal steroids on K transport in human erythrocytes has been studied. A new method of calculation has revealed that in normal human erythrocytes the K transport is not independent of external K concentration as had previously been thought. The equation describing the relationship is, K influx (m.eq./liter cells hour) = [K]pi/(0.697 + 0.329 [K]pi) in which [K]pi refers to the plasma K concentration at the beginning of the experiment. At the physiological plasma K concentration of 4.65 m.eq./liter, K influx is 2.09 m.eq./liter cells hour; K efflux is 1.95 m.eq./liter cells hour and is independent of plasma K concentration. The effect of the infusion of ACTH and adrenal steroids on the K content of the erythrocytes was also studied. Infusions of ACTH or cortisone do not cause the expected loss in erythrocyte K content and may well cause a gain. Infusions of ACTH and cortisone decrease the rate of K influx and efflux slightly at all stages of the infusion, as measured in vitro in blood samples drawn at various times during and following the infusion. However, the erythrocytes incubated in vitro do not exhibit the same changes in K content as are found in vivo. Hydrocortisone added to normal cells in vitro also decreases both influx and efflux of K, without affecting the K content of the cells.  相似文献   

Synthetic peptide, corresponding to the amino acid sequence 11-24 of human adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), was labeled with tritium (specific activity of 22 Ci/mmol). [(3)H]ACTH (11-24) was found to bind to rat adrenal cortex membranes with high affinity and specificity (K(d) = 1.8 +/- 0.1 nM). Twenty nine fragments of ACTH (11-24) have been synthesized and their ability to inhibit the specific binding of [(3)H]ACTH (11-24) to adrenocortical membranes has been investigated. Unlabeled fragment ACTH 15-18 (KKRR) was found to replace in a concentration-dependent manner [(3)H]ACTH (11-24) in the receptor-ligand complex (K(i) = 2.3 +/- 0.2 nM). ACTH (15-18) was labeled with tritium (specific activity of 20 Ci/mmol). [(3)H]ACTH (15-18) was found to bind to rat adrenal cortex membranes with high affinity (K(d) = 2.1 +/- 0.1 nM). The specific binding of [(3)H]ACTH (15-18) was inhibited by unlabeled ACTH (11-24) (K(i) = 2.2 +/- 0.1 nM). ACTH (15-18) at the concentration range of 1-1000 nM did not affect the adenylate cyclase activity in adrenocortical membranes.  相似文献   

The effect of synthetic monomeric and dimeric ACTH fragments on spontaneous and ACTH(1-39)-evoked steroidogenesis in frog interrenal tissue was studied in vitro. Infusion of ACTH fragment 11-24 (10(-6) M) or its dimeric conjugates, attached either by their N-terminal, Glu(11-24)2, or their C-terminal amino acid, (11-24)2Lys, had no effect on the spontaneous release of corticosteroids. The monomer ACTH(11-24) and the dimer Glu(11-24)2 were also totally devoid of effect on the steroidogenic response to ACTH(1-39) (10(-9)M). In contrast, the (11-24)2Lys conjugate (10(-6)M) significantly decreased ACTH-induced stimulation of corticosterone and aldosterone (-63 and -62%, respectively). The dimeric conjugate of the fragment ACTH(7-24), linked through the C-terminal ends, (7-24)2Lys (10(-6)M), was also completely devoid of effect on basal steroidogenesis but caused a marked decrease of ACTH-evoked corticosterone and aldosterone release (-72 and -80%, respectively). Conversely, infusion of the dimer (1-24)2Lys gave rise to a dose-related stimulation of corticosterone and aldosterone release. The time-course of the steroidogenic response to the dimer was similar to that of ACTH(1-24). The 1-24 conjugate was 70 times less potent than the monomers ACTH(1-24) and ACTH(1-39). These results suggest that amphibian adrenocortical cells contain only one class of ACTH receptor which recognizes the 11-24 domain of ACTH with an affinity which depends on the presence of a strong potentiator segment, located at the N-terminus end of ACTH(1-39). Since the ACTH-dimers are thought to induce cross-linking of the receptors, our results suggest that aggregation of ACTH receptors causes a down-regulation of the receptors.  相似文献   

A comparison of the responsiveness of isolated rat adrenal decapsular and glomerulosa cells to corticotrophin 1-39 (ACTH 1-39), synthetic ACTH analogs (characterized by a shorter amino acid chain length, the substitution of certain amino acids in the natural sequence by other amino acid residues, the replacement of the C-terminal carboxyl group by an amide), and proopiomelanocortin-derived peptides was performed by measuring corticosterone and aldosterone production, respectively. The potencies of the synthetic ACTH analogs correlated closely with the length of the peptides, similarly in both zones. No activity was observed with the proopiomelanocortin-derived peptides in either zone, with the exception of beta-LPH and alpha-MSH.  相似文献   

In postmenopausal women estrogens are mainly produced by aromatase mediated conversion of adrenal 4-ene-steroids in peripheral tissue, a process which is inhibited by aminoglutethimide (AG). To assess possible fluctuations in adrenocortical steroid secretion and the impact on plasma estrogen levels the effect of physiological ACTH doses was studied in 24 postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer treated with AG 4 X 250 mg and hydrocortisone 2 X 10 + 1 X 20 mg daily. Synthetic 1-24 ACTH (Synacthen) 0.5 mg was injected i.m. at 8.30 a.m. (t0), 10 h after the last AG + hydrocortisone dose. A definite decrease of t0 levels of the 5-ene-steroids dehydroepiandrosterone and its sulphate, and androstenediol was found at 1 month, with no further decrease at 2 months. 5-Ene-steroids responded decreasingly to ACTH under treatment. The 4-ene-steroids progesterone, androstenedione and testosterone, before and after ACTH were not suppressed by 1 or 2 months of treatment. Basal (t0) cortisol remained normal. Cortisol response to ACTH (delta max) was drastically diminished, but still present. Plasma estrogens were decreased. Estradiol (E2) at t0, being low from the start, fell by 50%. Estrone (E1) at t0 dropped to 30%. ACTH had measurable influence on E2, but did cause a transient increase of E1 (mean delta max 40% of baseline value) under treatment. The following conclusions are drawn: Treatment with AG + hydrocortisone for postmenopausal breast cancer reduces plasma estrogens, particularly E1. Plasma E1 reduction is not stable as demonstrated by the response to a physiological ACTH dose. The responses of 4-ene-steroids to ACTH are not affected by treatment, except for the response of cortisol which is significantly diminished.  相似文献   

Summary ACTH cells of the fish Xiphophorus responded to culture on a steroid-free medium by cytological changes that resulted in enlarged, rounded nuclei and enlarged nucleoli. These changes are interpreted as indicating an increase in the activity of the cells. A study of a range of steroids showed that, of the naturally occurring steroids, only cortisol would be effective at physiological concentrations in inhibiting the ACTH cells. Metyrapone and ACTH had no effect on the cells but ICI 33828 resulted in a significant inhibition. The recognition of cortisol by the ACTH cells was found to be a complex one involving several sites on the steroid nucleus. The 11-ketone of cortisone blocked the residual response evoked by 11-deoxycortisol: a similar response would otherwise have been expected from cortisone. The degree of survival of the neurohypophysis had no effect on the ACTH cells and its survival was not necessary for the cells' response to cortisol. It is concluded that at least part of the control of ACTH cells is by a direct negative feedback action of cortisol on the adenohypophysis.The technical assistance of Miss P. Robins is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Cholesterol metabolism during ketoconazole treatment in man   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Ketoconazole, an antifungal antibiotic, inhibits cholesterol synthesis by blocking demethylation of lanosterol. Effects of this inhibition were studied on serum cholesterol, lipoproteins and cholesterol precursors, biliary lipid composition, and fecal steroid elimination in five patients with prostate cancer treated with large doses of ketoconazole. The serum level of total cholesterol fell by 27%, that of LDL cholesterol by 41% and that of LDL apoB by 32% with ketoconazole alone; the fall in the total cholesterol level of a patient treated with ketoconazole-cholestyramine was 65%. Serum contents of free lanosterol and dihydrolanosterol increased up to 250 times, yet the total concentrations remained less than 2 mg/dl. Of the other cholesterol precursor sterols only those with delta 8-double bond increased several times, indicating that in addition to 14 alpha-demethylation, ketoconazole also interfered with metabolism of later intermediary sterols to some extent. Compared with serum sterols, lanosterols were enriched in biliary and fecal sterols up to 10-20 times. Fecal lanosterol output increased from 12 to 247 mg/day, and comprised over 20% fecal steroids of endogenous origin. Bile acid synthesis was significantly decreased, the proportion of chenodeoxycholic acid being markedly reduced in both biliary and fecal bile acids. Cholesterol absorption appeared to decrease yet fecal neutral sterol output and cholesterol synthesis were unchanged and the overall sterol synthesis was increased. It thus appears that ketoconazole inhibits cholesterol elimination as bile acids. However, by blocking 14 alpha-demethylation, it results in effective drainage of sterol nucleus as lanosterols into bile and feces, which, in turn, is associated with a marked reduction in low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol level probably through activation of hepatic LDL apoB receptors.  相似文献   

Activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is characterized by a diurnal rhythm with an AM nadir and PM peak. Splanchnic nerve transection disrupts the diurnal rhythm in plasma corticosterone; however, there is a controversy as to whether the nerve-mediated effect is 1) via inhibition in the AM vs. excitation in the PM, or 2) involves changes in adrenal sensitivity to ACTH. The present studies were designed to address these issues. Adult male rats were anesthetized and underwent bilateral transection of the thoracic splanchnic nerve or sham transection. One week after surgery, rats were killed in the AM or PM with collection of nonstress plasma for measurement of corticosterone and ACTH. Plasma corticosterone was increased in the PM relative to the AM; however, plasma corticosterone in the PM was attenuated by splanchnic nerve transection, without affecting plasma ACTH. This decrease in PM plasma corticosterone after nerve-transection was 1) associated with decreased adrenal responsivity to ACTH, 2) associated with decreased adrenal cAMP content, 3) prevented by adrenal demedullation, and 4) not affected by removal of adrenal capsaicin-sensitive afferent fibers. Repeated serial blood sampling from individual rats confirmed the excitatory effect of splanchnic innervation in the PM. These results support the hypothesis that the adrenal splanchnic innervation modulates the diurnal rhythm in plasma corticosterone by increasing adrenal responsivity to ACTH and augmenting steroidogenesis in the PM and suggest that alterations in adrenal corticosterone secretion obscured by pulsatile secretion are more clearly revealed with repeated serial blood sampling.  相似文献   

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