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N2 fixation by Acacia species increases under elevated atmospheric CO2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present study the effect of elevated CO2 on growth and nitrogen fixation of seven Australian Acacia species was investigated. Two species from semi‐arid environments in central Australia (Acacia aneura and A. tetragonophylla) and five species from temperate south‐eastern Australia (Acacia irrorata, A. mearnsii, A. dealbata, A. implexa and A. melanoxylon) were grown for up to 148 d in controlled greenhouse conditions at either ambient (350 µmol mol?1) or elevated (700 µmol mol?1) CO2 concentrations. After establishment of nodules, the plants were completely dependent on symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Six out of seven species had greater relative growth rates and lower whole plant nitrogen concentrations under elevated versus normal CO2. Enhanced growth resulted in an increase in the amount of nitrogen fixed symbiotically for five of the species. In general, this was the consequence of lower whole‐plant nitrogen concentrations, which equate to a larger plant and greater nodule mass for a given amount of nitrogen. Since the average amount of nitrogen fixed per unit nodule mass was unaltered by atmospheric CO2, more nitrogen could be fixed for a given amount of plant nitrogen. For three of the species, elevated CO2 increased the rate of nitrogen fixation per unit nodule mass and time, but this was completely offset by a reduction in nodule mass per unit plant mass.  相似文献   

The control of soil nitrogen (N) availability under elevated atmospheric CO2 is central to predicting changes in ecosystem carbon (C) storage and primary productivity. The effects of elevated CO2 on belowground processes have so far attracted limited research and they are assumed to be controlled by indirect effects through changes in plant physiology and chemistry. In this study, we investigated the effects of a 4‐year exposure to elevated CO2 (ambient + 400 µmol mol?1) in open top chambers under Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L) seedlings on soil microbial processes of nitrification and denitrification. Potential denitrification (DP) and potential N2O emissions were significantly higher in soils from the elevated CO2 treatment, probably regulated indirectly by the changes in soil conditions (increased pH, C availability and NO3 production). Net N mineralization was mainly accounted for by nitrate production. Nitrate production was significantly larger for soil from the elevated CO2 treatment in the field when incubated in the laboratory under elevated CO2 (increase of 100%), but there was no effect when incubated under ambient CO2. Net nitrate production of the soil originating from the ambient CO2 treatment in the field was not influenced by laboratory incubation conditions. These results indicate that a direct effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 on soil microbial processes might take place. We hypothesize that physiological adaptation or selection of nitrifiers could occur under elevated CO2 through higher soil CO2 concentrations. Alternatively, lower microbial NH4 assimilation under elevated CO2 might explain the higher net nitrification. We conclude that elevated atmospheric CO2 has a major direct effect on the soil microbial processes of nitrification and denitrification despite generally higher soil CO2 concentrations compared to atmospheric concentrations.  相似文献   

Abstract For two species of oak, we determined whether increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration (Ca) would decrease leaf mitochondrial respiration (R) directly, or indirectly owing to their growth in elevated Ca, or both. In particular, we tested whether acclimatory decreases in leaf‐Rubisco content in elevated Ca would decrease R associated with its maintenance. This hypothesis was tested in summer 2000 on sun and shade leaves of Quercus myrtifolia Willd. and Quercus geminata Small. We also measured R on five occasions between summer 1999 and 2000 on leaves of Q. myrtifolia. The oaks were grown in the field for 4 years, in either current ambient or elevated (current ambient + 350 µmol mol?1) Ca, in open‐top chambers (OTCs). For Q. myrtifolia, an increase in Ca from 360 to 710 µmol mol?1 had no direct effect on R at any time during the year. In April 1999, R in young Q. myrtifolia leaves was significantly higher in elevated Ca—the only evidence for an indirect effect of growth in elevated Ca. Leaf R was significantly correlated with leaf nitrogen (N) concentration for the sun and shade leaves of both the species of oak. Acclimation of photosynthesis in elevated Ca significantly reduced maximum RuBP‐saturated carboxylation capacity (Vc max) for both the sun and shade leaves of only Q. geminata. However, we estimated that only 11–12% of total leaf N was invested in Rubisco; consequently, acclimation in this plant resulted in a small effect on N and an insignificant effect on R. In this study measurements of respiration and photosynthesis were made on material removed from the field; this procedure had no effect on gas exchange properties. The findings of this study were applicable to R expressed either per unit leaf area or unit dry weight, and did not support the hypothesis that elevated Ca decreases R directly, or indirectly owing to acclimatory decreases in Rubisco content.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of elevated CO2 and soil N availability on the growth of arbuscular mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal fungi, and on the number of mycophagous soil microarthropods associated with the roots of Populus tremuloides . CO2 concentration did not significantly affect percentage infection of Populus roots by mycorrhizal or non-mycorrhizal fungi. However, the extra-radical hyphal network was altered both qualitatively and quantitatively, and there was a strong interaction between CO2 and soil N availability. Under N-poor soil conditions, elevated CO2 stimulated hyphal length by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, but depressed growth by non-mycorrhizal fungi. There was no CO2 effect at high N availability. High N availability stimulated growth by opportunistic saprobic/pathogenic fungi. Soil mites were not affected by any treatment, but collembolan numbers were positively correlated with the increase in non-mycorrhizal fungi. Results indicate a strong interaction between CO2 concentration and soil N availability on mycorrhizal functioning and on fungal-based soil food webs.  相似文献   

Sensing of atmospheric CO2 by plants   总被引:3,自引:12,他引:3  
Abstract. Despite recent interest in the effects of high CO2 on plant growth and physiology, very little is known about the mechanisms by which plants sense changes in the concentration of this gas. Because atmospheric CO2 concentration is relatively constant and because the conductance of the cuticle to CO2 is low, sensory mechanisms are likely to exist only for intercellular CO2 concentration. Therefore, responses of plants to changes in atmospheric CO2 will depend on the effect of these changes on intercellular CO2 concentration. Although a variety of plant responses to atmospheric CO2 concentration have been reported, most of these can be attributed to the effects of intercellular CO2 on photosynthesis or stomatal conductance. Short-term and long-term effects of CO2 on photosynthesis and stomatal conductance are discussed as sensory mechanisms for responses of plants to atmospheric CO2. Available data suggest that plants do not fully realize the potential increases in productivity associated with increased atmospheric CO2. This may be because of genetic and environmental limitations to productivity or because plant responses to CO2 have evolved to cope with variations in intercellular CO2 caused by factors other than changes in atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration on plant water use are best evaluated on plants grown under field conditions and with measurement techniques that do not disturb the natural function of the plant. Heat balance sap flow gauges were used on individual main stems of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Yecora rojo) grown under normal ambient conditions (control) and in a free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) system in Arizona with either high (control + high H2O = CW; FACE + high H2O = FW) or low (control + low H2O = CD; FACE + low H2O = FD) irrigation regimens. Over a 30d period (stem elongation to anthesis), combinations of treatments were monitored with,10–40 gauges per treatment. The effects of increased CO2 on tiller water use were inconsistent in both the diurnal patterns of sap flow and the statistical analyses of daily sap flow (Ftot). Initial results suggested that the reductions in Ftot, from CO2 enrichment were small (,0–10%) in relation to the H2O treatment effect (,20–30%). For a 3d period, Ftot of FW was,19–26% less than that of CW (P = 0.10). Examination of the different sources of variation in the study revealed that the location of gauges within the experimental plots influenced the variance of the sap flow measurements. This variation was probably related to positional variation in subsurface drip lines used to irrigate plots. A sampling design was proposed for use of sap flow gauges in FACE systems with subsurface irrigation that takes into account the main treatment effects of CO2 enrichment and the other sources of variation identified in this study. Despite the small and often statistically non-significant differences in Ftot between the CW and FW treatments, cumulative water use of the FW treatment at the end of the first three test periods ranged from 7 to 23% lower than that of the CW treatment. Differences in sap flow between FW and CW compared well with treatment differences in evapotranspiration. The results of the study, based on the first reported sap flow measurements of wheat, suggest that irrigation requirements for wheat production, in the present climatic regimen of the south-western US, may be predicted to decrease slightly because of increasing atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

The response of forest soil CO2 efflux to the elevation of two climatic factors, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 (↑CO2 of 700 μmol mol−1) and air temperature (↑ T with average annual increase of 5°C), and their combination (↑CO2+↑ T ) was investigated in a 4-year, full-factorial field experiment consisting of closed chambers built around 20-year-old Scots pines ( Pinus sylvestris L.) in the boreal zone of Finland. Mean soil CO2 efflux in May–October increased with elevated CO2 by 23–37%, with elevated temperature by 27–43%, and with the combined treatment by 35–59%. Temperature elevation was a significant factor in the combined 4-year efflux data, whereas the effect of elevated CO2 was not as evident. Elevated temperature had the most pronounced impact early and late in the season, while the influence of elevated CO2 alone was especially notable late in the season. Needle area was found to be a significant predictor of soil CO2 efflux, particularly in August, a month of high root growth, thus supporting the assumption of a close link between whole-tree physiology and soil CO2 emissions. The decrease in the temperature sensitivity of soil CO2 efflux observed in the elevated temperature treatments in the second year nevertheless suggests the existence of soil response mechanisms that may be independent of the assimilating component of the forest ecosystem. In conclusion, elevated atmospheric CO2 and air temperature consistently increased forest soil CO2 efflux over the 4-year period, their combined effect being additive, with no apparent interaction.  相似文献   

There is approximately 50 times more inorganic carbon in the global ocean than in the atmosphere. On time scales of decades to millions of years, the interaction between these two geophysical fluids determines atmospheric CO2 levels. During glacial periods, for example, the ocean serves as the major sink for atmospheric CO2, while during glacial–interglacial transitions, it is a source of CO2 to the atmosphere. The mechanisms responsible for determining the sign of the net exchange of CO2 between the ocean and the atmosphere remain unresolved. There is evidence that during glacial periods, phytoplankton primary productivity increased, leading to an enhanced sedimentation of particulate organic carbon into the ocean interior. The stimulation of primary production in glacial episodes can be correlated with increased inputs of nutrients limiting productivity, especially aeolian iron. Iron directly enhances primary production in high nutrient (nitrate and phosphate) regions of the ocean, of which the Southern Ocean is the most important. This trace element can also enhance nitrogen fixation, and thereby indirectly stimulate primary production throughout the low nutrient regions of the central ocean basins. While the export flux of organic carbon to the ocean interior was enhanced during glacial periods, this process does not fully account for the sequestration of atmospheric CO2. Heterotrophic oxidation of the newly formed organic carbon, forming weak acids, would have hydrolyzed CaCO3 in the sediments, increasing thereby oceanic alkalinity which, in turn, would have promoted the drawdown of atmospheric CO2. This latter mechanism is consistent with the stable carbon isotope pattern derived from air trapped in ice cores. The oceans have also played a major role as a sink for up to 30% of the anthropogenic CO2 produced during the industrial revolution. In large part this is due to CO2 solution in the surface ocean; however, some, poorly quantified fraction is a result of increased new production due to anthropogenic inputs of combined N, P and Fe. Based on ‘circulation as usual’, models predict that future anthropogenic CO2 inputs to the atmosphere will, in part, continue to be sequestered in the ocean. Human intervention (large-scale Fe fertilization; direct CO2 burial in the deep ocean) could increase carbon sequestration in the oceans, but could also result in unpredicted environmental perturbations. Changes in the oceanic thermohaline circulation as a result of global climate change would greatly alter the predictions of C sequestration that are possible on a ‘circulation as usual’ basis.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on plant-fungi and plant-insect interactions were studied in an emergent marsh in the Chesapeake Bay. Stands of the C3 sedge Scirpus olneyi Grey, and the C4 grass Spartina patens (Ait.) Muhl. have been exposed to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations during each growing season since 1987. In August 1991 the severities of fungal infections and insect infestations were quantified. Shoot nitrogen concentration ([N]) and water content (WC) were determined. In elevated concentrations of atmospheric CO2, 32% fewer S. olneyi plants were infested by insects, and there was a 37% reduction in the severity of a pathogenic fungal infection, compared with plants grown in ambient CO2 concentrations. S. olneyi also had reduced [N], which correlated positively with the severities of fungal infections and insect infestations. Conversely, S. patens had increased WC but unchanged [N] in elevated concentrations of atmospheric CO2 and the severity of fungal infection increased. Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration increased or decreased the severity of fungal infection depending on at least two interacting factors, [N] and WC; but it did not change the number of plants that were infected with fungi. In contrast, the major results for insects were that the number of plants infected with insects decreased, and that the amount of tissue that each insect ate also decreased.  相似文献   

Soil acidification is a very important process in the functioning of earth's ecosystems. A major source of soil acidity is CO2, derived from the respiration of plant roots and microbes, which forms carbonic acid in soil waters. Because elevated atmospheric CO2 often stimulates respiration of soil biota in experiments that test ecosystem effects of elevated atmospheric CO2, we hypothesize that rising atmospheric CO2 (which has increased from ~200 ppm since the interglacial and may exceed 550 ppm by the end of the 21st century) is significantly increasing acid inputs to soils. Here, using column‐leaching experiments with contrasting soils, we demonstrate that soil CO2 is a much more potent agent of soil acidification than is generally appreciated, capable of displacing almost all exchangeable base cations in soils, and even elevating Al(III) concentrations in H2CO3‐acidified soil waters. The potent soil acidifying potential of soil H2CO3 is attributed to the low pKa,1 of molecular H2CO3 (3.76 at 25°C), which contrasts greatly with that of (a convention that combines CO2 (aq) and molecular H2CO3, the pKa,1 of which is 6.36 at 25°C). This distinction is significant for soil systems because of soil's greatly elevated CO2, their variety of sinks for H+, and the wide range of contact times between soil solids, water, and gas. Modelling suggests that a doubling of atmospheric CO2 may increase acid inputs from carbonic acid leaching by up to 50%. Combined with the results of CO2 studies in whole ecosystems, this implies that increases in atmospheric CO2 since the interglacial have gradually acidified soils, especially poorly buffered soils, throughout the world.  相似文献   

The nature of the interaction between drought and elevated CO2 partial pressure (pCa) is critically important for the effects of global change on crops. Some crop models assume that the relative responses of transpiration and photosynthesis to soil water deficit are unaltered by elevated pCa, while others predict decreased sensitivity to drought at elevated pCa. These assumptions were tested by measuring canopy photosynthesis and transpiration in spring wheat (cv. Minaret) stands grown in boxes with 100 L rooting volume. Plants were grown under controlled environments with constant light (300 µmol m?2 s?1) at ambient (36 Pa) or elevated (68 Pa) pCa and were well watered throughout growth or had a controlled decline in soil water starting at ear emergence. Drought decreased final aboveground biomass (?15%) and grain yield (?19%) while elevated pCa increased biomass (+24%) and grain yield (+29%) and there was no significant interaction. Elevated pCa increased canopy photosynthesis by 15% on average for both water regimes and increased dark respiration per unit ground area in well‐watered plants, but not drought‐grown ones. Canopy transpiration and photosynthesis were decreased in drought‐grown plants relative to well‐watered plants after about 20–25 days from the start of the drought. Elevated pCa decreased transpiration only slightly during drought, but canopy photosynthesis continued to be stimulated so that net growth per unit water transpired increased by 21%. The effect of drought on canopy photosynthesis was not the consequence of a loss of photosynthetic capacity initially, as photosynthesis continued to be stimulated proportionately by a fixed increase in irradiance. Drought began to decrease canopy transpiration below a relative plant‐available soil water content of 0.6 and canopy photosynthesis and growth below 0.4. The shape of these responses were unaffected by pCa, supporting the simple assumption used in some models that they are independent of pCa.  相似文献   

There is scope for land‐use changes to increase or decrease CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere over the next century. Here we make simple but robust calculations of the maximum impact of such changes. Historical land‐use changes (mostly deforestation) and fossil fuel emissions have caused an increase in atmospheric concentration of CO2 of 90 ppm between the pre‐industrial era and year 2000. The projected range of CO2 concentrations in 2100, under a range of emissions scenarios developed for the IPCC, is 170–600 ppm above 2000 levels. This range is mostly due to different assumptions regarding fossil fuel emissions. If all of the carbon so far released by land‐use changes could be restored to the terrestrial biosphere, atmospheric CO2 concentration at the end of the century would be about 40–70 ppm less than it would be if no such intervention had occurred. Conversely, complete global deforestation over the same time frame would increase atmospheric concentrations by about 130–290 ppm. These are extreme assumptions; the maximum feasible reforestation and afforestation activities over the next 50 years would result in a reduction in CO2 concentration of about 15–30 ppm by the end of the century. Thus the time course of fossil fuel emissions will be the major factor in determining atmospheric CO2 concentrations for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the impact of elevated atmospheric CO2 (ambient + 350 μmol mol–1) on fine root production and respiration in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings. After six months exposure to elevated CO2, root production measured by root in-growth bags, showed significant increases in mean total root length and biomass, which were more than 100% greater compared to the ambient treatment. This increased root length may have lead to a more intensive soil exploration. Chemical analysis of the roots showed that the roots in the elevated treatment accumulated more starch and had a lower C/N-ratio. Specific root respiration rates were significantly higher in the elevated treatment and this was probably attributed to increased nitrogen concentrations in the roots. Rhizospheric respiration and soil CO2 efflux were also enhanced in the elevated treatment. These results clearly indicate that under elevated atmospheric CO2 root production and development in Scots pine seedlings is altered and respiratory carbon losses through the root system are increased.  相似文献   

Growing seasons are getting longer, a phenomenon partially explained by increasing global temperatures. Recent reports suggest that a strong correlation exists between warming and advances in spring phenology but that a weaker correlation is evident between warming and autumnal events implying that other factors may be influencing the timing of autumnal phenology. Using freely rooted, field‐grown Populus in two Free Air CO2 Enrichment Experiments (AspenFACE and PopFACE), we present evidence from two continents and over 2 years that increasing atmospheric CO2 acts directly to delay autumnal leaf coloration and leaf fall. In an atmosphere enriched in CO2 (by ~45% of the current atmospheric concentration to 550 ppm) the end of season decline in canopy normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) – a commonly used global index for vegetation greenness – was significantly delayed, indicating a greener autumnal canopy, relative to that in ambient CO2. This was supported by a significant delay in the decline of autumnal canopy leaf area index in elevated as compared with ambient CO2, and a significantly smaller decline in end of season leaf chlorophyll content. Leaf level photosynthetic activity and carbon uptake in elevated CO2 during the senescence period was also enhanced compared with ambient CO2. The findings reveal a direct effect of rising atmospheric CO2, independent of temperature in delaying autumnal senescence for Populus, an important deciduous forest tree with implications for forest productivity and adaptation to a future high CO2 world.  相似文献   

The interaction of rising CO2 and temperatures with water use efficiency   总被引:14,自引:10,他引:4  
Abstract. Recent data concerning the impact of elevated atmospheric CO2 upon water use efficiency (WUE) and the related measure, instantaneous transpiration efficiency (ITE), are reviewed. It is concluded from both short and long-term studies that, at the scale of the individual leaf or plant, an increase in WUE or ITE is generally observed in response to increased atmospheric CO2 levels. However, the magnitude of this increase may decline with time. The opinion that elevated CO2 may substantially decrease transpiration at the regional scale is discussed. The mechanisms by which elevated CO2 may cause a change in these measures are discussed in terms of stomatal conductance, assimilation and respiration responses to elevated CO2. Finally, recent experimental data and model outputs concerning the impact of the interaction of increased temperature with elevated CO2 on WUE, ITE and yield are reviewed. It is concluded that substantially more data is required before reliable predictions about the regional scale response of WUE and catchment hydrology can be made.  相似文献   

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