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Exogenous [1-14C]oleic acid and [1-14C]linoleic acid were taken up and esterified to complex lipids by greening cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) cotyledons. Both 14C-labeled fatty acids were initially esterified to phosphatidylcholine prior to eventual accumulation in triacylglycerols and galactolipids. Kinetic data suggest that esterification occurs prior to desaturation and that phosphatidylcholine is the initial site of both [14C]-oleate and [1-14C]linoleate esterification and of [1-14C]oleate desaturation to [1-14C]linoleate. [1-14C]Linoleic acid was esterified more rapidly than [14C]oleic acid and its desaturation product, [1-14C]α-linolenate, occurred mainly on monogalactosyl diacylglycerol, although some was also observed on the other major acyl lipids, including phosphatidylcholine.  相似文献   

The formation of protochlorophyllide and protochlorophyllide phytyl ester was investigated during etioplast biogenesis in order to study the biosynthetic relation of these two compounds. Protochlorophyllide accumulates slowly during the first 2 days of germination, its rate of formation increases sharply during the 3rd day, and then it decreases. Protochlorophyllide phytyl ester starts accumulating a day later; its formation coincides with the initiation of xanthophyll biosynthesis. Kinetic analysis of specific radioactivities after 14C labeling of the protochlorophyll pools does not support the currently accepted conversion of protochlorophyllide into protochlorophyllide phytyl ester, but suggests that both compounds originate simultaneously from a common precursor pool.  相似文献   

Greening cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) cotyledons exhibited dramatic increases in the ability to desaturate exogenously added [1-14C]oleic acid and [1-14C]linoleic acid within 2 to 3 hours of illumination. These increases were effectively inhibited by 10 micrograms per milliliter cycloheximide. Oleate desaturation remained at a high level in constant light for 5 to 6 days after induction and then declined by about 50%; when returned to the dark, the tissue showed a sharp decrease in conversion of [14C]oleate to [14C]linoleate. Linoleate desaturation reached a maximum about 15 hours after induction and declined immediately thereafter while the tissue still was in the light; after induction had peaked return of the tissue to the dark showed a dramatic fall of linoleate desaturation. The changes in desaturation were correlated with the conversion of the principal fatty acid in the etiolated cotyledons, linoleate, to α-linolenate, and with the assembly of the chlorophyll-containing photosynthetic membranes. The incorporation of [1-14C]acetate into lipids showed no significant light stimulation. The role of light in the regulation of certain aspects of plant metabolism during development is discussed.  相似文献   

The properties of the microbody malate dehydrogenase (EC (MDH) isozyme from cotyledons of Cucumus sativus L. were compared during development. It is concluded that the isozyme remains unaltered, despite the transition from glyoxysomal to peroxisomal function that occurs during greening of the cotyledons. This conclusion is based on electrophoretic behavior, chromatographic elution from DEAE-cellulose, molecular weight, kinetic behavior, and immunological identity. In most cases, the distinct properties of the other MDH isozymes in the tissue during development provide additional support for an unchanging microbody isozyme. A method for assaying specifically the microbody isozyme was developed; a diluted preparation was assayed spectrophotometrically before and after complete immunological precipitation. The turnover of the microbody MDH isozyme was investigated by a radioactive labeling study. There is incorporation into both glyoxysomal and peroxisomal MDH. Degradation rates do not correspond with either decline of glyoxysomal activity or the continuation of peroxisomal activity. Apparently, the microbody MDH isozyme is continually turned over throughout cotyledon development.  相似文献   

This investigation was conducted to observe changes in the fatty acid distributions of glycolipids (GL) and phospholipids (PL) in cotyledons of soybean seeds which were germinated either in the dark or the light at 28°C for 8 days. The GL isolated from the total lipids of cotyledons at different germinating stages were : acyl sterylglycoside (ASG), monogalactosyl diglyceride (MGD), digalactosyl diglyceride (DGD) and sulfolipid (SL). The PL isolated from the same total lipids as described above were : diphosphatidyl glycerol (DPG), phosphatidic acid (PA), phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE), phosphatidyl glycerol (PG), phosphatidyl choline (PC) and phosphatidyl inositol (PI).

During germination of soybean seeds, the content of linoleic and linolenic acids in MGD or DGD was markedly higher than that of the other GL. The positional distribution of fatty acids in PE, PC and PI was shown in all PL, in which saturated fatty acids, especially palmitic acid, were highly concentrated in position 1 and unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid, mainly occupied position 2. A remarkable difference in the changing patterns of fatty acid composition, which depended on the germinating conditions tested, was observed between GL and PL. The changes in fatty acid composition of GL were more marked in the light-grown seedlings than in the dark-grown, whereas those of PL were more remarkable in the latter than in the former. Therefore, the positional distribution of fatty acids in PL was more evident in the light-grown seedlings than in the dark-grown ones.

These results suggest the metabolic fate of GL and PL in cotyledons of soybean seeds, probably owing to the differences in the two germinating conditions tested.  相似文献   

The cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) plants were sprayed with 20 mM 5-aminolevulinic acid or distilled water (control) and incubated in dark for 14 hr. The thylakoid membranes prepared from the intact chloroplasts, isolated from the above plants in dark, were illuminated with low light intensity (100 W/m2) for 30 min. Due 10 photodynamic reactions, the photochemical function of photosystem II was damaged by 50% in treated thylakoids whereas it was only slightly (8%) affected in control thylakoids. The photosystem I was, however, not affected. The exogenous electron donors, MnCl2, diphenyl carbazide and NH2OH failed to restore the photosystem II activity suggesting that the photodynamic damage had taken place very close to photosystem II reaction center. Singlet oxygen scavenger, histidine, could protect the photosystem II activity while superoxide radical scavengers, superoxide dismutase and 1, 2-dihydroxybenzene-3, 5-disulphonic acid disodium salt, and hydroxyl radical scavenger, formate, failed to protect the same.  相似文献   

Differential and sucrose density gradient centrifugation established that about 80% of the total arginase activity (EC in cotyledons of germinating broad bean seeds (Vicia faba L.) was present in the mitochondrial fraction. The mitochondrial arginase activity was enhanced considerably by exposure to osmotic shock, by freezing and thawing, or by Triton X-100 treatment. About 10% of the total arginase activity was recovered from the 40,000g supernatant fraction. During seed maturation, arginase activity in the cotyledons decreased to about one-third of its maximal activity, while increasing over 10-fold during subsequent germination. The time courses of mitochondrial arginase, succinate oxidase, and succinate dehydrogenase activities differed considerably during germination.  相似文献   

The capacity of both developing seeds and germinating seedlings of safflower for the incorporation of acetate-C14 into long-chain fatty acids is examined.

Intact tissue of the developing seed shows a low rate of acetate incorporation into fatty acid initially but between the tenth and twenty-fifth day after flowering the tissue has a high rate of synthesis, in particular with respect to the unsaturated fatty acids. Centrifuged fractionation of homogenates of this developmental tissue yielded several active fractions, the most active being the PI fraction consisting mostly of plastids. Cofactor requirements and pH effects are examined.

Germinating tissue shows a more uniform capacity for synthesis of fatty acids since there is no marked change in synthetic capacity. The newly synthesized fatty acids are consistently palmitic, stearic, and oleic acid. No linoleic synthesis could be detected. The most active fraction of cell-free preparation of germinating tissue is the plastid fraction (PI), similar to what was formed with developing tissue.


N6-(Δ2-Isopentenyl) adenosine antibodies were used for the isolation of free cytokinins and cytokinin-containing tRNAs from parts of Cucumis sativus L. var. Guntur seedlings and for the estimation of cytokinins in them. Immobilized N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl) adenosine antibodies retained tRNAs containing N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl) adenosine and N6-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl) adenosine with equal efficiencies. There were at least five cytokinins in the free form in cucumber seedlings. N6-(4-Hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl) adenosine, N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl) adenosine, and N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl) adenine were present at least to the extent of 80, 23, and 9 nanograms, respectively, in the cotyledons and 40, 6, and 3 nanograms, respectively, in the decotyledonated seedlings per gram of tissue. Only two cytokinins were found in the tRNAs of cucumber cotyledons, namely N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl) adenosine and N6-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl) adenosine in amounts of 12 and 318 nanograms, respectively, per gram of tissue. Immunoaffinity chromatographic analysis of radiolabeled aminoacyl tRNAs from cucumber cotyledons showed that tRNAPhe and tRNATyr contained cytokinins whereas tRNAAla did not.  相似文献   

Peroxidase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase become increasinglyactive in cucumber cotyledons excised from the plant althoughthere is a fall in total protein content. The increases areinhibited by dinitrophenol, D, and L-threo-chloramphenicol,cycloheximide, puromycinj and actinomycin D, and it is concludedthat the enzymes are synthesized de novo. Disc electrophoresisof cotyledon extracts revealed three bands of peroxidase, oneof which becomes much enhanced in excised cotyledons. Citrullineaccumulates markedly in excised cotyledons. If the shoot ofcucumber plants is cut away above the cotyledons, very largeincreases in peroxidase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenaseare observed although yellowing and protein loss are delayed.  相似文献   

从丽江产黄瓜藤甲醇提取物的氯仿部位分离得到9个化合物,经理化和波谱分析鉴定为α-菠甾醇(1)、α-菠甾醇-3-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷(2)、β-谷甾醇(β-sitosterol,3)、豆甾-7-烯-3-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷(4)、22-亚甲基-9,19-环羊毛甾烷-3β-醇(5)、(2S,3S,4R,10E)-2-(2′,3′-二羟基二十四烷酰氨基)-10-十八烯-1,3,4-三醇(6)、(2S,3S,4R,10E)-2-[(2′R)-2-羟基二十四烷酰氨基]-10-十八烯-1,3,4-三醇(7)、(2S,3S,4R,10E)-1-(β-D-葡萄糖苷)-2-[(2′R)-2-羟基二十四烷酰氨基]-10-十八烯-1,3,4-三醇(8)、大豆脑苷(9),除化合物3外,其它化合物均为首次从该植物中分离得到.  相似文献   

Cucumber explants including at least part of the cotyledon,a short section of hypocotyl, and the apical bud, are capableof producing multiple axillary buds from the seedling apex andadventitious shoots from the hypocotyl base in a medium whichcontains 2·0 mg dm–3 of kinetin. Removal of theapical bud triples the number of shoots produced from the apexof explants with two intact cotyledons but does not affect shootproduction from explants with some or all of their cotyledonsremoved. The area of intact cotyledon also influences morphogenesis,as explants with both cotyledons removed, failed to produceadventitious shoots from the hypocotyl base. Culture in continuousdarkness entirely prevents shoot development from the explantbase, but has little influence on shoot production from theapex. The influence of endogenous growth regulators and apicaldominance on the morphogenesis of shoots in cucumber seedlingsare discussed. Key words: Cucumber, cotyledons, apical dominance, morphogenesis, adventitious shoots, Cucumis sativus  相似文献   

SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of seed protein extracts showed synthesis of major legumin and vicilin polypeptides from 30 OAF onwards though very faint polypeptide bands could be seen at early stage of 10 OAF. Globulin synthesis enhanced and dominated in the second half of seed development. In germinating seeds, legumin polypeptides (mol wt 75–66, 45–41 kD) and vlcllin polypeptides (mol wt 54 kD) were degraded Increasingly from 2nd to 6th day of germination. Globulins and glutellns decreased and albumins Increased from 2nd to 6th day of seed germination.  相似文献   

Hypocotyl hooks have been shown to influence greening in excised cucumber (Cucumis sativus) cotyledons. The properties of the lag phase are greatly affected by the presence or absence of the hook tissue. A 45-second light pretreatment followed by 4 hours of darkness is sufficient to remove the lag phase from cotyledons with hooks, while hookless cotyledons require 2 hours of continuous illumination followed by 1 hour of dark incubation to break the lag phase. The effect of hooks on cotyledon greening is enhanced if the hooks are shielded from light. Cutting off the hooks after lag phase removal caused a marked decrease in chlorophyll accumulation in the cotyledons. These observations may indicate that the hypocotyl hooks produce a substance or substances needed in the greening process, which are translocated to the cotyledons. Indoleacetic acid, abscisic acid, gibberellin A3, 6-benzylamino purine and δ-aminolevulinic acid do not show any activity; on the other hand, ethylene appears to replace partially the hypocotyl hooks.  相似文献   

采用添加Spd和IAA的MS培养基培养离体黄瓜子叶,研究了Spd和IAA对雌花诱导的协同作用,及昼夜温差、培养基中N素和pH值对雌花诱导的影响。结果表明,分别添加Spd、IAA时的雌花诱导率和单株雌花数偏低或为0,12 mg·L-1 Spd与0.01mg·L-1 IAA 配合时的诱导效果明显高于单独处理的,而对照组未见雌花,说明Spd和IAA对雌花诱导的协同作用显著。在0、2、6、10℃昼夜温差,60、70、80、90 mmol·L-1的N素含量和pH 5.4、5.8、6.2、6.6的培养条件下,70 mmol·L-1 N、6℃温差和pH 6.2时的雌花诱导效果较好,表明适当提高昼夜温差、培养基中N素和pH值有利于黄瓜子叶的雌花诱导。  相似文献   

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv Poinsette) plants were sprayed with 20 millimolar 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) and then incubated in dark for 14 hours. Upon transfer to sunlight (800 watts per square meter) the plants died after 5 hours of exposure due to photosensitization reaction of metalloporphyrins. Due to the photodynamic damage, photosystem II (PSII), photosystem I (PSI), and whole chain reactions were impaired. PSII activity was more susceptible to photodynamic damage than PSI. The variable fluorescence was significantly reduced in ALA-treated plants within 1 hour of exposure to sunlight. At low temperature (77°K), the PSI fluorescence peak height (F734) was drastically reduced and blue shifted by 6 nanometers. The photodynamic damage was irreversible; rather, it continued upon dark incubation of ALA-treated cucumber plants exposed to sunlight for 15 minutes. In the latter experiment, continued production of malondialdehyde during dark treatment suggests the degradation of unsaturated membrane lipids.  相似文献   

Specific wavelengths of light required for expression of phytotoxic activity of S-23142 (N-[4-chloro-2-fluoro-5-propargyloxy]phenyl-3,4,5,6-tetra- hydrophthalimide) and acifluorfen-ethyl (ethyl-5-[2-chloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenoxy]-2-nitro benzoic acid) were determined in cotyledons of cucumber seedlings using the Okazaki Large Spectrograph. Leakage of amino acids from the cotyledons was measured as an indication of the phytotoxic activity. The wavelength effects showed common major peaks of activity at 550 and 650 nanometers and a minor peak at 450 nanometers for both herbicides, indicating a common primary photoreaction. Concomitant application of DCMU (3-[3,4-dichlorophenyl]-1,1-dimethylurea) with S-23142 had little influence on the effective wavelengths for S-23142 activity. Light of 450 and 650 nanometers was relatively less effective in achlorophyllous tissue grown in far red light than in green tissue. These results strongly suggest that the phytotoxic action of S-23142 and diphenylethers involves multiple photoreactions and that one of the photoreceptor pigments may be chlorophyll or its related pigment, although photosynthesis is not involved.  相似文献   

Summary A protocol was developed for the preparation of Cucumis sativus var Straight 8 protoplasts that incorporates a two-step Ficoll® gradient and results in a high percentage of viable, debris-free protoplasts suitable for the transient expression of foreign genes. Polyethylene glycol and electroporation were compared for their effect on protoplast transfection with commonly used reporter genes. Using a polyethylene glycol method, cucumber protoplasts transfected with a plasmid containing the -glucuronidase gene showed high expression levels, while protoplasts transfected with a plasmid containing the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase gene showed levels of activity that were barely distinguishable from mock-transfected controls. Tomato ringspot virus genomic RNA was also transfected into the protoplasts, and the assembly of viral particles was confirmed.  相似文献   

The herbicide acifluorfen (2-chloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenoxy-2-nitrobenzoate) causes strong photooxidative destruction of pigments and lipids in sensitive plant species. Antioxidants and oxygen radical scavengers slow the bleaching action of the herbicide. The effect of acifluorfen on glutathione and ascorbate levels in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) cotyledon discs was investigated to assess the relationship between herbicide activity and endogenous antioxidants. Acifluorfen decreased the levels of glutathione and ascorbate over 50% in discs exposed to less than 1.5 hours of white light (450 microeinsteins per square meter per second). Coincident increases in dehydroascorbate and glutathione disulfide were not observed. Acifluorfen also caused the rapid depletion of ascorbate in far-red light grown plants which were photosynthetically incompetent.

Glutathione reductase, dehydroascorbate reductase, superoxide dismutase, ascorbate oxidase, ascorbate free radical reductase, peroxidase, and catalase activities rapidly decreased in acifluorfen-treated tissue exposed to white light. None of the enzymes were inhibited in vitro by the herbicide. Acifluorfen causes irreversible photooxidative destruction of plant tissue, in part, by depleting endogenous antioxidants and inhibiting the activities of protective enzymes.


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