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Hybridomas secreting HBsAg antibodies were obtained by fusing murine myeloma cell line P3-X63-Ag8 to spleen cells of BALB/c mice sensitized with HBsAg. The surface antigen used for immunization of mice was prepared by purification from pooled human plasma specimens. Resulting monoclonal antibodies were detected by the SPRIA method. Clones producing highest anti-HBs titres were used to prepare mouse ascitic fluids. Monoclonal antibodies in ascitic fluid reached a titre of 10(6) to 10(7) at a protein concentration of 1 mg per ml. Two of the prepared monoclonal antibodies, HBS-01 and HBS-02, both belonging to IgG1 subclass of immunoglobulins, were selected for further study in order to assess their potential useability in the commercial ELISA kit. The pI values for HBS-01 ranged from 6.60 to 6.85, for HBS-02 from 5.6 to 6.1. In solid phase ELISA test the use of HBS-01 antibody improved accuracy of the assay by increasing its detection sensitivity for HBsAg subtypes adw and ayw in the reference serum; this sensitivity was evidently much better than that seen with the commercially available rabbit polyclonal anti-HBsAg antibody. The monoclonal antibody HBS-01 is specific to the determinant "a", which makes it suitable for use in ELISA test aimed at HBsAg detection. The antibody HBS-02 showed a markedly better reaction with HBsAg subtype adw than subtype ayw and can thus be used with advantage for their discrimination.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies are monospecific antibodies. They are generated also by hybridoma technology. They are useful in target specific therapy against dangerous diseases. This property of monoclonal antibody offers us a new hope to combat deadly diseases where chemotherapy fails to produce specific treatment without adverse effects. This review article deals with the use of monoclonal antibodies specific against tumors and viral infections.  相似文献   

Murine monoclonal antibodies specific for titin have been elicited using a chicken heart muscle residue as antigen. The three antibodies T1, T3, and T4 recognize both bands of the titin doublet in immunoblot analysis on polypeptides from chicken breast muscle. In contrast, on chicken cardiac myofibrils two of the antibodies (T1, T4) react only with the upper band of the doublet indicating immunological differences between heart and skeletal muscle titin. This difference is even more pronounced for rat and mouse. Although all three antibodies react with skeletal muscle titin, T1 and T4 did not detect heart titin, whereas T3 reacts with this titin both in immunofluorescence microscopy and in immunoblots. Immunofluorescence microscopy of myofibrils and frozen tissues from a variety of vertebrates extends these results and shows that the three antibodies recognize different epitopes. All three titin antibodies decorate at the A-I junction of the myofibrils freshly prepared from chicken skeletal muscle and immunoelectron microscopy using native myosin filaments demonstrates that titin is present at the ends of the thick filaments. In chicken heart, however, antibodies T1 and T4 stain within the I-band rather than at the A-I junction. The three antibodies did not react with any of the nonmuscle tissues or permanent cell lines tested and do not decorate smooth muscle. In primary cultures of embryonic chicken skeletal muscle cells titin first appears as longitudinal striations in mononucleated myoblasts and later at the myofibrillar A-I junction of the myotubes.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were produced by murine hybridomas after immunization with semipurified baboon endogenous virus. In a solid-phase radioimmunoassay, two antibodies (F12-9 and B9-18) reacted with viral antigen only. The antibodies A6-8 and C9-12 also reacted with virus-producing cells but not with control cells, whereas antibodies E4-6 and D12-2 bound to virus-free cells as well. The cytofluorometry technique confirmed these results and showed a competition between antibodies A6-8 and C9-12 for binding to virus-producing cells as well as a competition between antibodies D12-2 and E4-6 for binding to virus-free human cells. An immune precipitation assay with disrupted virions indicated that antibodies A6-8, B9-18, and C9-12 were directed against the gp70 glycoprotein, and that antibody F12-9 reacted with a viral antigen with a molecular weight of 18,000. The syncytia induced in RSa cells by baboon molecular weight of 18,000. The syncytia induced in RSa cells by baboon endogenous virus could be inhibited either when antibody A6-8 or C9-12 was combined to the virus or when the RSa cells were treated with the anticellular antibody D12-2 or E4-6. These two effects were not observed with Mason-Pfizer virus. Thus, of three antibodies with specificities for viral gp70, two (A6-8 and C9-12) were directed at viral sites responsible for syncytium formation. Another antiviral antibody (F12-9) reacted with a protein of unknown function with a molecular weight of 18,000. The two anticellular antibodies were directed at similar or neighboring epitopes, which may be situated within the receptor to the virus.  相似文献   

We used AKR/J mice to produce monoclonal antibodies specific for a neurotropic ecotropic (WM-E) virus initially isolated from wild mice. The rationale for this approach involved the observation that these mice were immunologically hyporesponsive to endogenous ecotropic virus (Akv) but fully responsive to type-specific determinants of WM-E. Hybridoma cell lines derived from mice immunized with both denatured and viable virus produced antibodies with specificity for three viral membrane-associated polypeptides, gp70, p15(E), and p15gag. Epitopes specific for WM-E virus were detected in each of these polypeptides. Cross-reactivity with Friend ecotropic virus (Friend murine leukemia virus) was observed with some gp70- and p15gag-specific antibodies, but no reactivity with endogenous Akv ecotropic virus was seen. The majority of these antibodies did not react with either xenotropic or mink cell focus-forming viruses. Two WM-E-specific anti-gp70 antibodies reacting with different determinants had virus-neutralizing activity in the absence of complement, suggesting that the respective epitopes may participate in receptor binding or virus penetration events. We used these monoclonal antibodies in initial studies to examine the replication of WM-E virus in neonatally inoculated AKR/J mice which are fully resistant to the paralytic disease induced by this virus. Since these mice express high levels of endogenous ecotropic virus, standard assays for ecotropic virus cannot be used to study this question. We present evidence that the resistance to disease does not involve a resistance to virus replication, since these mice expressed levels of viremia and virus replication in spleen and lumbar spinal cord comparable to susceptible NFS/N mice at a time when the latter began to manifest clinical signs of lower-motor-neuron pathology.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies (MB40.2 and MB40.3) which are highly specific for HLA-B40 and HLA-B7 were made. They appear to be directed against two separate alloantigenic sites of these HLA molecules. Semiquantitative analysis of the kinetics of antibody binding show that MB40.2 recognizes a site which shows a degree of cross-reactivity with B7 and is specific to some B40 molecules. This antibody also distinguishes between different molecules typed as B40. In contrast, MB40.3 recognizes an antigenic determinant which is less variable between B7 and B40 and more closely approximates a public antigen or common antigenic site. This study suggests that the introduction of monoclonal antibodies into MHC serology not only permits but demands a quantitative analysis of these complex systems of homologous but highly polymorphic molecules.Abbreviations used in this paper MHC major histocompatibility complex - IgG immunoglobulin G - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - BSA bovine serum albumin - FCS fetal calf serum - RAM rabbit anti-mouse IgG F(ab)2 fragments For convenience the terms HLA antigen and H-2 antigen will refer only to the 2-microglobulin-associated, class I molecules coded for by the major histocompatibility complex of man and the mouse, respectively.  相似文献   

To analyze components of the idiotypic network in experimental autoimmune disease, we produced 17 isogeneic anti-idiotopic monoclonal antibodies (anti-Id) against two experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis-producing anti-acetylcholine receptor (anti-AChR) monoclonal antibodies. We studied the binding of five of the anti-Id to the anti-AChR monoclonal antibodies bearing the complementary idiotopes (Id-mAb). They bound with Kd values ranging from 0.06 to 0.86 nM, values comparable to those of Id-mAb:AChR complexes (0.26 and 0.34 nM). All of the anti-Id tested moderately inhibited the binding of AChR to Id-mAb, whereas for each anti-Id, AChR either strongly inhibited anti-Id binding or had no effect on anti-Id binding. Hence, the inhibition of Id-mAb:AChR binding by anti-Id was not reciprocal with the inhibition of anti-Id:Id-mAb binding by AChR. For each anti-Id, the relative affinities of anti-Id and AChR for Id-mAb together with the lack of symmetry of inhibition by anti-Id compared to inhibition by AChR indicate that these two "ligands" are not competitive inhibitors. Consequently, anti-Id and AChR do not bind to overlapping sites on the Id-mAb, suggesting that the observed inhibition is mediated allosterically. This may be a common mechanism of anti-Id:Id binding, which would have important implications for the mechanism of anti-Id-induced suppression.  相似文献   

Information was sought on the temporal replication of Aleutian disease virus in 27 royal pastel mink. Groups of three were examined 8 to 126 days after they were inoculated subcutaneously with 10(3) 50% lethal doses of the Pullman strain. Much individual variation was noted in the onset of infection, occurrence of viremia, and extent of virus replication in the tissues. Thus, virus was detected in lymph nodes regional to the site of inoculation in only some mink during the first 14 days after inoculation. During this period, virus was often present as well in the mesenteric lymph node and spleen. First detected on day 10, viremia was present in all mink examined on day 28 but occurred irregularly thereafter, even when virus was widespread in the tissues. Except in five mink succumbing to the disease, the tissue distribution of virus after day 28 tended to be more limited, and the titers were generally lower than they had been earlier. Even though present in the lymph nodes and spleen, virus was often absent from the kidney, liver, and intestine after day 28. Specific antibody was detected on day 28 and was present in all mink thereafter, ostensibly without any adverse effect on virus replication. In most mink, the infection was considered subclinical, for it was usually not accompanied by a rise in serum gamma globulin or by morphologic evidence of the disease. The virologic findings in this study have a bearing on the relationship of subclinical infections to both horizontal and vertical transmission of the virus.  相似文献   

The effect of monoclonal antibodies on the growth of herpes simplex virus type 1 in trigeminal ganglia was investigated. Four-week-old mice were infected on an abrased cornea with herpes simplex virus type 1. Forty-eight hours after infection, trigeminal ganglia ipsilateral with infected eyes were removed and placed in culture. Incubation of infected ganglia in the presence of a pool of nonneutralizing monoclonal antibodies specific for glycoproteins of gB and gE suppressed virus growth by greater than 90%. This was comparable to the amount of suppression observed when infected ganglia were incubated in hyperimmune serum. Individual monoclonal antibodies were less efficient, being able to inhibit virus growth by only two- to threefold. The mechanism of suppression was examined. Reduction in virus growth was observed under conditions in which all susceptible ganglion cells were infected in vitro before nonneutralizing monoclonal antibody was added. Similar results were obtained in tests with virus-infected neuroblastoma cells. Furthermore, suppression of infectious progeny was seen in the absence of complement and immunologically reactive cells. Thus, neither virus neutralization nor immunocytolysis could account for the effects of antibody on virus growth. Rather, the data suggest that antibody can bind to herpes simplex virus type 1-infected neuronal cells and suppress intracellular virus replication.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies specific for the influenza virus A/PR/8/34 hemagglutinin (HA) were used to examine the structure of the HA glycoprotein by immunofluorescence techniques during infection of MDCK cells. One antibody (Y8-10C2), shown previously to detect conformational alterations in the HA coinciding with the acid induction of viral fusion activity, bound to internalized virus but not to virus adsorbed to the cell surface. The binding of Y8-10C2 was completely inhibited by ammonium chloride treatment of the cells. These findings are consistent with the idea that Y8-10C2 detects conformational changes in the HA which accompany the acid-induced fusion of viral and endosomal membranes. The same antibody also bound to newly synthesized HA but not to later forms of cytoplasmic HA or to HA incorporated into the cell membrane during virus maturation. A possible common denominator of the antigenic changes detected by antibody Y8-10C2 during virus entry and replication may be alterations in the structural relationship among the three HA monomers which form the mature HA molecule.  相似文献   

Thirty six cloned hybridomas have been isolated which produce monoclonal antibodies directed against simian virus 40 (SV40) large T tumour antigen. They have been shown to recognize at least six different epitopes along the T antigen polypeptide according to their reaction with the various truncated forms of T antigen expressed by adenovirus-SV 40 hybrid viruses. Sixteen antibodies cross-react with cells infected by the closely related human BK virus. Only two antibodies, PAb1604 and PAb1614, directed against different epitopes of the SV40 T antigen, cross-react with polyoma large T tumour antigen which has a more limited amino acid sequence homology. This cross-reaction is rarely seen with polyclonal antibodies. Monoclonal antibody PAb1620 gave nuclear immunofluorescence only with murine cells transformed by SV40 and was found to react with a complex of T-antigen and 53 000-dalton host-coded protein. All the monoclonal antibodies react with nuclear T antigen and all but four antibodies stained the surface of SV40-transformed cells. These were four of the five antibodies directed against the central third of the T antigen. Thus the monoclonal antibodies show that cell surface T antigen differs from nuclear T antigen, either in accessibility or structure.  相似文献   

Various monoclonal antibodies specific for simian virus 40 large tumor antigen (T antigen) inhibit the elongation process of viral DNA replication in an in vitro system. The results provide strong evidence for a function intrinsic to T antigen during ongoing replicative-chain elongation. The antibody inhibition studies were further used to establish a correlation between the known biochemical activities of T antigen and its function during the elongation phase. The data demonstrate that, in addition to DNA binding and ATPase, a third function of T antigen is required for replicative chain elongation. This function is most probably related to the recently described DNA helicase activity of T antigen. This conclusion is based on the following results: aphidicolin treatment of actively replicating simian virus 40 minichromosomes causes a partial uncoupling of parental DNA strand separation and DNA synthesis; the strand separation reaction is blocked by the same monoclonal antibodies which strongly inhibit the elongation process. DNA helicase activity of isolated T antigen is equally well inhibited by the same set of monoclonal antibodies that affect minichromosome replication in vitro.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies, HD 66 and CRIS-4, by which the new CD 76 B-cell-associated cluster was defined, bound to several gangliosides (sialic acid containing glycolipids) of different polarity. One of the gangliosides recognized by HD 66 could be identified as NeuAc alpha 2-6Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Glc-beta 1-1'Cer. This antigen was enzymatically synthesized. Sialidase treatment of the ganglioside antigens abolished binding of HD 66 and CRIS-4.  相似文献   

Ten monoclonal antibodies (My1-10) against Dictyostelium discoideum myosin were prepared and characterized. Nine bound to the 210-kD heavy chain and one (My8) bound to the 18-kD light chain. They defined six topographically distinct antigenic sites of the heavy chain. Five binding sites (the My1, My5, My10 site, and the My2, My3, My4, and My9 sites) are located on the rod portion of the myosin molecule. The position of the sixth site (the My6 and My7 site) is less certain, but it appears to be near the junction of the globular heads and the rod. Three of the antibodies (My2, My3, and My6) bound to myosin filaments in solution and could be sedimented in stoichiometric amounts with the filamentous myosin. In contrast, My4, which recognized a site on the rod, inhibited the polymerization of monomeric myosin into filaments. A single antibody (My6) affected the actin-activated ATPase of myosin. The nature of the effect depended on the valency of the antibody and the myosin. Bivalent IgG and F(ab')2 fragments of My6 inhibited the actin-activated ATPase of filamentous myosin by 50% whereas univalent Fab' fragments increased the activity by 50%. The actin-activated ATPase activity of the soluble chymotryptic fragment of myosin was increased 80-90% by both F(ab')2 and Fab' of My6.  相似文献   

Nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase (NTPase) is an abundant protein secreted by the obligate protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which has a wide specificity toward NTP. In the present study, two monoclonal antibodies (mAbs, MNT1 and MNT2) against recombinant T. gondii NTPase-II (rTgNTPase-II) were developed. Western blot analysis displayed that these two mAbs can recognize specifically rTgNTPase-II as well as a 63 kDa molecule in tachyzoites soluble antigens that corresponded to native NTPase-II. T. gondii tachyzoites pretreated with two mAbs were observed under Confocal Laser Microscope and a specific reaction was displayed on tachyzoites after indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT). When COS-7 cells were co-cultured with tachyzoites pretreated with two mAbs, the number of intracellular parasites per infected cell was significantly decreased compared with the control. Furthermore, incubation of T. gondii tachyzoites with two mAbs can inhibit NTPase activity in the presence of dithiothreitol, which hinted that the reduction of tachyzoite replication might be owing to the inhibition of NTPase-II by the mAbs. The passive immunization test indicated that the transferred mAbs can significantly prolong the survival time of challenge infected mice. Taken together, we concluded that the mAbs against NTPase-II can reduce the replication of T. gondii and have a crucial effect on the protection of host from T. gondii infection.  相似文献   

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