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Rapid and reliable two-step multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays were established to identify human intestinal lactobacilli; a multiplex PCR was used for grouping of lactobacilli with a mixture of group-specific primers followed by four multiplex PCR assays with four sorts of species-specific primer mixtures for identification at the species level. Primers used were designed from nucleotide sequences of the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer region and its flanking 23S rRNA gene of members of the genus Lactobacillus which are commonly isolated from human stool specimens: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus crispatus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii (ssp. bulgaricus and ssp. lactis), Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus jensenii, Lactobacillus paracasei (ssp. paracasei and ssp. tolerans), Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus salivarius (ssp. salicinius and ssp. salivarius). The established two-step multiplex PCR assays were applied to the identification of 84 Lactobacillus strains isolated from human stool specimens and the PCR results were consistent with the results from the DNA-DNA hybridization assay. These results suggest that the multiplex PCR system established in this study is a simple, rapid and reliable method for the identification of common Lactobacillus isolates from human stool samples.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the species belonging to the genus Myxococcus were elucidated based on the sequences of 16S rRNA genes and 16S-23S rRNA gene internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. The Myxococcus species were consequently classified into four distinct groups. The type strain of Myxococcus coralloides occupied an independent position (Group 1); it has been recently reclassified as Corallococcus coralloides. Group 2 comprised the type strains of both Myxococcus virescens and Myxococcus xanthus, and some strains assigned to Myxococcus flavescens. The type strain of M. flavescens was contained in Group 3 along with the strains of Myxococcus fulvus. Group 4 included the strains belonging to C. coralloides, M. fulvus, and M. stipitatus. The type strain of M. fulvus that was allocated outside Group 4 in the 16S rRNA gene tree belonged to Group 3 in the ITS tree. These results strongly suggest that the morphological characteristics of Myxococcus species are not consistent with the phylogenetic relationships. The Myxococcus species must therefore be redefined according to the phylogenetic relationships revealed in this study.  相似文献   

The 16S-23S rRNA gene internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1) from 34 strains of Pseudomonas avellanae and some strains of Pseudomonas syringae pathovars was amplified and assessed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) using 10 restriction enzymes. In addition, the ITS1 region of four representative P. avellanae strains was sequenced and compared by the neighbour-joining algorithm with that of P. syringae pathovars. Two main groups of P. avellanae strains were observed that did not correlate with their origin. The ITS1 region sequencing revealed a high similarity with the P. syringae complex. One group of P. avellanae strains showed high similarity to P. s. pv. actinidiae and P. s. pv. tomato; another group showed similarity with P. s. pv. tabaci and P. s. pv. glycinea. Two strains clustered with P. s. pv. pisi. The difficulties to unambiguously classify the strains associated with hazelnut decline in Greece and Italy are discussed.  相似文献   

A bacterial strain, designated BzDS03 was isolated from water sample, collected from Dal Lake Srinagar. The strain was characterized by using 16S ribosomal RNA gene and 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer region sequences. Phylogenetic analysis showed that 16S rRNA sequence of the isolate formed a monophyletic clade with genera Escherichia. The closest phylogenetic relative was Escherichia coli with 99% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity. The result of Ribosomal database project's classifier tool revealed that the strain BzDS03 belongs to genera Escherichia.16S rRNA sequence of isolate was deposited in GenBank with accession number FJ961336. Further analysis of 16S-23S rRNA sequence of isolate confirms that the identified strain BzDS03 be assigned as the type strain of Escherichia coli with 98% 16S-23S rRNA sequence similarity. The GenBank accession number allotted for 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer sequence of isolate is FJ961337.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop an easy and accurate technique for the identification of the genus Geobacillus. For this purpose, Geobacillus genus-specific primers GEOBAC (GEOBAC-F and GEOBAC-R) based on the 16S-23S rRNA gene internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region sequences have been designed. In total, 52 sequences from three species of the genus Geobacillus (Geobacillus stearothermophilus, Geobacillus kaustophilus and Geobacillus lituanicus) were examined for the design of these primers. Analysis of the sequences revealed three highly conservative regions common to these species: 5' and 3' end regions of 16S-23S rRNA gene ITSs and box A. Some sequences possessed two additional conservative regions - genes of tRNA(Ile) and tRNA(Ala). These particular sequences were chosen for the construction of the primers. The designed primers targeted the gene of tRNA(Ile) and the 3' end region of ITSs. This technique was validated with both the reference strains of the genus Geobacillus and the thermophilic aerobic endospore-forming environmental isolates. Different Geobacillus species could be grouped according to the number and size of GEOBAC-PCR products and identified on the basis of the AluI and TaqI restriction analysis of these products.  相似文献   

The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of members of Pasteurellaceae isolated from rodents, including the [Pasteurella] pneumotropica biotypes Jawetz and Heyl, [Actinobacillus] muris, "Hemophilus influenzaemurium" and Bisgaard taxon 17 were studied and their feasibility to discriminate these species was analyzed. The reference strains of all species analyzed showed unique species-specific ITS patterns which were further present in 49 clinical isolates of [P.] pneumotropica biotypes Jawetz and Heyl and [A.] muris allowing their identification by comparison to the reference strains pattern. Sequence analysis of the amplified fragments revealed in all species, with exception of "H. influenzaemurium", a larger ITS(ile+ala) which contained the genes for tRNA(Ile(GAU)) and tRNA(Ala(UGC)) and a smaller ITS(glu) with the tRNA(Glu(UUC)) gene. "H. influenzaemurium" revealed two each of the larger and respectively the smaller ITS fragments. Both the length and the sequence of each ITS type were highly conserved within the [P.] pneumotropica biotypes Jawetz and Heyl and [A.] muris strains tested. On the contrary, ITS sequences revealed significant interspecies variations with identity levels ranging from 61.2 to 89.5% for ITS(ile+ala) and 56.5 to 86.8% for ITS(glu). Sequences regions with significant interspecies variation but highly conserved within the species were identified and might be used to design probes for the identification of rodent Pasteurellaceae to the species level.  相似文献   

The 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) in genomic DNA from Listeria species was amplified and sequenced so as to find sequence differences that would allow rapid species and strain differentiation. Agarose gel profiles of amplicons generated with primers designed to amplify ITS loci indicated that Listeria DNA can contain at least two distinct ITS regions. The direct sequencing of the smaller of these ITS amplicons (330 bp) was found useful for the rapid and accurate differentiation of various Listeria species. On the other hand analysis of ITS amplicons generated from a total of 27 L. monocytogenes strains indicated that 4/27 of these strains could be distinguished on the basis of their ITS profile (the presence of a unique 350 bp amplicon). The lack of sequence heterogeneity in the small 333 bp amplicon did not permit rapid strain differentiation.  相似文献   

Forty-nine strains belonging to the genus Gluconobacter were re-examined with respect to their species identification based on the sequences of the 16S rDNA and 16S-23S rDNA internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS). A phylogenetic tree constructed from the 16S rDNA sequences indicated the presence of five clusters corresponding, respectively, to the major five species of the genus Gluconobacter, namely G. albidus, G. cerinus, G. frateurii, G. oxydans (type species), and G. thailandicus. The type strain of G. asaii, NBRC 3276T (T=type strain) was included in the G. cerinus cluster, which is consistent with the report that G. asaii is a junior subjective synonym of G. cerinus. Existence of the G. albidus, G. cerinus, G. frateurii, G. oxydans, and G. thailandicus clusters was also recognized by the ITS sequence analysis. Both sequence analyses revealed that the G. cerinus and G. frateurii clusters were heterogeneous. The G. cerinus cluster comprised three strains of G. cerinus and one strain of G. frateurii, while the G. frateurii cluster included ten strains of G. frateurii, three of G. cerinus, and eleven of G. oxydans. These results suggest that phenotypic differences among Gluconobacter species are ambiguous and the species definition must be re-evaluated. The 16S rDNA and ITS sequences determined in this study are valuable for the identification and phylogenetic analysis of Gluconobacter species.  相似文献   

Strains of Butyrivibrio are principal cellulytic bacteria in the rumen of the High Arctic Svalbard reindeer ( Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus ). According to phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing, Butyrivibrio can be divided into three subgroups within the Clostridia class of the phylum Firmicutes, but the current phenotypic and genotypic differentiation within the family Lachnospiraceae is insufficient. This current study describes the sequence diversity of the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic transcribed spacer (ITS) region of Butyrivibrio isolates from reindeer. A total of 17 different ITS sequences with sizes between 449 and 784 nt were obtained. Genes encoding tRNA(Ile) and tRNA(Ala) were identified in four of the sequences. Phylogenetic neighbor-joining trees were constructed based on the ITS sequence and compared with a phylogenetic neighbor-joining tree based on 16S rRNA gene sequences previously obtained for the same isolates. These comparisons indicated a better differentiation between strains in the ITS sequence than the 16S rRNA gene based tree. Through this study, a better means for identifying and tracking fibrolytic and potentially probiotic Butyrivibrio strains in reindeer and other ruminants has been provided.  相似文献   

The 16S-23S ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS1) is often used as a subspecies or strain-specific molecular marker for various kinds of bacteria. However, the presence of different copies of ITS1 within a single genome has been reported. Such mosaicism may influence correct typing of many bacteria and therefore knowledge about exact configuration of this region in a particular genome is essential. In order to screen the variability of ITS1 among and within Pseudomonas syringae genomes, an oligonucleotide microarray targeting different configurations of ITS1 was developed. The microarray revealed seven distinct variants in 13 pathovars tested and detected mosaicism within the genomes of P. syringae pv. coronafaciens, pisi, syringae and tabaci. In addition, the findings presented here challenge the using of rRNA analysis for pathovar and strain determination.  相似文献   

PCR amplification of the spacer region between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes is commonly employed for the analysis of bacterial communities. In this analysis, the intergenic spacers are amplified by PCR using primers complementary to conserved regions in the 3' 16S rDNA and 5' 23S rDNA. By this method, the observation of every bacterial population may be limited by several causes. To explore the extent of bacterial populations overlooked by this method, we have used an empirical approach. In a sample containing about 50 colonies, we tested the capability to amplify by PCR the spacers from each colony. We also examined the ability to observe the spacers from each colony in the product obtained after amplification of the DNA extracted from the whole sample, as it is usually performed by this method. Contrarily to our expectations that a significant fraction of colonies would not yield amplification products, spacers were successfully amplified from every colony of two different samples examined. Overall, our results suggest that in spite of well-based theoretical limitations, the analysis of bacterial communities by amplification of the spacer regions can render a comprehensive representation of the more abundant bacterial clades in the sample.  相似文献   

AIMS: To develop a method for the simultaneous detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium-intracellularecomplex (MAC), and other mycobacteria in clinical specimens using triplex PCR. METHODS AND RESULTS: The target of amplification was the internal transcribed spacer region between the l6S and 23S rDNA genes. Twenty-two mycobacterial type strains, 118 M. tuberculosis, 87 other mycobacteria, 75 nonmycobacterial pathogens, 115 respiratory specimens from confirmed cases of tuberculous or other mycobacterial diseases, and sputa from 50 patients with nonmycobacterial respiratory diseases were tested. In M. tuberculosis, 322 bp pan-mycobacterial and 133 bp species-specific bands were observed. In MAC, the respective bands were 322 and 84 bp. The other mycobacteria showed single pan-mycobacterial bands of approx. 300-350 bp. Nonspecific amplicons were not found in any of the nonmycobacterial pathogens. In the tuberculosis specimens, 96.4% of smear-positive specimens and 70.2% of smear-negative specimens showed positive reactions. Specimens from two patients with MAC infection were MAC positive. Only 1 of 50 specimens from nonmycobacterial diseases was positive (2.0%). CONCLUSION, SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Triplex PCR enables accurate and rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis and probably is useful for the detection of MAC and other mycobacteria in respiratory specimens.  相似文献   

This study aimed at developing a novel multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer set for identification of the potentially probiotic Bifidobacterium species B. adolescentis, B. animalis subsp. animalis (B. animalis), B. bifidum, B. breve, B. longum biovar infantis (B. infantis), B. animalis subsp. lactis B. lactis, B. longum biovar longum (B. longum) and B. pseudolongum. The primer set comprised specific and conserved primers and was derived from the integrated sequences of 16S and 23S rRNA genes and the rRNA intergenic spacer region (ISR) of each species. It could detect and identify type strains and isolates from pharmaceuticals or dairy products corresponding to the eight Bifidobacterium species with high specificity. It was also useful for screening of the related strains from natural sources such as the gastro-intestinal tract and feces. We suggest that the assay system from this study is an efficient tool for simple, rapid and reliable identification of Bifidobacterium species for which probiotic strains are known.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to establish a system of real-time polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) for the specific detection of Yersinia pestis using the LightCycler (LC) instrument. Twenty-five strains of Y. pestis, 94 strains of other Yersinia species and 33 clinically relevant bacteria were investigated. Assays for the 16S rRNA gene target and the plasminogen activator gene (resides on the 9.5-kb plasmid) and for the Y. pestis murine toxin gene and the fraction 1 antigen gene (both on the 100-kb plasmid) were combined for the use in two multiplex assays including an internal amplification control detecting bacteriophage lambda-DNA. Applying these multiplex assays, Y. pestis was selectively identified; other bacteria yielded no amplification products. The lower limit of detection was approximately 0.1 genome equivalent. Rat or flea DNA had no inhibitory effects on the detection of Y. pestis. The results obtained using the multiplex real-time assays showed 100% accuracy when compared with combinations of conventional PCR assays. We developed and evaluated a highly specific real-time PCR strategy for the detection of Y. pestis, obtaining results within 3 h including DNA preparation.  相似文献   

rRNA internal transcribed spacer phylogeny showed that Chesapeake Bay is populated with diverse Synechococcus strains, including members of the poorly studied marine cluster B. Marine cluster B prevailed in the upper bay, while marine cluster A was common in the lower bay. Interestingly, marine cluster B Synechococcus included phycocyanin- and phycoerythrin-rich strains.  相似文献   

Thirty Gluconobacter strains maintained at Culture Collection NBRC were re-identified at the species level on the basis of restriction analysis of 16S-23S rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions by digestion with two restriction endonucleases MboII and Bsp1286I. The strains examined were divided into seven groups, designated as Group I and Group III-VIII, by the combination of the restriction patterns obtained with the two restriction endonucleases. Group I included seven strains, which gave "G. oxydans patterns" with the two restriction endonucleases and were re-identified as G. oxydans. Group III included 12 strains, which gave "G. frateurii patterns" and were re-identified as G. frateurii. Group IV included six strains, which gave "G. cerinus pattern" with MboII and "G. frateurii pattern" with Bsp1286I and were re-identified as G. frateurii. Group V included one strain (NBRC 3274), which gave respectively "G. frateurii pattern" and "G. cerinus pattern" and was re-identified as G. cerinus. Group VI included one strain (NBRC 3990), which gave respectively "G. oxydans pattern" and an unidentified restriction pattern and was re-identified temporarily as G. oxydans. Group VII included two strains (NBRC 3250 and NBRC 3273), which gave respectively an unidentified restriction pattern and "G. oxydans pattern." Group VIII included one strain (NBRC 3266), which gave unidentified restriction patterns. The three strains of Group VII and Group VIII were suggested to constitute new taxa by sequencing of 16S-23S rDNA ITS regions.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of the spacer regions between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes of 20 Mycoplasma species were determined following amplification by PCR. Although the spacer regions lacked spacer tRNA genes, they contained the box B and box A sequences in this order from the 5' terminus. The sequence alignment indicated that the 20 species were divided into four clusters, the M. pneumoniae, M. hominis, M. hyorhinis and M. fermentans clusters, and a single floating species, M. hyopneumoniae.  相似文献   

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