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The terminal organelle of the cell wall-less pathogenic bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a complex structure involved in adherence, gliding motility and cell division. This membrane-bound extension of the mycoplasma cell possesses a characteristic electron-dense core. A number of proteins having direct or indirect roles in M. pneumoniae cytadherence have been previously localized to the terminal organelle. However, the cytadherence-accessory protein HMW2, which is required for the stabilization of several terminal organelle components, has been refractory to antibody-based approaches to subcellular localization. In the current study, we constructed a sandwich fusion of HMW2 and enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and expressed this fusion in wild-type M. pneumoniae and the hmw2- mutant I-2. The fusion protein was produced in both backgrounds at wild-type levels and supported stabilization of proteins HMW1, HMW3 and P65, and haemadsorption function in mutant I-2. Furthermore, the fusion protein was fluorescent and localized specifically to the terminal organelle. However, the EGFP moiety appeared to interfere partially with processes related to cell division, as transformant cells exhibited an increased incidence of bifurcated attachment organelles. These data together with structural predictions suggest that HMW2 is the defining component of the electron-dense core of the terminal organelle.  相似文献   

The proteins required for adherence of the pathogen Mycoplasma pneumoniae to host respiratory epithelial cells are localized to a polar structure, the attachment organelle. A number of these proteins have been characterized functionally by analysis of noncytadhering mutants, and many are components of the mycoplasma cytoskeleton. Mutations in some cytadherence-associated proteins have pleiotropic effects, including decreased stability of other proteins, loss of adherence and motility, and abnormal morphology. The function of protein HMW3, a component of the attachment organelle, has been difficult to discern due to lack of an appropriate mutant. In this paper, we report that loss of HMW3 resulted in decreased levels and more diffuse localization of cytoskeletal protein P65, subtle changes in morphology, inability to cluster the adhesin P1 consistently at the terminal organelle, reduced cytadherence, and, in some cells, an atypical electron-dense core in the attachment organelle. This phenotype suggests a role for HMW3 in the architecture and stability of the attachment organelle.  相似文献   

The usefulness of chicken egg yolk extract as a substitute for horse serum in culture media for Mycoplasma pneumoniae was investigated. As a growth-supporting factor in the growth medium for M. pneumoniae and some other mycoplasmal species, the primary isolation medium for M. pneumoniae, and the metabolism-inhibition test medium for diagnosis of M. pneumoniae infection, egg yolk extract may be an excellent substitute for horse serum. The particular superiority of egg yolk extract to horse serum is that egg yolk extract, unlike horse serum, did not show any inhibitory effect on the growth of M. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

John, T. Jacob (University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver), Marlene Stahl, and Vincent A. Fulginiti. Cumulative hemagglutination by Mycoplasma pneumoniae and other agglutinins. J. Bacteriol. 92:1002-1004. 1966.-The phenomenon of cumulative hemagglutination, or hemagglutination by two agglutinins, each in subagglutinating concentration, was demonstrated by use of four different systems, namely, horse serum and Mycoplasma pneumoniae, horse serum and measles antigen, M. pneumoniae and measles antigen, and parainfluenza 2 virus and M. pneumoniae. Cumulative hemagglutination appears to be the mechanism by which a horse-serum diluent causes high hemagglutination titers of M. pneumoniae, since both contain hemagglutinins against vervet erythrocytes. It was also shown that antibodies against either one of the two antigens may cause inhibition of such hemagglutination.  相似文献   

A total of 292 patients with pneumonia confirmed by clinical, roentgenological and laboratory methods, admitted to the hospital from closed communities during the one year period, were examined. The sputa of patients with pneumonia in the acute stage were studied in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The predominence of M. pneumoniae and C. pneumoniae causualties in autumn and winter period was established. The monitoring of atypical infective agents with the use of the PCR techniques gives evidence for conclusion on their ever growing role in the etiological structure of community acquired pneumonia in groups of closely interacting young people.  相似文献   

Colonies of Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Mycoplasma salivarium grown in PPLO agar were examined by light and electron microscopy. The main objective of the investigation was to attempt in situ fixation and minimize tonic changes in the organisms. Microscopy revealed that both organisms grew both in and upon the agar. The agar and surface growths of M. pneumoniae exhibited similar profiles, whereas those of M. salivarium differed strikingly. Both organisms are highly pleomorphic, but their matrix was denser and appeared more intact than in previously reported profiles. Cells which resemble the commonly reported mycoplasma were occasionally observed. The significance of these discrepant profiles remains unanswered. It is suggested that they may represent aged or osmotically damaged cells.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma pneumoniae produces an ADP-ribosylating and vacuolating toxin known as the CARDS (Community Acquired Respiratory Distress Syndrome) toxin that has been shown to be cytotoxic to mammalian cells in tissue and organ culture. In this study we tested the ability of recombinant CARDS (rCARDS) toxin to elicit changes within the pulmonary compartment in both mice and baboons. Animals responded to a respiratory exposure to rCARDS toxin in a dose and activity-dependent manner by increasing the expression of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1α, 1β, 6, 12, 17, TNF-α and IFN-γ. There was also a dose-dependent increase in several growth factors and chemokines following toxin exposure including KC, IL-8, RANTES, and G-CSF. Increased expression of IFN-γ was observed only in the baboon; otherwise, mice and baboons responded to CARDS toxin in a very similar manner. Introduction of rCARDS toxin to the airways of mice or baboons resulted in a cellular inflammatory response characterized by a dose-dependent early vacuolization and cytotoxicity of the bronchiolar epithelium followed by a robust peribronchial and perivascular lymphocytic infiltration. In mice, rCARDS toxin caused airway hyper-reactivity two days after toxin exposure as well as prolonged airway obstruction. The changes in airway function, cytokine expression, and cellular inflammation correlate temporally and are consistent with what has been reported for M. pneumoniae infection. Altogether, these data suggest that the CARDS toxin interacts extensively with the pulmonary compartment and that the CARDS toxin is sufficient to cause prolonged inflammatory responses and airway dysfunction.  相似文献   



Chlamydophila pneumoniae and Mycoplasma pneumoniae are associated with acute exacerbation of bronchial asthma (AEBA). The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between these acute bacterial infections and the severity of AEBA.


We prospectively analysed consecutive patients admitted to the Emergency Department with acute asthma exacerbation. In every patient peak expiratory flow (PEF) measurement was performed on admission, and spirometry during follow-up. Serology for Chlamydophila and Mycoplasma pneumoniae was performed on admission and after 4–8 weeks.


Fifty-eight patients completed the study. Acute atypical infections (AAI) was observed in 22/58 cases; we found single acute C. pneumoniae in 19 cases, single acute M. pneumoniae in 2 cases, and double acute infection in one case. Functional impairment on admission was greater in patients with AAI than in patients without AAI (PEF 205 ± 104 L/min vs 276 ± 117 p = 0.02) and persisted until visit 2 (FEV1% 76.30 ± 24.54 vs FEV1% 92.91 ± 13.89, p = 0.002). Moreover, the proportion of patients who presented with severe AEBA was significantly greater in the group with AAI than in the group without AAI (15/22 vs 12/36, p = 0.01; OR 4.29, 95% CI 1.38–13.32).


Our data suggest an association between acute atypical infection and a more severe AEBA.  相似文献   

The symposium on M. pneumoniae respiratory disease has examined the clinical expression of infection in adults and children, the pathophysiologic disturbances which occur, and the laboratory diagnosis by isolation and serology. That these infections are very common has been well documented; however, a variable incidence over periods of several years tends to minimize importance of the disease for many clinicians. While good laboratory diagnostic methods exist, they provide retrospective insight predominantly and are not useful for early diagnosis or therapeutic decision making. Development of rapid diagnostic methods which are sensitive and specific is an important goal for future research. Success would facilitate our understanding and control of M. pneumoniae disease.  相似文献   

Current theory holds that mycoplasmas remain attached to the surface of epithelial cells although some mycoplasmas have evolved mechanisms for entering host cells that are not naturally phagocytic. The ability of Mycoplasma pneumoniae strain M129 to invade and survive within host cells was studied using a HeLa cell line and a human lung carcinoma cell line (A549). The invasion process into the eukaryotic cells was studied qualitatively by confocal laser scanning microscopy and quantitatively by the gentamicin resistance assay. Internalization was found with A549 cells but not with HeLa cells. Internalization was dependent on the duration of the infection and on temperature. The organism, detected in the cytoplasm and perinuclear regions, survived within the host cells for prolonged periods of time. The intracellular location of M. pneumoniae is obviously a privileged niche, well protected from the immune system and from the action of many antibiotics and may explain the pathogenic potential of this organism.  相似文献   

The secretion of H(2)O(2) by Mycoplasma pneumoniae and M. gallisepticum was measured with the new catalase-aminotriazole method. Peroxide secretion by the mycoplasmas was stimulated by glucose. When catalase and aminotriazole were omitted and exogenous H(2)O(2) was added to the mycoplasmas, a loss in H(2)O(2) was noted with time; the addition of glucose speeded the disappearance of H(2)O(2). The presence of this peroxidase-like activity in the mycoplasmas explains an observed failure of H(2)O(2) to accumulate freely in the suspension medium.  相似文献   

Isolates of Mycoplasma pneumoniae and M. salivarium could be subclassified at the strain level by inhibitors (ch-Mcin) derived from mycoplasmal cells treated with chloroform. Sixty-one isolates of M. pneumoniae obtained from oral cavities of patients were divided into three types by their ch-Mcin: a definite type which completely inhibits the growth of M. fermentans PG18, an indefinite type and a noinhibition type. Sixty-seven isolates of M. salivarium were also divided into similar types by their ch-Mcin which does or does not inhibit the growth of M. salivarium Hup127. In the case of isolates of M. pneumoniae and M. salivarium belonging to the indefinite type which gave ambiguous patterns in the ch-Mcin typing, it was demonstrated that they could be clearly typed by further testing after repeated cloning.  相似文献   

The rapid progress in sequencing large quantities of DNA will provide an increasing number of complete genome sequences of closely related bacterial species as well as of pairs of isolates from the same species with different features, such as a pathogenic and an apathogenic representative. This opens the way to apply subtractive comparative analysis as a tool to select from the large pool of all bacterial genes a relatively small set of genes that can be correlated with the expression of a certain phenotype. These selected genes can then be the target for further functional analyses.  相似文献   

By using the primers designed on the bases of the sequences of the 16S rRNA genes of Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Mycoplasma genitalium, respectively, specific and sensitive in vitro DNA amplification assay system for the detection and discrimination of these two mycoplasmas was established. The detection limit of the assay was 100 cells for M. pneumoniae and 1,000 cells for M. genitalium. Neither other human mycoplasmas nor oral bacteria existing in human saliva showed any cross-reactions with these primers.  相似文献   

Bacterial pneumonia remains associated with high morbidity and mortality. The gram-positive pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common cause of community-acquired pneumonia. Lipoteichoic acid (LTA) is an important proinflammatory component of the gram-positive bacterial cell wall. R-roscovitine, a purine analog, is a potent cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)-1, −2, −5 and −7 inhibitor that has the ability to inhibit the cell cycle and to induce polymorphonuclear cell (PMN) apoptosis. We sought to investigate the effect of R-roscovitine on LTA-induced activation of cell lines with relevance for lung inflammation in vitro and on lung inflammation elicited by either LTA or viable S. pneumoniae in vivo. In vitro R-roscovitine enhanced apoptosis in PMNs and reduced tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and keratinocyte chemoattractant (KC) production in MH-S (alveolar macrophage) and MLE-12/MLE-15 (respiratory epithelial) cell lines. In vivo R-roscovitine treatment reduced PMN numbers in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid during LTA-induced lung inflammation; this effect was reversed by inhibiting apoptosis. Postponed treatment with R-roscovitine (24 and 72 h) diminished PMN numbers in lung tissue during gram-positive pneumonia; this step was associated with a transient increase in pulmonary bacterial loads. R-roscovitine inhibits proinflammatory responses induced by the gram-positive stimuli LTA and S. pneumoniae. R-roscovitine reduces PMN numbers in lungs upon LTA administration by enhancing apoptosis. The reduction in PMN numbers caused by R-roscovitine during S. pneumoniae pneumonia may hamper antibacterial defense.  相似文献   

Manifestations and complications of Mycoplasma pneumoniae disease: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Over the past 20 years the annual number of reports on extrapulmonary symptoms during Mycoplasma (M.) pneumoniae disease has increased. Clinical and epidemiological data indicate that symptoms from the skin and mucous membranes, from the central nervous system, from the heart, and perhaps from other organs as well are not quite uncommon manifestations of M. pneumoniae disease. Reports on unusual courses of the disease have also accumulated, including cases of severe respiratory symptoms, sometimes seen in patients with underlying disease or with a concomitant viral infection. Serious extrapulmonary manifestations have been common in fatal cases of M. pneumoniae disease. Some observations and experimental data on these manifestations and on the possible pathogenic mechanisms are dealt with. The conclusion is that such mechanisms are still largely unknown.  相似文献   

1. Many tissue extracts have been shown to have growth factor activity towards M. pneumoniae notably bovine lung. Yeast extract is therefore not unique in this respect. The materials in lung digest and in yeast extract are very similar in properties and could be identical.
2. The growth factor is a low molecular weight water soluble material. Despite its stability to heat it decomposes on storage, presumably by oxidation.
3. Chromatographic procedures, on both Dowex 50W columns and on paper, indicated the presence of two active components.  相似文献   

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