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《Endocrine practice》2016,22(7):791-798
Objective: Controversy exists regarding the ability of fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy to rule out malignancy when thyroid nodules exceed 4 cm in diameter. The goal of this study was to provide data regarding FNA accuracy in a clinical setting for detecting/ruling out malignancy in large thyroid nodules (≥4 cm) and discuss FNA utility in guiding surgical decisions.Methods: All thyroid FNA cases performed at Marshfield Clinic from 1/1/2000 to 12/31/2010 followed by complete or partial thyroidectomy on nodules of at least 4 cm were identified. Demographics, medical history, nodule biopsy characteristics, surgical procedures, and diagnosis data were abstracted. FNA was compared to histologic evaluation of surgical specimens.Results: A total of 198 patients with large thyroid nodules were identified. Most had a single large nodule, but ~40% were multinodular, and 206 total nodules were assessed. Females outnumbered males, and the mean age was ~50 years. After surgery, cancer was histologically identified in 49/206 (23.8%) nodules, including 9/123 nodules that had been categorized as benign by FNA, corresponding to a false-negative rate of 7.3%. Sensitivity/specificity for detecting malignancy by FNA was ~80%. The positive predictive value (PPV) was just below 60%, and the negative predictive value (NPV) was 93% but rose to 96% when papillary microcarcinomas were excluded.Conclusion: While FNA sensitivity in large nodules was relatively low, NPV was high, especially if incidental papillary microcarcinomas were excluded. When cancer prevalence and NPV are known, FNA can be a reliable “rule out” test in nodules ≥4 cm. This information is critical and can help guide the surgery decision, especially in high-risk patients. The decision for surgery should not be solely based on nodule size but should consider additional factors including cancer prevalence, clinical history, ultrasound features, surgical risk, and life expectancy.Abbreviations:FNA = fine-needle aspirationNPV = negative predictive valuePPV = positive predictive value  相似文献   



An increased incidence of fungal infections caused by Candida species, especially Candida glabrata and Candida krusei, which are less susceptible to azoles, has been observed. Standardized susceptibility testing is essential for clinical management and for monitoring the epidemiology of resistance.


We evaluated the performance of two different susceptibility testing commercial methods, Vitek 2® and Sensititre YeastOne®, and compared them with the standard broth microdilution method (CLSI).


A total of 80 isolates of several Candida species (Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis complex, Candida tropicalis, C. glabrata and C. krusei) were selected for this study.


We analyzed the categorical agreement (CA) between the methods, stratifying the disagreements. The average CA between the methods was 96.3% for Vitek 2® and 84% for Sensititre YeastOne®. No very major errors were observed. Major errors and minor errors were found for all the isolates tested. With the azoles, both Vitek 2® and Sensititre YeastOne® had good and similar performance levels, except for C. tropicalis and C. krusei (Sensititre YeastOne® showed low CA, 56.2%). With the echinocandins, both methods showed good performance for C. albicans, C. parapsilosis and C. tropicalis. However, we observed important discrepancies for C. krusei with caspofungin: Vitek 2® had 100% CA while Sensititre YeastOne® had only 25%. With amphotericin B, both Vitek 2® and Sensititre YeastOne® had good performance with high CA.


Despite the limited isolates tested, we concluded that both methods have good performance and are reliable for antifungal susceptibility testing. However, caspofungin activity against C. krusei and C. glabrata should be interpreted carefully when using Sensititre YeastOne® because we observed a low CA.  相似文献   

Single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) is a reproducible, rapid and quite simple method for the detection of deletions/insertions/rearrangements in polymerase chain reaction amplified DNA. All the details for the use of PCR–SSCP are presented in the direction of genetic diseases (β-thalassaemia, cystic fibrosis), optimum gel conditions, sensitivity and the latest modifications of the method, which are applied in most laboratories. This non-radioactive PCR–SSCP method can be reliably used to identify mutations in patients (β-globin, CFTR), provided suitable controls are available. Moreover, it is widely used for mutation identification in carriers (β-thalassaemia, cystic fibrosis), making it particularly useful in population screening.  相似文献   

In the analysis of data from proteomic mass spectrometry experiments, an important issue is determining which of the observed peptide spectrum matches (PSMs) represent true positives. We view this problem through a multiple testing framework and develop procedures for deciding true PSMs. A key feature that makes the problem relative unique to the differential expression problem in microarray analysis is that the null distribution can potentially be estimated from the data. However, this renders much of the asymptotic results from the statistical literature to be invalid. We prove some new key results for this problem using empirical process theory. We also develop a new multiple testing procedure that employs multivariate information from the peptide sequence searches. The proposed methods are studied using a real data set as well as simulated data.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is one of the most studied epigenetic marks in the human genome, with the result that the desire to map the human methylome has driven the development of several methods to map DNA methylation on a genomic scale. Our study presents the first comparison of two of these techniques - the targeted approach of the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip® with the immunoprecipitation and sequencing-based method, MeDIP-seq. Both methods were initially validated with respect to bisulfite sequencing as the gold standard and then assessed in terms of coverage, resolution and accuracy. The regions of the methylome that can be assayed by both methods and those that can only be assayed by one method were determined and the discovery of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) by both techniques was examined. Our results show that the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip® and MeDIP-seq show a good positive correlation (Spearman correlation of 0.68) on a genome-wide scale and can both be used successfully to determine differentially methylated loci in RefSeq genes, CpG islands, shores and shelves. MeDIP-seq however, allows a wider interrogation of methylated regions of the human genome, including thousands of non-RefSeq genes and repetitive elements, all of which may be of importance in disease. In our study MeDIP-seq allowed the detection of 15,709 differentially methylated regions, nearly twice as many as the array-based method (8070), which may result in a more comprehensive study of the methylome.  相似文献   

99Tcm-pertechnetate is concentrated in the thyroid in the same way as iodide but it does not become organically bound. The uptake of 99Tcm is a measure of the thyroid trap, and this measurement is satisfactory as a routine test in the diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis. The reproducibility of the method is such that suppression tests can be carried out when necessary even when uptake is within the normal range of 0·4-3%. 99Tcm gives a low radiation dose to the thyroid and has certain other advantages over radioactive isotopes of iodine for early thyroid uptake measurements. It is particularly suitable when serial tests of thyroid function are required during treatment with an antithyroid drug.  相似文献   

As the function of the thyroid gland is the synthesis and secretion of thyroxin, a test which correctly measures this process is best for diagnosis of thyroid disorder and for determining the success of therapy. The rate of secretion can be measured with a Geiger counter which indicates what proportion of radioactive iodine in a serum specimen is in the form of thyroxin. The normal proportion is 2 to 10 per cent; in hyperthyroidism the proportion is 50 to 70 per cent, and in hypothyroidism less than 1 per cent.The same test has served to detect metastases of thyroid carcinoma following total thyroidectomy.  相似文献   

Minimal inhibitory concentration of antimicrobials, determined by the broth microdilution method, requires visual assessment or absorbance measurement using a spectrophotometer. Both procedures are usually performed manually, requiring the presence of an operator to assess the plates at specific time point. To increase the throughput of antimicrobial susceptibility testing, and concurrently convert into an automatic assay, the Biolog OmniLog® system was validated for a new, label-free application using standard 96-well microplates. OmniLog was evaluated for its signal strength to ensure that the signal intensity, detected and measured by the system's camera, was satisfactory. Variability due to the plate location inside the OmniLog incubator, as well as variation between wells, was investigated. Then the system was validated by determining the minimal inhibitory concentration of ciprofloxacin, piperacillin and linezolid against a selected Gram-negative and Gram-positive strains. No significant difference was observed in relation to position of the plates within the system. Plate edge effects were noticeable, thus the edge wells were not included in further experiments. Minimal inhibitory concentration results were comparable to those obtained by conventional protocol as well as to values defined by the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute or published in the literature.  相似文献   

Although molecular dynamics simulations can be accelerated by more than an order of magnitude by implicitly describing the influence of the solvent with a continuum model, most currently available implicit solvent simulations cannot robustly simulate the structure and dynamics of nucleic acids. The difficulties become exacerbated especially for RNAs, suggesting the presence of serious physical flaws in the prior continuum models for the influence of the solvent and counter ions on the nucleic acids. We present a novel, to our knowledge, implicit solvent model for simulating nucleic acids by combining the Langevin–Debye model and the Poisson–Boltzmann equation to provide a better estimate of the electrostatic screening of both the water and counter ions. Tests of the model involve comparisons of implicit and explicit solvent simulations for three RNA targets with 20, 29, and 75 nucleotides. The model provides reasonable agreement with explicit solvent simulations, and directions for future improvement are noted.  相似文献   

The Nafion, Dow and Aciplex systems – where the prime differences lies in the side-chain length – have been studied by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation under standard pressure and temperature conditions for two different levels of hydration: 5 and 15 water molecules per (H)SO3 end-group. Structural features such as water clustering, water-channel dimensions and topology, and the dynamics of the hydronium ions and water molecules have all been analysed in relation to the dynamical properties of the polymer backbone and side-chains. It is generally found that mobility is promoted by a high water content, with the side-chains participating actively in the H3O+/H2O transport mechanism. Nafion, whose side-chain length is intermediate of the three polymers studied, is found to have the most mobile polymer side-chains at the higher level of hydration, suggesting that there could be an optimal side-chain length in these systems. There are also some indications that the water-channel network connectivity is optimal for high water-content Nafion system, and that this could explain why Nafion appears to exhibit the most favourable overall hydronium/water mobility. Figure The simulation box for Aciplex with 5 water molecules per sulphonate end-group (yellow spheres). The polymer backbone is black; while side-chains are brown. The water-channel iso-surfaces are represented as blue clouds  相似文献   

The redesigned Enterotube has been evaluated with 414 unknown Enterobacteriaceae cultures from the stock culture collection of the Center for Disease Control. When the Enterotube was used as recommended by the manufacturer, an average of 96.4% of these cultures were correctly identified. Only two groups (Salmonella and Edwardsiella) were identified with less than 90% accuracy (89.2 and 87.5%, respectively). The Enterotube now provides a convenient, rapid, and accurate test system for the identification of typically reacting enteric bacteria.  相似文献   

Diagnostic tools for invasive fungal infections have continuously improved within the last decades. Nowadays, cultural methods, antigen testing, and molecular tests, such as polymerase chain reaction, are widely used. These methods, however, are accompanied with different limitations as various availability, various turnaround time or high costs. A new generation of point-of-care test has shown promising results in various studies and may overcome some of these limitations. We therefore reviewed the literature for the most promising new point-of-care tests for invasive aspergillosis (Aspergillus-specific lateral-flow device test, Aspergillus proximity ligation antigen assay), cryptococcosis (cryptococcal lateral-flow assay), and for histoplasmosis (loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay).  相似文献   

Twenty-five bacterial species were cultured in basal broth plus 1 of 19 different carbohydrates which were sterilized by Seitz filtration, autoclaving (112 C, 10 min), or exposure to 0.2% β-propiolactone (BPL). No significant differences were found either in the visual observations for acid and gas, pH, or titrable acidity determinations after 3 days of incubation with any of the three preparations tested. An effort was made to further determine the effect of BPL and heat on carbohydrates by assaying for glucose before and after treatment. Results indicated that glucose was not degraded by 0.2% BPL, however, it was shown that autoclave temperatures caused extensive degradation. Statistical treatment of the results from Warburg studies indicated that BPL-treated glucose showed no appreciable toxic effects, although the actual oxygen uptake was not as great as with Seitz- or autoclave-treated glucose. The application of the BPL sterilization process was discussed.  相似文献   

Selective screening media for the detection and identification of Aeromonas strains are needed to guide primary isolation procedures in the clinical laboratory. This study compared the selective CromoCen? AGN chromogenic agar medium for the detection and identification of Aeromonas strains that were isolated from various samples against the conventional selective agar media that are commonly used for the isolation of this organism in food, environmental and clinical samples. The Miles and Misra and ecometric methods were used to evaluate the microbiological performance of CromoCen? AGN chromogenic agar medium, which was shown to be satisfactory. A total of 14 reference Aeromonas strains, 44 wild strains and 106 clinical stool specimens were examined using both non-chromogenic selective agars that are commonly used for Aeromonas isolation and CromoCen? AGN agar. The latter exhibited 94.73% sensitivity and 100% specificity for the various samples. On CromoCen? AGN agar medium, Aeromonas formed colonies with light green, greenish and salmon pigments with or without a surrounding wide transparent zone (halo) of 2-3mm in diameter around the entire border. This medium is recommended for the isolation and potential identification of the Aeromonas genus.  相似文献   

Insecticide-treated nets provide a reduction in human-vector contact through physical barrier, mortality and/or repellent effects that protect both users and non-users, thereby protecting the wider community from vector-borne diseases like malaria. Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) are the best alternative. This study evaluated the bioefficacy of LLINs PermaNet? 2.0 and Olyset? under laboratory conditions with Anopheles albimanus. The laboratory strain was evaluated for insecticide susceptibility with selected insecticides used for malarial control. Regeneration time and wash resistance were evaluated with the standard bioassay cone technique following WHO guidelines. Heat assistance was used for Olyset? nets; the nets were exposed to four different temperatures to speed the regeneration process. The regeneration study of PermaNet? 2.0 showed that efficacy was fully recovered by 24 h after one and three washes and wash resistance persisted for 15 washes. Regeneration of Olyset? nets was not observed for nets washed three times, even with the different temperature exposures for up to seven days. Thus, for Olyset? the wash resistance evaluation could not proceed. Differences in response between the two LLINs may be associated with differences in manufacturing procedures and species response to the evaluated LLINs. PermaNet? 2.0 showed higher and continuous efficacy against An. albimanus.  相似文献   


When the idea of putting together a Forum on the subject of polymer and glycan coated liposomes came across my mind, I thought that this would be an unique opportunity for those of us who argue fiercefully in meetings to do the same in writing. The idea was well received when I contacted my colleagues about a year ago. After some minor arm-twisting by phone and FAX, here is the first Forum published in JLR.  相似文献   

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