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Abstract   Australia is isolated from the rest of the world geographically but not scientifically: Australian entomology has a long and distinguished record of collaboration with a diversity of other countries. Much of the focus relates to keeping new pests out of Australia (biosecurity and quarantine) and managing those that do get in (biological control and insect pest management). Many projects have cooperated with neighbouring countries, to assist them to control pests and thereby reduce threats to Australia. Biological control projects have also had two-way benefits, and examples are given of various collaborations in these fields.  相似文献   



Trypanosomosis is a major impediment to livestock farming in sub-Saharan Africa and limits the full potential of agricultural development in the 36 countries where it is endemic. In man, sleeping sickness is fatal if untreated and causes severe morbidity. This study was undertaken in western Kenya, an area that is endemic for both human and livestock trypanosomosis. While trypanosomosis in livestock is present at high levels of endemicity, sleeping sickness occurs at low levels over long periods, interspersed with epidemics, underscoring the complexity of the disease epidemiology. In this study, we sought to investigate the prevalence of trypanosomes in small ruminants and pigs, and the potential of these livestock as reservoirs of potentially human-infective trypanosomes. The study was undertaken in 5 villages, to address two key questions: i) are small ruminants and pigs important in the transmission dynamics of trypanosomosis? and ii), do they harbour potentially human infective trypanosomes? Answers to these questions are important in developing strategies for the control of both livestock and human trypanosomosis.


Eighty-six animals, representing 21.3% of the 402 sampled in the 5 villages, were detected as positive by PCR using a panel of primers that identify trypanosomes to the level of the species and sub-species. These were categorised as 23 (5.7%) infections of T. vivax, 22 (5.5%) of T. simiae, 21 (5.2%) of the T. congolense clade and 20 (5.0%) of T. brucei ssp. The sheep was more susceptible to trypanosome infection as compared to goats and pigs. The 20 T. brucei positive samples were evaluated by PCR for the presence of the Serum Resistance Associated (SRA) gene, which has been linked to human infectivity in T. b. rhodesiense. Three samples (one pig, one sheep and one goat) were found to have the SRA gene. These results suggest that sheep, goats and pigs, which are kept alongside cattle, may harbour human-infective trypanosomes.


We conclude that all livestock kept in this T. b. rhodesiense endemic area acquire natural infections of trypanosomes, and are therefore important in the transmission cycle. Sheep, goats and pigs harbour trypanosomes that are potentially infective to man. Hence, the control of trypanosomosis in these livestock is essential to the success of any strategy to control the disease in man and livestock.

Trait selection in flowering plants: how does sexual selection contribute?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
By highlighting and merging the frameworks of sexual selectionenvisioned by Arnold (1994) and Murphy (1998), we discuss howsexual selection can occur in plants even though individualsdo not directly interact. We review studies on traits that influencepollen export and receipt in a variety of hermaphroditic andgynodioecious plants with the underlying premise that pollinationdynamics influences mate acquisition. Most of the studies reviewedfound that phenotypes that enhance pollen export are in harmonywith those that enhance pollen receipt suggesting that in manycases pollinator visitation rates limit both male and femalefunction. In contrast, fewer traits were under opposing selection;but when they were, the traits most often were associated withenhancing the specific aspects of a given sex function. Ourreview helps clarify and illustrate why sexual selection canbe a component of trait evolution in hermaphrodite plants.  相似文献   



Weighting is one of the steps involved in LCIA. This enables us to integrate various environmental impacts and facilitates the interpretation of environmental information. Many different weighting methodologies have already been proposed, and the results of many case studies with a single index have been published. LIME2 (Itsubo et al. Int J Life Cycle Assess 17(4):488-498, 2012) developed weighting factors for four different areas of protection that reflect environmental awareness among the Japanese public. This method has already been widely used in Japan, but difficulties exist universally using the Japanese weighting factors around the world. It is presumed that the weighting varies depending on economic, cultural, and social conditions, and there are still few cases in which weighting factors have been specifically invented or studied in consideration of variance in these elements. This study attempted to develop weighting factors applicable to the Group of Twenty (G20) countries with a view toward developing those that could be used in different countries. In the study, a survey was conducted with a uniform questionnaire in G20 countries to compare the weighting factors calculated for different countries, along with an investigation on development and utilization of global weighting factors.


A conjoint analysis was conducted to give a weighting between the four areas of protection defined by LIME: human health, social assets, biodiversity, and primary production. The analysis is suitable for measuring the value of each of the multiple attributes of the environment. This study conducted a questionnaire in all the G20 member states. The survey puts priority on making the questions understood by the respondents and minimizing bias, adopting interviews, visiting surveys, and surveys in venues in the 11 emerging countries. In the developed countries, Internet surveys were conducted after confirming that their results are statistically significant from the pretest results in these states. In both surveys, random sampling was performed to take 200–250 samples (households) in each of the emerging countries and 500–600 samples in each of the developed countries. The surveys collected a total of 6400 responses. Statistical values based on this model can be considered to reflect the variability between each individual’s environmental thoughts. The calculated results can then be used to compare the variety of environmental thoughts in developed and emerging countries.

Results and discussion

The study was able to obtain two different kinds of results: dimensionless weighting factors and economic indicators using the amount of willingness to pay. This paper solely presents the former. The weighting factors in the entire G20 community, in the group of developed countries (G8) and in the group of emerging countries (G20 states excluding the G8) and those in the individual G20 countries, were estimated. The calculated values were significant statistically at the 1 % level (all p values for the safeguard subject coefficients were less than 0.0001), with the exception of monetary attributes for several emerging countries. Converted into dimensionless values, so that the total sum for the four subjects equals 1, the weighting factor was the highest for human health in the entire G20 circles, at 0.34, followed by biodiversity at 0.29, and primary production at 0.23. The weighting for social assets was relatively poor, at 0.13. In the G8 developed states, the figures of biodiversity and primary production were relatively higher than those of the same two subjects in the full G20. Biodiversity had the highest value, at 0.34, and was followed by human health at 0.30. On the other hand, in emerging countries, the weighting of health impacts was particularly significant, at 0.44, whereas the three other subjects had almost equivalent weightings—biodiversity at 0.19, social assets at 0.18, and primary product at 0.18. The weighting factors by country and the variance of preference intensities by country showed minor differences among developed countries while they reflected considerable differences among emerging countries.


Accurate weighting factors representing the environmental attitudes of the world and national public are needed in order to conduct general purpose LCA. This study is the world’s first to conduct surveys with the use of the same questionnaire not only in developed countries but also in emerging countries, and to compare the findings. A total of 6400 responses were obtained via interviews and Internet surveys. The survey thus gained a statistically significant result on all the environmental attributes including the weighting factors for the G20 circles, G8 states, emerging countries exclusive of the G8 states, and individual countries in which surveys took place. The results have revealed a relatively minor difference in weighting factors and variation coefficients between the areas of protection in the developed countries whereas a considerable difference was observed between those subjects in emerging countries.


The bioavailability index (BI) is defined as the proportion of reduction in a plant’s accumulation of an element, caused by the removal of the extractable fraction of the element of interest from the soil. The BI and corresponding experimental methods were quantitatively applied to evaluate the bioavailability of trace elements in five Chinese soils. The soil was first extracted with various reagents (DTPA, HCl and NH2OH.HCI) separately, to remove the extractable elements. The soil, after extraction, was washed with deionised water to eliminate the extractant used in the fractionation analysis. Then the pH of the soil was re-adjusted with CaO. The soil was then fertilised and incubated in a greenhouse for four weeks. Tests showed that after incubation the pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and organic matter (OM) of the treated soil were close to their original values. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was planted in both the untreated and treated soil for eight weeks. After harvest the plant concentrations of the elements Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Zn, Cu, Cd, and Pb were analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). Trace element accumulation by plants grown in the treated soil was reduced significantly compared with that of plants grown in the untreated soil. The results showed that BI values were in the order BI(DTPA)>BI(HCl)>BI(NH2OH.HCl). This indicated that the DTPA-extractable fraction represented a highly available fraction of the total content. Variations of BI among different trace elements show that Cr, Mn, Zn and Co have a higher BI, in general for the elements tested, whereas, Cu, Cd and Pb have lower values. There are also slight differences in the BI among soils. However, no significant relationship could be found between the BI and the soil characteristics.  相似文献   

Although many studies have addressed island biogeography, the biodiversity of very small islets has mostly been ignored due to the lack of high-resolution data. We analysed the vascular plant taxa distribution pattern of 81 satellite islets scattered around Sardinia, the second largest island in the Mediterranean Basin. Power models were used to determine the influence of environmental and anthropogenic factors on both endemic and non-endemic species richness. Analyses of the distribution pattern highlighted the high endemism rate in these islets. In addition, reliable results for conservation, such as correlations with land use diversity, climate and human presence, were found only when categorising the islets by their environmental characteristics instead of their geographical position. This study of a representative set of Mediterranean islets contributes to the knowledge base about the controversial role of very small islets in biological conservation. Large-scale analyses have often underrated their importance and we therefore suggest that local studies about their conservation planning are needed worldwide.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2010,90(2-3):164-173
Livestock production systems worldwide rely largely on conventional feedstuffs. The current world food crisis highlights the need to improve the use of local resources for animal nutrition, such as fodder trees and shrubs. The detrimental effects of tropical tannin-rich plants (TRP) on animal production have been frequently described. In contrast, their potential benefits have long been neglected. This paper presents the potential positive effects of tropical TRP on small ruminants either as source of feed or as nutraceuticals with anthelmintic (AH) properties. It also analyses the host behavioral and physiological adaptations associated with exploitation of those tannin-rich resources. Both sheep and goats preferred a mixture of plants even when tannin-free forage was available. Moreover, the preference for TRP by goats and hair sheep were mainly associated with the digestible fraction of fiber and to a less extent with tannin content, which implies that they do not necessarily select against TRP. The addition of polyethylene glycol did not modify the preference or intake of TRP by goats and sheep. Evidence of physiological adaptation to TRP is presented and discussed. Both, experienced hair sheep and goats had saliva with tannin binding capacity, enabling both species to eat higher quantities of TRP which could lead to a higher availability of tannins in the gastrointestinal tract. Tannins in the gastrointestinal tract could be an AH against gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN). Indeed, in vitro and in vivo studies have shown AH effects of tannins from TRP, suggesting their possible use as natural anthelmintics against GIN. This paper supports the change in the current view of tannins in TRP as anti-nutritional compounds. If adequately managed, TRP can be a valuable component of sustainable small ruminant production systems.  相似文献   

1 Correspondence address. E-mail: petra.desutter{at}ugent.be In 2% of assisted reproductive techniques (ART) cycles complicationsoccur. Some are preventable, some are not. In this paper, wewill discuss risks and complications of the standard ‘Western’approach in ART today and point to some measures to be takenwhen implementing ART in developing countries, where resourcesand access to medical care may be limited. Ovarian hyperstimulationsyndrome (OHSS, and its thrombo-embolic complications) is responsiblefor the majority of cycle-related complications, followed bybleeding and infection at oocyte retrieval. ART pregnanciesare complicated by first-trimester bleeding more often thanspontaneous pregnancies, they are more often ectopic, but themajor complication is the very high incidence of multiple pregnancies,when more than one embryo is transferred. OHSS can be preventedby screening patients at risk and by using mild or no stimulation.Simple measures can minimize the risks of bleeding or infection.Obviously single embryo transfer is the only way to avoid multiplepregnancies, which have a highly increased risk for severe maternaland neonatal morbidity and mortality (mainly due to prematurity).Special attention should be given to pre-existing pathologies.Risk minimization of ART in developing countries is not onlymandatory from an economical but also an ethical point of view.  相似文献   

Most of the resident plants within vegetation fail to leave descendants because of death without sex—i.e. sexual reproduction fails (zero fecundity), primarily because of relatively small plant size. I propose that this ‘problem of the small’ represents one of the principal driving forces of evolution by natural selection, and that the main product of this selection is ‘reproductive economy’, manifested by several plant traits that are widely distributed among angiosperms: sexual maturity at a relatively young age and small size, relatively small seed size, selfing (including through mixed mating), and of particular interest here, clonality. In non-clonal species, an offspring develops from a zygote into a single ‘rooted unit’, i.e. a distinct vascular transition point between live shoot and root tissue. Clonal species can produce an indeterminate number of these rooted unit offspring asexually, all as products of a single zygote. Clonality is a common strategy in angiosperms because it confers a potential two-fold fitness benefit—especially in relatively small species—by promoting longevity of the zygote product, while at the same time providing a fecundity supplement (through asexual multiplication of rooted units), thereby allowing offspring production economically, i.e. without requiring large adult size, and without even requiring the fertilization of ovules. The primary fitness benefit from clonality, therefore, is that the somatic product of a zygote can effectively avoid an intrinsic limitation predicted for all non-clonal plants: the trade-off between longevity and the potential rate of offspring/descendant production. These major fitness benefits of clonality are explored in considering why clonality is less common in larger species, why the largest species (trees) generally do not have the longest-lived zygote product, and in re-assessing traditional and recent views concerning the loss of sex in clonal plants, the predicted trade-off between the size and number of clonal offspring, and the predicted trade-off between sexual and asexual reproduction.  相似文献   

DNA variability was investigated in the last intron of the Y-chromosome-specific zinc finger gene, ZFY, and its X homolog on Xp21.3, ZFX. No polymorphisms were found in the 676-bp ZFY segment in a sample of 205 world-wide-distributed Y chromosomes, other than a solitary nucleotide variant in one individual (nucleotide diversity pi = 0.0014%). In contrast, 10 segregating sites (pi = 0.082%) were identified within 1,089 bp of the ZFX sequence in a sample of 336 X chromosomes. Four of these polymorphisms, which contributed most of the diversity, were located within an Alu insert disrupting the ZFY-ZFX homology (pi Alu = 0.24%). The diversity in the homologous portion of the ZFX intron, although higher than that in ZFY, was lower than that found in genomic segments believed to evolve neutrally; interspecies divergence in both segments was also reduced. Although this suggests that the evolution of both ZFY and ZFX homologs may not be entirely neutral, both Tajima and HKA tests did not reject neutrality. The lack of statistical significance may be attributed to a lack of power in these tests (the low divergence and variability values reduce the power of the HKA and Tajima tests, respectively); furthermore, Homo sapiens has recently undergone a rapid population growth, and selection is more difficult to detect in an expanding population. Therefore, the failure to reject neutrality does not necessarily indicate the absence of selection. In this context, the phylogenetic argument was given more weight in out interpretations. The high level of sequence identity in ZFY and ZFX segments, in spite of their separation 80-130 MYA, reflects a lower mutation rate as compared with other segments believed to undergo unconstrained evolution. Thus, the possibility of weak selection contributing to the low level of nucleotide diversity in the last ZFY intron cannot be excluded and should be kept in mind in the population genetics studies based on Y chromosome variability.  相似文献   

There is a strong bias concerning the regions of the globe where research on biological invasions is conducted, with notably lower representation of developing countries. However, in developing countries, effective management strategies to control invasions could be more beneficial in conserving global biodiversity since these countries tend to have larger, highly diverse natural habitats. Lower levels of development are seen as an obstacle to tackling biological invasions, but little thought is given to the advantages of developing countries in dealing with invasive species. We analyzed differences between developed and developing countries regarding the problem of invasive species and their historical and current patterns of international trade, disturbance levels and land use, research and monitoring, control and mitigation, and social awareness. Developed nations have some advantages, especially in levels of social awareness and means for controlling and studying exotics, but developing nations also enjoy important advantages given their lower levels of international trade and the availability of low-cost labor. Also, there is evidence that the process of economic development, which results in more efficient ways to transform landscapes and increases international trade, is strongly associated with increasing rates of biological invasion. Differences in data quality and availability between developed and developing countries make comparative analyses of biological invasions a difficult task. Thus, these differences creates a challenge in forming global strategies to deal with invasions. There have been calls for creating international plans to deal with invasive species, but we believe that it is important first to acknowledge the challenges and understand both the advantages and disadvantages of developing countries.  相似文献   

1. Generalist insect herbivores occupy a variety of habitats that differ in food plant composition. Dietary mixing has been proposed as a possibility for generalists to overcome nutritional deficiencies of single plant species, but only a few studies have investigated herbivore feeding and fitness for diets that resemble natural scenarios. We studied feeding behaviour, survival, and reproduction of the generalist grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus raised on food plants of four typical habitats. 2. Grasshopper diet consisted of grasses (92.5%), legumes (6.7%) and, in small quantities, other forbs (0.8%). Diet selection differed between the four food plant mixtures, and depended on grasshopper sex and developmental stage. There was no correlation between the relative abundance of plant species in the field and the fraction of these species in the grasshopper diet. 3. Grasshoppers survived on average for 40.4 ± 1.0 days before maturity, grew 106.8 mg until maturity moult, and females laid 4.1 ± 0.4 egg pods, each of which contained 8.5 ± 0.4 eggs. However, despite the differences in feeding behaviour, grasshopper fitness was the same in all of the four food plant mixtures. While the digestibility of ingested food was similar in the four different treatments, indices indicated differences in the conversion efficiency to body mass. 4. Our results show that C. parallelus is a plastic feeder with no fixed preferences in diet composition. The results emphasise that generalist herbivores can counteract putative quality deficiencies of single food plants by selective dietary mixing.  相似文献   

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