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Health traits are of paramount importance for economic dairy production. Improvement in liability to diseases has been made with better management practices, but genetic aspects of health traits have received less attention. Dairy producers in Canada have been recording eight health traits (mastitis (MAST), lameness (LAME), cystic ovarian disease (COD), left displaced abomasum (LDA), ketosis (KET), metritis (MET), milk fever (MF) and retained placenta (RP)) since April 2007. Genetic analyses of these traits were carried out in this study for the Holstein breed. Edits on herd distributions of recorded diseases were applied to the data to ensure a sufficient quality of recording. Traits were analysed either individually (MAST, LAME, COD) or were grouped according to biological similarities (LDA and KET, and MET, MF and RP) and analysed with multiple-trait models. Data included 46 104 cases of any of the above diseases. Incidence ranged from 2.3% for MF to 9.7% for MAST. MET and KET also had an incidence below 4.0%. Variance components were estimated using four different sire threshold models. The differences between models resulted from the inclusion of days at risk (DAR) and a cow effect, in addition to herd, parity and sire effects. Models were compared using mean squared error statistic. Mean squared error favoured, in general, the sire and cow within sire model with regression on DAR included. Heritabilities on the liability scale were between 0.02 (MET) and 0.21 (LDA). There was a moderate, positive genetic correlation between LDA and KET (0.58), and between MET and RP (0.79).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic relationship between postweaning weight gain (PWG), heifer pregnancy (HP), scrotal circumference (SC) at 18 months of age, stayability at 6 years of age (STAY) and finishing visual score at 18 months of age (PREC), and to determine the potential of these traits as selection criteria for the genetic improvement of growth and reproduction in Nellore cattle. The HP was defined as the observation that a heifer conceived and remained pregnant, which was assessed by rectal palpation at 60 days. The STAY was defined as whether or not a cow calved every year up to the age of 6 years, given that she was provided the opportunity to breed. The Bayesian linear-threshold analysis via the Gibbs sampler was used to estimate the variance and covariance components applying a multitrait model. Posterior mean estimates of direct heritability were 0.15 ± 0.00, 0.42 ± 0.02, 0.49 ± 0.01, 0.11 ± 0.01 and 0.19 ± 0.00 for PWG, HP, SC, STAY and PREC, respectively. The genetic correlations between traits ranged from 0.17 to 0.62. The traits studied generally have potential for use as selection criteria in genetic breeding programs. The genetic correlations between all traits show that selection for one of these traits does not imply the loss of the others.  相似文献   

Singh U  Khurana NK  Inderjeet 《Theriogenology》1998,50(8):1191-1199
Zebu cattle are notorious for poor fertility characterized by late maturity and long intercalving intervals attributed to a variety of factors, including genetic, nutritional and climatic. The aim of the present investigation, therefore, was to induce fertile estrus in acyclic pubertal heifers and postpartum anestrous Zebu cows by hormonal intervention. Pubertal Hariana and Sahiwal anestrous heifers (n=51) and postpartum cows (n=55) were either assigned a placebo (controls, N=6 for each breed and parity) or treated with 10-d norgestomet (3 mg) subcutaneous ear implants, with an initial injection of 3 mg, im norgestomet + 5 mg estradiol valerate, followed by 500 IU eCG at implant withdrawal (NOR-treated groups). Jugular venous plasma samples were obtained from a total of 28 animals (controls : 4 heifers and 4 cows; NOR-treated : 12 heifers and 8 cows) on Days 0 (implant insertion), 3, 7, 9 and Day 10 (implant withdrawal), every 12 h on Days 11 and 12, and then once daily on Days 17, 24 and 31. All the samples were assayed for progesterone. Almost all (97%) heifers and 81% cows were induced to estrus, the majority (92% heifers and 79% cows) within 120 h of implant removal. Synchrony of the induced estrus was better in cows, but interval to estrus and estrus duration were significantly longer in heifers (P<0.05). Post-treatment fertility, based on Day 28 nonretum rate, first service, and overall conception rates, was better in heifers (78.9, 60.5 and 73.7%, respectively) than cows (77.1, 48.6 and 62.9%, respectively), but the differences were significant only for the overall pregnancy rate (71.8% for heifers and 51.2% for cows; P<0.05). Low pre-treatment plasma progesterone values (<0.5ng/mL) were consistent with ovarian inactivity, confirming the true anestrus status of experimental animals. Controls failed to exhibit estrus and maintained low progesterone concentrations throughout the study. In treated animals, high progesterone values from Day 17 onwards suggested ovulatory estrus. These early luteal phase progesterone concentrations in nonpregnant (P=0.06) and nonpregnant, nonretum (P<0.05) animals were low in comparison with those of pregnant animals. Good fertility resulting from breeding according to estrus, inspite of variable intervals to estrus and estrus duration, advocates its advantage over fixed-time insemination in norgestomet-treated anestrous Zebu cattle.  相似文献   

Test-day records for average flow rate (AFR) from the routine dairy recording from Bavarian Fleckvieh cows were analysed. Two data sets with observations on approximately 20 000 cows each were sampled from the total data set. For the estimation of variance parameters, a two-step approach was applied. In a first step multiple-trait restricted maximum likelihood (REML) analyses were carried out. For each of the first three lactations, six time periods with up to 33 days were defined. An algorithm for iterative summing of expanded part matrices was applied in order to combine the estimates. In a second step covariance functions (CF) for additive-genetic variances and non-genetic animal variances were derived using second-order Legendre polynomials plus an exponential term. Estimates of test-day heritability for AFR ranged from 0.21 to 0.40, and were largest in lactation 1. For lactations 1 and 3, heritabilities decreased considerably towards the end of lactation. Genetic correlation estimates within lactation decreased as the distance between days in milk (DIM) increased. Genetic correlations between corresponding DIM in the three lactations were generally large, ranging from 0.80 to 0.99. The largest estimates were found between DIM from lactations 2 and 3. Results from this study suggest that including AFR data from second and third lactations in genetic evaluation systems could the improve accuracy of genetic selection.  相似文献   

中国黄牛起源复杂,我国地方黄牛群体不同品种在毛色、形态外貌、细胞遗传学、血液蛋白座位分析均表现出多样性。计算我国黄牛群体6个毛色座位平均杂合度和6个血液蛋白座位平均杂合度分别为0.3144和0.4873,表明我国地方黄牛群体的遗传多样性非常丰富。计算我国黄牛群体的6个毛色座位和6个血液蛋白座位的基因分化系数分别为0.3404和0.095,表明我国黄牛群体毛色差异中有34.04%是由品种间的差异造成的。血液蛋白的多态性有9.5%是由品种间的差异造成的。我国黄牛群体的遗传多样性主要来自品种内的遗传多样性。保存我国黄牛品种资源多样性不仅要从整个中国黄牛群体上考虑,而且要针对每个品种(或类群)进行保种。  相似文献   

We estimated the genetic parameters related to feed intake (FI), feed efficiency traits (including feed conversion ratio (FCR) and residual feed intake (RFI) of digestible crude protein (DCP) and total digestible nutrients (TDN)), beef marbling score (BMS), melting point of fat (MP) and fatty acid composition. Fat and meat (Musculus trapezius) samples were taken from the carcasses of 863 Japanese Black steers derived from 65 sires, for determination of the MP and fatty acid composition of the total lipid in intramuscular adipose tissue. Genetic parameters were estimated using uni- and bivariate animal models. In addition, pedigree information for 4841 animals was used. Heritability estimates for BMS, MP, individual fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), the ratio of saturated fatty acids to MUFA (MUS) and the ratio of elongation (ELONG) were generally high. The FI values of TDN and DCP were also high, but FCRs and RFIs of those were low (0.09 to 0.22). Genetic correlation of BMS with MP was -0.34 (favorable) and with C18:1, MUFA, MUS and ELONG values were 0.40, 0.28, 0.29 and 0.37, respectively (favorable). Genetic correlations of MP with C18:1, MUFA, MUS and ELONG were negative (also favorable) and high (-0.85, -0.98, -1.00 (-0.996) and -0.66, respectively). The correlation estimates for feed efficiency traits of DCP were quite similar to those of TDN. Genetic correlations of BMS with FCRs and RFIs of TDN and DCP were all positive (unfavorable; 0.21 to 0.51), and in particular, the correlations with RFIs of those were high. The correlations of C18:1, MUFA, MUS and ELONG with RFIs of TDN and DCP were positive (unfavorable) but low (0.06 to 0.17), whereas the corresponding correlations with FCRs of those were all negative (favorable; -0.38 to -0.10). These results suggest that the quantity and quality of beef fat can be simultaneously improved and that the quality of beef fat (fatty acid composition) can be improved directly or indirectly with MP. Furthermore, selecting MP or fatty acid traits does not significantly affect feed efficiency.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters for preweaning traits and their relationship with reproductive, productive and morphological traits in alpacas. The data were collected from 2001 to 2015 in the Pacomarca experimental farm. The data set contained data from 4330 females and 3788 males corresponding to 6396 and 1722 animals for Huacaya and Suri variants, respectively. The number of records for Huacaya and Suri variants were 5494 and 1461 for birth weight (BW), 5429 and 1431 for birth withers height (BH), 3320 and 896 for both weaning weight (WW) and average daily gain (DG) from birth to weaning, 3317 and 896 for weaning withers height (WH), and 5514 and 1474 for survival to weaning. The reproductive traits analyzed were age at first calving and calving interval. The fiber traits were fiber diameter (FD), standard deviation of FD (SD), comfort factor and coefficient of variation of FD and the morphological traits studied were density, crimp in Huacaya and lock structure in Suri, head, coverage and balance. Regarding preweaning traits, model of analysis included additive, maternal and residual random effects for all traits, with sex, coat color, number of calving, month–year and contemporary group as systematic effects, and age at weaning as linear covariate for WW and WH. The most relevant direct heritabilities for Huacaya and Suri were 0.50 and 0.34 for WW, 0.36 and 0.66 for WH, 0.45 and 0.20 for DG, respectively. Maternal heritabilities were 0.25 and 0.38 for BW, 0.18 and 0.32 for BH, 0.29 and 0.39 for WW, 0.19 and 0.26 for WH, 0.27 and 0.36 for DG, respectively. Direct genetic correlations within preweaning traits were high and favorable and lower between direct and maternal genetic effects. The genetic correlations of preweaning traits with fiber traits were moderate and unfavorable. With morphological traits they were high and positive for Suri but not for Huacaya and favorable for direct genetic effect but unfavorable for maternal genetic effect with reproductive traits. If the selection objective was meat production, the selection would have to be based on the direct genetic effect for WW but not on the maternal genetic effect that has been shown to have less relevance. Other weaning traits such as WH or DG would be indirectly selected.  相似文献   

Serial measurements of three milkability traits from two commercial dairy farms in Germany were used to estimate heritabilities and breeding values (BVs). Overall, 6352 cows in first, second and third lactations supplied 2 188 810 records based on daily values recorded from 1998 to 2003. Only the records between day 8 and day 305 after calving were considered. The estimated genetic correlations between different parities within the three milkability traits ranged from rg = 0.88 to 0.98, i.e. they were sufficiently high to warrant a repeatability model. The resulting estimated heritability coefficients were h2 = 0.42 for average milk flow, h2 = 0.56 for maximum milk flow and h2 = 0.38 for milking time. We analysed the genetic correlation between milkability and somatic cell score (SCS) and between milkability and the liability to mastitis, respectively, as the optimum milk flow for udder health is not well defined. There were 66 146 records with information on somatic cell count. Furthermore, 23 488 days of medical treatment for udder diseases were available, resulting in 2 600 302 days of observation in total. Heritabilities for the liability to mastitis, estimated with a test-day threshold model, were h2 = 0.19 and h2 = 0.13, depending on the data-recording period (first 50 days of lactation and first 305 days of lactation, respectively). With respect to the relationship between milkability and udder health, the results indicated a slight and linear correlation insofar as one can assume: the higher the milk flow, the worse the udder health. For this reason, bulls and cows with high BVs for milk flow should be excluded from breeding to avoid a deterioration of udder health. The establishment of a special data-recording scheme for functional traits such as milkability and mastitis on commercial dairy farms may be possible according to these results.  相似文献   

The profitability of dual-purpose breeding farms can be increased through genetic improvement of carcass traits. To develop a genetic evaluation of carcass traits of young bulls, breed-specific genetic parameters were estimated in three French dual-purpose breeds. Genetic correlations between these traits and veal calf, type and milk production traits were also estimated. Slaughter performances of 156 226 Montbeliarde, 160 361 Normande and 8691 Simmental young bulls were analyzed with a multitrait animal model. In the three breeds, heritabilities were moderate for carcass weight (0.12 to 0.19±0.01 to 0.04) and carcass conformation (0.21 to 0.26±0.01 to 0.04) and slightly lower for age at slaughter (0.08 to 0.17±0.01 to 0.03). For all three breeds, genetic correlations between carcass weight and carcass conformation were moderate and favorable (0.30 to 0.52±0.03 to 0.13). They were strong and favorable (−0.49 to −0.71±0.05 to 0.15) between carcass weight and age at slaughter. Between age at slaughter and carcass conformation, they were low and unfavorable to moderate and favorable (−0.25 to 0.10±0.06 to 0.18). Heavier young bulls tend to be better conformed and slaughtered earlier. Genetic correlations between corresponding young bulls and veal production traits were moderate and favorable (0.32 to 0.70±0.03 to 0.09), implying that selecting sires for veal calf production leads to select sires producing better young bulls. Genetic correlations between young bull carcass weight and cow size were moderately favorable (0.22 to 0.45±0.04 to 0.10). Young bull carcass conformation had moderate and favorable genetic correlations (0.11 to 0.24±0.04 to 0.10) with cow width but moderate and unfavorable genetic correlations (−0.21 to −0.36±0.03 to 0.08) with cow height. Taller cows tended to produce heavier young bulls and thinner cows to produce less conformed ones. Genetic correlations between carcass traits of young bulls and cow muscularity traits were low to moderate and favorable. Finally, genetic correlations between carcass traits of young bulls and milk production traits were low and unfavorable to moderate and favorable. These results indicate the existence for all three breeds of genetic variability for the genetic improvement of carcass traits of young bulls as well as favorable genetic correlations for their simultaneous selection and no strong unfavorable correlation with milk production traits.  相似文献   

This study investigated the profile of locomotion score and lameness before the first calving and throughout the first (n=237) and second (n=66) lactation of 303 Holstein cows raised on a commercial farm. Weekly heritability estimates of locomotion score and lameness, and their genetic and phenotypic correlations with milk yield, body condition score, BW and reproduction traits were derived. Daughter future locomotion score and lameness predictions from their sires’ breeding values for conformation traits were also calculated. First-lactation cows were monitored weekly from 6 weeks before calving to the end of lactation. Second-lactation cows were monitored weekly throughout lactation. Cows were locomotion scored on a scale from one (sound) to five (severely lame); a score greater than or equal to two defined presence of lameness. Cows’ weekly body condition score and BW was also recorded. These records were matched to corresponding milk yield records, where the latter were 7-day averages on the week of inspection. The total number of repeated records amounted to 12 221. Data were also matched to the farm’s reproduction database, from which five traits were derived. Statistical analyses were based on uni- and bivariate random regression models. The profile analysis showed that locomotion and lameness problems in first lactation were fewer before and immediately after calving, and increased as lactation progressed. The profile of the two traits remained relatively constant across the second lactation. Highest heritability estimates were observed in the weeks before first calving (0.66 for locomotion score and 0.54 for lameness). Statistically significant genetic correlations were found for first lactation weekly locomotion score and lameness with body condition score, ranging from −0.31 to −0.65 and from −0.44 to −0.76, respectively, suggesting that cows genetically pre-disposed for high body condition score have fewer locomotion and lameness issues. Negative (favourable) phenotypic correlations between first lactation weekly locomotion score/lameness and milk yield averaged −0.27 and −0.17, respectively, and were attributed to management factors. Also a phenotypic correlation between lameness and conception rate of −0.19 indicated that lame cows were associated with lower success at conceiving. First-lactation daughter locomotion score and/or lameness predictions from sires’ estimated breeding values for conformation traits revealed a significant linear effect of rear leg side view, rear leg rear view, overall conformation, body condition score and locomotion, and a quadratic effect of foot angle.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci for male reproductive traits in beef cattle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The objective of the present study was to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for male reproductive traits in a half-sib family from a Bos indicus (Brahman) x Bos taurus (Hereford) sire. The sire was mated with MARC III (1/4 Hereford, 1/4 Angus, 1/4 Red Poll and 1/4 Pinzgauer) cows. Testicular traits were measured from 126 male offspring born in 1996 and castrated at 8.5 months. Traits analysed were concentration of follicle stimulating hormone in peripheral blood at castration (FSH), paired testicular weight (PTW) and paired testicular volume (PTV) adjusted for age of dam, calculated age at puberty (AGE), and body weight at castration (BYW). A putative QTL was observed for FSH on chromosome 5. The maximum F-statistic was detected at 70 cM from the beginning of the linkage group. Animals inheriting the Hereford allele had a 2.47-ng/ml higher concentration of FSH than those inheriting the Brahman allele. Evidence also suggests the existence of a putative QTL on chromosome 29 for PTW, PTV, AGE and BYW. The maximum F-statistic was detected at cM 44 from the beginning of the linkage group for PTW, PTV and AGE, and at cM 52 for BYW. Animals that inherited the Brahman allele at this chromosomal region had a 45-g heavier PTW, a 42-cm(3) greater PTV, a 39-day younger AGE and a 22.8-kg heavier BYW, compared with those inheriting the Hereford allele. This is the first report of QTL for male reproductive traits in cattle.  相似文献   

Body weight and body measurements are commonly used to represent growth and measured at several growth stages in beef cattle. Those economically important traits should be genetically improved. To achieve breeding programs, genetic parameters are prerequisite, as they are needed for designing and predicting outcomes of breeding programs, as well as estimating of breeding values. (Co)variance components were estimated for BW and body measurements on Brahman cattle born between 1990 and 2016 from 17 research herds across Thailand. The traits measured were BW, heart girth (GR), hip height (HH) and body length (BL) and were measured at birth, 200 days, 400 days and 600 days of age. The number of records varied between traits from 18 890 for birth BW to 876 for GR at 600 days. Estimation of variance components was performed using restricted maximum likelihood using univariate and multivariate animal models. Pre-weaning traits were influenced by genetic and/or permanent environmental effects of the dam, except for BL. Heritability estimates from birth to 600 days of age ranged from 0.28±0.01 to 0.50±0.06 for BW, 0.27±0.01 to 0.43±0.09 for GR, 0.28±0.01 to 0.58±0.08 for HH and 0.34±0.01 to 0.51±0.08 for BL using univariate analysis. Heritability estimates for the traits studied increased with age. A similar trend was observed for the phenotypic and genetic correlations between subsequent BW and body measurements. A positive correlation was observed between different traits measured at a similar age, ranging from 0.22±0.01 to 0.72±0.01 for the phenotypic correlation and 0.25±0.04 to 0.97±0.11 for the genetic correlation. Also, a positive correlation was observed for similar traits across different age classes ranging from 0.07±0.03 to 0.76±0.02 for the phenotypic correlation and 0.24±0.11 to 0.92±0.05 for the genetic correlation. Therefore, all correlations between body measurements at the same age and across age classes were positive. The results show the potential improvement of growth traits in Brahman cattle, and those traits can be improved simultaneously under the same breeding program.  相似文献   

Genotype data from 30 microsatellites were used to assess genetic diversity and relationships among 10 native Portuguese cattle breeds, American Charolais and the Brazilian Caracú. Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium was observed for all loci/population combinations except for five loci in Brava de Lide and one locus in Alentejana that exhibited heterozygote deficiency. Estimates of average observed and expected heterozygosities, total number of alleles (TNA) per breed and mean number of alleles (MNA) per locus/population were obtained. A total of 390 alleles were detected. TNA among Iberian cattle ranged from 170 to 237 and MNA ranged from 5.67 to 8.07. The highest observed heterozygosities were found in the Caracú, Maronesa, Garvonesa and Arouquesa and the lowest in Brava de Lide and Mirandesa. Estimation of population subdivision using Wright's FST index showed that the average proportion of genetic variation explained by breed differences was 9%. Neighbour‐joining phylogenetic trees based on DA distances showed that the genetic relationships of present‐day Portuguese native breeds are consistent with historical origins in the Brown Concave (Arouquesa, Mirandesa, Marinhoa) and Red Convex (Mertolenga, Alentejana, Garvonesa, Minhota) evolutionary groups. The Iberian Black Orthoide group, represented by Brava de Lide and Maronesa, and the Barrosã breed appeared to be more closely related to the Brown Concave group but may represent a separate lineage. The Caracú breed was not found to be closely associated with any of the native Portuguese breeds.  相似文献   

In order to achieve improvements in production efficiency in livestock, herds of high sexual precocity and good fertility are needed. These traits increase the availability of animals in herd, either for sale or selection, allowing both greater selective intensity and greater genetic progress. This study aimed at estimating genetic parameters for reproductive traits measured directly in females in order to verify whether they could be used as selection criteria for genetic improvement in Nellore cows, as well as estimating the genetic relationship among these traits and scrotal circumference (SC), the traditional selection criterion for sexual precocity in cattle. In addition to SC, stayability (STAY), number of calvings at 53 months (NC53) and heifers rebreeding (HR) were studied. The (co)variances and genetic parameters were estimated using Bayesian inference. STAY, NC53 and HR were analyzed assuming a threshold model, whereas SC was analyzed with a linear model. Heritability estimated for NC53 was 0.22, and this trait was strongly and positively correlated with STAY, meaning selection for NC53 would improve productive longevity of Nellore cows. Correlations estimated between HR and STAY (≈0.97) and between HR and NC53 (≈0.99) allow an improvement on HR rates if selection was applied to traits related to longevity. Genetic correlations among SC and female reproductive traits were positive but weak, suggesting the need to use reproductive traits directly measured in females in order to obtain greater improvements in sexual precocity and longevity.  相似文献   

Piecewise Weibull proportional hazard models were used to investigate the effect of genetic and nongenetic factors on functional and true longevity traits of the Slovenian Brown cattle breed. Records of 37 908 Brown cows from 2401 Slovenian herds were used. As these herds were characterised by a relatively small average herd size starting from 6.7 in 1999 and increasing to 8.7 Brown cows per herd in 2008, milk yield classification was made within different herd size groups. The hazard rate was the lowest in the first part of each lactation and was increasing for later stages. Culling risk was lower for cows from herds increasing in size, for cows with higher milk production and for cows from a region with smaller herd sizes and tougher conditions for cattle breeding. The latter result is surprising and may be related to better attention to maintain the animals, despite their lower milk production. The introduction of the milk quota system and drought was found to have an important effect on culling policy between the last seasons of the years 2001 and 2003. Seasonal effects were not related to the milk quota year (from April to March), but to the effect of shortage in fodder during the winter time. The effect of age at first calving and the interaction between year and milk yield class were not found to be significant. Heritability for functional and for true longevity were similar at around 10% each. Inclusion of a correction for class of milk yield to approximate functional longevity increased the herd-year random effect variance by 53%, whereas the sire variance increased by only 14%. The correlation coefficient between ranks of breeding values for functional and true longevity was high (0.91), whereas genetic trends were not found to be significant. To assess their predictive ability, models were compared looking at the survival rate of 4212 second-crop daughters not included in the initial models. The average correlation between estimated breeding values and survival at different stages was 0.39 for true longevity and 0.43 for functional longevity. Results showed that ranking milk yield at population level is appropriate to correct for voluntary culling on low production in small herds.  相似文献   

Milk production, fertility, longevity and health records, were extracted from databases of two milk recording organisations in the United Kingdom for the first three lactations of the Holstein–Friesian breed. These included data related to health events (mastitis and lameness), voluntarily recorded on a proportion of farms. The data were analysed to calculate disease incidence levels and to estimate genetic parameters for health traits and their relationships with production and other functional traits. The resulting dataset consisted of 124 793 lactations from 75 137 animals of 1586 sires, recorded in 2434 herds. Incidence of health events increased with parity. The overall incidence of mastitis (MAS) and lameness (LAM), defined as binary traits, were 17% and 16%, respectively. Heritability estimates for MAS and LAM were 0.04 and 0.02, respectively, obtained from repeatability linear sire models. Heritability estimates of mastitis and lameness as count traits were slightly higher, 0.05 and 0.03, respectively. Genetic correlations were obtained by bivariate analyses of all pair-wise combinations between milk 305-day yield (MY), protein 305-day yield (PY), fat 305-day yield (FY), lactation average loge transformed lactation average somatic cell count (SCS), calving interval (CI), days to first service (DFS), non-return at 56 days (NR56), number of inseminations (NINS), mastitis (MAS), number of mastitis episodes (NMAS), lameness (LAM), number of lameness episodes (NLAM) and lifespan score (LS). As expected, MAS was correlated most strongly with SCS (0.69), which supports the use of SCS as an indicator trait for mastitis. Genetic correlations between MAS and yield and fertility traits were of similar magnitude ranging from 0.27 to 0.33. Genetic correlations between MAS with LAM and LS were 0.38 and −0.59, respectively. Not all genetic correlations between LAM and other traits were significant because of fewer numbers of lameness records. LAM had significant genetic correlations with MY (0.38), PY (0.28), CI (0.35), NINS (0.38) and LS (−0.53). The heritability estimates of mastitis and lameness were low; therefore, genetic gain through direct selection alone would be slow, yet still positive and cumulative. Direct selection against mastitis and lameness as additional traits should reduce incidence of both diseases, and simultaneously improve fertility and longevity. However, both health traits had antagonistic relationships with production traits, thus genetic gain in production would be slower.  相似文献   

Records from 106,212 Nellore animals, born between 1998 and 2006, were used to estimate (co)variance components and genetic parameters for birth weight (BW), average weight gains from birth to weaning (GBW), average weight gains from weaning to after yearling (GWAY), weaning hip height (WHH), postweaning hip height (PHH) and scrotal circumferences at 9 (SC9), 12 (SC12) and 15 (SC15) months of age. (Co)variance components were estimated by an animal model using multi-trait analysis. Heritability estimates for BW, GBW, GWAY, WHH, PHH, SC9, SC12 and SC15 were 0.31 ± 0.01; 0.25 ± 0.02; 0.30 ± 0.04; 0.51 ± 0.04; 0.54 ± 0.04; 0.39 ± 0.01; 0.41 ± 0.01 and 0.44 ± 0.02, respectively. Genetic correlations between growth traits ranged from 0.09 ± 0.01 to 0.88 ± 0.01, thereby implying that, at any age, selection to increase average weight gains will also increase stature. Genetic correlations between BW and average weight gains with scrotal circumferences were all positive and moderate (0.15 ± 0.03 to 0.38 ± 0.01). On the other hand, positive and low genetic associations were estimated between hip height and scrotal circumference at different ages (0.09 ± 0.01 to 0.17 ± 0.02). The results of this study pointed out that selection to larger scrotal circumferences in males will promote changes in average weight gains. In order to obtain Nellore cattle with the stature and size suitable for the production system, both weight gain and hip height should be included in a selection index.  相似文献   

A whole‐genome scan was carried out in New Zealand and Australia to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for live animal and carcass composition traits and meat quality attributes in cattle. Backcross calves (385 heifers and 398 steers) were generated, with Jersey and Limousin backgrounds. The New Zealand cattle were reared and finished on pasture, whilst Australian cattle were reared on grass and finished on grain for at least 180 days. This paper reports on meat quality traits (tenderness measured as shear force at 4–5 ages on two muscles as well as associated traits of meat colour, pH and cooking loss) and a number of metabolic traits. For meat quality traits, 18 significant QTL (P < 0.05), located in nine linkage groups, were detected on a genome‐wise basis, in combined‐sire (seven QTL) or within‐sire analyses (11 QTL). For metabolic traits, 11 significant QTL (P < 0.05), located in eight linkage groups, were detected on a genome‐wise basis, in combined‐sire (five QTL) or within‐sire analyses (six QTL). BTA2 and BTA3 had QTL for both metabolic traits and meat quality traits. Six significant QTL for meat quality and metabolic traits were found at the proximal end of chromosome 2. BTA2 and BTA29 were the most common chromosomes harbouring QTL for meat quality traits; QTL for improved tenderness were associated with Limousin‐derived and Jersey‐derived alleles on these two chromosomes, respectively.  相似文献   

For this study, we used the results of sire fertility (SF) measured on a monthly basis by the ratio between the number of pregnant cows and the number of inseminations, from a total of 905 140 inseminations carried out in Cuba between 1994 and 2003. These artificial inseminations were made using 815 sires in 3249 herds throughout the country, and were analysed using additive, non-additive linear models and a random regression model (RRM). The additive genetic (add), heterosis (het) and recombination loss (rec) coefficients were estimated according to the proportion of Zebu (Z) and Holstein (H) blood from the paternal and maternal origin of each cow. The mean level of SF was 48.8%, whereas het and rec were 9.6% and −8.4%, respectively. The heritability (h2) of a single insemination ranged from h2 = 0.011 to h2 = 0.030 for females from 0% to 100% of H genes. The additive multi-trait and RRM analyses showed the existence of heterogeneous genetic (co)variance components, as the proportion of Holstein genes in the inseminated cow increased. We found low genetic correlations for SF recorded in pure-bred and cross-bred females, with over 50% of breed differences in their additive genetic composition. The use of a RRM allows us to identify the changes in genetic (co)variance and estimated breeding values in the whole trajectory of the different proportions of Bos taurus × Bos indicus blood.  相似文献   

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