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Livestock is a major driver in most rural landscapes and economics, but it also polarises debate over its environmental impacts, animal welfare and human health. Conversely, the various services that livestock farming systems provide to society are often overlooked and have rarely been quantified. The aim of analysing bundles of services is to chart the coexistence and interactions between the various services and impacts provided by livestock farming, and to identify sets of ecosystem services (ES) that appear together repeatedly across sites and through time. We review three types of approaches that analyse associations among impacts and services from local to global scales: (i) detecting ES associations at system or landscape scale, (ii) identifying and mapping bundles of ES and impacts and (iii) exploring potential drivers using prospective scenarios. At a local scale, farming practices interact with landscape heterogeneity in a multi-scale process to shape grassland biodiversity and ES. Production and various ES provided by grasslands to farmers, such as soil fertility, biological regulations and erosion control, benefit to some extent from the functional diversity of grassland species, and length of pasture phase in the crop rotation. Mapping ES from the landscape up to the EU-wide scale reveals a frequent trade-off between livestock production on one side and regulating and cultural services on the other. Maps allow the identification of target areas with higher ecological value or greater sensitivity to risks. Using two key factors (livestock density and the proportion of permanent grassland within utilised agricultural area), we identified six types of European livestock production areas characterised by contrasted bundles of services and impacts. Livestock management also appeared to be a key driver of bundles of services in prospective scenarios. These scenarios simulate a breakaway from current production, legislation (e.g. the use of food waste to fatten pigs) and consumption trends (e.g. halving animal protein consumption across Europe). Overall, strategies that combine a reduction of inputs, of the use of crops from arable land to feed livestock, of food waste and of meat consumption deliver a more sustainable food future. Livestock as part of this sustainable future requires further enhancement, quantification and communication of the services provided by livestock farming to society, which calls for the following: (i) a better targeting of public support, (ii) more precise quantification of bundles of services and (iii) better information to consumers and assessment of their willingness to pay for these services.  相似文献   

内蒙古草原是我国北方的重要生态屏障和绿色畜牧业基地, 放牧是草原生态系统的主要利用和管理方式, 在放牧管理中充分发挥生态系统某一项或几项服务和功能最大利用价值时, 往往会与其他服务(功能)发生冲突, 需要权衡多项生态系统服务和功能, 制定合理的放牧管理制度。该研究以内蒙古锡林郭勒典型草原为例, 通过设置不放牧、轻度放牧、中度放牧以及重度放牧的放牧梯度, 从多项生态系统服务和功能权衡的角度比较了最适放牧管理强度。结果显示, 在放牧管理的草地生态系统服务和功能的权衡中, 权衡、协同、不相关关系同时存在, 如土壤呼吸速率与植物群落净生长量、生物多样性与植物群落净光合速率表现为权衡关系, 植物群落净生长量分别与土壤含水量、植物群落净光合速率及草地蒸散速率存在协同关系, 土壤有机碳含量与其他服务或功能间呈不相关关系; 放牧能不同程度地削弱多项生态系统服务及功能间的权衡关系(冲突对立关系); 中度放牧条件下的多项生态系统服务及功能的协同性最佳。  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The effects of cattle grazing on stream bank stability, biomass of riparian vegetation, instream vegetation cover, biomass of coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) and epilithon and benthic invertebrate community structure were investigated over a 2‐year period using: (i) enclosures containing different cattle grazing treatments and (ii) by comparing streams with different grazing intensities in the Cypress Hills Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada. 2. Livestock enclosure experiments comprised four treatments of: (1) early season cattle grazing (June–August), (2) late season cattle grazing (August–September), (3) all season cattle grazing (June–September) and (4) cattle‐absent controls. All four treatments were replicated in two streams while two treatments (i.e. cattle‐absent controls, early season cattle grazing) were established in a third stream. 3. Bank stability, estimated visually based on sediment inputs to the stream channel, increased significantly in cattle‐absent treatments compared with cattle‐present enclosures over the 2‐year study period. 4. Epilithic chlorophyll a was significantly affected by time, but neither cattle nor the interaction of time and treatment were significant. 5. At the end of the experiment, total invertebrate biomass in the late and all‐season treatment exceeded that in the early and cattle‐absent treatments. However, excluding cattle from the streams, at any of the different treatments, had little clear impact on the total benthic invertebrate abundance or the abundance of the predominant functional feeding groups over the 2‐year study period. 6. In contrast, comparisons of benthic assemblages from streams with different grazing intensities showed that the non‐grazed reach of Storm Creek contained significantly higher biomass of CPOM and shredders compared with the cattle‐absent enclosures in Battle, Graburn and Nine Mile creeks. Redundancy analysis showed that benthic communities from all enclosures and Storm Creek in summer and autumn 2000 were affected primarily by CPOM biomass, pH, nitrate, turbidity and benthic chlorophyll a. Construction of a 99% probability ellipse from enclosure sites showed that invertebrate communities from livestock enclosures differed from that in the non‐grazed Storm Creek. 7. Results from stream‐scale comparisons indicate that current livestock grazing practices in the Cypress Hills significantly impact riparian zones, stream channels and benthic invertebrate community structure and that alternative practices, such as rotational grazing, need to be developed.  相似文献   

Harvesting of orchids for medicine and salep production is a traditional practice, and increasing market demand is spurring illegal harvest. Ethno‐ecological studies in combination with the effect of anthropogenic disturbance are lacking for orchids. We compared population density and structure, and tuber biomass of Dactylorhiza hatagirea (D. Don) Soó for three years in two sites: Manang, where harvesting of medicinal plants was locally regulated (protected), and Darchula, where harvesting was locally unregulated (unprotected). Six populations were studied along an elevation gradient by establishing 144 temporary plots (3 × 3 m2) from 3,400 to 4,600 m elevations. Mean density of D. hatagirea was significantly higher in the locally protected (1.31 ± 0.17 plants/m2) than in the unprotected (0.72 ± 0.06 plants/m2) site. The protected site showed stable population density with high reproductive fitness and tuber biomass over the three‐year period. A significant negative effect (p < .1) of relative radiation index (RRI) on the density of the adult vegetative stage and a positive effect of herb cover on juvenile and adult vegetative stages were found using mixed zero‐inflated Poisson (mixed ZIP) models. The densities of different life stages were highly sensitive to harvesting and livestock grazing. Significant interactions between site and harvesting and grazing indicated particularly strong negative effects of these disturbances on densities of juvenile and adult reproductive stages in the unprotected site. Semi‐structured interviews were conducted with informants (n = 186) in the villages and at the ecological survey sites. Our interview results showed that at the protected site people are aware of the conservation status and maintain sustainable populations, whereas the opposite was the case at the unprotected site where the populations are threatened. Sustainability of D. hatagirea populations, therefore, largely depends on controlling illegal and premature harvesting and unregulated livestock grazing, thus indicating the need for permanent monitoring of the species.  相似文献   

Governments worldwide are recognising ecosystem services as an approach to address sustainability challenges. Decision‐makers need credible and legitimate measurements of ecosystem services to evaluate decisions for trade‐offs to make wise choices. Managers lack these measurements because of a data gap linking ecosystem characteristics to final ecosystem services. The dominant method to address the data gap is benefit transfer using ecological data from one location to estimate ecosystem services at other locations with similar land cover. However, benefit transfer is only valid once the data gap is adequately resolved. Disciplinary frames separating ecology from economics and policy have resulted in confusion on concepts and methods preventing progress on the data gap. In this study, we present a 10‐step approach to unify concepts, methods and data from the disparate disciplines to offer guidance on overcoming the data gap. We suggest: (1) estimate ecosystem characteristics using biophysical models, (2) identify final ecosystem services using endpoints and (3) connect them using ecological production functions to quantify biophysical trade‐offs. The guidance is strategic for public policy because analysts need to be: (1) realistic when setting priorities, (2) attentive to timelines to acquire relevant data, given resources and (3) responsive to the needs of decision‐makers.  相似文献   

Agricultural land in the Midwest is a source of food and fuel, as well as biodiversity. It is also a cause of excess nutrients that make their way to the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico. To address unsustainable changes to biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem functions, a multidisciplinary approach involving social science, natural science, and engineering is often effective. Given the potential of second‐generation biofuels, and capitalizing on the deep‐rooted perennial bioenergy crops capable of thriving in poor soils, we demonstrated an integrated socio‐environmental analysis of the impacts of growing switchgrass within row‐crop landscapes in Illinois. In this study, we model land use scenarios that incorporate switchgrass as a biofuel crop in a Midwest corn‐belt watershed using the Soil Water Assessment Tool coupled with an economic analysis for the Vermilion Basin in Illinois. We estimated the values of ecosystem services under an alternative bioenergy landscape, including commodity and bioenergy crops, changes in biogeochemistry, and recreational services. The estimated annual values of nitrate and sediment reduction attributed to bioenergy crops range from $38 million to $97 million and $16,000 to $197,000, respectively. The annual value of carbon dioxide emission reduction ranges from $1.8 million to $6.1 million based on the initial crop rotation pattern. Estimated average annual values for wildlife viewing, water‐based recreation, and pheasant hunting are $1.24 million, $0.17 million, and $0.3 million, respectively. To our knowledge, this study represents the first effort to comprehensively quantify ecosystem services using a process‐based model, and estimate their value in an alternative bioenergy landscape. The information we generate could aid in understanding the potential for biomass production from marginal land and the total economic value of the landscape at various spatial scales. The framework is useful in fostering alternative bioenergy landscapes with synergies in a food, energy, and conservation nexus.  相似文献   

The concept of ‘Ecosystem Services’ (ES) focuses on the linkages between ecosystems, including agroecosystems, and human well-being, referring to all the benefits, direct and indirect, that people obtain from ecosystems. In this paper, we review the application of the ES framework to pasture-based livestock farming systems, which allows (1) regulating, supporting and cultural ES to be integrated at the same level with provisioning ES, and (2) the multiple trade-offs and synergies that exist among ES to be considered. Research on livestock farming has focused mostly on provisioning ES (meat, milk and fibre production), despite the fact that provisioning ES strongly depends on regulating and supporting ES for their existence. We first present an inventory of the non-provisioning ES (regulating, supporting and cultural) provided by pasture-based livestock systems in Europe. Next, we review the trade-offs between provisioning and non-provisioning ES at multiple scales and present an overview of the methodologies for assessing biophysical trade-offs. Third, we present non-biophysical (economical and socio-cultural) methodologies and applications for ES valuation. We conclude with some recommendations for policy design.  相似文献   

Invertebrates,ecosystem services and climate change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The sustainability of ecosystem services depends on a firm understanding of both how organisms provide these services to humans and how these organisms will be altered with a changing climate. Unquestionably a dominant feature of most ecosystems, invertebrates affect many ecosystem services and are also highly responsive to climate change. However, there is still a basic lack of understanding of the direct and indirect paths by which invertebrates influence ecosystem services, as well as how climate change will affect those ecosystem services by altering invertebrate populations. This indicates a lack of communication and collaboration among scientists researching ecosystem services and climate change effects on invertebrates, and land managers and researchers from other disciplines, which becomes obvious when systematically reviewing the literature relevant to invertebrates, ecosystem services, and climate change. To address this issue, we review how invertebrates respond to climate change. We then review how invertebrates both positively and negatively influence ecosystem services. Lastly, we provide some critical future directions for research needs, and suggest ways in which managers, scientists and other researchers may collaborate to tackle the complex issue of sustaining invertebrate‐mediated services under a changing climate.  相似文献   

A pragmatic and integrative approach to evaluation of the environment combines ecosystem sciences, health sciences, and social sciences. Each has a crucial role to play: the ecosystem sciences provide information on the complex dynamics of ecosystems as they are influenced by stress and disturbance; the health sciences provide a methodology for systematic diagnosis of pathology, taxonomy of ills, and models for preventive as well as rehabilitative modes; the social sciences bring to the fore the importance of human values which are part and parcel of any health evaluation. The complexity of stress-response systems precludes anything approximating a complete understanding of mechanisms underpinning ecosystem transformations. However, the loss of ecosystem services and management options appears to be a general phenomenon that permits an overall evaluation of ecosystem health in both aquatic and terrestrial systems. Such blanket indicators take into account both the impairment of ecosystem function and societal values. This is illustrated by the history of ecosystem transformation in the Laurentian Lower Great Lakes and in the overharvested forest ecosystems of Eastern Canada. In both cases, cultural stress resulted in losses in highly valued ecosystem services and management options. These losses have been partially compensated for by new technologies that have permitted commercial use of the remaining lower quality resources. This process itself, however, may be pathological, reinforcing a degradation sequence rather than serving to restore ecosystem health.  相似文献   

刘长峰  侯鹰  陈卫平  崔昊天 《生态学报》2021,41(9):3343-3353
快速城市化导致城市周边区域生态系统服务损失并引发生态风险。以多种类型的生态系统服务作为生态风险的评价终点,构建了基于服务价值量的城市化区域生态风险表征方法,以北京市为例对方法进行了应用,并进行了风险评价结果的不确定性分析和参数敏感性分析。案例研究显示2015年北京市生态风险总体处于低风险接近中等风险水平,低风险和极低风险区域面积占全市的50%以上,主要分布于北京市西部和北部,高风险和极高风险区域面积占20%左右,主要分布于中心城区。生态风险空间格局特征表明北京市城市区域的扩张造成周边区域生态系统服务的下降,导致生态风险水平的上升。研究提出的生态风险指数同生态系统服务当量因子间具有显著的线性关系,可用于估算生态系统服务价值。不确定性和参数敏感性分析表明生态风险指数计算结果变异较小,指数具有较高的可靠性。研究方法能够综合表征城市化区域的生态风险,定量表征结果便于决策者理解,具有应用于风险评价和管理实践的价值。  相似文献   

Livestock farming is criticized for negatively impacting the environment, concerns about animal welfare and the impact of excessive meat consumption on human health. However, livestock farming provides other underappreciated and poorly communicated benefits to society in terms of employment, product quality, cultural landscapes and carbon storage by grasslands. Few attempts have been made so far to simultaneously consider the services and impacts provided by livestock production. Here, we propose an integrated graphical tool, called the ‘barn’ to explicitly summarize the synergies and trade-offs between services and impacts provided by livestock farming. It illustrates livestock farming interacting with its physical, economic and social environment along five interfaces: (i) Markets, (ii) Work and employment, (iii) Inputs, (iv) Environment and climate, (v) Social and cultural factors. This graphical tool was then applied by comparing two contrasting livestock production areas (high livestock density v. grassland-based), and the dominant v. a niche system within a crop-livestock area. We showed the barn could be used for cross-comparisons of services and impacts across livestock production areas, and for multi-level analysis of services and impacts of livestock farming within a given area. The barn graphically summarizes the ecological and socio-economic aspects of livestock farming by explicitly representing multiple services and impacts of different systems in a simple yet informative way. Information for the five interfaces relies on available quantitative assessments from the literature or data sets, and on expert-knowledge for more qualitative factors, such as social and cultural ones. The ‘barn’ can also inform local stakeholders or policy-makers about potential opportunities and threats to the future of livestock farming in specific production areas. It has already been used as a pedagogical tool for teaching the diversity of services and impacts of livestock systems across Europe and is currently developed as a serious game for encouraging knowledge exchange and sharing different viewpoints between stakeholders.  相似文献   

文化林是按照文化传统和风俗习惯来保护和管理的森林,在保护生物多样性的同时也维持了生态系统服务功能.采用半结构式访谈法调查了文化林周边村民对文化林的生态系统服务功能的认知及保护意愿,结果表明:(1)村民认为文化林提供的最重要的服务功能为固碳释养、水源涵养及美学价值,并与最满意的服务功能间存在正相关关系.最期望提高的服务功能是文化功能,例如:生态旅游,美学价值.(2)相对周边其他森林村民对文化林的资源利用较小,主要是非林木产品,平均26.3%的被访村民在文化林中获得过收入,40.6%的被访者获得山野菜、竹子、中药材、薪柴等.但90.1%被访者从其他森林中得到薪柴等林产品,开展旅游村落的村民获得林产品比例相对较小,但管护意愿相对较低.(3)村民对文化林的保护积极性较高,70.4%的被访者愿意花时间来管护森林,距文化林越近、家庭收入越高,管护意愿越高.38.9%的被访者愿意支付费用来维持服务功能不变化,距文化林越近,管护意愿越低的被访者,支付意愿越高.(4)通过了解村民对文化林的态度和认知,对我国农村森林生态系统服务功能和天然林保护具有重要意义.建议大力宣传文化林的生态系统服务功能,尤其是文化功能,并寻找替代生计提高居民收入,雇佣当地男性村民看护森林,充分利用村民的传统知识加强共管力度,完善村规民约,在今后规划中尽量将村落沿着文化林布局,积极支持对文化林的保护和发展.  相似文献   

Cheng E  Ritchie ME 《Oecologia》2006,147(3):546-555
Allometric foraging theory suggests that herbivores of greatly differing size should co-exist through niche segregation, but a few studies of large–small herbivore foraging relationships have reported competitive interactions. This study addresses the potential roles of habitat productivity and large herbivore grazing intensities on large–small herbivore foraging interactions. We examined effects of different intensity simulated grazing treatments on forage abundance and quality for Utah prairie dogs (Cynomys parvidens) in a low productivity ecosystem, and consequent effects on prairie dog individual growth rates, foraging preferences, and activity budgets. We hypothesized that simulated grazing would have predominantly facilitative impacts on Utah prairie dogs, as was found for black-tailed prairie dogs in higher productivity ecosystems. To test this hypothesis, we measured the effects of simulated grazing on forage nitrogen, digestibility, and biomass. Simulated grazing increased average forage nitrogen and digestibility while decreasing forage biomass. These effects were associated with reduced individual growth rates, increased juvenile foraging time, and reduced juvenile vigilance. Results suggest that the negative effects of reduced vegetation biomass greatly outweighed positive treatment effects in this study. However, prairie dogs in the moderate intensity defoliation treatment showed some preference for “grazed” plots over “ungrazed” plots, and this preference increased with time. Our study lends support to the idea that habitat productivity and herbivore densities may mediate shifts between facilitative and competitive interactions between different-sized herbivores.  相似文献   

中国北方农牧交错带生态系统敏感脆弱、不稳定,其健康状况受多种因素影响,其中以放牧为代表的人类经济活动影响显著。高强度放牧是造成草地退化的重要原因,草地退化又是影响草原生态系统健康的关键因素。利用归一化植被指数和牲畜量量化放牧压力,并选取合理的模型探究放牧对于中国北方农牧交错带生态健康的影响,确定合理的放牧强度和策略,以实现草畜平衡和区域可持续发展。基于"活力-组织力-弹性-生态服务"(VORS)模型,构建起包括自然、社会等多方面的指标体系,评估了2000-2015年北方农牧交错带的生态健康系统水平,并采用Moran''s I探讨放牧压力和生态系统健康指数的空间相关性,并从普通最小二乘法、地理加权回归模型、时间加权回归模型和时空地理加权回归模型选择最优回归模型,揭示放牧压力对于生态系统健康的影响机制。结果表明:(1)2000-2015年放牧强度格局高值区域主要为内蒙古草原地区,低值区域主要为陕西高原地区。(2)2000-2015 年中国北方农牧交错带的生态系统健康指数呈现上升趋势,区域整体处于亚健康状态和一般健康状态。(3)全局双变量Moran''s I结果显示在2000-2015年呈现负相关影响关系, 但影响力度在变小。(4)多种回归模型相比较,GTWR模型表现最优。2000-2015年,正向驱动空间集中在内蒙古、辽宁以及山西省区县;负向驱动空间集中在陕西省、甘肃等区域,同时影响强度持续增强。研究通过不同区县、不同的草原的反应状况,提出放牧政策的不同实施建议,致力于实现草原资源的可持续利用和生态系统的持续健康。  相似文献   

Through their semi-natural and agricultural areas, peri-urban regions are pivotal in providing ecosystem services (ES) to city dwellers. To quantify the ES provided by these areas, it is possible to use ES mapping methods: many ES mapping methods rely on land cover maps, but most maps are coarse compared to the peri-urban scale. Nevertheless, readily-available land use data and methods are often used to map ES at such scales, without contextualisation. As a result, such methods may not be able to capture the diversity that is present in the peri-urban vegetation, which could have consequences for their accuracy and furthermore for urban planning policies.To increase our understanding of the applicability of ES mapping methods in peri-urban regions, we assessed to what degree sites with similar plant composition in the green belt of Paris, France, were also projected to have similar ES bundles. We considered two commonly used ES model types: proxy-based models (here: look-up tables) and phenomenological models. We used 252 sites for which botanical survey data were available and applied the ES models to seven ES relevant in the peri-urban context. A cluster analysis was used to group sites, hence facilitating analyse of the spatial congruence between types of vegetation and bundles of ES.Clustering sites based on plant composition revealed six distinct clusters. Clustering sites based on ES bundles as estimated by phenomenological models and proxy-based models, resulted in four and two clusters, respectively. The proxy-based clustering only highlighted broad-leaved forests as an important ES supply source. The phenomenological model estimates of ES allowed a more nuanced clustering of sites into four different groups. The level of congruence between the different sets of clusters based on plant composition and estimated ES bundles was low. Except for forests, the commonly used ES models tested here were not able to represent the same level of heterogeneity in the peri-urban landscape as was found in the vegetation. Our results demonstrate the need to integrate finer scale approaches and primary data in ES assessments of peri-urban areas.  相似文献   

赵雨晴  游巍斌  林雪儿  何东进  文惠 《生态学报》2022,42(10):4011-4022
生态系统文化服务(CES)的核心是人与自然之间的情感连接,利益相关者视角下的参与式制图是感知与保护热点文化服务地区的有效方法。采用参与式制图与访谈、问卷相结合的方式调查了游客和居民2类群体对武夷山市CES的感知情况;利用空间分析、热点分析和相关性分析比较分析了游客和居民CES的感知差异特征、影响因素及其空间分布格局。结果表明:(1)除了居民月收入对感知有影响外,游客和居民对武夷山市CES认知基本不受人口学特征(性别、年龄、职业和文化程度)的影响(P>0.05);(2)居民的CES价值人均支付保护意愿较游客高。文化遗产、游憩与生态旅游、教育、美学价值是游客和居民都重视的4类子文化服务。游客对文化遗产价值服务的支付意愿最高,而居民则对教育价值服务支付意愿最高。(3)居民对CES价值感知分布空间范围较广,几乎涵盖了武夷山市大部分乡镇;而游客则相对集中,主要位于旅游点密集区域,对其他地区的感知程度较低。CES价值冷热感知程度与旅游点分布呈现相同的空间分布格局,游客和居民对CES价值热点区的感知强度从南向北逐渐降低。(4)从不同文化服务类型权衡/协同关系上看,除了“精神与宗教价值”和“游憩...  相似文献   

Livestock grazing is one of the main causes of rangeland degradation in Saudi Arabia. Fencing to exclude grazers is one of the main management practices used to restore vegetation and conserve biodiversity. The main objectives of this study were to investigate the changes in plant diversity and abundance, floristic composition and plant groups of the major life forms in response to thirty-five years of grazing exclosure in western Saudi Arabia. These vegetation attributes and palatability were compared in 30 sampling stands located in the excluded and grazed sites. Our results showed that livestock exclusion significantly increased covers, density and species richness of annuals, grasses, perennial forbs, shrubs and trees. Exclosure enhanced the abundance and richness of palatable species and depressed the development of weedy species. About 66.7% of the recorded species at the excluded site were highly palatable compared to 34.5% at the grazed site. In contrary, about 55.2% unpalatable species were found in the grazed site compared to 25.8% in the protected site. Jaccard’s similarity index between the excluded and grazed sites showed lower values of 0.39%, 0.40% and 0.31% at levels of families, genus and species, respectively. The results suggest that establishing livestock exclusion may be a useful sustainable management tool for vegetation restoration and conservation of plant diversity in degraded rangelands of arid regions.  相似文献   

放牧对草地的作用   总被引:36,自引:4,他引:36  
侯扶江  杨中艺 《生态学报》2006,26(1):244-264
从牧草生长、种群、群落、土壤和生态系统5个方面分析了放牧的作用、机理与途径。放牧改变牧草的物质与能量分配格局,多途径地诱导牧草的补偿性生长,取决于放牧制度等因素。放牧还改变种间竞争格局、调控种群更新,以及群落结构和功能。介绍了草地健康管理的阈限双因子法,讨论了稳定态一过渡态假说和草地灌丛化。家畜对土壤有直接和间接两种作用途径,作用效果与放牧强度、季节、地形有密切关系,重点分析了放牧对土壤C贮量的作用机制。阐述了提高放牧系统生产力的系统耦合机制,以及放牧对生态系统物质循环的影响。根据放牧生态学的发展趋势和我国放牧管理现状,提出7项值得深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

Denitrification in a semi-arid grazing ecosystem   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effect of large herbivores on gaseous N loss from grasslands, particularly via denitrification, is poorly understood. In this study, we examined the influence of native migratory ungulates on denitrification in grasslands of Yellowstone National Park in two ways, by (1) examining the effect of artificial urine application on denitrification, and (2) comparing rates inside and outside long-term exclosures at topographically diverse locations. Artificial urine did not influence denitrification 3 and 12 days after application at hilltop, mid-slope, and slope-bottom sites. Likewise, grazers had no effect on community-level denitrification at dry exclosure sites, where rates were low. At mesic sites, however, ungulates enhanced denitrification by as much as 4 kg N ha−1 year−1, which was double atmospheric N inputs to this ecosystem. Denitrification enzyme activity (DEA, a measure of denitrification potential) was positively associated with soil moisture at exclosure sites, and herbivores stimulated DEA when accounting for the soil moisture effect. Glucose additons to soils increased denitrification and nitrate additions had no influence, suggesting that denitrification was limited by the amount of labile soil carbon, which previously has been shown to be enhanced by ungulates in Yellowstone. These results indicate that denitrification can be an ecologically important flux in portions of semi-arid landscapes, and that there is a previously unsuspected regulation of this process by herbivores. Received: 6 March 1998 / Accepted: 28 August 1998  相似文献   

生态系统服务与人类福祉的和谐关系是区域规划的基石。现有的区域规划较少同时考虑生态系统服务的供需和流域居民的福祉差异。以城市化流域——官厅水库流域为例,应用改进后的CASA模型、IPCC清单法、SolVES模型和问卷调查量化食物供给、碳固持和文化服务以及人类福祉,再结合服务的供需关系及人类福祉水平开展聚类分区,并针对各区情况提出规划建议。结果显示,官厅水库流域内食物供给和文化服务供大于求,而碳固持服务供不应求。流域福祉位于中等水平,分值为3.44(满分5分)。其中,居民的基本物质需求分值最高(3.64),收入分值(3.00)明显低于流域整体水平。除此之外,居民认为供水、医疗条件和收入这些福祉要素仍有待改善。流域可分为城市发展区、城郊休闲区、生态涵养区和文化建设区。在各区需采用因地制宜的方式,通过增大植被覆盖面、开展文旅产业和推动冰雪项目等形式,提高居民生活质量和维持区域可持续性。  相似文献   

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